The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 28, 1887, Image 3

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Wkt gaitg gtoran.
JlIA 28, lbS7
Lumber is now being shipped from
this northwest section as far east as
Albany, New York.
At Oysterville, Yaquina bay, Jas.
Williams is putting a cannery into
shape to begin on tho fall pack.
The Nestucca cannery in charge of
Joe Thomas, will, it is expected, start
operations about the 1st of next
The Lone Star Canning company
have arrived at Siuslaw and will be
gin -work as soon as their material is
all in place.
The current number of Harper's
Weekly has a goad picture of the
late Ben Holladay and an interest
ing sketch of his life.
"The Devil's Auction" at Ross'
opera house next Saturday night.
Reserved seats at the New York Nov
elty Store, beginning at nine this
The Seattle Packing company is
putting up a largo cannery near Five
mile rock in the vicinity of Seattle,
and expects to get to work about Au
gust 15th.
In the police court yesterday Gus
Bagos forfeited $20 bail on a charge
of drunkenness, aud Patsy Bolivar
helped the city out $10 worth in pre
cisely the same way.
The Astoriaj acknowledges the
receipt of an invitation to attend a
meeting of newspaper men at Ya
quina on August 12th and 13th, the
intention of the meeting being to
form a state press association.
The body of John Kossen, who was
drowned at Snag Island last Tuesday
afternoon, was recovered that even
ing and brought to this city yester
day where it was given interment by
the fishermen's union, of which de
ceased was a member.
The "work of tearing down tho old
buildings southwest corner Chena
mus and Cass streets, to make room
for Capt. Flavel's new building, be
gan yesterday. The corner "was oc
cupied as a" store by Job Ross, in
1855, and now makes room for a more
substantial structure.
The Scandinavian Benevolent So
ciety will have an excursion and pic
nic afKnappa next Sunday. The
boat which has been chartered for the
day will leave the O. R. & N. dock at
nine o'clock a. m., and will make two
landings at Upper Astoria, one at
Booth's cannery, and again at the
Scandinavian cannery.
The WdllusJii brought around a
raft of 200 M feet from mayor Trull
inger's logging camp on the Wallus
ki yesterday- It is fine material, run
ning from 40 to 50 per cent, clear
lumber. The railroad is working
successfully and satisfactorily. Yes
terday it put in 60,000 feet ready for
rafting down to the mill.
So many people have died of eating
ioe cream that scientists have made
special inquiry and examination. It
appears that, sometimes, from contact
with the zinc in the freezer, there is
developed tyrotoxicon, which is
poison. The latest report is that if
the mixture is boiled before being
frozen no injurious effects can result.
C. R. F. P. U.
There will be a general meeting of
the OolumbiaBiver Fishermen's Pro
tective union at Ross opera house at
two o'clock p. m. on Monday, August
1st, 1887. All members are requested
to be present and bring their books
and receipts with them.
By order Executive Board.
AiiEX. Sotton, Secretary.
Do You Want Your Flue Cleaoctl ?
If you do T. Clifton will do the job
neatly and cheap. Leave orders at
Astoriak office.
Respectable House Keeper
German preferred. Apply al this
Girl Wanted.
To do general housework. Inquire at
residence of Mrs. R. It. Marion. -
A Sumij- Room
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Gainbrinus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cent
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
House to Bent.
A newly fitted house, six rooms, well
arranged: situated on Cedar street,
opposite Robt. Carruthers. For terms,
etc- apply at this office.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
AH There!:
Ice cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
of the city: $2.50 a gallon.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
What is better than a glass of liquor ?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
De Yea Want Your Flue Cleaned r
If you do J. Lavalee will do the job
neatly and cheap. Leave ordeis at
The Astorian office.
Girl Wanted.
To sew in tailor shop. Apply to Thos.
The finest and nicest steak to bo had
in town utFabre's.
Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
The President Will Yisit Eansas Oity.
Mui e Strainer). fcu;.iit i.y thrf.P.Railroail
New Yoi:k, July 27. A Ha aid
special from Newport, Rhode Island,
says: Tho board appointed by secre
tary of the Navy Whitney to inspect
the" new government cruiser Atlanta,
met on board last Msnday and the
official report will bo made public in
a few days. The result of the labors
of the board may be summarized as
follows; The ship at present is prac
tically useless: her structure appears
to be strong and free from weakness,
but her armament is Jiorsdu combat.
The deck of the vessel remains intact,
the gun carriages, clip circle and
clips will have to be repaired before
any further tests can be made. This
portion of the fittings of the vessel,
evidently, aro not intended to retard
the recoil of the gans and the dam
age done is in excess of what was
reasonable. This is manifest from
the location of the six-inch guns:
that if the eight-inch gnna weie in
perfect order the six-inch guns would
bo idle, as it would be impossible to
work both guns nt tho same time.
