CD pe gaits tftwfott. -ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY. JULY 3, 1S37 The Washington territory supreme court lias decided that -women cannot vote in that territory. The empress of Japan, accompan ied by a retinue of twenty persons, will visit the United States in Octo ber. Pbestdekt John Taylob of the Mormon "church, who is in hiding from the United States authorities, is reported to be lying at the point of death in his.hiding place in Salt Lake City. Tiie Minneapolis Trib une forecasts he poulation of Minneapolis to be 177,818, and that of St Paul to be 155,577, while the Si Paul Pioneer Press makes the population of St be 182,960, and that of Min neapolis to be 174,281. -: ' ' " -Death of Dr. Cahaulss. Dr. Cabaniss, for several years a resident of Ft Stevens and Astoria, died at San Francisco last Saturday. Deceased was a native of "Williams burg, Virginia, and was sixty years, six montbB and fifteen days old. He was a man of more than ordinary in formation, active and energetic, al ways taking a great interest in public concerns. About eighteen months ago he received an appointment from Gov. Stevenson oi laano, as superin tendent of ith'e insane asylum at Blackfeet, which position he held for some time. The cause of his death is not known. Mrs. Cabaniss is now in San Francisco. T. T. -Cabaniss wbb of a dis tinguished and honored Virginia fam ily. He graduated in medicine at the Marvland university in 1847 and went-tp California in "49, locating in Shasta county, "where he became well - known as a skillful practitioner. In 1852 he was a member of the Cali fornia legislature and occupied a prominent place in the Democracy of that state for many years. In 1872 he entered the United States army as "surgeon, and on several oc casions, particularly in the Modoc' war of 1873, distin guished " himself by his courage and intrepidity. He was subse quently stationed at Fort Stevens andpracticed his profession in this city where one of his sonB now re Bides. He was a man who was aotu uted through life by a high sense of honor, and leaves behind him the rec ord tif an honorable career and a stainless name. The funeral took "3 place frdm'TSt Bridget's church in San Francisco last Monday. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Rev. Father Birmingham, and Hon. James A. Johnson, Dr. John M. Dickson, U. S. A, Colonel P. A. Koach and Messrs. Henry Toomy and Otto Von Geldern, were pall bearers. Lecture at Liberty Hall. v -...SaniuekP. Putnam deliverod nn "" TiWe'TGeturc" at'TSiberty Hall last night, which was attentively listened to by a large audience. To report his lecturo would bo like an attempt to compress Mt Hood into a nutshell. Hi3 theme was "Universal Human Liberty," a great subject to which he did fnll justice. He is a- strong, for cible speaker, of pleasing presence, flu- ent language and expressive delivery. Ho made' many telling points, which we're heartily applauded. One quo tation will give an illustration of his style.- Of the difference between Uni versalists and Unitarians he said: "A Univeraalist believed God was too good .to damn man; a Unitarian be lieved, man was too good to be damned." In a peroration of great merit he made an earnest plea for the ; freedom of human thought and urged the organization of a branch of the American Socular Union to aid in the accomplishment of this task. Selltajr an Interesting Book. I Ilwaco, Jnly 21, 1887. Editor Asterian: My .brother, Colonel Geo. Hunter, the old timer, is now visiting with myself and family for the first time -in nine vears,-and after reading his book, " "The Old Timer," we, 'TiniuSjV the author, and myself, started out and in two days -and a Tialt actually sold sixty "Old Timers." QlO-morrow we visit Oysterville to en able, the colonel to meet his old friends of thirty jears ago. After that he goes to his home east of the mountains, and thence east to deliver lectures -on the resources of Oregon and Washington territory; also to Hell ".The Old Timer," which goes like hotrpakes. I,' his brother, predict a Wjajnvreception for "Timus" and his bookiSy all. John Hunter. All There!! Ice cream, fine quality supplied at short notice by Frank Fabre, any part .E.yie city: S2JH)a gallon. Private Rooms. -v At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ti as, etc The best cooked to order. - -- - Astoria, As it was and as it is. The West Shore, ! . two beautifully illustrated numbers showing Astoria as it was in 1883 and as it is now. The two numbers combined - only 25cts, at the Crystal Palace. .Carl Adler will sell .you two numbers of the West Shore, finely illustrated for Sets. Send your friends east the West Shore of 1883 and 1887 and show them the improvements ;only 25cts for the two. For the best photographs and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. Telephone ILo-lzlng