The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 10, 1887, Image 3

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    rfj VT- -j' 7
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VJi sliSD Y .Vl'OrST 10, 15S7
- The British-bark Kith, previously
oported, arrived iu yesterday.
- Co. ''H." will have a special meet
ing at nine o'clock this evening.
There Vere 32 Astoriaua registered
at different Portland hotels last Mon
day. The Mistletoe Social club will have
a dance at Pythian Hall next Friday
evening, the 12th. Music by Parson's
The Alaskan and Telephone
r-bro'ght down a good many passen
gers yesterday, fleeing from the heat
of the interior.
The Times-Mountaineer says the
fish wheels in the vicinity of 'Ihe
Dalles Lave stopped operations for
the season. That's good.
Tom Merry says that Josie Mans
fleldvon whose account Stokes killed
JimFisk in New York in January,
1872, was in Portland last week.
A New York dispatch says salmon
ia quoted in that city at $1.90. A
few thousand cases at that figure
wouldn't be a.bad thing to have.
Prof. A. L.Francis is in the city. Jle
is stopping at Mrs. E. C. Holdeu's.
where anyone who wishes to have
their organ or piano tuned may leave
orders with confidence that it vill be
thoroughly and satisfactorily done.
Jas. P. Eowe, a resident of Seaside,
died last Monday, the Sth inst. De
ceased was in the 51st year of his age.
The" cause of his death was general
debility. The funeral will take place
from his late residence to-day.
An east wind yesterday morning
blew westward the smoke from the
heated interior and enveloped all out
doors, the landscape, waterscape, etc".,
in a blue haze. Later the wind
changed to the west, cooling and re
freshing the air.
The Cumbrian, which came in
last Sunday, started up stream, hut
-' came to grief at Walker's Island, by
reason of her draft. She was stuck
when the AlasTcan passed down yes
terday afternoon. The Merom will
dock this morning and lighter to 18
feet when she expectB to squeeze
To Astoria time and standard
time, and. cannery time and steamer
time and several other good times
here and hereabouts, is to be added
v. a' new time nautical time. It is
t based oh the sun's position and
thoUgh considerably slower than
-: -'standard time, appears to have solid
reasons ior its existence.
T-- A'nuniber'of deep water vessels
have ben purohased lately by San
Franokco capitalists and will be
placed, on the coast coal trade. The
ship Harry Morse ha3 been bought
by L.E. "White, for S25.000, and she
will join Hanester, John A. Briggs,
Glory of the Seas, 'Levi O. Burgess,
William H. Macy, and others.
That "it is better to be born lucky
than rich" is well exemplified in the
ease of William Allen, of the Parker
- house. In the past eighteen months,
in the matter of winning at raffles, he
has won a music box, a sewing ma
chine, a $150 shotgun and a Winches
ter rifle. The last was won last night
at Gravea' saloen: Tom Linville cap
tared a split bamboo fishing rod on a
low throw.
It is sometimes quite amusing, says
the Tacoma Ledger, to see the great
number of Indian canoe oars and
paddles which tourists bring from
Alaska as old Indian relics. An old
Alaska pioneer says: "The most of
those caddies are made and nainted
- by Chinamen in San Francisco,
shipped to Alaska points and sold as
Indian relics, brought down to Ta
coma on the steamers and carried
thousands of miles away."
TMfloeofthe A.O.TJ. W., was at
half mast yesterday in respect to the
memory of one of the- charter mem
" 'bers of Seaside Lodge No. 12 Dr.
Jas. M. Dixon, who died last Monday
ih San Francisco. The doctor was
well known in Astoria, having been
.a former resident of this city. In
1879 and '80 he was stationed at Fort
Stevens. His death took place at the
Presidio, and was occasioned by heart
disease. Deceased was in the 50th
yeafof hisage.
1'Oapt. Heard of the British ship
-Duchess of Argyle tells a San Fran
cisco reporter that not long ago, in
Australian waters, his crew captured
an albatross, around whose neck was
fastened a small brass pocket com
. . pass, secured by three strands of cop
per wire. The box was very much
oxidized, and was only opened with
. . .dffieulty: Inside a paper was found,
on which, in faded ink, was written:
"Caught May 2, 1842, in latitude 38
6.' south, 40 14' west, by American
.ship 'Columbus." Capt Heard, after
4xing a plate around the bird's neck,
with the ship's name, the position and
-date of its recapture, and the account
, of. its original captors, let it go free.
