' -- V fz & a gttfMiau. ASTOBIA. OEEGON: THUU8DAT. J OLY 14,1887 Chicago's city directory for 1887-88, just issued, indicates a total population of over eight hun dred thousand. It is not yet too late to save' the salmon from extinction. Preser vation and propagation, concurrent legislation on the part of Oregon and Washington are among the requirements. Now is the time for the irrev erend Mr. McGlynn to put on the market his tooth powder, or liver pills, or whatever it is he is going to sell. He is the best advertised man in the United States, and all it has cost him is an excommuni cation. . The Manzanita sailed yester day on a six weeks' cruise to Alas kan ports. This light house dis trict i9 too big and ought to be subdivided. There is close on to two months of the best weather 'every year cut out by this Alas kan trip and ports in this vicinity have to suffer for it. Owe day a young clerk who was ambitious for a large fortune deter mined to visit commodore Van derbilt and learn from him the secret of accumulating wealth. He entered the magnificent apart ments of the millionaire, with whom he was somewhat acquainted, and asked on what mysterious principle he conducted business with such unexampled success? Mr. Vanderbilt eyed him a mo ment to sound his motives and then slowly replied: "By work ing hard and saying nothing about it." Foet Worth, Texas, is an am bitious town. One of its orators on a recent holiday occasion said: "You come from every portion of this great state from the pineries of the -east to the cactus fields of the west; from where the gorgeous sunshine tints the draperies of the mountain fastnesses of the great northwest to where the maiden's morning blush is first kissed by the breezes from the salted seas. And I will here re peat what I have said on a former occasion as illustrative of the hopes, ambitions and expectations of this city. We expect in the netr future to rival New York in the ubiquity of. our commerce; Paris" in the arts and sciences; Lowell in the number and variety of our manufacturing enterprises; Athens in our institutions of learn ing; Rome in splendor and pageantry, and London in wealth and lordly palaces." Where Pigs Host Ban Fast. The Washington Critic tells of a northern stock raiser who took a lot of fine Berkshire pigs down to a South Carolina state agricultural fair. Much, to his chagrin and sur prise they 'attracted little notice, while neighboring pens of native hogs were constantly surrounded by ad miring fanners. Determined to learn the reason he accosted a Carelinian: "Can you tell me, my friend, why these fine-boned, short-legged, heavy meated pigs get no attention, while those lean, lank, long-legged, unprof itable razor-backs get it all?" The Carolinian shifted his quid, shut. one eye, sighted along his nose and drowned a fly a rod away. "StraDger, h'it ain't no use for we uub to raise no hogs that cyarnt run f ast er'n a darkey." . A Pklladelpalan Gives Himself Away. "Does a strait cut Greenland in two?" asks the New York "Sun earnestly. Give it up. It beats three of a kind, however. Philadelphia News. Ths Southern F&oifio ought not Ions to postpone the building of the proposed branch from Forest Grore to Astoria. The oountry to be traversed is rich in ag- iuiukuri uuiuu, limber, coai ana iron. There are few suoh vacant fields left in the United" States. Oregonian.' We think it would be a creat deal better to build a road from MoMinnville to Astoria. West Side Telephone, 8. m t Ceal Beer Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. Grat k's. Oysters Ia Every style At the Central Restaurant, next to Ffcard Stokes'. Meali Ckc4 te Order, Private rooms for ladles and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & tokes'. few a 8kr4 SJtlKgles, Fran Lime. Cement and Plaster Pail, at J. b7D. Gray's. TWO YAMHILL COUNTY OPINIONS. It is reiterated from San Francisco that the Southern Pacifio is seriously contemplatmcp a road to Astoria from Forest GroTe. Those best posted ou the railroad situation say the Southern oould scarcely afford to ignore the ad vantages offered by the route to Astoria. j. nose advantages are great in the one matter of hauling wheat from the vreat xp. Willamette Talley to the deep sea port, roraoout the same cost as nam ing the myriad tons from these crreat wheat fields to Portland the Southern Pacifio can haul them