m Sfte Satin Estonian. ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY JULY 29. 1887 COUNTY FINANCES. Ik another column is given an offi cial statement o the condition of the county's finances, consisting of. con densed abstracts of reports of the sheriff, treasurer and clerk. From the treasurer's report vre find that on the beginning of the fiscal year there was on hand the sum of 15,791.99, and that during the fiscal year just ended there was paid into his hands the sum of $50,231.40. During the same time he paid out $55,971.03; there is now cash on hand to the amount of $10,055.34 Of this $10, 055.31, about half is applicable to pay warrants; about 81,600 of it is held to pay warrants long since advertised as having hadinterest stopped on them, but not yet presented; the remainder is in the school fund and due in Sa lem on state taxes of 188G. Exhibit No. 3 is a very creditable one to the county court According to this the total expenses of the fiscal year, ending July 1st, 1887, was a little over $17,000, and included in this, is $2,269 expense of putting the court houso and county offices in proper repair, which, according to the report, would make the cost of run ning the county for the last year, in round numbers, $15,000. The items in exhibit 3 show that the expenses in several important details have been kept down. The happy absence of criminal trials, eta, at the sessions of the circuit court, and the careful su pervision of the circuit judge, has en abled a modification of the. usual heavy bills attending a session of the court, and tho reduced expense bills of other branches of the county serv ice will be noted with gratified interest by taxpayers. Tho figures make it look as if by a judicious continuation of economy the county would sometime bo ena bled to throw off the incubus of debt which has been gradually augmenting , and which has been and is grievously felt in tiie comparatively heavy taxa tion made necessary. Eeference to exhibit 2 shows that during tho year the treasurer has paid $32,359.38, principal and interest of county orders that were issued prior to July 1st, 1886. This is a large sum of money, but it is paid now, and that much wiped out It would increase the clearness of the report were it possible to know just what amount of indebtedness in the shape of county warrants is still outstanding. In a statement subjoined to the re port the county court says that the debt of the county at tho beginning of the fiscal year of 1886-7, was over $10,000 more than the report and es timate made at the time, and that as near as can bo estimated the present debt of the county is over $52,000 this after paving in principal and in terest over $32,000. There is but one way to get out of debt and that is by a continuance of reduced expenses and provision for the payment of the $50,000 and odd still remaining. It is but just to say that the judge of the circuit court, the justices -of the peace, and all the county and pre cinct officers have co-operated with the county court in this matter and made the expenses of the year as near the minimum as. possible. - It is only by such co-operating on tho part of the public as well as efforts of tho officials that the county can get out of debt During the year there has been a reduction in principal and in terest of over $20,000, tho most grati fying exhibit we have been able to chronicle for some time. Economy is as necessary in tho management of public business as private business. The rejection of unjust and outrageous claims, the scrutiny and supervision of all de mands, the wise direction of expendi tures and the consciousness of how rapidly unchecked expenses accumu late, are matters familiarly necessary to every business man in his every day business. They are equally neces sary to be borne in mind by those who administer the public business. Economy is not stinginess nor the saving of money by not spending it To