Ci3 Wt S& tcrdmt ASTOKIA. OREGON: SATURDAY ..JUNE 18. 18S7 SOCIABLE POLITICS. The organization and working methods of the Labor party of New York city present some novel and interesting features. In every assembly and in most election dis tricts, regular monthly business meetings are held, and in nearly half the districts permanent head quarters have been secured, many of which are open every evening. These district organizations have no pecuniary resources outside of the purses of the members. The hat is passed round to collect funds to pay rent and current ex penses, and each member is as sessed 10 cents a month, but the charge is not strictly enforced, and receipts from that source are meager and uncertain. Under the circumstances the maintenance ot a vigorous organization indicates the zealous devotion of the party to its objects, and accounts for the confidence with which its leaders declare their ability to carry the city at the next election. It is the social side of fhis polit ical movement, says the S. F. Bul letin, which forms its most remark able feature. Members take their wives and children with them to the business meetings of the dis trict assemblies, and in some cases women take part in debate. The assemblies hold "entertainment" as often as business meetings, and speeches, recitations and musio displace liquor and tobacco, which, by tacit consent, are forbidden at these labor meet ings. A piano is almost as con stant a feature of the various dis trict headquarters as a secretary's table, and often very fair amateur concerts are given. In some dis sricts semi-weekly debates on eco nomic subjects are held, and the speakers often show close familiar ity with the works, not only of the prophets and teachers of their own politico-economic faith, but of the leading authors on various sides of the question. No such instance of the welding of social and polit ical affairs has ever been known in the United States, except, possi bly, in the Grange movement, but there the conditions are so dif ferent that a parallel can hardly be drawn. "What the ultimate effect of this feature may be on the methods and prospects of the party remains to be shown, but unpreju diced observers admit that its im mediate result is good. No doubt it grows out of an enthusiastic faith that this political movement will bring about a decided change for tho better in the condition of the working classes. Anticipation is apt to outrun possession in this, as in many other matters, and it would be unsafe to predict the per manence of thisfeature of political life in New' York, or. its develop ment in our other great citis. Losses by fire on the Pacific coast during the month of May, says the Pacific Underwriter, were 8239,119, divided as follews: California,'- $218,800; Oregon, $2,362; "Washington territory, $6,320; Mon tana territory, 811,637. Heart Disease!!! Bead the hospital reports, read the mortuary reports, read the medicine publications, read the daily news papers, and learn how wide-spread is xicurb lubeubtvuow uiuicuii or detec tion it is to most people, how many and how midden nro dentTin it nnncoa Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on Heart Disease, and learn what it is, what causes it. what diseases it chvas rise to, what its symptoms are, and ana now n may De attacked. It .you find that, von have honrfc diapnnp. askvonr drnrrcisfc for n hfittlA of Th Flint's Heabt Eemedy. The treatise may be had on application to J. J. MACK & CO., Nos. 9 and 11 Front street, S. F. m mm - - Private Rooms. m At Frank Fabrtfs for suppers, par- uro, cw. ,jl,u: ueat cuogea io oraec Have Yoh Tried That delicious drink, SarharelJ, at jranK a anres i J.I not aon't lau to call and sample it You will like it. French .Lemonade by the glass, cool and whole some. Telephone Xo4ginr House. Best Beds in town. Booms per. night ou ana zo cis., per wees slsu. .New ana clean. Private entrance. Meeting orFonrth of July Committee The committee met Fridav evening, June 17, '87, Hon. J. H. D. Gray in the chair. On mnh'nn. Thomas Dealey was appointed temporary secretary. A communication from Fort Canby was read, notifying the president of the committee that a firine nartv would be sent if transportation is fur nished. The communication was re ceived and placed on file. It was moved and seconded that Mayor Trullinger be appointed presi dent over the day and Col. Jaa. Tay lor vice-president. Dr. Garner was unanimously elected chaplain of the day. Alex. Campbell was unanimous ly chosen marshal with power to se lect his aids. It was ordered that Mr. I. Berg man be appointed a committee of one to see that a suitable barbecue be pro vided. Thomas Dealey was instructed to see Collector Hobson concerning the permission to occupy the custom house grounds. It was ordered that the committee have power to select a suitable design for a gold medal to be awarded to the best drilled man in Company "H," as may be provided by the members of the company. It was ordered that the oommittee on printing be ordered to have pro grammes printed and distributed im mediately. It was ordered that it be requested that the programme be published un til July 4th. Adjourned to meet next Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. Thanks of tho G. A. B. At a regular meeting of Cushing Post held Tuesday evening, loth inst., the following preamble ancLresolution were adepted: Whebeas, On the 30th day of May, 1887, Gushing Post No. 14, Depart ment of Oregon, Grand Army or the Bepnblio, having