J-- ,- '"UHR!!1 9Pij -f- 0) . 3T- ii?-.ct?sr lt5"- if qm i$W VOL. XXIX, NO. 4k2. BUSINESS CARDS. TOilX H. S3I1TII. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Boom 4 and 3. over City Book Store. G KO. SiOItAXD, ATTORNEY AT LAY. ".nee m Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. P W. FULTON. O. C. FU1.TON FUE.TOH BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. :nsms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Building. 0. R. THOaiHOX. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention given to practice In the U. ri. Land Ofllco. and the examination of land titles. A full set of Abstract Books for Clatsop County In olllce. Money to loan. , OrncE Booms 4 and 5, over City Book Stoic. f H. A. IJOWLBY, attorney and Counsellor at JLaw office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. I. UTXTOX ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms No. 11 and 12. Pythian Castle Bulld- U. WATSON, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business beforo the U. S. lind Office a pecialty. ASTOUIA, - - Okkhox. T C.HIXK.L.KY, it. It. N. DENTIST. Is associated with OK. LA FOUC., Booms 11 and 12 Odd rellows Building, - ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. M US. IK OW'KSS ABA1K t Office and residence cor. Court and Olney streets. (Mrs. I). K. Warren's foi nier ril dence.) Special Attention given to Wov.cn' Ills eases and Disease)) of Kje ami Ear. Office Houks io to 12, 2 to 4. I) UM. A. I,. AND J. A. FIJI.TOX. Physicians uml Surgeon. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Ddd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. TAY TUTTIiE, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Or-KiCE Rooms 6 Pythian Building. Residence On Cedar Street, back or St. Jlary's Hospital. ! K. O. B. KSTF.S. 1'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ofkick : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoila, Oregon. DR . ALFRED KI.VXEV, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patlentsat his office, and may be found there at any hour. D . F1CANK. PAGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office. Astoria, Oregon. G JELO F. PARKER, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Eac-CIty Surveyor of Astoria Offlee: N.E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8 Up Htalr-8. Robt. CoUier, Deputy, K. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua sheets. Astoria Oregon. A. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms l and 2 Pythian Building over u. n. UKJopers aiore. mnog. MvntM, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. A good fit Guaranteed. Chanres Moderate. Agent for the Celebrated Household Sewing juttcmue. onop opposite u. ii. uoopers. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Representing the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptly;and accurately tran- acieu. Flayels Wharf, - Astoria Oregon $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe. North British and Mercantlle-of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown. Jsow York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, nog., rire insurance uompanies, itepresem In a capital of $67,000,000. S, TAX 1U8E. Agent. FT JUJL, TllKE-E SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For all Diseases of the Lirer, Kidneys, Stomach ana Spleen. This purely vegetable pre- faration. now so celebrated as a axnily Medicine, originated in the South in 1828. It acts frently oa the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whate-er the sick ness may prove to be. In all common diseases it will, un assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy core. The Regulator is safe to administer in any condition of the system, and untlor no circum stances can It do harm. It will invicorate lile a class of vine, but is no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance; will promotes di gestion, dissipate headache, and gener ally tono up the system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no Inter ruption or stoppage of business while taking the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or Sick Stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relief. If taken occasionally by pa tients exposed to MALARIA, w ill expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PHTSIC1AV3 OPINION. I have been practicing medicine for twenty vears. and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu lator, prontptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. L. M. liuirosc, M. D.,Washington, Ark. SEE THAT TOU GEt"THE GENUINE. rxErARFo cv . H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. lrirt'SI.CO. rote Indigestion. Sick Headache. Constipation, Inactive Liver. The merchant planning luiMm-ss .vel.emes : The pi cacher struggling thnnigh his I hf mi". ; The statesman in :tsseniW halls : The broker wild with "puts ami calls." To ami the 111! and brace the mind. WillTABKASTS