The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 29, 1887, Image 3

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!tc gatljj glsforiam
..JULY i, 1SS
A traveling ico cream stand is the
latest summer game.
Fifteen outward bound vessels are
reported becalmed off Cape Flattery.
V The New York Novelty Store is
selling some good piano3 on very sat
isfactory terms.
The ladies of Grace Episcopal
church will give a picnic to Klaska
nine on Friday, August 5th.
Cloudy weather aud sultriness baa
oeen the prevailing characteristics of
the weather during the week.
What's the matter with Co. "H"
having an . armory of its own? It
would be cheaper m the long run, or
the short run.
Clatsop Lodge No. 113, United Or
der of Honor, will meet at No. One's
engine house at nine o'clock this
evening for the transaction of busi
ness. The Qen. Miles is in from Gray's
harbor with freight aud passengers.
She towed out the lumber laden
schooner Norway from the harbor
yesterday morning.
The sale of seats for the "Devil's
Auction" is now in progress at tho
New York Novelty Store. The sale
closes at G:45 to-morrow eveuing:
first come first served.
Number 1, Vol. I, of the Southern
Oregon Transcript is received. It is
published at Medford by C. B. Car
lisle, an experienced newspaper man,
is Democratic in politics and jumps
in with considerable vim.
The Occident stable is to be moved
to the south to make room for Capt
Flavel's new building. The building
of the Astoria Deep Sea Fishing com
pany has been torn down to make
room for the Occident stable.
Clatsop county is entitled to three
free scholarships in the state Normal
sohool at Ashland. Candidates are to
be appointed by school superintend
ent Page, must be at least 15 years
old, of good health aud moral 'char
acter. Ah eight-year-old boy sustained a
terrible fall from tho roadway near
Kearney Bros, place yesterday
afternoon, striking on tho rocks be
low and severely, cutting his head and
face. His injuries, though serious,
are not fatal.
At Kimball's logging camp near
Cathlamet last "Wednesday Fred Lin
den, employed there, while going
down the mountain side from work
slipped on a rock from -which he had
stepped and fell thirty feet on a pile
of stones, severely cutting his head.
He was brought to the hospital and
made as easy as possible under the
Sometime ago Tatum & Bowen's
San Francisco printing establish
ment burned, then H. S. Crocker &
Co.'8 big house was consumed, and
right after that A. L. Bancroft & Co.'s
great establishment was burned, and
now Palmer & Bey have had a terri
ble scorching. It does seem as
though the lurid leveller ought to
let up on San Francisco printers.
M. C. Crosby returned yesterday
afternoon from an extended visit to
Tillamook. Mr. Crosby was very fa
vorably impressed with the natural
resources of that region. On the day
of his departure the last of the bod
ies of the four unfortunate men who
were drowned from Bigg's boat off
Hobsonville, -was recovered. It had
drifted out over the bar aud was
thrown up on the sand spit.
C. R. f. r. u.
There will be a general meeting of
the Columbia Kiver Fishermen's Pro
tective union at Boss opera house at
two o'clock p. m. on Monday, August
1st, 1887. All members are requested
to be present and bring their books
and receipts with them.
By order Executive Board.
AiiKX. Sutton, Secretary.
Do Xou Want' Your Fine Cleaned ?
If you do T. Clifton will do the job
neatly and cheap. Leave orders at the
Astorian office.
A Sunny Room
With the comforts of a home, library,
Appiy at iiomen iiouse.
Gambrimis Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, C cents. -
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to' Crow's Gallery.
IIousc to Rent.
A newly fitted house, six rooms, well
arranged; situated on Cedar street,
opposite Root. Carruthers. For terms,
etc.. apply at this office.
A.U There!!
.Ice cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
of the city: S2.50 a .gallon.
Private Booms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious-coffee at Fabre's.
0s Yem Want four Flue Cleaned ?
If you do J. Lavalee will do the job
neatly and cheap. Leave orders at
The Abtorian office.
The best oysters in
any style at
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Tires, Lynching and Oilier Casualties.
