The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 23, 1887, Image 3

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Wlxt fJnttjj gwtoriau.
..JL'IA'tl.;, 1RST
Council meeting to-niglit.
A bunch of keys awaits ownership
at this office.
The A. li. Field came in from Til
lamook last Thursday.
Smallpox and diptheria are epi
demic in San Francisco and Oakland.
r There will be 10.000 cases of salmon
on board the Yarkand this evening.
The State arrived from San Fran
cisco yesterday; the Columb ia sailed.
A free lecture to young men will be
given to-morrow evening at the Bap
tist church.
The Mistletoe Social club had a
very pleasant party at Pythian hall
yesterday evening."
"The Devil's Auction," a fine spectacular-play,
will be at lloss' opera
house next Saturday night.
A Methodist camp meeting is in
progress at Ocean View. Several are
in attendance from this city.
No better reports are heard from
tho Balmon run four to the boat is
the unsatisfactory aggregate reported.
A party of government surveyors is
surveying Tillamook bay and Cape
Mears, where a $60,000 light is to be
The Telephone comes down this af
ternoon, making a through trip to
Fort Clatsop and returning" to Port
land at 2 p."m.
The market price of salmon is high
er to-day than it has been for the
last six years, being" now quoted at
six dollars a case.
The state fish commissioners ex
pect to begin the work of hatching
salmon at the Clackamas hatchery
about the first of September.
The Wide West has been con
demned by the government in
spectors and will not be put on the
route again till she has a new hull
To-morrow the Clatsop ferry boat
will leave Smith's Point at 8 and 11,
A. li., and 3 and G, f. sr., and will
leave Clatsop landing at 10 a. jr., and
2 and 7 p.m.
The Tacoma papers are kicking
nine feet high because the Tacoma
oity council excludes newspaper re
porters and won't let-the people know
what is being done. . -
Services in the Methodist church
Saturday at 250 p. ai. Love feast at
;10 a. m. Sunday. Preaching at 11 a.
m. and 750 p. m., communion follow
ing evening services.
There will be a boat race about the
10th of next month, open to all
-Whitehall boats on the river: the en
.trance fee to be $10 and the fastest
boat to take the pot.
On Miller's sands they fish and
fight; on Miller'e sands at dead of
night; on Miller's sands where seines
they pull; on Miller's sands where
scows are full To be continued in
our next.
The sealing schooner Aljiha,
aboard of which are Jas. Tetton, H.
Olsen nnd others, has been heard
from.- She made the run from
Astoria to the Aleutian Islands in
twenty-three days.
There will be an excursion to
morrow to Young's River Falls on
the new steamer Walluski, leaving
Gray's dock at nine o'clock. The
Western Amateur Brass Band will ac
company tho excursion.
The bar tugs have pooled their is
sues and the late cnt in rates is a
thing of the past Each boat getB
what it can and tho price is the same
all around, which is more in accord
ance with usual business principles. 1
The corner stoeeof a new Norwe
gian Danish M. E. church was laid
last Sunday. The building will cost
about fifteen hundred dollars, and be
built after church extension plans.
Rev. O. J. Larson and Rev. C. Hague
assisted in the service.
In tho police court yesterday,
Erickson, for firing guns in the
streets, was fined $20; "Long Henry,"
forfeited $20 for vagrancy; Chas.
Sellers was fined $20 for the same
complaint; Andrew Anderson
taxed $10 for being drunk. .
, The Mist hears that the O. R. & N.
Co. is going to build two new boats,
especially designed for speed, to com
pete with the Telephone. This, cer
tainly, would be a new departure.
. It is a long time since the O. R. & Co.
built a new boat designed for speed
or anything else.
The German bark F. II. Brews,
624, 55 days from Hong Kong, arrived
in yesterday morning. She his about
500 tons general cargo, nineteen Chi
nese passengers and six Chinese in
the crew. She will go to Portland to
discharge cargo, and from there to
Burrard's Inlet to load lumber.
On the 3d of next month tho sena
tors and congressmen, the governor
and other state dignitaries, represen
tatives from the boards of trade from
different cities, and leading citizens
from various communities are expect
ed here to take part in the delibera
tions of the waterway convention.