save $5 or $5,000 by refusing to spend it isn't economy. Economy is only another name for good manage ment If it is well to save five cents, if the spending of five cents is not necessary, save the five cents; that is economy. If it is necessary or need ful to Bpend ten thousand dollars, spend it, pay it out at once; that is economy. This is a fact generally recognized and understood and in the practical application of this economy lies the solution of all financial diffi culties and the attainment of prosper ity, public and private. - Indlgesion or Constipation. A few HAMBURG FIGS are all that is necessary for the cure of the severest cases of indigestion or con stipation, and one taken occasionly will prevent the development of these affectionB. 25 cents. At all drug gists J. J, Mack & Co., proprietors, FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Coanty Fnnds For Quarter EhiIIbr July 1st, 1887. SHKBIFF'S BEPOHT. W. Q. Ross, Sheriff, in nocouut with Clatsop county. DB. To delinquent tax roll of 1885, per report April '87 $4,768 85 To am't due on roll of 1886 par samereport.13,194 EG $17,933 -11 COKTBi. CB. By treasurers receipt "No. 126 $5,548 78 By treasurers receipt No. 129 8,918 SC By treasurers receipt No. 132 1,72155 By erroneous assess ments and loss on sales for taxes 1,1C7 39 By am't still due on l8S5roil 4,708 85 By am't still due on 18S6roll 833 48 $17,963 41 Recapitulation for the year ending July o, loot. DB. To am't delinquent taxroll for year 1885.$8,04G 01 To tax roll of 18SS ....44.445 45 $52,491 46 OONTEA. CB. By am't collected on tax roll of 1885 $3,277 1G By am't collected on tax roll of 1886 42,174 83 By am't errors and loss on roll and correc tions 1,432 09 By am't due on roll 1835 4,7C3 85 By am't due on roll 1836 833 4H $52,491 46 Wm. Q. Rosa, Sheriff. By Thos. G. Boellino, Deputy. teeisubeb'b befobt. Isaao Bergman, Treasurer, in account witu Ulatsop county. DB. To am't on hand per last report April '87.$29,C63 CI To receipts from all sources 11.936 34 $41,599 95 CONTB1. OB. By warrants paid $19,212 Gi By Int. on same paid 3,212 71 By school orders " G,100 80 Bv state taxes " 3,018 49 By bal. in gen'l fund. 7,928 71 " " school " . 2,126 C3 $41,599 95 Recapitulation for the year ending July 8, 1887. To am't on hand per the report July 11, 1886 $15,794 99 To receipts of taxes.. 45,452 04 " for liquor licenB63 900 00 To receipts for fines, fees and costs 1,689 86 To recipts poll taxes. 403 00 " from state treasurer 1,786 50 G6,i)26 39 OOKTBA. CB. By paid on state taxes$10 ,054 64 " Int on bonds (coin) 800 00 By paid school orders. 8,174 10 " county " .82,681 93 " Int. on same.. 4,253 88 By cash on hand 10,055 34 $66,026 39 Isaac Bebqhix, County Treasurer. glebe's bbpobt. C. J. Trenohard, County CJorlc in ac count with Clatsop county. DB. To bal. on hand per re port April 1887 $29,663 61 To received for licen ses 100 00 To received fines, fees and costs 247 65 To received for 1 safe. 400 00 " ' " taxes.11,188 69 $41,599 95 OONTBA. OB. By am't paid state treasurer 3,018 49 By am't paid school orders G,100 80 By am't paid warrants fund -A" 18,503 83 By am't paid interest on same 3,206 05 By am't paid warrants fund"B" 708 73 By am't paid interest on same 6 CG By cash on hand 10,055 34 541,599 95 Expenses for quarter Clerk's offioe $ 31 65 Sheriffs office 1,066 03 Circuit court C4 25 County court 1,943 70 Public property 479 87 Incidentals and Int... 1,903 66 Insane and paupers. . . 493 12 Coroners office 94 25 Assessor's office 37 50 Roads and bridges 713 CO Justioes of the Peace . . 759 CO $7,587 13 C. J. Teexchaed, County Clerk. m AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT Or The Finances Of The Coanty. No.l. fm. G. Ross, sheriff, in account with Clatsop ceunty: To tax roll year of 18S6. Value of all proper ty, 2,111,423 00. - Tax for state, 1.19-20 mills S 4,093 26 Tax for university, 2-30 mills 209 91 Tar for school, 4 mills 8,396 42 " county debt C mills 10,495 52 Tax for expenses, 10 mills 21,250 34 Total levy, 21 1-20 mills Total tax to be pol'd $44,445 45 COXTXl. By cash collected and paid per receipt of Treasurer 42,174 83 By error footing tax roll aad extensions thereon 583 35 By double assessment thereon 306 54 By loss on property ad vertised for sale ... . 