The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 30, 1887, Image 3

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fte flatty gfomn.
...lUNKtO. 1SS7
Girls wanted.
Fourteen girls.
For the Liberty Car.
From 8 to 12 years (or 13i.
Call at Mrs. Eaton's A- Miss Cara
hnn's. About 35 men are at work at Fort
Stevens finishing the new government
wharf there.
The Willamette crossed out yester
day merning: the bark Julia Ford
came in: she will load lumber: the
Rosds Olsen came down, en route to
Next Monday, July 4th, the steamer
Qen. Canby will make two round
trips to the forts andllwaco, and dur
ing the summer months Monday will
be especially fort day.
It looks as though it would be a
pious idea to put the streets in some
kind of shape for the parade. The
prooesh will have to go single file
and look out for its individual shins
unless slabs and stringers and lumber
and cordwood and bricks and der
ricks and frames and joists and sich
are called in.
In justice Cleveland's court yester
day a Chinamen named Fen F,ang
had a jury trial on the charge of sell
ing opium without having first ob
tained a license therefor. They
found him guilty. The justice fined
him $75 and costs. It is understood
the case will be appealed on the rul
ing of the court that it was not
requisite that the prosecution should
prove that the defendant had no
license, but that the defense should
prove if possible that he had.
The Scott-Ward Fight.
About fifty men went on the Clara
Parker at 5:15 yesterday morning to
Harrington's Point to witness a fight
between Thos. "Ward and Bill Scott,
for 250 a side. Tickets were S5.
Arrived on the ground, a twenty-four
ring was made and the men stripped
for the fray. "Ward was the heavier
of the two, and from his previous
record as a stayer bets were in his
favor, though many maintained that
Scott could ontwind him. Johnson
was referee, Alex. Gilbert and Alex.
Grant timekeepers. Dave Campbell
of Portland and DickMcCarron were
Ward's seconds, and Joe Baker and
Ed. Smith performed similar offices
for Ward's light-weight antagonist
For the first twelve rounds Ward
foroed the fighting, and it
looked as if his backers would
win. After that the contest
grew tame and uninterest
ing. As far as time is concerned-the
contest is tilmostwithout
precedent, the fight lasting four hours
and thirty-six minutes. They fought
sixty-nine rounds, three minutes to a
round, one minute rest At the close
of the sixty-eighth round the referee
said that if no one was knocked out
in the next round he would declare
the fight a draw. No one being
knocked out, the fight was decided to
be nobody's, all bets were declared
off, and the crowd returned to Astoria
at half-past two yesterday afternoon.
Both men were disfigured slightly,
each of the principals saying that the
only reason he didn't win the fight
was because the other fellow wouldn't
let him.
K. of L.
Members of Columbia Assembly K.
of L., No. 5033, are requested to meet
at their hall at 8:30 o'clock a. ar. on
Monday, the 4th of July, to take part
in the parade. By order of
M. W.
Attention, No. Ones.
Special meeting of Astoria No. One
Engine company at their hall at 8
oTolock this evening. Business of im
portance. D. B. Blount,
L. E. Semo, Pres't.
Special Meeting Woman's Relief Corps-
There will be a special meeting of
the "Woman's Relief Corps Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. A full atten
dance is desired; important business.
By order of the President.
All members of Astoria Engine Co.,
No. One, are requested to leave their
uniforms at the engine houBe of said
oompany before the first day of July,
1887. By order C. J. Trekchard,
L. E. Seltg, Foremnn.
Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. WM
having accepted the invitation of the
Fourth of July committee to take part
in the parade on the Fourth, the
members of the Lodge are hereby re
quested to meet at their lodge-room
at half-past eight on the morning of
the Fourth. By order M. W.
All members of Rescue Engine Co.
No. 2 are requested to leave their uni
forms at the engine house of said
company before the first day of July,
1587. By order W.J. Barry,
E. Z. Ferguson, Foreman.
All firemen are hereby ordered
to meet at their respective en
gine houses at 9 o'clock a. m., July
4th, 1887., in full uniform. By order
Board of Foremen, B. S. WoRSLEr.
E. Z. Ferguson, Chief Engn'r.
- Yanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Dispatches Prom Europe and the East.
Augusta, Me., June 29. Governor
Bodwell has sent a communication to
the attorney general of the state and
every county attorney in the stale
calling their attention to the fact
that a conspiracy exists to evade the
prohibition law by an unjustifiable
interpretation of the state revenue
regulations regarding the sale of
liquors in imported packages and
calling upon them to enforce the law
to ils fullest extent
Chicago, June 29. Information
has been received of eight additional
case? of yellow fever developed dur
ing the last few days at Key West,
Florida, evidencing rapid spread of
the disease. It is now beyond the
control of the health authorities.