Attention Co. "II.," O. N. G.
r Special meeting on Wednesday
evening, August 10th, 1887, at nine
o'olook. Every member iB requested
to be present By order
Fimc Art Work.
.v-'-.., Owen, from San Francisco, is in
the city for a brief sojourn and will
- :fftve lessons In art work, embroidery,
needle work, painting, hand decoration,
etc. Parties desirous of taking lessons
.. kU1 find Mrs. Owen a competent in-
. sjtructress. She is stopping at Mr. G. W.
" "Ten' cents for a. cup- of Fabre's nice
Drought In The Mississippi Valley.
Loxdox, Aug. 0. -Jas. G. Blaiae
with his wife and daughters aro in
Dublin. They left Glnsgow yester
day and! to Belfast, proceed
ing thence to Dublin where they ar
rived last nigh. Mr. Blaine intends
to spend some time in Ireland as ho
desires to take quite a look around
and examine into the condition of the
died fhom nis ixjunins.
GaiiVxstox, Aug. 9. Alexander
Walker, a colored prohibitionist
speaker, who was set upon and badly
beaten and mangled by being thrown
against a wire fence soon after he had
made a speech, near Webberville last
week, died suddenly to-day from the
effect of hi3 injuries. His friends
claim he was beaten by the anti-prohibitionists,
but it is not known who
his assilants were.
Chicago, Aug- 9. Telegrams re
ceived this morning from central
points throughout 7.",000 square miles
of the drought stricken northwestern
country show that the fenfnl sun
scorching of all vegetation continues
unmitigated and not a drop of rain
has fallen except eight one-huu-drpdths
of an inch at Dps Moines.
Local observations in various dis
tricts give very little hope of a break
iu the weather within the coming
twenty-four hours.
ILviiirAX, Aug. 9. Admiral Luce, of
the U. S. N.. will leave Halifax
for Harbor, Maine, next Thurs
day, on the war ship Jliruiuand.
The Osxippcc and Uulemt will proba
bly sail in company with the lih-h-mond.
MaiiBIjEiiead, Mass.. Aug. 9. The
race of the New York Yacht club
from Newport, for prizes amounting
to one thousand dollars, ended here
this morning. The Yolunlrir won
aud the Mayjloirer came in second,
turce hours and a hall beniml. Cant.
Craven of the Mafloirer says he lost
the track of the Volunteer and was
becalmed all night. The Bttlouia
beat the Priscilla by a very narrow
margin, taking first prize m that
Chicago, Aug. 9. -The appellate
court this afternoon granted a super
sedeas in the case of E. S. McDon
ald, the convicted boodler brother of
the gambler, Mike McDonald.
The case cannot now be reached
until the October term. This decis
ion applies to McGrarigle, as well as
to McDonald, though he had not
taken any part in the application. A
motion to admit McDonald to bail
was denied.
New York, Aug. 9. The exami
ners in lunacy for the department of
charities and correction to-day re
ported that they had examined Moon-
ey, the alleged dynamiter, who set
fire to the Queen, and found him in
Resrne of a Drowning Boy, Ycstpnlny.
Yesterday afternoon the carriers of
the Oregonian and News were on
Wilson & Fisher's dock awaiting the
arrival of the Telephone, and shortly
before she came in, one of the boys,
Willie Young, the thirteen-year old
son of Mr. Max Young, of Alder
brook, slipped and fell off the edge of
the dock into twenty feet of water.
A rush was made for the spot by sev
eral who saw the boy fall, or heard
the splash, and hastened to the rescue
of the boy, who sunk, then rose, and
was sinking the second time. One of
the first to reach the spot was E.
Inglesdad, of the TJ. S. steamer Mc
Arthnr. He doffed his coat, sprang
into the water and saved the boy from
drowninL'. a hundred ready hands be
ing extended to grasp the lad aud his
rescuer as they approached the dock.
Mr. Inglesdad deserves credit for
his promptitude and bravery.
In a few minutes the Telephone
landed at her accustomed place and
shortly afterward the boy was busy
distributing Oregonians around the
m -
In Brief, Anil to the Point
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, aud many
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American people a
nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Remember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents..
San Francisco Salmon Quotations.
"Columbia river f. o. b. on the river,
SL50; do f. o. b. San Francisco, SL55;
Sacramento f. o. b., $1.40; Alaska f. o.
b. San Francisco, $1.35; outside
rivers f. o. b. San Francisco, $1.2o
L30; Frazer, SL30, f. o. b.
Fluml Iatlic Iost.
