m Witt aJljj goriaa. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY .' JULY 21. 1S57 CO-OPEUATION-1N ENGLAND. A gbeat congress of the co-operative societies in England the country in which they have been most suc cessfulhas recently been held. Thomas Hughes ("Tom Brown"), one of the oldest supporters of the move ment, one might almost say its father, was in the chair and delivered a long address on its history and prospects. "What he said was extremely impor tant, because co-operation furnishes the one solution of the labor problem yat propounded which is worth the consideration of a rational man. It is the only one which any rational man has been able to describe in detail; the only one which haB been tried with anything that could be called success, and the only one which prom ises to strengthen instead of breaking down human character. The story he had to tell was, in brief, that co-operation in distribution that is, in the purchase and sale of articles of daily consumption had been an enormous success, but that co-operation in production had, where it had succeeded, ceased in a great measure to be co-operation in the early and best sense of the word. The distribution stores of the co-operatvie societies are numerous and do an enormous and prosperous business, giving the members the full value of every cent they spend. They buy wholesale, and at the lowest rates, and they sell at the same plus the salaries of clerks and rents of stores, There are no profits and no commis sions, and all the co-operators stand on the same footing, and there are millions of them. From these distributive societies' co-operative production, which has always been a delicate plant,has been lately receiving a great stimulus; that is, a considerable number of the dis tributive societies have begun to ask themselves why should they not man ufacture a portion of the goods they consume, in order to supply the mar ket on which their hold is. so strong and steady. The great difficulty the private manufacturer has to contend with is the difficulty of finding cus tomers. He has to search for them with untiring energy all over the world, and exhaust Ms ingenuity in trying to keep them. Co-operative manufacturers, however, would have no such difficulty. They have the cus tomers already, and hold them by bonds which no competition can weaken or break. Accordingly, two of the largest "distributing societies, known as the "Wholesale society," of Manchester and Glasgow, have begun to manufacture boots and shoes on a great scale. The English "Wholesale society" has already two factories, in which they employ 1,000 work people, and their sales from both reached, in 1885, over $1,000,000. The profits are, of course, very great, and they sell to the general public, putting both a manufacturer's and retailer's profits into the price. The result is, of course, greatly to swell the dividends of the Wholesale societies, and to encourage them to extend their manufacturing operations. But just here human nature comes in, and threatens the whole co-operative movement with disaster. This development of manufacture is not carried on along the co-operative lines. The work people in these great shoe factories are not co-operators-They do not share in the profits of the business. They receive simply the market rate of wages. They are on just as bad terms with their co operative employers as they would bo with individual capitalists. They are aotually out on a strike at this mo ment, and are working away on the "labor problem" in the same way "as Powde'rly and his men. If, as Mr. Hughes aBks, things go on in this way, if the successful co-operative societies are simply to become corporations controlling large bodies of hired la borers, how is the world going to be any better for co-operation? But this is not all, nor the worst This Wholesale society, which is car rying on thiB great shoe manufacture, is a confederation of small societies. These manufactures are carried on with the surplus funds of the cen tral committee, and managed by it The profits are divided among these societies. No others are let into the confederation now. But outside the confederation there is a large number of smalL struggling sooieties trying to carry on the same kind of manufac tures, as the Wholesale society, but now absolutely unable to stand up against the competition of the Whole sale society. In other words, the old process of competition, for which co-operation was expected to be a cure, is showing itself among the co operators, and they are apparently about to treat us to a renewal of the old spectacle, so familiar in the retail trade, Qf the strong devouring the weak. Mr. Hughes, therefore, warns the societies against the introduction of hired labor that is, labor which has no interest in profits as likely to prove the destruction of the move ment; but whether he can persuade the Wholesale societies to give up the pleasant business of raking in large gains from hired labor, through devo tion to the principle, remains to be seen. The root of tho difficult- is something, however, which nobody but workingmen themselves can cure, and it is a difficulty of which we have ample experience in the govern ment of the United States. It con