en r 1..-) VOL. XXVII, NO. 154. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Kinney's Block, opposite Cit HaU, Astoria, Oregon. f w. fultox. a. crur.Tox FUI.TOI BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooms5and 6. Odd Fellows Building. 0. R. THOMSON', Attorney at Law and Kotary PaWicflfieumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica .Special attention given Jo pracuce m w.c u. bviiana orace, ana i "" "-,- land titles. A full set of Abstract Hooks for Clatsop CeaatyJn effice: Money-toToan.jT "" ,. ,,.,. iFFiciCrBooms 4 and fiorer plt BqoIc Sio.e. 5 . " f l. A. BOWLBY. ! Attorney and Counsellor at L.ar Office on Chenarau3 Strtet,Astoi!a.OregoiL j O D. tTIXTOT- ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. ll and I2,rythlan Caslie Bund ing. p B. WATft'OJf. Attyat Law andjieputyDist. Atty. All busldeSs toefbre tne tr. S. I.and Office a peclalty, - ..-.-.-- Astoria, - - Obkqok. r DENTIST. Is associated, with JR. LA FOBC.. Rooms ll and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON, D B. A. li. FtlLTOX. I?hjsIciaB and Surgeon. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's-buiiding. Telephone No. , TAY TUTTLE, 31. O. PHYSICIAN AND SailGEON OjfrioKrT-Eoonis 6J?ythIaaBuildiig, . , Rksidknck On Cedar Street, back of s J . Mar 'a HosDltal. 1 k BU.O. B, JR8TES . THSSiClAAND SURGEON. OPKiGSJGeSSuidiug, up stairs, Astoria, oregon.j.7 PIrCfNAND URQEON, OpposJCTeGsgrafili Office, Astoria, Oregon. D. li. AJLFJ&ED KI.WKV, yt WEa. " Officer atitfnney'-s Cannery. wui bnlyattendatlents at his office, and way be found there at any hour. SURVEYOR OFHIATSOP COUNTY JC3TJ Eac-Clty Surveyor of Aatorla Office : N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets. Boom No. 8 Up Stairs. Robt. ColUwrvJDeputy,; -DENTIST- Booms In Allen's Building, up stain, cor ner Oass,and-Squemoqua streets, Astoria Oregon 5-fe3T -" rr -8E1aT Booms 1 apd2 Pjthlan C. H. Coopers Store. Build-lug' over mi fjDJtBCE TAILOIC A gdoo EuaranfeVoTTharsTSISderate." Acent for the Celebrated Houseliold SewJnjr Machine. Shop opposite C. H. Cpoper's. CamlSn up. t-'JBUCCjSSORSroV , T. "W. G&SE, - a?T8RS-AND '.XmOL&AX.T "A'D uBSBMEEeHAffllSE, Corner Chenamus andCasa streets. ASTCREt - - - OREOON FOTilondon Diiect t .-. Ll 7Z. ' The Fine;St?eGB&rP: " ''. 87S tonsggfcfeiCrfldrA 1 "miPtfrbtfterth at Asjfts,Hp-July and will tekfrsnlmon Inlitte itaaJtrlMWBfers. r r - ijs,. 3qsm3MKBtUgi Or & LtHRRRY, Astorfe ' VJ &?$" .T r-" r JOE LEATHCPt . Is otf deck and prepared to build boits that he will guarantee as to work and dur ability. Refers to all who have used boats of his construction, All work guaianteed JACOBS QUI J DR EAT REMEDY CURES Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Soro Throat, Swollinc;, Frost Bites Sprains, -Bruises JLJuxns, calas- IT CONQUERS PAIN. l78ry4pli:itIttNsilivw. Ere:7 shlf siwld irr s it IftByiesBaK&Urrifcrsa Every day as? denasii Iiery ceiaa !: s rcr ens tiK7 bsttlB Is terisi. ET67yfiBis5 tcttle tear: Every pitisat is ezrel Erery pais is e:sqre4 thsilra'a SJgsitsra. Ercry fceno vill bavo it. SrcryircesUt praUss it Every efcsaUt idt it jsr- Z-erylirjso speaislt. Inryjaesal csaaifiislt. fsct. AWARDS FOR BEST PAIN-CUSE. 5TFW STALAXD-XXKIBmOK 188B Gold JUedal. Calcutta X5T. EXHrarrnr-1885-4-GoId JHeduL ihCDCfATi tsd. Exr-osrrjax-'st-SilverMedaL ALIFOENIA STATE rATE 1S31 Gold-todaL y)CisniXEEO,JE33,o3tTio 1834 Gold Medal At