537 20 By am't delinquent tax for which an alias warrant is issued... 838 48 $44,445 45 Wm. G. Rosa, Sheriff. By Txos. Q. BoKixnco, Deputy. No. 2. Isaac Bergman, County Treasurer, in account with Clatsop coanty. 1885, July 2. To bat cash on hand. .15,794 99 " cash for taxes, 1885. 3,277 16 1886.42,174 83 To cash for liquor li censes 900 00 To cash for fines, for feitures, costs and fee3,eto 1,189 86 To cash sale of 2 safes 500 CO To cash for poll tax collected 403 00 To cash from State Treasurer for school. 1,786 CO -$66,026 39 COKTEA. By school orders paid. 8,174 10 By state tax 1835 paid in full 7,036 15 By stato tax 1886 paid on account 3,018 49 By int. on bonds paid incoin . 800 00 By county orders paid, issued prior to July, 1836 28,153 76 By int. paid on same.. 4,205 C2 By county orders paid issued since July re port, 1886 4,535 17 By int. paid on same. . 47 76 By cash on hand.-. 10,055 34 $66,026 39 Am't in school fund ..S2.126 63 " due state tax 1886 1,284 53 " county orders ad vertised and not pre sented 1,593 62 Am't in county fund to pay warrants 5,045 41 $10,055 34 IsAAO BeBOMAN, County Treasurer. No. 3. Expenses of Clatsop county for the year from July court, 1886, to July court, i 1087, inclusive. Warrants issued as follews: Expense of Circuit court $2,625 Ci Expenso of Justice's court 1,575 88 Expense of prisoners board, etc 1,634 11 Expense of coroner's office 293 80 Expense of assessor's otfioe 1,037 55 Expense of insane and paupers 1,487 76 Expense of clerk's of fice.' 278 90 Expenso of county court including of ficers' fees and sal aries 3,527 70 Expenses of roads and bridges 1,117 50 Expense of Co. "H" O. N.G COO 00 Expense of taxes of James Taylor refun dedl8S6 376 26 Expense of fuel, wa ter, light and record books 372 62 Expense of public property, repairs, and improvements to court house and jail 2,269 99 Tnlal ATnAnAAnf mnn. ty for fiscal year. . . . $17,202 59 Warrants drawn for debts prior to July 188a ... 71195 Interest on bonds paid by orders 800 00 Supervisors of roads for the year 1885 paid by warrant 500,00 Rebate on liquor li censes refunded .... 323 00 $2,334 95 Total am't of warrants issued by the county court during year ending July 8, '87... No. 4. $19,537 54 Cost and expense of repairs to the county court house, including the additions thereto, and the vault in the county clerk's office. COST OF VAULT. Iron on safe door $ 152 09 Stone for foundation. 25 00 Machinist on iron work 38 CO Hauling brick, etc. . . . 55 75 Iron roofing 15 05 Brick, lime and cement and bricks for vault. 169 63 Laying bricks 114 85 Laying stone 62 50 Pigeonholes 62 00 Plastering 12 48 $707 96 County court, jury, clerk's Circuit court and Circuit judges rooms. Contract building .... $ 650 00 plastering 107 85 Carpenter work Tin work and fittings. Lumbar Paints and painting. . Counters and joiner work Graining and papering Gas fittings Chairs for jury and grand jury room. . . . Windows, curtains, etc Painting jail roof, eto Linoleum and repairs in clerk's office 74 78 97 33 25 25 187 25 71 W 53 CO 33 92 72 35 29 75 42 CO 49 00 Repairs to jail and streets, eto C8 41 Total cost of all im provements and re pairs Less 2 safes sold for. . S1.561 94 $2,269 90 .C00 00 S1.769 90 No.; Nominal assets of the county Delinquent tax rolls of 1884 and 1835 $4,763 85 Still due on the roll of 1886 833 48 Claim against the Btate for indigent poor ac count 846 43 $6,453 76 State op Obeooh, ) countx of cuitsop. ) This certifies that the foregoing ex hibit numbered and marked No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, are correct and that the same