-wv w "fc 131 ?V JiaUy St ASTORIA, OREGON: KBII).vy. ...in A 1. 16S7 The Rescue clnb will set a fine din. ner next Monday. Now is a good time to Ret hold of .a little real estate. It will go higher before it goes lower. The Columbia is falling, and river sharps say we have seen the highest water to be seen this summer. TEe Jtfanzanita is being painted and put in trim for her cruise to Ihe far no'rth, on which she starts next WBefr. A barkentine with the unusual name of John Smith arrived in vesterday afternoon and went to "Knappton to load lumoer. Thepilot schooner building at San Francisco by 0. G. White for the Washington territory bar pilots is 85 feetlorjg, 22K feet beam and 9K feet depth. C. H. Cooper has just received a large invoice of Hanan & Son's men's fine shoes. Any one wishing a pair will do well to call before the sizes are broken. To-day The Astortax begins its fifteenth year. Last July it began its fourteenth year; next July it will begin its sixteenth year, and so the time goes on. The Fourth of July executive com mittee are requested to meet at the court house at 8:30 this evening to arrange order of literary exercises and final detais. Tho -ilelephone will take you to Portland and back for $1.50. tickets good from to-morrow to the 9th inst, inclusive. Jshe will leave here at three o'clock to-morrow afternoon for Portland. - -The British bark Sir Henry Law rence cleared for Rio de Janeiro yes terday, carrying 1,004,971 feet lum ber, valued at 310,000. The lumber was loaded from the Clatsop and West Shore mills. Jhe foundations for M. J. Kinney's uevr. cannery on the Nehalem, are laid and the building is expected to be ready for operation by tho 15th of next month. Jno. W. Gearhart has charge of the enterprise. The Portland Paving company, which has a contract for delivering 50,000 tons of stone at the jetty this season, is building a railway 3,000 feet long at Tongue Point from tho quarry to the barges at the Bhore. The -committee on fireworks will telegraph to Portland this morning for 240 worth, which they get for 32UU. The fireworks will be set off at the south end o Cass street, up on the hill, where everyone can see them. An up river cannery that fishes 50 boats reports 161 fish as the result of Wednesday night's catch. The June catch was not very heavy, but a falling river and the usual July experience gives promise of plentier fish this month. Elaborate preparations are making for a way-up celebration next Mon day. There has been no committee appointed on weather, but private in formation is to tho effect that the weather will be all that could be de sired, probably more. The members of tho several church choirs are especially requested to meet at the Presbyterian church this (Friday) evening at 8 p. at., for the purpose of rehearsing two or three national anthems to be sung during the literary exercises on July 4th. The president signed an order last Wednesday for the removal of a distriot land office of Washington ter ritory from Olympia to Seattle. The object of the removal is Baid to be to render the office generally accessible to the people of the territory who - have business with it. Capt. James C. Ayres has been re lieved from duty at Benicia arsenal, California, and ordered to report in person to the commanding general of the department of the Columbia for duty as chief ordnance officer of that department and commanding officer .of Vancouver barracks. Remember that the steamer Qen. Cariby will leave Gray's wharf on July 4th at 6 A. m., sharp; returning, will leave Ilwaco at 8 a. h. and arrive at Astoria about 9:30. in time to oar ticipate in all the exercises of the day, returning to Fort Canby and Ilwaco at-o p. k. a are at excursion rates. Phil. A. Stokes & Co. have in their establishment, east of Foard & Stokes, a very large stook of men's clothing, which is offered for sale at low figures. The stock has been carefully seleoted, with speoial refer ence to the requirements of this market, and will repay inspection on the part of intending buyers. During May and June M. Ander son of Russia, O. H. Berman of Swe den, J. F. FredrikBon of Denmark, George Fisher of Germany, John Luidberg of Russia, A. G. Codakas of Turkey, E. E. Rhode of Germany, O. E. Swansen of Sweden and James Coyne of Ireland declared their in tention to become citizens of the United States. The Vancouver Register complains of the remarks of a La Camas paper on alleged overcharges in Yanoouver, during the recent firemen's tourna ment, for meals, sleeping accommo dations, etc The Register rightly says that such criticism is unjust. Thx AsroniAK can bear testimony to the fact that Yancouver did not overcharge Astoria visitors, and fur nished very good accommodations at very reasonable prices. In China the highest recommenda tion a man can have is the f act of his having a wife, but in this country a man -with a wife cau't get trusted for a suit of clothes unless he can convince his tailor that she trims her own bonnets, or Ins u Domestic sewing machine in the house, fetich as is sold by Griffin & Heed. The&e machines give comfort to the home stead, long life to the wife and pub lic credit to the husband. It is reported that both the North ern and Union PaciGc companies are figuring to get control of the Oregon Improvement company. This company owns the Columbia and Puget Sound road and all its water front property at Seattle, as well as the. steamers and business of the Pacific Coast Steamship company, besides the -raluable coal mines and steam colliers, and valuable water front property in San Francisco. Co.