The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 27, 1887, Image 3

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Site px& gistodatt.
.JULY T,, 15ST
. The town is full of book agents;
they nil seem to prosper.
New honse3 going up in every di
rection. Carpenters and builders nil
And now they are wondering up in
Portland if Ben Holladay left a will.
So far none has been found.
The Tacoma Ledger has a neat
new head, with a good picture of
Mount Rainier in the middle of it
"Fried cucumbers" are the latest.
A man or woman that would fry cu
cumbers would put pepper on a wa
termelon. . The flags on the vessels in the
stream were at half mast yesterday in
respect to the memorvof the late
Capt. A. D. Wass.
At the state fair at Salem in Sep
tember two prizes, one of $250 and
one of 3150 will be awarded for a
competitive military "drill.
Sailors are said to be so scarce at
Port Townsend and elsewhere that
ship owners are contemplating hav
ing their vessels towed on account of
the lack.
The Young's river falls pulp mill is
going right ahead, and the machinery
will soon be in position. In another
month, it is expected, regular ship
ments of pulp will be begun.
"Col." Dell, editor of the Democrat,
had another row last Monday with a
former employe named Goodkiud,
who claimed that Dell owed him for
work. " He hit Dell on the nose and
Dell pushed him into the gnttah.
Messrs. Eyrie, Worsley and Dunbar
got back safely from the headwaters
of the Lewis & Clarke, with 300 fish.
Two other fishing parties also re
turned with an equal number. They
didn't use gill nets; just hook and
The Oregon Sif tings thinks that it
isn't right to publish divorce sum
mons in an obsenre newspaper of no
circulation. But, my dear boy, don't
you know that obscurity is ofttimes
one of the necessary elements of suc
cess in those cases.
There is probably no city in the
United States that is freer from the
annoyances of flies, bugs, mosquitoes
and pother insects than Astoria.
Their presence is almost unknown,
and occasionally for a day or so, come
a few troublesome flies, as if to show
our usual immunity from those pests
of the house and office.
The State, bound to San Francisco,
took 200 cases salmon yesterdny
morning. The San Francisco salmon
shipments this year have been very
meager. Lumber, in the shape of
shooks, box material, lath, etc., is
the principal shipment at present.
Our Astoria mills are supplying a
fine article in that line to the San
Francisco market.
In the police court yesterday a
Mongolian damsell, a daughter of Ah
Gunn, was convicted of keeping a
bawdy house and fined $50. Kate
Armstrong, an unfortunate woman
who appeared to be demented was
arraigned, charged with . disorderly
conduct on the streets, and was dis
missed by the judge with a repri
mand," and a cajation to "go slow."
Several Chinese afflicted with the
horrible disease of leprosy have been
confined of late in the Multnomah
county pest house, and the Sif tings
is informed that these loathsome
creatures are now engaged in picking
wild blackberries between there and
the Washington county line. That
lets out the juicy blackberry from
that section for this season if -we
know ourself.
Funeral of Capt. A. D. Wass.
The funeral of Capt. A. D. WaBS
took place from coroner Boss's un
dertaking rooms at two o'clock yes
terday afternoon. Messrs. Fulton,
Beed, McTicar, Trenchard, Fox and
Robs were pall bearers. The funeral
cortege was made up of personal
friends of the deceased, and if every
one who had kindly feeling for Capt
Wass were in the procession it
would have been the longest ever
seen in this state. Arrived at the
Episcopal church, the ritual "for the
dead was gone through with by the
rector, Rev. W. S. Short, and from
there the body was conveyed to the
hillside cemetery. Many old resi
dents and pioneers in this section
were present, testifying their regard
for the genial Spirit that had passed
Do You Want Your Fine Cleaned?
If you do T. Clifton will do the job
neatly and cheap. Leave orders at Tjik
Astorian office.
Respectable House Keeper
German preferred. Apply at this
Girl Wanted.
To do general housework. Inquire at
residence of Mrs. IL K. Marion.
A Simnj' Boom
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Ilolden House.
GainbrimiN Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallerj.
House to Rent.
A newlv fitted house, six rooms, well
arranged; situated on Cedar street,
opposite Bobt. Carruthers. For terms,
etc. apply at this office.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast
Vanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
2fo Papal Interference with the K. of L.
