The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 17, 1887, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY II ....... A UC.rST 17, 15S7
The liofte Ohen arrived in from
Tillamook yesterday.
The Idaho, which was detained by
an accident to her machinery left yes
terday morning for Alaska.
"Who struck Billy Patterson?"
used to bo the question, but now and
here it is, "Who struck Mitchell?"
At Foard & Stokes yestordav ticket
No. 99, held by Thomas Bidwell, of
At the election of officers of the II
waco Steam Navigation Co., last
Monday. A. J. Megler was elected one
of the board of directors.
The new boat for the Washington
territory pilots is 85 feet OYcr all,
22 feet beam and 9 feet hold. She
is named the C. (?. White in honor of
her designer and builder.
About 200 went on the Presbyte
rian Sunday school picnic on the
Gov. Newell to Knappa yesterday
morning, and had an enjoyable day,
returning about seven in the evening.
In no previous year has there been
so much projected in the way of
bailding and improvements in Astoria
rb this year. In all paits or the city
buildings are going up, and private
residences and business houses aro
being improved.
At the special auction sale to-day,
at 2 o'clock, p. M., at the residence on
Cedar street, near O'Brien's hotel, B.
S. Worsley will dispose of the entire
household furniture, consisting of
bedroom sets, parlor, dining room
and kitchen furniture.
In the police count yesterday Nick
Davich was fined $5 for striking
Long Gut Then Nick Davich had
Long Gut arrested for alleged abus
ive language. The defendant, who
labors for Boo Wow. had You Nom
as interpreter. He was discharged.
St. Mary's Boman Catholic church
has been moved eastward about 150
feet, and the grounds around it are
being improved. The sacred edifice
still occupies about as lofty aud com
manding a site as it did for the first
fourteen years of its existence on the
corner on which it has so long been
a prominent landmark.
The average weight of 8-inch cast
iron pipe, such as the committee on
fire and water is authorized to buy,
is 46 lbs to the foot. The 1,000 feet
would thus weigh 46,000 lbs or 23
tons, which at 53 a ton, would be
$1,219. The expense of putting it in
place added to that amount (provid
ing the 1,000 feet were bought) would
give the cost of the proposed pipe
A. Balmanno yesterday sold his en
tire stock of book3, stationery, etc., to
Griffin & Beed, and as soon as he can
adjust his business here will remove
with his family to Portland, where he
has a position as solicitor for the
Travelers' Insurance company. Ev
erybody is sorry to see him go, for he
is a general favorite, but business in
ducements suggest the change. The
Astobian will be glad to note his con
tinued prosperity.
The British bark Glenavon has fin
ished loading and is in the stream,
ready to clear. She has salmon
aboard as follews: Geo. Hume, 7,930
cases; Anglo-American Packing Co.,
3,935 cs.; George & Barker, 5,000; Eu
reka, 2,000; J. W. & V. Cook, 1,734;
West Coast, 3,689; J. O. Hanthorn &
Co., 1,000; Badollet & Co., 2,500; to
tal, 27,838 cases. She has also 5,223
centals of flour, 4,007 centals of wheat,
and 9S6 bbls. fish oil from Killisnoo.
In Brief, And to the Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the moBt complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, and many
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American people a
nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Bemember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
"Jolly Xasli Comfedy Company."
At Boss' opera house next Satur
day night the original Jolly Nashes
All for Fun Comedy Co. in one of the
funniest plays ever produced, intro
ducing all the latest songs, dances
and specialties. The above combina
tion have appeared in all the princi
pal theaters throughout the United
States, and the press in general
speak in the highest terms of their
ability as true artists of genuine
merit All for Fun at the opera
house, Saturday, August 20tb. Be
served seats at tbs New York Novelty
Store to-morrow.
Attention Co. -II."!
Kegular drill this evening. A full
attendance is necessary. By order.
Have you seen the quantity ot big
packages of Dry Goods and Clothing
leaving the Low Price Store ? Prices
are the cause of it.
Girl Wanted
To do general house work in a small
family: no childten: inquire at this office.
Arrival of the Yacht Thistle at Ifew
Bold Forgery of a Muutrcal HooklvPener.
