SK (W- OJ VOL? XXIX, NO. 13. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 16, J 887. PRICE JblVE CENUBtf ' f .mr. BUSINESS CARDS. G eo. solxsd. AfTORNEV AT LA NY. M.Uce lu Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C W. FULTON. O. C KULTOX FUI.TOJI BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. itooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. C. B. THOMSON. Attorney at Law and Kotary Public. Special attention Riven to practice In the U. 5. Land Office, and the examination of land titles. A full set of Abstract Books for Clatsop County In office. Money to loan. Office Booms 4 and 5, over City Stoie. Book A. BOW LB Y .ttoruey ami CouuncIIor ut Law Office on Chenamus Street. Astoria, Oregon tl I. WIXTOSf ATTORNEY" AT LAW. Booms Xo. ll and 12, Pythian Castlf Bulld og. ft B. WAT80X, Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. Land Ofliee a peclalty. ASTOniA, - - Oregon. X CKIAKXEY, D. I. . DENTIST. Ii associated with DB. LA VOBCfci l'.ooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTOBIA. - - OREGON. M KS. DR. O WEN'S ADAIR. Ofliee and residence cor. Comt and Olney streets. (Mrs. D. K. Warren's former resi dence.) Special Attention siren to Women's Mr eases and Diseases of Eye and Ear. Offick Hours io to 12, 2 to 4. IB. A. Ij. FUIiTOX. Phj-fetcianniid Surgcou. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. TAY TUTTLE, M. D. "H SICIAN AND SUKGEOK 0 tick Rooms 6 Pythian Building. Kesidkkck On Cedar Street, back of SL.Mary'9 Hosoltal. I) B.O.B.KSTES. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. office : Qera Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. rvB. ALFBED KXX.N'KY, Office at Kinney's Cannery. .Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. rB. rotAXK PAGE, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office, Astoria. Oregon. r ELO F. PARKER, 8URVEY0R OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria Office : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Boom No. 8 Up Stairs. Robt, Collier, Deputy, A. E. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squeraoqua stieets. Astoria Oregon . A. SHXTil. DENTIST. Booms 1 and 2 Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper's Store. T BOS. HAIR. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. A good fit guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Agent for the Celebrated Ilousehold Sewing Machine. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's. Carnalian & Co. SUCCESSORS TO T. W. CASE, ORTEKS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN &EMAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus andJCnss streets. ASTCRIA OREGON For London Direct The Fine Steel Bark VILLALTA. STS tons register. 100 A 1 Will be on berth at Astoria during July and will take salmon In lots to suit shippers. For freight aud rate of Insurance apnly to BALFOUR, GUTHRIE $ CO. Portland. Or to P.L, 0HRBRY, Astoria. EL I p hJ I rf fcTi TSCE3 BEST Kidney Liver Medicine imrjzit KA'omr to fail. CURES all Diseases of the Klduoya, Liver, Bladder, and Urinary Organs; Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright' a Disease, Pains in the Baclr, Loins, or Side; Retention or Non-ltetentlon of Urine, Norvous Diseases, Temale Weaknesses, Excesses, Jaundice, Biliousness, Headache, Sour Stomach Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Viles. HUNTS REMEDY CUBES "WHEN ALL OTHEll IIKIHCIXKS FAIL, as it acts directly and at once on tbe Kidneys, Liver and Itovrolx, restoring them to a healthy action. HUNTS BUM EDY is a safe, sure, and speedy cure, and hur.drcU have been cured by it when physicians and friends h&d gi en them up Ut die IKi not delay, try &t once HUNTS REMEDY. het.d fur lampldet to HUNT'S PEMEDY PQ.', I'rovidence, It. J. Asyourdrureist .V-HV :.T" KDIEDY. TaLo:iootl)cr. For Sale 1 .1. W. Conn and W. L. De ment & Co. SuM 15 Poife "I have been a jrrent sufferer from torpid Liver imd Dyspepsia. Ker. tiling I ate disagreed with mu until 1 i:fstin taking Tutt's Pii I can now digest any kind of food, never hare a headache, and liave gain ed fifteen pounds In weight." W. C. SCHULTZE, Columbia, S. C. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Roller Mills, FAERBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. -AGENCY OF SAN FRANCISCO. FlavePs Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria, Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage aud Insurance at Current Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVEEN, Agent. B. It. Coleman, Accountant, Theo. Bracker Jtcccmmends to the public and to the trade Ids stock of Clgan, Tobacco. Smoker's Articles, Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at Portland prices. Chenamus street. Look Here Boys. It 3011 want a neat fitting Suit of Clothes, goto Merchant Tailor. Haingjust received a complete assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make up Suits cheaper lhau the cheapest; Give me a call and be convinced that I mean what I say. J. E ROSS. Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets. east 01 u. a. , Cooper's. M Goleman&Go THE WATERWAY OONYEHTIOlf. The third session of the Colum lumbia waterway convention will be held at .Astoria on "Wednes day, the 3d day of August, and it is expected to be a very important and interesting meeting. One of its general objects will be to voice the sentiment of the oountry upon the policy of river and harbor im provement, and in order that the expression may be as emphatic as possible it is important that there should be a large and general representation. Boards of trade, chambers of commerce, city and town councils, boards of county commissioners, in short, all consti tuted bodies, local or official, in the Columbia river basin or any whero in the country, interested in the improvement of the Columbia river, are invited aud urged to send delegates. The governors of Oregon and "Washington, the Ore gon senators, Oregon's representa tive in congress, the territorial del egate to congress, the United States engineers and other impor tant personages have been espec ially invited to attend, and it is ex pected that the gathering will be larga and notable and in the high est degree representative. The voice of such a convention upon a matter of publio policy ought to have weight with congress. ft is beliered that the chief pur pose of the waterway convention could best be promoted by the or ganization of a permanent river improvement society, and the plan to this end, suggested at the last meeting at Vancouver, will be taken up as the first busino.v of the meeting at Astoria. It ought to bo possible to form a society of ten thousand, or perhaps twenty thousand members, whose sole ob ject would be to urge the river work. Such a soctety could find many ways of useful effort. It could keep our representatives at Washington supplied with infor mation, and by its zeal and con tinued interest, stimulate them to energetic work. It could impress every influential visitor to the country with our needs, aud upon occasion send commissioners to "Washington to urge our claims. It would at least be a standing illustration of pnblic feeling here. By all means let the proposed or ganization be formed, and let it he made as general and popular aa possible. It has come at last to be gener ally understood that the benefits of the government work are for the future, and that if the country is to have immediate relief it is to come through private or public enterprise, independent of the gov ernment. "We cannot afford to wait on the slow method of the government," said president Smith, of the waterway conven tion, yosterday, "but must provide some kind of portage system for use between this time and the completion of the permanent works." Thi3 matter will come before the Astoria convention as one of the important subjects of consideration, aud it is hoped that some practical plan for a portage svstem will be developed. This is tho true solution oi the trans portation problem which now vexes the country. Oregoniant15. The Great Bivera of the World. The eight longest rivers in the world, according to the calcula tions of major general A. Von Tiblo, are as follews: Missouri Mississippi, 4,194 miles; Nile, 4,020; Yangtse-Kiang, 3,158, Am azon, 3,063; Yeneset-Scanga, 2,950; Congo, 2,883; Amur, 2,'950; Mc Kenzie, 2,808. Tho length of the Missouri-Mississippi is tak en from the report of Messrs. Humphreys and Abbott. Klo ders estimates it at 3,658 miles. Gaskill's "Popular Family Atlas," published this year, gives the list in this erder: Missouri-Mississippi, 4,382; Nile, 4,000; Amazon, 3,750; Congo, 3,500; Yenesei, 3,400; Yangtse-Kiang, 3,320; Niger, 3, 000; Hoang-Ho and McKenzie, 2,800. A Excellent Medicine. health for some fifteen years. I chaneed to be looking over one of Simmons Liver Regulator Almanaes and saw