The character of the disease is very
fatal. Out of forty-six cases to-day
niueteen have died.
New York, June 29. The wheat
market at present is in a very peculiar
condition duo wholly to manipu
lations both here and in the west.
The strangest part of the situation
was that there was no excitement.
June delivery advanced fully 2 cents
per bushel based on covering by
"shorts." Last evening the rnlingi
price was 024 cents per bushel and
up to noon to-day 99 cents reached
with very little trading. Julv sold
off a trifle while late months show a
slight gaiu. Speculation, pMiorally
speaking, is very moderate.
Peru, Ind., June 29. A. A. Talmage,
vice-president and general manager
Wabash railroad died here this morn
iug of Brighl's disease of tlm kidneys
coupled with dysentery. Ha bad
been suffering sometime and was on
his way to Lake Erie for a vaunting
cruise, hoping to gaiu relief. His
wife and two phyiiiriuus were with
a stricken r ity.
Maushfield, Wih., June 119. Tha
total loss from the receut contlugra
tiou will foot up $150,000 with au in
surance of about one-fourth. Aid in
the shape of money, food and clothing
is pouring into the strickeu eit on
cverv train.
Washington, June 29. The presi
dent to-dny appointed Francis F.
Patterson of Salem, N. C, register of
the land office at Lewiston, Idaho,
vice Patrick Winston, Jr., resigned.
Dublin, June 29. Prince Albert
Yictor of Wales to-daj laid the foun
dation stone of the new wing of the
hospital for incurables at Donne
brook. He was fairly well received
and but few hostile cheers greeted
San Francisco, June 29. Since
the Chinese leper was discovered at
San Diego the steamship com
panies have become very cautious
and keep a close watoh on the
movements of the Chinese about their
vessels. It has not been customary
to examine individuals of any race
moving from one coast point to an
other; but now medical men of the
steamer station themselves by the
gang-plank and make observations of
those who go on board. It is thought
that the San Diego leper was proba
bly smuggled on board the Queen of
the Pacific and brought to this city,
but he was not
London, June 29. The queen's gar
den party at Buckingham palace this
afternoon was a great social event.
Several thousand invitations were is
sued and all the royal visitors who
came to attend the jubilee were pres
Portland, June 29. Last night
John Battner, a bankrupt saloon
keeper whose place of business had
been on the corner of Fifth and B
streets, committed suioide by drown
ing. He was seen at the corner of
Sherman and Water streets to threw
off his hat and coat and with the rest
of his clothes on plunge into the Wil
lamette river, never rising again. Ac
quaintances of the deceased attribute
the act to domestic and financial
troubles. At noon to-day the re
mains were recovered by means of
grappling-irons in twelve feot of wa
ter and removed to the morgue.
Ben Holladay is lying quite ill at
St. Vincent hospital
More than three months ago Geo.
W. Percy, head bookkeeper for Frank
Bros. Improvement company, startled
a large number of friends and his
family in this city by suddenly disap
pearing. The Masonic fraternity, of
which he was a prominent member,
instituted a rigid search for him, dead
or alive. The mystery attached to his
whereabouts has intensified by the
fact that his accounts are all straight
and his domestic relations reported
to be of s pleasant nature. Up to
within a few days ago it was gener
ally believed that the missing man
had grown insane and wandered off
to some unfrequented spot and died
of exposure. Becent developments
have put a new phase on Percy's dis
appearance. Only a few days ago he
was seen in Kansas City and in good
physical and mental health. He was
sane enough io draw upon a certain
bank in this city, for funds he had de
posited there, through the Commer
cial National bank of Kansas City.
His family still reside in Portland.
Whackeen Want to Stop and Think.
Did you ever see them "milk" the
eggs from the fish? It is so cunous
and yet so simple that I will tell you
briefly how it is done. A large female
salmon, conspicuously large from the
great abundance of eggs she contains,
is taken from the river with a net,
then a man take3 .her by the tail and
lays her back up his bare arm and
with his right hand milks stream
after stream of bright golden eggs
into a wooden ' tub. After taking
many pounds of eggs in this way the
fish is dropped back into the river,
and she swims away good naturedly,
as if rather glad of what had hap
pened. Then a male fish is taken up
with the net out of the river
where fish are- so thick that
you cau literally "stir them with a
stick." And the same process is
gone through with the father of fishes.
