Cs JlaUjj .$foran. A.STORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY JULY IK 1SS7 To-night Wad-el-Ward At Liberty Hall. Tiokets at Griffin & Reed's. Few Balmon in the river; too blamed cold. There will be a campmeetiuff at Ooean Park next Thursday. The Qlenacon has 11,500 cases salmon aboard; the Yarkand, 2,972. The Rosie Olsen is receiving some repairs and will shortly have her steam power in satisfactory shape. J. L. Brown, late editor and pro prietor Carrollton, Mo., Protest, is in the city with a view to locating in this vicinity. Frost is reported at various places through the Willamette Valley, ice forming on water troughs, etc., in some places this week. Mrs. Bochau, the aged grandmother of Wm. Pohl, was seized with a para lytic stroke last Thursday, and it is feared Bho cannot recover. These are the kind of mornings that the flies cling to the kitchen wall and wish to goodness some one would get up and start a fire. The Warwick Castle sailed yester day with an Astoria loaded cargo, the most valuable of any that has crossed the Columbia bar outward this year. Sherman & Ward have a good out fit of double and single buggies, carts, phaetons, etc., for their new livery stable, and expect to be ready for business very shortly. The professional card of Mr. John H. Smith, attorney-at-law, appears in another column. Mr. Smith has rented rooms 4 and 5 over the City Book Store, and will practice law. Divers and sundry ordinances bear ing on fire matters, are being com piled and the present ordinances in fore are being put in shape for issu ance in proper form codified and in dexed. Astoria No. One's engine houso has been refitted and repainted and re shingled and looks fine inside and out. About $150 repairs have been put on the building, greatly to its improvement. Joe Leathers is building a steamer for L N. Henness. It -will be thirty four feet long, eight foot beam and will be about four tons burthen. When completed, she will plow the raging main in the vicinity of Sun shine. In San Francisco seamen are re ported becoming more and more scarce, if that "were possible, and -while only four deepwater sbips need a com plement of men, none are to le had. Boarding masters want a bonus of S30 for every sailor. Surprenant & Ferguson are build ing a city pest house, about a mile south of the Main street cut; it -will cost 3400 and will be finished by the 1st In case of epidemic disease of any kind, small pox, etc, such a place would be a necessity. The following postmasters have been appointed for Oregen: Amos D. Hiland, at Lowell, Lane county, and Oliver Baurrett, at Wood burn, Mari on county. A new office has been es tablished at Wimer, Jackson county, with Simon Simpson as postmaster. Fires in parlor and sitting room stoves have been found to be a requi site of comfort this week. One re cent arrival from way down upon the Swanee river came in with his teeth chattering yesterday morning and wanted to know when we had onr summer. " "Before being lynched Wednesday night," says one of the BelVs Dakota exohanges, "Col. Hossdealer handed tfs $2 and requested that the Hay rake be continued to his family for another year. The colonel is a gen tleman and a public spirited citizen. Our best wishes accompany him." In the justice court yesterday niorn iilg Mrs. M. Furnoy was sued by F. H. Page, of Portland, for $52.77, al legedjto be due on account; judgment for plaintiff: the case will be appe'aled. In the afternoon the case of Mike Erickson, arrested on complaint of Sam Johnson for alleged assault and battery, was on trial. There is a steamer war between the companies running between San Franoisoo and Humboldt. Two steam ers, the Humboldt and Coos Hay, sailed from San Francisco yesterday, the Humboldt taking cabin passen gers for $3, steerage for $1, and freight for $1 per ton, the Cooi Bay charging $4, S2 and $1. A steamship is reported building to run between Gray's harbor and Han iranoisco, to carry passengers and lumber. It will be able to take thirty of the former and 400,000 feet of the latter each trip, and will cost when completed $47,000, and will make her first trip on the 2nd of next month. There was a pleasant excursion and basket picnic to Bear river yes terday on the steamer Electric, un der tho auspices of the ladies' guild of Grace Episcopal church. About one hundred ladies, gentlemen and