A. H. Stevens' and Bishop Pierce's names to testimonials. I then obtained some of the Regulator, and can heartily rec- commena tne JLiver neguiator to my irienas as an excellent; meatctne." Z. E. Habbisojt, M. D Gordonsvllle, v a. What Senator Sherman Says. There is much excitement at Columbus, Ohio, over the an nouncement that Sherman hasr in his own handwriting, announced his position as a candidate for pres ident of the United States. The announcement has made a sensa tion throughout Ohio, and many Republicans are taken by surprise by Sherman's declaration of his position. Sherman's own words, in a letter to Col. Mussey, are these: "I do not want to be held up to the people of the United States as a presidential candidate if there be any doubt about Ohio. I do not, as many think, seek for that high honor, nor do I want any one to aid me in securing the nom ination. I am as passive about it as any man could be whose merits or demerits are discussed in that connection. I don't desire tho nomination, nor shall I encourage any one to secure it for mo until the Ohio Republicans, who have conferred upon me honors I have enjoyed, shall, with substantial unanimity, oxpress their wish for mv nomination." Jos. McBride, John Riddell and several others at Bruceport have formed a company and are ship ping their oysters to the California & Oregon Produce company, of San Francisco, from whom they say they are assured of a good mar ket at from 82.80 to 3.40 a sack for 100 sacks a week. Two ship ments have already been made. Journal. Thos. Crellin, who for twenty- seven years, up to 1880, made Shoal water bay his home, but now of San Francisco, is on the bay this week looking after his oyster interests. Journal. ALWAYS, GIVING SATISFACTION. Bbaxdrbtu'8 Pills have always given satisfaction. In fifty years there has been no complaint of them. That is about their life in the United States, and millions ,of per sons have used them. There is no doubt that they have established themselves by merit alone. They cure rheumatism, dyspepsia, piles, diarrhoea, liver complaint and fevers, and greatly prolong the human life. One or two at night on an empty stomach, for a week or two, will keep you in good form and tone up the Bystem. Astoria real estate is looking up in value. It will go many times higher. Journal. VryOV 1'rillo with any Throat -' v v or Lung Disease. If you have a Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or "Whoop ing Cough, use Acker's Euglish Rem edy and prevent further trouble. It is a positive cure, and we guarantee it Trice 10 and 50 cents. J. W. Conu. The petition for a daily mail service between Oystervilte and Gray's harbor has been disallowed by the department. S! WOW Would" enjoy your din J o ner and aro prevented by Dyspepsia, uso Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They aro a positive euro for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Tlatulency and Constipation. Wo guarantee them. 25 and 50 cent3. J. W. Conn. "Work on McGowan's cannery at North river will begin at once. The Sunshine pile driver will drive piles for the foundation. UucliI;nM Aralca Salve. Tiik Bkst Salvk In the world for Cutf, Bruises, Soree.Ulccrs.Saltltheum, Fever Soros. Tetter, Chapped Hauds, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, und positively cures Piles, or no pay reiuired. It is guaranteed to give R nect saiisiaciion. or money refunded. "rice 23 cents per box. For sa le by W E. Dement &. Co, -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAT HANSEN, PropV. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diaiois 1 Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Good! Boa gat at This EiUlilIiarauit Warranted Genuine. Watch juid Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cas3 and Squemoqua Streets. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, U Capt. Sogers old stand, corner of Caa and Court Streets. ShlD and CaaneiT' workt Homwthnpinir WagoBS made and repaired. Good work guanuneea. Ajm TniB&&3 FAULTLESSFflMJLYMEDlGINE "I have used Simmons Idver Regulator for many years, hav ing made It my only Family Medicine. ITy mother before me was very partial to It. It Is a safe, good and reliable medi cine for any disorder of tho system, and If -used In time 13 a grtat preventive of aichnesM. I often recommend It to my friends, and shall continue to do so. "Eev. James 2L Rollins, "PastorlLE.CIhureh.So.Fatreld.Va," TIME AND DOCTORS' BILLS SAVED by always keeping Simmons Liver Regulator in the house. "I have found Simmons liver Regulator tho best family med icine I ever used for anything that may happen, have used It In Indigestion, Colic, Jlarrhcea, . Jiillousness, and found It to re lieve Immediately. After eat ing a hearty supper, if, on going to bed, I take about a teaspoon ful, I never feel the effects of tho supper eaten. "O VTD G. SPARKS, "Ex-3dayor ITacon, Ga." 3"ONLY GENUINE" Has our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Sofa Proprefors, Price, 81.00. PHH.ADEI.PnrA, PA. The Astor House J. C. ROSS, Proprietor. A Large, Clean, Sunny House. REPAINTED, REFITTED, REFURNISHED. First Class in all its Appointments. Well furnished and well kept. Rates From $1 a Day Upirard. Free Coach to and from the House Board by the day week or month. Corner Jefferson and Olney Streets, As toria, Oregon. Van Dusen & Go. DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Rinarlo fill Pnlfnn Parnrac Hemp Sail twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits, Better Work manship, and fur Less r&Xoxxo:?' By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. Ho has Just received a large stock of Goods from the East. Fine Business Suits from 35. Call and See Him and Satlsfr Tonrteir. P. J. MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Astoria 111 Iris. Concninly St., Foot cf Jackson, Astoria. General Or, isls' Land and Marine Engines BOlTJBIt WORK, Steamboat Work end Cannery Work A SPECIALTr. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wash, J. O., ., L W. Case,. Jonx Fox.... . ..............President. . . .Secretary. ...-. .Treasurer. .. ..Superintendent, F. T. MERRILL BICYCLES, Gasiorlasiailients. fallSUsfc&t 1-45 5th. 8 1 P.O. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Is on deck and prepared to build boats uiat he will guarantee aa to work and dur ability. Refers to all who bare used boats of his construction. All work guaranteed Jllalllk CASH, I. L. OSGOOD'S One Price Cash Store. Save Money by Purchasing Your 4: Clothing, Underwear, Hosiery, Shirts Xt'ckwcur, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Glori Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valisfei, AT A ONE PRICE CASH HOUSE. Which Pays no High Rent, no High Insurance, no High Incidental J penses. no High Prices for Goods, nor Makes any bad j Accounts for you to help Pay. , My (iootk are all entirely new. and were bought directly from the SCaX facturers at as low prices as these lines can be purchased, and I am selling 33if a? low as they are legitimately sold on the Pacific Coast. - A child can purchase Goods as cheap, and receives the same proper attenttoa and treatment at my counters as the most experienced buyer. '-. COUNTRY ORDERS FILLED CORRECTLY, AND WITH DISPATCH; I. L. OSGOOD, ,7 KINNEY'S BRICK BUILDING, ASTORIA, OREOOifv Opposite Rescue Engine House. 0 in immense New Stock, Consisting of A CAR LOADS of fine Artistic and Plain X. Furniture, Carpets, Oi! Cloth, Madras-Sill LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Amyeti These goods were purchased direct from Eastern Manafsctareta awl rtrpfpf before the recent adTance in freight, the benefits thereof we propose to3diarirRa our customers. k.',.. Call and See Us. AT GRIFFIN lu 4SnV The New Model Range: CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF E. R. HA WES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be rieased. E. R. Hawes Is abo Agent forf-tB Buck Patent Cooking Stovet. AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. ,-" Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on HlbjL J. EL D. GRAY Wholesale aud retail dealer in. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. ColuHa Transflortalion Coipy.; FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers win leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland al 1 fJ$, Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria it IP. tf WAn additional trln will be made on at 9 O'ciook Sunday M era I as- for Sound ports. ONE PRICE - CHA3. HEILBORB & REED'S. gg JOHN FTJSSELL; Manufacturer of and Dealer ra Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whip; Brushes, Curry Combs, Etc None Bnt The Best Sttefc tM. Prices to Salt The Tim Main street east side, between JeCeaMi and Squemoqua Sts. . twtdav ef Esh Week. leavUMrrtPOM. passengers dj tras jqjjte. COBM c7- TJTS. SCOTT, Pr AT