-H'Mst Reg't Infantry, O.X.G. Jaly 1st. Captain. A E. Shaw; 1st Lieut., F. E. Shute; 2nd Lieut, Geo. H. Tarbell; 1st Sergeant, Harry Wherity; 0. M. Sergt., T. S. Jewett; 1st duty Sergt., F. I. Dunbar; 2nd duty Sergt., W. C. Logan; 3rd duty Sergt., F. H. Supre nant; 4lh duty Sergt., P. S. Cook; 1st uorporal, A. Dunbar; 2nd, Otto Heil born; 3rd, J. H. Johansen. Seoretary, T. S. Jewett; Financial Sec, W. H. Sherman; Treasurer, P. S. Cook; finance committee, C. W. Gibbs, J. C. Ross, 8ergt. F. L Dunbar; committeo on discipline, 1st Lieut F. E. Shute, Sergt F. I. Dunbar, J. C. Ross; recruiting committee, 2nd Lieut. Geo. H. Tarbell, Sergt. P. S. uook, Jonn M. McUormick; dress com mittee, 2nd Lieut. Geo. H. Tarbell, Sergt. P. S. Cook, Sergt. F. H. Su prenant; standing committee, 1st Sergt Harry Wherity, O. M. Sergt. T. S. Jewett, Sergt F. I. Dunbar, Pri vate J. C. Ross, Private C. W. Gihbs; regular monthly meeting, first Wednesday evening in enoh month; regular drills, every Wednesday even ing. Unnecessary Misery. Probably as much misery comes from habitual constipation "as from any derangement of the functions of the body, and it is difficult to oure, for the reason that no one likes to take the medicines usually pre scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to the taste of women and children. 25 cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors. S. F. They snt within the parlor dim; I passed and heard her say to him: "I wish, dear Frank, that you'd behave; If not, I wish that you would shave.'' GJrenilj- Excited. Not a few of the citizens of Astoria have recently become greatly excited over the astounding facts, that several of their friends who hau been pro nounced hy their physicians as Incur able and beyond all hope suffering with that dreaded monster Consump tionhave been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, the only remedv that does positively cure all throat and lung dis eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bron chitis. Trial bottles free at W. E. De ment & Co.'s Drue; Store, large bottles Si Attention. Knights. All members of Pacific Lodge, No. 17, 3L of P., are reqnested to attend lodge this evening. Confirming 2nd rank, installation of officers and other business of importance to be trans acted. By order O. C. W. A Shkrmak, K.of R. & S. Notice. All persons interested iu the ice cream stand on July 4th for the ben efit of the Rescue club will please meet at Caruthers' hall this evening at 7:30. Mrs. Julia L. Sntder, Chairman Com. Notice. Northwestern Legion, No. 2, Select Knights of A. O. U. W., having ac cepted the invitation of the fourth of July committee to take part in the parade on the Fourth, the members of the lodge are-requested to meet at their lodge-room in full uniform at half-past eight on the morning of the Fourth. By order Com., J.G.Hoss. R. L. Boyle, Secretary. For the very best pictures go to H. S. Shuster. The best Fabre's. oj-stera in any style at Telephone o4;ring House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week Si JO. New and clean. Private entrance. Something New. We have something new In the way of a parlor organ that is fine in tone and very reasonable In price; parties contemplating purchasing and organ should call and examine Gbiffix & Rked. Sawed ami Shared Shingles, Fresh Lime. Cement and riaster Paris, at J. II. D. Gray's. DoYoHWsHt XoBrFlae Cleaned. 9 If you do, T. Clifton & J. Lavallee will do the job neatly and cheaply. Leave orders at Thb Astoriax office. Prices, from SI to S3. Breastpin lost. A rose shaped ivory breastpin, Finder please leave at this office. ' Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at .letTs restaurant A Sunny Bee hi With the comforts of a home, library, etc. Apply at Holden House. For the best photographs and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. Vanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day. GotojefiafbreTstcrfr, Private Room's ' -' DEATH OF EX-SEOBETABY IISH. OyrusW.Field 0orn6red by Sage & Gould New York, Juno 30. Hamilton Fish died to-day after a long itluess. ruLLixa field's teeth. New York, June 30. The World this morning says that Cyrus W. Field had turned over the remainder of his Manhattan stock to Gould yes terday to the amount of 20,000 shares, which, with the 50,000 Bhares pre viously disposed of by Field, shows a total holdiDg of 70,000 shares. The value of this block of stock at market prices before the downward move ment was $11,200,000. Field now has no interest in the Manhattan and will retire from the board of directors. Gould will keep 50,000 shares to add to his own holding, making his total holding $10,000,000. He will s'pllt up one block of 20,000 shares: this stock was subscribed for j'esterday. Field claims be got $120 per share for his