The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 30, 1887, Image 2

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$& gatta toriau.
.JUNE 30. 1837
A T.oxnoN Daner says there
not one Jcorner of Europe where
American small-cost hardware is
not for sale.
"The biography of a river
and harbor bill" is an interesting
article in the Magazine of Amer
ican History for July. But it
omits all mention of "a pocket
Woek on the Panama canal is
said to be almost at a standstill;
the director-general and two other
officers have gone to France, it is
thought, to stimulate affairs on the
It appears that America con
sumes annually.$256,O0O,000 worth
of tobacco, or somewhat more than
4 worth of the weed for each
soul, masouline, feminine and
epicene, of our population.
1 1
Ix 183G the learned Dr. Dion
Lardner had demonstrated that no
steamship could possibly cross the
Atlantic; the keel of the Royal
Sovereign was not laid down till
183S, and songs of triumph were
sung when she made the passage
in fourteen days and six hours.
The immigration to this country
since the census of 1880 has been
3,809,886. The natural increase
in the population during the same
time was 7,728,149. With these
figures as a basis of calculation,
the New York Tribune estimates
the present population at 61,763,-818.
quality. The parade of a nominal
sovereign, with a long escort of
petty princes and small rulers, did
not in his judgment make a pa
geant of an impressive character
for the most ignorant. It did not
deserve for one moment to be men
tioned in comparison with the
Bunker Hill cemetery celebration
parade, in 1875. There every form
of human industry and progress
during the century had its repre
sentation in the splendidly em
blematical line.
Daily the unspanned gap of
mile3 of the uniting tJaluo
orma and Ore-
Tue agricultural department has
issued a report whioh shows that
10,000,000 acres of forest are used
yearly in this country for fuel and
lumber. Fires, it is calculated,
destroy about 10,000,000 acres
more. The forest area of the
country is less than 450,000,000
The colleotor of customs at Sit
ka, Alaska, recently submitted to
the treasury department a question
submitted by a resident of Kodiak,
whether he can engage with a
schooner in the killing of fur
seals "in Alaska waters" not near
the Pribylov islands. The answer
was in the negative.
The platform of the Ohio labor
party breaks loose from Henry
George by asserting that "every
human being possesses a natural
. inalienable right, to sufficient land
for self-support, and we desire to
secure to every industrious citizen
a home as the highest result of our
free institutions."
eon nne or rauroaa is Deing jesseneu.
The force of men at work is as large as !
may well be employed, but such is the
character of the work that, by the closest
estimate, not before the 1st of October
next "will the union by rail of the two
great Pacifio states be complete.
The surveying of the link of road re
maining was long ago finished. The
route is through a country mountainous,
rugged and picturesque. Th6 canons are
rocky and steep, ana aense iorests oi
pine and spruce cover the mountain sides.
The road is oompleted, going north, to
Lower Coles Station, just a quarter of a
mile from not only the boundary of
Siskiyou county, but ef California and
Oregon. Ashland, twenty miles north,
over the intervening faiskiyou range, is
the point to which the south-bound road
is finished. Between and above these
points the mountain range rises nearly
3,000 feet to a total eminenoe of nearly
4,600 feet. The grading has been a most
difficult feat of engineering. Chief En
gineer Hood has been on the ground
much of the time. At one point the
grade to the summit tunnel is 174 feet to
the mile, the greatest grade any where
on the Southern Paoific. Technically, in
engineering phraseology, it is known as
a "Three-three" grade, which signifies
that there is a rise of 3.3 feet m 100 feet.
The steep Tehachepi grade is muoh lew
than this, being only 116 feet rise in n
mile. Lower Coles Station is at the head
of the pretty valley of the cottonwood.
The road after leaving mere enters a
series of canons and then winds about
the mountain side up and up for eight
and a half miles when the greatest alti
tude is reached. Here n high, rugged
ridee blocked the way. The stage road
passes over it but for the railroad it was
Sieroed by a tunnel 3,100 feet in length,
'he altitude of the tunnel is 4,070 feet,
while that of Lower Coles only eight
and a half miles away is 2,8 0 feet, Ine
average grade between these points is 140
feet to a mile. Beyond the tunnel a
gradual winding descent begins. So tor
tuous ana curving is me raurouu graue
that the stage road, though it goes higher
on the ridge, is shorter.