CnioAGO, Aug. 16. No confirmation
of the rumored conflicts with Odor
ous baud of savages has been re
ceived at Gen. Terry's headquarters
in this city, whero any official news
would be first learned. Gen. Terry's
jurisdiction includes the troubled dis
trict, and Gen. Crook, who is in im
mediate command of the troops near
est to the scene of hostilities, is under
express instructions to wire all ob
tainable information here at the ear
liest possible moment.
a rownn of attouxey.
Svk Frvxctsco, Aug. 16. A docu
ment has been recorded at the city
hall, in the shape of a general power
of attorney, by .Tame3 C. Flood to his
son, James L. Flood. It is generally
supposed that the elder Mr. Flood's
condition is precarious and that the
power of attorney is given on account
of his serious sickness.
New York, Aug. 16. The yacht
race for the citizen's cup started this
morning with a very light breeze
blowing and the sea smooth. Tho
Volnnhcr nnH Puritan crossed the
line nearly at the same time, with the
Mayfiom r a little behind. The wind
after Hie start began to increase, and
came from the southeast. The rae
was over the sow and pigs conr..
Tho Atlantic waR not entered.
7:30 p. m. The Puritan ha paved
I he Vohintttr.
joined M'ou:i:ir.E.
Chicago, Aug. 16. The Ihitly
Neir? Montreal special sajn: .J. T.
Prager bookkeeper in tho large
wholesale stationery house of lien-
chiencn fc Co., raised a S2o check to
$25,000 on Jacques Cartier's bank to
day, had it cashed, and absconded.
New York, Aug. 16. Mrs. George
Gould last evening presented her hus
band with a son, at the family resi
dence at No. 1 Eist Forty seventh
Tirnova, Aug. 16. Wl. Valkovileh
telegraphs to his government from
Constantinople that the snltau recog
nizes prince Ferdinand's election to
tho throne of Bnlgaria, but as tho
prince did not first obtain tho sul
tan's consent tho latter will maintain
his present attitude for a cortaiu
Belgrade, Aug. 16. The commis
sion appointed to enquire into the
condition of the Servian finances has
discovered a serious deficit. The
finance minister has ordered a seques
tration of the property of his prede
Metz, Aug. 16. It is reported here
that M. Geuot, a French professor
connected with the lyceum of Nancy,
was arrested yesterday morning on
the glacis of Fort Alvenslebeu on sus
picion of being a spy and lodged in
prison to await inquiry. Genot, the
report says, protested against his ar
rest stating that he had simply wan
dered to the fort from tho village of
Lorry where he was spending his hol
iday. death of a noted man.
London, Aug. 16. Merva Gold-
schmidt, Danish poet, novelist and
journalist, is dead. He was 68 years
New York. Aug. 16. The Scotch
yacht Thistle, about which so much
anxiety lias been expressed, arrived
at the bar at four o'clock this morn
ing. Captain Barr reports a pleasant
passage except three days rough
weather and three without a puff of
wind. The re3t of the time they had
a light breeze.
"YASHiNGTCN,D.C.,Ang.l6. A state
ment prepared at the interior depart
ment olioifn flint, frnm .Tnnnarv 16.
1886, to July 1, 1837, there were265V
civil service appointments ranue in
that department, exclusive of 27
transfers and one reinstatement. Of
this nnmber 24 were from Pennsyl
vania, 22 from New York, 21 from
Illinois. 19 from Indiana, 17 from
Ohio, 11 from Tennessee, 10 from
Maryland and 10 from the District of
Columbia; Massachusetts, a: Ken
tucky, Iowa, Arkansas, Missouri, Vir
ginia and Wisconsin, 7 each; Michi
gan, Alabama and Texas, 6 each.
Point Pleasant, "W. Vn., Aug. 16.
For several months past Amos and
Bradley Townsend, cousins, have
both been paying attentions to Miss
Eunice Laidley, all living in tho west
ern part of this county. Each lover
had begged her to accept him and to
discard the other. Last Sunday
evening both were at Miss Laidley'a
home, and finally she declared that
they should "draw straws" to decide
who should become ner nnsoana.
This was agreed to, and Bradley
Townsend won the lady's hand.
Amos at once withdrew and started
for home. A few minutes after
Amos' departure the report of a gun
rang out, and Bradley was horror
stricken to find that his sweetheart
had fallen dead with a bullet through
her heart Amos, who is undoubted
ly the assassin, has not since been
seen. The community is greatly ex
cited over the tragedy.