Finder will please leave it this office. Girl Wanted
To take care of a child? none nndpr lfi
need apply. Apply to Mrs. G. W
You business men, store keepers,
butchers, lawyers, doctors, and all oi
you, will miss it if jou don't lay in a
large stock of tablets, writing paper, en
velopes, and other needed stationery.
Adler is j ust slaughtering them.
Yanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Reports Filed; Ordinances Passed.
Mayor Trullinger called tho coun
cil to order at 830 last evening.
A petition from residents on Vall
street asking that Wall street bo im
proved from its western limit to east
side West Sixth street was referred
to street committee.
A petition from the Salvation army
asking that C. Schuble be appointed
special policeman to maintain order
at tho barracks, was, on motion,
A communication from A. V. Allen
asking that S21 bo deducted from the
amonnt of his city tax, being assessed
on the steam schooner Dolphin, was,
on motion,, granted.
The committee on health and police
made report on ordinance regulating
licenses; report adopted.
The committee on city treasurer's
report, reported report "correct; re
port adopted.
The committee on police judge's re
port, reported report correct; report
The committee on street superin
tendent's report, reported report, eor
rect; report adopted.
An ordinance authorizing Carnahan
fc Co. to construct roof across foot of
Cnss street, was passed under sus
pension of the rnles.
An ordinance regulating the driv
ing of piles, building of wharves, and
other improvements, and the obstruc
tion of streets on the river front, and
protecting the river front, was read
first and second times, and referred.
An ordinance providing for work
ing city prisoners, wa3 read first and
second times and referred.
An ordinance concerning offenses
and disorderly account, wan read third
time and passed.
An ordinance to impose and regu
late licenses, was read third time and
An ordinanco appointing C Hchu
ble to act as special policeman at
hall of salvation army, wa passed
under suspension of rules.
An ordinance nroviding for the pre
vention of the profanation of Sunday,
was read first and second times and
laid on the table.
An ordinance with over forty sec
tions in it, being an ordinance en
titled "an ordinance concerning
offenses and disorderly conduct," was
read third time and passed. It is a
regular "crimes bill."
The following claims were ordered
paid: P. L. Taylor, S27.50; Jno. Mc
Cue, S3.75; Jos. Lavallee, S3.50; C.
H. Stockton. S8475: S22.S0; Jas.
Gardiner, $18; Win. Chance. S14.75;
N. D. Baymond, S2Tj; S. Danziger.
$28.50; W. Ji. Dement & Co., 31.50;
F. W. Sidel, S3.
Discussion on bill of Dr. J. F.
Page for S231, resulted in the adop
tion of a motion that the bill be cut
down to $100. The question was then
raised as to whether the motion was
or was not in order. Without mak
ing any definite settlement of the
question raised the council entered
upon the discussion of the purchase
and placing of iron pipe, etc., it being
finally decided that one thousand feet
eight inch iron pipe be bought by the
committee on fire and water, au or
dinance being passed to that effect
under suspension of tho rules.
On motion, the auditor was in
structed to refund to C. W. Shively
the amount he had paid for street
improvement on West Ninth street,
and council adjourned.
dr. face's dill.
Abtobia, Obeoqm, July 2o, 1887.
Citv of Astoria to Dr. J. F. Pa'. J
health officer, Dr.:
teuruary 12,ipo, inspectm" mar
kets A OJ!
Feby. 26. 183G, inspecting markets l 00
alar, l, 18WJ, " " r uu
a, roo
" 9, " ' f. 00
Oct. 25, 188C, visiting family of
Wra. Chance (scarlet fever) 2 00
Nov. 1, 188G, visiting family of Mr.
Pitkins (scarlet fever) 5 00
Nov. 10, 183C, visiting family of Mr.
Pitkins 2 00
Feb. l!),1837,Yiftiting case of leprosy 10 00
Mar.:?, " ' " 10.00
May ?, " " ' sup
posed smallpox f. 00
June G, 1887, visiting case of small
pox (Air. Mathews) 10 00
June C, 1837, visiting Trallinger's
camp -. in CO
Juno 10, 1837, visiting smallpox pa
tient 10 00
Juno 10, 1887, visiting Trullingor's
camp IS 00
June 22, 1887, visiting smallpox pa
tient (Mr. Prince) 10 00
June 22, 1887, disinfecting Central
hotel f 00
June 2T, 1887, visiting smallpox pa-
bly 10 00
wiiift JT waal,4 Jk. vixiuci. xniur
June 23, 1887, visiting smallpox pa
tient, by order of Officer Berg
man 10 00
July G,18S7,visiting case of measles,
reported by officer Linville.... . f 00
Jnlv 7. 1887. visitinc case of small
pox, patient discharged 10 00
July 1G, 18S7, visiting case of mea
sles, reported by Dr. Estes f 00
Livery bills of A. P. L. and Sber
man&Ward IS 00
Inspecting nuisances on complaints
of E. A. Taylor, H. G. VanDusen.