nsraoisTS and Deaucxs. PkiceCO Omts. fHE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Mi SHORT HAND & TYfE WKITINH par both vcnnjrmen rmd Md'ewn ti hrtter salaries than most comniercial nuiltlon, and the demand is ufatFr. Sfml.Mits run bentred for offlpshort-hnml position IBT THREE HOMTHS' TIKE by Haven's sstem. Nt im'viiu know ledge of either art nquircJ, I'oHcjfi open all the jear. "Studenl tali tnfci anj I'fne, Sir tuition being iud'Ulsu'. Siiviir facili ties for nrocu Iiu eitu'.Tiou?. for wtiith aid Tre make no rbnrgi. Cnllejw Tnmphlets witn lull set M.iMeacning lessons in intlier art sent to any address for JO cts. ; both arts, 20cts. Nosta'i laaccej.ttd. AM"3 either of Hat en'i Colli ges : New York. N. Y. ; rhiladelj)hla, I'a. ; Chicago, 11!. i Cincinnati, O. ; San Francisco-, Cal. MelUpf late ffl iiole M i v? are not ''warranted to cure" all classes of diseases, uut only such as result from a disordered li er, viz: Vertigo, Headache Dyspepsia, Fevers, Cosiiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, sic; . For these they arc not-warranted in fallible, hut arc as nearly Bo tn It is possible to make a remeuit JElegantlj sugnr coated. Price, S5 cents per box. SOLD EVERYTKHEIHS. AGENCY- lTl.T.C0l6MB. OF SAN FRANCISCO: FlavelsWharf and Warehouse, Astoriu. Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest iPrice's. Storage and Insurance at Current Kate). ffiankta Department Drafts on the leading Cities ofthe-World JOHMf P. McGOVERN, .. - - - Acnt. B.1II. ColomaH;AccounLmr, Elmore, SanjborixS Co. JC0MM15SJ0JI MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance Representing the Largest and Host Relia ble Fire Insurance Comnanles.' - Ml Business prompilyjand accrlmteiy hran- aciea. FJaveis Wh irf . - Astoria Oregon. iTcrC&INTON DEALER IN CIGARS -A1ND TOBACOO, JRTJTTS.NUTS, Candies. Smokers Articles, JBtc New Goods Rt eel Vod Dail-. Ojpdsltecrty ifooTf 'isttffe.." -THE- lOAnGHlf "PALAGEt , GUSTAY HANSEN, PropV. A Large and Well Selected Stock or Fine Diaffipfts i Jet elry ' - At Exrrcnioiy Lo w Prices. All floeis BoagJit at This EMabllsbwent CV7arrantefi Genuine. "" Wach'-aK: Clock Repairing ' & -SPECIALTY. Corner CJa&T'aTTirquemoo.nh Streets. $67,QQ0,000 Capital LlverDOofSr London &. Globe. North British iaad MercantHaof London and Edinburgh. iHartforcl oTConnecticut, Coinmercial of txilirornia Agncuiiurai. oi aienoTi, pew York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng . Fire Insurance Companies, Represent in a capital of S67,000,ooo. B, VA DUSEX Agent. Tutf t Piik ASTORIA, THEsOLD TIMER. Tnere is not a pioneer from the Strait of Fuc to San Diego, or from the oceair to the Rockies, who willTnot read the following vyith pleasure' -and interest. A writer unknown to The Astorian says: r . , The "Old-timer," ,fte "Forty niaer!". What a,flptfd oirecollec- tions enter my mind, both kindly and amusing, as I dwell on the many various- specimens of this family that I have mel during my sojournings in the west. There are three distinct classes. The "old-timers" who have made a suc cess in "life, and there are a large number of these liberal-hearted men who are pillars of the strength in the territories. But it is in the other two classes in which you find the fund of anecdote and interest ing characteristics which make the' "old-timer" the pilgrim's hero. It is those ho have made and lost the fortunes -which were so