The finest and nicest steak to be
in towaatFabrc's.
All TItcrell
Tne nreflin. fine oualitv supplied
short notice by JFrankPabrc, any pait
of the city: 2.50 a gallon.
Upper Astoria SlaRe Littc.
Orders left at Edgar's cigar slow or
Foard & Stokes' for the Upper Astoria
stage line will receive prompt attention.
The best
oysters in any style at
Vanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Cathlamet was the scene of an in
teresting examination last Monday,
the first charge of having violated the
territorial fishing law being before a
Hugh Murray, manager of the Bay
View cannery, had been arrested last
week charged with canning salmon
taken from the river in August, and
on the day mentioned had a prelim
inary examination before justice of
tho peace Graham at his office in
Governor Seinplc was present and
gave the court his views of the law
generally governing justices of the
peace in examinations. It appeared
that the sheriff had visited the can
nery and stated that he would not ob
ject to the fish then in sight being
canned. Before the fish were put
away, however, he arrested Mr. Mur
ray and filed a complaint against him.
The court held that neither the sher
iff of tho county nor the governor of
the territory had any authority to
suspend the laws and that cannery
men were a3 liable under the law for
packing salmon with the consent of
those officers as without.
In the evening the governor ad
dressed the fishermen of Cathlamet
on the fishing question advising them
lo send to him, or their representa
tives, all ideas they had concerning
fish laws, that tho fullest information
might be laid before the legislative
session to be held this fall.
He argued that a hard or poor sea
son in the fishing business was no ex
cuse for destroying tho enterprise;
that the miners on the, Sacramento
claimed they could tfrc out more
money than would be sufficient to
buy the farming lands and that the
lands should be bought for dumping
purposes. But tho plan was not ac
cepted because wheu the money was
taken out of the mines only a barren
waste would be left, bnt the farming
lands could bo cultivated and made
lo yield harvests annually lo the end
of time.
So the Columbia river under prop
er regulations would afford fish to a
value of two and one-half to three
million dollars annually, but if ex
ceptions were to be made for light
runs, poor luck, etc, the whole would
ba destroyed for temporary gain.
The defendant gave bonds to ap
pear before the Kalama grand jury
at the coming session of court.
Shark v. Soa Lion.
Yesterday, as a number of fisher
men were" engaged in netting for
salmon and bass on the bay between
Alcatraz and Saucelito. their atten
tion was directed to a terrible com
motion under the surface, in close
proximity to their nets. The occu.
pants of one of the boats immediately
pulled up alongside of tho naval com
batants. It was found that the battle
centered between a 12-foot man-eating
shark and one of the valiant sea lions
of the Cliff. The water around was
stained with the sea lion's blood. The
fishermen state that the lion would
on every occasion sink its teeth deep
into the back of the shark; the latter
would then execute a rotary move
ment which would release him from
tho lion's hold. Tho monarch of the
Cliff, finally detecting that it was a
useless attempt- on his part to con
quer the hyena of the ocean, made a
rather feeble effort to escape. Tlie
shark, truo to his voracious nature,
would not relinquish the attack, and
making a final dash at his adversary,
the two monsters struggled until
they got entangled in the nets. It
was with much difficulty that they
landed their big game. When on
land the shark was full of life, aud
the boatsmen found it no small mat
ter to dispatch it The sea lion was
dead when taken from the net The
shark, a genuine man-eater, was 12
feet long and weighs about 1,200
pounds. San Francisco Call.
Greatly Excited
Not a few of the citizens of Astoria
have lecently become greatly excited
over the astounding facts, that several
of their friend.s who had been pro
nounced 13' their physicians as incur
able and bejond all hope suffering
with that dreaded monster Consump-
lon nave been completely cured by
ur. Jvings .t'w jJibcovery ior oh
sumption, the only remedy that does
positively cure all throat and lung dis
eases. Coughs, Colds, Asthma and liron
chltK Trial bottles free, at W. E. De
ment & Co.'s Drug Store, large bottles Si
Ojstcr.s Su JEvcrjr Style
At the Central Restaurant, next
Foanl & .Stokes'.