H. B. Parker, J. W. "Welch, B.
Van Dusen, C. A. Wright, Clat
sop Mill Co., J. A. Joslyn, Par
sons, DlenhartjGragg, Montgom
ery and others 2Ti 00
Expense of office from Feb. 9, '8G
to date 2Ti 00
Three Favorites
Have the following to say of Wis
dom's Eobertine, the great beautifier
and preserver of the complexien:
PoaxuLND, Or., June 4, 1887.
ToMr.W. M. Wisdom-Dear Sir:-I
have tried yourRobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all my lady friends. Believe me,
yours truly, Rhea.
Pobtlaxd. Dec., 18&5.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The "Eober
tine yon so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is the finest preparation I have ev6r
used, and is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet, lours truly.
Jeakxib Wecstox.
Pobtlaud, Or., April G, 1887.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Eobertine," and it gives mo much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being one of the best
articles of the kind I have ever used. Be
lieve me, yours sincerely,
Z. Tbebelli.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.,
drqggista, Astoria, Oregon.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
And all. Skin and Scalp Dis.
oasos Speedily Cured by
Our littlo son will bo four years of ago on
tho 25th in3t In May, 1853, ho was attacked
with a very painful breaking out of tho skin.
Wo called in a physician who treated him
for about four wcoka. Tho child received
littlo or no good from tho treatment, as tho
breaking out. supposed by tho physican to be
hives in an aggravated form, becarao larger
in blotches, and moro and moro distressing
Woworofroquontly obliged to get up in the
night and rub him with soda in water, strong
liniments, etc Finally, wo called other
physicians, until no less than six had at
tempted to euro mm. an uiiko iauing. anu
tho child stcadly getting worso and worse,
until about tho 20th of last .July, when we
tcgan to givo uiiu Kuiauun iir ji'i. i i in
ternally, and tho Ccticura, and Cuticuka
Soap externally, and by the last of August
ho was so nearly well that wo gave him only
one doso of the Kesolvest about every
second day for about ten days longer, and he
lias nerertjeen troubled since with the hor
rible malady. In all wo used les3 than one
half a boUle of Cdticuua Kesolvkxt, a little
less than one box of Cuticcra, and only one
cake ofCUTlccRA SOAP. . . ,
11. K. KYAN, Cayuga. Livingston Co., III.
Snbcribed and sworn to before me this
fourth day of January, ISsT. C. X. COK, J. P.
Lot spring I wa3 very sick, being covered
withsomo kind of scrofula. Tho doctors could
not holp me. I was advised to try tho Cuti
cura Uf-ol.vext. I did so. and in a day I
Tew better and better, until I am as well as
ever. I thank you for it very mush, and
would liko to have it told to tho public.
KD. UOI-'.M ANN, North Attleboro, Mn?'.
.Mr. Frank McCIusky says that your Cuti
r tka Kfmkpiks cured his boy of a skin dis
ease after several doctors had failed to
holp th boy. He spent over one hundred
dollars wih doctors. Clticura IS cmkoi ks
cured him. J E- TJ $ -
Pleasant Jlount.Pn.
Qj. rirt'R, tho sreatskin cure, and Clti
eiMt.v Soap prepared from it, externally,
and Ccticura Ktsoi.vknt tho new blood
purifior, internally, are a positive cure for
every form of sKin and blood disease from
pimples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price : Cmcf i:a. oO
rents ; Clticl'KA Soap, 25 cents ;CLTicriLV
Kksolvknt. $1.00. Prepared by Peitri:
l)i:c: axd Chkmicai.Co,, Boston.
Send Tor "How lo i'lirotila Iira,.."
PI.KS. Blacklu'aiLs,Skln Blemishes, ami
Banv 111111101". lisein'Tirru o.
A Word About Catarrh.
