The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 25, 1887, Image 3

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e flatly torfatt
Mm. Carl Adler is visiting friends
in Salem.
J. E. Higgins
has returned from
Judge Taylor yesterday adjournd
oourt till July 15th.
There are fourteen Chinese lopers
at the Multnomah county poor farm.
The Qen. Miles arrived in yesterday
and is advertised to leave for Gray's
harbor this morning.
S. Benn, one of Aberdeen's leading
citizens, is in the city purchasing sup
plies for his cannery.
George F. and Bonnie Welch
started yesterday morning to visit
their grand parents at Salem.
A consignment of railroad iron
the first was received via Columbia
yesterday and can be seen this morn
ing on the O. K. & N. dock.
If you think there isn't much build
ing and improvements going on in
Astoria, just try to engage a carpen
ter or painter once or twice.
In the circuit court yesterday the
case of Mrs. Daggett vs. O. Landross
was argued and submitted. The case
of S. Johnson vs. Jno. Johnson was
Over 40,000 brick were shipped
from Vancouver to this city last week,
and yet we have clay here that will
make as good if not better brick than
any that can be brought here.
Nearly every town in Oregon is go
ing to celebrate the coming Fourth of
July, - Astoria is up and dressed and
will fittingly celebrate the 111th an
niversary of American independence.
"Marion D.Egbert, the live editor of
that live newspaper, the Walla Walla
Journal, has been down this way
with his wife and mother-in-law, and
goes up on the Thompson this morn
ing. "
Interior papers complain of the
heat: here the weather is juBt right:
about as near perfect as weather ever
gets: pleasantly warm with refreshing
breezea by day: deliriously cool at
night. ,
The total value of taxable property
as aggregated on the City assessor's
books s 1,445,963. The "board of
equalization meets this evening and
the council will make the tax levy
next Tuesday.
Justice Field, one of the judges
from whose decision there is no ap
peal throughout the nation, was here
yesterday morning and expressed
himself in very complimentary terms
regarding our little city.
What's the matter with reviving
that street railway soheme? There's
just as good reasons to-day for its
building as there were in '84, and
that the business would pay is just as
evident now as it was then.
One of R R Marion's teams in
dulged in another runaway yesterday
morning, not quite so disastrous as
the one just preceding, but yet un
satisfactory in an economic point of
view. Runaways are unusually
numerous in Astoria this summer.
v John Miller's milk team had an
early rnnaway yesterday morning,
starting from in front of Charles
Wright's and running down Chena
mus, scattering the milk cans and
breaking the tongue of the wagon.
They were finally stopped on the cor
ner of Olney street, where one of the
horses fell down.
Business men along Squemoqua
street from Cass to Olney organized
a broom and Bhovel brigade yesterday
morning, and energetically cleaned
the filth off the street in a way that
well illustrates the truth of the old
adage: "If you want a thing done,
do it yourself." 'Tis a good example
and worthy of being followed.
The Colum b ia in yesterday, is re
ported in the dispatches to be the
first in the line of San Francisco
steamers to inaugurate the new rate
to interior points. But an O. B. &
N. official, who knows just what he is
saying, informs the' writer that the
rates put in operation yesterday have
really been in effect for nearly three
Bhea, the great actress whom two
continents delight to honor and who
has made three triumphal tours of
"the United States, will appear at
Boss's opera house next Monday in
the play of "Pygmaleon and Galatea."
A world-renowned actress, arrayed
in magnificent costumes, supported
byflae" company, she will doubtlesB
h&veVl&rge audience on that occas
ion.' Reserved seats at the New York
Messrs. Stockton, Worsley and
Selig, oommittee on Dnphunnies,
have prepared a programme whioh is
rich and rare, and whioh will be car;
ried out in a style of gorgeouBness
rarely equaled and never excelled.
There will be a prize of 15 awarded
to the best sustained, character, and
of $10 to the next best The matter
is in good hands, and the committee
named will make the "Dnphunnies"
an interesting feature of the proces
BsYetWast Xer Flae Cleaned!
If you do, T. Clifton & -J.' Lavallee
will do the job neatly and cheaply.
Leave orders at The Astoriax office.