House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts:, per week S1.50. New and clean. Private.cntrance. - - Fer a F1h6 XUih of Ice Oreani Go to the Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. A DIMINISHING INDUSTET. Decrease of Sacramento's Salmon Oatch. Some Remedies for the Evils Proposed. S. F. Bulletin 19. A gentleman who has given much at tention to tho subject, and who has taken great interest in the propagation of fish in this state. BDeaks as follows concern ing tho rapid decrease in tho product of me saimon nsnenes in this state: and kindred industries of California have made steady growth, a minor, but impor tant interest in the prosperity of the stato has steadily decreased, until now it is said to be on the verge of abandon ment. This is the salmon-canning in dustry, the principal source being the Sacramento river, where the eaten for the last fire years hag lessened until the business is conducted at a positive los3 to the few firms still engaged in it. Up to 1883 the catch of salmon in this river was abundant and the canned product was to be found in most parts of Europe as well as the United States. Now the brands of Sacramento canned salmon are noted for their scarcity and there is the prospect of their extinction in the near future. "On examination there seems to be no good reason why salmon-canning on the Sacramento river should cease; in fact, there is every prospect that it would re gain its former prosperity if vigorous efforts are made to produce that result. The natural conditions of the lower or main river are the same as they havo been in the past; in fact, one evil, the discoloration of the water by mining de bris, is about ended. The tributaries, viz., the Upper Sacramento, Pitt and McCloud rivers, have the same advant ages ior spawning nsu, aa iiiey uave uuu heretofore. It needs only energetic and continued efforts against unlawful prac tices and restocking with young fish to increase the catch of salmon to at least its original numbers. If proper efforts are made to prevent the destruction of young fish by tho Chinese in tho waters of San Pablo and Suisun Bays and the sloughs on the main or lower river, and to prevent sawdust and other injurious matter destroying the spawning grounds in the tributaries, there is no good reason why, with annual restocking, the salmon canning industry will not resume its former importance on the Sacramento in the near future. "The late B. B. Redding, fish commis sioner, just before his death in 1882, had in contemplation increasing the stocking of the tributaries of the Sacramento river far beyond that of former years. He claimed there was no limit to increasing the number of young fish except that of the supplies of food to be found in the tributary streams where they were to grow until ready to migrate to sea say one year after hatching. As after that time they found their food in salt water there would be no demand on the rivers the salmon ascended to fpawn. To uso his own words, he 'intended to stock the Sacramento river with young fish so that adult salmon returning to spawn should crowd the lower river so that vessels could hardly pass through them.' His intentions were to make the Sacramento like the Frazer and other rivers in British Columbia, where the annual migration of salmon made tho water at times seem solid with fish. Siace Mr. Bedding's death there haTe been no young salmon artificially hatched out and placed in the Sacramento, and from the young fish be ing taken in millions by the Chinese fish men in illegal nets, the depredations of the seals on adult nsn and tne eaten tor human food, the number of fish taken for canning purposes has dwindled to about one-fifth ox what it was in 1882. "A comparison of the catches made or rather canned for the past five years will be instructive; also the prices paid for same capital invested in the industry and employment given to those engaged in the boats, taking the fish an the Sacra mento .river: In 1882 there was canned 200,337 cases of 4 dozen 1-pound cans; in 1883. 150,400 cases; in 18&. 81,450 cases; m 1WS5, 44,4UU cases, and in itfG, 3b,5U0 coses. The catch of the present year is not yet over, but the indications are that it will be less than that of 18SG. The value -of thecinned salmon based upon an average of L50 per case was, in 1882, S901.51G: in 1883, S67G.800: in 1884. $369.