Six-horse stage teams now carry many
Sassengers over the picturesque road,
'he .scenery is charming, 'ihero are
glimpses of the Klamath river and Cot
tonwood creek, of snow-capped Shasta,
fifty miles to the southeast, the Squat
Peaks to the southwest and the summits
of Gooseneck "and Sheep Book between
Shasta and the Klamath river. The ride
over the ridge and down to Ashland only
takes about five hours. The country is
wild and unsettled, nbounding in all
kinds of game. There ia little to attract
settlement here. It is the middle ground
between the vast fertile sections north
and south. Bulletin.
4,No, 1 do not own a petticoat," said a
woman attired pleasingly in a costume
of handsome blark moire and of no
unfashionable impression.
The dress was made upon a gown
form with waist and skirt in one piece,
to secure even support of the weight
from different parts of the body. The
silk was laid on this foundation in deep
box pleatings to form the drapery of
the skirt. A full mass of lace beginning
at the upper part of the waist hung
loosely until reaching below the waist
line, being thence gathered hack at
either side a little lower than the hip in
the form of light folds ending in a
modest style of drapery at the back, un-
aistenaeu oy any artinciai meciianism
beneath. In harmony, with the fash
ionable arrangement of fancy slece,
the upper portion of that feature of the
frock was draped in lace, the wrist being
finished with a little lace cuff turned
neatly back.
A soft ruche of lace encircled the fair
neck ot the wearer, with a mosaic brooch
fastening the front of the waist the
only ornament worn. The shining
brown hair was arranged in curling
masses above an attractive face, so
beautifully attractive as to create a
wonder whether the dress had any grace
of its own or owed all to the wearer.
The not very delightful name of leg
lettes is given to the garment worn in
lieu of the petticoat with this costume,
the whole being conceived as represent
ing dress reform. This is made of surah
olltr e TTnl rr rtfltai fn1iinp nrtnni-flinrr
to need or fancy. Its form is like that
of Turkish trowsers. A jersey fitting
garment is worn next the body, which it
covers irom necK to ankle, ntting every
part with perfect smoothness. A style
favored by reformers is in flesh-color of
a costly grade of silk. It has been
affirmed by eyewitnesses among the
reformers themselves that a woman i
"a perfect vision of loveliness" when so
Over this covering, which fits the per
fect shape of the body while yielding to
every movement, comes a combination
linen garment, designated the chemi
lette. This also fits the body smoothly.
m me form oi waist ana drawers in one
Of JL11 Descriptions and Nationalities.
Bunting, Trimmings, Shields, Firecrackers and Torpedoes. A general
stock of 4th of July goods in large variety at bottom
prices at
"The business of the country,"
comptroller of the currency Tren
holm is reported to have said, "is
in a good condition. Generally, a
safe and satisfactory business is
being done, and, in the main, it is
conservative. There seems to me
to be nothing to cause apprehen
sion or to anticipate any great
financial derangement."
piece, without binding or band, which
does not prevent its adornment with
lace and ribbons. The combination un
dergarment is not a novelty. The dis
tinctive feature of the system Is formed
by the leglettes as Worn beneath a long
skirt, by which they are concealed. As
the talk is of restoring the human figure
to its ''primeval shape" the corset is not
admitted. With intelligent direction
artistic effects are not incompatible, with
the style as already shown. Philadel
phia American.
Wonderful Cures, ,
W. I). Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and
Retail Druggists of J tome. Ga., say:
wo have been helling Dr. King's 2sTev
Discovery, Elcctrie Bitters and liuck
leu's Arnica Salve for two years. Have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction.
There have been some wonderful cures
effected by these medicines in this city.
Several cases of pronounced Consump
tion have been entirely cured by use of
a few bottles of Dr. King' New Discov
ery, taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them alwavs.