have been examined by us and carefully com pared with the vouohers, reports and books, in the clerk's office and the same are open for inspection. The debt of the county on July 3, 1886, was some $10, 293.68 greater than reported and esti mated at that time. The debt of the county at this time must be (as near as wa can estimate from old accounts and books kept prior to July 1, 1886) about $52,527.57 without interest. Making a reduction of the debt of tho county f 16,158.47 principal and the payment of 4.205.62 interest. Witness our hands July 16, 1887. C. H. Page, County Judge. J. G. Nubkbebo, E. O. Caow, Commissioners. ( ) Attest: Seal O. J. Tbbkcbabd. ' """" ' County Clerk. JEFF'S United States Restaurant is tbe beat and cheapest in Astoria. The Crystal Palace CJSLB.lt ABLER, Manager. Fancy Goods, Gold and Silverware, Books, Stationery, Notions, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. The Latest Publications Gonsfantiy Received. An Experienced Watchmaker in the Repair Department. Everything at Lowest Prices. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED A. V. ALLEN; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tbe Largest and finest nssortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. llecoived fresh every Steamer. CITY BOOK The Finest Line of BLANK BOOKS Tn the city. 1TOTZOXTS. Sheet Music And Musical Instruments CBJFFI2T & REED Meals Cooked lo Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. What! Do Yon Think Jeff-of thoiU. is. gives you a raeal for nothing and a glass of something to drink ? Not much; but he gives the best raeal and more of it than anv other restaurant in town. 25 cents. Telephone Lodging House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week $1.50? New and clean. Private entrance. Ice, Ice, Ice. . Ice for sale at reasonable ratas in quantities to suit. Apply to A. W. Utzmger, Cosmopolitan saloon. Pic Nic and Excursion. THE SCANDINAVIAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY Will Give a Grand Excursion and Pic Nic TO KNAPPA AND RETURN ON Sunday, July 31st. 1887.' Tho S. 0. Ileal has been chartered and every arraiiReineiit has been made to Insure a Pleasant time to all participating. There wu. lie Dancing m tne alternoon at Knapp.s Hall. Steamer returns at 6 o'clock. Hound Trip Ticket t: Ladles, - Fifty Cents. " " dents. - One Dollar. Tickets may be had of any memberof the Society. Committee of Arrangements. , Augr, JanIelson, M. Olsen. Frank Eck lund. Eric Johnson, Jno. M. Olsen. The boat will leave the O. It. S N. Dock at 0 X. M. and will make landings at Booth's and Scandinavian Canneries both ways. Tho Western Amateur Band Has been engaged and Will Accompany Tho Excursion (For one Evening, Only.) Saturday, July 30. The Giant of all Shows. W.J.CILMORE'S (Sreat New York Production of The Devil's Auction, -OR- riie Golden Branch, Interpreted by a Company of 45 PEOPLE, 45 Introducing The Grand EnglUk Ballets, Startling; Specialties, Huge EeTolTlng Scenery, Coitimes, Properties, Ac, Coming direct from San Francisco per Steamship Columbia, PRICKS-50 Cents, 75Cetiand Si. Sale of Saats open Thursday. July 28th, at 9 x, m. at The New York Novelty wore. Boss Opera House STORE. Novelties in STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS AND School Supplies, VARIETY GOODS. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS Anil Dealers in Special Attention CIvento Filling Of orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city, Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA. OREGON. For Rowing or Sailing The fine boat Pride of The Columbia can be engaged during the season for boat ing or sailing parties. Apply to Tn0S. WARD. THE TRAVELERS MBANCE GO Of Hartford, Conn. Presents to the Travelling Public the fol lowing Valuable Concessions, viz : (SO -flQf) In case r Accidental 3;000 3,000 1,000 lu case of lass of both Eyes, two entire Feet, or two entire Hands. In event of loss