UJ fw gaiti? gforiutt. ASTORIA. OREGON: THUBSDAY. .AUGUST 11, 1887 The cost or milling flour has been reduced at Minneapolis from 8G.35 in 1878 to SL89 in 1885, and at the pres ent time the cost is still lower. -- Extert girls making the first qual ity of men's linen collars can, in the Troy factories, for instance, earn from S25 to $35 per -week. The manufactured products of the south had increased from $315,924,794 in 1880 to $529,839,000 in 1887, a gain of $213,000,000 in seven years. I m Neakly half the salt product of the ontire United States is credited to Michigan, -whose supply is derived mainly from artesian borings. Expbess trains on the Pennsylvania railroad accomplish runs of consider able distances every day in the week at the rate of nearly seventy miles an hour. The monument to general Grant at Mansfield, Vt, consisting of a pile of stones to which every visitor is re quested to add one, is growing large and tall. The cavalry saddlo used in the United Stales army is pronounced by the military men of Europe to be the most bungling and cnmbersome ap pliance in use. Empekok "William has written lo the Pope saving that it would be a grand thing if they were able in their old age to establish pence between Prussia and the Vatican. The directors of the Minneapolis exposition will ask Mr. Gladstone to open the affair by pressing an electric button at London if the cable com panies report the thing to be feasible. Jm. Swinton's paper is dead, and the great labor reformer is out the $25,000 he put into the work. Many a newspaper supports a cause, but no cause ever yet supported a newspaper. Memphis is taking her boodlers by the throat. The grand jury has found indictments against three more city officials for stealing $120,000. The way of the boodler is getting to be a hard one. American tourists who have re cently returned from Europe affirm that it is almost impossible to throw away a discarded orange peel on Re gent street or the Strand without bit ing an American presidential candi date. . The south is beginning to agitate its claimB for a place on the next national ticket of the Democratic presidency. Georgia is putting for ward governor Gordon for the vice presidency, and Virginia is urging the claims of governor Lee. General Spinner, formerly treas urer of the United States, whose cu rious signature on the "greenbacks'' was once so familiar, is reported to be enjoying tent life at Pueblo beach, Florida. He is eighty years of ago but as genial and hearty as ever. The Weekly Thunderbolt is the name of the newest idiocy in the San Francisco newspaper field. Its aim and object is to put its editor and owner in the governor's chair, a mis fortune to our sister state which will, happily, be spared that common wealth. -t The arrivals of immigrants at the half-dozen chief ports of the country, which always receive about 93 per cent of tho whole number, foot up 483,11G for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887, against only 328,895 for the fiscal year ending with June, 188G. The most striking feature of the table is the great increase in the number from Italy (47,524 against 21,503), and from Russia, Fin land and Poland combined (36,887 against 21,706). Germany continues largely to surpass Ireland in tho size of its contribution, sending 106,559 people to the United States last year, against only 08,130 from Ireland. "Volapuk," the universal language is prospering. Von Moltke lately ex pressed his belief that it has. a great future before it; and it has been learned and is being studied by an enormous number of persons on the continent Last winter more than 2,000 pupils received instruction in the language in Vienna alone. It is claimed that Volapuk is so simple that it can be learned in ten lessons; and a week ago at a public examina tion held in Vienna several pupils who had received only nine lessons, showed remarkable proficiency in professor Schleier's new language. Volapuk enjoys the very enviable dis tinction of being