sists simply in the reluctance men who work with their hands have in admitting that brain labor is more valuable than manual labor, and ought to be paid more highly. All the successful money-making cor porations of the world found out long ago that no price is too high for the organizing and superintending facul ty, but the majority is very loth to believe it The result is that in everv community the state is apt to be poor ly served, while the capitalists are ad mirably served. The co-operative so cieties are illustrations of the same thing. Those who happen to get hold of a high order of superintending tal ent that is, to secure for the manage ment of their operations men who are skillful in finding out markets and supplying them, and in directing huge bodies of workers, and holding the threads of intricate financial opera tionsand pay whatever is necessary to keep them, carry everything before them. Tho societies, on the other hand, which cannot bear to pay high salaries to anybody who haB not work on the bench or loom, go invariably to the wall when they attempt to en ter the field of competition. That mind must rule is in fact as plain in co-operation, as in any other field of human endeavor. If the whole world were caged in a co-operative, there would have to be an organizing gen ius at the head of it, to prevent a free fight every morning for the victuals of the day, and he would be certain to secure tho tidbits at every meal for himself. Someone has to run things, and hell would break up and disorganize be fore night if some boss devil didn't have the direction of sheolic policy. The erection of suoh buildings as those contemplated by Capt Flavel on two of the principal corners in the city will bo of value in tho check of fires and inoreased safety resulting therefrom. Suoh a building as the Odd Fellows', and the buildings pro posed on Cass and Main streets, will aid in solving the present and press ing problem of insurance, whioh is such a heavy and continual tax upon the oity. Tlicir Business Booming. Probably no one thing lias caused sucn a general revival or trade at w. x.. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store as their giv ing away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous m tms very vaiu ablejirMcle from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Cough?, joiqs, Astnma, uroncnitis, croup, anu all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size Si- Every bottle warranted. What is better than a glass of liquor? a cup ot aenotous conee at Caere's. Do Yon Want Ycmr Flue Cleaned If you do J. Lavalee will do the job neatly and cheap. Leave orders at THE ASTORIA3T OttlCe. For the best photographs and tintypes go 10 urows uauery. Telephone X.orfglHg House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 35 cte., per week SlJjO. New and clean, private entrance. Ice, Ice, lee. Ice for sale at reasonable rates In quantities to suit Apply to A. W. utzmger, cosmopolitan saloon. A luxury and necessity for rich and poor who wish to enjoy good health, and who do not wish to resort to bitter nauseous liver medicines and cathar tics, is the concentrated liquid fmit remedy ayrup ot .trigs, we. and si bottles-for sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc The best cooked to order. What! Io You Think Jeff of the TJ. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink v Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of It than any other restaurant In town. 25 cents. Ah There!! Ice cream, fine quality supplied at short notice by Frank Fabre, any part of the city: S2J0a gallon. , Cool Beer Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. Grat ke's. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast For the very best pictures go to 11. S. Shuster. z Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee. NEW TO-DAY. Ofptcb OFLlGKTHOUSKlKSPECTOB lSUl District, at Portland, Orkgox. July 18,1837, PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT JL this office until 12 o'clock sl, on Wed nesday the 31st day of .August, 18S7. far Provisions for Vessels and Light-Stations In this district. Forms of proposals and prlutcd Instruc tions giving lull particulars as to the articles required, and the terms of delivery and payment, can be obtained at this office. ThefrifiQt tt reserved to reject the whole or part of any or all bids, and to waive any defects. 0. SEBBEE, Lieutenant, U. S. N Lighthouse Icspwtor. NEW TO-DAY. A Great Event. Friday. July 22nd, 1887. Samuel P. Putnam, The Great Liberal Lecturer at LIBERTY HALL. SUBJECT: "UNIVERSAL MENTAL LIBERTY" Lecture Begins at 8 O'clock. Seats Free: You are Invited. Como and Listen to tho Truth. Stockholders' Meeting. THE ANNUAL STOCKHOI.DErtSMEET lnjoflheO. K. L. and B. Association will be held on Wednesday, August 24th. 18S7. at 2 P. M., In Odd Fellows Hall, for the purpose of electing directors, and attending to such otuer Dullness as may come befoie the meeting. a. J. MEGLER. Secretary. Pic Sic and Excursion! THE SCANDINAVIAN BENEVOLENT SOclfeTY Will Give a Grand Excursion and Pic Nic TO KNAPPA AND RETURN ON Sunday, July 3 1st. 1887. The S. O. Retd has been chartered and every arrangement lias been made lo insure a pleasant time to all participating. There will be Dancing In the afternoon at Knapp.s Hall. Steamer returns at 6 o'clock. Mound Trip Ticket: Ladles, Fifty Cents. " " Uents. - One Dollar. Tickets may be had of any member of the Society. Committee of Arrangement. Aug. Danlelson, M. Olsen. Frank Eek lutid. Eric Johnson, Jno. M. Olscii. The boat will leave the O. R. & N. Dock at 9 A. X. and will make landings at Booth'.