shares. DECEiAHrXQ RAILROD DITIDEnS. New York, June 30. The directors of the railroads in the Vanderbilt system to-day declared the following dividends: New York Central, 1 per cent, for the quarter, and Lake Shore and Michigan Central 2 per cent, and Canada Southern l per cent, for a half year. JUXE WHEAT FLUCTUATING. New Yobk, June 30. Since noon June wheat has been in a nervous and unsettled condition. During the last hour the lowest price touched is 1, or a break of 5 cents from the close of yesterday. It is uow quoted at $1.02. HE OUGHT TO KSOW. New Yobk, June 30. President Bates of the Baltimore & Ohio tele graph company declares that there is no truth iu the rumor current that the Baltimore. & Ohio lines have been sold to the Western Union telegraph company. A DIFFEBBXa OPINION. New Yobk, June 30. Ed. S.Stokes says: "I believe the story of tho ru mored telegraph deal is true and that Jay Gould has finally secured the Baltimore & Ohio telegraph stock." STEADILY BEING BEDCCED. Washington, June 30. It is esti mated at the treasury department that tho reduction of the public debt for June will be about $15,000,000. THE PUXISHMBNT FITS TEE GRIME. Utica, N. Y., June 30. Roork, the West Shore oxpreas robber, was to-duy sentenced to thirty years' hard labor in the state prison. UNLIKE THE NEWSPAPERS. PrrrsBUBG, June 30. All the glass factories in the country will suspend operations to-night for the summer months. ARRIVING AND DEPABTING. London, June 30. Canon Wilber force arrived at Southampton to-day much improved in health. Queeu Kapialani of Hawaii will sail for New York on the Servia July 2d. YTVE BOUL ANGER. Paris, July 30. A demonstration in favor of Boulanger has been or ganized for the national fete on the 14th of July, in connection with the celebration of the fall of the bastile. THEIR FATE STILL IN DOUBT. Virginia Crrr, June 30. 1 a. m. Although the rescuing party has re mained at work steadily up to this hour they have not succeeded in mak ing connection with the 1,500 foot level, and the fate of the entombed miners still remains unknown. KAISEB WILHELM. Beblin, June 30. Emperor Will iam starts for Ems on Wednesday next He will sojourn there three weeks, going thence to Gastheiu by way of Munich, and afterwards to Mainan. FIBE IN NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, New Zealand, June 30. The New Zealand hotel and bank and twenty-two shops have been burned at Blenheim. a commebcial improvement. Crrr or Mexico, Juno SO. The new customs' tariff and reformed in ternal revenue system will go into effect next Friday. The new tariff is regarded as a great improvement and likely to aot as a business Btimulant. The new postal treaty with the United States also becomes operative on Friday. American merchants may easily build up a retail trade here, as the law permits packages of mer chandise up to a weight; of two kilo grammes to come subject to prompt customs search. Party at Kaappa. Knappa, June 30, '87. Arrangements have been made for a social party at the Knappa hall Monday evening, July 4th. All are invited to participate in having a goood time. We bave also made ar rangements for several balloon ascensions and a cice display of fireworks at dark. X Thee. Main The merchant tailor leaves town to morrow to be absent about two weeks, lie will bring back a full line of fine suitings and trouserings for the fall trade. IK A PROSPEROUS CONDITIO. A DcwrvIuR Ical Enterprise. All interested in the success of local enterprises will be pleased to note the rapid growth of the North west Fire and Marine Insurance company, a local company that commenced business here last fall and has recently been re organized by the eleohon of a new board of directors and officers. Under its present management tho company is fast gaming the con fidence of the business community. The leading commercial agency, in making report of the company, says: "Considerable change will be noticed in the management and personnel of this company since our last re- Jort F. E. Beach is now president, . McCraken vice-president, J. K. Elderkin secretary, and J. Loewen berg treasurer. In addition to the names above mentioned, the direct ors are: C. H. Prescott, F. K. Ar nold, F. M. Warren, F. Eggert, D. D. Oliphant and J. Loewenberg. This seems to us a good board for a company of this kind, all the names being favorably known along Front street, and the stock has been subscribed by men in good stand ing. They are doing a careful and conservative business." One of the old line insurance agents recently estimated that orer a million dollars was paid annually to foreign companies for insurance from the section tributary to the northwest; .that the larger part of this business could be done here with profit to the companies and equal security to the assured is fully shown in tho success of the Northwest and local companies organized in other states. Under its present management the Northwest Insuranoe company is de sirous of the support and confidence of the property holders of tho north west. The company's interests are all heio, and its capital is being loaned and invested with a view to aid in the growth and development of the state and adjoining