the only tongue on earth in which the rules have no ex ceptions. There is now published at Vienna a "Volapukagaaed" which claims to have a large circulation among the initiate. SOME EDITORIAL REMARKS. Expressions of Onr Esteemed Contempo raries. We want pay for what we do in the advertising line, just as n hattor wants money for his hats, or a preacher for his sermons. "We are conducting this paper on business principles, for the nnrnnsp nf tvifiTrinrr our daily bread and with no idea of lmpensuauie glory. Sunday Wel come. Buy your goods only of those mer chants who advertise. They are sound business men and intend stay ing in the country. Those that do not advertise will soon move or retire from business, and do not care for "a reputation, hence care nothing for a name of square dealing. Eugene Guard. There is one party that damns the Plaindealer because it don't say more in favor of prohibition, and an other party that damns it because it says as much as it does; but the Plaindealer says it will be con damned if it don't say what it pleases and when it pleases on this question. lloseburg Plaindealer. "When the home and the tomb of "Washington had to be saved the sub scriptions for its purchase languished until Edward Everett traversed the country with his oration on Washing ton and raised the funds needed. Now, letRoscoe Conkliug appear wiili an oration on Grant and complete the monument fund. We believe that if Mr. Conkling should come here on such an errand he could raise a quar ter of million in California alone. 1 1 is worth trying. 8. F. Alta. A rumor is abroad that St. John is to stump Oregon in favor of prohibi tion. All decent men who remember tho treachery of this arch hypocriie in the campaign of 1834, will depre cate snch a move on the part of the prohibitionists of tho state. Nothing but evil can follow in tho trail of such a false guide. No self respecting Re publican could give him a patient hearing nud his campaigu would re sult in incalculable injury to tho cause ho seems to champion. It 13 time that honest men were given a chance, if temperance agitation ac complishes any good. Columbia Chronicle. The time is coming when this coun try will have to adopt tho Australian mode of voting. Under this system names of all candidates are printed on one kind of ballot furnished by the government, and no other kind is used, which is handed lo the voter when he enters tho polling place, and on which-he indicates by pencil marks his preferences before he deposits it An apartment is furnished voters to which they can repair, without mo lestation from strikers or workers at the polls, to make out their respective tickets. The labor party of Now lork will press the adoption of this syptem. The reform is one that should commend itself to every good oitizen, irrespective of what political faith ho is. It would cut off a great part ot what aro now the necessary expenses of election, and which fur nish a foundation for levvincr polit ical assessments that in many cases deoar from oince all but tho rich or the unscrupulous. East Oreyonian For drunken, brutal scoundrels like the one complained of yesterday by a suffering wife, far advanced in preg nancy, who had been knocked down with a bottle and beaten by her hus band, we want the whipping post, and want it badly. Only the whipping post will requite and cure such bru - tality. or these insensate monsters the whipping post ought to be put into the constitution of tho state, since, under the constitution as it is, such law would probably be rejected as providing an unusual punishment. Submit an amendment to the consti tution to provide tho whipping post for wife-beaters and ravisbers, and give these wretches a taste of the only argument that can reach them. Wife-beating, if the whipping post were to follow it, would cease to bo an agreeable pastime. A few days in the county jail is neither penalty nor restrain t. Oreyonian. Tho president has astutely man aged his campaign to date if his efforts for