The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 10, 1887, Image 2

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    s. Jfi;fwp.
fcc Sails gtftoviau.
.JULY 10. 15S7
Less yian twenty-five miles of
distance remain unbriclged by rail
between the great states of Cali
fornia and Oregon.
Never again, says the Grass
Valley, Cal., Tit7ois, will the
salmon run the rivers here as they
once did. This is a fish that civil
ization kills. Cities sewer into
the streams, land is cultivated on
the banks of streams and loosened
soil is washed into the running
water and thousands of other de
filements follow where man is locat
ed, and so certain fishes give way.
It is the same way with the buffalo
of the plains, the red deer of the
prairies and forests and with many
game quadrupeds and birds. The
trout fish of the Truckee river and
of our mountain lakes will not sur
vive sawdust and civilization for
many years, and trout will be suc
ceeded by carp and catfish or some
other fish that has the nature of a
hog. This applies wholly to the
Sacramento and partially to the
Columbia, where the run can even
yet be insured for future years.
Tt is frond to know a court has
at last been found to upset the
old-fashioned, fallacy that it
is better that ninety and
nine guilty men should es
cape than that one innocent man
should be convicted. This moss
covered fiction has been the cause,
first and last, of a great deal of
mischief. The. supreme court of
Illinois, in a recent decision,
(Adams vs. the People, 109 111.,
451,) held that an instruction was
properly refused which asserted
the policy of the law to be, that it
is better that ninety and nine,
or any number, of guilty
persons should escape than that
one innocent person should suffer;
because, first, there is no policy of
the law upon the subject or for the
consideration of the jury; and, sec
ondly, it is not within the purpose
of the law that any guilty person
should escape, or any innocent one
be convicted. The question for the
consideration of the jury is the
guilt or innocence of the accused,
and it is not for them to inquire
what is politic to do. The propo
sition is a very reasonable one and
the decision will doubtless meet
with the approval of all legal au
thorities. Tlie Verdict Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, Drugeist. Rippns, 1ml..
testifies: "I can recommend Eloetric
Bitters as the very best remedy. Every
bottle sold has given relief in every case.
One mau took six bottles, and was cured
.of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing."'
"Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville,
Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi
cine x have ever handled in my 20 vears"
experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou
sands of others have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of
the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a
halfdollarabottlcatW.E. Drnu-M &
Co.'fl Drug Store.
At Ilwaco.
Up to this date the salmon run has
beeu improving:, a lev? choice traps
report from 60 to 100 the trap the
past three nights, but the average
catch is from five to fifteen. Some
July fish have been caught the past
few days and the July run is daily
looked loT.Ilicaco Corr. Pacific
Only For a Few Pays.
Dr. D. J. Stansbury, a celebrated
clairvoyant, physician and independ
ent slate-writing medium from San
Francisco, is stopping in Astoria for
a very few days, and. can be consulted
at the Astor house. All persons suf
fering from chronic or obscure dis
eases can have their cases properly
diagnosed and witness some of the
most wonderful phenomena connect
ed with spiritualism in the presence
of this gentleman. Highest testi
monials. Astoria Illustrated, and As It Is.
Portland, Ogn. July 1st, 1887.
This is to certify that Joe Piuschow
eris hereby appointed sole agent for
the sale of the forthcoming Astoria
number of the West Shore All orders
for said number should be sens to him,
as no orders will be filled from our
Portland office.
L. Samuel,
Publisher West Shore.
The Astoria number of the West Sliorc
Is now due. All orders will be filled at
the New York Novelty" Store. Call
early and get what copies you may
wish to send to your friends and rela
tives, as the supply is limited.
Joe Pinschower,
New York Novelty Store,
Astoria, Ogn.
J Ye Wast Your Fine Cleaned ?
If you do J. Lavalee will do the job
neatly and cheap. Leave orders at
Txe Astobian office.
The .Man Who Was Once the Autocrat
Of Oregon.
