p SS7 A.ST0KIA1 OREGON: WKDNESUAY .7. ?. JUSK 13, I&3T Circuit court convenes next Mon day. No council meeting last night; no quorum. There was a lively trade in acci dent policies yesterday. In the police court yesterday Eobt. Gaskell was fined 10 for using abus ive language. Hereafter the Gen. Miles will leave here on the -10th, 15th and 25th of each monjh forGray'sHarbor, and on the 25th for Shoalwater bav. The Trinidad left Portland at" two o'clock yesteiday afternoon in tow of the OcklaJiama and got down here at 10 o'clock last night considered good time. It was reported from the cape last night. that one of "Warren's boats -upset there yesterday afternoon and one of the men was lost. No further particulars were obtainable. That city tax roll in Judge Jewett's office bas.been.au object of consider able interest to a good many. This is the last day to examine or file ap plications for revision or correction. E. F. Thompson died in the Taco ma city jail last Sunday from the ef feots of drink. He was a brother of H. Y. Thompson, of Portland, and had held positions of honor, trust and profit in this state. Henry Sherman's horse backed in front of Murray & Co.'s yesterday evening, upset the buggy and broke it, and freeing himself from the shafts wheeled and ran home. The buggy was taken to Stinson's for repairs. Geo. D. Hill, o Seattle, ex-treasurer of King county, W. T., has been arrested, charoed with fnrPArv. Tho charsra is that ha reflflpmorl n. nnnntv! warrant for 866, and charged theJ county witn sz.iooontne transaction. In' the supreme court last Monday in the case of Jno. Hobson, et al., vs. Thos. Monteith, et al., appellants, judgment was reversed and the case remanded for a new trial. In the case of Elliott vs. Stewart, respondent, the decree was gffirmed. GF. D. Stoddard, a well known resi dent of Pittsburg, in the Nehalem val ley, was killed on Friday, the 10th in stant His slayers are supposed to "be"n man named Backus and Jim An drews. There are no reliable partic ulars. . An inquest has been held, but the result is not yet known, says the News. The Telephone will leave on time for Portland this morning. She ro ' turns' with the" Astoria delegation Friday night, and will make an extra trip to Portland, leaving here at 6 o'clock Saturday morning, coming down again on Sunday, as usuaL This is considerable work, but it will be done. , The general impression appears to be that the proposed bridge across Young's bay, from Smith's point to Lewis & Clarke's would be a good thing. It certainly would increase travel and make communication more direct. A resident of the seaside said Jresterday that eight wagons had been eft at Skipanon that morning, that, had. there been a ferry, would have been brought here. As a starter in the way of rapid transit and some day a road, the ferry would seem to be a very desirable scheme. Says the Butte (M. T.) Inter-Mountain: PersonB of either sex desiring to commit suicide will get no notice in -these columns except at regular ad vertising rates. "We can no longer' "devote valuable space to that sort of news unless accompanied by the cash. The following rates will be charged: For one ordinary suicide entitled r "Tired of Life," 20 cents per line. For long notice with "scare" head en titled jthe ;'Green-Eyed Monster," 50 cents per. line. For column notice en titled "One More Unfortunate." with the nanje of the lover in the case and description of the burial robes and mention of the house in which the af fair occurred, SI per line. There will be no'exceptions made in these rates, and cranks seized with the suicide mania" will please govern themselves accordingly. Heart Disease!!! Bead the hospital reports, read the mortuary reports, read the medicine publications, read the daily news papers, and learn how wide-spread is heart disease, how difficult of detection-it is to most people, how many and how sudden are deaths it causes. Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on Heart Disease, and learn what it is, what causes it, what diseases it gives rise to, what its symptoms are, and and how it may be attacked. If you find that you have heart disease, asfeyour druggist for a bottle of Db. Flint's Heabt Bemedy. The treatise may be had on application to - J.J. MAOK &CO., Nos. 9 and 11 Front Btreet, S. F. - Girl Wanted. To do light house work and to learn Bewhig. Apply to Mrs. L. Craft's Dress making rooms over D. L. Beck & Sons. JEFF'S United JStates Restaurant Lstliabcst Kiid cheapest in Astoria. The finest and nicest steak to be had in town at Fabre's. Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee. What isbetter than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. v" - ' Yatjjllallcc Cream atTabre's to-day. Gotojeff&forojsters, Private Booms. BIG WHEAT DEAL "BUSTED." Louisiana Eice Pialds Under "Water. Wb. E. Chatidlcr Elected U. S. Senator in New Hampshire. Chicago, June 14. Demoralization and financial disaster overtook the great wheat clique to-day, and the much vaunted "combine" is smashed. The wheat pit was in a panic for an hour. June option dropped from 92?4 to 11, the most sensational col lapse seen in-this market since its history. The 16,000,000 bushels of grain collected here and held by a mysterious combination of which no body knew anything to a certainty, will now be sold under the hammer. In less than five minutes from the opening of the board, June wheat made a break of three cents. It opened at 83, broke to 805, and continued in its downward course un til 79 was reached, when the reaction set in and it gradually advanced to 79a. For July a later reaction set in, and July option again declined. June wheat also plunged from92 to 86. The excitement was made still more intense by the collapse of the great coffee corner in New York and the immensejwheat receipts here this morning, which are reported to be about 500,000 bushels. After 11 a. m. the wheat market after fluctuating between 794 and 1Q for some time, finally went all to pieces again, and July closed for the morning at 75 and June 74jsj. Theclique houses appar ently lost their hold on the market, and the crowd became utterly demor alized. Panickey news kept coming in from all other points, and the morning and the session closed with almost a panic. The failure of one of the leading clique houses here, Maurice Bosenfield & Co., was an nounced a few minutes before the close, and it is feared that other fail ures will follow. The closing prices at 1 p. m. were: wheat, cash, 1)4; July, 75; Ausust, 77. SUBMEItGED BICE PIELI3. New ObleJLks, June 14. A special to the Times-Democrat from Point LaHachesays: The brisk east wind for the past four days has driven the ruinous salt water of the gulf up, sub merging all the rice fields from this point to the quarantine station, a dis tance of about thirty miles, and forced it inland up as far as La Chiene, iu St. Bernardi parish, and all along the east bank of the river to this point. The damage can not now be estimated, but if bright sunshine follows the subsidence of the floods then nut-head rice will be made for thirty miles along the east bank of the Mississippi. IS QBAOIOUSLY PLEASED. - SanFhanctsco, Juno 14. Lord and Countess of Aberdeen have declined all social invitations because ot their limited stay here. The earl was es pecially pleased with the reception re ceived from the Young Men's Chris tian association and marvels at the growth of religious feeling in this community as well as the abundant evidences of national prosperity "he witnesses on all sides. A SHOCKING; DEATH. San Fraxoisco, June 14.A sick ening accident occurred at the Union Iron works yesterday morning, result ing in the death of Michael Spierman, employed in the works. Spierman was fixing a belt over a large fly-wheel when Patrick Burns turned the steam on and put the maohinery suddenly in motien: Spierman's right arm was caught by the belting and he was car ried -swiftly up to' a pulley above, where his head struck the ceiling with such force that the skull was crushed and his brains dashed out The body then fell to the floor, a lifeless masB of quivering flesh. MADE THE IUFFLE. Concord, N. H., June 14. The house of state representatives voted for United States senator to-day, re-' suiting as follews: Simon G. Griffin, 1; Joseph "Wentworth, 1; Gilman Marston, 4.; Harvey Bingham, 136; Wm. E. Chandler, 165. There having been a majority for Chandler in the two houses he is elected for the un expired term of "the late Senator Al bert Pike. Both branches will meet in joint convention at noon to-morrow and the formal announcement of the election will be made. A DESTRUCTIVE. FIRE, St. Louis, June 14. At 150 a. u. to-day a fire broke out in the stables of the Mound City Street Car com pany in the outskirts of the city and two alarms were turned in. In the space of one hour 315 mules were burned and the stables were totally destroyed; the loss will probably be $50,000, or more. PORTLAND POLITICS. Portland, Or., June 14 The Re publican city convention held here to-day resulted in the nomination of B. P. Cardwell for police commis sioner; H. "W. Monnastes for city treasurer, and for councilmen, First ward: G. Ca3tendieck; Second ward: CM. Forbes; Third wnrd: "William Fliedner. PERSONAL. Capt. Allan Noyes is in the city. Mrs. Boelling is visiting friends in Salem. O. "W. Fulton has returned from Portland. C. H. Cooper has returned from San Francisco. Fred Weatherford has returned from a trip to Salem. Capt. George Flavel returned from Portland yesterday afternoon. Miss Alice