I -7- ji- -- ---tj "T.. "H5, 1 ?fo Jlaitjj gt.sfomu. ASTOKIA, ORKGOX: .SATUKDW. .JLIA y.l&sT Measles aro reported amons the little folks in upper Astoria. The Fourth of July committee will make final auditing of bills, etc., to night. An A. O. U. V. pin, picked up in custom house square, awaits owner ship at this office. The Salem Sentry says that the correct thing now for joung roles is ''German measles," an inconven ient, but not very painful rash. The heated interior is sending down this way so many of its inhab itants as can get away to enjoy the pure bracing air and cool breeze of the coast. The Gen. Canby will leave Graj's wharf at 8 to-morrow morning for the forts and Ilwaco, and will leave Ilwa co on the return -trin at 4 o'clock. See adv't. W. R. Boone has sold the Oregon Sitings to W. S. Chapman, John Burke and George Hibbard for 82,000. They will take immediate possession. Wad-el. Ward, a native of Jerusa lem, and a distinguished Oriental scholar, will deliver three leotures at Liberty Hall next week under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. The Eugene Register thinks that "I don't advertise but get the benefit of others' advertising," is not a very manly boast for anyone who aspires to do business in any community. Jno. Bergman, Mike Meyer and Wm. Kyle expect to start on the Mischief in a few days, with cannery outfit, for Florence, on the Siuslaw, where.they will can salmon later on. A pamphlet on Astoria and its re sources, presumably intended for pri vate circulation, has been issued by a Portland printing firm, under the al leged auspices of the chamber of commerce of this city. At their meeting last Thursday night the Astoria building and loan association loaned $600 at 36 months' interest in advance, and closed the first series. The books for the second series will shortly be opened. Under instructions from tho man aging committee on celebration, B. S. Woreley will sell to-day at 11 o'clock, in the custom house square, all tho lumber, rope, canvas, axes, bunting and decorations, and twine used for celebration purposes. At a meeting of the school direct ors of school district 18 yesterday, Miss Lawrence, Miss Connelly and Miss Atkinson were elected as teach ers for the ensuing term. Miss Law rence's salary will be $80 per month; the other two ladies will receive $60 each. Mr. Wilson, a mill man from Rai nier, has procured a location near Aberdeen, on the Chehalis river, and papers are signed for a sawmill with a capacity of 30.CC3 feet per day. An other party is negotiating for a site near Beardslee's slough, on South bay, for a large mill. . Under the laws of Oregon 10 per cent of the bail money forfeited b' default of persons held "on criminal oharges goes to the district attorney. In the case of the forfeiture of $6,000 by the bondsmen of Fritz Munz, in Klamath county, this gave district attorney Colvig $600, which beats prosecuting. Will Grant, on behalf of the Juveniles hose team, made Capt J. W. Hare, of that organization, a neat present last evening, in the shape of gold headed ebony cane. The recipi ent, who is rarely at a loss to' find words to express his feelings, was nonplussed, but rallied sufficiently to express his appreciation of the hand some gift .The rifle practice record for May, in the,department of the Columbia, is reported excellent At the different poBtsthe record for individual figures of merit reads as follews: Vancouver barracks, 79.14; Ft Canby, 89.84; Boise barracks, 79.14; Ft Townsend, 77.25; Fort Walla Walla, 76.07; Fort Spo kane, 73.74. Qualified sharpshooters number 28, and qualified marksmen 447. The Press and Times, of Seattle, have raised the price of these papers to 25 cents a week. They say a paper cannot give telegrams and 'sell for fifteen cents a week and make any thing. But The Daily jFtorian gives more telegrams from all over the wprld than either of these papers and is delivered at every door in As toria for fifteen cents a week, the proprietors doing it for the fun of the thing. , There was a novel race on Jefferson street from Main to Olney, last even ing. The contestants were the Bturdy steed that draws DeForce around the streets and Bergman & Co.'a delivery wagon driver. The 'start was even, the youth flew toward the goal dis tancing the pony and winning ten dollars. DeForco will back his pony for a four block race against any man, woman or child in Astoria for money or marbles. The Mount Hood Packing company filed articles of incorporation in the office of the county clerk yesterday. The incorporators are J. R. Gilstrap, F. R. Stokes and J: J. Stokes. The amount of capital stock is $6,000, di vided into 120 shares of $50 each. The duration of the corporation is to be perpetual; the principal office to be in this city. It is understood to be the intention of the company to begin operations on the Coquille. Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day. FOUNT? COURT PROCEEDINGS. July 8. Hugh McConnack was admitted to citizenship; examination of justices of the peace transcripts concluded and appreved: bills of justices or tho peace, constable and dis'rict attorney allowed; in the matter of the estate of Robert Vinceiitltbe administrator was ordered to pay the money into the hands of the clerk of the court In the matter of the Seaside road, proceedings dismissed; motion for appointing new viewers not allowed; sundry bills allowed as follews: A. V. Allen, $35.05; Mrs. Twilight, S2L50; Clatsop Mill Co., $1: N. E. Raymond, 90 cents; A. C. Rowan, $3; Fred Sherman, $5; J. H. D. Gray. S6.75; A. V. Allen, $12.92; C. H. Cooper, $10; A. V. Allen, $12.15; As- abeth Rowe, $15; W. E. Dement. S9.85; J. F. Halloran & Co., $117.50; Henry Pitts, $7; Columbia Water Co., S27; Astoria Gaslight Co., S25.50; P. J. Larsen. $2.20; F. D. Winton, $10; A. V. Allen, S5.80; Clatsop Mill Co.. S12.63; 3STew York Novelty Store, $15.65; Griffin & Reed, $175; Surprenant & Ferguson, $1.25; Ross & Wirt, $33; C. B. Watson, S3; Clatson Mill Co., S20.41; New York Novelty Store, $13.65; C. J. Trench ard, $30; W. B. Adair, $43; T. S. Jewett, $6; Gelo F. Parker, $6; Robt. Collier, $6; H. B. Parker, $2; Snyder Bros., S6; Yan Dosen & Co., $74.25; Jno. McCue, $20; Jno. A. Montgom ery, S89.83; R. R. Marion, S225; Holt & McCurtie, S12.13; Carruthers, MoTavish & Co., $1: Chas. Heilborn. S44: O. H Stockton, 838.25; C. H. Cooper, S3; Chas. Stahl, S71; Reem Kanaga, S5; C. J. Trenchard, S52.20; J. C. Ross, $112; J. F. Page. $15; W. G. Ross, $111.42; A. A. Cleveland, S219.50; Wm. Beasley, S115; JO. B. Watson, $152; M. C. Cro3by, S7.55; jnrors and witness fees, $66.55; surveyors' and reviwers' fees, $358.50. In the matter of road district No. 2, upon filing affidavit deputy sur veyor Collier is allowed to correct his return. Ordered, that from and after this date the county conrtiu settling with all persons employed in surveying and lading out roads for the county will allow theper diem as provided by law, and actual necessary travel ing expenses, and uo more. Ad journed to July 16th to adjust and re ceive final reports of officers and con sider report of viewers on Westport road, and for that purpose to meet July 30th. 18S7. Notice. The ladies of the Grace (Episcopal) church will give their basket picnic on Friday, July 15th, '87. The steam er Electric will leave Wilson & Fish er's dock ith barge at 9 o'clock a. it. Tickets, 50 cents; children under 12 years, 25 cents. Not lee. Shippers will take notice that the steamer Gen. Canby will leave sharp on time, and freight must be de livered on Gray's wharf not later than 7:45 a. m. Any that may arrive later must wait for the second boat. J. H. D. Gray, Agent. Spiritualism. Dr. D. J. Stansburj", a celebrated medium from San Francisco, will lecture and exhibit the phenomena of spiritualism, including the wonderful independent slate writing and other messages irom your own spirit friends, bunday evening, o o clock, at Liberty hall. Admission, 50 cents. Attention, KnlgliN. Important business, including in stallation of officers, at Astor lodge Wednesday, July 13. A full attend ance is desired. Sojourners in good standing lii- vited to attend. H. E. Nelson, By order K. of R. & S. " C. C. A Rare Opportunity. Dr. Clark, the eminent specialist from Vanmonciscar Private Dispen sary. Portland, Oregon, is at the Par ker House where he will remain for two or three weeks. This is a favor able opportunity for the afflicted to secure the services of this experienced and successful physician which, should not be missed. Consultation free. Girl Wanted. To do general housework in a small family. Inquire at Astouiak office. Do Yon Want Y onr Flue Cleaned V If you do J. Lavalee will do the job neatly and cheap. Leava orders at The Astoriak office. Do You WsntYonrFine fMeanpd? If yon do. T. Clifton will do tho job neatly and cheaply. J,cae orders at TnE