Gkkvt Baiiinutok, July 26. A
careful inspection of the flooded area
shows f hat the devasthtion had been
considerably more wide spread than
was at first reported. When the
cloud burst the air seemed filled with
water and in an incredibly short time
the entire valley became transformed
into a white-canned lake; nearly all
the crops in the valley are destroyed
and it will take years of labor to put
the land in its former fertile condition
so deeply is it covered with stones
and sand brought down by the nu
merous laud slides. Reports regard
ing the loss of life have been exagger
ated, only one body having been
London, July 26. Articles for a
prize fight between Jacob Kilean, of
America, and Jem Smith, of England
were signed to-day. According to
the agreement the encounter is to
take place in Spain on the third day
of January next, within one hundred
miles of Madrid. Both men paid the
forfeit and the dates were fixed for
future payment. Maltoon will train
Kilean and Jemmy House will train
Smith. Each will appoint an umpire I
"nHSriif0?1!011 ihe 1
yif?,,.talHl.Ate I
Light will be allowed. The battle
ground will bo selected by mutual
Washington, July 26. In the case
of the Travelers union against the
Philadelphia and Readiug railwny
company, the interstate commerct
commission has decided that it has
jurisdiction, and dismissed the
complainf. The case involves
transportation of extra baggagt.
?a T&trn iirT
claim to have seen ex-warden Mc-
Garigiein the railway station at Mil
waukee on Suudav mornins?. and it
is now believed that he has proceed- j
ed from that point to Manitoba,
crossing the border Monday night, ?
New Yokk, July 26. -- Burku
Cochrane began his argument in the j
Jake Sharpe stay of proceedings case !
this morninir. Shame was not nres-
ent as he had spent a restless uightjting company at Loring, while we
and felt weak. auchored there, made one draw and
' -l c rnf j--i. rnL? i
the CABLE wai: to TUasilNATE. ,
Khw Yokk, July 26.
view to-dnv Dr. Nnrvin
T. . ;tn
Green suner-'
... ir:' i
; !:,. ' i, i
graph company, said negotiations
were being carried which, if sue-
cessful, will terminate the present
cable rate war in about six weeks. ;
Chicago, July 26. A special from
Fort Worth, Texas, places the liabili
ties of cattle failures mentioned in
the dispatches last night at $550,000;
assets, 115,000.
WILL race to-day.
Saratoga, July 26. The races have
been postponed until to-morrow.
Ottawa, July 26. Dr. Davidson,
who is in charge of the parties sent
out last spring to survey the bounda
ry between Alaska and the northwest
territory, writes from Yukon district
to the customs department strongly
advising the establishment of a cus
toms house and district, as the terri
tory is likely to become thickly set
tled on account of its mineral depos
its. Settlers of" both sides of the
boundaries are enjoying unrestricted
free trade.
Toronto; July 26. Professor Gold
win Smith has resigned his editorial
position on The Week. Hereafter he
will devote himself to magazine work.
Rome, July 26. The pope has de
cided that there is no ground for
papal interference with the Knights
of Labor question. He has conveyed
the announcement of this decision to
cardinal Gibbons.
London, July 26. The Times, com
menting on attorney-general Gar
land's opinion in reference to the
alien's act, says: "Our chief surprise
at this recent law is mistrust It
evinces n lack of acclimating power
in America which might be supposed
to be too sure of her ability to absorb
foreign elements to compel them to
begin offering reluctant allegiance."
London, July 26. In the first inn
ing of the cricket match yesterday
between the Durham team and the
Canadians, the score of the latter
was 134 for seven wickets.
London, July 26. Gladstone will
address the liberal radical council
Friday night.
London, July 26. Lord Charles
Beresford, junior lord of the admiral
ty, has resigned.
St. Petersburg, July 26. The
czar and czarina to-day witnessed the
launching of the iron clad Alexander
II. The vessel is 8,440 tons burden,
and will carry fourteen cannon and
ten Hotchkiss guns.
Berlin, July 26. The strengthen
ing of the fort at Cologne has been
completed. It is stated tha the
whole infantry force will be armed
with repeaters by October 1st
Attention, Co. "H," 0. N. G.
Every member of this company is
hereby ordered to appear at the ar
mory at 830 this evening, for
the purpose of drill. Bell will be
called at 9 o'clock sharp, and all fines
for non-attendance will be strictly en
forced. By order Capt. A. E. Shaw,
Girl Wanted.
To sew in tailor shop. Apply to Tho3.
Judge Seneca Smith is in the city.
E. D. McKee came down from Port
land yesterday afternoon.
Robert Watson, an old-timer in
these parts, is visiting the city.
E. B. Beck and his son Harry ar
rived overland from San Francisco
Mrs. J. C. Boss went to California
yesterday on a visit to friends in the
Golden state.
Dr. Price, of Ilwaco, was in the
city yesterday. He contemplates a
removal to Willapa about September
A New Lodge In Astoria.
Clatsop Lodge No. 113, United Or
der of Honor was instituted on Mon
day evening in the Pythian building
lodge room, by past supreme presi
dent Alex Bothenstein, with fifty-two
charter members. The following of
ficers were elected and installed:
President, A. A. Cleveland; vice-president,
C. B. Watsen: secretary, Alex
Sutton; treasurer, Mark Schlussel;
chaplain, Mrs. Snrah J. Bo3s; con
ductor, Jno, H. Johansen; inside
guardian, Frank H. Surprenant; out
side guard, Martin Olsen; past presi
president and alternate to the 6Aad
Wot California, Julius Strauss;
dent, junior. Thomas JJealey: past
past president and representative to
the Grand Lodge of California, and
; district deputy, J. C. Boss; trustees,
Wm. A- Foul, Wm. Allen, and Her
man Wise.
