C3J $1tc .glattjj gitovtnn ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY JUNE IS. 18S7 Astoria got there in great shape. Dr. W.T). Baker came back Portland yesterday afternoon. from For a hastily gotten up affair that was a fine reception this morning. "Astoria fire department teams and the Telephone the fastest on land . and "water." Seattle -wants a "free delivery post office ariQ- an inspector has been or dered .to .investigate. - m The wife and family of A. B. Web ber are visiting his sister, Mr&. G. T. Thomes in this city. Last Thursday night some thief entered"Tom Graves' saloon and stole six or seven dollars in small ohange from the till. The -white butterfly orchids at Johnson's floral gardens are now in bloom and ladies can see them by calling there. Work has been commenced on street-railroads in Spokane and it is expected that cars will be running about November 1st. The Rosalind discharged ballast at the Main street wharf and went to Knappton to load lumber yesterday, in tow of the Canby. In Tacoma John A.Lotz has brought suit against -the city for 5,000 for oausing the death of his son Ralph, who was killed by a falling embank ment a short time since. A party from Gray's Harbor tells the Journal' of" the- existenoe of a wild man in thef woods near Aber deen, .whoso appearance is so hideous as to strike with terror all who behold him. Th&Venture has been lying near Fort Oanby since her unsuccessful attempts to go north after seal, and it is said she will be fitted up for coasting between this city and other points. Capt. A. . Shaw has received a communication from the Portland Fourth of July committee, requesting Oo. "H" to participate in the celebra tion in that city. It was necessary to decline the invitation as the com pany have made arrangements to as sist in the celebration at home. The Grand Lodge of Masons which convened in" Portland on the 16th inst, have, elected the following of ef ficers: A. Nasburg, most worshipful grand master; B. Van Dusen, deputy gran'dV mister; James F. Robinson, grand-senior warden;-H. E. Harris, grand3mrior" warden; D. 0. Mc Keroher, grand ' treasurer; J. F. Bab cock, secretary. Between 7 . and 8 o'clock yesterday morning the lookout for the life sav ing servioe at the cape discovered a fishing boat' capsized and its crew struggling, in the breakers on Pea cook spit Oapfc. Walker and his gal lant crew instantly manned the life boat and-went to their assistance, and succeeded 'in rescuing the crew from a watery grave. The men were fishing for Jos. Hume, and cannot express their gratitude to their deliv erers who bravely rescued them from a placeriioother boat could reach. The Excursion to Vancouver. The Multnomah left Main street dock at 6 'o'clock Thursday morning with some 'two hundred passengers for Vancouver, where she arrived aBout li39. After witnessing the con tests Thursday afternoon, the party started back to this city at 8 o'clock . that evening, and all went well till about 2. o'clock yesterday morning when the steamer got aground just above Tongue Point, where she wa3 compelled to remain until about 9 o'clook. The excursionists made the best of a disagreeable situation and some amused themselves as best they could to' keep awake while many improvised beds on jfthe settees and " life preservers of the steamer. She landed at the dock about 10 o'clock and a tired .lot of people were released from tKeir 'Imprisonment, and thus terminated a trip which .was a little too long.-' The "boat did not take quite as large a number as was anticipated, owing to Unforeseen 'circumstances, but the receipts from tickets, together with fares collected from passengers on the down trip, will prevent the ex cursion from proving a financial loss. Real -Estate Transfers. Uriah Hassell and wife to James T. Bullook, 12 acres and improvements, in sec. 3, T. 7 N, R 9 W; S225. 'B.L.Ward to O. O. Hansell, part of N & of SW X sec. 34. and lots 3 and 4, sec. 83, in T. 8 N, R 10 W, and improvements; 81.500. ' Horso and. Hoggy lor Sale. The horse is kind for either wason or saddle, and the buggy is in first-class condition. For terms apply to A. B. Webber at. Wm. T. Coleman Co.'s cannery. - - Lodging House and Restaurant Tor Rent. The commodious building on Main streetformerly known as the Pioneer Re&Mirant, has lately been .thoroughly jenovated, repaired and hard finished : has 15 rooms up'stairs and six on 'first, floor beside dining room, kitchen and woodshed. Apply to H. Spetxmkirk. ChneXost. On the Multnomah, on Friday morn ing, a gold headed cane, marked with initials "0. II. C. Jan. lth, 1&5? leave at Astoria office and got suitable re ward. The finest and nicest steak to be had in town atFabre's. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeff's restaurant. THE VICTORS AT VANCOUVER. Last Day of the Piremen's Tournament. The Asloriii Roy- Have the Jlusdc Hnd Training to Get There Evcrv Time. Vancouver, W. T., June 17. The State Firemen's association met this morning and elected Gard. Kellogg of Seattle, president; F. L. Parker, sec retary; Wm. F. Dugan of Salem, treasurer; B. S. Worsley, statistician; C. W. Fulton, first vice president; Wm. McCurdy, Roseburg, second vice president; James Riesing, .East Portland, third vice president; J. A. Beard, -Lebanon, fourth vice presi dent; John Wentworth, Vancouver, fifth vice president. Board of direc direc eors: J.-W. Hoffman, Albany, P. W. Weeks, Astoria, T. D. Hart, Walla Walla. Committee on tepics: Rob ert M. Day, Eugene, L. A. Sanctuary, Roseburg, J. A. Preston. The board will meet in Portland in ninety days to select the time and place for the next tournament. THE CHAMPIONSHIP HOSE BAOE. The State Association champion ship hose race was run at 10 o'clock. Astoria No. Ones made the run in 2:14 4-5; Resoue No. Twos made it in 1:37 2-5; Lebanon, 1M 3-5. THE AIiBAKr BOYS KIOK. Upon the judges deciding that yes terday's foot race was a tie, Hoffman stood on the track and announced that the Albany team would not par ticipate because of dissatisfaction with the judges' decision. THE DISSATISFACTION REMOVED. After the champion hose race was fiuished, Worsley announced that Parker, of Rescue No. Two, wished that the foot race be awarded to Cam eron of Albany. This made the Al bany boys feel better; that apparent cause of dispute being thus removed, Astoria No. Ones filed their protest regarding the Lebanons in the Cham pionship hose race, because the coup ling fell apart. A rocess was taken till 1 p. m. BE3CUE3 THE CHAMPION3. The new board of directors met at 12:30 this afternoon, when a motion was unanimously adopted declaring Rescue Twos are declared ohampions of the association. The rules governing hose company con tests, introduced nt Salem in 1880 by George Noland, were adopted by sections. FUBTHEU CONTESTS. The make-and-break couplings race was not mUf, there being only one team entering. The hose race, dry test, was participated in by all the companies present. Astoria Ho. 1 51 345 seconds; Reacue No. 2, 47 2-5 secends: Lebanons, 49 3-5 seoonds; Vancouvers, 52 3-5 seconds; Walla Wallas, 4G 2-5 seconds; Albany, 52 3-5 seconds. STBAIGHT-AWAY RCE NARROW ESCAPE . Speed race for hose companies, straight away, was" next. In this race Wm. Kinney had a narrow escape. He fell, but rolled to one side and the wheel of the cart grazed his head. Rescues No. 2, 28 1-5; Lebanons, 30 4-5; Vancouvers, 29 3-5; Walla Wallas, 30. The judges and time keepers met immediately af ter and made awards to the winning teams. They gave a special $25 prize to the Walla Walla team for coming the furthest distance. The board of directors then met and approved the action of the judges except in the protest of. L?banons, and in the speed race was awarded to Res cues, and second prize in ohampiouc ship awarded Astoria No. Ones. m THE WJND-UP. Some bad feeling was manifested at the close, but no more than usual on such occasions. It is manifestly impossible to have every one suited where so many com pete. There was a dress-parade of the garrison at six o'clock. The returning Astoria delegation left on the Telephone for home at 8 o'clock, evgry one feeling good. Attention Select. Knights or A. o. u. w. Each and every one of you are hereby notified to appear at our hall on next Thursday evening; June 23rd, at eight o'clock p. m, for the purpose of transact ing business of importance. By order of the Ooniraander. R. L. Boyle, Recorder. Announcement. James r. Hixson, representing the merchant tailorinc establishment of Gordon Bros., 13 Kearney street, San Francisco, has 'arrived in Astoria and will remain at the Occident hotel for a few -days, tuiu have on exhibition a fall line of sample coods for centlemen's wear, suitable tor the present and com ing season. Those wishing first-class custom-made clothing will do well to give him a call. He is the only scientific, practical cutter who has taken diplo mas in the principal cities of the east for correct measuring, skillful labor, a Perfect fit, and who is solicting orders, 'here are a creat many adventurers traveling who are not tailors and who do not repiesent a responsible house, who cannot take a correct measure, subject ing the people to a great annoyance and loss. Hoping that the public will en courage a scientific man to do their work, Mr. Hixson Is recommended. Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day. Gotoj efllsforoys tcr, Private Rooms. A0E0SS LAND AHD BEA. Steamer Burned With Loss of Life. Spectilatow Picking Each Sn Chicago. Others' Bones Chicago, June 17. The steamer Champlain was burned last night off Charlevoux, Michigan. The boat was running ten miles an hour when the flames suddenly started up from un der tho engine, driving the engineer from his post with his olothes on fire. Tho alarm was given and the sleeping passengers aroused and in ten min utes from the time the boat caught fire the passengers'were all compelled to jump into the lake. The steward says there were fifty-seven persons on board, including the crew. Of this number twenty are known to be drowned and seven aro unaccounted for. Those saved floated for an hour and a half when they were rescued by a yawl and fish boats from shore. Several of the crew were badly burned. Seven bodies have already been re covered. The Champlain wa3 val ued at 3100,000. . monument dedicated. NEWHAVEN,Junel7. Over one hun dred thousand strangers were in the city to-day to witness the dedication exercises of the soldiers' and sailors' monument at Eastrock Point. The opening exercises commenced last night with a reception to Generals Sherman, Sheridan, Terry, Schofield, Sickles and other soldiers by local Grand Army posts In .the parade this morning over 10,000 men were in line. President Dwight of Yale Col lege delivered the opening address and Rev. Newman Smith the oration at the unveiling of the monument. QUABBEMilNa OVEB THE WRECK. Chicago, June 17. Suit has been entered by Jones, McCormick & Ken neth against Maurioe Rosenfeld & Co., for forty-five thousand dollars; also for $75,000 by same plaintiffs against C. J. Kershaw & Co. Byron J. McLeary commenced a suit of at tachment against Maurice Rosenfeld for $40,000, and W. D. Wadhams & Co. have requested all parties having trade with them to close them out. Robt. Lindblow this afternoon se cured an attachment against Egles ton, Kershaw's baoker, and will use it against the latter's count on the board of trado clearing house. REMOVED THE PROFESSORS. Andover, Mass., June 17. The board of visitors of the Andover the ological seminary to-day voted to dis pense with jthe services of President O. E. Smith and Professor Woodruff, as tho outoome of the reoent trial. THE COFFEE "MARKET DISTURBED. New York, June 17. The coffee market opened excited 190 points or nearly 2 cents per pound below the close yesterday on -all months. It is reported that large houses are in trouble and will probably succumb. suspicious baggage. Dublin, Jnne17. The custom au thorities at Queenstown, in examin ing the baggage.of passengers of the steamer Adriatic, had their sus picions aroused regarding the con tents of a wooden box belonging to a passenger named Peter Coy. ltr it was found a number of packages which contained a substance! that looked like an explosive, and it was deoided therefore to arrest Coy and hold him pending an analysis of the- contents of the .packages: Co pro tested against his detention in Bride well. He says a jfriond of 'his in America gave him a box of explosives to take to Bos acred. OVATION TO O'BRIEN. Dublin, June 17. Wm. O'Brien, editor of United Ireland, who ar rived at Queenstown to-day, received an ovatien: Scores of deputations from various places in Ireland were at the landing to greet him and to es cort him to his hotel. An immense crowd gathered, in front of the hotel, and O'Brien addressed them, allud ing to his American experience and thanking them for his cordial recep tion. After receiving addresses from deputations this afternoon he will go to Cork, where he will be tendered the freedom of the city. an opinion. San Francisco, June 17. Hoffung, an Englishman, and charge d'af faires for the Hawaiian kidgdom, is now in this city. He says he has little faith in the prediction that a revolu tion is imminent in that kingdom. He will leave fer the inlands next Thursday. ' CHINAMAN MUBDEBED. San Francisco, June 17f A China man named Lee Tai was found mur dered on Dupont street early this morning near a disreputable house. A number of arrests have been made, but no clue has beerf obtained as to the murderer. DEAD. North Adams, Mass., June 17. Ex President Mark HopkinB of Williams College died this morning. AMXE3T7. QBANTED. Ambtebdam, June 17. Amnesty has been granted all persons who were concerned in riots here in July last. RAILROADS IN INDIA. - It is rumored that telegrams have been received in London ordering the Indian government