..!ssimK-'?Z X!mfflMmwBmQm&s8-'- H VOL. XXIX, NO. 17. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN H. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Room A and 3. over City Book Store. G. XOIiAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oi'Jot iu Kluney'fl Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria. Oregon. C W. FULTON. O. O. FDI.TOJf FIIf.TOS BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. :ooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows KulIdtuR. C. K. THO3I80X. A.ttornev at Law and Notary Public. Special attention Riven to practice In the U. . Land Office, and the examination or land titles. A full set of Abstrnrt Books for Clatsop County In olllce. Money to loan. .. . Office Kooras 4 and 5, over City Book Store. A. BOWliBY. ittorury and Coituwellor at Law aice tin GheiiAinud Street, Astoria. Oregon CI l. W'TO. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Caslle Bulld- hlg. p B. WATSON, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business beioie the V. 8. Land Olllce a peclalty. ASTORIA, - - OKKGON. Ty CHIXKLKY, I. . N. . DENTIST. I associated with DR. IA 'OKCfc Booms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA. - OREGON. M JRS. DB- OUK.VS ADAIB. Office and residence cor. Court and Olnpy streets. (Mrs. D. K. Warren's former rebl dence.) Special Attention glron to Woair' Ills eaics and Diseases of Eye and Ear. OFFICE HOUBS 10 to 12, 2 to 4. t-U.A. Iu FUIiTOX. Ihj slclau anil Surgeon. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 4K rAY TUTTI.K, II. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Okxce Rooms 6 Pythian Building. Rkbldkxce On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. ! K.O.B.F.8TES. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. t i;'ice j Gem Building, up stairs, Astoi la, urgon. rIt. ALFRED KIXNKY, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may bo found there at any hour. TTIt. FllAXEL PAE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office. Astoria. Oregon, " KLO P. PARREit, SURVEYOR OF OLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria- 'fflce : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, ftoom No. 8 Up tstalr. Robt, CoUler, Deputy, A. E. 8HAW. DENTIST. Booms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor nor Cass and Bquemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon.' H. A. SMITH. StiSBP DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian C. H. Cooper's Store. Building over T HOB. MATIt. .. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. a Brood fit cuaranteed. Chares Moderate. Agent for the Celebrated Household Sewing Machine, snop opposite u. a. uooper s. For London Direct The Fine Steel Baik VILLALTA. 878 tons register. 100 A 1 Will be on berth at Astoria during July and will take salmon la lots to suit shippers. For freight and rate of Insurance apuly to BALFOUR. GUTHRIE & CO. Portland. Or to P. L. CHRRRY, Astoria. For Liverpool Direct. The line Iron ship TAEKAND. Is now on the berth and will .fc..,fa. B I i Hfb takewlmoa in lots to, suit shippers, bhe will fcw lck despatch. For particulars apply to MEYER. YSTLSON & CO. Wto O. P. UPSHTO, Astorla.Or, I I AN ANSWER DEMANDED. ere a. Hidden Cause For Aloat fferlng? A Carefol Iuvestl ration. Thy inhabitants of Boston and New England have been considerably awakeaed the past week over some imponS.it facts which have come out in artiAs in the papers as to the real cause o&nost modern diseases. Every onehaiknoTvn that there has been some Mysterious cause for unex plained ffoffering that even the doc tors couLjaot account for. A hidden disease LiSs been shown to be the real cause of most so-called pneumonia, convulsions, apoplexy, etc. If this is true, it is "f greatest importance that "r we understand it jm thoroughly. With v this end in viow, a .lAa representative of i Una paper lias col li facts from arious sources vrwjicu ro given JF-Js herewith. 