The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 20, 1887, Image 3

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Siutjf i$tOim
.JULY 10, 1SS7
Hon. Sol Hirsch is in tbe city.
The Mistletoe social club will have
a party next Friday evening.
The British bark Trinidad cleared
for Valparaiso yesterdav with 479 M
feet lumber, worth S5.500.
Patrick Moore was yesterday ad
judged insane by a commission in
lunancy, and goes to Salem this
morning in charge of Frank Snrpre
nant. Francis Criman, a deserter from
the United States army, was arrested
here last Monday and taken to Van
couver for trial. He hai eluded pur
suit since his desertion last March.
Col. Jno. Adair, Jr., brought over a
farm wagon from Clatsop via his ferry
yeBterday, being the first vehicle of
the lrind ever brought to the city
from Clatsop with the hordes hitched
The Scandinavian Benevolent asso
ciation is making every preparation
for a pleasant excursion on the 31st
mst. The western Amateur Brass
Band will discourse sweet music on
the boat and at Knappn.
Salmon were reported a little more
abundant yesterday, but a little less
in size. Nothing now but a special
act of Providence or of the legislature
can prevent a short pack of salmon
up to August 1st on the Columbia
this year.
A fire alarm at ten o'clock last
night was occasioned by a slight fire
near the boiler in Kinney's cannery
which was promptly extinguished.
The department got there in good
time, but, fortunately their services
were not needed.
Begarding the proposed foot race
between Grant and Bea, in six weeks
time, the backers of tho latter say
that they are going to the Coquille to
pack salmon on the first, and as far
as they're concerned it would be an
impossibility, unless the race was run
in Coos county, a very unlikely event.
A very remarkable criminal case
was ended at Portland last Monday,
wherein one Edward Fay, an alleged
accomplice in the Allen & Lewis
"burglary," who plead guilty in court
to a charge of larceny, which larceny
as a matter of fact he never commit
ted, was- sent to the penitentiary for
six months.
A San Francisco dispatch says tho
steward of the fishing schooner
Courtney Ford -was recently washed
overboard in Alaskan waters. His
body was recovered and a bank book
allowing deposits to the amount of
813,000 was found on his person. The
mate of the C. C. Funk also shared
iuo name fate about the same place.
A mist rolled in from the sea yes
terday evening and overcoats and
warm clothing felt comfortable. The
cool weather throughout the season'
has been unusually prolonged. It is
noticeable in this connection that
there has been nn almost steady
northwester blowing outside, and
some think that to this wind is due
the continued cool weather.
As the season advances the lumber
business is, if anything, oven brisker.
The demand from southern Cali
fornia parts is something unprece
dented, and every class of vessels is
pressed into the service, and oven
passenger steamers like tho Wil
mington, - now taking lumber from
Gray's Harbor, are in use. On the
Columbia the logging and lumber
business was never brisker, and all
the mills have orders ahead.
At Ross' Opera House To-niuht.
Daniel Sully's new play. Daddy
Nolan, was produced at the opera
house last night, Bays the Milwaukee
Sentinel, where it was very warmly
received. The play is a sequel to
The Corner Grocery, and is built
upon the same model, telling in an
unpretentious way the story of Daddy
Nolan's reduction from affluence to
poverty, through the forgery of his
name by his son, his trials and sor
rows as a poor junkman, and the sub
sequent happiness of all by the son's
return in time to save his father from
prison and replace him in his former
position of independence. The com
edy is bright and full of rollicking
fun. It makes pretensions to noth
ing in the way of exalted literary merit,
but it has a vein, of broad humor
which never descends to coarseness,
and a great deal .of homely
pathos, which one would scarce
ly expect to find in a play
of this class. Tho precocious youth
is there with his- ingenious devilry,
full of mischief and a disposition to
make things hpt for every body with
whom he comes in contact Daddy
Nolan is unohanged by time,alittle less
boisterous, perhaps and toned down
by grief, but in other ways he is the
jolly, good hearted old Irishman,
whose clever work in the old play
kept his audiences roaring with the
heartiest kind of laughter. Mr. Sully
is one of the few Irish comedians
who can act naturally. His Nolan is
a distinctly drawn and neatly exe
cuted bit of charaoter work, full of
light and shade and some very pa
thetio touches. It ranks far above
the farcical attempts at comedy made
by many of our prominent actors and
is really artistic. Eeserved seat3 at the
New York Novelty Store.
I mm
, Place as house keeper or chamber
maid by a capable woman, or will ac
cept situation as seamstress. Address
"G." care Astor House.
Da Yen Want Yonr Fine Cleaned
If you do J. Lavalee will do the job
neatly and cheap. Leave orders at
The AsTQRiAy office.
Vanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
The city council held an adjourned
meeting last evening.
The following communication from
the chamber of commerce was read:
To the Honorable th City Council
of Asteria:
Gentlemen-: At a meeting of tho
Astoria Chamber of commerce held
on the 11th inst., the following reso
lutions wero adepted:
Reaolced, That public interest re
quires a pnblic thoroughfare from the
city of Astoria to the county road
leading to Smith's point. That Con
comly and Chenamus streets should
be extended to the western limits of
the city. That it is the opinion of
this chamber that the city conncil of
Astoria should take immediate steps
to have those streets so opened.
Resolved, That the secretary send
a copy of the above resolutions to the
city conncil of Astoria, Oregon.
J. H. MakseiiL,
Acting Secretary.
The communication was ordered
received and filed, and the city sur
veyor instructed to survey a street as
Several new ordinances were read
first and second times and referred to
appropriate committees, and council
Jleelinj; of the Chamber of
t2$Z2 ."i'i'l.'K
QT.o;r, t iwv u.Z t- 4 '
evening at the law oflice of Judge
Bowlby. The. committee to whom
was referred the matter of securing
suitable rooms for the regnlar meet
ings oi the chamber reported, recom-
uiuumuy iuitk iue iuuiu utci v.. jj. .
Parker's store be rented; the report
and recommendation were adopted.
On motion, it was ordered that the
room be suitably furnished and fitted
up forthwith. On motion, the com-J
mittee on suitable quartera for the
seasions of thp. nnmiurr wntorwnv e.nn.
vention was instructed, if nosifiJp. in
seenro Odd Fellows hall for that pur
Delegates to the waterway conven
tion were chosen as follews: M. C.
Crosby, J. H. D. Gray, C. W. Fulton.
J. F. Hallorau, F. J. Tavlor, W. W.
Parker, C. H. Page. J.W. Welch,
Chas. S. Wright, B. Van Dusen.
On motion, the secretary was in
structed to notify all members of the
chamber relative to the amount of
dues, etc. On motion, the meeting
Tnrk A jnnn the Winner.
The Whitehall boat race between
Jas. Turk and Jas. Williams last
Monday afternoon resulted in a chal
lenge which was immediately accent
ed, to sail another race over the same
course, which was djne yesterday af
ternoon, the only difference being
that Williams took Brown and Mc
Cabe's boat, the Harry Bingliam,
Turk having his boat Young Turk,
sailed by Baker as before. The race
was for 101) a side: the start was at
3KK5, r. m.; Baker turned the upper
buoy at 3:17J, Williams at 3;18; at
the lower buoy Williams tacked
around at 4:02, Baker at A.-$fiA. Will
iams stood over toward the north,
and came in second. Baker passing
the judges' boat at 4:36, and win
ning the race; timo of race one hour,
twenty-five and one-half minutep.
Iu Brief, And to the Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, and many
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American .people a
nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Kemember: iso happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic Ask your druggist for a
bottle. "Seventy-five cents.
School Jleetins Lart "Evening.
There was a school meeting in the
school house of district No. 1 last
evening, the object being to levy a
tax to support the school for the en
suing year, to pay interest on the in
debtedness, and incidental expenses.
The call for the meeting was read
by J. G. Hustler, the school
clerk, and after some discussion
it was decided that . an eight
mill tax be levied; 2 mills
for the salary, of the teachers, 2
mills for interest on the indebtedness
Vi mills for the reduction of the
debt and 1 mills for incidental ex
penses, andthe meeting adjourned.
DoYouAVant Your Flue CleaBed?
If you do, T. Clifton will do the job
neatly and cheaply. Leao orders at
The Astoriax oflice.
A Sunny Room
Willi the comforts of a home, library,
ore. Apply at Ilolden House,
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
Oysters In Every Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
C, K. F. P. U. ftoticc.
All members in good standing of the
C. R. P. P. Union, who are engaged or
going fall fishing on the rivers of this
coast, are hereby notified to meet at
Ross' Opera House on Wednesday.
July 27th, at 2 p. si. sharp.
By oidpr Executive Board.
A. Sutton, Sec'y.
The finest and nicest steak to be
in town at Fabre's.
The best
oysters in any style at
Sax Fbaxcjsco, July 18. By tho
Alaska steamer Dora, which came in
to-day from Ounalaska, information
is received of the seizure of two ves
sels for sailing within the limits pre
scribed by the United States govern
ment. They are the American
schooner Challenge, thirty tons,
from Seattle, and the British steam
schooner Annie Beck, hailing from
Victoria. Both seizures were made
by the United States revenue cutter
Richard Rush, and the yessels and
crews were sent on to Sitka. The
Challenge was taken July 1, in Eks
ten harbor, on Eksten Island. When
overhauled o the Rush no seals
were to be seen, but there was blood
on the deck and other evidences that
the crew had been engaged in seal
ing. The Rush took charge of her,
in spite of the protests of the captain,
who urged that every skin he had was
obtained in open waters of the Pa
cific. Two days later the Annie Beck
was seized near St. Georges, which is
not far from Ounalaska. As in the
case of the Challenge there was blood
on her deck, and the crew appeared
as if they had been hard at it. Her
captain set up a protest and said he
would demand satisfaction from the
British government. He was like
r ; wise sent off to Sitka, where he, as
well as the American captain, will be
math. Adtaa !r ou-
aiasta there was a fleet of twenty
Healera bovering off Sanackt under
oan:nnnni?u f "", OBJt u"
reported at Unga, and the officers
! of the Rush -were in need of assist-
j nnce. The Hear has gone to Arctic
Death of Archbishop Se-lier.
... . , ... ,
iue death of archbishop Seghers
" a ahoc to many wuo knew aad ea
teemed him. A native of Belgium, he
was stationed as a lioman Catholic
priest at Vancouver, where, in 1873,
he was ordained bishop. Alaska was
a part of his diocese and a long and
tedious journey there manifested the
interest he felt in that section. In
1879 he was made coadjutor to the
venerable archbishop Blanchet, of
this stale and in 1831 succeeded that
prelate. In 1884 he resigned his dig
nities that he might go to Alaska as a
missionary, and in 1885 entered upon
his new field. About a year ago ho
started from Victoria for an extended
tour through Alaska. In his party
was a companion and servant named
Frank Fuller, a young man from
Portland. This Fulier murdered the
archbishop on the rooming of No
vember 28th, on the banks of the Yu
kon river, about a hundred miles
from its mouth. The cause of the
murder appears to have been jeal
ousy on the part of the miserablo
man, who in the early morning, after
having slept by the bishop a siue till
night, picked up a rifle and sent a
bullet crashing through his forehead.
The body was taken to St. Mi
chael's, Fuller accompanying it,
where ho was arrested and will bo
taken to Sitka for trial.
A New Whitehall Boat.
Denny Curran was out yesterday
afternoon in a new Whitehall boat,
about twenty feet long, whioh Wm.
Howe has built for the oustom house
service. She is to be called the
Uncle Sam, and is a neat looking
little craft. Her center board is a
little further forward than is custom
ary iu Whitehall boats, and Denny
Curran, who gave her an extended
trial up and down stream yesterday
afternoon, thinks it is considerable of
an improvement, holding her well
in hand and enabling her to hold her
own and a little more with any boat
of similar bnild in the vicinity.
Famous Women.
Madame Trebelli, the greatest of
living contraltos who has traveled
extensively, in fact visited every
county and city of note in the world,
has just departed from the slope of
the Pacifie, and often expressing the
greatest admiratioi for the beauty
and grandeur of our scenery and the
delightful mildness of our climate,
left the following written note as a
living expression of her opinion in
the hands of a Portland druggist, the
original of which can le seen on de
mand. Pobtund, Or., April C; 1837.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Itoberlme." and it gives me mnon
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being one of the best
articles of the kinu I have ever used. Re
lieve me, yonrs sincerely.