The meeting will be held in the spa
cious hall of Beaver Lodge No. 35,
L O. O. F.
Girl Wanted.
To sew In tailor shop. Apply to Thos.
A Striko Ended That Cost Millions
Unsatisfactory T.-vi of the Nrw CrnNer.
St. Louts, July 21 Train men on
the Vnndnlia & St Louis train due
here last uiirbt. but which did not ar
rive until between 12 and 1 a.
m. report that at Long Point,
this side of Indianapolis, the
conductor discovered four rough
lookiug men on the rear plat
form of the baggage car. He ordered
them off, but as tho train started to
go they got on the rear platform of
the tender, where they were all again
found when the train reached Green
up Crossing, where they were forcibly
ejected from the train and moved
away, but as the train was passing a
clump of bushes near the Crossing
they opened lire from revolvers and
sent some twenty bullets whistling
through the baggage and express
cars and passenger coaches. Luckily
nobody was shot but there were sev
eral narrow escape. The tiain was
brought to a halt, and a posse of cit
izens organized at once and immedi
ate search wa3 begun. It is thought
the object was to rob the train.
Washington, July 22. In his re
port to secretary Whitney of the trial
of the guns of the cruiser Atlanta
Capt Bunco says not only were the
gun carriages disabled, as heretofore
reported, but also tho arrangement of
the battery is bad, as some of the
guns have to be abandoned by the
crews that other guns may be fired at
the target. Commenting on the re
sults of the battery trial, secretary
Whitney said: ''The reports are not
very favorable as to the first trial of
gunsbut as yet no matters of great
moment have turned up.
The J
trouble to my mind is this: If two
iuuuus ui uer nailery imeiuis reMl.l.
what would a dozen do? And it is
this that we are called upon to ascr- i.
tain. She is meant to b n fiHiti .
snip, and must bo further tested.
should have a cruise at sea sufficient
ly to subject her to a trial of all
weathers. Her battery should be
tested by actual firing until its work
ing characteristics are determined
and its defects are discovered. For
these purposes the board should be
appointed and the matter settled at
the earliest practicable day.'
Pittsburg, July 22. The coke
strike just ended was one of the most
stubbornly contested battles ever
fought between capital and labor.
For eleven weeks and four days the
fight went on. The amount of money
lost by such enforced idleness cannot
be calculated, but it reaches millions.
When the strike began fonr-fifths of
the 11,C3D men in the region had
money of their own, but few of them
now have money enough to take them
out of the district if they wanted to
go. The operators are also very
heavy losers; the pumps have been
kept running at all pits: the pit and
yard bosses, superintendents and
clerks have been drawing salaries
and mules getting fat on oats and
hay that they did not earn. At West
Leisenring, whero the Pinkerton men
have been stationed, the expense has
been over $1,000 a day since the
striko began. Besides this the ovens
have become badly out of repair;
fully one-third of them all over the
region have to be overhauled before
coal can again be put into them.
Then, too, tho coke trade has fallen
off, and it will take time and money
to build it up. Tho estimated actual
expense to operators has been from
$700,000 to $1,000,000, while their loss
entire will foot up over $2,000,000.
Salisbury's response.
London, July 22. Tho marquis of
Salisbury, replying to a deputation
which called on him to urge the gov
ernment to take some action to pro
tect British trade from the effect of
foreign competition assisted by
bounties, said it was impossible to
speak too strongly, of the injustice
which the foreign bonnty system in
flicted upon British workmen. The
European conference, ho said, would
soon consider the matter, nnd in the
meantime ho could only say that
there were two ways for Englishmen
to deal with their assailants in this
centest: if reasoning failed, English
men might return blows.
London, Ont, July 22
At the
annual session of the district assem
bly, K. of L., held last night, after a
lengthy discussion on tho subject of
the separation of Canadian Knights
from the American body in the mat
ter of jurisdiction, a resolution wa3
passed urging the secession of tho
body from the United States general
assembly and the formation of a gen
eral assembly for Canada, . the latter
body to have complete and unre
stricted powers to adjudicate on all
questions and business conected with
the order.