Wlmll Do YouTIiiuIi
Jeff of the 11. i. civea you a meal for
nntli ins and a class of .sometliinir to
drink? Xot much: but ho cive.s the
bcsl meal and moro of It than any other
restaurant in town. '2t cents.
For the verj- best pictures go to H.
Iflculs Cooked to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foaul &
Telephone r.oHjjIiij; Honr.
ltest Beds in town. Rooms per ' niuht
50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean, rrivate entrance.
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
For a Flue Di&k or Ico Cream
Go to the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Gainlrinus Boer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Fine Goods.
Tlios. Mairs, tho Merchant Tailor, has
uist received the first Installment of his
fall stock. Call and.secsome fine goods.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
A Sunny Boom
With the comforts of a home, library,
j etc. Apply at Holden Ilouse,
And all Skin and Scalp Dis.
oasos Speedily Cured by
Our littlo son will bo four Tears of ago on
the 23th inst. In May, 1SS3, ho was attacked
with a very painfal broakingoat of the skin.
Wo called in fa physician who treated him
for about four wcoks. Tho child received
littlo or so good from tho treatment, as tho
breaking out. supposed by tho physican to bo
hire3 in an aggravated form, became larger
in blotches, and more and moro distressing.
Wo wcro frequently obligod to get up in the
night and rub him with soda in water, strong
liniments, etc finally, wo called other
physicians, until no Jess than six had at
tempted to euro him. all aliko failing, and
tho child steadly getting worso and worse,
until about tho 20ih of last July, when we
began to giro him CuticueA Resolvent in
ternally, and tho Guticuba, and Cuticura
SoAr externally, and by tho last of August
ho was so nearly well that wc gavo him only
ono doso of tho Kesolvest about overy
second day for about ten days longer, and ho
lias never been troubled since with tlio hor
rible malady. In all we used less than ono
half a bottlo of CutiCUBA Kesolvett, a little
less than ono box of Ccticora, and only one
cake of Cuticdka Soap.
II. E. RYAN, Cayuga, Lmngston Co., 111.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
fourth day of Januaryt 1SS7. C. A. COE, J. V.
Last spring I wa3 very sick, being covered
withsomo kind of scrofula. Tho doctors could
not help me. I was advised to try tho Cuti
ccea Hesolvkst. I did so. and in a day I
grew batter and better, until I am as well as
ever. I thank you for it very much, and
would liko to have it told to tho public.
EDW. HOFMANN, North Attleboro, Masa.
Mr. FmntMcCIusky sars that your Ccti-
cvtt Hkmkdies cured hi3 boy of a Bkin dis
ease after several doctors had failed to
help tho boy. llo spent over ope hundred
dollars with doctor? Cuticura Remedies
cuiedbiui. r J. E. TIFFANY.
Pleasant Mount, Pa.
CrrirCRA, the xroatskin cure, and Ccfi-
and Cuticuka Resolvent the new blood
purifier, internally, aro a positive euro for
every lonn oi sKin arm uiuuu uumio uum
tiitnnlfvj to cprflfuln.
Sold even-where. Price: CrrrrruA, CO
cents ; CmcuiiA Soap, 2j cents ;erriruE
Kbsolvkxt. 1.00. Prepared by roTTKit
Di:uc. and CnF.MiCAT.Co,, Boston.
Scnil for "IIow lo Cure Skin DIhcjisc."
n I M PLES. BIackhe.ids.SklQ Blemishes, and
r I III Baby humors, use Cuticura Soap.
A Word About Catarrh.
"It Is the mucous membrane, that wonder
ful seinl-Hnld en clone surrounding the deli
cate tissues of the air and food parages
that catarrh makes its sironjjnoia. unce es
t.iblLshed. it eats into the erv ituls. and
renders life but a long-drawn breath of mis
ery anil nulling jJie sense oi near
inir. trainmolllnir the power f speech, de
stroying the faculty of smell, tainting the
breath, :ind killing the refined pleasures of
tsste. Insidiously, by creeping on from a
simple cold m me neau, it assaults me mem
ti-Yiirtic litiitir flml AnvptnnM f lif lmnf2 pflf
Ing tbroujrh tfie delicate coats and ciiising
iiiliainmatlon,. sloughing una ueam. coin
ing short- of total eradication will secure
health to the patient and all alleviatives are
simply procrastinated sufferings, leading to
a fatal termination. Saxfokd's Eauicai..
Ci'itR, by Inhalation and by Internal ad
ministration, has never failed: een when
the disease has made frightful inroads on
delicate constitutions, hearing, smell and
taste have been recovered, and the disease
thoroughly driven out."
one bottle of the Radical Ci'rk, one bi
CArAURHAL Solvkxt, and one improved
IxiiALKit. neatly wrapped In'onc package,
with full directions ; price, S1.0O.
POTTKli Dnro & ChemicalCo.. Bostox.
Aching backs, hips, and sides, kid
ney and uterine pains, weakness
anil inflamation. rheumatic, neural
gic, sciatic, sudden sharp andner-
ous uains. couchs. colds and strains
rrlieieiLin one minute oy mat new. orig
inal, elegant and infallible antidote to pain
aud inflammation, the C'utlcara Antl-Paln
Plaster. 2jcts.;5forSt ; at all druggists
or Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston.
W. L. .Boiso is in the city.
G. Wiugate and wife are in the city.
J. Q. A. Bowlby returned to the city
Geo. H. Williams came down from
Portland yesterday.
Geo. H. Darliam, wife and dangli-
ter, are at the Occident.
Miss Alice Finley is in tho city, vis
iting Mrs. G. w. itacker.
Gov. Eugene Semple came down
tho river yesterday and went down to
Senator J. N. Dolph, and his son
Chester, who is now convalescent,
leave this morning for Portland.
II. Carnalian, a pioneer of '47, in
Clatsop county, and who- recently
celebrated his 67th birthday, was in
Et Kev. Bishop Morris will hold
divine service in the school house at
Skipanon next Sunday, the 21st inst,
at 11 a. m.
Mr. J. P. Howe, manager of the
Newmarket theater, who, with his
family, has been at the Seaside, leaves
for homo this morning.
Mrs. Gov. Peunoyer and 4Miss Ger
trude Penrioyer' are in the,, city, the
gneats of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. C. Bell.
Mrs. Pennoyer returns to Salem to
day. MissPennoyer will remain in
the city for some tune.
Rev. Bob't Collyer, ono of the most
prominent figures in the American
pnlpit, came down on the Telephone
yesterday afternoon. He is on n va
cation and is gathering impressions
from a first visit to the Paaific north
west. Messrs. H. Ii. Pittock, E. L. Cold
well and Sam'l Irwin returned to the
city last Monday from Tillamookon
the A. B. Field, looking as though
their trip was a sanitary success and
leave for home and business this
"Wonderful Cures,
W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and
Retail Druggists of Rome. .Ga.. say:
wc have been selling. Dr. King's Now
Discovery, Electric Bittcrsand Buck
leu's Arjiica Salve for two years.' Have
never handled reinediesthatseHas well,
or give such universal' satisfaction.
There, have been some wonderful cures
effected bV these medicines in this city.
.Several cases of pronounced Consump
tion have been entirely cured by uso of
a few bottles of Dr. King's "New Discov
ery, taken in connection wnn x.ieciric
Rittera. We cuarantee them always.
Sold by W. E. Dement & Co.
Try Fabre's cclebrafed.pan roast
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
rrivate .Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
Private Rooms.
NflflflflHfliiflflflflHBfllHHlflB fciV
HHIIHiBlBlilllflSSaBlH t?
IflHnv'JNH HHkNm
The Leading House of the City,
' Seceivei:
Of all Colors and Grades,
Cheap, , Medium
, , AND-
FmeiL' 'Grades:
J .
Ufl - -T
-f- -.. fc. I A
The .Reliable i
(OppositeStar Market)
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of
Men's Youths
!5EjEvej shown in Astoria.
: f ......:....,......
f - . V
Our Stock is ithe Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest,
Upwards of TWO
select from
- ' - -.
All New, Stylish; and
We are
We aro
r lUm itd. &v
We are
Doing Business for Fun!
f 3'fllt 3 1 Hi ii We are .making moner-
Lit tin il.fl.-jd!. :-
f "r 1
-J3ut for quality and prices -ol Goods, and fair honest
dealing, swe cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then.bear this. fact Jn mind,; that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than' you -ybuld at a low price if cheated
in quality or, weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. 1. Beck Sons.
Boys Glothing,
perfect.fitting garments.
-. '
'- T T " Tj