Washington, July 29.- -The secre
tary of the treasury has just received
mail advices from the captain of the
revenue steamer Rush relative to the
seizures of sealers in Alaskan waters.
Toledo, July 28. The Bepublican
state convention was called to ordor
to-day: After the adoption of the
report of tho committee on creden
tials and rules the platform was read
by Governor Charles Fester: It was
received with wild applause. Tho
famous Sherman endorsement was
greeted by prolonged cheers and the
entire platform was adopted by ac
clamation. There was not one dis
senting vote for John Sherman, who
was made permanent chairman and
a committee appointed to conduct
him to the chair.
Chicago, July 28. 'A Daily News
special from Pekin, Ills., says that
ten dead bodies have been taken from
tho wreck of a construction train at
Hopedale, aud eight men are unac
counted for. It is supposed the
missing men are dead in the wreck, in
which case tho number of dead is
eighteen, with the probability that
tho list will be swelled to twenty-two
by the death of those supposed to be
fatally hurt.
Pittsburg, July 28. The refusal
on tho part of master workmau Pcnv
derly to graut a charter for tho iron
workers of the national district is be
ing criticised by its exec
utive board. They claim that
they will insist on drawing
the charter or withdraw from the or
der. This would mean the deflection
of nearly 20,000 men from the Knights
of Labor.
New York, July 23. The Sun
says another baseball pensatiou was
started yesterday. It is said at least
four of tho American association
clubs were to resign uuless the per
centage system was adopted. CIipvb
Von Dcr Alio made the first break
and the Louisville, Cleveland aud
Metropolitan clubs are bai'kiiii- him.
Take it altogether things are very
blue and a crash in baseball may be
expected, unless the great few give
Petersburg, Va., July 28. Ten
days ago a brutal assault was com
mitted, in Surrey county, by Reuben
Cole, colored, upon Mrs. Richard
Savage. Cole was arrested aud jailed,
and last night a band of fifty men
overpowered the guard and jailer
and took Cole out and hanged him.
Atlanta, Ga., July 28. A mob at
Redan to-daylynched Reuben John
son Hudson, colored. He hnd out
raged tue person of Mrs. Jennie liush
Chicago, July 28. Phil. Armour's
new beet House at tne stockyards
was destroyed .by fire this evening
by fire this evening, with the most of
the contents. The loss will be 18300,
000; insurance, $195,0C0.
New York, July. There were sev
eral thunderstorms and heavy rains
at various places in the surrounding
country yesterday, and much damage
was done to property by lightning
and floods. A number of persons
were injured by electric bolts.
has saved more lives by timely use,
and has kept from suicide or the in
sane asylum more victims of nervous
disorders, than all the physicians
with their pet methods of treatment
At druggists. SL50. Descriptive
treatise with each bottle; or address
J. J. Mack & Co., S. F.
Fisltinjr for RlucMacks.
While fishermen on the lower river
have been having poor luck all the sea
son some parties father up have been
making very good wages catching
the little bluebacks and sending them
to the canneries. Mr. Oulper, who has
been fishing a short distance below
the month of the Willamette, has had
very good success. The bluebacks
are tied in bunches of six, and each
bunch counts as one Chinook salmon
and sells for 90 cents. In one day
Mr. Culper caugbt 210 bluebacka
equal to thirty-five Chinooks, and
worth $31.50. He also caught some
small Chinooks, and on one occasion
a forty-pounder, who, not being able
to get its head into the mesh, rolled
itself up in the net While bunching
bluebacks one day, Mr, Culper
pricked his finger with the teeth of
one and has been unable to do any
thing for a month, and his. hand is
still badly swollen. Oregonian, 28.
Three Favorites
Have the following to say of Wis
dom's Bobertine, tho great beautifier
and preserver of the complexien:
Portland. Or., Jane 4, 18S7.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdom Dear Sir. I
have tried your Kobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all my lady friends. Believe me,,
yours truly. Rhea.
Portland. Dec, 1885.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The "Kober
tine you so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is the finest preparation I have ever
used, and is a- decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Yoars truly,
Jeannte Winston.
Pobtland, Or.. April G, 1887.