Lemon Ice Cream it Fabre's to-day.
i i
best oysters in any stj !e at
v v OetoJettefBroysteraj
Private Booms.
The "Geneva" Wihs the Oenn Yacht Race.
New York, Juno 24. Exohange
this morning became extremely activo
and excited with heavy declines. The
markot opened with a feeling of 'con
fidence in many of the stocks whioh
suffered so severely yesterday and
large supporting orders were given
all over the room. In a few moments
there was heavy selling apparent, and
reports were circulated that Jay
Gould was dead and that there had
been a falling out between Jay Gould
and Bussell Sage and Cyrus W. Field.
At the same time heavy blocks of
Manhattan stock were offered, caus
ing prices in that stock to break from
156 to 120. The room was crowded
with brokers and the decline brought
out selling orders in all classes of se
curities. Western Union telegraph
stock began to break down about 11
o'clock and in fifteen minutes had
dropped eight points. The fll in
other stocks was correspondingly
great. The greatest excitement was
in the loan crowd where many inqui
ries were made for loans on call, but
parties prominent in loaning money
refused to lend any amount, no mat
ter how small.
The excitement reached its greatest
height shortly before noon and a ver
itable panic was developed. No at
tention was paid by brokers to frac
tions in sales made by them and the
fluctuations were so wild that sales
were sometimeV from" five to ten per
cent, apart. Stocks bought near the
opening hours were thrown over when
the break ocourred and this selling
completely demoralized th specta
tors. Wall Btrfeet was the fcc-up of
more excitement than has beun wit
nessed since the May panic of 1S85,
but the increased short interest saved
the money panic by its demaud for
stooks for delivery, and -some large
operators entered the market and be
gan buying freely. They soon gath
ered a large following and, by heavy
buying, turned the market almost as
rapidly as it had fallen and stooks
took long jumps back to former
No failures are announced. Jay
Gould denies the story that he and
Cyrus W. Field had quarrelled, and
says they are as good friends as ever.
Salinas, Cal., June 24. The trial
or E. S. Simmons, for the alleged fir
ing of the Del Monte hotel has come
to a sudden close. This morning the
prosecution rested shortly after" the
opening of court, and the defense, to
the surprise of everybody, also rested
and expressed a desire to submit the
case without further testimony or
argument. The prosecution, although
taken by surprise, demanded that
the case bo argued before the jury.
Loceport, N. Y., June 14. The
recent order of the Dominion gov
ernment to Canadian customs officials
at Windsor to make a record of
all Amerioan residents at Detroit
and vio'.nity, who daily cross the line
to engage in work, has led to a
counter move by the collector of
customs at Niagara Falls and the
suspension bridge. This morning,
when the Canadian laborers engaged
in employment on this side, reached
the frontier of the United States the
customs deputies demanded their
names, ages, residences, occupations,
and where and by whom they were
employed. During the day notices
were served upon employers of these
foreigners that if they should con
tinue to employ such foreign labor
after July 1st the distriot attorney
would be recommendejl to proceed
against them according to law.
St. Louis, June 24. The family of
Dr. T. E. Buck were aroused at raid
night last night by a terrible ex
plosion which nearly wrecked the
house yet caused no injury to the
members of the doctor's family. A
hasty examination revealed the faot
that a dynamite bomb had been
placed on the sill of the doorway
and exploded. Dr. Buck considers
it the wort of an unknown enemy.
Winonona, Minn., June 24. Lavid
& Morton's sawmill was burned this
mornine. Loss. 8100,000. One hun
dred and fifty men are thrown out
ol employment by the disaster.
London, June 24. The yacht
Oenesta was sighted off Lizard this
morning. She is nearly two days
ahead of the others. .
All members of Besoue Engine Co.
No. 2 are requested to leave their uni
forms at tne engine nouse oi saia
company before the first day of July,
1887. By order W.J. Babby,
F. Z. Ferguson, -Foreman.
Purchasers for the two Al 2nd hand
safes. Apply to-day to Bergman arCo.
or Capt J. Qt. Hustler.
The latest Intelligence Eegarding It.
The 3. P. R. R. Will Not Bnlld at Present.