Astokiax oflice. For a Fine Disli of Ice Cream Go to the Central Kcstaurant, nexi to Foard & Stokes'. Oysters Iii Evorjr Style At the Central Kcstaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Ulcals Cooked to Order, Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokw,'. lee. Ice, Ice. Ice for sale at reasonable rates in quantities to suit. Apply to A. W. Ut7inger, Cosmopolitan saloon. 'Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at .lefTs restaurant. JEFF'S United States Restaurant is the best and cheapest in Astoria. For the best photographs and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. Telephone lodging House. Best Beds In town. Koomsper night 50 and 25 cts., per week-Sl.50. New and clean. Private entrance. I'ERSOJfAL. Gen. Cherry, of England, is in the city, visiting his brother, vice-consul P. L. Cherry. Dr. Fred'k Crang and wife, of For est Grove, are in the city, visiting relatives and friends. Justice Stephen J. Field, of the United States supreme court, is at Jbort Uanby, the guest of his friend, Major Eakin. The Fonrtu on the Lower Nehaleai. Editor Astebiax: The usual quiet of Beneteau's laud ing was changed to great activity last Monday. The proceedings were: Prayer, by Rev. J. M. Alley: reading of declaration, by Mis3 Lillie Dean; a poem, by T. J. Alley, and a good oration by Wm. Butterson, inter spersed with vocal music; and a pic nic dinner by all the ladies. The happy day was happier by the fact that the first steamer bad crossed the bar and entered the Nehalem river. The question whether the bar could be navigated was favorably solved, and tne future rapid development and improvement of our section an as sured fact Our development will be money in the pockets of Astoria merchants. We owe a lasting debt of gratitude to Kinney & Co. and Mr. Gearhart for the persistent effort made to open our river to commerce. Kinney & Co.'s cannery will soon be completed, and this, no doubt, will be followed oy mius to use up some oi our immense forests of fine timber, so the Nehalemites had good cause to be happy over this experiment which became a success on this event ful day. Neha&ev. Governor Gibbs' Faueral. Dr. Watkins is expeoted here Sat urday morning with the remains of the late Addison C. Gibbs, ex-governor of Oregon. The funeral serv ices will be held in tho Taylor-street M. E. church at 4 p. jl, Saturday. Rev. Dr. J. W. Alderman will have charge of the services, and Rev. Dr. C. C. Stratton will preach the funeral sermon. Dr. Stratton was the porter of Gov. Gibbs at one time and a long and most intimate friend. It is expected that Rev Dr. Doan, of Sa lem, and L D. Driver, of East Port land, will take part in tho services. Gov. Gibbs was the war governor of this state and one of the most able and honored men that ever filled that office or resided in the state. The state has done great honor to itself in arranging to have his remains brought back here to slumber in the the dust of the state he did so much to honor. Oregonian, 8. Will Visit Astoria Next Week. At tho late session of the legisla ture it was provided by joint resolu tion that during the active fishing season of this year a committee, con sisting of two members of the senate and three members of the house, with the state fish commission, should make a careful examination of the salmon interest In accordance with this resolution, the committee, of which Senator Barin is chairman, met in this city yesterday and to-day will go to The Dalles. Returning they will visit the fish wheels at the Cascades. Next week they will go to Astoria and spend several dns among the canneries. Major W. A. Jones, United states engineer, wnl ...nMnn.. (i.v ... t... nnnA.ni :.. .: ' tation. Oregonian, 8. Gie Them a Chance! That is to say, your lungs. Also your breathing maohinery. Yery wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thous ands of little tubes and cavities lead ing from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. " And what they do, they can not do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneu monia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to got rid of them. that is to take Uoschees tterman Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75. cents a bottle. Even if everything else haB failed you, you may depend upon this for certain. The preliminary examination of eight men charged with the murder of a Chinaman near Elliott's