easily got iiuthe "palmy days," and those who have never made any great stake, but always "just missed it." The first of these last two classes ar men who suffered all the hard ships of the trip from Omaha to California, and, in the TJOs, wenVtb" Idajio to Montana, undergoing al most : marvelous "experiences, es capes' fiom -the Indians, from star vation and from cold; which, put in plain words in the day of palace coaches across the continent, raise suspicions that the imagination of tne narrator is getting tne DPtter of him. But the old saying that "truth is strangei than fiction" was never truer than-in -thfs-reiso. Mostof them Just their fortunes by recklessness, thinking what was made so easilv could be madf again. The most of tnese'l men, therefore, possess tnOse singular characteristics wlrictr re deem them from the vulgar pov erty of their present condition, The habits of years leave their trace, and they will to-day divide their last meal' with, a stranger that comes to ,tne"cabin door, and feel insulted if jfayment, is offered. But how bitter nmsthib feelings be when he ilndsfhe country settling up wiTElDge dumber of people from the "slates" to whom he is but a tramp, and lie fijid? himseli slowiy wending his-way Xx the poor house. Wbafa faH -from being the honored guest u the rough boajd of somd' more f.u tunatc partner, to be pointed out as an object of suspicion anb fit subject for the commission's caffc. We who know, treat him all th'e more kindly, and to ,1 he unbur dens his soul. In the third class aie found the witty story tellers the men who spin the yarns so taking to the youthful earrThere are many smart, brainy men who, through some fatal lack in their mental 'and moral makeup, have never been anything but rovers and with actual experience to draw upon, and with a vivid imaginatjon-ean weave fact and fa ncyflrto stones that will hold- the uHielfce of open-mouthed "renderfceV spell bound. But they are going, nd yery Boon a genuine "old-trmer will be a thing oi the past. They have filled anoble4jlaceJn-theLhistory of the United btates, and the pres ent generation owes much to the few who riskecLahthat the many coulu ioitow. r ' - Brooklyn, N. 5" has anew streetioamng contractor wno ex pects tSulan tworxtyiti'e milesSLL streets a day. riOWTO-CIJP AHOY OS" OBODP. Mrs. S viaeC iNott; ot . oulK Haven, KanBas, tolishow she saved 'the life of her boy. I .have. -been using Allcock's Posotia TL&jTfcittf forthe lat ten afrs,p1?incipftlyI6Ti weak back'." Not long ago I found my son very much inclined to 2r"ouS.-""He1iacI a' bad croupy .cough, awl awheesing sound in nTs" tuBgs "eieiy 1Im"B"Tie breathed. lie-nearly, died irom.the obstructron-jof-th's ilirwl-ficvered him from the throat to the pit of the stomach with, . Axlcdcic's ..Porou Piasters... Irttsicuhonxa. tbe cough ceasedand his breathing was much easier. In a few days he was en tirely "weU..JLpt,th' Alujock's Porous Plasters on him six days. Since" ,then whenever he is affected with epIdgiuHhe ?hroat, I never TMe anything but an AllcockTs Porous Plaster, which cures him imme diatelyjvithput ny.iAOQnyeniBncr. They--ar& er-MrjEeventativa of the croup ever knownfSrid I woiiia not be without.them for any consider-ation. OREGON, THURSDAY, Another Steamship Line Probable. Sax Francisco, June 28. "Present indications," says the Examiner to-day, "point strongly to the inauguration of anotner