in connection with other citizens and visiting comrades observed Memorial Day in an ap propriate manner, and proceeded to the cemetery, escorted by a guard of honor of the Oregon btate troops, where suitable ceremonies were per formed at the grave, followed in con clusion by an oration at the church; therefore, be it Besolved, That-the thanks of this irost are due and they are hereby tendered to all who assisted in pay ing this tribute of respeet to our de parted comrades. Au End to Bone Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Ilarribburg, 111., says: "Having received so much bene fit from Electric Bitters, 1 feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. liave had a running sore on my leg for eight years : my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated, l usea, msteaa, three Dot tles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 25c per box by w. E. Dement & Co. Special nicotlugr, O. B. F. F. U. There will be a special meeting of the Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union, at Ross' Opera House, Wed nesday, June 15th, '87, at 9 o'clock 4.. m., sharp. Business of importance to be transacted. By order of the Central Board. Special Notice, I. O. O, F. Members of Beaver Lodge No. 35, 1. O. O. F. are hereby notified that thpre will be an important meeting of the above Lodge at 8 o'clockThursday even ing, June 23rd, 1887, at the suggestion made bytheG. L. of Oregon, that each lodge appropriate one dollar per member per year to the W. & O.H.&E. P. will be considered pnd acted upon. By order of the N. G. T. S. Jewett. Sec. What! Do You Think Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 25 cents. For Tlie Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at his new gallery on tho road way. Sawed and Shared Shingles Fresh Lime. Cement and Plaster Paris, at J. H. D. Gray's. BORX. In Astoria. June 17. 1887. tn thi wifA of A. M. Twombley, a daughter. NEW TO-DAY. Assignnee's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE late firm ot John Black & Co have this day made a general assignment for the benefit of ttieir creditors to the undersigned and that all persons holding claims against said firm are hereby notified to present their claims under oath to the undersigned at the law office of C. It, Thomson, In Astoria. Oregon, within three months from this date. HANS CHRISTENSEN, Assignee of the estate of John Black & Co. Dated Junel7th, 18S7 v2G-Ct Should Like The -Judgement of the Fishermen, The large Purso Salmon Seines, forbid quick handling, by reason of great weight. Good Pursing, is Quick Pursing. Our Mr. Stowe has made since 1850, over ijmo rurse acmes, ana ineir improved capa city has kept pace with their crowing light ness. We'iyirposeto supply the Salmon Fisheries with Purse Kelnch, say of 1,000 lbs. Stowe Twine against 1.C00 lbs. medium patent and both One Size and Stfescth. and Service. Wc save in ropes and cork?, and lejs labor to handle, mo i e than the excess of cost of the Stowe over the medium patent, and gain largely In Catch, giving as we trust a large n?tt gain. Samples for examination and test will be sent on application to the undersigned. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., GLOUCESTER. Boston Office, 93 Commercial Street. Boats Repaired. ANY ONE WANTING FISHING BOATS or other Boats Repaired can get good work done at K. M. Leathers' boat shop, overArndt&Ferchen's; foot of Lafayette street, C Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver i3 torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning the olood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. As a general family remedy for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc., I hardly ever use anytmng else, ana nave never so anything been disappointed in the effect produced; It seems to be almost a perfect euro for all diseases of the Stomach and Eowcls. W. J. McElroy, Macon. Uu. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., PhUaielpha, Pa. JPrlco Sl.OO. To The Fisherie Tho undersigned having had 15 years experience out of the port of Gloucester, in handling all kinds of seines is prepared to engage himself to handle any kind of seines, purse seines especially. And he is also able to find good seining grounds, where fish arc Elentiful. I am also prepared to treat seines y my patent process without which no seine is lit for salt water. Gloucester re ferences : A. Lelgbton, Androw Dodd. E. Seward, Azar. K, Lane, O. F. Friend DAN McPHEE, At Astor House, Astoria. Or. Office of Lionr-nouss Engineer, Thirteenth District, Portland, Oreg., June 13. 1887. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE cclved at this officeiuntil 12 o'clock M., on Monday,tbe27tu day of June,1837,for furnish ing miscellaneous article for the Light House Establishment. The articles needed consist of thirteen numbered lots, embracing, i espeetlvelv. Heavy and Miscellaneous Hardware, Paints. Oils, &c. : Cement, Lime, &c. ; Sheet-metal ware anu supplies ; iron ripe ana iittings; Maclilnlsts'Supplles and Tools : Coal, Coke, &c, ; Sewer Pipe and Fittings ; Ship-chandlery, Drugs ; Grass seed ; and Track Iron ; all of which are enumerated in the sneclflca- tloas attached to the form of bid, which may oe outameu on application to tins office. Bids will he received for one or more numbered lots complete. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to strike out any Item or items in the specifications, and to waive anv defects. chas. f. Powell, Captain of Engineer, U. S, A. Engineer Thirteenth District. HURRAH! FOR PORTLAND ! THE O. R. & N. Co. Knocks Them All Out! CHEAPEST EXCURSION RATES EVER OFFERED TO Portland and Return. JUNE 15, 1 6 and 17, SpXaOO Cheaper to Travel than Stay at Home! T.ckets good to Return until Monday, June 20th, inclusive. The same rate will he made from Portland to Astoria and Return. For Tickets apply to 0, R. & X. Co.'s Office, Astoria. Parties desiring to visit tho Firemen's Tournament can procure Tickets from Portland to Vancouver and Return For SO Cents. JNO. J. BYRNE, Gen'l Pass, Agt. E.A.NOYES. F.E.SHUTE Agent. Ticket Agt. One Skiff Found. MARK ON BOW. STR. McCANLY. CALL at Columbia Canning Co., and pay ex penses. J. O. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS, Candles. Smokers Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally. Opposite City Book Store. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Is on deck and prepared lo build boats that e will guarantee as to work and dur ability. Refers to all who have used boats of his construction. All work guaranteed . Proposals For Painting. BIDS "WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL noon, on Friday. 24 of June. 1837, for furnishing material for painting School House in District No. 1. A list of the quanti ty' rI1(lk,nJ ,f Points and Oi:s to be seen at J. W, Conn's Drug Store. The Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. J. W. CONN, Chairman Board School Directors. Astoria. June 13. '87. eepSeaFishin "We invite the DEEP SEA FISHER. IES to our STOWE fwi N E ' byVhifh they can save Fall ons Third or More m tho hulk of nettlne used in Seines of great or small bodies. With no reduction or Strength giving more certainty to the catch and large saving in hands. Samples and esti mates sent by mall, GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. GLOUCESTER. Boston Office 91 Commercial street. The Crystal OFFERS . GREAT BARGAINS IN Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Sets. A FULL STOCK OF Books and Stationery al tlie Crystal Palace. V.ALLE fflH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o - ' The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. "" Received fresh every Steamer. Our Stock is Larger than and direct from FINE STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND Baby Carnages, Bird FISHING TACKLE; ETC. . Whiting's Standard Writing Papers. The Domestic Sewing Machine. Pacific Coast Charts and Tide Tables. GRIFFIN & REED. The 1qng and Short of it. Is. I Toll Of tlie U. S. Restaurant gives JEFFs- to he had on the Coast. His Regnlar Dinner with Tea, Coffee, Wine, Beer or Milk for 25cts. Cannot he Beat Meals Cooked to Order on Short Notice Oysters In Any Style and Always Fresh.. apjjrst Class Saloon jly& LODGING In Connection With H. EKSTEOM. WATCHMAKER. Just received a lage"stock ot "Watches and CHnnks rihnlno ToM-o ntn a ion Kenulne Seth Thomas Boat Clocks, proved to " "o uu au wmen wiu De som at very low prices. Watch and Clock repairing, a Shop next to Aug. Danlelson's Sample j.uviu, vu iuo tuaua) L Palace Immense Stock of Fine Jewelry, Watches, Clocks . and Silverware. Watch and Jewelry Repairing A Specialty. CARL ABLER, Manager. ever before, All .New -.Goods I iiiir H I UIILi Eastern-Factories. BLANK BOOKS,. . MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Cages; Croquet .Sets, 3TO-U. Tliat the best Meal for the money HOUSE The Restaurant. Are You insured? J. 0. Bozorth Writes Insurance Pollclesln Bellablo Fire Insurance companies that give Absolute Protection lh case of Fire. EMPRE STORE WE CARRY A Full Line of Dry Ready Made Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods Hate We have just received a large lot ot ' - GENTS' FINE SHOES Direct from Manufacturers. Children's Youths' and Misses' Shoes Jn alf styles and grades, And the finest assortment of X.ADIE&' SHOES to be found in Astoria. W. T. FAKSBR, Manager. BOOTS and SHOES 'Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents Ladies Flexible Solo Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Doncola Kid P. J. GOODMAN. DEALER IK Hay, Oats, ant Straw, Lime, Brie!, Cement, M ani Plaster Wood Delirered to Order. Drayln?, Teaming ud Express Bul&eu, mWUx-: Kiwi rEIt apply to the Captain, or to Strike It Rich! BUtYOCJR Groceries! Provisions of Foard & Stok IfT them to sell at the very lowest margin oi proui, winie giving you coous that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY HANSEN, Frop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonis t Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. . All Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Comer Oass and Squemoqua Streets. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IS ASTORIA, ONLY OF E. R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent tor tte Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnaee Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty! A Full Stock on Hand, AT GRIFFIN LJ 5 LJ o CO H CO LJ and Fancy Gaps STEAMEB Eben P. ParhertH 'aster.' ForTOWINO, FEEIOHT orOHAB, I a. B. FAlKKM.,- I GREAT aiwins IN- Baby Buggies ! AND' Musical Instruments AT THE New York Novelty ttor J. EL D. 6MI Wholesale and retail dealer la. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wo&d, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT, General Storage and Wharfage on reason, able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astasia. Oregon. mat & REED'S. tej i 'OBnilHln uj BKiSi anasSsflwSV fcl Si :5-B '. -