Only instead of eggs there is merelv
a milky fluid called "milt." Then he
is flopped back into the river also and
goes his way. Then the man reaches
his broad hand and big arm down
into the wooden tub and stirs the
eggs and milt about; and that is all.
They are "impregnated' now and
ready to be put np in layers of moss
Hud sent thus all over the world. The
man in oharge of the "hatchery" told
uie that not one egg in 100 thuB pre
pared and sent abroad would fail to
hatch; while in truth, by the natural
process iu the streams where fish are
left tn themselves, not one egg in
1,000 ever comes to anything. It
makes nun want to stop and think!
Joaquin Miller.
San Francisco, Cat,
June 25, 1837,
&DITOB Astebian:
Colonel Geo. Hunter, a distinguished
pioneer of the northwest, takes his de
parture from our citv to-morrow by
steamer State of California for your
city, visiting relatives thereat and tbenca
proceeding to his home in eastern Wash
ington. It will be interesting to your patrons,
many of whom are well acquainted with
the colonel, to learn that her has secured
the publication of hiB reminiscences, the
supervision of which brought him hither
about two months ago. We are con
vinced after a careful review of the work,
consisting of 450 pages of closely con
densed reading matter, that its advent
will oroate surprise to many; that one
who nover attended school a day in his
life should produce a work of such liter
ary merit suoh fascinating interest, is
conclusive proof of the possession of a
genius of no ordinary character.
Coming to the Pacific coast in the
early fifties, when but a lad of sum
mers, left alone by aocident on the Ore
gon trail over a thousand miles from
western civilization to make his way
thither, with threatened starvation on
one hand, and relentless hostiles on the
other, the hero of these pages, like the
dauntless Joe Meek, his cousin, who bad
fireceded him but a few years, early
earned the noble lesson of self-reliance,
which so well bore him triumphantly
through the conflicts that were in store
for him. For the service he was destined
to render his country in some of her
sorest trials of Indian warfare, the task
he so early learned was of greater utility
than years of training at the best eastern
college -in our land.
The Colonel's health has been much
improved of late but if sufficiently re
cuperated, he will forthwith proceed on a
lecturing tour through the east, commenc
ing at your city. We feel warranted in
predicting for the Colonel a warm re
ception in his travels and a wide sale of
his "Reminiscences of an Old Timer."
bancroft hlstobt company.
Greatly ICxcited.
Not a few of the citizens ot Astoria
have recently become greatly excited
over the astounding fact?, that several
of their friends who haa been pro
nounced by their physicians as incur
able and beyond all hope suffering
with that dreaded monster Consump
tionhave been, completely cured by
Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Con
sumption, the only remedy that does
positively cure all throat and lung dis
eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bron
chitis. Trial bottles free at W. E. De
ment & Co.'s Drug Store, large bottles Si
Northwestern Legion, No. 2, Select
Knights of A. O. U. W., having ac
cepted the invitation of the Fourth
of July committee to take part in the
parade on the Fourth, the members
of the lodge are requested to meet at
their lodge-room in full uniform at
half-past eight on the morning ot the
Fourth. By order Com.,
J. G. Ross.
E. L. BoviiB, Secretnry.
All There ! !
Private parties, Fourth of J uly, etc.
Ice cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
of the city: $2.30 a gallon.
lee, Ice, lee.
fee for sale at reasonable rates In
quantities to suit. Apply to A. W.
Utzinger, Cosmopolitan saloon.
BreastplB r.ost.
A rose shaped ivory breastpin, Finder
please leave at this office.
A comfortable home for a girl of 13.
Address A. M., stating terms, this
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
.Jeffs restaurant.
A Suuny Boom
With the comforts of a home, library,
Appiy at iioiuen nouse.
Private Rooms.
Restriction Upon Foreigu Residents
Washington. June 28. The second
survey of the Hartford at San Fran
cisco has resulted in the discovered
that the vessel is much more rotten
than at first supposed, and her re
pairs will cost $76,000 more than the
amount estimated by the first board
or inspectors, xnis onngs the es
timated cost of her repairs up to 32
per cent, of her original oost, or 12
per cent, more than the limit pre
scribed by law. There is a great deal
of love for the old flagship of Farra
gut, and naval officers generally, es
pecially those engaged in the late
war, hope that the point will be
stretched to keep her afloat as long
as her beams will hold together.
There is a special appropriation for
repairs of certain war vessels, the
Hartford being among them, and it
is thought that the repairs, thongh
costing more than the limit, can be
made out this special fund. The
secretary, however, in approving the
recommendation of the first board
of survey, expressly stated that the
repairs should not be allowed to go
beyond the limit of cost fixed by law.