trans-Pacific steamship line within the near future. The Canadian Pacific is striving with -, all. its might to operate its line -from this oity, and it may succeed. A San Francisco mer chant, who does not care to have his name mentioned,wrote to gen eral manajrer Van Home some timeago, asking what the prospects were for his line running down here. Mr. Van Home replied that they were most favorable. Nego tiations which are being carried on at present, he said, are bound to result -as-they want them. It is currently- reported in steamship circles that the Canadian Pacific failed to get the dock room here which it was after, and has now nearly completed arrangements with the Pacific Coast Steamship company to carry its trade from this city and Portland, and other coast points, to Vancouver and Victoria. -Some months ago Mr, Van Home and President Harris to the .Northern Pacific held a con ference in New York, and reports were that the conference was about steamship matters and the China and Japan trade. At present the Northern Pacific receives verylit-tle.ifi-any. of the business coming from the Orient. It is behoved .that there is -sl deaLbetw een the Northern and the Canadian." Laities will find relief from headache costivenessT swimming m the head, colic, sour stomach, restlessness, indig etion, constant or periodical sick head aches, weakness in the back or kidnej s, pain in the shoulders and different imitb of the body, a feelimr ot latitude and despondency b taking Simmons Liver -Keguiator. it ij not unpleasant, is purely vegetable, and is not injurious ro-f he most delicate constitution. '- The mrkHJant07L which cleared recently at New Bedford for an Atlantic ocean whaling voyage, is seventy ears old and is in good condition. She tyas built at that place. "TYVvvOV Trifle with anyThioai have a Cough er Cold, or the children ing Cough, use. Acker's English Rem edy and-pre vent further tiouble. It is a positive cure, and we guarantee it. Pi ice 10 and 0 cents. J. W. Conn. Secretary Lamar will address Tammanv hall on the Fourth of July. V rv. rul? en Jy yur din- J a nor and are prevented by Dyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They aie a positive'cuie for Dyspepsia, indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. "We guaiantoe them. 23 and 00 cent". J. W. Conn. The United Labor parry is push ing its campaign in nearly every northern state. - - Buclilcn's Arnica Salie Tjik Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruise3,Sores,UIcers, Salt Kheuin, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively enures Piles, or no pay required. Itisgirarauteed to give nerfectattsiaction-. or monev refund "J.-WM.. . rr -" - vr n rrice 25 cents per box. For sa le by "W ion-, ur money reiunciea. E. Dement & Co 3frt. Kosaraa Watnou. Mrs. Lillian Warren. DRESSMAKING .'PARL01S. . Comer Cass and Jeffeton, up ttairs, are now ready for oraera irom mo ladles or the As- a and vicinity. Wo do only first class bv-a rate-system adopted In f.