S1XTZKK safest Illltl. S. A UN LT & FEJtCHJEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACK8M1T g sho pilm S? All kinds of ENGINE, CANNEEY, ANP STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. Aspeclaltymadeol repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Carnaliaii & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPOJtTEBS AND WHOLESALE AND P.ETAIL DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus andJCass Mircis. ASTCUIA OltECON H. EKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. Just received a large stock of "Watches and Clocks, Chains, lockets, etc Also genuine Seth Thomas IJoat Clocks, proved to e the best. Ail which will bo sold at very low prices. "Watch and Clock repairing a specialty, and done at reasonable prices, shop next to Aug. Danielson'.s bain pie Room, on the roadway. SHOUT IIAND & TYPE WRITING pay both young men and ladles much better salaries than most commercial positions, and the demand Is greater. Students ran be fitted lor olllce short-hand positions IN THREE MONTHS' TIME by Haven's system. No previous knowledge of either art required, Colleges open all tlie year. Students can enter any time, all tuitiou bernx individual. Superior facili ties for procu'ins; situations, for which aid we make no charge. College pamphlets with full set self-teaching lessons in either art sent to any address for 10 cts. ; both arts, 20cts. No stamps accepted. Address either of Haven'.s Colleges : New Yoik. N. Y. ; Philadelphia, Pa. ; Chicago, 111. : Cincinnati, O. ; San Francisco, Cal. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR Old Gold and Silver AT C. CREENBERC'S, 63 "Water St. Astoria. Bnilnp Shnn 'ttl&M&zMl' SITUATIONS ASTORIA, "STRMGE T00DS. The old saying that what is one man's food is another man's poison is realized in the opposite tastes of people. The Turks shudder at the thought of eating oysters. The Digger Indians of the Pacific coast rejoiced m the great locust swarms of 1S75 as a dispensation of the great spirit, and laid in a store of dried locust powder suffi cient to last them for several years. The French will eat frogs, snails and the diseased livers of geese, but draw the line at alliga tors. Buckland declares the taste of boa constrictors to be good and much like veal. Quass, the fermented cabbage water of the Russians, is their popular tip ple. It is described as resembling a misture of state fish and soap suds in taste, yet, next to beer, it has more votaries than any other fermented beverage. A tallow candle washed down with quass, forms a meal that it would be hard to be thankful for. In Canton and other Chinese cities rats are sold at the rate of 50 cents a dozen, and the hind quarters of a dog are hung up in the butcher's shop alongside of mutton and lamb, but command a higher price. The edible birds' nests of the Chinese are worth twice their weight in silver, the finest variety selling for as much as $30 a pound. The negroes of the West Indies eat baked snakes and palm worms fried in fat, but they cannot be induced, to eat stewed rabbit?. In Mexico parrots are eaten, but they are rather tough. The Guachos of the Argentine Republic are in the habit of hunting skunks for the sake of their ilesh. The octopus, or devil fish, when boiled and then roasted, is eaten in Corsica and es teemed a great delicacy. In- the Pacific islands and West Indies lizard eggs are eaten with gusto. The natives of the Antilles eat alligator eggs, and the eggs of the turtle are popular everywhere, though up to the commencement of the last century turtle was only eat en by the poor of Jamaica. Ants are eaten by various nations. In Bra zil they aro served with a resinous sauce, and in Africa they are stewed in grease or butter. The East Indians catch them in pit and carefully wash them in hnirl fuls like raisins. In Siam a curry of ant eggs is a costly luxury. The Cingalese eat the bees after robbing them of their honey. Caterpilars and spiders are dainties to the African bushmen. After they have wound the silk from the cocoon, the Chinese eat the chrys alis of the silkworm. Spiders roasted are a sort of dessert with the New Caledonians. The printing press has made presidents, killed poets, furnished bustles for beauties, and polished genius with criticism. It has made worlds get up at roll call every morning, given- the pulpit lungs of iron and a voice of steam. It has set a price upon a bushel of wheat, and made the county post office the glimmering goal of the rural scribe. It has sissailed the power of kings, embellished the pantry shelves, and bursted; it has converted bankers into pau pers, and made lawyers of college presidents; it has educated the homeless and robbed the philos opher of his reason. It smiles and kicks, and cries and dies, but it can't be run to suit everybody, and the editor is a fool who tries it. Pell: Co. Itcmizer. TtcAVo TI,at ar0 fretful -'' peevish, cross, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe, l'riee 25 cents. Sold by J. W. Conn. An observing Buffalonian as serts that the ends of the mustache of an habitual beer drinker turn white, and that the mustache of a whisky drinker turns biack. Sore Throat Is particularly favorable to the contrac tion of Diphtheria. Heed the warning and use Darbys Propliylaclic Fluid. It atonceal'ays the. Inflammation of His throat, subdues the pain and gives per manent relief. It promptly and effectu ally destroys all contagion and tliptlier Itic germs. It is a safeguard against Diphtheria, and should be used on the first symptoms ot tore throat as a gargle OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, J 887. "Wholesale Eailroad Building. Following are the proposed lines of road to be covered, which have been provided for by an amend ment of the O. R. & N. company's articles of incorporation. Miles. Pendleton to Arlington, via Heppner 100 Centervillo to Cold Spring, Umatilla County 35 Umatilla to Prinonlle 165 Mouth of Pine Creek to John Day. "Wasco County 100 PrinoTille to Mouth of Deschuttes River 120 "Wnlluln, "W. T., to Butte City, Mon tana, via Lewiston 450 Lewiston to Mouth of Little Salmon River 100 Prescott to Grange City. 40 From a point twenty miles above tne mouth of Snako River to Grange City 40 LaGrando to Wallowa alloy 70 Mouth of "Wnllowa Rrrer to Lewiston G5 "WalLa "Walla, via Dixie, to "Waitsburg 22 Total ....1307 Supplemental articles of incor noration. to include the above ex tensions, have been prepared and signed by the seven directors who reside in Portland, and have been sent to New York, "where they will be signed by six directors who reside iu the east. As soon as the papers are returned to Port land they will be filed with the secretary of state. It would seem from the above that the present plans of the Oregon Railway & Navigation company include the establishment of transportation facilities for the entire agricultural region in eastern Oregon, in Washington territory south of Snake river, and in middle Idaho not already supplied. Villard's original plan embraced for eastern Oregon branch lines up Willow creek, John Day and the Des chuttes rivers, but Elijah Smith and T. J. Potter's plan means, in short, a complete' ramification of the inland empire. It is rumored tluit the work of construction on some of the branch lines will begin next mouth. Manager Potter is"e.pected about September 1st. How Many Eggs? The number of eggs a hen will lay depends much on the care and food given. If 3-011 do not believe it glance over the following con densed by the Cincinnati Com mercial from reliable statistics showing the average number of eggs a hen will lay yearly: Maine, SU eggs to each hen; Massachu setts, SG: Connecticut, 85: New Hampshire, 81; Rhode Island, 7G; Vermont, G9; Pennsylvania, G2; Indiana, GO; Ohio, 57; Tennessee, 55; Kentucky, 52; Iowa. 51; Il linois, 42; North Carolina, 42; South Carolina, 37; Louisiana, 36. A Healthy Stomach Ii a blessing for which thousands ol our dys peptic countrymen and w.men sigh iu vain, and to obtain widen ' fallow much medicine niiavaillngly. Fo. 3 ailment probably are there so many aliened remedies as for dyspepsia. The man qr humbug Is con stantly slutted with the dollars and dimes of those who resort to one nostrum after an other In the vain hope of obtaining relief, at least, fiom this vexatious and obstinate mal aday. Experience indicates Hostetter's Stomach Bitters as a means of cradicatlnc dyspepsia, in which a firm reliance can be placed. No lemcdy lias In three decades and over established such a reputation, none has received such unqualified professional sanction. It is an admirable invfenrant. lip- cause It enriches the blood, and not only this, but it thoroughly regulates the bow es, kidneys and bladder. The nervous symptoms are usually relieved by the medi- i-iiiv;. It will be noticed that the good advice in summer time consists of "don'ts." Whatever you want to do don't do it. Thus, by spending your time in a way to make vou wish you were, dead, you may manage to keop alive. Phuauel phiti Inquirer. When bahy waa sick, vro gave hsr Castorio, When ehs was a Child she cried for Castoria, When sho bocams llis3, she clung to Castoria, When sho had Childrsa.sh&gan. them C&storia The rivers of England are very low, and the fish are dying by hundreds in the small streams. A severe drouth prevails throughout Great Britain. Bueklcn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, UIcers,SaltRheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bvW E Dement. J Eiot in a Cannery. San Francisco. Aurr. 17. A small riot occurred at J. Lusk's canning establishment at Temes cal yesterday afternoon. Fore man Frank H. Mason was passing through the cannerv when one of the Chinamen applied a vile epi thet to him. Mason resented it by striking the Chinaman. The entire force of Chinese, about 200, most of whom were armed with knives, attacked