50 Dr. J. H. Cutler, IS who resides at 20 nEPOBTKB and jPoplar street, said : doctor. t i have, in com mon with all lihysAians, observed the alarming increase V kidney diseases leading to that feanxl scourge.Brigh t's disease, and havefjeen constantly seeking for the pro; )r means of meet ing it. I have on prescribing Hunt's Remedy foab. great many of my patients with Meat success. I also administered W$ my mother, and with much bene!?." Mr. Samuel Littlefietd, 14S2 "Wash ington street, said: "I was troubled with kidney disease for rears, which finally turned to gravel I would be free from suffering for x long while, and then have the most terrible pains in my back. I also had nflammation of the worst kind iu nay bladder, and I was altogether in a feai 111 condition. I went to several physic ans, but all to no purpoEe,j.arid"r fcuud I was crowing very feeble. A friend in Maiden urged me to use Hunt's Rem edy. He liad been cured of travel and liver complaint by its us, and be lieved it would help me. Well, its effect was wonderful, and 1 ctnnot too highly thank my friend fcV- tie timely recommendation he maue. I wish I could make every one l kaw and understand what a valuable med icine it is." Mrs. "William Gray, 14113 lremont street, said: "I was trouYblei with kidney disease for a numbeir olyeara, at times being so bad frori, svollen limbs and pains in the b&skthat I was completely under the dctor's care. 1 received only temporary benefit until I began using Hint's Remedy, which cured me entirely, and I cannot say too much in its favor." Captain Joseph L. llayden, con nected with the "Walworth Manufac turing Company, residing at 924 East Fourth street, 'South Boston, tpo!co in t"h e highest terms of Hunt's Remedy. "Many of my friends in x.nneia, ji a ss., aVJ ft v uave useu ic wim unusual results, and would not be without it. I em- Eloyed it in my unily when other remedies had proved wholly use less, and it was remarkahlo in its results. It complete- well wrrnouT; ly cured my wife of dyixo wrrms, pain in the back." Mr. a. Burney, baggagemaster of. the Eastern Baifroad, declared that ne naauseci ilunt's Kemedy in his family for a long time, and would not bo without it. He had not only found it good for Kidney complaints (a trou ble with which all railroad men are more or less afflicted) but his wife had usfed it successfully in a severe case of what was, apparently, dys pepsia. The uniform testimony which was g'ven to the worth of this Remedy in oston was borne out by equally strong statements from residents in the suburbs. lux. Joseph G. Bictnell of Cam bridgeport asserted that he had been a great sufferer. The fluids he passed were thick with brickdust sediment, and were voided with ths greatest pain. Within four days from the time he began using Hunt's Remedy he passed a gravel stone lareer than a pea, followed by other smalTer ones. A speedy cure was the result, and he cannot recommend the remedy too highly. Mr. George P. Cox, proprietor of the last factory at aialden, had seen such wonderful effects of Hunt's Rem edy among so many of his "relatives and friends that he was enthusiastic in its favor. He had not only used it himself with the greatest benefit, but two couBins, "William "W. and John F. Cos, had experienced untold relief. He would not be without it if it cost $5 a bottle. Such statements lead us to the in evitable conclusion that, while Bright's disease of the kidneys is the concealed and actual cause of many complaints which bear other names it can be both met and cured. Let ill readers look to their condition at once, and thoroughly convince them selves whether they are or are not in perfect health, and then use that means which has been proven, and is known to be both pure, efficient, and good. Is JLk tfWm v 'aBb. c mimw&M"- I h'h. Yh Y&P w if X il 3 .fes r l KJP i -I tar fitM ASTORIA, GEN. JIM LANE. Senator Preston B. Plumb re . 5 calls what he is pleased to term an incident In Jim Lane's sena torial campaign out in Kansas many, mgny years ago. He says that," when it b'ecarae known that Lane was laying his pipes for the senatorship, forthwith there arose a bitter opposition to him, and anions' the opposition was one Hutchinson, a man of great natur al ability, a persuasive talker and an acute politician. A solemn caucus of the anti-Lane leaders at Leavenworth resulted in the determination to conduot the bat tle against Lane on the high moral theory, and Hutchinson was dis patched to southern Kansas to tell the people there v?hat a profli gate person Jim fcane was. The first speech Hutchinson made was at Fort Scott. The men, women and children came in from every where, bringing their basket lunches with them, and otherwise prepared for a protracted session. Fully aroused to an appreciation