McCormio has returned from a visit to friends in the interior. Mrs. Fred Webber and family have arrived from Marshfield, and will make this their future home. Notice to Mariner. Gray's Harbor The light-house in spector of the thirteenth district gives notice of "the following changes in buoys and beacons at Gray's Har Har eor: The outer bar buoy is a first class can buoy with perpendicular stripes, in nine fathoms of water. From the buoy, a lone tree on Point Brown bears about N.N.E. E., and u house on Chehalis Point bears about N.E. E.; the inner bar buoy N. E. 14 N. "Bar buoy, a first-class nun buoy, in twenty feet at low water. Tree on Point Brown, N.N.E.; house on Chehalis Point, E.N.E. E. The old outer bar buoy, a first class can, has dragged to the north ward, and is now close to the break ers, in three and one half fathoms of water, about one-half mile north of the outer bar buoy. The pilot ot Gray's Harbor has been authorized to paint it black. Black buoy No. 1, in side the bar, north side of the chan nel, is a second-class can buoy, paint ed black, to take the place of the old third-class No. 1, which will be taken up. Position of the second-class buoy is, tree on Point Brown, N. H'W.; house on Che halis Point, E. N., in nine fathoms of water. It is about 400 yards south of breakers on north side of channel; the tide run3 with a velocity of six knots at times at this buoy. "Whit comb Flats, red No. 2, changed from a third-class to a second-class nun buoy, in same position. Beacon No. 1, which has been carried away, is re built. It is a single pile with black boards nailed on' it and numbered 1. It is seven feet at low water, and in same position as the old beacon. The other three beacons are numbered; Nos. 1 and 2 nre black and 3 and 4 are red. The Cocktail Femluine. A gentleman on his way out of a Broadway theater between the acts, asked a lady if he could do anything to relieve her weariness. She said: "Yes; just do aB well by me as you will by yourself." He did. On his return he laid a pretty bunch of flow ers in her lap, and when their ex traordinary weight aroused her atten tion, behold, cunningly fastened by a wire in the center, was a half-pint pumpkin-seed bottle. Through the cork, into the heart of a calla lily, went a straw. With what a wealth of admiration for a man's invention did she hold that bouquet to her pleased face. The bar that got up this novel way .introducing a mild cocktail to a lady will doubtless pros per. But whenever a lady in a the ater is seen inhaling the fragrance of a huge bouquet it is susp'ected that she has got right with her that which a man has to- go out for. New York Sun. Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's Qeiinan Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consump tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one oase where it failed was reported. Such a medicine aB the German Syrup cannot be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it Sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, in the United States and Canada. Ml Off to the Tournament. The Telephone presented n fine sight yesterday afternoon as she started, with flags waving, with the hose teams of the Astoria fire depart ment to the tournament at Vancouver. There was a large crowd to see the boys oft and hearty wishes for their success. Cheers were given from the dock and re-echoed from the.boat. Capt. Hustler gave them a send-off with a salute from his little brass can non. The boys nre thoroughly drilled and will be heard from satisfactorily by to-morrow night A large number of visitors go up to-day that were un able to get away yesterday afternoon. The Latest aad Greatest DIseoTerjr. DRJ.De PRATI'S HAMBURG FIGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic. A discovery of the greatest interest to the Medical Profession. A boon to every household. A most deliciouB laxative or purgative prepared from fruits and vegetables. So perfectly harmless that they may be adminis tered with entire safety to an infant So efficacious to adults that a single dose will prove their value, and so elegant a preparation that it needs only to be presented to the public to become a necessity in " every household throughout the land. For liver complaints, habitual con stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and piles, they are a specific. To trav elers by sea and land they will be found invaluable; they are positive ly unfailing in their aotion, and this is the only medicine ever offered to the public that is acceptable to the taste, and so pleasant that children will eat the figs as eagerly as candy. For sale by every Druggist through out the world. Price, 25 cents a box. J. J. Mack & Co., Prop's, 9 and 11 Front street, San Francisco, Cal. VITIATED