The death of Ben Holladay, which
took place at St. Vincent's hospital in
Portland last Friday evening, recalls
reminiscences of a man well known
to most Astorians, a familiar figure
on our streets, and one of the most
prominent men in the country. Born
in Kentucky nearly seventy years ago,
he had amassed a fortune in Kansas
at the breaking out of the Mexican
war by successful cattle trading, go
ing thence to Utah, whore his name
as a bold speculator is still a house
hold word. From there he went to
California,-made and lost big money
on big contracts, put on and coined
money in his famous overland stage
line, operated two lines of steamers
between northern and southern Pa
cific coast ports, dipped into mines,
handled millions, was a financial
power, strong, imperious, hostile, un-
givmg, great in nis nates ana inena
ships, and at the zenith of prosperity.
Twenty years ago he was the king
pin: his word was law, his endorse
ment sufficient, his frown con
demnatory. He had let go of his
stage business at a big figure
and was the controller of all water
traffic on the Pacific coast ex
cept the P. M. S. S. Co. He owned
everything everywhere that turned a
wheel, made and unmade men, and
enjoyed his power which was won by
force of energy, enterprise and oppor
tunity. He came to Oregon in 1868,
organized transportation lines by land
and water, took all ho wanted and
held all he took, created numerous
contests, lived in regal style in Port
laud, occasionally swept up and down
the river in his own special boat, dis
dainfully refusing to have a line
thrown out from his vessel to a dock
at Astoria, spent money lavishly and
generously, built a magnificent struct
ure at the Seaside, guided and di
rected all his great affairs as became
a lordly mind that was dominant in
its jurisdiction.
About fifteen years ago there came
a tide in his affairs that led to ruin.
He was compelled to relinquish the
reins of railroad guidance to others,
and take a" back seat in every sense of
the word. Since 76 he had been but
a shadow of his former self and the
last eleven years of his life were em
bittered by tedious litigation and
financial embarrassments, and the
quiet voiced old man who loitered in
gentle chat at the entrance to the
hotel was in marked contrast to the
Ben Holladay of former years.
Ho was a great politician; he hnd
met tho great men of the nation from
Daniel Webster to Jas. G. Blaine,
knew them and they him, had spent
season after season at Washington,
where had he listed he might by force
of wealth and natural aptitude have
shone in any position. His knowl
edge of public men and public meas
ures was equaled by his keen inBight
into political affairs. In an hour's
conversation with the writer in July
'81 he foretold the defeat of Blaine.
He was, in his day, a great, sturdy,
successful man, who made great
wealth and loved great power; a man
who brooked no interference or op
position; who bought what he
couldn't crush and dominated in all
things possible; royal in his gen
erosities, vindictive in his disagree
ments and with much about him that
compelled admiration and overshad
owed the defects in his disposition.
His life, if written, would read like
a romance, and no coast chronicles
ire possible without extended men
tion of his achievements. All his
children by his first wife are dead;
now ho lies dead in Portland, and
thus ends the career of one of the
most remarkable men of nny ago or
Excitement in Texas,
Great excitement has been caused in
the vicinity of Paris. Tex., by the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley,
who was so helpless he could not turn
in bed, or raise his head: everybody
said he was dying of Consumption. A
trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
was sent him. Finding relief, he
bought a largo bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New Life Pills; bv tho time he
had taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles of the Discovery, he was well
and had gained in flesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at V. E. Dement
Tho ladies of tho Grace (Episcopal)
church will give their basket picnic
on Friday, July 15th, '87. The steam
er Electric will leave Wilson & Fish
er's dck with barge at 9 o'clock a.
ar. Tickets, DO cents; children under
12 years, 25 cents.
Shippers will take notice that the
steamer Qen. Canby will leave sharp
on time, and freight must be de
livered on Gray's wharf not later
than 7:15 a. si. Any that may arrive
later must wait for the second boat.
J. H. D. Gray, Agent.
Dr. D. J. Stansbury, a celebrated
medium from San Francisco, will
lecture and exhibit the phenomena of
spiritualism, including the wonderful
independent slate writing and other
messages from your own Bpirit
friends, this evening, 8 o'clock, at
.Liberty hall. Admission, OU cents.
Attention, Knights.
Important business, including in
stallation of officers, at Astor lodge
Wednesday, July 13. A full attend
ance is desired.