to forward troops to the Afghan frontier; also, it has been said that orders have been issued for the completion of the railway line to Crindahar and the extension of tho Peshawaur railroad to Jumrood. Owen Sound, June 17. The Cana dian Pacific railway's steamer Itha basca ran ashore on the Isle of Canes in Georgian bay yesterday. Her pas sengers have been brought to Owen Sound. It is thought both vessel and cargo will be saved. BLAINE IN LONDON. London. June 17. James G. Blaine and family reached London this af ternoon. RETURN OF THE CHAMPION'S. Astoria Welcomes the Victorious Repre sentatives of Her Fire Department. All day yesterday brooms were go ing up the flag-pole on No. 2's engine house until the pole looked like one gigantic broom. The enthusiasm ran high as successive dispatches reported the glorious performance of Astoria's fire department. Torches and illu minators were prepared, the band was engaged and when the Telephone came plowing around Tongue Point taps of the fire bell called the mem bers of the department aud citizens out to give our fire boys a reception their splendid performance merited. The Telephone left Vancouver at six minutes past eight yesterday evening and blew her whistle in front of the city at twenty-nine minutes past twelve, making the run in four hours and twenty-three minutes. Asto ria ' was on hand to greet with hearty welcome the re turning Astorians. When the boat came to the dock the Western Amateur band was there playing live ly tunes, the fire department and cit izens were drawn up in torch-light procession, and escorted the return ing teams to their engine-houses, which were brilliantly lighted up. Though the hour wus very late, a lunch was served, the boys were con gratulated on their success, and hand-shaking, speeches and cheers were kept up till after 1 o'clock this morning. Astoria is proud of her firemen, their victories, their good temper and hearty co-operation and signal success in this as in preced ing tournaments. VITIATED BLOOD Scrofulous, Inherited and Contagious Humors Cured by Guticura. THROUGH tho medium of one of your books received through Mr- Frank T. AVray, Druggist, Apollo.Pa., I becamo ac quainted with your Cuticuiu Keukdiks, and tako this opportunity to testify to you that their use has permanently cured mo of one or the worst cases of blood poisoning, in connection with erysipelas, that I. havo ever seen, and this after having been pronounced incurable by some of tho best physicans in our county. I tako great pleasure in forward ing to you this testimonial, unsolicited as it is by you, in order that others suffering from similar maladies may bo encouraged to givo your Guticura RkukdieS a trial P. S. WHITLINGKR.Lcechburg, Pn. Reference: Fbank T. What, Druggist, Arollo, Pa. SCROFULOUS UL.CEK8. James E. Richardson, Custom House. Now Srleans, on oath says: "In lb70 Scrofulous leers broko out on my body until 1 was a mass of corruption, Everything known to the medical faculty was tried in vain. I be came a mere wreck. At times could not lift my hands to my head, could not turn m bed ; was in constant pain, and looked upon life as e enrse. No relief or cure in ten years. Inl8S3I heard of the Cuticura Remedies, used.thom. and was perfectly cured." Sworn to before U. S. Com, J. D, Crawford, dNE OF TI1K WORST CASES, We have been selling your Cuticura Rem edies for years, and have the first comrlaint yei to recoive trom a purcnaser. une ot tno worst cases orbcroiula 1 ever saw was cured by thouseof fivo bottles of Cuticurv Resol vent, CuTiruRx, and Cuticurv SoAi Tho soap takes the "cake" hero as a medicinal soap. " TAYLOR & TAYLOR, Druggists, Frankfort, Kan. SCROFBIiOUsTlNUKUITED And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, and Eruptions of the Skin, aro positively eared by Cuticura and Cuticura Sou ex ternally, and Cuticura Resolvent internally, when all other medicines fail. Send for Pam phlet, DRUGGISTS USE TIIK31. WVhavo obtained satisfactory results from tho use of the Cuticura Remedies in our own family, and. recommend them beyond any ouier remedies jor qisqusos oi mo SKin ana blood. The demand for them grows as their morits beeome known. MACMILLAN & CO, Druggists, Latrobo, Pa. cutacuraTkemedies xresold everywhere. Price: Cuticuri, tho great Skin Cure, 50 cts,, Cuticura Soap, an -Exauiaite Beautifior, 25 cts.: Cuticura Rksol- vmrr, tho New Blood Purifier, SI 00. Potter Drco aud Chkuical Co.. Boston. QIMPLES. Blackheads, Skin Blemishes, rlill and Baby Humors, use Cuticura Soap. Choking Catarrh. Have you awakened from a disturbed sleep with all tho horrible- sensations of an assas sin