oi , iet. t , . r-'ssi VOL. XXVII, NO. 140. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1887. PRICE rVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. Q.130. .VOLAXD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. office lu Kinney's "fclock, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C W. FULTON. Q. C. FULTOW FUI.TOK BKOTHEKS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 6 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. C. B. THOMhOK. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention given to practice In the U. rf. Land Office, and the examination of land titles. "A lull set ol Abstract Books for Clatsop County In office. Money to loan. Office Booms 4 and 5, over City Book Stoie. .' J.A BOWLBY. ittoroey and Conusi-llor at liaw Office on Chcuaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. D. WJLXTOK ATTORNEY AT JLAW. ltooms No. 11 and 12. Pythian Caslle Build up t-B. WATSON, Atty. at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. Land Office a peclalty. Astokia, - - Oregon. T C. HIXHXE Y, D. I. H. DENTIST. I.s ssbelateil with IR. 1A FOHCh, Booms 11 and 12 Odd-Follows Building, ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. I"R. A. li. FULTON. hjrsiclaii and Surgeon. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone Ho. 41. FAY, TUTTJLK, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 0-$ftCE Rooms g Pjtnian-Bulklhijr, lttsinENCE On Cedar Street, back of Hi. M.irj s HosDital. U.O. II.KSTES. 111 YS1C1AN AND SURGEON. Officii' Oem Building, up stairs, Astoria, "regon. TVK. FltAXK PAGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office, Astoria. Oregon. VB. ALFRED HLIXXKY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. G. BLO F. PARKER SURVEYOR- OF CLATSOP COUNTY ILs-Clty Surveyor of 'Astoria Office : N.E. comer Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8 Up Htaira. Robt, Collier, Deputy, E. C. HOEDEX, Notary Public,, Commissioner of Deeds . ..For "Washington Territory, AncUJaeer, .Real Estate and Insurance ' Agent. "Office, at Holden's Auction Rooms, Chena mus street, Astoria, Oregon. a;: VE.SVfcW. DENTIST. Booms in Allen's Building, up stairs, eor ner Cass. and. Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon".- - 4- 8XITH. -DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian Build-lng over C. H. Cooper's Store. mHOS. MAIKH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. A good fit guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Agent for the Celebrated Household Sewing Machine. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's. Garnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO l,M. CASE, OldJEKS AND WHOLESALE AND 'ETXIL'DEALERS IN Corner Obenamus andJCai stress. ASTCKlA- --- - OREGON FofIrfndorigirct The Fine Steel Bart VILLAI&m-' . 878 tons reglsferlMU. 1 Will be no berth at Astoria-id anu Ytlll liULV JSilluluu iu iuu w nimFn. For freight and rate of InsuraBee'apely to BALFOLTR, GUTHRIE & CO. Portland. Or to P. L, CHRRRY, Astoria. J IU .... -,.. I.. 1 n . telt. H. CT JACOBS QII GReatreheDV FOR PAIKa CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Swellings, Frost Bites sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scalds. IT CONQUERS PAIN. ETerjippIittUnrtliiTW, Sr:y titlf linliiin it Every ie:tia:dil"li tree Every day asi deculs Every pitteat Is ?! l7e:jt:tUeiJtnj9czr. Every lsttl is teste! Ererjsescke tottle leui the flra'i Elgsitae. Every pila is ejtqaerei Every drrggUit prilsM it Ere; Last Till hive it. Ererjhsguge spe&sit. Ereryiotrulesase&ielt. Every cheslrt fisls It pe fect. AWARDS FOR BEST PAIN-CURE. isw xzxlasd rxKierrxax 1882 Gold ModaL AU.UTXA net. EXHIBIT JOT-l&S3-4-GOld MedttL isctxxxTi IJ.D. Exroamw-'St-SllTeriaedaL uuroBMA state FAis 1W4 Gold Medal iOULSVILLE SO. EXPOSITION 1854 Gold Medal At Docaaurt ako Prima, Pbicc SO Cekto. FHE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, Md E Rfil fflUCO Jim Female Complaints. A Great Sidney tiniiy, ET SOLS 37 ALL DEU3GISTS, Tiffs Tho dyspeptic, the debilitated, -whether from excess of work of mind or body, drink or exposure in MALARIAL REGIONS, will find Tutt'a Idver Pillfl tho most genial restorative ever offered the suf fering invalid. Try Them. Fairly. A vigorous body, pure blood, strong nerves and a cheerful mind will result. S(XLI EVERYWHE&E. Office, 44 Hurray St., New York. -agency- ffi.T,Cotai&Co. OF SAN FEANCISCO. FlavePs Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Current