BLOOD Scrofnlous, Inherited and Contagious Humors Cured by Cnticura. THROUGH tho medium of ono of your books received through Mr. Frank T. Wray, Druggist, Apollo. Pa., I hecamo ac quainted with your Cuticcka Rkmediks, and take thi3 opportunity to testify to you that their uso has permanently cured mo of ono of tho worst casw of blood poisoning, in connection with crysipolas,thatl.haro over seon, and this after having been pronounced incurablo by somo of tho best physicans in our county. I take great pleasure in forward ing to you this testimonial, unsolicited as it is oy you, in order that others suffering from similar maladies may bo encouraged to give your uctiouba kkmedies a trial P. S. WIUTLINGKR, Leechburg, Pa. Reference: Frank T. Writ. Druggist, Apollo, Pa. SCROFULOUS UL.CEB8. " James E. Richardson. Custom House. New Orleans, on oath says: "In 1S70 Scrofulous Ulcers broke out on inv bodv until I was a mass of corruption. Everything known to the medical faculty was tried in vain. I be came a mere wreck. At times could not lift my bands to my head, could not turn in bed ; was in constant pain, and looked upon life as a curse. No relief or cure in ten years. In 1SS0 1 heard of the Cuticuba. Remedies, used them, and was perfectly cured." Sworn to before U. S. Com, J. D, Cbawfobd, OXE OF THEWOB&T CASES. We have been selling your Ccticcba. Rem edies for years, and have the first complaint yet to receivo from a purchaser. Ono of tho worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw was cured by tho uso of five bottles of Ccticuba Resol vent, Cuticuba, and Ccticuba Soap. Tho soap takes the "cake" here as a medicinal soap. TAYLOR & TA LOR, Druggists, Frankfort, Kan. MCKOFULOUsTlXHERITED And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, and Eruptions of tho Skin, aro positively cared by Cuticub. and Ccticuba Soap ex ternally, and Ccticubv Resolvent internally, when all other medicines fail. Send for Pam phlet, DECGGI8TSIISE THEM. Wo havo obtained satisfactory results from the uso of tho Cuticura Remedies in our own family, and recommend them beyond any other remedies tor disoaso3 of the skin and blood. Tho demana for thorn grows as their morits becomo known. MACMILLAN & CO. Druggists, Latrobe. Pn. CUTICURA. KE1IEOIE8 are sold everywhere. Price: Cuticcr. the Great Skin Curo. 50 cts,, Cuticubv Soap, an Exquisite Boautifier, 25 eta.: Cuticuba Resol vent, tho New Blood Purifier, SI 00. Pottek Drug and Chemical Co., -Boston, DIMPLES. Blackheads, Skin Blemishes, I 1 III and Baby Humors, uso Cuticuba Soap. Choking Catarrh. Have you awakened from a disturbed sleep with nil tho horriblo sensations of an assas sin clutching your throat and pressing tho mo-breath from your tightened che3t? Havo you noticed tho languor and debility that succeed the effort to clear your throat and head of this catarrhal matter? What a depressing influenco it exerts unon tho mind. clouding tho memory and filling tho head with pains and strange noises ! How dlf- ucuil ii is 10 riu mo nasai passages, tnroat and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can testify who aro afflicted with catarrh. How difficult to protect tho system against iu further progress towards tho lung, liver and kidneys, all physicians will admit. It is a terrible disease, and cries out for roliof and euro. Tho remarkable curative powers, when all other remedies utterly fail, of SAxroRD'a Radical Cure, aro attested by thousands who gratefully recommend it to fellow-suffor- orQ. No fltnfntrtpnf ?a ttiaIa vnminl!fi it fiinf cannot bo substantiated by the most respect- uuio una rename reieroncos. - T?nrTl fnIrnf rAntolnn nna 1ia(11a siC 4l.n. RifiTrT. flFTm? Ann rT fC P An. Ann,, 4 Cn vest, and an Improved Ink aler, with treat ise anu directions, ana 13 soia Dy ail aruggists for $1 00. PoTTKitDnuo & Chemical Co., Boston. HOW MY SIDE ACHES. From tho bench and tho coun ter, from the loom and sewing machine goes up tho cry of pain and weakness. Aching Sides and Back. Kidnov and Uterine Painq. ,E "Strains and Weakness, Coughs, und Colds and Chest Pains, and overy Pain uuuAcao oi uuuy ion relieved in one ruiimtu by the Cuticura Anti-Pain flatter. New. elegant, and infallible. At druggists. 