Ottawa, July 22. Chief McKerty
of the Ottawa police force is author
ity for the statement that the condi
tion of affairs similar to that exposed
in London by the Pall Jfall Gazette
two years ago now exists in Ottawa.
Professional men, civil servants,
tradesmen, and all sorts of people be
ing implicated.
St. Thomas, July 22. At the in
quest in connection with the late
railway disaster at this place, wit
nesses swore that tho engineer was
under the influence of liquor and un
fit to control the train. Also that the
conductor had been drinking though
not intoxicated.
Nebraska Crrr, Neb., July 22.
David Hoffman was hanged here to
day at 11 a. m., for wrecking the Mis
souri Pacific passenger train on the
11th of January last at Dunbar, at
which time engineer DeWitt was in
stantly killed and a number of passen
gers injured.
London, July 22. Neither tho
church, missiohary society nor the
Baptist missionary society have re-
ceived any news in regard to Stanley,
notwithstanding tho fact thata there
is an Amerioan Baptist mission at
London, July 22. Woodside, ot
Philadelphia, to-day beat the best
English bicycle record for ten miles,
covering the distance in 28 minutes
and 34 seconds.
Sheboygan, Mioh., July 22 Land
hunters from the woods to-day re
port a tornado passing through tho
southern part of tho country in the
vicinity of the Rainy river district,
aud townships of Allis and Presque,
Isle county, doing immense damage
to all pines. On one forty-acre lot
not a tree if left standing; the roads
in all directiMis are completely block
aded by timber.
New York, July 22. The argu
ment to have a permanent stay of
proceedings in the case of Jake
Sharpe, which was to have been heard
to-day, has been adjourned until
Tuesday. Burke Cochrane has been
retained by Sharpe to make the argu
Macon, Ga., July 22. The mar
riage of W. H. Lamar, of Washing
ton, to Jennie L., daughter of secre
tary Lamar, occurred at 8 o'clock last
J. O. Bozorth has been reappointed
notary public.
Deputy Sherifl Swift, of Eugene,
has returned home
Judge Taylor returned from Port
land last Thursday.
Sheriffs. F. Albert, of Wahkiakum
county, i3 in the city.
.I.Q. A. Bowlby returned from Pa-
,.;c'nnu ..oi,.
,. : , J'
G; Win?ate l 9 iop
" uiu uiuuu.
Mrs. J. A. Montgomery is visitiug
her parents in Pacific county.
Dr. J. E. LaForca has returned
from a visit across the river.
Mrs. Richard Lemon is expeoted
down from Portland to-morrow,
Max Wagner and wife were among
the arrivals on yesterday's steamer.
Capt B. B. Tuttle and wife went
to San Francisco on yesterday's
Miss Ella Gile has gone to Boston
where she will enter the conservatory
of music.
Mrs. Hiram Brown has so far im
proved in health as to be able to be
on the street.
W. L. McCabe has a fiuo portrait
of his father, who was recently in
Astoria, adorning his office.
Max Earhart has bought the stock
and fixtures of tho Great Eastern sa
loon, and is in business there.
County clerk Trenchard has been
busy this week preparing a financial
statement of the county's affairs.
Geo. H. Murray and J. M. Phillips,
advance ogents ''Devil's Auction
Company," camo up on yesterday's
Miss Katie McKean was a passen
ger on tho outgoing steamer yester
day. She goes to the normal school
at San Jose, Cal.
Thos. Crellan, a former resident of
Astoria and Oysterville and well
known as a pioneer in the oyster bus
iness, sailed for San Francisco on the
Columbia yesteaday.
E.B. McFarland, Robt Mays. F.
A. McDonald, B. S. Huntington, and
Ghos. L. Schmidt, will represent The
Dalles at the waterway convention in
this city on the 3rd prox.
United States senators Cameron ot
Pennsylvania, Allison of Kansas,
Vest of Missouri, and Farwell of Il
linois arrive in Portland this morning
on their way to Alaska.
Dr. J. A.. Fulton, who has been
making a tour of continental Europe,
returned yesterday, glad to get back,
but with a wealth of experience that
will be a pleasure through life.