llates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. B. H. -Coleman. Accountant. Wilson & Fish Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish; LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER HILLS, Portland Roller Mills, -FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance . AGENTS. Representing theXargest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptlyjand accurately traa acted. FlavelsWhar'. - Astoria Oregon. or Sailing The fine boat Pride of The Columbia can be engaged during the season for boat ing or sailing parties. Apply to THOS. WARD. Pills AT THE HEAD OF THE IT. P. E. R. The Hew Railway Manager Potter. Some months since, C. H. Pres cott, manager of the Oregon Rail way & Navigation company, ten dered his resignation to Elijah Smith, president' of the company, who declined to accept it. On the arrival of Thomas J. Potter, the new vice-president of the Union Pacific and allied lines, two weeks ago, the resignation was renewed, and, says the Oregonian of the 12th, at the urgent solicitation of Mr. Prescott, it was yesterday ac cepted. Under the terms of the lease of the O. R. & N. to the Short Line, Mr. Potter becomes manager of the former's property. Accounts will be kept separate as hereto fore, and the O. R. & N. will be operated as & separate property. However, the traffic officers in Portland will be clothed with en larged powers. For instance, tho general freight agent here will havu authority to name rates from Portland to Omaha without con sulting th& Union Pacific, and the traffic office in Omaha will name rates to Portland without consult ing the O. R. & N. In other words, "so far as traffic is concerned, the Union Pacific, the Oregon Short Line and the O. R. & N. will be as one line from the Pacific coast to the Missouri river. . Mr. Potter personally is the. link which makes the present connec tion between tho Oregon Railway & Navigation and the 'Union Pa cific companies. Through him personally the lease was effeoted. The Union Pacific asked congress at its last session for authority to make leases, but it was refused. Tho 0. 11. & N. Co. were not wilt 'ng to lease the Oregon Short Line (practically the Union Pa cific) backed eveu by the moral guarantee of the Union Pacific ;tso there was no way of making a binding lease between the com panies. The O. R. & N. then leased its property for three years to Mr. Potter iu trust for the Ore gon Short Line, and provision was made for a successor to Mr. Potter in case of his death or disability. At the same time Mr. Potter was made manager. of the O. R. & N. property and of the Union Pacific. Officially he is vice-president ol both companies. He i3 to operjte the O. R. & N., so that it will earn the 6 per cent, per annum guaran teed by the lessee, and he is to pay the guarantee to the lessor. He is named as the person who shall decide all matters in dispute which may arise between the com panies, and there is no appeal from his decision. In addition to his office of intermediator, Mr. Potter for three years will be at the head of the entire Union Pa cific system. His position is with out a parallel in this country. He is the autocrat in the management of nearly 6,000 miles of railway, and was selected as the one man among the big railroaders of the country into whose hands it was safe to trust the great responsibil ity. Among men who look below the surface in railroad matters, the opinion prevails that the O. R. & N. must soon surrender the neutral position held for three years be tween the Northern Pacific and between the Union Pacific, and, estranging itself entirely from the former, throw all its business to the Union Pacific Each road has a permanent traffic agreement with the 0. R. & N., and the latter has shown no favoritism. The North ern Pacific until this time has had no independent route to tide water on th" Pacific coast, but expects in less than two weeks' time to be operating the Cascade branch to a terminus on Puget Sound. If the Northern attempts to divert its through traffic from the Columbia river route to the branch over the Cascade mountains, and thus de prive the O. R. & N. of the haul from "Wallula to Portland, which it is very likely to do, the present relations must of necessity be bro ken off and the O. R. & N. and Union must join hands in fighting the Northern. It is believed that under the 99 year contract made in 1880 between the O. R. & N. and the Northern, the former will keep faith with the