Portland, June 24. The editor of
the Oregonian has telegraphed to
San Fraucisco, to the speoial corre
spondent of that paper there, to look
up the matter aa to whether the
Southern Pacific railroad company
propose constructing a branoh rail
road from ForeBt Grove to Astoria,
as recently alleged. The correspond
ent telegraphs to the Oregonian to
day that he has interviewed there the
directors of the Southern Pacific
railroad company and that they have
informed him that it is not the pur
pose of the company to build that
road at present
Single person, each wny...... 0.15
Cart and one horse, one or two people,
each way 0.40
Express wagon, or four-wheeled buggy,
one horse, two people, each way ,0 69
"Wagon and two horses, average load.eacli
way ............. 0.75
The ferryboat will leayo
surra's p'r. cla-wop. smith's p't.
C A. M. 5 A. M. 9 ;30 A. M.
10:30 A.M. IOa.M. 11:33 A.M.
2:30 P.M. 2 P.M. 3:30 P.M.
4 30P.M. 4P.M. 8:30 P.M.
9 A.M.
11 A. M.
3 P.M.
SP. M.
Bates will be as above and in pro
portion, and for the summer trips
will be made about as indicated.
Clatsop Ferry Co.
Considerable attention was attract
ed yesterday about G p. St., on this
part of the insignificant little gob
of mud we call "the earth," by the
majestic appearance of the planet
Venus. Although the sun was several
degrees above the horizon and was
shining with undiminished splendor,
that brilliant evening star was glow
ing in the horizon and as visible to
the nude eye as the crescent moon,
near which the sparkling orb was
scintillating. And when the last rays
of the declining sun had darkened
into the gray of twilight which in
turn mellowed into the blue and sil
ver of the night, the Hesperian visit
or kindled to a brighter fire and hung
above the fir-fringed hills like the
rounded essence of a million con
centrated electric lights, its brilliancy
occasionally overspread by twinkling
tears as if in sorrow at the Bad lot of
man at having to pay 20 cents for a
little half-filled box of raspberries.
That dispatoh about the railroad
from Forest Grove here, whioh ap
peared in the HJews last Wednesday
and was copied, here the next morn
ing, appeared word for word in the
railroad news oolumn of the San
Fraucisco Chronicle of the 21st the
day before. Pilot Dan Graham, who
arrived in charge of the Columbia
yesterday, says that the proposed As
toria railroad is the general topic
among San Francisco business men.
The GVirom'cZe's generally well posted.
Times are reported lively it Aber
deen. Weathwax's mill is turning out
80,000 feet of lumber per day; West's,
30,000; Emery & Mack's, 40,000.
Wilson is removing his mill from St.
Helens, and will" cut 80,000 per day,
cutting three months on cedar, the
rest of the time on fir and spruce.
These mills, with the adjacent logging
camps, employ 250 men. Samuel
Benn is getting his cannery in trim
for fall operations. Mr. Widuim;,
irom tne ease, is estaoiisnmg a otuk, t
a telegraph line is under way. ,
Aberdeen is coming to the front.
Astonishing Success.
It is the duty of every person who
lias used Hoselee's German Syrup to
let its wonderful qualities be known
to their friends in curing Consump
tion, severe Conghs, Group, Asthma,
Pneumonia, and in faot all throat
and lung diseases. No person can
use it without immediate relief. Three
doses will relievo any case, and wo
consider it the duty of all Druggists
to recommend it to the poor, dying
consumptive, at least to try one bottle,
as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last
year, and no one case where it failed
was reported. Such a medicine as
the German Syriq) cannot be too
widely known. Ask your druggist
about it Sample bottles to try sold
at 10 cents. Regular Bize, 75 cents.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers,
in the United States and Canada.
A strange looking animal was on ex
hibition at the city hall corner yes
terday afternoon, which had been
caught robbing a henrooBt and killed
therefor. Many were the surmises as
to what manner ot beast it was and all
hands in turn gave it up.. At last along
came a man from Crook county and
as soon as he caught sight of its head,
said: "Well, Til be darned if there
ain't a mountain beaver!"
All firemen are hereby ordered
to meet at their respective en
gine houses at 9 o'clock a. m., July
4th, 1887., in full uniform. By order
Board of Foremen, B. 8. WoBSLEr.