Sold by W. E. Dement & Co.
A Xeiv And. Knlarsetl itoi'k
Choice Brundri of Cigars.
Imported Key West and domestic. All
tastes can be satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. TansIU'sPunch and
Junior' in full supplv as usual at
1). h. Beck & Sojw.
This is an "off" year in politics
so far as elections are concerned.
Massachusetts, Iowa,
and Ohio will elect
November 8th, and
August 1st.
except governor
All the state officials
and lieutenant
Sadden Death.
will prolong life by preventing those
sudden deaths from heart disease
whioh bring untold grief to families,
often plunging them into poverty,
because of the untimely disease of
bread-winner. At druggists. 81.50;
Descriptive treatise with each bottle,
or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F.
Famous "Women.
Madame Trebelli, the greatest of
living oontraltos who has traveled
extensively, in fact visited every
county and city of note in the world,
has just departed from the slope of
the Pacific, and often expressing the
greatest admiration for the beauty
and grandeur of our scenery and the
delightful mildness of our climate,
left "the following written note as a
living expression of her opinion in
the hands of a Portland druggist, the
original of whioh can be seen on de
mand. Pobtlakd, Or., April G, 1887.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Eobertine," and it gives me much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being one of the best
artioles of the kind I nave ever used. Be
lieve me, yours sinoerely,
Z. Tbebeixi.
If any further proof of the excel
lency of this article is required call on
Messrs. W.E. Dement & Oo. of Asto
ria, Or., who, for the small sum of
fifty cents, will produce evidence that
will satisfy the most skeptical and
fastidious and give you a beautiful
pioture card for the trouble of en
quiring. An Acceptance and Invitation.
Private Kooiuh.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
Do You Want TonrFlue Cleaned?
If you do, T. Clifton & J. Lavallee
will do the job neatly and cheaply.
Leave orders at Tim Astoria x ofllce.
Prices, from SI to S3.
Syrup of Figs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True. Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit renietly may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the moat
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system ; to act on,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly to dispel Ileadachs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Gambrlnus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone. Sa
loon, Scents.
All the patent medicines advertised
hi this paper, together with the choicest
nerfumery. and toilet articles, etc.. can
be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W.
uonn'a drug store, opposite ucMaent
hctel, Astoria.
quested to remove from the street In
front of their respective residences, cord
wood, boxes, &c before the -lth of July
next, Espeolally on the line of march of
the procession,
governor will be elected in New
York, and several minor state of
ficers in Pennsylvania.
Blajxe is in London. Criticis
ing; the parade on the occasion of
the queen's jubilee, he said that it
did seem strange that out of the
fifty years of progress made by En
gland in the arts and sciences, the
growth of manufactures and iu-
austries, wnicn has resulted in.
increased employment of millions
of workingmen, of her marine that
now belted the globe and covered
fill the seas; that there should be
selected for a street parade repre
sentatives of but one institution
whioh had not made a single step
in adyanoe for fifty years viz.,
royalty. It was therefore in, his
judgment a poor show on account
of its utter laok of
Having accepted the invitation of
the Fourth of July committee to
parade on that day, we hereby invite
all honorably discharged soldiers and
sailors, as well as all members of the
Gr. A. R. who may be in the city, to
participate with us on the coming
occasion; and Canby Post, of Ilwaco,
"W. T., are specially invited to attend.
By order of the .rost,
W. B. Eoss, Adjutant
For Tite Most Beantlful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most scientific retouching
and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples at his new gallery on the road
way. For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Telephone I.orifirlHg House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
B0 and 25 cts, per week Sl.50. N ew and
clean. Private entrance.
Net Lost.
Point Elllce about 120 fathoms net, corks
hung stationary, heavy line. Finder will
leave It at Jos, Hume's cannery to O. S.
Astoria, Jun&29, '87,
GAEL JLSIsEEl, Manager.
ina Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed.
Crockery, Glass f Plated Ware.
The Largest and finest assortment of
Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables.
Received fresh every Steamer.
