The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 15, 1887, Image 3

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CK" VY. ."! JULY r,, 1P87
At Liberty Hall.
Tickets at Griffin &lked'i
No lack of amusements, present
and prospective.
Tli Rtn nn0,i 0ww rr s
Francisco; the Oregon arrived at G:30
P. M.
In the police court ye3terday
"gEbrty" Carroll was fined StO for
Hill's annotated code of Oregon
rr? . ., " -" yr wv "--.. z
will be ready for delivery about Sep
tember 1st.
O. Alexander, a prominent San
Franciscan, is in the city on his way
to Gray's Harbor.
To-night Wad-el-Ward at Liberty
hall, 'A Pilgrimage to Mecca with
the Mohammedans."
The Gen. Miles goes to Gray's har
bor to-day: on the 2nd prox., she will
make a trip to Coos bay.
The river is rapidly lowering, but
that seems to make little difference as
to the run of July salmon, which is
yet an event of the future.
The Western Amateur Brass Band
will aooompany the Scandinavian Be
novlent society on their excursion and
picnic to Knappa on the 31st inst.
The newly elected officers of the
First Eegiment, First Brigade, O. N.
G., are C. F. Beebe, colonel; O. Sum
mers, lieutenant-colonel; E. R.Adams,
Beginning to-morrow the Clatsop
ferry will make regular trips each
way between Smith's Point and Clat
sop Landing. For" time, fares, etc,
see adv't.
The Gen. Caiiby will leave Gray's
wharf at eight o'clock Sunday morn
ing for the forts and Ilwaco, and will
leave Ilwaco on the return trip at 4,
p. M. See adv't.
Any one knowing the whereabouts
of G. W. Pearson, a native of Ma
ohias, Me., will confer a favor by ad
dressing W. E. Pearson, Clifton, Ma
son Co., Washington Ter.
The grand lodge of A. O. U. W.
was in session in Portland yesterday.
S. T. McKean and C. Brown represent
Seaside Lodge, No. 12, of this city,
the largest lodge in the jurisdiction.
The investigating legislative coni
mottee and Messrs. Thompson and
Campbell of the fish commission fin
ished their visit of observation here
yesterday and return on the up river
boat this morning.
Till further notice the Alaskan
will leave the 0. R. & N. dock on
Wednesdays and Fridays at seven 4.
u., connecting with all afternoon
trains out of Portland; on Sundays
she will leave here at 4 p. m.
Work will soon be commenced at
the Rogue river salmon hatchery.
Many improvements will be made,
and it is the intention to turn out a
larger number of young salmon dur
ing the next season than ever before.
. The annual department rifle com
petition between the selected marks
men of the department of the Colum
bia will be held at Vancouver
Barracks, W. T.f beginning Thursday,
August 11th, and ending Saturday,
The popular actor, Daniel Sully
with a good company and a new play
"Daddy Nolan," will be here next
Wednesday, the 20th. The play is a
taking one and is well put on the
stage. Reserved seats at the New
York Novelty Store after Monday
The Warwick Castle cleared for
Liverpool yesterday, carrying 41,582
cg. salmon, valued at 8218,285, 5 os.
labels, worth S563, 3,428 bbls. flour,
worth 817,740, and 2 deer horns,
worth 825; total, 8236,018. An Asto
ria loaded vessel always has a valu
able cargo.
Road supervisor Walker, while on
the beach near the wreck of the
Cairnsmore yesterday saw a ghastly
sight, the remains of a man buried in
the sand, being exposed to view by
the shifting of the loose material that
once enclosed the rnde box now brok
en open, the bones lying around, etc.
The case needs immediate attention.
At a regular convention of Astor
Lodge No- 6, K. of P., held en
Wednesday, July 13, the following
officers were duly installed for the en
suing term bj D. D. G. C, A. A.
Cleveland, assisted by P. C, Alex.
Campbell as G. M. at A. and C. J.
Trenohnrd as G. P.: Dr. O. B. Estes,
a C: D. R. Blount, V.C.; O.LPeter
son, P.; P. F.Johnson, M. at A.; J. F.
Sands, L G.; Aug. Danielson, O. G.
The steam schooner Mischief,
which was to have sailed for Florence
with a lot of cannery supplies, has
been somewhat delayed, and will not
get away before to-morrow. She will
take on coal and brick and Chinamen,
mid iron pipe, and boilers, and a re
tort and general cannery supplies.