He has now under consideration the
question whether the work can be
done under the appropriation men
tioned, and if he concludes that it
can, he will make a concession to the
sentiment entering into the case, and
order the repairs to be made.
Berlin, June 23. The latest anti
German project to which the atten
tion of Berlin officials has been di
rected is the proposal before the cham
ber of deputies making foreign resi
dents in France who may be members
oi associations nostue to a renou in
terests, liable to fine and imprison
ment and expulsion. The proposal is
capable of such elastic interpretation
as to cover all Germans so joining in
Frtuce. The measure, if supported
by the government, will be assumed
here to be directly hostile to Germans,
and lead to an energetic remonstrance
as a breach of the Frankfort treaty.
Tho official gazette for the reichstng,
in contradicting French fables nbont
the suppression of foreign traders and
French manufacturers in Alsace-Lorraine,
defines clearly what the Ger
man government aims to accomplish.
It declares that the government's
desire is to foster nil commercial ac
tivities and to take only such meas
ures as may be necessary to main
tain public pence.
The government has now decided
not to delay further the trial of Klein
and his colleagues for high treason,
committed at the instigation of
fitv Them a (Mianrc!
That is to say, your lungs. Alo
your breathing machinery. Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tubes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. And what they do, they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and head
and lnng obstructions, all are bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them,
that is to take Bosohee's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed you, yon
may depend upon this for certain.
A Behrins; Sea Decision.
San Francisco, June 28. Advices
received here from Sitka, Alaska,
state that the trial of Captain Morri
son, master of the sohooner Laura,
for killing five fur seals in Alaskan
waters within the three-league limit
of the shore, was held in the United
States district conrton June 11th.
After the testimony of a number of
witnesses, Judge Dawson addressed
the jury. Hi3 honor said that the
preponderance of evidence was un
questionably in favor of tho defend
ant, who could not be held liable for
acts committed outside of the three
marine league limit, with the excep
tion of the watera of Behring sea.
which was still an open question,
His honor therefore directed the jury
to return a verdict of not guilty, and
the defendant was liberated. The de
cision rendered is regarded as an im
portant one. Advices further stnto
that three English schoongrs, seized I
ior violation or laws against the kill
ing ot fur-bearing animals within the
territory of Alaska, will soon be sold
by the marshal.
Probably as much misery comes
from habitual constipation as from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, aud it is difficult to cure,
for tho reason tbat no one likes to
take the medicines usually pre
scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack
& Co., proprietors. S. F.
What! Do YouThinlx
.Jeff of tho U. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of sometliiug to
drink? Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of It than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
The finest and nicest steak to he had
in town at Fabre's.
What Is better than a glass of liqnor ?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Try Fabro's celebrated pan roast.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nioe
Cool ISccr
Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. Grat
ke's. The best
oysters in any style at
United States Restaurant Is the best
and cheapest In Astoria.
fSSi Our Stock
IkW Our Sel
Bp'H 931! I
Ml raKSi '
To be sure; am sorry though, will
have to make it a little hotter
for some of my friends, in
the Clothing Business.
From market with a very big
stock of the prettiest things to be
It took considerable work and
gold coin to secure such Bargains
as I thought would suit my custo
mers, but I have succeeded and I
am ready now to accomodate all
of my friends who may be in
search for
Don't Wait too Long.
Herman Wise,
Closer and Hatter
Occident Hotel Building, oppo
site Star Market.
Theo. Bracker
Recommends to the public and to the
trade his stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Smoker's
Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at
Portland prices. Chenamus street.
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of,
n's Youths'
Ever shown in Astoria.
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish, and
The Leading House oi
Contains Not a Drop of Medicine,
Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol.
But is a simple sugar-cane like plant, grown near the Equator and
farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut? Moxie, and
has proved itself to be the only harmless and effective nerve food
known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man
hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, soft
ening of the brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by
nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and makes
you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feeling like
magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at
once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines.
Dose, Ouo Small Wineglass! ul Every Four Hours.
The loss of gas from the bottle does not weaken or injure the Moxie.
Look out for Counterfeits.
Price, 50 Cents a Quart Bottle, or $5.00 per Dozeo.
D. L. Beck
07JE3Xa3E5XDe:3Sa',TES 3XTO. 7.
oys Glothin
is the Largest,
action the Latest
the very Lowes,
perfect fitting garments.
the City.
Nerve Food.