E. Z. Febguson, Chief Engn'r.
All members of Astoria Engine Co.,
No. One, are requested to leave their
uniforms at the engine house of Baid
company before the first day of July,
1887. By order C. J. Tbkxohabd,
Ii. E. Selio, Foreman.
"Lodc Roll Call Day"
At the Methodist churoh to-morrow.
Love feast at 10 a. m., preach
ing at 11 a. m. by Bev. William Bob-
erts. Then following tne sermon tne
"long roll" will be called, when the
$800 pledged on the 3d of April last
will be laid at the altar of the church.
Jubilee service at 730 p. m., at whioh
time the sacrament of baptism will
be administered and the doors of the
church opened for the reception of
Scrofulous, Inherited and
Contagious Humors Cured
by Cuticura.
ffUIROUGH tho medium of ono of your
JL booka roceivod through Mr. Frank T.
Wray, Druggist, Apollo. Pa., I becamo ac
quainted with your Cpricuiu Remedies,
and tnko this opportunity to testify to you
that their use baa permanently cured me of
one of the worst cases of blood poisoning, in
connection with erysipelas, that I. havo over
seen, and this after having been pronounced
incurablo by some of tho best physicans in
our county. I take great pleasure in forward
ing to you this testimonial, unsolicited as it
is oy you, in order that others suffering from
similar maladies may bo encouraged to giro
your Ccticcba Kukdils a trial
P. S. WHITLINGKR, Leechburg, Pa.
Reference: Feank T. What,
Druggist, Apollo, Pa.
Jame3 E. Richardson, Custom House, New
Orleans, on oath says: "In 1870 Scrofulous
Ulcers broke out on my body until was a
mass of corruption, Everything known to
the medical faculty was tried in vain. I be
came a mero wreck. At times could not
lift my hands to my head, could not turn in
bed ; was in constant pain, and looked upon
life as a curse. No relief or cure in ten years.
In 1880 I heard of tho Cpticubjl Remedies,
used them, and was perfectly cured."
Sworn to before U. S. Com, J. 1), Crawford,
We have been selling your Cuticura Rem
fdik3 for years, and have the first complaint
yet to rccoivo from a purchaser. Ono ot tho
worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw was cured
by tho use of five bottles of Cuticura Resol
vent. Cctiocra, and Cuticurv Soap. Tho
soap takes the "cake" here as a medicinal
soap. TAYLOR & T A Y LOR,
Druggists, Frankfort, Kan.
And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair,
and Eruptions of the fakin, are positively
cared by Cuticurv and Cuticurv Soap ex
ternally, and Cuticurv Resolvent internally,
when all other modicinc3 fail. Send for Pam
We have obtained satisfactory results from
tho use of tho Cuticura Remedies in our own
family, and recommend them beyond any
other remedies for disoases of tho skin ana
blood. Tho demana for them grows as their
merits become known.
MACMILLAN & CO, Druggist3, Latrobo. Pn.
arosold everywhere. Price: Cuticurv. tho
Great Skin Cure, CO ct? Cuticura Soap, an
Exquisite IJoautiuor, ii cts.: Luticcr v kksoi.
vext, the New Blood Purifier, SI 00. Potter
Druoasd Chemical Co., nostou.
DIMPliES. Blackheads, Skin Blemishes.
r I Hi and Baby Humors, uso Cuticura Soap.
Choking Catarrh.
Have ou awakened from a disturbed sleep
with all tho horriblo sensations of an assas
sin clutching your throat and pressing tho
lifo-breath from j our tightened chest? nave
you noticed the languor and debility that
succeed the effort to clear jour throat and
head of this catarrhal matter? What a
depressing influenco it exerts upon the mind,
clouding tho memory and filling tho head
with pain: and strange noises ! How dif
ficult it is to rid tho nasal passages, throat
and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can
testify who are afflicted with catarrh. : How
difficult to protect the system ajrainst its
further progress towards tho lung, liver and
kidneys, all phjsicians will admit. It is a
terrible disease, and cries out for relief and
Tho remarkablo curative powers, when all
other remedies utterly fail, of Saxford's
Radical Curf, are attested by thousands
who gratefully recommend it to follow-suffor-ers.
No statement is made rogarding it that
cannot be substantiated by the most respect
ables and reliable references.
Each packet contains ono bottle of the
Radicvl Cure, ono box of Catarrhal Sol
vest, and an Improved Inhaler, with treat
ise and direction", and is sold by all druggists
for $1 00.
Pottku Drug & Chemical Co., Boston.
From the bench and tho coun
ter, from the loom and sewing
machine goos up tho cry of pain
and weakness. Aching Sides and
Back. Kidnoy and Utonno Pains.
Strains and Weakness. Coughs.
and Colds and Chest Pains, and ovory Pain
and Ache of daily toil relievcu In one
minute by the Cutionrn, Anti-Pain
clatter. New. elecant.and infallible. At
dnurgists. 25c , five for si.oo ; or of rottor
Drug and Chemical Co., Boston.
live tins of Board of Foremen.
The board of foremen of the sever
al fire companies met last evening.
Chief engineer Worsley stated that
he had received a communication
from tho Fourth of July committee
inviting the department to take part
in tho parade on the Fourth of July.
The invitation was accepted. It was,
on motion, ordered that a call be
published in Tna Astoeian for the
entire fire department to meet at
their respeotivo engine houses in fnll
uniform at 9 a. ir., Monday, Julv 4th,
A Sound ,egul Opiniou.
E. Bainbrldge Mundaj Esq., County
Atty., Clay Co., Ter. says: ''Have used
Electric Bitters with most happy results.
My brother also was very low with Ma
larial r-ever anu jaunaicp, but was
cured bv timely use of this medicine.
Am satfctied Electric Bitters saved his
Mr. I). I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave,
Ky., adds a liko testimony, saying: He
positively believes he would have died,
had it not been for Electric Bitters.
This great remedy will ward off, as
well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and
for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis
orders stands unequaied. Price 50c. and
1 1. at W. E. Dement & Co.'s
A fire alarm at half-past ten last
night brought out the department
on the double quick. Two's engine
was stationea, but the fire -was too
far away to think of getting there,
though the hook and ladder com
pany brought their truck as far as
Court and Main streets. The fire
was away out south of the Main
street cut, a two-story frame building
owned by Kinney Bros. It burned
brightly and in half an hour was
totally consumed. Loss, $800, fully
covered by insurance.
Unnecessary Misery.
Probably as much misery comes
from habitual constipation as from
any derangement ot the functions of
the body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason tbat no one likes to
take the medioines usually pre
scribed. HAMBUEG FIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At alldruggista. J. J. Mack
& Co., proprietors. S. F.
For the best photographs and tlntvu.'s
go to Crow's Gallery.
, . ,
A shell breastpin. Loser apply to H.
,H if
mm Wmm ;
B n If Hil
To be sure ; am borry tUough, will
have to mako it a little hotter
for some of my friends, in
the Clothing BusinoM.
From market with a very big
stock of the prettiest things to bo
It took considerable work and
gold coin to secure such Bargains
as I thought would suit my custo
mers, but T have succeeded and I
am ready now to accomodate all
of ray friends who may be in
search for
Don't Wait too Long.
Herman Wise,
Clotkier and Hatter
Occident Hotel Building, oppo
site Star Market.
Theo Bracker
Recommends to the public and to the
trade his stock oi Cigars, Tobacco, Smoker's
Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at
Portland prices. Ghenamus streat,
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
' j
he personally selected one of the'Largest
and Finest stocks of
lens Youths
Ever shown
ur Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylfsh, and
he Leading House of the City.
Moxie Nerve Food.
Contains Not a
Poison, Stimulant or
But is a simple sugar-cane like plant, grown near the Equator and
farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and
has proved itself to bo the only harmless and effeotive nerve food
known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man
hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, Boft
ening of tho brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by
nervous exhaustion. Tt gives a durable, solid strength, and makes
vou eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feeling like
maic, removes the fatigue from mental anjl physical overwork, At
once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines.
Dose, One Small WIncglasBiul Ererj Four Heilrs.
The loss of gas from the bottle does not weaken or injure the Mtwie..
- ' ' ' ' Look out for Counterfeits.
Price, 50 Cents- a Quart Bottle, or $5.00 per timn.
,f !
oys Clothing,
in Astoria.
perfect fitting garments.
Drop of