clutching your throat and pressing tho lifa-breath from your tightened chest? llavo I you noticed tho languor and debility that succeed tho effort to cloar your throat and head of this catarrhal matter? What a depressing influence it exerts upon tho mind, elouding the momory and filling tho head with pains and strange noises ! How dif ficult it is to rid tho nasal passages, throat and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can testify who aro afHictod with catarrh. How difficult to protect tho system against its further progress towards the lungs, liver and kidney 8, all physicians will admit. It is a terrible disease, and cries out for relief and cure. The remarkable curative powers, when all other remedies utterly fail, of Santord'8 KAmrAL Cukk, aro attested by thousands who gratefully recommend it to fellow-sufferers. So statement is mado regarding it that cannot be substantiated by tho most respect ablo and reliable references. Each packet contains ono bottle xf the Hiuirai. CnRv. one box of Catarrhal Sol- vest, and an Improved Isbaler, with treat ise and directions, and i3 sold by all druggists for 81 00. POTTER DBUQ & CnKSIICAIi CO., BOitOIl. HOW MY SIDE ACHES. From the bench and tho coun ter, from tho loom and sewing maehine goes up the cry of pain and weakness. Aching bides and Hack, Kidney and Uterine Pains, Strains and Weakness. Coughs. and Colds and Chest Pains, and every Pain and Acho of daily toil relieved la one mlBUte by the Caticara Anti-Pain Planter. New. elegant, and infallible. At druggists. 25c-J A f 31.00; or of Potter Drug and Chemical Cg., Boston. Hosiery and Underwear Dena Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. We are now showlnca very fine adoption in the above Departments nt Extraordinary Low i'rlces. AH our Holsery aro Extra Lengths and full regular made. Ladies' Unbleached Balbriggan Hose, 6 Pair in a Box. 25 cts. per pair 35 cts. per pair Extra sizes for stout Ladies, Sizes 8 to 10. 25cts. to 50cts. per pair. Fancy and Plain Thread Hosiery in Navy, Seal, Slate, Mode, .Black, Garnet, Light Blue, Pink, Gold, Oxford Grays, etc., from 20 cts. to 50 cts. per pair. . - Plain and Fancy Lisle and Silk IIos2 in Xcw Shades, designs and Stupes from 50 cts to 33.00 per pair. . , Children's Hosiery in French and Derby ltibs, all colors, solid and fancy 20 cts. to 50 cts, per pair. Underwear in Thread. Merino and Cashmere. Sizes from 26 to 40. " r A full line of Ladles' Gauze Vests in high neck and short sleeves aud high neck and long sleeves, Summer weights, extra value 50 cts. each. Children's Underwear from 25cts. each, upwards. .ssomx-, x MONEY "Waste time in look ing around -when vou can step into my place of business any day, and feel perfectly sure that you get goods dt the very lowest figures. HERMAN W THE RELIABLE Clothier andSatter. (Occident Hotel Building.) Theo. Bracker Eecoramends to the public and to the trade his stock of Ctears, Tobacco, Smoker's Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at Portland prices. Chenamusstieet, G. A. STiNSON & CO., BLAGKSM1THING, 4.C Cape Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. 8hlp and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Practical WATCHMAKER And 7T 33 X. 33 3R. WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Repaired on the Shortest Notice at Rea sonable Rates. Chenamus St next to Spexartb's Gun store. ISE, W. F. jg&cwyjall i&a 3" 33 " $1.35 per box. 1.83 per box. 30 cts. per pair 50 cts. per pair MORE PALATABLE IF KEPT ON DOUBLE OF Moxie Nerve Contains Not a Drop of Medicine, Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol. But is a simple sugar-cane like plant, grown near the Equator and farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and has proved itself to be the only harmless and effective nerve f&od known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, soft ening othe brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and makes you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless .feeling like magic, removes the fatigue from mental and ph7sical overwork, at once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines. Dose, One Small Wineglass! ul Every Four Hours. The loss of gas from the bottle does not weaken or injure the Moxie." Look out for Counterfeits. Price, 50 Cents a Quart Bottle, or $5,00 per Dozen. ': FOR SALE L Ui ASTORIA, CALL AND GET A CIRCULAR. .373E33Ii33333:C32a-13 .HXTO. w7. MILLER & GREENWOOD. AGENTS FOR 1309 MARKET ST. rtment Bl.65 perbox. .-. 2.75 perbox. ? o:o.:E3&oisr ICE. WILL KEEP ANYWHERE. EXTRACT Food. ONLY BY THE PACIFIC COAST. SAN FRANCISCO. Bed & Sons,