The smaller secondary battery is also
useless while either the eight or the
six-inch gtms are fired. The result is
that tho Atlanta as a vessel of war,
as far as her armament is now ar
ranged, is absolutely worthless.
Baittimobe, Md., July 27. The
Democratic state convention to nom
inate candidates for governor, comp
troller and and attorney general, as
sembled in this city to-day. Reso
lutions were adopted endorsing the
administration of Cleveland and urg
ing the Maryland delegates in con
gress to work for a reduction of ua
tional taxation; opposing the intro
duction of foreign paupers and
convicts; calling for an election iaw
embodying the principal feature of
the Tildeu law, and such other pro
visions as will assure the purity of
elections. Thus far the names or
James Hodges, L. Victor Baughinnn.
Frank Brown, Stevenson Archer and
Elilm .lackson have been presented
to the convention for the nomination
of governor, bat no ballot ha-, been
New Yokk, July 27. An Ottawa
special says tho announcement is
made that a messenger in the house
of commons named Bell has entered
action against sir Charles Tupper,
minister of finance, on behalf of his
wife, for detective service she per
formed for sir Charles, aud is causing
a great sensation here. Bell said yes
terday sir (Juarles having cuarged
him with attempted blackmail, he is
now publishing a pamphlet in which
he intends to show up the character
of sir Charles anda member of parlia
ment named Colyb, who at one time
were boarders at his house.
Washington, July 27. A delega
tion from Kansas City called at the
White House shortly afternoon to
day to invite the president to visit the
city during his eastern tour in Octo
ber. The president accepted the in
vitation, for a date to bo hereafter
fixed betwepn tho 1st and loth of Oc
Berlin, July 27. Reports on the
condition of the crown prince Freder
ick William aro to tho effect that he
is progressing rapidly toward health.
He has no difficulty in speaking, but
his physicians advise him to exercise
great care.
Berlin, July 27. Emperor Will
iam, the queen of Spain, prince Bis
marck and Senor Conotas Castillo
have received the pope's gold medals
in memory of the Caroline Islands
Berlin, July 27. Count Kalnoky
and ministers Lutz and Cralisheim of
Bavaria will visit prince Bismarck at
London, July 27. George Bidwell,
recently sentenced to life imprison
ment for forging bank of England
notes, has been Teleased from confine
ment on the grounds of ill health,
and sailed for New York on Saturday
London, July 27. The Arabian
press has announced that king John
of Abysainia has asked tho queen,
through a British resident at Aden,
to mediate between Italy and Abys
City of Mexico, July 27. The
2'lempo resumed publication this
morning after eleven days suspen
sion. The Tiempo thanks the
family of the late president Juarez
for intervention on its behalf of its
imprisoned staff. The charge was
that the paper had made itself liable
to civil and criminal proceedings for
having attacked the memory of
Jnarez. The editor in chief, Agueros,
is still in prison.
San Fkaxcisco, July 27. The
Canadian Pacific company has pur
chased the three fine steamers that
formerly ran between Antwerp and
Mediterranean ports. The vessels
will trade from San Diego aud San
Francisco to Vancouver, but cannot
take local business between American
ports as they will not carry the
American flag. They are expected to
arrive within a few months.
Gloucester, Mass., July 27. The
fine of four hundred dollars imposed
on the schooner Annie W. Hadgdon
for alleged violation of the Canadian
customs laws, has been paid by the
agent of the vessel.
For the very best pictures go to H. S.
The best
oysters in an style at
Private Rooms.
The rooms of the chamber of com
merce are being carpeted, papered,
and refurnished. School distriot No.
12, on Young's river, is having some
new desks and school furniture made.
Fred Sherman is digging the
foundation for the new three-story
brick corner Main and Chenamus
streets. The streets are dusty.
Salmon don't come in any plentier.
A good many of the fishermen have
ceased operations this season. Tho
whole town is getting a coat of paint
this summer. The Tarn CTShanter is
on the way: she has 125 tons Califor
nia hay aboard. There was a heavy
swell in the water opposite the city
yesterday: probably a strong wind
outside. Over a dozen new dwelling
houses going up in different parts of
the city. Travel to the seashore has,
thi3 season, been comparatively light:
cool weather. School district No.
18 will have a business meeting
August 6th. Outside canneries are
making active preparations for a run
to tho full extent of their capacity
this fall The Astoria Gaslight com
pany has telegraphed for a diver to
locate and repair a leak in their tank.