Bargains in Ready Made Clothing,
20 Men's and Youths' odd suits marked down from $16 and $18 "
to $11 and $ 1 3, and are all wool desirable suits.
We carry a full line of Black Dre suits which are sold for the lawest cash.
Our Line of Dry Fancy Goods
Cotton, Woolen and Muslin Underwear, Shetland
port anawis in ail colors. Ladles short Wraps, Calico '
ham and Calico Aprons, Silk Enihroidered stand covers
A fine lot of Embroideries just opened.
We. have the largest and finest lot of Silk Thread and Twist, Embroidery and
Elttins Silk in all shades and colors, to be found In Astoria.
Embroidered Xew
per. Fancy, GIng-
W. T. PASSES,, Manager.
1 liKr
W 1 U11L&
Flags, Bunting, Baloons, Lanterns,
Pistols, Firecrackers Torpedoes, Etc,
Seme thin? New.
"We have something new in the way
of a parlor organ that is fine in tone
and very reasonable in price; parties
contemplating purchasing and organ
should call and examine
Gbiffix & ItEr.n.
Sawed &h1 Shared Shingles
PrAci I.lmo. f!pmpnt mirl Pltmtpr
representative j Paris, at J. H, D. Gray's.
JL bill of sale, now on record In tlie Custom
House at Astoria, Oregon of the steamer
Favorite to Louis Wilson Is not an absolute
bill of sale, but was given to Louis Wilson as
security for money I owe Mr. Wilson.
Astoria, Or. Juno 23th. iSo7.
caraaaBBsaBjnn mi 1 p-HgaBC'Ki 1 iwiineaBm ebb aawi eg m
Neat, Quick And Cheap at The
Notice to Stockholders, Astoria
Building & Loan Association.
X meeting will be held at the ofllce of the
Association in the building on Cass St. next
to Odd Fellows Hall, on Wednesday even
ening, July Cth, '67. All dues not paid lu
belore 9 p. 11, of above date are fublect to
fine. A. S. REED,
Astoria, June 25, 'ST,
Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents.
Ladles Flexible Solo Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Dongola
Boys and Youths Shoe3 of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infant neeJ
Spring heels. WE 1)EA1. IN BOOTS AMD SHOES OSI.Y:
Hay, Oats, and. Straw, Lie, Brici, Cement, Sand anil Plaster
Wood Dallrered to Order.
Dr&ftug, Teaming mid Kxprem Bdifaess,
IER apply to the Captain, or to
foei P. ParkertMaster.
The qmg.and Short of it.
Is, X Toll "STo-u. Til at
Of the U. S. Restaurant gives the best Meal for the money
toueluidontheCoast. His Regular Dinner with
Tea, Coffee, Wine, Beer or Milk for 25cts.
Cannot he Beat.
Meals Cooked to Order on Short Notice
Oysters In Any Stylo and Always Frosh.
IF-i-r'st Class Saloon Amca.
wmmm m
v 5yi- w
The 111th Anniversary of America's Independence will be celebrated
at Astoria, on the 4th day of July, 1887. And don't
you forget that the
Nei ITorXs Novelty Store
Carries the largest and finest assortment of Flags of all Nations,
Bunting, Trimmings, Silks, Sky Rockets, Bombs, Torpedoes, Colored
Lights, and a general assortment of
Together with a full line of all kinds of 4th of July Goods eve
brought to Astoria. Give us a call.
xraw toxz. sroirsZiTir storx,
Opposite Parker House, Main St., Astoria, Oregon-
The New Model Range
Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent lor B8
Buck Patent Cooking Stove,
Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand.
In Connection With The Restaurant.
Just received a large stock of Watches
and Clocks. Chains, Lockets, etc. Also
genuine Seth Thomas Boat Clocks, proved to
e the best. All which will be sold at very
low prices, Watch and Clock repairing a
specialty, and done at reasonable prices.
Siop next to Aug. Danielson's sample
Boom, on the roadway,
Are You Insured?
J. O. Bozorth
Writes Insurance Policies In Reliable Fire
Insurance companies that give Absolnte
Protection in case oIFlxa.