landing began before Justioe Cleveland yes terday afternoon. A chicken was sol emnly killed, and sundry Chinese witnesses examined. Constable Seas ley brought down a raft of witnesses yesterday, and starts after another boat load to-day. The examination will be resumed at 9 o'clock this morning. Palpitation of the Heart. Persons who suffer f npm occasional palpitation of the heart are often unaware that they are the victims of heart disease, and are liable to die without warning.. They should banish this alarming symptom and cure the disease by using Ijb. Flint's Heabt Bexedy. At all druggists, or J. J. Mack & Co., 9 and 11 Front at, S. F. Astorialllustratcd, aud As It Is. Poim.AKD, Ogu. July 1st, 1837. This is to certify that Joe Pinschow- eris hereby appointed sole agent for the sale of the forthcoming Astoria number of the West Shore. All orders for said number should be sent to him, as no orders will be filled lrom our Portland office. L. Samuel, Publisher West Shore. The Astoria number of tho West Shore Is now due. All orders will be filled at tho New York Novelty Store. Call early and get what copies you may wish to send to your friends and rela tives, as the supply is,liralted. Joe Pinschoweb, New York Novelty Store, Astoria, Ogn. Gotejeflfeforeyster, Private Booms. SKIN SCALP Cleansed, Purified and Beauti fied by the Cuticura Remedies. For cloansing tho Skin and Scalp of Dia figunnsr Uumora. for allayinp Itchinj, Burn ing and Inflammation, for caring tho first sy mp toms of Lcicinn, Psoriasis, Milk Crnst, Scaly II cad, Scrofala. and other inherited Skin and Rtoml Diseases. CUTICUbA. the creat Skin Coro, and CuticCBA Soap, an exqusito Skin Beautificr. externally, and Cuticura Kl solveit. tho now Blood Purifier, internally. aro infallible. A COMPliKTB CURE. I Lava suffered nil my lifo tvitli akin dis oasc3 of different,0 kinds and haro norer found permanent relief, until, by tho advice of a lady friend. I used your valuable Cuti cura Kemedies. I garo them a thorough trial, using six bottles of tho Ccticura Ke solvext, two boxes of Ccticura and seven CUKes OI vtlJUUlvA uiai-.uuu iuv tcsiuk 1103 just what I had been told it would be-a compute cure. BELLE WADE , Richmond. Va. Reference, G, V. Latimer, Druggist Richmond, Va. SALT RHEUM CURED . I was troubled with Salt Rheum for a number of years, so that tho skin entirely camo off ono of my hands from tho finger tips to tho wrist. I tried remodies and doctors' prescriptions to no purpose until I com menced taking Cuticura Remedies, and now I am entirely cured. E. T. PARKER. 397 Northampton St. Boston. DRUGISTS ENDORSE TIIEU. Have sold a quantity of your Cuticura Remedies. Ono of my customers. Mrs. Ilenry Kintz, who had tetter on he? hands to such an extent a3 to cause tho skin to peel off, and for eight years she suffered greatly, was conro'etely cured by tho uso of your medi cines, C.N. NYE, Druggist, Canton, Ohio. ITCHIVG. SCAfcY, PIMPJLY. For the last year I have had a -species of itcnin;. scaly and pimply numors on my taco to which I bavo applied a great many me.hods of troatment without success, and which was speedily and entirely cured b Cutxcuka. Mas. ISAAC PHELPS, Rarenna, 0. SO MEDICINE LIKE THE31 Wo havo sold your CuxicuitA Remedies for tho last six jears, and no medicines on our shelves gavo better satisfaction. C.F.ATIIERTON, Druggist, Albany, N. Y. Cuticora. Remkdif.3 are sold everywhere. Price; CUTICUKA, 50 cents; Kksoltknt, $1.00; Soap, 23 cents, Propared by tho PorreitDnt'o and Chemical Co., Boston. Mass, Send for "How to Cure Skin DlseaMeH,3 ODIIDO Pimples, Skin Blemiihes, and On- UUUUOsbylli iumurs, cured by CuricuitA aop. Catarrh to Consumption. Catarrh in its destructive force stands next to and undoubtedly leads on to consumption. It is theroforo singular that those afflicted with this fearful disease should not inako it the object of their lires to rid themselves of it. Deceptivo remedies concocted by ignorant pretenders to medical knowlcugo havo weakened tlio confidenco of tho great majority of sufferers in all advertised rem edies. Tlioy bocome resigned to a life of misery rather than torture themselves with doubtfi'l palliative:. But this will never do. Catarrh must bo raetatovcv stags and combated with all ourint&jt. In many cases the disease has assumed dangerous symptoms. Iho bones and cartilaoof tho nose, tho organs of hear ing, of seeing and of tasting so affected as to bo