to Astoria thereby saving the extra coBt of towage and lighterage from Portland to Astoria. In fact the farmers can afford to pay half of the cost of towage and lighterage, or two-thirds of it as added freight on the Forest Grove and ABtoria rood. Still Portland would do all the business of the wheat market because it is the great money center, and the practical head of navigation. It would of course operate somewhat to the detriment of the barges, and such like craft on the Willamette and Columbia or at least beget a compe tition that would reduce rates. And herein ia created a suspicion that the ' roject is only-mooted as a menace to lanacer Potter acainst interference with the Utah and Montana trade of the Southern. Such is perhaps also the origin of the rumor that the Southern would put on a line of steamships to the mouth of the Columbia, That the South ern will ran a line on to Pucet Sound and even on to Now Westminister is not at all improbable because thev want a complete system. Nor is the fact, that tne Astoria road may be used as a menace to the allied lines, to be permitted to ob scure tne tact that tne Astoria line is one of great importance and of early prob able construction. If it were not of great importance it could not be a men anoe. Meanwhile Manager Potter is not asleep. His plan to shorten the time be tween Portland and Omaha by 24 hours, indicates a powerful and resolute purpose to make Portland the creat center of the Pacifio coast system, and the entrepot of the world's commerce. He will doubt less recognize the importance of the Astoria line and perhaps take measures to secure railroad connection to that im portant city. If he should seize upon the line and build, he would probably keep all others out. it is only lw miles zrom Portland, while it is said to be 110 to Forest Grore from Astoria. Whether a more direct route from Portland than via Forest Grove could be found, we do not know. But at any rate the situation is interesting all around and not without big possibilities for Portland and Astoria too. x amiiui neporter a. The Verdict Unanimous . W.D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus. Ind., testifies: "1 can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold lias given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I have ever handled In my 120 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at W. E. Dement & Co. s Drug Store. Xew'AHd Enlarged Ktoek of Chclee Bras da of Cigars. Imported Key West and domestic. All tastes can bo satisfied and all pockets suited as to price, ransiirsfunch and Juniors In full supply as usual at D. L. Beck & Soxs. A Suaay Boom With the comforts of a home, library, eic. -appiy at jiomou iiouse. The finest and nicest steak to be had IntownatFabre's. Db Yok Want Tour Fine Cleaned r If you do J. Lavalce will do the lob neatly and cheat). Leave orders at THK ASTORIAK Ottlee. Telephone I.o'ffriue House. RAt Reda In fnwn Wnnmo nur rilrrhf 50 and 23 cte., per week SIM. New and mean, xrivaio entrance. The best oysters in any style at raore's. Try Fabre's celebrated pau roast Ten cents for a cun of Fabre's nice couee. NEW TO-DAY. Pic Hie and Excursion. THE SCANDINAVIAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY Will Give a Grand Excursion and Pic Nio TO KNAPPA AND RETURN ON Sunday, July 31st. 1887. The 5. O. JUed hat beta chartered and every arrangement has been made to Insore a pleasant time to all participating. There win oe a oaii at unappa in tne evening. KBd Trip Tltketi: Ladles, Flttr Cants. ' " ' " Geats. Oae Dollar. Tickets may be had of any member of the aoemv. Cenmlttee of ArraRsemeaU. Aug. Danlelson, M. Olsen. Frank Eck land. Brie Johnson, Jno. M. OIs en. The boat will leave the O. It. & X. Dock at 9 A. je. ana wui maice upper Astoria land logs, both ways, Notice. uPdi CAPTTDIXLON IS TO HAVE A BOAT ready lor hU Westport route the first oIAHgttst, All money due the Favorite be fore the first of June Is payable to him and no one else. CAPT. W. P. DILLON. Astoria, July 13th, 18S7. Steamboat for Sale. FOR PARTICULARS ENQUIRE AT Arndt & Ferchen's. Road Supervisor's Notice. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE appointed Mr. L, E. Sellg deputy super visor for district No. 7. JAS. W. WALKER, Road Supervisor District No. 7. For Liverpool Direct. The fine Iron ship YAEKAND. TflTlnw nn tfio tiArtli anil trill take salmon in lots to suit shippers. She will have quick despatch. "For particulars apply to JgftEB, WILSON &JCO. Or to C, P. UPSHUB, Asttrla, Or, NEW TO-DAY. Young Men's Christian Association Oriental Entertainments. To be given at Liberty Hell by WAD-EL-WARD. (Native of Jerusalem, Palestine.) Tills distinguished Oriental Scholar and Lecturer, on the Life, manner and Customs of the Orient, has been engaged by the above Association to give three of his oji ular Entertainments as follows : Thursday, Jnly 14th "A donkey ride from Dan to Beersheba." Friday, July 15th "A pHjirimaje to Mec ca with the Mohammedans." Sitnrday.Jnly ICth "One hundred min utes with the people of Jerusalem. viueaescnpuonwuiDe given in costume and with Tableaux, assisted by twenty per sons. Eight O'clock. Course Tickets, One Dollar. Single Admission, Fifty Cents. Everybody is going ! So you 111 be there. Monday Evening, July 18. THE NEW YORK Philharmonic Club (The most complete and finest Musleal Organization In America ) Consisting of RICHARD ARX0LD, Violin. FIUEDHOLD HEMMAN.V, Viola EMIL SCIIL'XCK, Violoncello, EUGENE WEIXEB. Flute, LUDWIH SCUEKCK; Violin. AUGUST KALKdOF. Double Basi. Assisted by Mme. Annie Louise Tanner. Prima Donua, Soprano. Manager ... C.H.DITrMAN. Ticket Si, and 20 cents. Reserved seats without extra, charge at the Crystal Palace. Cltj- Tre&turer'a Report for quarter E&dUg June SOLb.lSBi. 1887. Pit. April 1. To Balance t?en?l fund S 509 30 " Police fund 35G M ' Bend In'st fund . 1,307 501 II .1 1 1 -- 1 nn -m n iemuiery iunu... s oi June 30. To am't from Liquor Licenses. 3.800 .i . .i Poo Licenses... go " " ' Runner's Licenses 20 Teams Licenses.. 90 03 " " Theaters, etc. " .. 25 44 SaleCemeteryLots 4 u " DopfLiceuses 22 50 " " " Billiard Licenses.. G5 " " Peddler's Licenses 15 " " u Police Court fines. 333 Total 3 7,402 CK. amt. Warrants paid $ 3,912 34 Balance General Fund 578 20 " FoliceFund 1,217 70 M Cemetery Fund.. 779 2G . Bend I merest.... 3 912 M s $ 7,402 Respectfully submitted. J . G. Hustler, Treas. Astoria, Ogn.f June 30,1887. THE TRAVELERS MJRAKE GO Of Hartford, Conn. Presents to the Travelling Tublic the fol lowing Valuable Concessions, viz : $3,000 In case of Accidental Death. &q nriA ln c&i& ot los f both tpOAVA Eyes, two entire Feet, jot two entire Hands. $1 ,000 In event of loss of one entire hand, or one entire foot, and c Per week, as formerly. In case of a totally disabling injury. $ 15 Ticket, 26e per liar, or 61.50 for Thirty Dajt, FOB SALE by A. BALMANNO, At American News Depot. Local Agent . le Wednesday, July 20tht 1887. At 1 I O'clock A.M. TIte Great Eastern Saloon Next Doorto The Parker Honso. Under instructions from Messrs. Flecken steln & Mayer I will sell by auction the entire contents of said building, cons'stlmjof 1 B:ll ard Table. 1 Burglar and Fire Proof Safe, Card Tables, ltound and Square Chairs, Large Looking Glasses.CIock, Lamps. Stove, Chairs. Bar Ornaments. Fine Bar Counters and Shelving, Steel Engravings and OU Paintings, Glasses and Bar Fixtures, Bed steads and Mattresses, Lounges and a large assortment of Miscellaneous Gools, being almost new. Buyers arc especially invltea to attend this sale. Sale peremptory. Terms cash. B. S. WORSLBY, Auctioneer. F. K. BEACH. Prpg , J. MoQKAKKy. Xle Pre j. k. eldebkin. loots lukwenbkro. Sec'jr. Treasurer. The Northwest Fire &Marine Insurance Company. No. S Washington St., Portland, Or. CAPITAL, $300,000. It. Ii. BOYLE, Astoria Agent. Office at I. X. n Packing Cx DIRECTORS: J. MoCralcen. F.K. Arnold. P. K.Betch. FnnkM.Wrren.O.ILPrscott, K.Eraert, J. IXMTrenberg. J. JCHIderkiD. D. D. Olipb&ut Money to Loan on ApproTed Real Estate Security. Boss Opera House Special Auction Sa The Crystal Palace CJS.HL AJDLEB., Manager. Fancy Goods, Gold .and Silverware, Books, Stationery, Notions, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. The Latest Publications Constantly Received. An Experienced Watchmaker in the Repair Department. Everything at Lowest Prices. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. A. V. ALLEN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass f Plated "Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of 2Tros2i Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh every Steamer. CITY BOOK The Finest Line of LANK BOOK In the eity. STOTIOXTS. Sheet Music And Musical Instruments GB3FFXXT & HEED S z QTODDi jMrCtjl The'Long and Short of it. Is, I Tell Trail. Tlaeit JEFF Of the U. S. Restaurant gives to be had on the Coast. His Regular Dinner with Tea, Coffee, Wine, Beer or Milk for 25cts. Cannot be Beat. Meals Cooked to Order on Short Notice Oysters In Any Style and Always Fresh. First Class Saloon Anri LODCINC In Connection With H. EKSTEOM. WATCHMAKER. Just received a large stock of "Watches and Clocks. Chains, Lockets, etc Also genuine Seth Thomas Boat Clocks, proved to be the best. Ail which will be sold at very low prices. "Watch and Clock repairing a specialty, and dons at reasonable prices. Bhop next to Aug. Danlelson's Sabpls Boom , on the roadway, STORE. Novelties in STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS AND School Supplies. VARIETY GOODS. the hest Meal for the money HOUSE: The Restaurant. Are You Insured? J. O. Bozorth "Writes Insurance Follclu In Beliablo Flra Insurance companies that give Absolut Protection m cose of Fire. Empire Store. Bargains, in Ready Made Clothing. 20 Men's and Youths' odd suits marked down from $16 and $t8 to $11 and $13, and are all wool desirable suits. We carry u full line of Black Dn-.n uits which are sold for the lowest cash ,ricfs. Our Line of Dry Fancy Goods IS COMPLETE, Cotton. Woolen and iluslin Underwear, Shetland and Embroidered New port Shawls in all colors. Ladles short Wraps, Calico Wrappers, Fancy, Ging ham and Calico Aprons, Silk Embroidered stand covers. A fine lot of Embroideries just opened. We have the largest and finest lot of Silk Thread and Twist, Embroidery and Knitting Silk In all shades and colors, to be found In Astoria. W. T. PARKER IMCTsrAGKEIE.. BOOTS and SHOES w Genuine English Porpoise Shoes Tor Gents. l.ndlea Flexible Sole Shoes In French, Kangaroo and Dongola Kid Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infant neeis, and Spring heel. WE 1EAL, IN BOOTS AND SHOES OICLY. P. J. GQODMAN. MaMBMw p i wanr-niinii a tiit m tm H. B. PARKER, DEALER IH Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Bricl, Cement, Sanil ant Plaster Wood Delivered tb Order. Draylng, Teaming and Kxpresa BaslaeM. WEe&&? I ' ' -yfS'T.j" XEIt apply to the Captain, or to m The Celebrated Specialist of The Vanmonciscar Private Dispensary, Portland, Or., Is now in this city, The Doctor is knonn as the Most Successful Specialist oo ths Paclflc Coast. His specialty includes all Nervous, Private and Chronic Diseases, such as Nervous and Physical Debility. Exhausted Vitality, Diseases of Sidney?, Liver, Loos. Heart, and Stomach, Premature decline In Man. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Dr. Clark's peculiar treatment of all Female Troubles, symptoms of which are : Back ache. Burning pain on top of head, feeling of debility, general weakness, lassitude, low spirits, feeling of lantruor, nervousness, is the most successful and legitimate known to medical science. Microscopical Examinations and Chemical Analysis of the urine are made in all cases taken to discover all the complications before curej are guaranteed, Consultation Free. Booms at Parker House. . ii i i Men's Furnishing Goods, Men's Clothing of all Kinds. At Phil. A. Stokes A Co.'a. Hats, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear. TRUNKS, ETC. A T7lZl."Sr IjAH.G-B STOCK, Very Low Prices. (First door east of Foard & Stokes.) Anything that a man needs in Clothing, at Bottom Prices. :il. ASTORIA Planing Mill. HOLT fe OO. Proprietors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS, SASHDOORS. BLENDS. RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWHL POSTS. BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, Boat Material, etc, Orders solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Style,:QuaU ty and PrlCM. Mill and Offla cor. Polk nnd Concomly streets. Astoria, Oregon, j " ' SJgre?-3--'!- - - " ' f " "TlTMg STEAMER cuy nuu Eben P, Parher,liastsr. ForTOWINQ, FREIGHT orCHAK H. . PAKKKJC. , JL STOBLEa cft OO. BARGAINS. Business Bargains. THE New York Novelty Store OFFERS Genuine Bargain In Books, Stationery, Fanoy Goods, aad General Notions. We are satisfied wltfea small profit 07er original cost, and want Jou to buy what you need In oar line oX us, t Is for your Interest to do so. A fall line of Novelties. Playing Cards. Blank Books, Musical Instruments, Tsys. etc. A Large Stock of Baby Carrlaf THE Nw York Novslty ter: