The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 13, 1887, Image 3

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JULY 13,1887
Tickets for the Wad-el-Ward lec
tures at Griflint& Reed's.
Good weather for haying, but bad
(or potatoes and root crops.
In tho polico court, last Monday,
Geo. Zeigler was fined 840 for va
grancy. Blaokberries of uncertain flavor are
in the market. The blackberry is a
funny fmit, always red when it is
Very few fish are being taken; the
few" that come in are of exceptionally
fine quality, running as high as sixty-
sis pounds in weight.
At eleven o!clock next Wednesday
morning Ben. Worsley will sell at
public auction the stock and fixtures
of the Great Eastern saloon.
- The fish commissioners and legis
lative committee visited several can
neries through the city yesterday, and
went to Ilwaco in the afternoon.
The present dearth of salmon in
July on the Columbia, though un
usual is not unprecedented. In 1877
the same condition of affairs existed.
There will be a children's sociable
at Mrs. Sam'l Elmore's from two to
five next Friday afternoon, under the
auspices of the M. E. church Sunday
Like a man without a wife, like a
ship without a Bail, the oddest thing
iu life is a shirt without a proper
length, or a newspaper without tele-
frams from the world's busy centers,
he line is up again, and our specials
from London, New York, etc., come
through all right.
"Who can tell what a day may
bring forth?" Accidents are liable
to happen, and the best thing one
can do is to have an accident policy.
A. Balmanno is the agent of the
Traveler's Insurance company, a re
liable oompany, and one that prompt
ly settles all claims.
Capt. J. A. Brown is in the city.
Mayor Trullinger is expected back
from SanFranoisco next week.
Miss Alice Stockton has returned
from Tisiting friends in Portland.
Miss Jane Weeden. a celebrated
temperance leoturer, is sojourning
here for a season.
An Interesting Lecturer.
To-morrow Dight the renowned or
iental traveler, Wad-el-Ward, will be
gin a course of lectures at Liberty
Hall. Yesterday's News, speaking of
himf says: "The success of the course
aow being given under the auspices
of the Y. M. 0. A. was apparent last
night in the large audience that
gathered in the tabernacle to hear
Wad-el-Ward on A Trip to Mecca
with the Mohammodans.' The fluent,
easy manner of the leoturer pleases
all. His descriptions of scenery and
events are dear, natural and conveyed
in plain language, are readily followed
and retained. Just enough of the
ludicrous was given, keeping the
audience in good humor from first
to leoturer abounds with descriptive,
narrative personal adventure, in
structive incident, and explanation of
the oustoms of the eastern world.
The leoture was novel' and interest
ing, holding the closest attention of
the audience for one hour and three
quarters, not one person leaving dur
ing that time."
Some Salmon Sales.
A San Francisco report notes re
cent sales at S1.17& to SL25 of GO,
000 Earluk, 10,000 Wadhams Eraser
river, 10,000 Hanthorn, 10,000 Cowan,
Shaw & Co., 3,000 Caledonia, 10,000
Tomahawk, 5,000 Carquinez, 15,000
Archie, 15.000 Gardiner, 5.000 Cape
Fox, 5,000 Florence, 15,000 Sacramen
to fall pack.
- - 9 mm '-
The ladies of the Grace (Episcopal)
church will give their basket picnic
on Friday, July 15th, '87. The steam
er 'Electric will leave Wilson & Fish
er's dok with barge at 9 o'olook a.
m. Tickets, 50 cents; children under
12 years, 25 cents. .
Shippers will take notice that tho
ateamer Qen. Canby will leave sharp
on time, and freight must be de
livered on Gray's wharf not later
..than 7:45 ah. Any that may arrive
later must wait for the second boat.
- J. H. D. Gbay, Agent.
Attention, Knights.
Important business, including in
stallation of officers, at Astor lodgo
Wednesday, -July 13. A full attend
ance is desired.
Sojourners in good standing
vited to attend. H. B. Nelson.
By order K. of R. & S
O. C.
Girl Wanted.
family. Inquire at Astohian office.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup jot delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Private Booms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
lies, etc The best cooked to order.
For the very best pictures go to H. S.
Private Rooms.
Tanillalce Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Philadelphia, July 12. At the
Actor's Home. :it 1316 North Broad
steet, in this city, last Sunday Geo.
Gaines Sponr, tho veteran comedian,
78 years of aje, who made his first
appearance on the stago in the old
Tremont theater in 1829, breathed
his last, having been confined to his
bed nearly four years. The most no
table event in Spear's life was in be
ing a witness to the tragedy on the
stage at Ford's theater in Washing
ton, when president Lincoln fell a
victim to John Wilkes Booth's pistol
Holland Patent, July 12. The
12th of July, the anniversary of
the battle of the Boyne, between king
James and the prince of Orange, is
being celebrated by Orangemen
throughout Ulster with unusual fer
vor. The Reverend Dr. Kane pre
sided over a monster gathering in
this city. Many violent speeches
were made, and the city was crowded
with Orangemen from tho rural dis
tricts. Several skirmishes have al
ready taken place between Orange
men and Catholics. The police have
been reinforced so a to be prepared
for auy trouble.
Holland Pa'nt, Jnly 12. Presi
dent Cleveland and wife arrived here
this morning. They walked from!
tho station to the inn and "Thei
Weeds," the residence of Miss Eliza
beth Cleveland, where they were
heartily received by the president's
sister and his niece, Mary L. Hast-
New Yohk, Jnly 12. Queen Kapi-j
alani kept in her hotel to day and j
rested, previous to going on her
journey to San Francisco this even- i
TIip nnPPn and nnrfv xvHI Ipava
in the G r. ir. train, and it is not in
tended to make, any breaks iu the
journey between the two points.
New York, July 12. Thomas Dn
rand, aged 70 (colored), known as
"Japanese Tommy," was buried iu
Evergreen cemetery He was
a dwarf, three feet high, and had
been exhibited before all the crowned
heads of Europe. There was uo
funeral service.
a disastrous fire.
Pottsville, Pa., July 12. Otto,
one of the best collieries of the Phil
adelphia & Beading company, is on
fire, and is probably doomed to
destruction, entailing a loss approach
ing siuu.WU. Three hundred men
and boys will bo thrown out of em
Rome, July 12. The cholera is in
creasing in Sicily. There have al
ready been 200 cases at Catania, of
which 140 proved fatal. The Neapol
itans are alarmed because of the ar
rival in their city of numbers of fugi
tive from Sicily.
Boston, July 12. The consolida
tion of three leading firms of milk
contractors in this city was effected
to-day and tho consolidation will con
trol the entire milk supply of the
London, July 12. The duke of
Portland yesterday reviewed the an
cient and honorable artillery of Bos
ton and afterwards presided at a
banquet given them. United States
minister Phelps, Col. Walker, of Bos
ton, having the seats of honor. The
lord mayor of London, lord Napier,
of Boston, delegate Tilton, of New
York, the old guard and others were
present. The duke of Portland
offered a toast in honor of queen
Victoria and president Cleveland,
minister Phelps responding to the
toaBt to president Cleveland.
Frankfort, July 12. Tho rifle
meeting here has been a great suo
cess. The results have Bhown that
tho old superiority of the Swiss
marksmen is gone; tho bulk of the
prizes to the winners were southern
Germans; marksman Gnstars won
the emperor's cup.
London, July 12. Wm. O'Brien,
editor of United Ireland, at
Kingston made a speech which was
filled with defiance: He said that
the government would be required to
enforce the coercion act in the most
barbarous manner before it could
suppress the liberties of the Irish
London, July 12. One hundred
and thirteen dwellings, the police of
fices, school houses, offices of six
school houses, and banks have been
burned at Witopsk, Russia, causing a
loss of 2,000,000 rubles; thousands of
the city's inhabitants are homeless
and numbers have perished.
London, July 12. The steam yacht
Alva with W.H.Vanderbilt,family and
friends on board, arrived at Queens
town to-day and proceeded to Liver
Berlin, July 12. Prince Bismarck
is in the city. The emperor William
is at Coblentz.
A Ctty Tax of Twelve Mills for the Car-
rent Year.
President of the council Bergman
was iu the chair last evening.
A petition from Thos. Dealey. ask
ing that tho improvement of We3t
Sixth street be ordered, wa3 referred
to street committee.
Reports of city treasurer, street
superintendent and police judge were
read and referred to appropriate com
mittees. An ordinance denning vagrancy
and providing for punishment there
of, was passed under suspension of
the rules. (This "vag." ordinance is
considered to be in accordance with
the state vagrancy law, and repeals
ordinance 446.)
An ordinance declaring probable
cost of improving Gushing Court
street from W. Eighth to W. Ninth,
was read third time and passed.
An ordinance levying a 12 mill tax
for municipal purposes for the year
1887 was read third time and passed.
An ordinance to provide for the
prevention of fires and the protection
of persons and property endangered
thereby, was read first and second
The following" claims were ordered
paid: Griffin & Beed. 83.85; Boss
land Wirt, S15.62; Clatsop Mill Co.,
22.25; 13. F. Allen, 51; J. A. tfowan,
Then the matter of the roadway
came up for the hundredth time and
was talked over by all hands, and
what has been said again and again,
was repeated, and everyone agreed
that something ought to be done, and
the council adjourned.
Chamber of Commerce Meeting.
A meeting of the chamber of com
merce was held at Judge Bowlby'a
office last Monday evening, J. Q. A.
Bowlby in the chair, J. H. Mansell
secretary; tne minutes oc last meet
ing were read and approved, un
motion the thanks of the chamber
retary in ssaing a pamphlet on the
resources of Clatsop county,
A communication was read from
: "re water, secretary Vancouver
board of trade, calling the attention
of the chamber to the faofe that the
next meeting of the waterway con
vention would be in this city on tho
3rd of next moDth. On motion a
committee of five, consisting of
Messrs. Bowlby, Gray, Crosby, Page,
and Parker, were appointed to make
inquiries as to getting and furnishing
a suitable room for the meetings of
the chamber and to report at next
regular meeting. After some discus
sion relative to the extension of Con
comlev and Chenamus streets west
ward to connect with the county
road, the meeting adjouraed.
There will be another meeting of
the chamber next Monday, the 18th,
when delegates to the convention
will be elected.
Cargo of the Warwick Castle.
The Warwick Castle finished yes
terday loading salmon for Liverpool,
the first foreign vessel to clear salm
on laden from Astoria this season.
She carries 41,582 caEes as follews:
7,000 cases shipped by John A. Dev
lin: 4,269 by J. G. Megler; o.Uoy,
Thistle Packing Co.; 3,500, Fisher
men's Packing Co.; 5,500. Aberdeen
Packing Co.; 5,000, Badollet & Co.:
2,250, Occident Packing Co.; 1,500.
White Star Packing Co.; 2,000. Scan-,
ainavian racting uo.; vi,wu, lumore
& Sanborn; 1.000, P. J. McGowan;
1,000, J. O. Hanthorn & Co.; 1,000, Cut
ting Packing Co.; 4. Pillar Rook
Packing Co.
In Brief, And to the Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of tho most complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, and many
other things which ought not to be,
have made tho American people a
nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's AugUBt Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad buaineas and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Remember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five oenta.
Now, This Shoald Not Be Forgotten.
How foolish it is to make fun of
the home-made bustle! There is not
a girl who makes her own bustle but
is backed by some of the moBt influ
ential papers of the times. Si. Paul
Excitement In Texas,
Great excitement has been caused In
the vicinity of Paris, Tex., bv the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley,
who was so helpless he could not turn
in bed, or raise his head; everybody
said he was dving of Consumption. A
trial bottle of Dr. King's NewDlscovery
in. cant Vilrr T?InHnrr tu1inf Via
11 iJ OAAb AU JkT lUUtU V.Vlt UU
r Dr.
bottles of the Discovery, he was well
and had gained in flesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at V. E. Dement
GaxnbriRus Beer
And Free Lunch at tht Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Ice, lee, Ice.
Ice for sale at reasonable rates in
quantities to suit. Apply to A. W.
Utzinger, Cosmopolitan saloon,
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jen: a restaurant.
United btatea Bestaurant is tha beet
and cheapest In Astoria.
Cleansed, Purified and Beauti
fied by the Cuticura Remedies.
Foreie&iuing tho Skin and Scalp of Dis
figuring Hnmora. for allaying Itching, Burn
ing and Inflammation.for curing tho firs t symp
toms of Eczema, Psoriasis, Milk Crust, Scaly
II cad, Scrofala. and other inherited Skin and
Blood Dieea303. CUticUbA, the. great Skin
Curo. and CCticUBA SOAP, an oxqusito Skin
Rnonfifior .Ttrnftllv. and CUTICURA KE-
solvett. tho now Blood rimfior. internnlly,
aro infallible.
I hava suffered all my lifo with akin du-
oaees of different, Kinds ana navo never
found permanent relief, until, by tho advico
of a lady friend, I ued your raluablo Ccti
cuha Keuedies. I gave them a thorough
trial, uiing six bottles of thp Ccticoka Ke
solveit, two bores of CoticUba and seven
cakes of CUTictnu. Soap, and the result was
just what I had been told it would be-a
complete cure. .. . , , ,.
BELLE WADE, Richmond. Ya.
Reference, O, W. Latimer, Druggist
Richmond, Ya.
I was troubled with Salt Rheum for a
number of ears, so that the skin entirely
camo off one of my hands from tho linger tips
to tho wrist. I triod remedies and doctors'
prescriptions to no purpose until I com
menced taking Cuticura Remedies, and
now I am entirely cured.
E. T. PARKER. 397rthamFton St.
Have sold a quantity of your Cuticura
Remedies. One lof my customers. Mrs.
Henry KIntz, who had tetter on her hands to
such an extont as to cause the skin to peel off,
and for eight years she suffered greatly. wa3
completely cured by the use of your medi
cines, C.2J. NYE, Druggist, Canton, Ohio.
For the last year I haro had a specie of
itching, scaly and pimply humors on my face
to which I have applied a great many
methods of treatment without success, and
which wa3 speedily and entirely cured by
Mrs. ISAAC PHELPS, Ravenna, 0.
We havo sold your CimcuuA Ruiediks
for tho last six years, and no medicines on
our shelves gave better satisfaction.
C.F.ATHERTOX, Druggist, Albany. X. Y.
CcnccRAREiirniE8 are sold everywhere.
Price; CUticuha, 50 ceDts; RKSourtT,
81.00; Soap. 25 cents, Prepared by the
POTTElt DHL'0 AXD CllEilldL CO.. Boston.
Mass. Mend for "Hew to Core Skin
PDIIQQ Pitnplos.Skin Blemishes, and Ea Humors, cure I by Cuticl'ka
Soap. 1
Catarrh to Consumption.
Catarrh in its destructive force stands noxt
to and undoubtedly leads on to consumption.
It is therefore singular that those afflicted
with this fearful discaso should not make it
the object of their lives to rid themselves of
it. Deceptive remedies concocted by ignorant
pretenders to medical knowledges have
weakenod tho confidence of tho great
majority of sufferers in all advertised rem
edies. Tboy become resigned to a lifo of
xnlsory rather than torturo themselves with
doubtful palliatives.
But this will never do. Catarrh must bo
met at every stags and combated with all
our might. In many cases tho di?eao has
assumed dangerous symptoms- Iho bones
and cartilage of tho noso. tho organs of hear
ing, of seeing and of tasting so affected as to
be useless, the uvula so olongatcd, the throat
so inflamed and irritated as t9 produco a
constant and distressing cough.