useless, tho uvula so elongated, tho throat so inflamed fid irritated as to produco a corstant and d: dressing cough. Sacfokd'8 Radical Cuke meets every phase of Catarrh, from n simple head cold to tho most loathsomo and destructive stages. It is local and constitutional. Instant in ro hovin; permanent in curing, safe, economi cal and never-failing. Each package contains ono bottle of tho Radioed Cuek, ono box Catari:halSol kxt, and an Improved Ixualrh, with treat ise; pricoSl. Porrrn Dncc & Chemical Co.. Boston. vSi KIDNEY PAINS IV O.NE MIXLTE. that weary. lifeless all-cone, sensation over present with those of Inflamed kid- ing ilms and Sides, Uterino Pains, Weak ness and Inflammation, is relieved and fpecdily cured by the Cuticura Anil I'jiiii 11 aster, a new. orisrinal. clczant and infallible antidote to pain and inflamma tion. At all druggists, 25c; five for $1.00 ; or of Potter Dru ard Cncmical Co., Boston, Rcnl Rtate Transfers. L. F. Cummings to H. A. Ward, tract laud adjoining E. C. Crow s D. L. 0., 15 acres; S4o0. M. Young and wife to J. C. Davis, lota 3, S, 5, NW4" NEK sec. 24, T. 8 N., R 9 W.; $50. A. F. Johns nnd wife to J. O. Bo zortb, X SW H NWif.NW M SE K. sec. 8, T. 8 N., R 7, W., E STW if, S H NB K, sec 12. T. G, N., B. 10 W.; lot 8, blk. 130, lot 7, blk. 120, lot 2, blk. 106. Olney's Asteria: SI. M. J. Kinney to C. W. Fulton, lot 13, and west 3 feet off of lot 12, blk 58, McCIure s Astoria; 4,000. Famous Women. Madame Trebelh, the greatest of living contraltos who has-traveled extensively, in fact visited every county and city of note in the world, has just departed from the slope of tho Pacific and often expressing tho f-tcatest admiration for the beauty and grandeur of our scenery and the delightful mildness of our climate, left the following written note as a living expression of her opinion in the hands of a Portland druggist, the original of which can be seen on de mand. Pobtlaxd. Or.. April G. 1887. Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your "Kobertine," and it gives mo xnuoh pleasure-to any that it is excellent for the complexion, being one of the best articles of the kind I have ever used. Be lieve me, yoars sincerely, Z. Tbecelu. If any further proof of the excel lency of this article is required call on Messrs. W.KDemont & Co. of Asto ria. Or., wao, for the small sum of fifty cents, will produce evidence that will satisfy the most skeptical and fastidious and give you a beautiful picture card for the trouble of en quiring. A Mlshty Hunter In Algeria. Achmed Ben Amar, the Algerian lion slayer, has killed over 200 of the kings of beasts. Unnereflsary Misery. Probably as much misery comes from habitual constipation as from any derangement of the functions of the body, and it is difficult to cure, for the reason that uo one likes to take the medicines usually pre scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to the tasto of women and children. 25 cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors, S. F. flTU wfi U In No Cii3?wlsvj-. C. H. COOPER, The Leading House of the City. SOON "Will the Fourth of July be forgot ten and everything assume its normal state; But Don't Forpt One Tiling. Herman Wise, In the Occident Ilotel building still has quite a number of rattling BARGAINS! Which you will find to your in terest to bear in mind, and see him if you intend to do some trading. HERMAN WISF THE RELIABLE Clotbier and Hatter Occident Hotel Building, oppo. site Star Market. DEPARTMENT. Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where he personally selected one of the Largest and Finest stocks- of en's Youths AND Ever shown Our Stock is the Largest, Our Selection the Latest, Our Prices the very Lowest. . Upwards of TWO select from All New-Stylish, and We are GIVING GOODS AWAY Wa ara Losing fc W are Doing Business for Fun! Wa ara mallng inonej AImIm THE TIME. But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest x dealinor, -we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river. Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of a good quality and get honest weight, you get more value for your money than you would at a law price if cheated in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy of us once you will come again. D. L. Beck Sons. Boys' Clothing, in Astoria. THOUSAND SUITS to perfect fitting garments. not not Money! not - X i iivr ii i in Mfrfiiiriiaiiwitfi i . i .j&,tL is. , ' -" -