The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 14, 1887, Image 3

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TiicasDAY - jri.Y n, iss:
At Liberty Hall.
Tickets at Griffin &Keed'e.
The Iiosie Olsen is in from Till
Milk is fifteen cents a gallon in
The Gen. Miles goes to Gray's har
bor to-morrow.
The Oregon is due from San Fran
cisco this morning.
The West Side Telephone thinks it
would be a good idea to build a rail
road from McMinnville to Astoria.
The sale of reserved seats for the
coming concert . of the New York
Philharmonic club, begins at Oarl
Adler's this morning.
Early morning showers yesterday
wet down streets and roofs, put the
quietus on sundry threatening brush
tires on the hill and freshened up
gardens and lawns.
Looking at the long list of. mar
riages in Jnne, make3 the "Walla
Walla Union wonder why so many
people marry during the season of hot
weather and short nights.
New pipe has been put in by J. W.
Welch, superintendent Columbia
Biver Water companj', "from Point
Adam9 cannery to Fisher's saloon, n
distance of about 700 feet
"A donkey ride from Dan to Beer
sheba." at Liberty Hall to-night, a
unique and interesting lecture, by
Dr. James Rosedale, LL. D., n native
of Jerusalem, and oriental traveler.
The Scandinavian Benevolent soci
ety have chartered the S. O. Heed,
and on Sunday, the 31st inst., will
give a grand excursion and picnic to
Knappa. All who go can count on
having a good time. The committee
of arrangements are Aug. Danielson,
M. Olsen, "Frank Ecklund, Eric John
son, Jno. M. Olsen.
People on street corners and side
walks have some rights that drivers
of vehicles should respect There
are half a dozen drivers of wagons
and wagonettes who have a fashion
of cutting closely arouCd a corner,
with one wheel on the edge of the
sidewalk. It is impolite, dangerous
to all hands, forbidden by all rules of
courtesy and safety and should be
State senator L. T. Barin, chairman
of the -present legislative visiting
committee, is a man of considerable
experience, and has given close and
long continued observation to salmon.
He can readily distinguish the male
and female, and gives it as his opin
ion that in the salmon entering the
river the proportion as to sex is
three males to one female, which, if
so, wonld indioate that the salmon of
the Columbia take little stock in the
Mormon doctrine. The senator does
not place implicit belief in the the
ory that all salmon entering the
river to spawn, die and do not return,
a skepticism which is shared by
thousands of dwellers along the
banks of the Columbia.
The city, as usual, is filled with
peddlers, each with some little sum
mer game. Astoria is continually
drained of ready money by these
folks. They are all right and not to
be decried; that is their business and
it is legitimate, but the point is, for
Astorians to buy of Astoria mer
chants. If you want clothing, shoes,
groceries, books, apparel, eta, mer
chandise of any kind, you can find it
on the shelves or in the showcases of
ABtoria business men. If you can't,
a request will ninoty-nine times out
of a hundred secure it next time it is
called for. It is poor business for
Astorians to- neglect Astoria mer
chants and send away good money
that might as well be spent right
here in town.
The 97-year-old man who cracks
nuts with his teeth and chops wood
Saturdays is slow in showing up this
season. He was due in Douglas
oounty on the 1st The wild woman
ib on time. She has been heard from
near Philomath. It is alleged that
she "was seen at Wood school house,
in Blodget's Valley, June 29th, pick
ing up crumbs where the children
had eaten 'dinner, and on the 30th she
attempted to seize a little girl about
twenty feet from the school house.
The teacher, being called, ran to the
window quickly, to get, it possible, a
view of her face, but did notucceed.
for she bounded away like a wild ani
mal." The eastern Oregon hermit in
a cave is due August 1st, and about
Yho 15th prox. we ought to be hear
ing of the chickens in Prineville that
had 87 cents worth of gold in their
crops when they were killed. The
sea serpent seems to be as hopelessly
miBsing this year as the July salmon.
The ladies of the Grace (Episcopal)
church will give their basket picnic
on Priday, July 15th, '87. The steam
er Electric will leave Wilson & Fish
er's deck with barge at 9 o'clock a.
it. Tickets, 50 cents; children under
12 years, 25 cents.
Girl Wanted.
To do general housework in a small
family. Inquire at Astoria office.
What Is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee atFabre's.
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Lemon Ic Cream at Fabra's to-day.