- 525; in 1835, $199,800 and in 18S6, $164-, 250. In 1882 there were ten canneries putting up salmon, with an investment of $1,000,000 capital, employing in the season 1.500 boats manned bv 4.000 men. In addition to the fishermen there were about one thousand persons employed in the canneries, beside those engaged in the transportation of product and ma terials for boxes. Aside from the salmon canned large quantities were salted and smoked as well as a larger and cheaper supply for local purposes than there is at present. "To permit the salmon-canning indus try of the Sacramento river to perish un der the circumstances as above stated, by negleoting measures to insuro its con tinuance, is not only a blot upon the in telligence of our people but is a crime whose influence will extend to future generations. Here is an industry that has given employment to thousands of people, investment of capital, and in the opinion of competent judges could be in creased many fold, going to destruction. All enforcement of the law against tak ing immature fish by Chinese fishermen and other offenders would do much to remedy the evil. Add to this a liberal restocking the river with young fish by the fish commissioners, and in not longer than four years hence salmon-canning should again resume its former value. The salmon canning industry on the Co lumbia has steadily declined of late years, and as that river and its main tributary forms the boundary line be tween Oregon and Washington and Idaho Territories a concurrence of the legisla tures of all three will be required before its waters can be efficiently protected. The fishing interests of each being dif ferent as to season, it is not probable any joint measures for the protection and increase of salmon will be taken. The Sacramento river being entirely with in tho boundaries of this state its laws for the protection of salmon can and should be enforced so as to insure a con tinuance if not increase of the annual catch." Tlieir Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store as their giv ing away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption.. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valu able article from the fact that it alwavs cures and never disappoints. Cougli.i. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting atrial bottle free, large size 1. Every bottle warranted. What X Xe Ton Thiali Jeff of the TJ. 3. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Hot much: but he elves the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant; in town. s cents. Ten cents for a cup-of fabre's nice conee. . Ice, Ice, loe. ice ior sale at reasonable rates in 1 quantities to suit Apply to A. w.l urzinger, uosmopoman saioon, Astoria Illustrated, aud As It Is. Portland, Osn. Jnly 1st, 1837. This is to certiiy that Joo Pinschow erls hereby appointed solo agent for the sale of the forthcoming Astoria number of the West Shore. All orders for said number should be sent to him, as no order will be filled from our Portland office. L. Samuel, Publisher West Shore. The Astoria number of the West Shore is now due All orders will bo filled at the New York Novelty Store. Call early and net what copies von may wish to send to your friends and rela tives as the supply is limited. .Joe PrxsciiowER, New York Novelty Store, Astoria, Opn. Cool Beer Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. "Grat ke's. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roaI. Oysters lu Every Style At the Central -Restaurant, next to Foard fc Stokes'. C, R. F. P U. ftotice. All members in good standing ot the C. it. F. P. Union, who are engaged or going fall fishing on the rivers or this coast, are hereby notified to meet at Ross' Opera House on Wednesday. July 27th, at 2 p. m. sharp. By order Executive Board. - A. Sutton, Sec' . The finest and nicest steak to lie had In town at Fabre's. The best oysters Fabre's. in any style at Diesis Cooked to Onlcr, Private rooms for ladles and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. What is better thana glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. Da Yoh Want Your Fine Cleaned If you do J. Lavaleo will do the job neatly and cheap. Leave orders at Thk Astoriax office. A Xew Aad Enlarged Mock Choice Brands of Cigars. or Imported Key West and domestic. All tastes can be satisfied aud nil pockets suited as to price. TanslU'sPunch and Junior's in full supplyas usual nt I). L. Beck & So.vh. Do Yon W&Bt Yonr FIbo Cleaned ? If you do. T. Clifton will do the Job neatly and cheaply. Leave orders at The Astoriax office. A Sunny Itoom Willi the comforts of a home, library, etc. Apply at Holden House. Getojoflfrforoyster, Private Booms. SEW TO-DAY. Net Found. FISHERMAN PKO. CO. TRAP. rN north channel, about 1 whole net. marked on lead line 'I. A. D.," corks not marten. louua .iuiy 'jaw, mesn aeep. Parties can nave same by proving property and paving charpes. and the cost ot this advertisement. Can have same by apply ing to KRVIN HBMPLEA. Cars Aberdeen Pkg. Co,. Ilv.aeo. W.T. Notice. NEITHER TIIE MASTER, A. N. ROTIf bart of the German bark F . H, Dreica, from China nor the undersigned consignees will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of the vessel while In this port without tho masters consent. PORTLAND 8HIPriNC CO. Astoria, July 22, 1887. EXCURSION Young's River To Falls. On the new STEAMER WALLUSKI. Sunday, July 24th, 1887. Lea Ing Gray's dock at nine A. x. The Western Amateur Band will accom pany the excursion. Tickets for the round trip "5 cents. Stockholders' Meeting. TIIE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEET lngoftheO. P. L. and B. Association will be held on Wednesday, August 24th, 16S7. at 2 r. m in Odd Fellows Hall, for the purpose of electing directors, and attending to such other business as may come before the meeting. A. J. II EG LEU. Secretary. Pic Nic and Excursion. THE SCANDINAVIAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY Will Give a Grand Excursion and Pic Nic TO KNAPPA AND RETURN ON Sunday, July 31st. 1887. The S. Q. Reed has been chartered and every arrangement has beea made to Insure a pleasant time to ail participating. There will be Dancing In the alternoon at Knapp.s HalL Steamer returns at C o'clock. Kod Trip Ticket 1 : Ladlei, . Gent. Firty Cest. One Dollar. Tickets may be bad of any member of the Society. Committee of ArraaKeiaeatM. Aug. Danlelson, M. OLseu. Frank Eck lund, Eric Johnson, Jno. M. Olsen. The boat will leave the O. R. & N. Dock at 9 X. M. and will make landings at Booth's and Scandinavian Canneries bcth ways. Tho Western Amateur Band Has been engaged and Will Accompany The Excursion t:s:e: Clatsop Ferry Boat Is Now Running Regularly. Will 3Ialie Trips as Follew: T.EAVE3 Smiths Tolnn Clatsop Landing. 11 a. ar. 10 a. si. 6 P, M. 3 P. M. The above will be tho hours for Tuesday and Wednesday, July 19th and 20th. Al ter Wednesday the morning trip will be discontinued for a few days In order that the low water landing on the Clatsop side can be made ready. FARE Footmen M..MMM...MMM.MMM....W.. MM.. 20cts Man and hoise.... .-....... 35 Horse and cart... . ,..... CO " Express wagon and horse ......... 0 " wagon ana two aorse .....-.......-... is " Other thlnzs in proportion, aud additional trips made if business demands. The Crystal Palace CiLRXi JLDLEPu, Manager. Fancy Goods, Gold and Silverware, Books, Stationery, Notions, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. c The Latest Publications Constantly Received. An Experienced Watchmaker in the Repair Department. Everything at Lowest Prices. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS' REPRESENTED. -" '-"' --w-T-N- A. V. ALLEN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAIiEtt IK Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. o Crockery Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment ot Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Received freah every Steamer. CITY BOOK The Finest Line of BLANK BOOKS. In the city. 2TOTX02TS. Sheet Music And Musical Instruments CHXFFI2T & REED THE Str. Alaskan Hereafter, during the Summer Season The Alaihcin will leave Astoria, O. K.& N. l)ock, Ob TTednestUyi aniFrldij-s at 7 i. M. Connecting with all Afternoon Trains out of Portland. ON SVSDAT, The Alaslan will leave Astoria at 4 P. M. TROUPE k PILLINCHAM, Cliarterers. Carnahan & Co. .SUCCESSORS TO t. "W". CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE ANI1 RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chonamtift amilfass strecls. AhTCltlA OREC.OX H. EKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. Just received a large stock of Watches and Clocks. Chains, Lockets, etc. Also genuine beta Thomas coat Clocks, proved to be the best. All which will be sold at very low prices, specialty. Watch and Clock renairimr a ally, and done at reasonable prices. 3 pr Sai Shop next to Aug. Danlelson's Sample itoom. on me roauway. Notice. ATA MEETIKH HELD BY MEMBERS ot the Columbia IMver Fishermen's Protective Union, at Upper Astoria, 'on Saturday, July lGth, It was unanimously agreed that the price of Salmon for this Fall on the Umpqua river be as follows : For Chlnnook or big Salmon CO cents. For bllversldes or small balmon 40 cents. All members of this Union are hereby not ified that they can not under any conslder atloasCsh for less than the above men tioned prices. A. SUTTON', Secretary C. K. F. P, Union. P. K. BKAOII.Pres., J, XtcORAKEN. Vic Pre J. K. ELDEHKIN. LOUIS LOKWKN'BERG. Seo'y. Treasurer. The Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company. No. 5 Washington St., Portland, Or. CAPITAL, $300,000. R. Ii. BOYIiE. Astoria Agent. Office at I. X. L. Packing Co. . DIRECTOBB: J. McCraVen. F.K.Arnold. F. K, Beach, Kr&nk M.Wxrren. C . IL PrMCott, V. Egbert, J.Loenenberg, J.K.KlderLto, D.D. Olipbant Money to Loan on ApproTed Real Estate Security. The New Accommodation. "STEAMER WALLUSKI, JOHN G. BLAKE, - - - Master, Will leave Gray's Wharf, Astoria, Every Friday Afternoon, For Younjj's Blver. Returning leave Katnm's farm Saturday, at 7 jl. v.. when tide will permit, arriving at Astoria about 9 a. v., leaving Astoria at 3 p. xr. for Karnm's farm and Young's Blver landings. Fare and Freight charges at living rates. Fir