-whion- wtrkb; luris I able circles evcry.whero. All worJiuuaruiiicpu. Comparison challcngen. j Xenns reasonable. The Asior House "JT OlTlOSS, 'Proptletor. hft large; .eirr Sunny House. REPAINTED, " l REFITTED, REFURNISHED. Firstfassn-aH itsAppbintments. Well furnlsheilaniUelI kept. Bates from f I a Day Upward. Eree -Conch to and from, the House. '.Board "by thffday week or montlu. Corner Jefferson and 01n6y tret", As toria, Oregon. JUNE 30, J 887. " I unhesitatingly add ray -ietimony to the great Mne lits to be derived from Sim mons Liver Kegulaforr ' 1 was afflicted- for- -several -years vrifli "disorderedXiver, which resulted in a- severe attack of "Jamidicd," IJiad good medical-a'ttendancej-bufc'' it failed: to" restore-me- to the- enjoyment of tov-former health: Ithen" trierl " the most renowned physi-cians-of Louisville, Xyv but' . all to no purpose, where-' upon I was induced to try Simmons Liver Keguiator. . I found immediate benefit from ite use, and it ulti mately restored, me to the full enjoyment of health." A. H. Shibley, Bichmond, Ky. "I most cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any disease caused by a disarranged state 'of the Liver." W. B. Bernard, Kan&as City, Mo. J. H. ZEIUN & CO., Piiiadeljjha, Pit. Price SI .00. Look Here -Boys. Ii jot want .l neat llttln huit of Clollres, goto JT, 35J. S3LOJSS. Merchant Tailor. Having just leceived a complete a-i-jort-ment of Foreign and - Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. 1 am prepared to makeup Suits cheaper than the cheapest. (iveum:i call .and be convniced that I mean what f sa. J. E ROSS. Comer Squenioqua and ITajnilton streets, east of C H. OoopecV. THE TONSORIAIi BOUDOIR. Xnllr tie r Fnitle, Lcadms-and Practical Hah Dresser, bh.ivlnff, ilalr Cuttlncr. bhampoo- Ing and lsath.. JurRC ASbonnieni oi liaruers' bunnlies. Imnorted Per- fiuiiery, 'loifet Articles, Kazors. Rrushes, Strops, Sponges, Cosmetics, Creme de J.ls. Iaibln's Extracts. Fac. Parker lIoitHe, 3Ialn St.. Astoria. L. E. OI? PAKK. Proprietor. S.ARNDT&EEROBEN AS10RIA, i OREGON. The Pio; eer Machine Shop BLACKSMrr QOA Sjfi iSElfV. f!. M.' i-m O AJL S JL "-Z tM &? Boiler Shop -F' JT" All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT "WOEK Promptly attended.-to, Aspecialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOTOFL-AFAXETTE BTREEI. IVan Dusen & Go. DEAIiERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agticnltnral Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints, Oils, GfcrooexLeis, 3E2to. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of onr eltlzens to send to Fortland or SarfFr&nclScofor Custom SVIade Clothes As they can pet Better Fits, Better Work manship, and for Less -Money By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. He has Just received a large stock of Goods from the East.. Fine Business Suits from 835. Call and See Him and Satisfy Yourself. P. j MEANT, MERCHANT TAILOR. Ii 13 onfile In Philadelphia at the Newspaper Adver- H our autiiorti&d' Rgeats. v v&HBVH Hn ' w?y &fcm&&iJ 'tHiSfcOlI-i UBrt.cc. rwi"-?-v-": t&awrmmm msSSamm msmSi CASH, si ps 0b "P Qb lk ik-JBfcw-jl , p One Hrice Cash Store. .iP.PrtliasUffi3,QnrQooa5rJSaYe-5Ioncy by buying of a legitimate OiXE f !? f'ti CAntfoUSfi whicirpays-no High rehf, noHI&h Insurancer-nrt lihtfi Incidental ckpcnsc.THid whTolrmakes- no-bad accounts foryou to help nay either dirtetlrormairertlr. - - - -1 .