SAXFORD'd Radical Cuuk meets every
phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
the most loathsomo and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional, lnxtant in re
lieving, permanent in coring, safo, economi
cal and never-failing.
Each packago contains one bottle of the
Racicad Curk, one box Catarrhal Solv
JWT, and an IurnorRD Inhalkh, with treat
ise; price SI.
PoTTt-n Dace & Chemical Co., Boston.
IV ONE MIMTE. that weary.
lifelees all-gone, sensation ever
presont with those of Inflamed kid
neys. Weak Back and Loins. Ach
ing Hids and Sides, Uterino Pains, Weak
ness, and Inflammation, is relieved and
fpeedily cured by the Cuticura Anti
aud infallible antidote to pain and inflamma-
Di..... .... :2..-i t- .
tion. At all druggists, 2c; fivo for 31.00 ; or
oi rouer Drug nnu inomicai Co., iioston.
Ah Inexplicable 3Iystery.
Nobody doubts the intelligence and
sagacity of the teaohers of the public
schools, of course, but just now every
body is trying to reconcile this ad
mitted fact with the midsummer
meeting of the state institute at Sa
lem. With Yaquina'a cool breezes
coaxing from the southward, the
bracing air of Astoria and Clatsop
wooing from tho north, and the trans
portation companies vieiug with eaoh
othor to make travel cheaD nnd easy,
the selection of Salem, or any other
valley town as a place for tho annual
meeting of the institute is inexplica
ble 7'7 ,..., o r
uic J. ctcyy um, i.
The Latest sad Greatest DiieoTerj-.
FIGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic.
A discovery of the greatest interest
to the Medical Profession. A boon
to every household. A moBt delicious
laxative or purgative prepared from
fruits and vegetables. So perfectly
harmless that they may be adminis
tered with entire safety to an infant
So efficacious to adults that a single
dose will prove their value, and so
elegant a preparation that it needs
only to be presented to tho public
to become a necessity in every
household throughout the land.
For liver complaints, habitual con
stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and
piles, they are a specific To trav
elers by sea and land they will be
found invaluable; they are positive
ly unfailing in thoir action, and this
is the only medicine ever offered to
the public that is acceptable to the
taste, and so pleasant that children
will eat the figs as eagerly as candy.
For sale by every Druggist through
out the world. Price, 25 cents a box.
J. J. Mack & Uo., Prop's, 9 and 11
Front street, ban Francisco, Cal.
As terla Illustrated, aud As It Is.
PORTI.ASD. 0?n. .Illiv 1fi iRftT
This is to certity that Joe Pinschow
erls hereby appointed sole agent for
the sale of the forthcoming Abtoria
number of the West Shore. All orders
for said number should be sent to him,
as no orders will be filled from our
Portland ofQce.
L. Samuel,
Publisher West Shore.
The Astoria number of the West Shore
Is now due. AH orders will be filled at
the New York Novelty Store. Call
early and get what copies you may
wish to send to your friends and rela
tives, as the supply is limited.
New York Novelty Store,
Astoria, Ogn.
For the best photographs and tintypes
(u kw vmii a uiuvjji
The Leading House of the City,
"Will the Fourth of July be forgot
ten and everything assumo
its normal tate;
But Ml Forest One Thine
Herman Wise,
the Occidont Hotel building
still has quite a number
of rattlinpr
"Which you will find to your ii
terest to bear in mind, and
him if you intend
to do some
Clotbier and Hatter
Occident Hotel Building, oppo
site Star Market.
Mr. Cooper has just-returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one" of the Largest .
and Finest stocks of
Men's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
select from
of TWO
All New, Stylish, and
W aro
We ra
W aro
Doing Business for Fun!
W ara cuktag man?
AImIm the time.
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact fn mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck & Sons.
Boys Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.
' i