Z. Tsebelli.
If any further proof Qf the excel
lency of this article is required call on
Messrs. W.E-. Dement & Cotof Asto
ria, Or., who, for the small sum of
fifty cents, will produce evidence that
will satisfy the most skeptical and
fastidious and give you a beautiful
picture card for the trouble of en
quiring. i -
Where History Repeats !tnelf.
Shipping coal" to Newcastle was
equalled on Wednesday when a load
of salmon was shipped from the Cas
cades to one of the canneries at Asto
ria. Welcome, 16.
Their Business Boomiag:.
Probably no one thing has caused
such a general revival of trade at W. E.
Dement & Co.'s Drug Store as their giv
ing away to their customers of so many
tree trial oouies or nr. ivings ;xew dis
covery for Consumption. Their trade
is simply enormous in this very valu
able article from the fact that it always
cures and never disappoints. Coughs.
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and
all throat and lung diseases quickly
cured. You can test it before buying
by getting a trial bottle free, large
size 51. Every bottle warranted.
Gatnbrinus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
For a Flue Dish of leo Cream
Go to the Central Kestaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Private Rooms.
Cleansed, Purified and Beauti
fied by the Cuticura Remedies.
Forcloansins tho Skin and Scalp of Dis
figuring Humors, for allaying Itching, Burn
ingandlnflammation,forcunngtho first symv
toms of Eczema, Psoriasis, Milk Crust, Scaly
Head. Scrofula, and other inherited Skin and
Wood Diseases, uuticura, me great bkin
Cure, and CiJTicunA soap, an exqusito fckm
Beautifier, externally, and Cuticuka ke-
SOLVEtT. tno new uiooa runucr. iniernauy,
aro infallible.
a compIetjr cube.
t linrAs-jfTored nil my life with skin dis
eases of different, kinds and havo never
found permanent relief, until, by the adrico
of a lady friend. I ueed your valuable Ctrri
cdka Remedies. I gave them a thorough
trial, using sir bottle3 of the Cuticuka Ke
bOLVExr, two boxes of CtmcDBA and seven
just what I had been told it would be-o
complete cure. ,
BELLE WADE, Richmond, Ya.
Reference, O, V. Latimer, Druggist
Richmond, Ya.
Tt-ai tmnMiwI with Suit UTiAiim fnr a
number of years, so that the skin entirely
came off one of my.hands from the finger tips
W IUO wriSU X IHUU 1CLUVU1CJ -uu uvviuu
prescriptions to no purpose until I com
menced taking Ccticuka Remedies, and
now 1 am entirely cured.
E. T. PARKER. .S7 Northampton St.
Hare :old a quantity of your Cuticura
Remedies. One ,'of my customer;. Mrs.
Henry Kintz, who had tetter on her hands to
such an extent as to causo the skin to peel off.
dUU iUi ClgUl JTOU1 .UU SUUV Wkft MVftlV
completely cured by the use of your nn
cines, C. N. -S YE. Druggist, Canton, Ohi
and for eight yean she suffered greatly- was
For the last year I have had a species of
itching, scaly and pimply numors on my tace
to which I havo appiled a great many
methods of treatmont without success, and
which was speedily and entirely cured by
Mrs. ISAAC PHELPS, Ravenna, 0.
Wo havo sold your CUTICURA Rkmedies
for the last six years, and "no modtcines on
ourshehes gavo better satisfaction.
C. F. ATHERTON. Druggist, Albany, N. Y.
Cuticura Remedies are sold everywhere,
Price; Cuticura, 50 cents; Kksolvkst,
1.00 ; Soap, 23 cents. Prepared by the
Potter Drug and Chemicw. Co.. Boston.
-Mass. Henrt for "How to Curo skin
PDllDO Pimiiles.Skin Blemishes, and Ba
lm u DO, by Humors, cured by CuncURA
Catarrh io Consumption.