She has had to get a passenger li
oense and a metal life boat and a new
supply of life preservers, etc., and
pend about $300 more than uBual.
She will take G. G. Smith, M. Mey
er, John Bergman and others from!
The Contra Costa, Cal., Gazette
says a couple of catfish recently
caught by Charles Perry, superin
tendent of Mr.Blaok's salmon can
nery, at Martinez, were full of salmon
spawn and minnows. This, says the
Gazette, ought to settle the question
whether or not the introduction of
cattish into our waters was a serious
blow at the salmon industry. The
bay. rivers and sloughs are now filled
with catfish, and they undoubtedly
feed upon salmon tpawu and newly
hatched salmon.
In the justice court yesterday there
were four several demands for war
rants in four cases of alleged assault
and battery. Justice Cleveland con
sidered that the three first, for the
I first three) were not of sufficient im-
portancp to set in motion tlie expens-
ive machinery of the law. but com
plied with the request in the fourth
instance and issued a warrant If he
were to entertain half the complaints
that are made on every little trivial
provocation he would have to appoint
three deputies.
Mr. French, ex-collector of customs
at Sitka, states that since the discov
ery of gold in Alaska the influx of
miners and others into that region
has been very great, and at present
their number is largely augmented by
tourists desirous of seeing the grand
scenery of our northern possessions.
The great drawback to Alaska has
been the fact that although there is
weekly steamer service, the mails are
sent only once a month. Public
meetings have been held in Sitka and
requests have been made to the gov
ernment for an increased mail serv
ice, and in answer to these requests
the postoffice department has decided
that for the ensuing three months
the mails shall be forwarded every
fourteen days. For the monthly
service the government pays 89,000
per annum, and the officials of the
Paoific Coast Steamship company
state that a weekly service could be
had for a small advance on that
Wafl-el-Tvard's Ledum
Those who heard the lecture at
Liberty Hall last night had a treat.
The hall was -well filled, but there
should have been more there, for
such as he is not heard or seen every
day in Astoria. He is interesting, in
structing, edifying and amusing.
Humorous without undue levity, an
encyclopaedia of facte, n man of fine
presence, a most picturesque figure,
with fact, romance, tradition, poetry
and all tho arts of the accomplished
orator at his commaud, he stands be
fore his audience and makes hours
seem like moments as he tells of the
manners and customs of the ancient
people of Palestine, who at tho pres
ent day follow in tho footsteps of
their fathers and comport their daily
live3 as did their kingly ancestors
five thousand years ago. "
To the interest of his theme he
lends ttie beauty of his voice and
whether it is in tones of pathos ho
portrays the suffering and expression
of his people or in lighter vein speaks
humorously of episodes in daily life
he holds his audience in closest atten
tion. He is a wonderful man, and
deserves a higher meed of praise than
this paper usually accords anything
in the amusement line.
To-night he appears again in "A
pilgrimage to Mecca with the Moham
medans." Famous Women.
Madame Trebelli, tho greatest of
living contraltos who has traveled
extensively, in fact visited every
county and city of note in the world,
has just departed from the slope of
the Pacific, and often expressing the
greatest admiration for the beauty
and grandeur of our scenery and the
delightful mildness of our climate,
left tho following written note as a
living expression of her opinion in
the hands of a Portland druggist, the
original of which can be seen on de
mand. Pobtlaxd, Or., April 6, 18S7.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Robertino," and .it gives me much
pleasure to any that it is excellent for
the complexion, being one of tbo best
articles of the kind I have ever used. Be
lieve roo, yours sincerely.
Z. Tbsbelu.
If any further proof of tho exool
lency of this article is required call on
Messrs. W.E. Dement k Co. of Asto
ria, Or., who, for the small sum of
fifty oents, will produce evidence that
will satisfy the most skeptical and
fastidious and give you a beautiful
picture card for tho trouble of en
quiring. Get Thee to a Geography.
In Oregon they have enterprise in
Walla Walla, and in Los Angeles
they wallow, wallow in enterprise.
S. F. Alta
The ladies of the Graoe (Episcopal)
church will give their basket pionic
on Friday, July 15th, '87. The steam
er Electric will leave Wilson & Fish
er s clock with barge at 9 o'clock a.
M. Tickets, 50 cents; children under
12 years, 23 cents.