Sojourners in good standing in
vited to attend. H. E. Nelson,
By order K. of E. & S.
O. C.
A Sunny Room
With tho comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Gainbrlnus Beer
And Free Lunch at the TelephoneSa
loon, 0 cents.
A Stranse Monster.
Sturgeon fishermen at Bayside, K.
J., have captured what is called "a
strange monster." It was about six
feet long, and seven feet wide, count
ing its fangs, and weighed about 500
pounds. It was black as ink. had a
head resembling a lion's, and was
spotted undeneath like a leopard.
The Oldest 3Ia in the World.
The English, mnil Rtenmor at
Havana from St. Thomas brings fol
St. Thomas, June 17. Peter Bordi,
who took part in the American revo
lution under General Washington, ha3
died in Demerara, aged 130 years.
Thos. .Hairs
The merchant tailor has left town to
be absent about two weeks. He will
bring back a full line of line suitings
and trouserings for the fall trade.
Sawed and Shared Shingles,
Fresh Lime. Cement and Plaster
Paris, at J. II. D: Gray's.
The best oysters in any style at
r aore s.
Do YouWaut Your Flue Cleaned?
If you do, T. Clifton will do the job
neatly and cheaply. Leave orders at
The Astoriax oflice.
For a Fine I)iIi ol'Icc Cream
Go to the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Oysters In JErery Stylo
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Meals Cooked to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Itestaurant, next to Foard Sc
Ice, Ice, Ice.
Ice for sale at reasonable rates In
quantities to suit. Apply to A. V.
utzmger, Cosmopolitan saloon.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
JelFs restaurant.
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Telephone X.o'fKing House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
In town at Fabre's.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious.coffce at Fabre's.
Try Fabro's celobrated pan roast.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Ah There!!
Ice cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
of the city: 2.50 a gallon.
What! Do You Think
Jelf of the IT. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glas3 of something to
drink? Not much; but ho gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 23 cents.
Cool Beer
Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. Grat
ke's. '
All tho patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ociuent
hotel, Astoria.
the undersigned consignees or the Brit
ish baric Yarkand, will be responsible for
any debts contracted by the crew, or
ofticeri while In port.
Astoria, July 9, 1687.
Eegular Excursion
To Fort Stevens, Fort Canby and
The steamer Gen. Canby will leave Gray's
wharf on
Sunday, July 10, 1887,
At S A. sr. for Fort Canby, landing excur
sionists who wish to visit tho Light Houso
and Fort, then proceeding to Ilwaco. Re
turning again to Fort Canby, will take thoso
excursionists to Ilwaco who have visited the
Fort and Light Louse. Returning will leave
Ilwaco for Astoria at 4 r. h.
Fare For The Round Trip $1.
J. H, D. GRAY,
By an Old Citizen,
The Astoria Pioneer
Will appear August 1st, 18S7, under tho Su
pervision, Management and Editorial
Control of Tho Pioneer Publisher
and Founder of "Th Axtorlan,"
Subscriptions and orders for advertising
space will ho received from this date.
Dally, per month by mall, - - 50 cts
carrier - - 60
Weekly per year by mall
' carrier
- 2.50
Advertising Rates aud Estimates for
Book and Job Printing
made known on application.
Address all orders.
D. O. IRELVND. Manager,
Astoria, Or.
To Portland' and Return.
Str Telephone
Will Sell Round Trip Tickets For
Good from Saturday, July 2, to Saturday,
Jnly 9th. Inclusive.
The Crystal Palace
CJLTUa JLDXiEH, Manager.
Fancy Goods, Gold and Silverware, Books, Stationery,
Notions, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry.
The Latest Publications Constantly Received.
An Experienced Watchmaker in the Repair Department.
Everything at Lowest Prices.
Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed.
Crockery, Glass Plated Ware.
Tho Largest and finest assortment of
Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables.
Received fresh every Stenmer.
Flags, Bunting, Balloons, Lanterns,
Pistols firecrackers Torpedoes, Etc.
JhfoA mhp&:
1 V wJ uJ
M Y$
The Long and Short of it.