ronomination may be so denominnted and will undoubtedly be the next Democratic nominee. News. It is a plain matter of fact that antagonism begets antagonism, and it is also just as plain a fact that tne real interests of both labor and capital are to create a better and har monious feeling instead of widening tho breach between them, which the present modo of operation seems to do. Albany Herald. If the war was a success, if the umuu was resioreu, n wo nave no north, no south," but one flac. one destiny, is it not time to admit it everywhere, and to put down the sol- fish demagogues who seek their profit in their country's distraction? Jack sonville Times. It has been said that the British parliament can do anything but change a woman into a man? Sometimes tho same sumptuous range of power has been claimed for the American con gress, but the people here are as watchful of encroachments bv coneress as by the executive or any other branch of the government S. F. Alta. Now that Portland markets are to be supplied with fresh salmon from Puget Sound, how are the authorities to know whether salmon exposed for sale here were caught in the Colum bia river or in Puget Sound waters? Even if now and then a lordly Chinook reposes upon the slab we mnst be prepared to believe the assertion of the dealer that "they catch them over in Pnget Sound this fall !" Telegram. TaVe It In Time. A man who presents an appearance of debility, whose countenance is anx ious and who is subject to spells of faintness, is liable to sudden death from heart disease. Let him take Dr. Flint's Heart Remedy before it is too late. At druggists. $1. 50. De scriptive treatise with each bottle; or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F. BOSTON VIEWS. Boston, Aug. 2. '87. Our mackerel fisheries are vet r.n productive. Most of the fleet are : North Bay and on the coast of Priiu-t? Edward island. Mackerel arc very high and must remain so, unless a large aud unexpected catch takes place. Weather very hot, aud every clas3 of well-to-do people idle, at seashoro or monntaius. Alaska is attracting a good many to witness and admire its wonderfnl scenery nud enjoyable climate. In the opinion of many, it leads tho World in tllO irrnnilmir rf i!j scenery, with its wide extent. Sixty- iwo minions oi people, soon to reach one hundred million, with their vast wealth, will affect the area beyond the Rocky mountains by the building of elegant cities aud superior facili ties ot travel. You have a rare spot of wide earth, rich in agricultural and mineral capacities and water power, with a wide Pacific sea that gives yon a front to Japan and populous "isl ands, nn element of growth and wenlth. The prediction is mndft timt r.fK- years hence, the transit between the Atlantic and l'ncilic will develop and sustain profitably twenty lines or mil road, w. S. Oysters In Every Sfyle Atllip Central IteMauraist, hpxi to h:ml & Stokes'. NEW TO-DAY. The undersigned arc pre.'taring n twin, for purse and hauling seines, and pounds to !e v!t in strong currents, that inane a savinu ol one-third the bulk or ordinary neaoiir and no reduction ut strength. This wttlnt; enables the ILshrnnan to redu(vhi labor list and increase his net prollt. Yi'e are giung especial attention to the Ku-lile Fisheries and beg to assure the fishermen tltlf u'ALlllll tn' fan IhimI iim.Ia.i.a i.. ....... ... ........ ,, , t.j it.iiu, iiuuiT me riurs of an honorable commerce, lo please them l nun uur w.irr-s. CLOUCESTKK XET& TWINK CO . (lloucester, Mass. Boston Oftlce, ill Commercial St. There will be a Ton Round t.low Coiittt at Liberty Hall on Saturday Evening, tho 13th Inst., betuem THOS. WAKD, Champion of Oregon, AND ALBERT JOHNSON, Middle-woiyhl Champion of AM oil . TjiIs Conletl Mill begin nt K oVlm k. T.nrrj' Sullivan, IHnrlfn Leonard, - Jus. lyer ami Jns. ItloCnn-oii Will also take part. Tickets of Admission - - 50 Cents Reserved Seat3 - - - One Dollar Ward and Johnson fought the haidest contested prize fight ever fought on the Pa cific coasr, at Harrington's Point, three ears ago. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Kf iirescnthiK the Largest and Mo-t Hclia hle Lire Insurance Companies. All Business promptlyjand accurateh Iran acted. FlavclsWharf, - Astoria Oieon. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, i Capi. ICogers old stand, comer or Cas and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Ilorseshos'nir. Wasrous made and rennlred. (ooJ work tfiiurHiiteed. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London &lobe.:North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. ii.utiuiu in VUiiucuucui. VAJininerciai oi California Agricultural, of watertown, yew iorK, i-onaon jancasiiire ot .Liverpool, Ens.. Fire Insurance Companies. Represent In a capital of $OT,ooo,000. II. VAX IHJ.SEX Agent. THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE GO Of Hartford, Conn. 1'iesents to the Travelling Public the fol low lug Valuable Concessions, Iz : iO 000 In case of AccIdonl:U $ jVVJv Eyes, two entire Feet, iirino t'jiuru uauiis. $ 1f f f In event of loss of one iJJJ entire hand, or one entire foor, and (iit X Per wei-k, as formerly. In tpJLO case or a totally disabling Injury. Tlrlet, e5c ptr Hay, or St.ftO fur Thirl) Il, FOKSVLK bj A. BALMAKTN0, At American News Depot. I-ocal Agent. si! The Gook THAT- - Acorn, Argand, and Magee liANGES. SPLENDID NEW STOCK Are to be seen at JOHN A. MONTGOMERY'S, Itttlll luvfllll' nno xtlin liqe t I..... Store or kange. Tinware, Granite Iron or l'nxmAil win iirTinirnrA tn ovimlna Au.ein.i. lust received from Kasteru ManutactnreiN. e cum miii. uiiywiuy irmn our MOCK and MUSI Ulli 1 litO. Boats Repaired. NY OXE WANTING FISHING BOATS i nr ntlipr Knnrs Rpnntrrwt ran rrat nrwn.i nnrk rlnnp nt R. M. ljnthor hnnr 3nn over Amdt &Ferchens: foot of Iifirpifp street, Fisheries, GLOVE CONTEST The Crystal On account of Removal from This City of Our Manager, MR. CARL ADLER. We are Compelled to Wind Op Our Business Inside of 30 Pays. WE SAC RIF OUR COUNTERS, SHELVES, SHOWCASES. KT KeiiiMiilwi' Everything Will, Shall, ami 3Iusi be Sold! Dealers :ire invitoit to examine Our Slock nnrl u-k out ulu they can w-f, bi'foie wc throw it on tho Market. The Crystal Palace. WHOLESALE AND Fine Groceries, Provisions ant! Mil! Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest nml finest assortment of Fresh Fruits and TTegetaToles. lteceiveil fresh every Steamer. 00 Blank Books OK ALL Descriptions. We curry the finest line of Writing Papers and Writing Material in the City. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE AND INSTRUMENTS. Agents for the Celebrated CENTURY ORGAN AND DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE GB.ZFFZ2T & HEED. Strike It Rich !M -p.nv you it Grocetiesi Provisions Or-- Foard & Stokes 'I heir largely increasing trade enables tuem to .iflfat the very lowest margin of profit while giving you goods that are or first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price raid for Junk. AGENCY I Ol-' HAX FRANCISCO. FlavePsWharf and Warehouse, Astoria.. Oregon. Ciiniiprj Supplies at Lowest Trices. Storage and Insurance at Current Itate3. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. K. II. Coleman, Accountant. W. F. Armbruster Practical WATCHMAKER And fg Je "vtde2 x. :ej:el WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Itenalrtil nil fltA (;iinrtnef Vnla nt- ltan smiable Rates. uienamiM St.. next to Spexarth's Gun store. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The AST0EIABT JOB OFFICE fflT Coleman&Co 20 4?: fVVTw wtJR WILL RETAIL DEALEtt IX iSLlE fe St SchoolBooks ;O7:C'Afiyf$;;pu&H7J30gi ASI School Supplies. UREAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Cannery Sillies! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases dellrered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New KuiMIng on Water Street I. O. Box m. Telephone No. 37. STORIA, OREGON Are You Insured? J. O. Bozorth Writes Insurance rollcles In Reliable Fire Insnranco companies that lre Absolute Protection In case of Fire. DeposM i (tap, $300,000 ASSETS, 3 5 5. 