Do You Want Your Flue Cleaned Y
If you do. T. Clifton will do the lob
neatly and cheaply. Leave orders at
Thk Astoria ofhee.
What ! Bo Ton Tkink
Jeff of the U. i. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink? Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
For a Fine Disli or Ice Cream
Go to the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard &. Stokes'.
A Sunny Boom
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
The finest and nicest steak to be
in town at Fabre's.
best oysters in any style at
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Ten cents for a cup
of Fabre's nice
Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day
New Tobe. July li. Judge Bar
rett to-day sentenced Jacob Sharpe to
hard labor in the state prison and to
pay a fine of 85,000.
St. Louis, Mo., July 1L A local
paper says: The Texas freight war is
now one of facility and none of the
rivals of the Atchison system are m
the least disposed to take action with
that corporation half way. The Mis
souri Pacific opened tho battle at this
end of the line yesterday by insti
tuting a cut of about fifty per cent
on several important commodities
and these rates are to apply from St
Louis and New OHeansrand all point
rate. The cotton belt followed, suit
The trouble, it is saidj arises from
the Atchison insisting on commodity
rates to Galveston to the detriment
of St. Louis and New Orleans.
Philadelphia, July 14. It was an
nounced yesterday that Billy West,
the famous negro minister, had mar
ried an heiress, Miss Bomelia J. Mor
ris, the daughter of the late E. J.
Morris, ex-United States minister to
Turkey. The loving couple Were
united Wednesday afternoon at Cam
den, Penna., New Jorsey's Gretna
h'glynk's daily ad.
New York, July 14. The formal
notification of his excommunication
by name was received hero yesterday
afternoon by Rev. Mr. McGlynn; it
was contained in a registered letter
which has been detained at the
Brooklyn postoffice since July 5th.
Utioa, July 14. President and
Mrs. Cleveland left for Forest Port at
9:15 a. m. They were accompanied
to the depot by senator Kernau and
Pabis, July 14, 2 p. m. Thus far
the fall of the Bastile has been com
memorated quietly. The demonstra
tion made at the statue of Strasburg
this morning was of an entirely
peaceful nature. Members of the pa
triotic league and other associations
with banners and trumpets marched
past the statue and deposited crowns
upon the colossal memorial. As this
was done there were a few cries from
the procession of "Vive la France,"
"Vive la republique," and "Vive Bou
langer," but there were no attempts
at disorder.
Paris, July 14. In the trial of
Franzi yesterday for the murder of
Mme. Begault, her maid and maid's
child, no extenuating circumstances
were shown. The prisoner declared
he was innocent and kept a bold face
on to the end. It is expeoted he will
appeal, but the case against him is
terribly strong. The scene in the
court room at the close of the trial
was very touching, and many ladies
stood on the benches to get a glimpse
of the prisoner.
Berlix, July 14. A German rehi
dent of the Caudry department of
Nord France writes to the Mannheim
Journal that the anti-German feeling
in Caudry is terrible, and that he and
other Germans had narrowly esoaped
being killed. He and his country
men were insulted in the streets, and
it was hardly safe to venture out.
The Kreuz Zeituny, referring to the
letter, says it is intolerable that
Germans should have to endure it.
France must be made to understand
that there is "thus far and no
farther in the matter. The Beutscli
es JL'ageblatt publishes in a promi
nent position a number of verses re
minding France that- Germany's
hand rests on the sword.
Berlin, July 14. Emperor Will
iam has gone to Coblentz. The Ga
zette atates that crown prince Fred
erick William will take the. waters in
Ems in autumn.
Berlin, July. 14. The Cologne Ga.
zette denies there is a bill being pre
pared to mak prince Leopold king
of Bavaria.
London, July 14. The stock
market is flat in consequence of ex
pected disturbances in Paris during
the celebration of the anniversary of
the fall of the bastile. American se
curities are very fiat in response to
New York quotations; a gloomy feel
ing pervades the most of the market.
London, July 14. The Times
deniea that the marquis of London
derry intends to resign the office of
lord lieutenant of Ireland.
Terrible Fahu.
banishes sickheadaohe, and will pre
vent the return of this most terrible
of pains, if taken when the warning
symptoms give notice of the recur
rence of an attack. At druggists
31.50. Desoriptive treatise with each
bottle; or address J. J. Mack & Co.,
Ice, lee, Ice.
Ice for sale at reasonable rates in
quantities to suit Apply to A. W.