of tlit- responsibility resting upon him, Hutchinson made the most eloquent oration of his life, paint ing in the fiercest language he could command the career of the libertine Lane, who, as he de clared, had spent most of his life in wrecking homes, in invading the sancity of the fireside, in blasting Human temaie lives, etc., etc. a. faint idea of the imnression The made upon his auditots may bo gathered from the fact that when be had wound up his peroration with a teir'fic denunciation of Lane and his demoniacal methods, an old lady who sat well up in front and who had been paying strict attention, looked cajmly over her silver-bo wed specs at Hutchinson and asked: "Mister Hutchinson, is that all you've got agin Jim Lane?" When he came to brood over it in the hush of his chamber Hutch inson concluded that he wouldn't attempt another public speech of this character; it would be wiser, he decided, to employ other tao tics. Accordingly he set himself about canvassing the agricultural districts, and the first man he ap proached was a hoary old person plowing in a field. Hutchinson took the old farmer all aback by riding up to him, confronting him in the furrow, and opening out a tremendous broadside against Jim Lane for a libertine and a rogue. When the simple rustic had guth- ered his wits together and had caught the drift, of Hutchinson's remarks, he assumed an indignant v exoression and said: "Excuse mo. a sir, but I don't care to hear you Ualk so agin a relative of mine' (Of course this remark confused I Hutchinson a good deal. The best he could do under the circum stances expressive of his deep re gret at having denounced general Lane iu the presence of a relative, but while he was hemming and hawing the old farmer interrupted him with tOh, it's all right, stran ger: only I didn't caro about hear ing anybody speak disrespectful of .hm Lane, for I kind o suspicion him of bein' the father of my old est boy!" The Manitoba Boad. West of "White Earth, Dakota, there are 8,600 men and 3,000 .teams employed. From AVhite Eaith westward seventyfive miles beyond Fort Buford, Montana, is one unbroken ohain of camps, and fifty of these camps can be seen from one' point. Over 4,000,000 cubic yards of earth has already been taken out, and before the first of September it is expected that this will be increased to 10, 000,000 cubic yards. Five miles of rood per day is being completed, J ana tue enormous isuor ims in volves will bo more clearly shown by the following table of materials required for each five miles of road in one day: A rail is thirty feet long, and there are consequently 352 to the mile, or 1,760 every five miles. As. each rail weighs 600 pounds the amount of steel handled ill one day aggregates 1,056,000 p&imdsu It takes 2,640 ties to the mile or 13,200 per day. Thjrty-six 200-pound kegs of spikes are used to the mile. There are thirty-two "spikers" to every five miles of tmck, each man of whom drives 840 spikes.daily. A mile of rails tUkes 1,403 bolts, OREGON, THURSDAY, I which are handled by fourteen !Kltarc" nr nOS each da.v. To avoid delays in the progress of construction by reason of rough country, it is the intention jof the contractors to work five gangs of men in five hour reliefs during a portion of the time. Work will begin at 3 o'clock in the morning, and the darkness will be scattered by thousands of torches. The feat will be the grandest ever accom plished in rapid railroad construc tion. Big lira Yesterday Morning. Jersey City, N. J., July 20. Fire in the Standard Oil com pany's works at Constable Hook broke out at 12:30 o'clock this morning. Flames are spreading, and half the town and all the fac tories are threatened. The loss will reach $1,000,000. 3 a. xf. The fire is still raging. The barrel factory, supply house and warehouses aro. entirely con sumed. Small buildings and tanks in the yards are afire. The whole department is at work. The loss will be heavy. There were six heavy explosions, but no lives were lost. Hundreds oi workmen will be thrown out of employment. Booth's lumber yard and the Standard match factory aro in danger. The cause of the fire is unknown. 