Chief engineer Worsley was on
deck yesterday, with tho rest of the
boys, and every inoh of hose belong
ing to the department got a thorough
test with 150 lbs pressure. It stood
it first rate; out of 3,000 feet, there
were but three lengths that burst,
and that close up to the coupling.
The hose was found to be in a very
satisfactory condition. It is expected
that One's engine will again be in ser
vice next week.
The Oregon Paving and Contraot
company shipped the first barge of
rock to Fort Stevens yesterday.
They have four barges and expect to
furnish 50,000 tons of rocs for the
jetty this summer. They can deliver
about 3,500 tons a day and have a
well developed quarry. The rock is
broken off in large boulders of a
brownish gray color. A large force
is employed and the grounds sur
rounding the work present a busy ap
pearance. Give Them a Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also
your breathing machinery. Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tubes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. And what they do, they can
not do well.
uau it com, cougn, crouD, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and head
and lung obstructions, all are bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them.
rthat is to take Boschee's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed you, you
may depend upon this lot certain.
Real Estate Traasfers.
Hiram Brown and wife to the As
toria Gaslight Co., lots 3 and 4, block
2, McCiure's Astoria; $1.
Vanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Cleansed, Purified and Beauti
fied by the Cutlcura Remedies.
For cleansing tho Skin and Scalp of Dis
figuring Humors, for allaying: Itchinj, Burn
ing and Inflammfttion,for cunnp tho first symp
toms of Eema, Psoriasis, Milk Crust, Scab
Head. Scrofula, and other inherited Skin and
HInnd DilPfLSM. UUTICURA. me treat Skin
Cure, and CoticUBA Soap, an ozqusito Skin
Beautifier. externally, and Cuticura Kk-solve-xt,
tho new Blood 1'nriGer. internally,
are infallible
a coxpEkte CUKE.
I have safforod all my Hfo with skin dis
ease? of different, kinds and baro nerer
found permanent relief, until, bv tho adyico
of a lady friend, I used your valuable Cuti
cDjfA Kkmedies. I garo them a thorough
trial, usine six bottles of tho CcrictJRA Kk
solveit, two boxes of CcnctiRA and seven
cakes of ccticuka Soap, and the result was
just what I had been told it would be-a
complete cure. .. . .
BELLE WADE , Richmond. Va.
Reference. O, V. Latimer, Dmxgist
Richmond, Va.
iwas troubled with Salt Rhoum for a
number of ears, so that the skin entirely
camo off one of my hands from the finger tips
to the wrist. tried remedies and doctors'
prescriptions to no purpose until I com
menced takinz Coticura Remedies, and
now I am entirely cured.
E. T. PARKER. 397 Northampton St.
Hare sold a quantity of your Cuticura
Remedies. One of my customers. Mrs.
Henry Kintz, who had tetter on her hands to
such an extent as to causo tho skin to peel off,
and for oightyoars she suffered greatly, was
completely cured by the U3e of your medi
cines, C. X. NYE, Drugsist, Canton. Ohio.
For the lat year I have had a species of
itching, scaly and pimply humors on my face
to which I hare appiled a great many
methods of treatment without success, and
which was spoedily and entirely cured by
Mrs. ISAAC PHELPS, Ravenna, 0.
We hare sold your CUTICURA Remedies
for the last six years, and no medicines on
oursholres gave better satisfaction.
C. F. ATHERTON, Druggist. Albany, X. Y.
CirricuR v are sold erorywhere.
Price; Coticura. 50 cents; KesolvinT,
51.00; Soap, "j cents, Prepared by tho
Potter Druoaxd Chemical Co.. Boston.
Mass. Send for "How to Cure Skiu
Pimples. Skin Blotntshes, and Ba
by Humors, cured hv Cuticura
Catarrh to Consumption.
Catarrh in its destructive forco stands noxt
to and undoubtedly lead3 on to consumption.
It is therefore singular that those afflicted
with this fearful disease should not make it
the object of their lires to rid themselves of
it. Deceptive remedies concocted by ignorant
pretondoH to medical knowledge hare
weakened the confidence of tho great
majority of sufferers in all advertised rem
edies. They become resigned to a life of
misery rather than torture themselres with
doubtful palliative.