of one entire band, or one entire foot, and Per week, as formerly. In case of a totally disabling Injury. $ B15 Tickets, 25c per Day or 84.P0 for Thirty Days, FOR SALE by A. BALMANNO, At-illnerlcan News Depot. Local Agent. Are You Insured? J.w O. Bozorth Writes Insurance Policies In Reliable Fire Insurance companies that give Absolute Protection in case of Fire. Strike It Rich! BUY YOUR Groceries Provisions of Foard & Stokes Their largely increasing trade enables them to sell at the very lowest margin of profit while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. Cannery Supplies Empire Store. Bargains in Ready Made Clothing, 25 Men's and Youths' odd suits to $11 and $13, and are all wool desirable suits. We carry a full line of JHark J)re.s. suits which nrc sold for llio lowest casft trices. Our Line of Dry f Fancy Goods LS CO.MPI.ETL. Cotton, V'ooIen and Muslin Underwear, .Shetland and Embroidered New port Shawls m all colors. Ladies short Wrap?, Calico Wrappers, Fancy, Gins ham and Calico Aprons, Silk Embroidere.l stand covers. A fine lot of Embroideries just opened. r- ,5 h2yiS.t,,ie !?,rfijs' and finest lot of Silk Tlm-ad and Twist, Embroidery and knittim; Silk in all shades and colors, to be found in Astoria. W.T. M - flLlN - BOOTS and SHOES Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Sole Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Donenla Kid Boys and 1 outba Shoes of all Kinds, Mis-es and Children and Infant 'heels, and .Spring heels. WE 1EA, IX BOOTS AS1 SHOES OHLT. P. .1. GOODMAN. The Celebrated Specialist of The Vanmonciscar Private Dispensary, Portland, Or., Is now in this city, The Doetor Is known as the Most Successful Specialist on the Pacfflc Coast. His specialty Includes all Nervous. Private and Chronic Diseases, such as Nervous and Physical Debility. Exhausted Vitality, Diseases or KIdnevs, liver. Lunes Heart, and Stomach, Premature decline in Man. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Dr. Clark's peculiar treatmentof all Female Troubles, symptoms of which are : Back ache. Burning pain on top of head, feeling of debility, general woanness, lassitude, low spirits, feeling or languor, nervousness, is the mast successful and legitimate known to medical science. Microscopical Examinations and Chemical Analysis of tho urine are made in all cases taken to discover all the complications oefore ivatt are guaranteed. Consultation Free. Booms at Parker House. : Hk B. PARKER, DKALER IN Hay, Oats, ani Straw, Lie, Brici, Cement, Sanrl and Plaster Wood Dellrered to Order. IER apply to the Captain, or to Men's Furnishing Goods, Mens Clothing of all Kinds. At Phil. A. Stokes Co.'s. Hats, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear, TRUNKS, ETC. a "vjdr-t Xj.a.:ex.g-:ei stock, Veryiow Prices. (First door east -of Foant & Stokes.) Anything that a nmn needs in Clothing, at Bottom Prices. ASTORIA Planing Mill. HOLT & CO. Proprietors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS, SASH DOORS, BLINDS. RAILS. BALUSTERS. NEWEL POSTS. BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, Boat Material, etc, Orders solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed as to StyleQuall ty and Prices. Mill and Office eor. Polk nnd Concomly streets, Astoria, Oregon. marked down from SI6 and $18 PARKER. AG - IEH. Drajlnp, Teaming and Express BailatM. STEAMER CLARA nun Eben P. Parher,Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orOHAfc B. B. FAKUKK. -A.. STOSXIS eto OO. BARGAINS. Business Bargains. THE NeAv York Novelty Store OFFERS Genuine Bargains In Books, Stationery, Fanoy Goods, aad General Notions. We are satisfied wltaa small profit over original cost, aad want you to buy what you need In our line ot as, It Is for your Interest to do so. A full line of Novelties. Playing Cards, Blank Books, Musical Instruments, Toys, etc. A Large Stock of Btby Carriaftf. THE New York Novelty Stor. 1 J - 3L- -fc.. -4m-- -V-3tJ w.