children composed the party; and a good time was enjoyed by the party who arrived home shortly after seven o'clock in the evening. A new kind of. nail, for attaching mouldings and other light lumber, which leav3 no nail holes, is made Tsiv with a point at each end, and with an outwardly projecting head or shoulder midway between the points. The nail is first driven into the wood by incans of a punch, which straddles the protruding point and bears on the head. When enough has been driven in, the moulding is placed over the nails and driven down. The grand lodge A. O. U. W. at Portland last Thursday elected the following efficers: Grand master workman, Geo. T. EuBsell. of Oak land; grand foreman, E. L. Smith, Hood river; overseer, Oliver Hall, Colfax; recorder, J. T. Brown, Olym pia; receiver, R. L. Durham, Port land; representatives, W. D, Hare, Hillsboro; D. T. Wheeler, Seattle; D. L. Green, Salem: trustee, W. J. Ply male, Jacksonville. A hundred and sixty acres of land on Bunker Hill -was sold at public auction in St. Helens on Tuesday last for $250, and was purchased by the Ilwaco andStioalwaterBsy Transpor tation company, and was purchased on a trust deed held for the company by J. Q. A. Bowlby. The land had been owned, says the Mist, by Mrs. Marden, the wife of the defaulting treasurer, who placed it in trust for the company to cover her husband's defalcation. George F. Scott, of South Bend, Pacific county, was killed on the Wil lapa on the morning of Thursday, the 7th iust. He was barking n log be fore shooting it into the river, when the stake that was holding it slipped, and the log rolled down on him and crushed him to death. He was bur ied at Riverside the following day. Ho was an old, experienced logger from New Brunswick, and leaves a wife and seven children, four of whom were his step children. The upper Columbia is rapidly re eediug. It lacked several inches of reaching the high water mark of 1870. It was higher this season than it has been for ten years. It has furnished a good flow of drift timber along its banks, and the people living along the upper river have improved the oppor tunity to lay in supplies of timber for rails, posts, etc. It was a welcome treat to them, but disastrous to those who had farms along the Columbiu and Willamette bottoms. J. E. Sheppard, San Francisco man ager of tho Oregon immigration bureau, says ho has never known im migration to Washington territory and Oregon to be as heavy as at tho present time. The Pacific Coast boom that began in California is ex tending north to the international line. The class of people who have come north to take up land are better than tho average of past seasons. Almost all have money; not fortunes, but sufficient to keep them independ ent of tho farm for two years or more. Thereare few pauper foreign ers among them to make themselves a burden. Regarding the recent drowning of four men at Tillamook, a note re ceived last Thursday by the Orego nian gives the name3 of the Penn sylvanians as Hoover, LeBaron and Johnson, and the Nestucca man as John Holbrook. On Tuesday, the 5th inst., these men applied at the board of immigartion rooms for information in regard to timber land. They gave their names as W. W. Hepburn, L. LeBaron and Z. L. Hoover. They said they were from Pennsylvania and represented a syndicate of capitalists, who would furnish moner to put up a large saw mill if sufficient good timber land could be secured. They were accom panied by a man named Cal Johnson, a resident of Portland, who appeared to be well acquainted with them. They were advised to visit Tillamook county, annjon Thursday left for Or egon city to examine plats of land in the land office there. On Friday they went to North Yamhill where they took tho stage for Tillamook, and would, in the natural order of things, arrive at Tillamook city, at the Lead of the bay, on Saturday, at which time the men drowned are reported to have arrived there. On tho hotel register at North Yamhill appear the names of Z. L. Hoover, Lumber City, Pa., L. DeBaron and Cal Johnson. They are, without doubt, the parties who called at the rooms of the board of immigration, but W. W. Hepburn, if he belonged to tho party, appears to have left it LeBaron was proba bly from the same plase as Hoover. The Ne3tucca man drowned was John Holbrook. Give Them a Chance! That is to say, your