Utzmger, Cosmopolitan saloon,
Major E. K. Wrrner, 1st Art, is ex
pected to arrive next week, to take
command at Fort Canby.
Mrs. C. W. Knowles is among the
late arrivals from Portland for a sea
son of sojourn at the beach.
Prof. W. E. Johnson has returned
from tho state teacher's convention at
Salem, where he took a prominent
Sam Jones' Latest Allegory.
"You have heard the expression
'the naked truth.' and perhaps you do
not know how it originated." said
Jttev. aam Jones in nis ted tock ser
mon recently. "x will tea yeu:
Unce upon a time Truth and Error
went in bathing together. Error
came out first, put on Truth's clothes
and ran away. And Error ha3 been
trying to wear the same clothes ever
since. When Truth came out of the
water the only clothes it could find
to put on was that of Error. 'Before
I will wear such garments as those,'
said Truth, 'I will go naked all my
life.' Truth has kept its word, and
goes through the world naked, with
out frill or bang or bustle or any
tnmg else.'
la Brier, And ta ths Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, and many
other things whioh onght not to be,
havo made the American people a
nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
oan enjoy their meals and be happy.
Remember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
- m
fllfk Prlcei Ik Portlutl.
Fish, poultry and wild game are
very scarce at present. Yesterday
chickens sold as high as $6 per dozen
wholesale and a prime, plump fowl
readily brought 31 at retail. Eggs
retail at 8035 cents per dozen. The
fish market is almost bare with the
exception of a little salmon. News,
Tit Litest and Greatest DUeoTerj.
FIGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic.
A discovery of the greatest interest
to the Medical Profession. A boon
to every household. A most delicious
laxative or purgative prepared from
fruits and vegetables. So perfectly
harmless that they may be adminis
tered with entire safety to an infant.
So efficacious to adults that a single
dose will prove their value, and so
elegant a preparation that it needs
only to be presented to tho public
to become a necessity in every
household throughout the land.
For liver complaints, habitual con
stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and
piles, they are a specific. To trav
elers by sea and land they will be
found invaluable; they are positive
ly unfailing in their action, and this
?s tho only medicine ever offered to
the public that is acceptable to the
taste, and so pleasant that children
will eat the figs as eagerly as candy.
For sale by every Druggist through
out the world. Price, 25 cents a box.
J. J. Mack & Co., Prop's, 9 and 11
Front street, San Francisco, Cal.
A Very Important Question.
Book Agent Is the lady of the
house iu? Servant Maid There are
two of us. Whioh do yon wan't to
see? Tid Bits.
Excitement in Texas,
Great excitement has been caused In
the vicinity of Paris. Tex., by the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley,
wno was so neipiess ne couiu not turn
In bed, or raise his head: everybody
said he was dying of Consumption. A
trial bottle of Dr. Kinc'sNew Discovery
was sent him. Finding relief, he
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New Life Pills: by tho tlmo ho
had taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles of the Discovery, ho was well
and had gained in flesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at W. E. Dement
Astoria Illustrated, and Ah It Is.
Portlakd, Ogn. July 1st 1837.
This is to certify that Joe Pluschow
erls hereby appointed sole agent for
the sale of the forthcoming Astoria
number of the West Shore. All orders
for said number should be sent to him,
as no orders will be filled from our
Portland office.
L. Samuel,
Publisher Wat Shore.
The Astoria number of the Wat Shore
Is now due. All orders will be filled at
the New York Novelty Store. Call
early and get what copies you may
wish to send to your friends and rela
tives, as tho supply is limited.
Joe Pinschoweh,
New York Novelty Store,
. Astoria, Ogn.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
b bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Ak There IX
Ice cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
of tho city: 82.50 a gallon.
What Is better than a glass of liquor V
A eup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Prirate Reenu.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
GtJ & j-atera,
Private Room
LHBiHBlliSl w
The Leading House of the City.
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Affcrket)
Astoria, - Oregon.
This is the place for you to
Buy Your Goods At.
Herman W
Outsells them all, which fact
you ought to remember when you
are out shopping-.
I :
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of -
Men's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish; and
W r
Wo m
Vi'a kre
Doing Business for Fun!
W are raaitna doqbj
But for quality and prices of Goods, and foir honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price, if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing, is believing and if jou buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck Sons.,
Boys Clothing,
perfect fitting garments. ;
. .-