This is the sixth lodge that has
been instituted in this state in five
weeks by Mr. Bothenstein, with a
membership of 360. It is Mr. Koth
enstein'a intention to organize a
grand lodge in the northwest within
a year. It requires 2,000 members to
' form a grand lodge, or jurisdiction.
ov,r -ioOO members, Mr. Bothenstein
goes from here to Tacoma and beat
lie, to institute lodges there.
Salmon In Alaska.
Capt. J. C. Hunter, of the A neon,
talking of the salmon industry in
Alaska to a Press repoiter, saj's:
"The salmon run is immense, and
the packing and canning companies
are doini? a laree business. The Cut
Hi'cureu z.ouu usii. Aiiis occnpieu
itbeni the entire day.
"At TonSa3 Narrows the Cape Fox
! packing company made a haul of
packing company
f000' Thesq hauls are made early in
j feSS S w y
cl?tanp,ad pck them.
V ?" "" u" -l"ef.B " il UIU
, caiuuusumem wuicu m ruuiuiig iu
its utmost.
"The Chilcat packing compauy at
Chilcat is getting all the salmon it
can handle. The Chilcat Indians,
who are fishing for the company, ob
jected to the wholesale catchiug of
fish with traps in the river, and de
manded toll of the company, but the
matter has been adjusted.
"One of the prettiest sights I kuow
of was the shoals of salmon which
were visible from the steamship deck
at night Millions of the finny tribe
would go darting and dancing
through the water, leaving a phospho
rescent wake of the greatest bril
liancy." Drowned At Snag Island.
Yesterday afternoon, at Snag Isl
and, near Miller's Sands, about ten
miles up the river, John Bossen saw
his boat go adrift and went out to
save it. While in the water he ap
peared to be suddenly taken with
cramp, and sunk. He came to the
surface almost immediately and again
sank, this time finally. Up to last
evening the body had not been re
covered. He was a native of Finland,
unmarried, aged 27, and a member of
the Columbia Biver Fishermen's Pro
tective union and the Pacific Coast
Seamen's union.
In Brief, And to tlie Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular nabita, and many
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American people a
nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this, sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Bemember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyBpeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
New Yerk Salmon Market, J
Salmon continues to advance, ow
ing to an active demand and unfavor
able information from the Pacific
coast There have been sales here of
3,000 caseB, spot 'and to arrive, at
SL65L70. On Friday there were
buyers of good, brands at SL70, but
sellers were unwilling to entertain
bids below L75L80. The advance
in price of Columbia river fish has
naturally strengthened the market
for outside river Btock, and advanced
prices have been met by buyers.
A- Bonanza for Agent.
Convertible wire baskets. The
newest and best selling novelty ever
introduced. Two hundred thousand
already sold east Agents wanted.
Samples by mail, 50 cents. Sole
agents Pacific Coast, Moore & Co.,
425 Montgomery street San Fran
cisco. Ojsters fa JErery Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Cleansed, Purified and Beauti
fied by the Cuticura Remedies.
For cloansinjr tho Skin and Scalp of Dis
figuring Humors, for allayinp Itching, Burn
ing and Inflammation s for curing tho first symp
. if CVtvAmo PinflnQIC Xf Jib rVnef ViMl
H cad. Scrofula, and other inherited Skin and
Blood Diseases, Cuticura, the great Skin
UUrO, anu uuiiuuua U.&4U311U OKW
Beautifior, extornalb't and Cuticuka JIe
solviwt. tho new Blood Purifier, internally,
aro infallible.
I have suffered all lny lifo with skin dis
eases of different, kinds and have never
found permanent relief, until, by tho advice
of a lady friend, I used your valuable Cun
cuua Keuedies. I gave them a thorough
trial, using six bottles of the CoticUka Ke
solvext, two boxes of Cuticuka and seven
cakes of Ccticoba Soap, and the result was
just what I had been told it would be-a
cnmplttt cure.
BELLE WADE. Richmond. Ya.
Reference, O, W. Latimer, Druggist
Richmond, Ta.
I was troubled with Salt Rheum for a
number of years, so that tha skin entirely
came off one of my hands from the finger tips
to the wrist. I tried remedies and doctors'
prescriptions to no purpose until I com
menced taking Cuticuka Remedies, and
now I am entirely cured.
E. T. PA KKER. S7 Northampton St.
Ilave sold a quantity of your Cuticura
Remedies. One of my customers. Mrs.