Sak FitAXCiscOi July 13. The
steamship Aul,a1ia arrived here
this morning from Honolulu, sailing
from that point at noon July oth and
bringing Hawiian intelligence down to
that time; no further outbreaks or
demonstrations of any character oc
curred after those described as hav
ing taken place on Friday and Satur
day, July first and second, which
resulted in overturning the Gibson
ministry and the receipt of a written
pledge from king Kalakaua that he
would promote constitutional reform
and submit to the will of the people.
The military continues to remain on
duty, but no further public assem
blages has been held. The new min
istry has assumed control and a new
constitution was to have been laid
before the king on the day the steam
ship sailed.
Clinton, N. Y., July 13. President
Cleveland and party reached Clinton
about ten o'clock. An immense crowd
was at tue station to greet them.
They were escorted by Jacksonians
to Mrs. C. F. Williams' residence
where they were greeted by prominent
members of the centonnial commis
sion and many" venerable citizens.
The exercises in the park did not
commence until nearly two o'olock.
Rev. Henry Darling, president of
Hamilton college, offered the opening
prayer. Bev. E. P. Powell made an
address of welcome to which the
president responded.
Utioa, N. Y., July 13. President
Cleveland, wife, sister and niece, came
down from Holland Patent this morn
ing they were met by the centennial
committee f romClintou,a brief address
of welcome made to which the presi
dent responded in a few words. The
Utica Jacksonians with the Twelfth
Infantry baud, saluted the president
and his wife as they stood upon the
platform of the coach. Crowded
trains have beeu running to Clinton
all the morning. An immense crowd
was at the lailroad station. As the
president's traiu moved out they
cheered and waved their hats while
he stood uncovered and bowed his
Chicago, July 13. During the four
weeks ending yesterday the highest
daily temperature has averaged 81,
recording unprecedented temperature
in the history of Chicago. Yesterday
the temperature reached 90, and to
day promises no prospect of relief.
New Yobk, July 13. Passing sen
tence upon Jacob Sharpo has been
postponed until to-morrow.
there mat be trouble.
Paris, July 13. German residents
have been ordered to remain indoors
to-morrow as it is feared they will be
attacked if they appear on the
streets during the celebration of the
anniversary of the fall of the Bastile.
Patriotic leaders have annonnced
they will make demonstration to-morrow
morning in the Place de la Con
corde and another in the Bois de
Boulogne in the afternoon. It is
feared these meetings will give rise to
disorder, and the police and military
authorities are making preparations
to maintain peace.
Constantinople, July 13. The
sultan persists in his refusal to sign
the covenant with England in refer
ence to Egypt in its present form, not
withstanding he is urgently advised
to ratify the same by Germany and
Italy. "
The Philharmonic Clnb.
This company of musical artists
will appear at Bobs' opera house next
Monday evening. Their reputation
assures Astoriana of a fine musical
treat. Here is what the New York
Herald says of them:
"The club is composed of a sextett
of musicians who have obtained
special prominence as soloists in the
best musical circles; and, as a result,
their services afford a most delightful
evening to those who can appreciate a
high class of chamber musio inter
preted by these well known player.
There was at no time the least varia
tion of one common idea there was
no. lack of consistency or want .of
delicacy in the phrasing in a single
instrument; all seemed guided by but
one mind, and from first to last it
promised to be as it was, a triumph
ant conclusion to the programme.
"The instrumental portion of the
concert concluded by the Beethoven
Sextett in E flat (opus 20), which was
marvelously well played. The senti
ment of the great master seemed to
be infused into all the playere, and
the noble composition was given with
an earnestness that lent a glow to the
entire progJamme, and fittingly
brought the club's delightful season
to a most creditable conclusion.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
What! Do You Think
Jeff of the U. 2$. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink? Not much; but he gives the
belt meal and more of it than any other
restaurant In town. 25 cents.
Private Boom3.
The New York Sun has been inter
viewing some of thfiJeading wholesale
grocers on the subBx American sar
dines, with the following result, that
"there are very few imported sardines
sold in the states, that nine-tenths
of those put upon the market are
packed in Maine and that not one
customer in a thousand can tell the
difference." It is difficult to recon
cile this statement with the figures
as to the exportation of sardines from
Italy to this country given in the
consular reports. Bordeaux alone
Bends us some 85,000 oases yearly. We
quote the following history of the
Maine business:
"There are in Eastport alone over
twenty places where they manufacture
sardines and there are a dozen-others
in Jonesport, Lubec and other towns.