Catarrh in its destructive force stands noxt
to and undoubtedly leads on to consumption.
It is therefore singular that those afflicted
with this fearful diseaso should not make it
the object of their lives to rid themselves of
it. Deceptive romodies concocted by ignorant
pretenders to medical knowledge havo
weakened tho confidence of tho great
majority of sufferers in all advertised rem
edies. They becomo resigned to a lifo of
misery rather than torture themselves with
doubtful palliatives.
But this will never do. Catarrh must bo
met at every staga and combated with all
our might. In many cases tho disease has
assumed dangorous symptoms Iho bones
and cartilago of tho noie. the organs of hear
ing, of seeing and ot tasting so affected as to
be useless, the uvula o elongated, tho throat
to inllamed and irritated as to produce a
constant and distressing cough.
Saiuord's Radical Curb meets overy
phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
the most loathsomo and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional, instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economi
cal and never-failing.
Each' package contains one bottle of the.
Radicad Cure, one box Catarrhal Solv
tT, and an Improvfd Ioalkr, with treat
is; price 81.
Potter Druo & Chemical Co., Bostoi.
J IV 0E MIXIJTE, that weary,
B lifeless all-gone, sensation ever
l ML present with those of Inflamed kid
1 JLncys, Weak Back and Loins, Ach
ing 11 ins and Sides, Utoriso Pains, Weak
ness, and Inflammation, is relieved and
speedily cured by the Cuticura Anti
lIn Planter, a now, original, elegant
and infallible antidoto to pain and inflamma
tion. At all druggists, 25c; five for SI. 00 ; or
of Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston,
YearnlDRS of Wm. Nye's Hf art.
We have paved tbe way for the
poor, oppressed foreigner, so that he
could come to our shores. and take
liberties with our form of govern
ment To be a foreigner here in
America to day ia one of the sweet
est boons. If I conld be just what I
wonld like to be, I would be an op
pressed foreigner, landing on our
shores, free from the taxation and re
sponsibility of government, with no
foetal demands made on me, with
nothing in my possession but a
hearty Godspeed from both political
parties, und a strong yearning for
freedom. Oh, why was I not born an
alien qhat both parties wouldn't dast
to reproach; an alien that can come
here and find a government estab
lished, with no flies on it; a govern
ment of the people, by the people
and for the people.
"Redd me for my cause, and be patient
that j e may read." Shakkspeabe.
The Greatest Study of 3Ianklnd Is Man.
The greatest study of mankind is man,
Ana who cr e ms wumirous ianie (loin
Ponder and devise to cure an ill,
Whether by device, fruit or pill,
An equal benefactor is he; and we
The Inventor of a cathartic of delicious
To do him honor.
"Who remembers not how the distressed
Her child's entreaties tries to smother.
That she insist not the horrid dose be
The remembrance e'en now docs nausea
And fond father.
To fce witness of. his child's torture,
would rather pay hiph price,
If money conld purchase Cathartic
We have it now ! and great De Phati's
Appears upon the scroll of Esculapiau
For after long study what would suit.
Has hit upon delicious fruit
To cure our ill.
Away at once with draughts and nills r
For whether it be indigestion, liver com-
piauib or cuiibiiuuuon.
Or any disease to which flesh is heir.
He here with pride does boldly declare,
And "on the assertion will wager ble.
That it can be cured by a HAMBURG
At Druggists, 25 cts. a box. J. J. Mack
fe Co., proprietors, S. F.
All thp nntflntmprlip.inpQ siilvnrtienri
In this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel. Astoria.
illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllEsiiisiLiB "
HHlBil HHlllllllllllllllllllllVBHrj"'
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH&teSI Hb
illlllllllllllHHHSfisiiiiiislKi pcfr ?
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
This is the place for you to
Buy Your Goods At.
Herman W
Outsells them all, -which fact
you ought to remember when you
are out shopping.
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of -. "
&3 9
Kver shown in Astoria.
w Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
Upwards of TWO
select from
AH New, Stylish, and
The Leading House of
We oxo
W ar
Doing Business for Fun!
Vf are making taonej
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mfnd, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck Sons.
, X
Buys' Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.
the City.
aro net
- i