Large shipments of salmon go over
laud daily. The city council has un
der present discussion somo excellent
ordinances. Further justice court
proceedings in the Miller's Sands
case are postponed till the parties
have more time for litigation, bonds
being given for the appearanceof the
parties wanted whenever required.
Wm. Barker is building a fine resi
dence on his lot at Upper Astoria.
Considerable cannery material is still
being shipped to Alaska. Good but
ter is scarce at 50 cents a roll. Can
taloupes are in tho market at way-up
prices. The new steamer Frolic is
being decked and housed at the slip
south of the O. B. & N. dock. Silver
change, two-bit pieces, especially, are
plentier than in the early summer.
Seats at the New York Novelty Store
for Saturday night's spectacular play.
Tho Astoria Gaslight Co. is going
ahead with the construction of its
new works under the superintendence
of J. E. Mayo. Shad have been un- j
nsuallv scarco in the Columbia this
season. Co. "H," O. N. G., had a
good drill la3t night: the members all
taking interest in tho matter. The
police court room is being cleared up
and fumigated. The healthful exer
cise of horseback riding is indulged
in to a considerable extent in Astoria
this season. Great piles of firewood
line the streets on every hand: con
siderable quantities of it is being
hauled from over the hill and deliv
ered from scows on the dock. Nick
Clinton has his engine and driver all
ready to drive piles for Capt Flavel's
new brick this week. There
are eight ministers of the
Gospel regularly located here
now. J. Douglass is nt the buoy
depot busy putting Uncle Sam's
light house property in repair.
There have been G9 deaths in this
vicinity since January 1st, 1887.
Very few occupants in either city or
county jails. Pete Olsen, the original
and only Pete Olsen, is saia to oe
heading this way from Nestucca.
There are thirteen beneficial organi
zations in Astoria. But little grad
ing or street work has been done this
summer. The Scandinavian Benevo
lent society will have a pleasant time
on their picnic next Sunday. The
mail boat arrived down at 4:30 yes
terday afternoon. The fakirs, street
operators and other beats have let
the town pretty well alone this
month. Verv few marriage licenses
are being issued. Thistles in the'
vicinity of Union town are a spreud-
mg uuisance that yearly increases in
area. American ships are carrying
lumber from the Sound to San Diego
for S7 a thousand. Astoria is the
coolest and pleasantest oity in the
United States in summer and has tho
most equable climate in winter.
Only one runaway yesterday: horse
with sulky, ran around block, threw
driver ont, fell down, up again: little
damage: several children scared
Steamer Gen. Garfield goes to Tilla
mook to ply on the bay. Many boats
lying idle alongside canneries: but
little inducement to go out No.
One's Amoskeag is still out of service.
That new stable of Capt Flavel's
looks more stylish outside than an
ordinary dwelling house. Sherman
and Ward are doing a rushing busi
ness. The salmon vessels aro fast
fillinc up with cargo. The school-
houses are netting a good coat of
paint inside and out The sale of
seats at the New York Novelty Store
olosesatG:45 Saturday evening: first
come, first served. A man is coming
from New York with SIO.OOO to start
a ziupiCE iac&ory. a nre is sum com
fortablo of evenings.
A Gill for .til.
In order to give all a chance to test it
and thus' be convinced of its wonderful
curative powers, Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, will be, for a limited time, given
away. This offer is not only liberal,
but shows unbounded faith in the mer
its of thus great remedy. All who suf
fer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption.
Asthma. Bronchitis, or any affection of
Throat Chest, or Lungs, are especially
requested to call at W.E. Dement & Co.'s
Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle Free,
Large Bottles SI,
Astoria Illustrated, aud As It Is.
Portland, Ogn. July 1st 1887.
This is to certify that Joe Pinschow-
eris hereby appointed sole agent for
the sale of the forthcoming Astoria
number of the ivest Shore. All orders
for said number should be sent to him,
as no orders will be filled irom our
Portland office.
L. Samuel.
Publisher West Shore.
The Astoria number of the West Shore
is now due. All orders will be filled at
the New York Norelty Store. Call
early and get what copies you may
wish to send to your friends and rela
tives, as the supply is limited.
.Joe Pinschoweb,
New York Novelty Store,
Astoria, Ogn.
Oysters In Every Style
At the Central Eestaurant, next
Foard & Stokes'.
Ten cents for a cup of Fahre's nice
Salem, July 26. This morning Joe
Blackburn, arrested last week as
leader of the gang which lynched
Kelty, was taken to Dallas by the of
ficers for examination. Many wit
nesses were examined, among whom
were Laughlin and Sappington, of
North Yamhill, who testified, that
they had seen Blackburn at North
Yamhill as late as nine o'clock on
the evening before Kelty was lynched.