The business began in 1876 and was
started by some New Yorkers who
went to Eastport and at first did
quite a business in packing small
herring in peculiar looking little
wooden kegs in a pickle of spices.
These herring were placed" in the
market as Bussian herring, and I can
remember when this cheap and fraud
ulent fish was on the bills of fare of
the swell restaurants of New York as
the highest priced relish they served.
"These enterprising New Yorkers
made money fast in their Maine ven
ture, but they believed there was
more still in modeling the herring
upon French sardines, although some
shrewd Yankees had experimented
extensively and spent much money
in trying to make the venture prac
tical some years before. It had been
found easy to cook the little fish,
pack them in olive oil, in imitation
sardine cans, and give them the ap
pearance of genuine imported sar
dines. But when they came to be
eaten the fraud was palpable. The
rich spicy flavor .of the French sar
dine was not there, but only the un
mistakable taste of the nativo herring.
The Yankees could not discover any
means by which the herring taste
c jnld be eradicated and the sardine
business was pronounced a failure,
but our smart New Yorkers, after a
few experiments, hit upon a mixture
of oils and spicesfor a paoking sauce,
which made a sardine of a herring in
a twinkling, and a gigantic industry
has sprung from the simple dis
cover'. Not only are sardines made
from common herring now, but from
sea trout, a fish oalled a moranee, and
several other finny species, all herring
of lesser or greater growth."
Four Men Drowned at Tillamook.
From the Rosie Olsen, lying at
Hume's wharf, is learned tidings of a
dreadful accident at Tillamook last
Sunday by which four men lost their
lives. It appears that a man named
Albert Briggs, who runs a sloop from
Lincoln to Hobsonville and Garibaldi,
started from the former place carry
ing five passengers. When off Hob
sonville a flaw struck the boat and
she capsized and sunk. The owner
of the boat and a boy named Wood
ruff got on the ilats and were saved
from the cannery, the other -four, un
fortunate men were drowned. Three
of them were new arrivals from Penn
sylvania and had only got there the
day before. Their names couldn't be
learned. The body of one was found
next day; in his pockets were 3,350
in gold and notes. An inquest was
held by a jury of which ex-governor
Thayer was foreman, and a verdict re
turned of accidental drowning. The
fourth man was from the Nestuccn.
Efforts were making when the 7?oe
Olsen left to find the other bodies.
The Latest ad Greatest DUeoTery.
FIGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic
A discovery of the greatest interest
to the Medical Profession. A boon
to every household. A most delicious
laxative or purgative prepared from
fruits and vegetables. So perfectly
harmless that they may be adminis
tered with entire safety to an infant.
So efficacious to adults that a single
dose will prove their value, and so
elegant a preparation that it needs
only to be presented to the public
to become a necessity in every
household throughout the land.
For liver complaints, habitual con
stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and
piles, they are a speoiflc To trav
elers by sea and land they will be
found invaluable; they are positive
ly unfailing in their aotion, and this
is tho only medioine ever offered to
the publio that is acceptable to the
taBte, and so pleasant that children
will eat the figs as eagerly as candy.
For sale by every Druggist through
out the world. Price, 25 cents a box.
J. J. Mack & Co., Prop's, 9 and 11
Front street, San Francisco, Cal.
The Committee of Observation.
Messrs. Barin, Maxwell and Pome
roy, of the legislative committee, and
Beed, Thompson and Campbell, of
the fish commission, returned on the
Quickstep from Hwaco and vicinity
yesterday afternoon. While there
they visited the traps and saw their
workings. This morning they go to
the seining'grounds and note opera
tions there. This will close the tour
for the present Later in the season
the legislative committee will visit
Tillamook and farther south, and
will report at the next session of the
legislature The report will be based
largely uponjthe observations of the
present visit, and will embody sug
gestions of changes in the present
law and concurrent jurisdiction with
our northern neighbor. The commit
tee appear to favor the advisability
and necessity of state aid to the im
portant matter of propagation.
GgmbriBQf Beer
And Free Lunch at tn Telephone Sa
loon, G cints.
Ice, lee, lee.
Ice for sale at reasonable rates in
quantities to suit Apply to A. w.
Utzmger, Cosmopolitan saloon.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jeffs restaurant
United States Restaurant U the best
and cheapest In Astoria.