Dear Mr. WiBdem: I have tried your
Kobertine," and it gives me much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being one of the beat
articles of tbe kind I have ever used. Be
lieve roe, yours sincerely,
Z. Tbebelli.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.,
druggists, Astoria, Oregon.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast
Private Booms.
Up to the 1st of tho present month
Co. "H" has been drawing 850 every
month county money for its mainten
ance and support, in accordance with
sec. 19, chap. XXXVI of the general
laws ot Oregon.
At the last session of the state leg
islature a bill was passed regarding
the state militia which provides sea
35, article X that to raise revenue to
defray the current expense of the
state militia an annual tax of one
fifth of one mill shall be levied on all
state property subject to taxation.
A difference of opinion arises: it is
claimed that this does away with the
50 a month heretofore appropriated,
and takes the place of it as a means
of support of the several cempanies:
it is claimed that the Summers law
doe3 not repeal the old law on the
subject, and that whatever resultant
revenue there is from the one-fifth of
one mill tax goes to the support of
the company in addition to the
monthly $50 which must continue to
be paid.
Article VI of the Summers law says
that the state shall pay the sum of
S25 a month for the running expenses
of each company. '
The interpretation of the law will
probably be something for the courts
to decide: it is at present a matter of
opinion. As a matter of fact, how
ever, neither Co. "H," nor any other
company in the state can get along
on less than fifty dollars a month. It
takes close figuring to get along on
that. It is at least $50 a month or
There may be n tost case of the
matter. As a compromise The Asto
rian suggests that should tho new
law prove to supersede the old law,
the county give S25 a month in addi
tion to the S25 a month provided by
tho state, which would virtually be
the same thing as at present, and
would enable the compauy to con
tinue in existence. It a n deservedly
successful organization; it is in part
honorary; can only be kept up by
luird work voluntarily given by its
members and those who take some
interest in these matters, and it is
the least the county cau do to moder
ately assist in an effort to keep up au
organization which is manifestly for
common good.
A Bonanza for As-enta.
Convertible wire baskets. -The
newest and best selling novelty ever
introduced. Two hnndred thousand
already sold east. Agents wanted.
Samples by mail, 50 cents. Sole
agents Pacific Coast, Moore & Co.,
425 Montgomery street. San Fran
cisco. The DeviPa Anrtlou.
(Daltlmore Dally New.-.)
"The Devil's Auction," a very beau
tiful fniry-speotacular comedy, with a
sort of Arabian-Night plot, was pro
duced at the Holhday street theater
last night, before au unusually large
attendance. Tho production can
scarcely be termed a repetition of
'The Devil's Auction" seen here last
season, for it has undergone changes
that amount to a thorough recon
struction. Every feature of tho per
formance is marked by a change, and
the alterations constitute an immense
improvement The premiers and bal
lets met with great favor, and were
simply grand. The contortionist is
very fine. The acrobats marvellous,
and the costumes gorgeous. The
spectacular portion of "The Devil's
auction is grand ana is tne oest on
the road. The play will continue
the Holliday street theater during
the week, and the engagement will
undoubtedly be a big success.
Reserved seats at the New York
Novelty Store.
A Glltfor 111.
In order to give all a chance to test It,
and thus be convinced of i's wonderful
curative powers, Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, will be, for a limited timp, given
away. This offer is not only liberal,
but shows unbounded faith iu the mer
its of this great .remedy. AH who suf
fer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption.
Asthma. Bronchitis, or any affection of
Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially
requested to call at W. E. Dement & Co.'s
Drug Store, and .get a Trial Bottle Free,
Large Bottles Si,
Astoria Illustrated, aud Au It Is.
PoitTl.A.Ni, Ogn. July 1st 1887.
This is to certify that Joe Pinschow-
er is hereby appointed sole agent for
tne saie oi tne lortncomiug Astoria
number of the West Shore. All orders
for said number should be sent' to him,
as no orders will be filled from our
Portland office.
L. Samuel,
Publisher West Shore.
The Astoria number of tbe West Shore
Is now due. All orders will be filled at
the New York Novelty Store. Call
eariy anu cet wuat copies you may
wish co senu 10 your rnenas ana reia
tlves, as the supply is limited.