8Q1, 53 8 3. Royal, Norwich-Union and Lancashire Coin blnatlon Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Gernianla of New York. State Inrestment of California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation, MARINE .INSURANCE COTERED BY OUR OPEN POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Acents. f Sf&JSt&S8- J. MdDRAKK.V. Vice Pre J. K, ElDKIlKIN, LOUIS LOKWKN'BKRG. Sec j. Treasurer. The Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company. No. s Washington St., Portland, Or. CAPITAL, S300.000. K. Ii.BOXI.T3, Astoria Acent. Offlce at I. X.L. Packing Cj. DIRECTORS: J. McCraVan. F, K.Arnold, F. E, Beach. J, Loewonberr. J.K.KlderkIn, D!l),Olipbant Money to Loan on Approved Beal Estate Security. moire Bargains in Ready Made Clothing, 25 rVlon's and Youths' odd suits marked down from 316 an ftS to SI I and SI 3, and are all wool desirable suits, V earn a lull line or Black Drc-s -iiis which arc sold for the Ifiwjt. casft , 'rices. ' - Our Line of Dry g Fancy Goods 16 COMPLETE, Cotton, Woolen and ATusiiu Umlerwe.ir. bhetlaml ani Embroidered New unit blmyls in all colors. Ladies short tt'raus. Calico Wrappers, Fancy. Gin? ham and Calico Aprons, Silk Embroidered stand covers. A fine lot of Embroideries Just opened. )Xe hWR l,he lansest and'fineat lot of Silk Tlu-ad aud Twist. EmBroidery tun! knitting bilk in all shades and colors, to he f. nud in Astoria. . W.T. m:.a.:d3g-:2:el BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gent. Ladies Flexible Sole Shoes in Fiwich. Kiiucaroo and Dcujjola Kid ora ami Souths Shoes of all Kinds, Mibes and Chilifrens and Infant Wis aM Spring heels. WE 1EAT. IS BOOTS A.3 SHOES orLY. H B. PARKER, DKALKlt IX Hay, Oats, aii Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement, Sant M Plaster Wood Dellreretl to Order. Draylag, Teaming and Ks press BmhUw, fKK awdy to the Captain, or to Phil. A. Stokes A Co. Keep the Best Quality of Boots, Shoes, Socks, Trunks. EXi Men's Clothing of aU Kinds You can buy Cheap at P. A. Stokes & Co.'s. Water St., flret door east ot FoardjfcJKokea. THE Str. Alaskan Hereafter, during the Summer Season The Alaskan will leave Astoria, O. R. & N. Dock, Oa Wednesdays ud Fridays at 7 A. 31. Connecting with all Afternoon Trains out of Portland, ON SUNDAY, TJie AlasJ;an will leave Astotia at 4 P. 31. TROUPE & DILLINGHAM, Charterers. City Livery Stable. SHERMAN & WAKD, Proprietors. Stylish Turnouts, Comfortable Carriages and Buggies Ry the day or hour at veryTeasonable rates. Saddle Horses for Hire. Everything new and first class. Our ami Is to please our patrons. HorsesBoardedby tho day, week or month. Stable and office two doors west of Thk AsTonrAx office. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY HASSEX, Prop'r. A Largo and Well Selected Stock of Fine At Extremely Low Price. All (loods Bought at This Establishment "Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streeta. Diamonds i Jewelry Store. PARKER P.J. GOODMAJN JL W vrrAMER mhhn nun 6j P, PurkqriMu&t&i F.rTOWINH, FH6IQHT crCHAl H. B. JfAJMUtJ. n. . m i i j in. Shirts,. Collars! Cuffs, Valises, BARGAINS. Business Bargains, THE New York Novelty Stare OFFERS Genuine Bargain VV In Books, Stationery, Fancy QooAs aod General Notions. We aievaaUsfled rtA small profit over original rCQftt, ad waot you to buy what you need la -QorUo of os, it is for your Interest to do so. A full line of Novelties. Ptaylag Caxds. Blank Books, Musical InstrwawQ. Sfcjs etc. A Large Stock of Baby Carrltgw the" New York Novttty ttor ASTORIA Planing Mill. HOLT & CO. Proprietor. Manufactures' of MOLDINGS. SASH DOORS, BLINDS. RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWSL POSTS. IACKBTS. BRA Scroti and Turned BiIiKiftdt, Boat Material, etc. Orders solicited aad Promptly attaaded to. Satisfaction nnaranteed aato StylajQuaO. ty and Prices. . Mill and Office cot polk and- Coucoaij streets, AstorJOregon. fl i - u)jfAy-