lungs. Also your Dreaming macmnery. very wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larcer nir-nassnees. but the thous ands of little tubes and cavities lead. ing from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do, they can not do well. Gall it cold, cough, croup, pneu monia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is juBt one sure way to get rid of them, that is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed yon, you may depend upon this for certain. Real Estate Transfers. J. T. Mulkoy to J. P. Austin, part lot G, Bee. 20, T. 6 N. R. 10 W.; $75. The finest and incest steak to be had in town at Fabre's. What! o You Think Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink.' Not much: but he elves the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 25 cents. For n Fine Dish, or Ico Cream Go to the Central Restaurant next to Foard & Stokes'. Lemon Ice Cream atFabres to-day. LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH .zw Yobk, July 15. At the usual meeting of the stock exchange to-day at noon vice-president A. B. Hill, apparently full of health, ascended the platform to announce 'the death of M. M. T. Derivas, and had hardly finished when he was taken with a sudden weakness. Friend's assisted him to the entry, but he had just passed the flight of stairs leading to the door when he expired. An nouncement of his death was immedi ately made, and a special meeting of the governing committee called to take appropriate action. The ex change immediately adjourned until to-morrow. A KATXOXA& TEACHERS 2K8TITUTE. Chicago, July 15. At the national educational contention held in this city to-day the following officers have thus far been eleeted: Aaron Gove, of Colorado, president; James H. Canfield, of Kansas, secretary; Ed win C. Hewitt, of Illinois, treasurer. Among the vice-presidents is Fred. M. Campbell, of California, formerly superintendent of public instruction in that state. Among the directors are Ira G.Hoitt, of California, James H. Baker, of Colorado, T. B. McDon ald, of Nevada, Charles L. Howard and William Stewart, of Utah, and J. O. Churchill, of Wyoming. Oregon, Washington territory, Idaho and New Mexico are yet to be filled. The following papers were read this merning: "What place manual train ing should occupy in the system of public schools, in urban commun ities and in large towns," by Francis A. Walker, president of the Massa chusetts institute; "Technology in country districts," by superintendent M. A. Newell, of Baltimore; "The kinds of methods to be introduced, and practical methods of instruc tion," by Miss L. A. Fay, of Spring field, Massachusetts, with illustra tions. The discussion was opened by C. W. Woodward, of St Lruis. AT THE OLD HOME. Fouestpobt, N. Y., July 13. -Notwithstanding that the sun arose glo riously over the eastern hills this morning there were no signs of life at the residence of "Dominie Cleve land," where president Cleveland's party are. Until nearly nine o'clock last evening Mrs. Cleveland plajed a number of selectiouson the piano and sang one of her favorite songs. The music, howevar, seemed to at tract the villagers, and as soon as the fact was discovered she ceased, though the curtains were not drawn and the party oould be seen chatting together. He is Buffering from fatigue and a slight attack of cholera mor bus. ALL QUIET AT HONOLULU. Washington. July 13. Secretary of state Bayard to-day received a tel egram from United States minister Carter at Honolulu, dated July 3th, saying that affairs were quiet in that country. Additional particulars l.y mail are expected in a few days. FULL! 1NSUBED. Philadelphia, July 15. A fire at the brewery of Louis Bergdell & Co., to-day, caused a loss of $115,000 ou the buildings and contents; the in surance will cover the Joss. NOT FULLY INSURED. Rondout.N. Y., July 15. The Law rence cement works at Eddyville were totally destroyed by fire this morn ing; loss $140,000; insurance, 881,000. SOME SAVAGE FIGHTING. Bombay, July 13. News from na tive sources has been received to the effect that a battle between the troops of the ameer of Afghanistan and the native insurgents had recently takon place at Mashasi and that the ameer's forces had been victorious; they are said to have captured 160 Andars and Tarikis and have sent the heads of 200 of the slain to Oabul. A large force of Jaghuri Hazarah subsequent ly defeated the troops of tho ameer who is now sending reinforcements to his army. WILL FBACTICE A LITTLE. London, July 15. The Thistle will make a voyage across tho Atlantic under one lower mast and reefed top sail, about the size of a sixty ton yacht mainsail. It is the intention of her master to practice oruising in American waters before the races for the American cup. GIVING THE HOUSES A SHOW. Yienna, July 15. The government has issued an order which again per mits the exportation of horses. 