Czj Wkt $& gwatarfett. ASTOBIA. OREGON: FHIDAY. JULY 1.1587 TnE Seattle Press is running a delinquent tax list. A casual ob server would mistake it for a city directory. The News and Oregonian are at it again, and "the country press" is groatly shocked at the lack of .urbanity on the part of its urban -contemporaries. m I The slush called "poetry", ca bled across the sea on the recent occasion qf Queen Victoria's jubi lee, goes far toward justifying the assertion that kings and queens in the XlXth century have simply modified the old joke of maintain ing a court fool by substituting a poet laureate. Hamilton Fisii, who died yes terday, was secretary of state un der president Grant. He suc ceeded Wm. H. Seward March 11, 1869, and served through both of Grant's terms. He was the 25th secretary of state. His death leaves Wo. M. Evarts and Jas. G. Blaine the only survivors who ever filled that eminent position. m i The political economists who hold that "a national debt is a national blessing" would be poorly satisfied with our financial policy, whieh is fast wiping out our national indebtedness. Despite the fact that the government is spending $1,000,000 a day, $365, 000,000 a yearr the debt is con stantly diminishing. Our dis patches say $15,000,000 was wiped out in June. At this rate the once monstrous three billion dollar debt will be totally done with by the dawn of the twentieth century. Under the old constitution of Poland any citizen had a right to make any demand he chose. It was his privilege, in case of re fusal by the legislature, to go out and raise an insurrection to carry his poimt. If he could rally enough of men to overawe the government he won. This was known as the individual veto, and the citizen who pronounced it had the right to overthrow everything that opposed him if he could gather enough of strength to do so. Under the charter of the city of Astoria the same right obtains, though of late it appears to have fallen into "innocuous desuetude." Mb. Makple, of Yamhill, who it is believed -will be hanged in the fullness of lime for murdering Mr. Corker, is reported to be "con verted" and is at present enjoying a season of xare spiritual refresh ment This is the great advantage in the Great Hereafter which the murderer always enjoys over his innocent victim. The i. v. is un expectedly stricken down and sent with all his sins upon his head into the presence of his Maker without any of the usual advantages of preparation, and is presumably suffering the torments of sheol, while the party of the first part who sent him there is enjoying all the comforts provided for those who have time to repent. At Scranton, Pa., recently, Miss Ethel Lynton, the star of the Grau-Gordon comic opera com pany, became incensed at an un favorable oriticism which appeared in the Scranton Daily Republi can, and, meeting the writer of the criticism behind the scenes, the irate actress slapped him in the face, remarking at the same time -that if she was a man she would whip the critic within an inch of his life. And this is one of the reasons why the theatrical critiopn, a well oonducted daily is chary of expressing his real opin ion of theatrical ladies. He can say what he likes of the male asterisks and if one of them kicks he can stand him off or on, but when a lady slaps a reporter's face he can only retire in blushing oon fuiion. Wasted. .ATeoiafottable hone for a girl of 13. Address, A. m., stating terms, this "RECEIVERS AND REGISTERS. Receivers and RftPtstprs nf Jii laml Offices in the TTnitPri Kt.itnc 9r rmld n salary of 8500 per annum, and arc al- jyweu iees ib me amount ot $300. The following table shows tho receipts of those officers in Oregon and Washing ton for the years 1885 and 1886: 1885. 188G. Oregon Lagrande Lake View Oregon City.... Koseburg The Dalles Washington Ter- Olympia Spokane Falls.. Vancouver "Walla Walla.., North Yakima I $3,000 00 $3,000 00 2,378 38 2,93179 2523 81 3,000 00 2,603 79 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,311 71 3,000 00 2,514 95 3,000 00 I 2,209 03 Famous Women. m Madame Trebelli, the greatest of living contraltos who has traveled extensively, in fact visited every county and city of note in the world, has just departed from the Blope of me raome, ana onen expressing me greatest admiration for the beauty and grandeur o" our scenery and the delightful mildness of our climate, left the following written note as a living expression of her opinion in the hands of a Portland druggist, the original of which can be seen on de mand. Pobtlaxd, Or., April C, 1887. Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your "Bobertine," and it gives me muoh pleasure to say that it is excellent for the complexion, being one of the best articles of the kind I have ever used. Be lieve me, yours sincerely. Z. Teebklli. If any further proof of the excel lency of this article is required call on Messrs. W. & Dement & Co. of Asto ria, Or., -who, for the small sum of fifty cents, will produce evidence that will satisfy the most skeptical and lasnaious ana give you h ueuuiuui picture card for the trouble of en quiring. - K. of L. Members of Columbia Assembly K. of L., No. 5033, are requested to meet at their hall at 8:30 o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 4th of July, to take part in the parade. By order of M. W. ' tf Attention, No. Ones. w Special meeting of Astoria No. One Engine company at their hall at 8 o'clock this evening. Business of im portance. D. R. BnouhT, Ii. E. Selio, Pres t. Secretary. Notice. All members of Astoria Engine Co No. One, are requested to leave their uniforms at the engine house of said company before the first day of July, 1887. By order O. J. Thknohabd, L. E. Selio, Foreman. Secretary. Notice. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W., having accepted the invitation of the Fourth of July committee to take part in the parade on the Fourth, the members of the Lodge are hereby re quested to meet at their lodge-room at half-past eight on the morning of the Jb'ourth. JBy order M. w. Notice. All members of Bescue Engine Co. No. 2 are requested to leave their uni forms at the engine house of said company before the first day of Jnly, 18S7. By order "W. J. Babbit, KZ.Fj kbqcson. roreman. Secretary. Notice. All firemen are hereby ordered to meet at their respective en gine houses at 9 o'olook a. jl, July 4th, 1887., in full uniform. By order Board of Foremen, B. S. WonsiiEr. E. Z. Febqusox, Chief Engn'r. Secretary. For Tke Mest Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to S. S. Shuster, the pioneer leadlne nhotocranher. See new samples at his new gallery on the road way. Sjrap ol Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This leasant liquid fruit remedy may be ad of W. E. Dement & Co. at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It Is tho most E leasant. prompt and effective remedy nown, to cleanse the system ; to act on. the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet tnorougniy to dispel Headachs, Colds and Fevers: to oure Constipation, inaigesuon ana junarea ius. GamferlHus Beer And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa loon, c cents. All the patent medicines advertised i this piper, together with the choicest crfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can wt prices, at J. W. opposite Owident Conn's drug store, hotel, Astoria. A Sew Ab4 Enlarged. Mteek of Ckaloe Xraads ef Clears. Imported Key West and domestic All tastes can be satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. TanslU'sPunch and Junior's In fall supply as usual at D. L. Beck & Sons. Prlrate Seems. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc The best cooked to order. AJaTkereXX Private parties, Fourth of July, etc. Ice cream, fine quality supplied at short notice by Frank Fabre, any part of the city: $2.50 a gallon. Ice, lee, Ice Ice for sale at reasonable rates in quantities to suit Apply to A. W. Utzmger, Cosmopolitan saloon. JEFF'S United States Bestaurant la the best and oneapest In Astoria. An Acrcptanrc and Invitation. Having accepted the invitation of the Fourth of July committee to parade on that day, we hereby invite all honorably discharged soldiers and sailors, as well as all members of the G. A- R who may be in the city, to participate with us on the coming occasion; and Canby Post, ot Ilwaco, W. TM are specially invited to attend. By order of the Post, W. B. Ross, Adjutant. NEW TO-DAY. Regular Excursion To Fort Canby and Ilwaco. The steamer Gen. Canby will loave Gray's wharf on Sunday, July 3, 1887, At 9 A. M. for Fort Canby. landing excur sionists who wish to visit the Light House and Fort, then proceeding to Ilwaco. Re turning again to Fort Canby. will take those excursionists to Ilwaco who have visited the Fort and Light House. Heturulng will leave Ilwaco for Astoria at 4 r, m. Fare For Tho Hound Trip 1. J. II. D. GRA.-i. Agent. To Portland and Return. TnE Str. Telephone Vil! Sell Round Trip Tickets For $1.50 Oood from Saturday, July 2. to .Saturdnj , July 0th. Inclusive. will leave Astoria at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. S County Coroner. First Class "Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material. Next to astohiax offlce. Notice. ALL rEHSOXS ARE HEREBY 11E quested to remove from the street In front of their restectlve residences, cord wood, boxes, &c oefore the 4th ot July next. Especially on the Hup of march of the procession, COSIMITTKE OX HKaLTH AND POLICE. Net Lost. ON THE NIGHT OF THE 23th OFF Point Ellice about 120 fathoms net. corks hung stationary, heavy line. Finder will leave it at Jos. Hume's cannery to O. S. Kjle. Astoria, Juno 9, 'S7. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1)111 of sale, now on record In the Custom House at Astoria, Oregon, of th? steamer Favorite, to Louis Wilson Ls not an absolute bill of sale, but was riven to Louis Wilson as security for money l owe Mr. Wilson. W. P, DILLON. Astoria, Or. June 29th. 1857. Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN building boats on the Columbia river and hundreds of fine boats of my build make my guaranteet for good work. Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building. Will build boats at any point on the Columbia rher where my services may be required. war. howe. Notice to Stockholders, Astoria Building & Loan Association. mHE X me NEXT REGULAR MONTHLY meetlnc will be held at the offlce of the Association In tho bulldingon Cass St. noxt to Odd Fellows Hall, on Wednesday even enlng, July 6th, '87. All dues not paid In belore 9 p. m, of above date are j-ubject to fine. A. 3. JilSiSU, Secretary. Astoria, June 23, 37, MURRAY & CO., GBOCERS And Dealers In Speolal Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of tho city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTO CIA. ORF.G OIY. W. F. Armbruster Practical WATCHMAKER And Mj JZE3 W" :ES Xj DE3 DEI. WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Repaired on the Shortest Notice at Rea sonable Rates. Chenamus St., next to Spexarth's Gun store. Established 1870 I. W. CASE, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Does a General "Banking Business Drafts Drawn Available Id any part of the World. House to Let. FOUR BOOMED HOUSE BETWEEN R, K. Marlon's and Mrs. Pope's. Parties wishing to rent the bouse can ascertain terms, etc., by inquiring at Mrs. Pope's.- Cannery Supplies ! flV MR BANKER FIREWORKS Of JLU descriptions and rationalities. Bunting, Trimmings, Shields, Firecrackers and Torpedoes. A general stock of 4th of July goods in large variety at bottom prices at The Crystal Palace A. V. ALLEN, WHOLES.MiE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mil! Feed. o Crockery, Glass o The Largest and finest assortment of Frosh. Fruits and Vegetables. Itsceived fresh every Steamer. CITY BOOK STORE. UNXLD OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Flags, Bunting, Balloons, Lanterns, Pistols, Firecrackers. Torpedoes, Etc. CELEBRATE THE 4th OF JULY ASO Pl'KCIIASE YOUR DECORATIONS AND FIREWORKS AT GRIFFIN & REED'S. JTA xEV J r- ( j V! 4 The Long. and Short of it. Is. I Toll To-u. Tla. at JEFF Of the U. S. Restaurant gives the best Meal for the money touehadontheCoast. His Regular Dinner rith Tea, Coffee, Wine,Beer or Milk for 25cts. Cannot be Beat. Meals Cooked to Order on Short Notice Oysters In Any Stylo and Always Fresh. Fi2st Class Saloon And. ZZLODciNC HOUSE In Connection With The Restaurant. H. EKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. Just received a large stock of, "Watches and Clocks. Chains, Lockets, etc 'Also genuine Seth Thomas Boat Clocks, proved to e the best. Ail which will be sold at very low prices, "Watch and Clock repalrin-c a specialty, and dono at reasonable -prices. Shop next to Aug. Danlelson'3 Sample Room, on the roadway, iy Plated Ware. Are You Insured? J. O. Bozorth Writes Insurance Policies In Reliable Fire Insurance companies .that give Absolute Protection In case ot Fire. EMPIRE O Jb '.? Bargains in Ready Made Clothing. 23 Men's and Youths' odd suits marked down from $16 and 18 to S 1 1 and $ 1 3, and are all wool desirable suits. We er.tiy a full Hue" of Black Dreas suiU which are 3old for the lowest cask' prices. Our Line of Dry g Fancy Goods" IS COMPLETE, Cotton, Woolen and Muslin Underwear, Shetland and Embroidered New port Shawls In all colors. Ladles short Wraps, Calico Wrappers. Fancy, Ging ham and Calico Aprons, Silk Embroidered stand covers. A fine lot of Embroideries just opened. We have the largest and finest lot of Silk Thread and Twist. "Embroidery and Knitting Silk in all shades and colors, to he found in Astoria. EMPIRE STORE. W. T. FJLRS&R, Manager. BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Solo Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Dongola Kid Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Chlldrens and Infant heels, a4 Spring heels. WE AI, IX BOOTS AND SHOES OITLY. P. J. GOODMAN. DEAM2K IS Hay, Oats, aot Straw, Lie, Brict Cement, Sand anil Plaster Wood Dellrered to Order. Drajlns, Teaming and Express BoiIasm. EEll apply to the Captain, or to W i s? sRf". mmtm m I'&G&s&P v VhJSlr:j .J, A V rgJgfejjjA vv V - - 4 SO WJUi CSZiSSSULTS? EATHZE, The 111th Anniversary of America's Independence -ffill be celebrated at Astoria, on the 4th day of July, 1887. And don't you forget that the New York Novelty Store Carries the largest and finest assortment of Flags of all Nations, Bunting, Trimmings, Silks, Sky Eockets, Bombs, Torpedoes, Colored Lights, and a general assortment of Together with a full line of all kinds of 4th of July Goods ever brought to Astoria. Give us a call. XTEW YOHZ XTOTSXiT? STOZUB, Opposite Parker House, Main St., Astoria, Oregon Just Opening rM o Xfl A Large Stock AT Phil. A. Stokes Co.'s. (First door east of Foard & StokesO Dreis Salts ; Summer Suits ; Underwear : A Fine Wne or Hate. ,The IatoK-PatUxto-and Styles In Men's Clothing ;CassImeres, Cutaways, Worsteds. Frocks. Just KctiTed find toDe asld at fiamark&bl v low Prices. STORE -fcJJbiJS STEAMER tiLiiu nun Eben P, Parher,Maatsr. ForTOWma, FKEIGHT o'rCfliK. M. m. PAIUII. 2S2. 's New Goods ! A CD o I I at of Men's Clothing fi'Jfe'Jfe.-i'v - t m -mm SVOE.2 jO