--. ' -". " : : "soeblox-x.. ' --'& - - - Men's- atid-Boyhlte Shirts. " - L de-ire- to-cayoimutteniUon toane4f tliebest fitting, most improved, and best a aim n Men's atid. Boj ilftlaundueauWliite Shirts ever offered,to the. trade, thor are made with pareflineu bosoms aMXJill? bands. reintorced(dojiblfiiloth) from ' the bosoms to-the side-seatHS.and-nrdniftdo with the patent contiunous strip in the biu'k enabling the earei,-to-piitkn-a-shiJvvithrjuttllo possibility ot teaiing it down tin "backj alsrf protecttne: th& gar-menj; m the nrocess of laundrying. Tin- les of-this mnko-oPShirts-w-tts aninpfeceuehtry great Trom the perlwt of then: introduction and tliefacttliaUii'SrCfrnprovements do not add to. the celling price, so much inor&tsed thedemaitd thatithe Manufactiucrs were, com pelled to d'Hl)Iethisize-andaiacityofcthetrfactory. . Tlieeitnluindriedwhitehirts I-am-nbw offering are as follews: Men'8Ydizesl4 1-SL"fo .rBdy&:jCSJxoi".ii:'r52.tipIl4J BO cents each'. Complete luit irr CLOTniNCr,- rT&Tis, CAPS, FURXISniXO 'flfJODS, riiVjv .ind-VALlSRS, at Tho vcri lowest cagh jiTices. ZINNETS BEICK BUI-LBING, ASTOjRIA, OREGON. Opposite Rescue aasca&juuvAw .hii riaMaajyrwit mense New CoiteWing Qt4 CAK I.OAtlS of fine ArffeHc anA'Ptaltf ; - - - yrniiure, Carpets, OH Cloth, MatirasSilk - LACE AWD PORTIERE CUSTAINS, . ; Dado Shades, &c. Has Axrivedi These gootU were jiurehaserl direct froin Eastern Manufacturers and-shippeU" before tjio recqnt advance jnlrjpight, lhp"b"eneftts thereof we-propose to-share with oui customers.- . - - - i..'.,..viiij . Call and See.U ' . -CHAS. HElLBOfe- 8 53SS32 J. C. o 3 tt :n- X? "ST Coroner. OulceriUndeTtaldne Kooms-next to MUREAY & CO,, GBOGEBS ' And Dealersr in GaieiT Sigies! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL' LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in anypart of the city J Office and Warehouse In Jlnme Mjw Building on "Water Street. F. 0. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA. " OKEOIS. W. F. Arinbruster Practical WATCIfJIlKEK And WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry, and Musical INSTRCTMBNTS Bepqlretl on -the Shortest .Notice at Beq sonahie Bates, Chenamus St., nettcrSpex3rth's Gnn-store. tVTni-i.. i iff 'J.w.. '?TTiiV)i'.-BnSJIfr j ,i j i 2&&i Cflliiirlraisprtata. Company? FOE PORTLAND:! ' .-; Through Freight on Fast Timei J THE NEW TELEPHONE Which has been specially built Tor the cofaifoit of.passengers will leava Wilson & Fisher's' DocVevery ' -- . Monday, Wednesday and Fridayat 6 A:H. arriving at Portland 'al'ri ReturnlngrieavesPortlaTnrevery - Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. fo arriving-at Astoria -at H-Psi SrXn additional trip)wllLbe'inade on gaarfay'f KaciifW;eetet'b3aVlhg-Poif0 at tt O'clock gminay-MsralpKV-P&nEea-nj.thJa route wmnoctat ouawa tor Sound ports. . '-..&.-- ' i ,'-'U.-S(10,FF,FreiWrtih PJHOE. JjimCENZES. ONE PRICE. I7J 75 cents each. i. ,2,1 c. Engine House. - - EGSS, - . . j;jxc ,. oonousR, TiTst ' Glass Undertaking stfebltahrhgnt AFINEHEAR3E, t - fewest stjle Casketa and.Funejcal.MatfitlaU Krerjthintr SeataaA-VTeU-AirangM. Anlorian offlcej (BB. FronJiJIn'ioJd stand.) . MiiaiMlrfe Concoiply St., Footaf Jackson Astoria, q? General' flacMnists ail liler-Mafel Land and Marino Engines BOltJBB TTORKV J Steamboat Work and Cannery Wu'rk ' A SPECXAXTjd ' "" Castings of all Descrrptlons-'Made" -to Ortferat Shafr'HeticeV - - A. D. WASff... :.....'.: Presiile'nT; JG. HusxiEB, .....-.....JSacretary. I. W. Case.. . .....j:........Treasurerr JOHN Fox......... ..,.. . .Superintendent. Established 1870 CASE, -; PIONEER mm ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Does, a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn Available 'hr anyparr'of the World. STEAMER t Zb "rrrs leir 'Jrf !SJhA.ii 7mi