But this will nerer do. Catarrh must be
met at every stage and combated with all
our might. In many cases the disease has
assumed dangerous symptoms. Tho bones
and cartilago of the nose, the organs of hear
ing, of seeing and of tasting so affected as to
be useless, tho uvula so elongated, tho throat
po inflamed and irritated as to produce a
constant and distressing cough.
SAxroitD'd Radical Cure moots every
phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
the most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitntionaL Instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economi
cal and never-failing.
Each package contains one bottle ufthe
Radicad Cure, one box Catarrhal Solv
ent, and an Improved Inhaler, with treat
ise; pricoSl.
Pott Deuq &. Chemical Co., Bo3Tot.
VVr IV c MLM'TE. that weary,
f H lifeless all-gono, sensation ever
l WL present with those of Inflamed kid-
talney?. Weak Back and Loins. Ach
ing Hips and Sides, Uteriao Pains, Weak
ness, and Inflammation, is relieved and
speedily cured by the Cntlcara Anti
fuln Plaster, a new. original, elerant
and infallible antidote to pain and inflamma
tion. At all druggists, 25c.; fivo for SI. 00 ; or
oi roiier urug ana uaemicai uo., itosion.
Distribution of School Unney.
State treasurer Webb has sent to
the various counties their propor
tionate share of interest on the
school fund recently ordered to"be
disbursed. The amount for each
countv is as follews: Baker, S2,189:
Benton, $3,897; Clackamas, S4.5S9;
Clatsop, S1.8SG; Columbia, $1,179;
Coos, $2,410; Crook. Sl,45i; Curry,
SG32; Douglas, S4.179; Grant, $1,921;
Gilliam, $1,402; Jaokson, $3,743; Jo
sephine, $1,278; Klamath, $630; Lake,
8787; Lane, $4349; Linn. $5,706;
Malheur, S689: Marion, $6,763; Mult
nomah, $11,786; Morrow, $1,697; Polk,
$2,838; Tillamook; $861; Umatilla,
S4.678: Union. S4,9J0; "Wallowa, $1,-
340; Wasco, $3,418; Washington, S3,
774; Yamhill, $3,502; total, $87,217.
The foregoing is $1 for each person
of school age in the state, according
to the apportionment of 1887. In
18S6 there were 82,857 children, and
the amount distributed was 90 cents
each, amounting to $74,571.30.
Killed By a Falllns Limb.
Last Thursday morning Alfred
Linnster, working in Mclntire's log
ging camp on tne JNaseJ, met witn a
fatal accident. While engaged at his
work he was struck on the head by a
falling limb which split his forehead
open, inflicting a most ghastly
wound. All that could be done, was
done for the unfortunate man, but in
a short time he was paBt all help or
need of help. He was a Russian, un
married, aged 25 years. Tho funeral
will take place to-day.
A Bonanza for A'zents.
Convertible wire baskets. The
newest and best selling novelty ever
introduced. Two hundred thousand
already sold east. Agents wanted.
Samples by mail, 50 cents. Sole
agents Pacific Coast, Moore & Co.,
425 Montgomery street. San Fran
cisco. Gaiabriaus Beer
Anil Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents. ,
All the Datent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
TMrfnmarv. and toilet articles, etc-can
Be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug rore. oppoHiie uczui'm
hctel. Astoria.
House to Bent.
A newly fitted house, six rooms, well
arranged: situated on Cedar street,
opposite Robt. Carruthers. For terms,
etc apply at this office.
For the very best pictures go to H. S.
mmmmmmmmm wmW&.
Njfl)Jfl)JflNjfl)Jfl)flMKfi3s yjlrvi
C.H. COOx ER,i
The Leading House of the City.
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
This S the place for you to
Buy Your Goods At.
Herman W
Outsells them all, which fact
you ought to remember when you
are out shopping.
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, whe
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks- of
liver shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest
select from
of TWO
All New, Stylish, and
We ire
Wa ara
Wa am
Doing Business for Fun
Wa ar making rnqoty
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honesf
dealing! we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the rivei?
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles $
good quality and get honest weight,- you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy.,
of us once you will come again.' -
D. L. Beck Sons.
Boys' Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.
- -