territories The company invite the careful inves tigation of its resouraes and its busi ness policy. Oregoman, 19. - In Brief, Ami to the Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and won derful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cooker-, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made tho American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and makiug the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember: No happiness without health. But Green's Angust Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy-five cents. Almost Kaouzh for the Astoria Road. San Fbanoisco, June 29. Twenty six sailing vessels carrying 30,000 tons of steel, are on their way out to this port from England and Philadelphia for the Southern Paoifio railway com pany. San Francisco, June 29. The Southern Pacific company has con tracted with a number of eastern firms for new cars and coaches, which will require an outlay of $756,000. Sudden Death DR. FLINT'S HEART REMEDY will prolong life by preventing those sudden deaths from heart disease which bring untold grief to families, often plunging them into poverty, because of the untimely disease of bread-winner. At druggists. $1.50; Descriptive treatise with each bottle, or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F. Words of Wise Prophet. Before 1310 senator Benton, of Mis souri, while making a speeoh with one foot in Missouri and the other in the Indian territory, said that the day would come when the trade of the old world would enter tho Columbia river and be transported across the continent by rail. The people under stood him not. In 1863 Col. Hudnut, the Union Pacific railroad surveyor, said to the writer: "There is but one natural pass to the Pacific ocean, and that is by way of the Columbia river. And when tho time comes, and it will come, that railroads will compete for the Pacifio trade, tho business' will be done over the road that passes through that natural pass." Clarke Co. Register. Wonderful Cures, V. 1). Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome. Ga., say: wc have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buck len's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov ery, taken In connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by W.E. Dement & Co. What! De You Think Jeff of the U. S. glve3 you a meal for nothing and n glass of something to drink? Not much: but he cives the best meal and more of It than any other restaurant in town. :x cents. The finest and nicest steak to he had In town at Fabre's. What Is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's coffee. nice Cel Beer Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. Grat- ke's. bLuinino Mmfa. Mens - . ' .. - 'VHfc SWSC5Ss.vri;'s.i'. H. COOPER, The Leading House of the City. JFm i Scorcher!! NOT VERY To be sure; am sorry though, will have to make it a little hotter for some of my friends, in . the Clothing Business. I HAVE RETURNED From market with a very big stock of the prettiest things to be had. It took considerable work and gold coin to secure such Bargains as I thought would suit'my custo mers, but I have succeeded and I am ready now to accomodate all of my friends who may be in search for Don't Wait too Long. Herman Wi THE RELIABLE Clot&ier and Hatter Occident Hotel Building, site Star Market. oppo- Theo. Bracker Becommends to the public and to tho trade his stock ot ClRars, Tobacco, Smoker's Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, - etc. at Portland prices. Clienamus street. Bargains. DEPARTMENT. Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where he personally selected one of the Largest -" ' and Finest stocks of . Youths' - Ever shown in Astoria. tOGk is the Largest, , ur Our Selection the Latest, Our Prices the very Lowest, Upwards select from of TWO All New, Stylish, and MORE PALATABLE IF KEPT ON ICE. DOUBLE Moxie Nerve Food, Contains Not a Drop of Medicine, Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol. : But is a simple sugar-cane like plant, grown near the Equator and farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and. has proved itself to be the only harmless and effective nefj food. known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of. ma hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, soft' ening of the brain, locomotor ataxia, and insanity when causdVby nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and make you eat voraciously, takes away magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines. ' Dose, One Small Wineglass taUBrcry Fesir Hhts. lk The loss of gas 'from the bottle does not weaken or injure' the Moxia. ' Look out for Counterfeits. - Price 5if toh a Quart Bottle, or $5.00 per Dhhl FOR SALE D, L, Beck & Sons, ASTORIA, CALL AND GET A CHICIJLA R.. t ,. ,, : TjE3Xji:o:o3Nr.-E3 -2aror. 7. ' MILLER & GREENWOOD. AGENTS FOR THE 1300 MARKET ST. tz ft. Mmnf- -W i vS tm .?. 5.v- .,rjr;.i J! w?tzte$ AND Boys' Clothing, 3 3 IwK THOUSAND SUITS to perfect fitting garments.- WILL KEEP ANYWHERE. EXTRACT TT tired, sleepy, lifeless feelinj- lika ONLY BY it PACIFIC COAST. ..VAN FftANCtftCOv : w -v.a-i ,! ..-. & i-J.-S?Wfc - -'s ,&..- j-i'. .. -ai- -