Isr I T&JJL Ton Tliat
Of the U. S. Restaurant gives
to ue Had on the Coast. His Regular Dinner with
Tea, Coffee, Wine, Beer or Milk for 25cts.
Cannot he Beat.
Meals Cooked to Order on Short Notice
Oysters In Any Style and Always Fresh.
ir2?&t Class Saloon ahh
In Connection With
Just received a large stock of Watches
and Clocks, Chains, Xockets, etc. Also
genuine Seth Thomas Boat Clocks, proved to
be tho best. All which will be sold at very
low prices, "Watch aud Clock repairing a
specialty, and done at reasonable prices.
hop next to Aug. Danielson's Sample
Boom, on the roadway,
the best Meal for the money
The Restaurant.
Are You Insured?
J. O. Bozorth
Writes Insurance Policies In Sellable Fire
Insurance companies that give Absolute
Protection In cose of Fire.
OJ? Jb
Bargains in Ready Made Clothing,
25 Men's and Youths' odd suits marked down from $16 and $18
to $11 and $13, and are all wool desirable suits.
We earry a full line of Black Dreas s,uits which are sold for the lowest cash
Our Line of Dry g Fancy Goods
Cotton, Woolen and Muslin Underwear, Shetland and Embroidered New
port Shawls In all colors. Ladies short Wraps, Calico Wrappers, Fancy, Ging
ham and Calico Aprons, Silk Embroidered stand covers.
A fine lot of Embroideries just opened.
Wh have the largest and finest lot of Silk Thread and Twist, Embroidery and
Knitting Silk in all shades and colors, to be found In Astoria.
W. T. FABZSB, Manager.
Genuine English. Porpoise Shoes For Gents.
Ladles Flexible Sole Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Dongola Kid
Boys and Touths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infant heels, and
Hi Sa PARxiERy
Hay, Oals, anil Straw, Liie, Bricl, Cement, Sand anil Plaster
Wood Delivered to Order.
XER apply to the Captain, or to
The Celebrated Specialist of The
Vanmonciscar Private Dispensary, Portland, Or.,
Is now in this city, The Doctor la known as the Most Successful Specialist oa the
Pacific Coast. His specialty includes all Nervous, Private and Chronic Diseases, such as
Nervous and Physical Debility. Exhausted Vitality, Diseases of Kidneys, Uver, Lunft.
Heart, and Stomach, Premature decline In Man.
Dr. Clark's peculiar treatment of all Female Troubles, symptoms of which are : Back
ache. Burning pain on top of head, feeling of debility, general weakness, lassitude, low
spirits, feeling of languor, nervousness, is the most successful and legitimate known to
medical science. Microscopical Examinations and Chemical Analysis
of the urine are made In all cases taken to discover all the complications Before rare;
nre 'guaranteed. Consultation Free. Rooms at Parker House. n
T q i ;
Just Opening New Coods !
A Large Stock
Phil. A. Stores ACos.
(First door east of Foard & Stokes')
Dress Suits ; Summer Suits ; Underwear ; A Fine Line of Hata. The Latest Patient
and Styles In Men's Clothing ;CassImeres, Cutaways, Worsteds, Frocks. Jtat Seeuved
and to be sold at Bemarkably Low Prices. '
PBXXj. -a.. STOKBS ct OO.
Planing Mill.
HOLT &. CO. Proprietors.
Manufactures of
Scroll and 'Turned Balustrades,
Boat Material, etc,
Orders solicited and Promptly attended to.
Satisfaction Guaranteed as to StyloJQuall
ty and Prices.
Mill and Office cor. Polk nnd Concomly
streets, Astoria, Oregon.
Dnylaff, Te&mlBff and RxpruaButlaess.
clara nun
o3n P. Parker,Uaat8r.
11. . PAJtEEM.
of Men's Clothing
Business Bargains.
New Tork Norelty Store
Genuine Bargains
In Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, aa4
General Notions. We are satisfied lvltka
small profit over original cost, and waat
fou to bur what you need In our Una of as,
t is for your Interest to do so.
A full line of Novelties. Playing Cards,
Blank Books, Musical Instruments, Toys,
A Large Stock of Baby CarriagM.
New York Novelty Store.