8UGAB REFTNERT BURNED. Montreal, July 15. The St Law rence sugar refinery was entirely de stroyed by fire this forenoon; one man was killed and two others in jured by jumping from windows. The estimated loss is $50,000. AN ORDERLY OBSERVANCE. Paris, July 15. The celebration whioh began yesterday in commem oration of the fall of the Bastile con tinued until this morning. The fete was observed in an orderly way. The newspapers are highly complimentary to the people for their good sense shown in refraining from everything of a disturbing nature. There were few isolated manifestation!. BOLD BURGLAR BURKE. An Early Jlornlns Chase and Capture. When Dick Leathers opened his trunk to get some clothes at his room in the hotel last Thursday night he found that some one with vague ideas on the acquisition of property had been there ahead of him and purloined a suit of clothes, a scarf pin, etc., to the value of $97.50. Suspicion fell on Wm. Burke or Wm. Dolan. who had occupied the next room a night or two before but who that night was sleeping in another part of tho house. Officer Linville awakened him and asked him where was that valise that he'd had. Burke said it was gone. Linville and Leathers then went to tho docks and looked through both Portland boats but could find no trace of it About three o'clock yesterday morn? ing Burke owned up to it being on the boat at the O. B. & N. dock, but said it belonged to his chum, who had gone to Portland the day before. On opening it Leathers' clothes were found in it, whereat Burke ex pressed great surprise, which was increased when Linville went through his pockets and found a re ceipt for the valise, Leather's scarf pin in his pocket book, and a choice selection of false keys, a wrenoh, a pocket Iviso and other bijouterie in his pockets. Linville walked Burke toward the jail, Burke said he wouldn't go, he'd die firet, and after considerable interchange of opinion about being looked up he broke away and, ran, Linvillo in pursuit, that officer finally firing a shot across Burke's bow, causing him to heave to in front of Bain's mill. He was taken to jail and at seven o'clock yesterday evening he appeared before justice Cleveland, who, after listening to testimony and accom panying remarks, remanded Mr. Burke to the dungeon to await the action of the grand jury. It was one o'clock yesterday morning when of ficer Linville heard of the matter and at four o'clock he had his man in jail. The Xew York riiHbarnionlr Clnb. The Philharmonic Club gavo a de lightful and dignified opening to its ninth annual series of concerts. The performance was marked by compos ure and symmetry in all its parts, and the interpretation of the beautiful work was as fine as any we can recall in New York City. Neio York Trib une. SKIN SCALP Cleansed, Purified and Beauti fied by tho Cuticura Remedies. For cleansing tho Skin and Scalp of Dis ngurinsr Unmors. for allaying Itching, Burn ing and Inflammation, for curinc the first syrup toms of Eczema, Psoriasis, Milk Crust, Sscaly Head. Scrofula, and other inherited Skin and Hlood Diseases, CuticUeA, the great Skin Cure, and CuticUKA Soap, an exqusite Skin Be&utifier. externally, and Cuticura Ke solvk.it. the new Blood Purifier, intornnlly. are infallible. A. COMPLETE CURE. I have suffered all my life Kith skin dis eases of different, kinds and hare nevor found permanent relief, until, br tho advico of a lady friend, I used your valuable Cuti cura Kkhedies. I garo them a thorough trial, using six bottles of the Ccticuri Re solvent, two boxes of Cuticura and sovon WUIWC3 Ul JJ itiUIUV UlAr, UUIL iUU AC3U11 HOI just what I had beon told P. would bo a compute cure. BELLE WADE, Richmond. Vn. Keferonee, O. V. Latimer, Druggist Richmond, To. .SAIjT rheum cubed . lwas troubled with Salt llhoum for a number of yoars.