Joe Pinschoweb,
New York Novelty Store,
Astoria, Ogu.
Oysters Iu Every Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard &. Stokes'.
A New And Enlarged Mork of
Choice Brands or Clears.
Imported Key West and domestic All
tastes can be satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. TansIU'sPunch and
Junior's in vll supply as usual at
1). L. Beck & Sons.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
Cool Beer
Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. Grat-
All the patent medicines advertised
Iu this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocident
hotel, Astoria.
For a Time Disk of Ico Cream
Go to the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Judge E. D. Shattuck is in the city.
J. W. Hume expects to go to the
Coquille next week.
Sam'l Benn, of Aberdeen, came
over yesterday.
Rev. Geo. C. Hall has roturned from
a visit to eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Scott Swetland,of Vancouver,
is visiting friends in tho city.
Mrs. E. Johnson and family are at
Parker's camp at the Seaside.
Sam'l Elmorp has returned from
the southern part of the state.
Harl Aaier returned yesterday from
a trip through eastern Oregon.
The barge Atlas is taking on 300,
000 brick at Vancouver for this city.
Mr. Alex. Baillie and family came
down from Portland yesterday after
noon. Dr. J. A. Fulton has returned from
Europe and will resume practice the
first of August
In Brief, And to tbe Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of tho most complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, and many
ether things which ought not to be,
have made the American people a
nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work iu reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Remember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
Sallow Scarce at San Fraud c.
San Francisco, July 27. Nine
wheat-laden ships are waiting for
crews. The scarcity of deep-water
sailors interferes with their departure
and unless an over due fleet of vessels
arrives shortly, they are likely to be
at anchor for a considerable length
of time.
Kcnc-ji-s ner Youth.
Mrs. Phiebc Chesley. Peterson, Clay
CoM Iowa, tells the following story, the
truth of which is vouched for by the
residents of the tewn: "I am 7.1 years
old, have boon troubled with kidney
complaint and lameness for many
years: could not dress myself without
help. Now 1 am free from all pain and
soreness, and am able to do all my own
housework. 1 owe my thanks to
Electric Hitters for having renewed my
youth, and removed completely all dis
ease and pain."
Try a bottle, only SOc. at V. E. De
ment & Co.'s Drug Store.
Carry In Stock,
I'Meriptlons carefully Compounded
To LiverpoolDirect
The flue. Ilrst class iron barque
AaI at Lloyds IOS0 tons roglstcr
Goes on tho berth Immediately and wil
have good despatch for Uvernnol. For
ireigm nopiy, vou.mj & uu.
or to A. Y. BERItY. Portland.
Does a General Banking Business
Drafts Drawn Available In any part of
tho World.
W. F. Armbruster
Clocks, Jewelry and Musical
Repaired on the Shortest Notice at Kea
snnable Hates.
ChenaHius St., next to Spexarth's Gun store.
Mrs. Campbell
Does all kinds of Plain Sewing and Mend
ing aUhe shortest notice. Opposite Salva
tion A'rtny Barracks, Astoria.
Look Here Boys.
It yon want a neat fitting Suit of Clothes,
Merchant Tailor.
Hating Jnst-"recelved a complete assort
ment of
Foreign and Domestic Suitings.
Sometliing Entirely New.
T am prepared to makeup Suit3 cheaper
than the cheapest.
Give me a call and be convinced that I
mean what I say.
Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets,
east oi C. H. Cooper's.
flfltkcillllHlmliHEi2f oBl ImbmPEn'
JlllMUm s9JSHH
The Leading House of the City.
I'll Tell Ma!
That is what a young Lady said
when she looked through
the different styles of
In my store, and found, that
the were so very pretty and cheap
Whenever you need anything in
this iine.
Don't Forget
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
T" .-
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest -"
and Finest stocks of 7 ".-..
Men's Youths'
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our StOGk is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very lowest.
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish, and
We are
We at
W ara
Doing Business for Fun!
W au making money
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if youbuy
of us once you will come again.
D, L. Beck & Sons.
Boys Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.
; --"
-4 Wa3L