2jc., fivo for 81.00; or of Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. A Kew And. Enlarged Mock of Choice Brands or Clears. Iinrjorterl Kev Wnst nm ilmni:ti ll tastes can be satisfied and all pockets suited as to price, ransiirsl'uncli and Junior's in full supply as usual at V. Li. .BECK & SOX8. Cool llcer Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. (Jrat ke's. Oauibrinus liccr And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa loon, ." cents. Special Itlectiii?, C. R. P. jp. U. There will le a special meeting of the Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union, at Ross' Opera House, Wed nesday, June 13th, '87, at 9 o'clock . jr., sharp. Business of importance to be transacted. By order of tho Cf.xtkal Boaiid. A Sunny Boom "With the comforts of a home, library, otc, Apply at Ilolden House. WlmtX o You Think Jeff of tho U. S. Rives vou a meal for nothing and a s'ass 0f something to drink? Not much; hut he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 25 cent". All till' HnlHIltnil'llioinpC uilvartiunrf in this paper, together with the choicest ucuuiiici,.iimnFiiok mumes, etccan be bGliiMit at the Imvtst nrloim nt 1 W Conn's drug ston opposite 'Oe.Mdent -ucrrti. Asrona. For Tlio 3lost Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming lojies. tho most scientinc retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the samples at his new gallery on the rond- a J . Hare You Tried That delicious drink, Sarharell, at Frank Eabre's ? If not don't fail to call and sample it. You will like it. French Lemonade by the glass, cool and whole some. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeff's restaurant. Sawed nntl Shared Shingles, Fresh Lime. Cement and IMaster Paris, at J. II. D. Gray's,. Telephone Lodging House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night and 25 cts., per week Si .30. New and 50 clean Private entrance. Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par tios, etc The best cooked to. order. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. Hosiery and ading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. Misses' : ltffeii: ' Mif! CiiMmr'x !fl Rliilfe;;HC!liW,! '. - Hon. H ItaBttin SlsjfflF Aft liMfflSHPSfi Wo aro now showinga very fine ijoloction in the above Departments at Extraordinary Low Prices. All onr Holsery aro Extra Lengths and full regular made. Ladies' Unbleached Balbviggan Hose, 6 Pair in a Box. 25 cts. per pair 35 cts. per pair Extra sizes for stout Ladies, Sizes 8 to 10. 25cts. to 50cts. per pair. Fancy and Plain Thread Hosiery in Navy, Seal, Slate, Mode, Black, Garnet, Light Blue, Pink, Gold, Oxford Qtje$fy from 20 cts. to 50 cts. per pair. Plain and Fancy Lisle and Silk Hosa in New Shades, designs and Stripes from 50 cts to S3.00 per pair. . . Children's Hosiery in French and Derby Bibs, all colors, solid and fancy 20 cts.to 50 cts, per pair. Underwear in Thread. Merino and Cashmere. Sizes from 26 to -10. - A full line of Ladies' Gauze Vests in high neck amlshort sleeves and high neck and long sleeves, Summer Trtfiufci cstra value 50 "cts. each. Children's Underwear from 25cts. each, upwards. . . C ja-eonEUCA, TIMK IS MONEY! Waste time in look ing around when you can step into my place of business any day, and feel perfectly sure that youget goods at the very lowest figures. HERMAN WISE THE RELIABLE ClotMerandHiattor. (Occident Hotel Building.) Theo. Bracker ilecomrneuds to the public and to the trade bis stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Smoker's Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at Portland prices. Chenanms street, a. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, M Capt. Rogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. - Good work guaranteed. W. F Armbruster Practical WATCHMAKER ff-fk ii And jgj T3E3 W ELE H. WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical . INSTRUMENTS Bepalredon the Shortest Notice at .Rea sonable Bates. Chenamus St next to Spexarth's Gun store. Don t m EK rl J&2& m. ijjyL Underwear AT THE $1.35 per box. 1.85 per box. yo cts. per pair 50 cts. per pair H.COOPER MORE PALATABLE IF KEPT ON ODF Moxie Nerve Contains Not a Drop .of Medioint, Poison, Stimulantor Alcohol. But is agimple sugar-oane like plant, grown near the Equator tad farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, &o$ hag proved itself to be the only harmless ,and effective nerve food known that can recover brain and nervous -exhaustion; loss of raas hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, so& ening of the brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when e&used by nervous exhaustion. It ogives a durable, solid strength, and makas you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feeling Uk magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines. Dose. One Small TVincglassiul Etci-j- Four Hears. :" The loss of gas from the bottle does not weaken or injure the Moi Look out for Counterfeits. "t .Price, 50 Cents a Quart Bottle,-or $5.00 w Dm.;. - : FOR SALE ONLY BY D. L. Beck Sons, ASTORIA, CALL AND GrJET A CIRCULAR. . MILLER & GREENWOOD. AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC C0A8T. 1309 MARKET ST. - - - SAW FHA! Department Mntfc 81.63 perbQ-f A U.73 per box S ICE. WILL KEEP ANYWH&& Food. i t i&M .jt,& hi rmitmj iJusaassi3,J!X g-s .. -.iw