- and Scandinavian Canneries both ways. Tho Western Amateur Band Has been engaged and Will Accompany The Excursion Clatsop Ferry Boat Is Now Running Regularly. Will Dfabe Trips as Follows : LEAVES Smiths Point. Clatsop Landing. 11 A. m. io a. ir. c p, ii. 3 p. ar. The above will be the hours for Tuesday and Wednesday, July 19th and 20th. Af ter Wednesday the morning trip will be discontinued for a few days in order that the low water landing on the Clatsop side can be made ready. FARE Footmen ..... .......... ... ..... 2ocis Man and horse... ......... 35 ' Horse and cart -... ......... 50 " Express wagon and horse ..... .... Co " Wagon and two horse ............ 75 " Other tilings In proportion, and additional trips made if business demands. JOHN. FUSSELL. You Needn't Send to Portland., Saddles From 87 to $21 None Bat Trie Best Stock Used, Prices to Salt The Times, Alain street east slds, between Jefferson and Squemoqua Sts. Look Here Boys. II you want a neat fitting Suit of Clot lies, goto 3 JEJm ROSS, Merchant Tailor Having Just received a complete aisort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. SometMng Entirely New. I am prepared to makeup Suits cheaper than the cheapest. Give me a call and be convinced that I mean what I say. J. E ROSS, Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets, east of C. fl. Cooper's. Holsteixi for Sale. Handsomely marked high grade Holsteln bull calf 8 months old. Sired by "Beecher," he by "Cheney," "a registered Holsteln Friesfan hull, imported by Mr. Green of Marion Co, Dam aired by "Cheney," is an excellent milker, both In quantity and quality. This calf is halter broke and Ken tie, is Finely Developed, ana gives Sromlse of making a Good. Breeder, all on premises, one block west of Main St.,near"Xoung's Klver, or address J. A, Rowan, Astoria. The Fishing Season Of 1887 being at a close, the run of Salmon Scarce, and signs of a dull winter. I now announce to the working Public that I will CLEAN WATCHES For $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or Mosey Kefanded. All other watch or Jewelry repairing done at bed rock prices to suit the times. Watch classes fitted for 10 cents at L. GREKN'BRBG'S 3 Water 8t. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, Ki Capt. Rogers old stand, corner ot C&sa and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons mads and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Scow For Sale. TWELVE FEET BEAM AND 43 FEET length at reasonable trures. Applyto W3O.0BB&C0 The Crystal Palace CABJL ADIiER, Manager. Fancy Goods, Gold and Silverware, Books, Statio;irry, Notions, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. The Latest Publications Constantly Received. An Experienced Watchmaker in the Repair Department. Everything at Lowest Prices. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED A V WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and "Vegetables Received fresh every Steamor. CITY BOOK STORE, The Finest Line of BLANK BOOKS Tn the city. NOTIONS. Sheet Music And Musical Instruments CHZFFZ2T & RESD THE Str. Alaskan Hereafter, timing the Summer Season The Alaskan will leave Astoria, O.B. & N. Dock, On Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 A. X. Connecting with all Afternoon Trains out of Portland, OX SUNDAY, The Alashan will leave Astoria at 4 P. M. TROUPE & DILLINGHAM, Charterers. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO T. "W. CASE, IMPOKTER3 AND WHOLESALE AND ItBTAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Chonanius andfCass streets. ASTCKIA OREGON H, EKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. Just received a large stock of Watches and Clocks. Chains, Lockets, -etc Also genuine Beth Thomas Boat Clocks, proved U be the best. AH which will be sold at very low prices. "Watch aud Clock renalrinc: a specialty, and done at reasonable prices. Shop next to Aug. Danlelsou's Sample Boom, on the roadway. Notice. ATA MEETING HELD BY MEMBERS of the Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union, at Upper Astoria, on Saturday, July ltith. It was unanimously agreed that the price of Salmon for this Fall on the Umpqua river be as follows : For Chlunook or big Salmon co cents, For SHversIdes orsmall Salmon 40 cents. All members of this Union are hereby not ified that they can not under any consider ations fish for less than the above men tioned prices. A. SUTTON, Secretary C, It. F. P, Union. P, K. HEAOIl. Pres , J, MeORAKEN. Vice Pr J. K. KXDERKIN, LOUIS LOKWBNBERQ. Sec'r. Treasurer. The Northwest Fire & Marine Iiisnrance Company. No. 5 Washington St., Portland, Or. CAPITAL, $300,000. It. &.B01H.Y3. Astoria Aaent. Office at I. X.L. Packing Co. DIRECTORS: J. McCraVen. F.K.Arnold. F. E. Beach, Frank M.WarreD. 0 . 