4 a. m. No additional particu lars of the Constable Hook fire have been received. Flames are visible from the associated press office, and appear to be spreading rapidly. The Su? says the fire at Con stable Hook has spread to T. & S. White's sulphur factory, and that when it went to press it looked us if the whole place would go. A Oat in freight Eatesr Sax Fcaxcisco, July 19. A change has been made in freight rates east and west from the Jfa cifio coast to several of the large eastern cities. Considerable re ductions are made thereby in ex isting tariffs. The reasons for the change are to be found inthesame old fact of the PaciGc Mail and Canadian Pacific competition. For instance, a farmer can get iron and tteel hauled from Pittsburg to New York, and then bring these shipments around by Panama, at a less rate thanthe transcontinental roads have been hauling the same article by way of Chicago or St. Louis. There is a reduction of from SI to 2 per ton in shipments of canned goods and the lik , from here to eastern cities, in order to get on as favorable footing as pos sible with the Canadian Pacific. A REMEDY FOK CHILLS AND FJSVEB. Rochester, N. Y. Dec. 16, 1885. Four years ago I contracted a hard cola that settled on my lungs. I had a aevere chill, followed ;by high, fever, raging headache, pain on my left side over the lung, and every time a fit of coughing came on, which was every few minutes, it was terrible to bear the pain. I thought it meant an attack of pneumonia, as I went through a two-month Biege of that disease, and it came on just the same war. As it wsb night I thought I would wait until morning before sending for a doctor. Fortu nately a haU-box of Allcock'b Fokous Plabtkss was fonnd in tho possession of a friend, who boarded with us. One of these was put on my throat ; two on my chest, and one on my back oVer the left shoulder blade. 1 then had a hot foot bath. After again getting into bed, jt sceoied but a few minutes when an my symptoms were relieved; the Bkm became quickly moist ; I coughed only at intervals, and then with very little effort, and in about an hour I was in a sound sleep, from which I did not awake until morn ing. I resumed business in two days. H. F. Fletcher. The prospect of the permanent suspension of tho longer-and-short-er-haul clause of tho interstate commerce act seems to bo affect ing the Canadian Pacific The bargain of that eompany with the Pacific Coast Steamship company is reportea on. Scarlet Fever. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid Is un equalled in the treatment of Scarlet Fever. Used as a gargle it prevents the throat, front becoming diptherltc, allays Inflamatlon and subdues the pain. Used to sponge the body it allays the itching inflamatlon of the skin aud destroys infection. Eiposftdln thS'sIck-rooni it will pre vtntthe spread of contagion, and keep the atmosphere wholesome. JULY 21, J887. To Regulate fflTTTI favorite home remedy i I HK warranted cot to contain a single par Ji aJUJ tide of Mercury or any injurious rub stascs, but Is purely vegetable. It will Cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver, Sidneys and Stomacn. If your Liver is out of orderTtaea your whole system is deranged. The blood Is impure, the breath offensive; you have headache, feel languid, dispirited and nerrous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once Simmons T TtTTHTI REGULATOR. If you lead a 1. 1 If P.K sedentary life, or suffer with UA ff UJLV Kidney Affections, avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does net require continual doting, and costs but a trine. It will cure you. If you wako up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth. TAKE Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor rects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens the Breath, and cleanses the Furred tic and Tonic to avert annroachioz sickness l cogue, unuuren otten need some sate (jathar- ... . . . . .. -.. .. rRegul mach, ache, Sick Ste: atorwui relieve i0Lc, rieaa- acne, sicie btomacn. indigestion. Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without viol :nt purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take II HI m PREPARED BY J.H.ZEIUN&CO.,Philaue!phia,Pa. PBICE. 81.00. Tutt's Pills otj:fle. Malaria, Fever and Ague, Dumb Chills, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks etc. Theyprodnco regular, natural evac uations, never gripo or Interforo with dally business. As a family medicine, they should have a placo In every household. Price, 25 cents per hoi. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44: Murray St., N. Y. SnORT HAND & TYPE WRITING SITUATIONS pay both young men and ladles much better salaries than most commercial positions. and the demand Ls greater. Students can ue utted tor onice snort-hand positions IN THREE MONTHS' TIME by naven's system. No previous knowledge of either art required. Colleges open all the year. Students can enter any time, all tuition being Individual. Superior facili ties for procu ting situations, for which aid we make no charge. College pamphlets with full set self-teaching lessons In either art sent to any address for 10 cts. ; both arts. 20 cts. No stamps accepted. Address either of Haven's Colleges : New York. N. Y. ; Philadelphia. Pa. ; Chicago. 111. : Cincinnati. O. ; San Francisco, Cal, The Astor House J. C. ROSS, Proprietor. A Large, Clean, Sunny House. REPAINTED, REFITTED, REFURNISHED. First Class in all its Appointments. Well furnished and well kept. Rates from $1 n Day Upward. Free Coach to and from the House Board by the day week or month. Comet Jefferson and Olney Streets, torla, Oregon. As- Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binaclo Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints, Oils, G-rooeries, Etc. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Thera is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits, Better Work manship, and for Xjeojbs Money By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. He has lust received a large stock of Goods from the Bast. Fine Business Suits from S35. Call and Sea 111m and Satisfy Tonrseir. PJ. MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Theo. Bracker Recommends to the public and to the trade bis stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Smoker's Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at Portland prices, GhenamuB street, rntor mwm CASH. . L. OSGOOD'S One Price Gash Store. Save Money by Purchasing Your Clothing, Neckwear, Hats, Underwear, Suspenders, Caps, AT A ONE PRICE CASH HOUSE. Which Pays no High Rent, no High Insurance, no High Incidental Ex penses, no High Prices for Goods, nor Makes any bad Accounts for you to help Pay. My (5omI.s are all entirely new, and were bought directly from the Manu facturers at a low prices as these Hues can be purchased, anu I am selllnjr thera as low as they are legitimately sold on the Pacltio Coast. A child can purchase Goods as cheap, and receives the same proper attention and treatment at my counters as the most experienced buyer. COUNTRY ORDERS FILLED CORRECTLY, AND WITH DISPATCH. I. I. OSGOOD, KINNEY'S BRICK BUILDING, ASTORIA, OREGON. Opposite Rescue Engine House. Our mmense New Stock Consisting of 4 CAR LOADS of fine Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpets, Oi! Cloth, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods were purchased direct from Eastern Manufacturers and shipped' before the recent advance in freight, the benefits theroof we propose to share with our customers. Call and See Us. CHA8. HEILBORN. y g mmmf-mmmmm a- i i i.i . AT GRIFFIN ill rJMtmW & E4 n uj O CO 2 o Ul BUI jbSH The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN Ayenr. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is abo Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand J. H. D. GKAY Wholesale and retail dealer lu. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfase on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. Coin Transportation Coiaft FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Ifest Time! - THE NEW STEAMER fr -TEUPHONE- Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson St Fisher's Doclc every Menday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portlanri at 1 P.M. Beturnlng leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. ear-in nriitfttnnftl trin will bo nmda nn at ft O'eiBclc-Basdkr Meraiar. for Bound port. PRICE IVE CENTS: ONE PRICE. Hosiery, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Trunks, Valises, P & REED'S. ASTORIA, ONLY OF Virginia Cifiar anfl Tolmcco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Floe Cigars, Tobacco aid Smoker Article. Sold at Lowest Market Bates. PRUITS. CANDIES, If OTIONS.&0. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. Sandav t Eaek Sanrtav at Eak Wek. leavlBff Portlasd Fasseugers or tMs roste-cosMct srXUas U. B. SCOTT, PreaMenH M r&aSft, -