A hired man of Blackburn's
swore that he saw him in bed at 530
the next morning. Blackburn, there
fore, almost conclusively proved an
alibi. The announcement that de
fendant would be discharged from
custody was received with uproarious
applause by the crowd. It is not
probable that in view of the culmin
ation of the first attempt to success
fully apprehend and convict the
lynchers any more arrests will at
present be made.
Some Restaurant Mysteries.
Here is what Edward Harrigan says
that he heard while sitting five min
utes in aBIeecker street restaurant re
cently: "Stack er whites."
Half a minnte later a plate of buck
wheat cakes wero placed before a cus
tomer. "Boil de Micks wid de jackets on."
Ont of a soiall wicket window came
a plate of nnpeeled potatoes.
"Try a flop an' have it bloody."
That meant a rare beefsteak.
"Brass band widout de leader, four
steps and draw one in de darkP'
Ont of the wicket window came a
plate of baked beans, four slices of
bread and a cup of black coffee. A
small, tough young man, covered over
with a mantle of well-starched linen,
swaggered up to the little wicket and
yelled at the top of his lungs:
"Boil three cackles two and roll
out three steps!"
Three eggs with as many slices of
bread were handed eut:
"A mysterious stranger and one
pale Chinaman 1"
He desired a plate of hash and a
cup of tea. N. Y. Sun.
Gie Them a Chanre!
That is to say, jour lungs. Also
your breathing machinery. Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tubes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. " And what they do, they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat aud nose and head
and lung obstruction, all are bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them,
that is to take Boschee's German
Syrrip, which any druggist will sell
you at 75 cents, a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed yon, you
may depend upon this for certain.
A Sensible Child.
A few days ago atPomeroy, W. T.,
the child of P. F. Noyer, fell into a
well seventy feet deep, and had the
presence of mind to clasp the bucket
rope, which accompanied her to the
bottom. The mother, on missing the
child, went to the well and began to
turn the windlass, and so found her
child was on board the rope below.
About the time the mother gave out,
the bucket from the top met the one
I ltnlf wnv rlrnt-n nnminn rr Tiitl o
cuiia no nad presence of mind
enough to catch the descending rope
and rest her mother, who soon rallied
sufficient strength to pull her jewel
to the top. The child sustained only
a few bruises.
Famous Women.
Madame Trebelli, the greatest of
living contraltos who has traveled
extensively, in fact visited every
county and city of note in the world,
has just departed from the slope -of
the Pacific, and often expressing the
greatest admiration for the beauty
and grandeur of our Scenery and the
delightful mildness of our climate,
left the following written note as a
living expression of her opinion in
the hands of a Portland druggist, the
original of which can be seen on de
mand. Pobtland, Or., April G, 18S7.
Dear Mr. IVisdem: I have tried yonr
"Itobertine," and it give3 me much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
tbe complexion, being one or tho best
articles of tho kind I nave ever used. Be
lieve roe, yours sincerely,
Z. Trebelli.
If any further proof of the excel
lency of this article is required call on
Messrs. W.E. Dement & Co. of Asto
ria, Or., who, for the small sum of
fifty cents, will produce evidence that
will satisfy the most skeptical and
fastidious and give you a beautiful
picture card for the trouble of en
quiring. Sadden Affluence of Mr. Daley.
T. O. Daley, a aan jJiego real es
tate dealer is at the Occidental. Mr.
Daley points with pride to the fact
that he left this city for San Diego
three years ago with a railroad ticket
and a nickel, and comes back with
$100,000. S. F. Alta.
A Bonanza for Agents.
Convertible wire baskets. The
newest and best selling novelty ever
introduced. Two hundred thousand
already sold east. Agents wanted.
Samples by mail, 50 cents. Sole
agents Pacific Coast, Moore & Co.,
425 Montgomery street San Fran
cisco. All tne patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
Derfumerv. and toilet articles. etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at.J.W.
tjonirs aruc store, opposite iip'uh'ih
betel. Astoria.
Fer a Fine Dish or Ice Cream
Go to the Central Hestaurant, next "to
I Foard & Stokes'.
pppppp IIIB'
The Leading House of the City.
I'll Tell Ma!
That is what a young Lady said
when she looked through
the different styles of
In my store, and found, that
the were so very pretty and cheap
"Whenever you need anything in
this line.
Don't Forget
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest ! -and
Finest stocks of
Ever shown in Astoria.
m Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
select from
of TWO
All New, Stylish, and
We are
We are
We are
Doing Business for Fun!
We are malting money
AImIm this time.
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight: Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck Sons.
Boys Clothing,
the Largest,
perfect fitting garments.