Henry Kintz, who had tetter on her hands to
such an extent as to cause tho skin to peel off,
and for eight years she suffored greatly, was
completely cured by the use of your medi
cines, C. X. NYE, Druggist, Canton, Ohio.
For tho last year I haro had a species of
itching. Ecaly and pimply humors on my face
to which I havo applied a great many
methods of treatment without succor, and
which was speedily and entirely cured by
Mas. ISAAC PHELPS, Ravenna, 0.
We havo sold your Cuticuka Rkucmka
for the last six years, and no medicines on
our shelves gave better satisfaction.
U.. AT11EHTOS, Druggist, Albany. S. Y.
CuticubaRemedikh are sold everywhere,
Prico; CUTlrUKA, f0 cents; Kp.soi.vkxt,
Sl.00; Soap, 2j cents. Prepared by the
I'otterDkug asp Chemicw. Co.. Boston.
.Mass. Send for "How to Cure hkin
HDil DC Pimples, Skin Ulciufche. and Ua
UliU 00. by Humors, cured by CrrirntA
Catarrh to Consumption.
Catarrh in its destructive force stands next
to and undoubtedly leads on to consumption.
Jt is therefore singular that thoso afflicted
with this fearful disoaso should not make It
tho object of their lives to rid themselves of
it. Deceptive remedies concocted by ignorant
pretenders to medical knowledge have
weakened tho confidence of tho great
majority of sufferers in all advertised rom
odios. They become resigned to a lifo of
misery rather than torture themselves with
doubtful palliatives.
But this will never do. Catarrh must be
met at every stags and combated with all
our might. In many cases tho di'oaso has
assumed dangerous symptoms 'iho bones
and cartilage of the noso. tbo organs of hear
ing, of seeine and of tastinc so affected as to
be useless, tho uvula so elongated, the throat
eo inflamed and irritated as to produco n
constant and distressing cough.
SAxroun's Radical Cuhk meets every
phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
the most loathsomo and destructive stages.
It is locaLand constitutional. Instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economi
cal and nover-failing.
Each package contains ono bottle of tho
vxr, and an Improved Ixhalkh, with treat
ise; price SI.
Potter Deug & Chkuical Co.. Bostox.
TMCf IV OXE MLMTE. that weary,
W M lifeless all-gone, sensation over
Tk present with those of Inflamed kid-
Moneys, Weak Back and Loins, Ach
ing Hips and Sides, Uteriae Pains, Weak
ness, and Inflammation, i3 relieved and
speedily cured by the Cuticura Antl
lBln Planter, a now, original, elegant
and infallible antidoto to pain and inflamma
tion. At an druggists, 'Sx.: uvo lor si.uq ; or
of Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston,
One Way of Slaking an Announcement.
That aggregation of Boston ban
dits, imported communards, predatory
scoundrels, vagabond penny-aliners
and impecunious tareaters known as
the chamber of commerce is going to
meet to-morrow and disenss munici
pal improvements, including the
strengthening of the lire department.
Persons possessing available dead
oats will please have them in readi
ness.. F. Fost.
Indlgesion or Constipation.
A few HAMBURG FIGS are all
that is necessary for the cure of the
severest cases of indigestion or con
stipation, and one taken occosionly
will prevent the development of these
affections. 25 cents. At all drug
gists. J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors,
Astoria Illustrated, audAsItls.
PoRTi.Asn. Opik .Inlv lsh 1RS7.
This Is to certity that Joe Pinschow
er Is hereby appointed sole agent for
the sale of the forthcoming Astoria
number of the West Shore. All orders
for said number should be sent to him,
as no orders will be filled trom our
Portland office.
L. Samukl,
Publisher West Store.
The Astoria number of the West Shore
Is now due. All orders will be filled at
the New lork Noyelty Store. Call
early and get what copies you may
wish to send to your friends and rela
tives, as the supply is limited.
Joe Pin'schowek,
New York Novelty Store,
Astoria, Ogn.
All tlie patent medicines advertised
In ihla paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
0 bought ut the lowest priced, at J. Y.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ofident
hctel, Astoria.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
lee. Ice, Ice.
Ice for sale at reasonable rates in
quantities to suit Apply to A. V.
Utzmger, Cosmopolitan saloon.
Meals Cooked to Order,
"Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
For the very best pictures go to 11. S.
Private Rooms.
The best oysters in. any
style at
iUflUB HllJllJllJllllJllJTlfllJMk'
The Leading. House of the City.
111 Tell Ma!
That is what a young Iady said
when she looked through
the different styles of
In my store, and found, that
they were so very pretty and cheap
Whenever 3011 need anything in
this line.
Don't Forget
Tlie Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of
en's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest, "
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish, and
-4 L!
We are
W ara
We sia
Doing Business for Fun!
Wa ara mating money
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Bock Sons.
Boys' Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.