' it i.s the mucous iiieiiibnme. that wonder
ful semi-tliild envelope Mirrouudui;;! he dell--ate
tt.t'.iir.s of the air and fo d passage,,
that Catarrh makes Its stronghold. Once es
tablished, it eats into the veiy utaN. anil
tviuleiN life Inn a long-dr.iviii breath of inis
erv and dwae. ilulhiu; the if Iiear
inj;. tRiinmplliiiK the imuer -f siieeeli, de--.trojinjithe
faeiiltv of .smell, tnmluig ihe
breath, anil killing th' retinal pleasHres or
taste. InMdlouslv. bv creeping on from a
.simple cold hi the head, it a.v:ui!is llu mem
branous linim and envelopes the bones, eat
ing through the delicate coats and causing
Inliaminntioii, .slouching and death. Noth
ing .short of total eradication will secure
health to the patient, aud nil alleviatlves are
simply procrastinated .suuerincs. leading to
a fatal termination. Sanfokd's Kaiicai.
Cl'ke, by Inhalation and by Internal ad
ministration, has never failed ; even when
the disease has made frightful inroads on
delicate constitution?, hearing, .smell and
tae have been lecovered, and the disease
thoroughly driven out."
one bottle of the Kadicai. Cukk, one h.x
Catahkhai.8oi.vkxt, and one uipbo ki
INHA1.KK. neatly wrapped in one package,
with full dheelions ; price, $1.00.
PoTTKit Disro & Ciiemicai.Co.. Boston".
kcliryed ix xt:3iii"rr-
Aching backs, hips, ami sides, kid
ney and uterine jialns, weakness
aud infl miation.iheuin.iUc. neural
gic, sciatic, sudden .sharp and ner
vous nains.coucus. colds and strains
relieved In one initiate by that new. orig
inal, elegant and infallible antidote to pain
aud inflammation, the Cuticura AnJI-Pain
Plaster. 25 cts. : 5 for St : at all druggists
or Potter Drag and Chemical Co., Boston.
Mra. O. W. Knowles and family aro
in the city.
?ilis3 Gertrmle Myers is visiting
in ihe city.
Mrs. E. D. McKee, and daughter,
aro intlio city.
Col. S. R. Beebt 1st lleg't., O. N.
G., ia in tho city.
Mr. Geo. Taylor, of Taylor, Young
& Co., is in the city.
Mrs. Theo. Wygaut and daughter
are hero on a two weeks' visit.
Miss .Bella Smith is iu the city, the
guest of Mrs. C. .7. Tronchard.
Peter Grant returned from Port
land yesterday; thinks we have cool
weather down here.
Mr. E. P. Thompson, or Ihe tish
commission, Is in the city: Messrs.
Reed and Campbell aro at Clackamas.
Mrs. Jauo "Weedon writes to The
Astortan, thanking the people of As
tona ana vicinity ior tue Kindly cour
tesy extended to her dnring her re
cent visit to this city.
Miss Lydia Warren, recently from
Brooklyn, N. Y., sister of Prof. K. K.
WaTen, who has been visiting her
cousin, P. K. Warren, of Warrens
burg, returns to Portland to-day.
Take It la Time.
A man who presents an appearance
of debility, whose countenance is anx-
tons and who is subject to spells of
faintness, is liable to sudden death
from heart disease. Let him take Dr.
Flint's Kraut Remedy before it is
too late. At druggists. SI. 50. De
scriptive treatise with each bottle; or
address .T. J. Mack & Co., S. F.
Tli Centurv O.gan is guarantee i for
Six Years. We have, sold in the pabt
two infill
mllis six of these Celebrated Or-
Griffix it JIkei), Agents.
Save -10 pr cent, and lay in a itoek of
writing and copying inic. it is40rer
cent below the regular price at the
Crystal Palace.
The Century Organ is reasonable m
pric--, beautifully finished, sweet anil
pure In tone, and is tho Organ for the
people. GniFFix & Heed, Agents.
Do not forget that we are here to re-
mnln ivlfti vmi tlinf. nnr Tirfpp nrp al
ways the lowest, our stock the best that
money can buy. Gbiffix & Heed.
Griffin & Reed will sell you gonds as
low as the lowest. to your interest
to patronize them.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with tho choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at tho lowest prices, at .1. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocidpnt
hctel, Astoria.
Telephono X.oI;riiir. Houm.
Best Beds iu town. Rooms per night
50 and 23 cts., per week SI JO. !New and
clean. Private entrance.
Private Rooms..
The Leading House of the City.
nderwear !
Of nil Colors and Grades,
Cheap., Medium
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
ii ii mroiiiat t)
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one df the Largest
and Finest stocks of
Men's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish, and
We are
Wo are
We are
Doing Business for Fun!
We are wsVioK money
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of"
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a" low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck Sons.
Boys Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.
. au. - &-