-so that the skin entirely came off one of my hands from the finger tips to tho wrist- I tried remedies and doctors' prescriptions to no purpose until I com menced taking Coticura Rkmkdies, and now I am entirely cured. E. T. PARKER. 397. Northampton St. Boston, DRUGI8TS EXDOKSE THEM. Have sold a quantity of your Cuticura Remedies. One of my customers. Mrs. Henry Kintz, who had tottor on her hands to such an extent as to cause the skin to peel off, and for eight years she suffered greatly, was completely cured by tho use of your medi cines, C. 2i. NYE, Druggist, Canton, Ohio. 1TCIIIG. 8CAXY. pmpiv For tho last j ear I have had a species of ucning; Ecaiv ana ptmpiy numors on my laco to which I havo applied a great many methods of treatment without success, and which was speedily and entirely cured by Cuticura. Mrs. ISAAC PHELPS, ltaronna, 0. NO JIEDICIXK IiIKE TH1231 Wo havo sold your Cuticura Rkmjmes for the last six years, and no medicinos on our shelves gave hotter satisfaction. C. F. ATHEKTON, Druggist, Albany, 2 Y. Cuticura RmEDiES are sold everywhere. Price; Cuticura, 50 cents; Kesolvect, $1.00 Rnnn. 25 nnt. Pmnnriul K Vm POTTBUDrtuo asd Chemical Co,, Boston. -Mas?, seHu. ior xiew to jare buib Diseases," ppilpQ Pimples, Skin Blemishoa, andBa UnUDOiby Humors, cured by Cuticura SOAP. Catarrh to Consumption. Catnrrh in its destructive force stands next to and undoubtedly leads on to consumption. It is theroforo singular that those afflicted with this fearful disease should not toiko It the object of their lives to rid themselves of it DeceDtivo remedies concocted bv ionomnt pretenders to medical knowledgo have weakenod tho confidence of the great majority of sufferers in all advertised rem edies. They become resigned to a life of misery rather than torturo themselves with doubtful palliativoi. But this will nevor do. Catarrh must be met at every stago and combated with all our might In many cases tho dioaeo has assumed dangorous symptoms. Tho bones and cartilage of the nose, the organs of hoar ing, of seeing and ot tasting so affected a3 to be useless, the uvula so olongated, the throat so inflamed and irritated as to produce a constant and distressing cough. Saxford's Radical Curb meets every phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the most loathsome and destructive stages. It is local and constitutional. Instant in re lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economi cal and never-failing. Each package contains one bottle of the Radicad CUbk, one box Catarrhal Solv kxt, and an Impeoved Ishaler, with treat ise; price SI. Potter Dhcq & Chemical Co., Bostox. 4fel KIDNEY PAINS TMIr IV e.E MIMTTE, that weary. f m lifeless all-gono, sensation over lpresent with those of Inflamed kid I ArnT. Weak Back and Loins, Ach- ino- Him and Sides. Utenae Pains. Weak' ness. and Inflammation, is relieved and speedily cured by the CHtlcHra AHti lalH Piaster, a new, original, elegant and Infallible antidote to pain and inflamma tion. At all drugriits, 25c; five for SL00 ; or of Potter Drug ana ineraicat to., coiton. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, rHiiiiiilBsiii&HfllA ii9iikiHdsiiHEH.VA isiiiHiiiiiiiHiofiHK vl vjirv. H. Herman Wise The Reliable CLOTHIER AND HAT (Opposite Star Market) Astoria, Oregon. This is the place for you to Buy Your Goods At. Herman W ISE Outsells them all, which fact you ought to remember when 'ou are out shopping. KJm 1 l n Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, yfcftr he personally selected one of the Largest , ? ' and Finest stocks of - IV Men's Youths Ever shown in Astoria. Our Stock is the Largest, Our Selection the Latest, Our Prices Upwards of TWO THOUSAND SUITS t select from 4 All New, Stylish, and perfect fitting garments. COOPER. he Leading House of W aro GIVING GOODS AWAY We ami Losing We are Doing Business for Fun! XT art maitng moctf ALL THE TIME. - But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair heft: dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the rivtsv Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles good quality and get honest weight, you get more value for your money than you would at a low price if cheated in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if- you buy of us once you will come again. D. L. Beck Sons, :i - - AND Boys' Clothing, A the very Lowett the City. i mmemammmm not not Money! not -.4