farther informatJon-appIv to the Cap tain on board, or to J.H, D, GRAY, Agent, II I I III I II I H)l II I ill ' II li STORE. Novelties in STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS AND School Supplies. VARIETY GOODS, MUBRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Civento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED Anil Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terras. Purchases delivered In any part or the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's Xew Building ou Water Street. P. O. Rex 153. Telephone No. 87. ASTORIA, " OREGON. For Rowing or Sailing The fine boat Pride of Thf Columbia can be engaged during the season lot boat ing or billing parties. Apply to - THOS. WARD. THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO Of Hartford, Conn. Tresents to the Travelling Tubllc the fol lowlnj: Valuable Concessions, viz : $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 $15 In case of Accidental Death. In case of lass of both Eyes, two entire Feet, or two entire Ilands. In event of loss of one entire hand, or one entire loot, and Per week, as formerly, iu case of a totally disabling Injury. TIcLrls. iZe per Day, or $4.50 for Thirty Days, FOR SALE by A. BALMANNO, At American News Depot. Local Agent. Are You insured? J. O. Bozorth Writes Insurance Policies in Reliable Fire Insurnnce companies that give Absolute Protection In case of Fire. Strike It Rich! -BUI' YOUK- Groceries! Provisions -OF- Foard & Stokes Their largely increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin of profit while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over.the City. The Highest Price Fold for Junk. Cilery Surofe! Empire Store. Bargains in Beady Made Clothing. 25 Nlon's and Youths' odd suits marked down from SI6 and $18 to S II and $ 1 3, and aro all wool desirable suits. We earrv a full line of Ilkick Dre Our Line of Dry IS COMPLETE, A fine lot of Embroideries just opened. We have the largest and finest lot of Silk Thread aud Twist. Embroidery and Knitting Silk in all shades and colors, to be found in Astoria. W.T. TVT A JSTGrJSlJEl. BOOTS and SHOES -nESSKSgSSSvtfrC?- -C'rf-? "-SSlKirEfeS ' M l ZicT": Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Sole Shoes in French, Kangaroo and DougoJa Kid Boy and Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Mises and Chilorens and Infant heris, and Sprint: heels. WE 1EAI, ItV BOOTS AMI SHOES OHLY. P. J. GOODMAN. The Celebrated Specialist of The Vanmonciscar Private Dispensary, Portland, Or., 1 now In this city. The Doctor is known as the Most Successful Specialist on tha ihc Coast. His sneclaltv includes all Nervou. Private and Chronic Diseases, such & Nervous and Fhyslcal Debility. Exhausted Heart, and Stomach, rrcmature decline in Man. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Dr. Clark's peculiar treatment of all Female Troubles, symptoms of w htch are : Back ache. Burning pain on top of head, feeling of debility, general weaKness, lassitude, low spirits, feeling of languor, nervousness. Is the mast successful and legitimate known to medical science. Microscopical Examinations and Chemical Analysis of the urine are made in all cases taken to discover all the complications oefore cum are guaranteed. Consultation Free. Rooms at Farker House. DKALEK IN Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brict, Cemeit, Sanft ail Plaster Wood Dellrered to Order. Drajlng, Teaming and Kxpreii Bnrt&eas. TER apply to the Captain, or to Mens Furnishing Goods, Men's Clothing of all Kinds. At Phil. A. Stolses Co.'s. xj . Nil ,?.,. y -p, Hats, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear, TRUNKS, ETC. .A. TTEHL-Sr XiHG-E STOCK, Very Low Prices. (First door east of Foard & Stokes.) Anything that a man needs in Clothinjr, at Bottom Prices. ASTORIA Planing Mill. HOLT & CO. Proprietors. . Manufactures of MOLDINGS, SASH DOORS, BLINDS. RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, Boat Material, etc. Orders solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed as to StyleQuall ty and Prices. Mill and Office cor. Polk nnd Concomly streets. Astoria, Oregon. nub. w hieli are sold for the lowest cash prices. g Fancy Goods l Embroidered New- rappers, Fancy, Glng- -m Vitality, Diseases of Kidneys. Lifer, f.ungs. STEAMER CLARA nun Eben P, ParhertHa&ter. Fur TOWING, FltKIQHT orCHAB H. B. FABSEK. PARKER. .. STOKES cfe OO. BARGAINS. Business Bargains. THE New York Novelty Store OFFERS Genuine Bargains In Book, Stationery, Fancy Goods, aad General Notions. We are aausfled wlifcft small profit over original cost, and wt you to bnvwhat you need In our line ot us. It Is for your Interest to do so. A full line of Novelties. Playing Cards, Blank Books, Musical Instruments, Toys, etc A Large Stock of Baby Carritfft. THE New York, Novelty -Store, -s -. " is- dkJ. i 1 jfeM - &- t-jS53ia!l-