Mason, who was compelled to take refuge in one of the buildings and bar "the door, which the Chinamen tried to beat down. Mason secured a revolver, and with the assistance of some of the other eraoloves and the Chi nese bosses succeeded in beating back the rioters with clubs. The rioters then auit work in a bodv. and the management will endeav or to supply their places with white labor. How Past Ducks Ily. An old duck shooter gives the following estimates of the rate of speed at which many ducks fly down the wiud: mallard, from 45 to 50 miles an hour; black duck, from 45 to 50 miles an hour; pin tail, from 50 to GO miles an hour; widgeou, from G5 to 70 miles an hour; wood duck, from 55 to 60 miles an Jhour; gad wall, from GO to 70 miles an hour; redhead, from 80 to 90 miles an hour; blue wingtail, from 80 to 100 miles an hour; broadbill, from 85 to 110 miles an hour; canvas-back, from 85 to 120 miles an hour; wild geese, from 80 to 90 mile3 an hour. "I say, Duraley," remarked Featherly, "you look tired and worn out; why don't you take a vacation?" UI have just got back from one," replied Dumley, weari ly. Puck. In spite of the law and all re monstrance, giant powder is used continually for the destruction of fish below Eagle, says the Ward ner Necs. Atlanta, Ga., declares itself the greatest melon mart in America, aud expects to handle over 1,000, 000 watermelons this season. The potato crop on Long Island, N. Y., is so large that it is esti mated the yield will be from 400 to 500 bushels per acre. A wholesale exodus of the starv ing coal miners of Pennsylvania is in prospect, with British Columbia as their objective point. As man and wife are one, the. husband, when seated with his wife, must be beside himself. Philadelphia Herald. There are over 3,000,000 chil dren in the United States, between one and twelve years old, whose lives are insured. What is ancestry after all? The rich man as well as the poor man' begins life without a shirt to his back. A machine that will sow on 3,000 buttons a day has been in vented. The Astor House J. G. ROSS, Proprietor. A Large, Glean, Sunny Home. REPAINTED, REFITTED, REFURNISHED. First Class in all its Appointments. Well furnished and well kept. Bates from 91 a Iay Upward. Free Coach to and from the House Board by the day week or month. Corner Jefferson and Olney Streets, As toria, Oregon. County Coroner. First Glass Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material. Next to A3TOMAX otnce. V fem ift 1 1 CASH. I. L. OSGOOD One PriceCash Store, Save Money by Purchasing Your Clothing, Underwear, Hosiery, Shirls, Neckwear, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, AT A ONE PRICE CASH HOUSE. Which Pays no High Rent, no High Insurance, no High Incidental Ex penses, no High Prices for Goods, nor Makes any bad Accounts for you to help Pay. My Goods are all entirely new, and were bought directly from the Manu facturers at as low prices as these lines can bo purchased, and I am selling them as low as they are legitimately sold on the Pacific Coast. A child can purchase Goods aacheap, and receives the same proper attention and treatment at my counters as the most experienced buyer. COUNTRY ORDERS FILLED CORRECTLY, AND WITH DISPATCH. I. L. OS&OOXI, KTNNETS BRICK BUILDING, ASTORIA, OREGON. Opposite Rescue Engine House. Our Immen ronsistlngof CAlt LOADS of fine Artistic and Plain Furniture. Carpels, Oil Cloth, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods were purchased direct from Eastern Manufacturers and shipped before the recent advance In freight, the benefits thereof Ye propose to share .With our customers. Call and See Us. CITY BOOK STORE I I I I I I 1 1 I I If you are in need of a Fine Instru ment, buy the Century Organ IT IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ORGAN FOR THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. You are invited to examine then GRIFFIN & REED. The New Model Range C AX BE HAD IN ASTOKIA, ONLY OF E. R. HAWES. Agent, Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E. It. ILiwes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. , Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. J. H. D. GKAY Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. Colniia Transportation tapy. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHONE Which has heen specially bmlt for the comfort or passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Msnday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. H. arriving at Astoria at IP. M. "An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each. Week, leaving Portlan d at O'clack Sanaay MbtbIbjc. Passengers by this' route connect "at. Kalama for Sound ports. ' U. B. SCOTT, Fresldenti PRICE I VE CENTS. ONE PRICE, CHAS. KEELBORN. 1 I 1 1 1 l l 1 I l VirplaCigar anfl Totao Store J. W. B0TT0K, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Kates. FRUITS. CANDIES. NOTIONS.&c. sez. ,s.r-?zrf OOiluW OlUUIVp