J. W. Cook is in the city.
B. A. 8eaborg has returned from
Dr. A. E. Shaw is on the street,
Mr. Wheeler, the advance ageut of
the Dan Sully company, is in the
Drowned at B mot field.
fJno T.oraon. fisllinff for J. G. MeCT-
ler, at Brookfield, was drowned there
last Tuesday mgnt. .tie was m nis
Knof on" Tirnq fltmek bv the bcom
which knocked him overboard. The
hnrlv Trna rPVVfircd at noon Vester-
day and brought here. The funeral
Will lase piBCH uuuci mo ouapiuca vj.
fliA finlnmhia river fishermen's pro
tective union at three o'clock this af
Give Theia a Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also
your breathing machinery. Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tubes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. And what they do, they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and head
and lung obstructions, all are bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them,
that is to take Bosohee's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed you, you
may depend upon this for certain.
May Wo All Be There to See.
The Portland hose team, which a
great many disinterested persons still
claim won the race on the 4th, is now
a permanent organization, and at the
next tournament will make Astoria
look to ita lanrels. Welcome, 9.
Terrible Pains.
banishes sickheadaohe, and will pre
vent the return of this most terrible
of pains, if taken when the warning
symptoms give notice of the recur
rence of an attack. At druggists
$1.50. Descriptive treatise with each
bottle; or address J. J. Mack Sc Co.,
Where Does the Drag Store Come In?
In Junction City the town owns the
waterwerks: in Atchison the water
works own tho town. Atchison Globe.
Famous Women.
Madame Trebelli, the greatest of
living contraltos who has traveled
extensively, in fact visited every
county and city of note in the world,
has just departed from the slope of
the Pacific, and often expressing the
greatest admiration for the beauty
and grandeur of our scenery and the
delightful mildness of our climate,
left the following written noto as a
living expression of her opinion in
the hands of a Portland druggist, the
original of which can bo seen on de
mand. Poetlaxd, Or., April G, 1837.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Iiobertine." and it Rives me runoh
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being one of the best
articles of the kind I have ever used. Be
Here roe, yours sincerely,
If any further proof of the excel
lency of this article is required call on
Messrs. W.E. Dement & Co. of Asto
ria, Or., who, for the small sum of
fifty cents, will produce evidence that
will satisfy the most skeptical and
fastidious and give you a beautiful
pioture card for the trouble of en
quiring. Excitement In Texas,
Great excitement has been caused In
the vicinity of Paris. Tex., bv the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley,
who was so helpless he could not turn
in bed, or raise his head: everybody
said he was dying of Consumption. A
trial bottle of Dr. King'sHewlJiscovory
was sent him. Finding relief, he
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New Life Pills; by the time he
had taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles of tho Discovery, ho was well
and had gained In flesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at W. K. Dement
Xet an Accessory Before the Fact.
The arrest of several men m New
York on a charge of embracery has
aemoraiizea ine gins mi over tne
country. Phila. Herald.
AstorlallluMtratctl, aud As It Is.
ronTi.A.ND, Ogn. July 1st, 1887.
This Is to certify that Joe PInschow
er Is hereby appointed sole agent for
the sale of the forthcoming Astoria
number of the West Shore. All orders
for said number should be sent to him,
as no orders will be filled from our
Portland office.
L. Samuel,
Publisher West Shore.
The Astoria number of the West Shore
Is now due. All orders will be filled at
the New York Novelty Store. Call
early and get what copies you may
wish to send to your friends' and rela
tives, as the supply is limited.
Joe Piubchowek,
Naw York Novelty Store,
Astoria, Ogn.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
AM There II
Ice cream, flue quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
or the city: $3.50 a gallon.
DaXoaWant YearFIae Cleaacdf
"iUUUUj X. KULIUI1 Will UO 1110 10D
neatly and cheaply. Leave orders at
Far Flae Dish riee Cream
Go to the Central Restaurant, next to
x ara e aioer.
l. sHingHif'
53?53&&S?iH y.
The Leading House of the City.
The Reliable'
(Opposite Star Market)
Astoria, Oregon.
This is the place for you to
Buy Your Goods At.
Herman W
Outsells them all, which fact
you ought to remember when you
are out shopping.
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of
Men's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
. Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish, and
We ara
Wo are
vr '
Doing Business for Fun!
W ara making mony
But for quity and prices of Goods, and fair honest;
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the, river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again. -
D. L. Beck & Sons,
Boys' Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.