1L Preeott, F.tSraert, J. Loewenberg. J . K. Ktderkin. D.D.Ohphint Money to Loan on Approred Real Estate Security. The New Accommodation. STEAMER WALLUSKI,. JOHN G. BLAKE, - - - Master, Will leave Gray's "Wharf, Astoria, Every Friday Afternoon, For Young's Elver. Returning leave Kamm's farm Saturday, at 7 a. m.. when tide will permit, arriving at Astoria about 9 A. h leaving Astoria at 3 p.m. for Kamm's farm and Young's River landings. Fare and Freight charges at living rates. For further Information apply to the Cap tain on board, or to j. H, D. GRAY, Agent,. All FN Novelties in STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS AND School .Supplies. VARIETY GOODS. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL. LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Temis. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse Iu Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA. OREGON. For Rowing or Sailing The fine boat Pride of The Columbia can be engaged during the season for boat ing or sailing parties. Apply to TIIOS. WARD. THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO Of Hartford, Conn. Tresents to the Travelling Tubllc the fol lowing Valuable Conoessions, viz : $ 3,000 3,000 In case of Accidental Death. In case of lass of both Eyes, two entire Feet, or two entire Hands. In event ot lass of one entire hand, or one entire foot, and Per week, as formerly, in $ $1,000 $15 case of a totally disabling injury. Ticket, 26c per Day, or 84.50 for Thirty Daj, FOR SALE by A. BALMANNO, At American News Depot. Local" Agent. Are You Insured? , J. O. Bozotfth Writes Insurance Policies in Reliable Fire Insurance companies that giv'a Absolute Protection in case of Fire. Strike It Rich! BUY YOUR- Groceries I Provisions OF- Foard & -Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables them to sell at the vfery lowest margin of profit while gljvlng ;you goods - r that are of first; class" quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. Cannery Sillies! Empire , Store. Bargains in iWy Made Clothing. 25 Mon'6 and Youths' odd su'js marked down from f 16 and $18 to $ 1 1 and $ 1 3, and zMj all wool desirable suits. We carry a full line of Rlark Dre-Jsuits which are sold for the lowest cash. iprices. Our Line of Dty g Fancy Goods I-'OMPLETE, Cotton, Woolen and Muslin USflerwear, Shetland and Embroidered New- Eort Shawls in all colors. Ladiewnort Wraps, Calico Wrappers, Fanev, Giug anf and Calico Aprons, Silk Emtlroidored stand covers. A fine lot of Embroideries just opened. We have the largest and fineij: lot of Knlttinsj Silk in nil shades and Jolr5, to W.T ra&i BOOTS and SHOES f GenuMf English. Porpoise Shoes Tor Gents. ., Ladies Flexifoh Sole Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Dongol Kid Boys and Youths yshes of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infantheelfl. Had OlllUtlCC-l. IIIi'.l'l MPW il The Celebrated Specialist of The Vanmonciscar Private Dispensary, Portland, Or., Ls now in thl' city. The Doctor is known as the Most Successful Specialist on the 1'aclflc Coast. Fls specialty includes all Nervous, Prlyate and Chronic Diseases, such as Nervous and rirslcal Debility. Exhausted Vitality, Diseases of Kidneys. Liver, Lungs. Heart, and Stomich, Premature decline In Man. I FEMALE WEAKNESS. Dr. Clark's jec'uliar treatment of all Female Troubles, symptoms of which are : Back ache, Burning jalti on top of head, feeling of debility, general weakness, lassitude, low spirits, f eellng if laniruor. nervousness. Is the most successful and legitimate- known to medical scleme. Microscopical Examinations and Chemical Anftlyla of the urine ire; made in all cases taken to discover all the complications oefore cures are guarantetd, Consultation Free. Eooma at Parker House. ' ' ' - i i i in DEALER. IN Hay, Oils' and Straw, Lime, Brick, Cent, Sanl anil Flatter jfopd Delivered to Order. Drarlog, Teaming ud Expreu Bailies. IER apply to the Captain, or to Men's Furnishing Goods, Men's Clothing of all Kinds. At Phil. A. Stokes Co.'s. Hats, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear. TRUNKS, ETC. .A. VEHY XjAXtG-rEI STOCK, . Very Low Prices. (First door east of Foard & Stokes.) Anything that e. man needs in Clothing, at Bottom Prices. ASTORIA Planing Mill. HOLT 9l CO. Proprietors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS, SASH DOORS, BLINDS, RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS. BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, Boat Material, etc, Orders solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranted as to StyleQuall ty and Prices. Mill and OQlae cor. Fclk nnd Concomly streets. Astoria, Oregon. Silk Thread and Twist, Embroideiy smd be found in Astoria. PARKER. 3TauC3-3533El.. ... - .. KM 3iiur3 Willi P. J. GOODMAN. STEADIER (URA PARKER Eben P. Rarher,Ma8ter. For TOWING, FSKIQHT orOHAH H. B. PAMKSM. A. STOKE1 cfe OO. BARGAINS. Business Bargains. THE New York Novelty Store OFFERS Genuine Bargains In Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, aad General Notions. We are satisfied wtQia small profit over original cost, aad waat Jou to buy what you need In our line ot u, t Is for yonr Interest to do so. A full line of Novelties. Playing Cards, Blank Books, Musical Instruments, Toy, etc. A Large Stock of Baby. Ctrriatt THE Nw York Novelty t. j Tho Highest Rrice i0T Junk. '