latter so long as the Northern does not seek in spirit and in letter to violate the agreement. Whether the North ern will be able to operate over the "Switchback," where the grade for eight miles is 297 feet feet to the mile and the curves 16 de grees, is debatable. The experi ment will be tried, however, and the trains may be run during pleasant weather. But with snow all the way from twenty to fifty feet deep on the summit in winter the task of keeping the road open will be well nigh impossible. The Northern will not be in condition to break away from the O. R. & N., until the Cascades tunnel is done. I.IVINO ON THE REPUTATION OF OTHERS. "Take everything that I have but my good name ; leave me that and I am content." So said the philoso pher. So say all maunfacturers of genuine articles to that horde of imi tators which thrives upon"-the repu tation of others. The good name of Allcock's Porous Plastess has in duced many adventurers. to put in the market imitations 'that are not only lacking in the best elements of the genuine article, but are often harmful in their effects. This is not only theft, but might well bo called malpractice. Such a thing ought not to be. The public should be warned against these frauds, and, when an external remedy is needed, be sure to insist upon having Allcock's Porocs Plaster. San Francisco. June VI. The steamer Alameda arrived yester day from Australia, bringing news that a terrible gale, on Apiil 22d, struck the near! fishinn" fleefrnear - 4-T , -- -j-, JDeGrey river, : West Australia, antu many ooats were sunic ana z4U H,ti;o ncic iusi. Biliousness. Wo hau te-ted its virtues personally, and know that for Dvspepsia, Bilious ness and Throbbing Headache, it is the best medicine the world ecr saw. We tried forty other remedies befoio Jsiin taons Liver Regulator, but none of them gae us mote than temporary relief; the Regulator not only relieved but cured us. II. H. Joxns, Ed. Telegraph nnd3resenger. Macon, (Ja. Hei.uxa, June 12. The fifbt train to cross 4he new overland line at Mullan tunnel arrived iu Helena from the west to-day, be ing twenty-four houns out from Butte and nearly twenty hours be hind time from Portland. f A And feliablo Medicines arc VJvf t,0 -jggj. 0 depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been pre scribed for years for all Impurities of the Blood. In every foim of Scrofu lous, Syphilitic or Mercurial Diseases it is invaluable. For Rheumatism has no equal. J. W. Conn. Nogales, Arizona, June 12. Prominent Mexican officials here to-day received notification from Governor Torres of Sonora, advis ing them that he had issued a proclamation offering a reward of S00 for the head of each hostile Apache Indian. The governor is doing all in his power to aid in the cessation of these troublesome warfares. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. The Best bAivu in- the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.UIcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. For sale by W E. Dement & Co. At an anarchist picnic near Jer sey City last Sunday resulted in a row in which seveial men were badly beaten. fu Would enjoy your din sl" ner and nro nrovnntnA by Dyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They aro a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Wo guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. J. W. Conn. MURBAY & CO., GBOCERS And Dealers In ies! Special Attention Given to Filling ut uraers. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples lurubhed at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the cit. Office and Warehouse Iu Hume's New Building on Water Street P. O. Box 15C. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. Steel Boiler for Sale, TTTT ATT. VIITIKOS. VflTf TA'RTTfrT - "--!-' ........ w 4. UM1LU J lftTxi pnnnlt-fl nt AmiU X? Pumhuntn inamiuc auvy. Cannery Sill J. If T"i r Mim7i iT"vriwiiTr if" c" -" "- f "r nrTi ? '-St52SSSJ--32? rafifCT . TsaahMpWMpBEMHBBSB8gafc as44aBStgB3HBijf5s Rates From $1 a Day Upwards. Fir-t Class In all its Appointment. Clean. Neat Rooms, Sunny, Well Furnished and well Kept, i'ou ae Incited to Call. Free Coach to and From the House. Look Here Boys. It jou want .i neat tilting Suit of Clothes, no to 3T, 3E3. B.OSS, Merchant Tailor. Having just received a complete assc-it-ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. 1 avi prepared to maV.e up Suits" cheaper than the cheapest. Gie:ne:i tail and n convinced that I mean what I u. J. E ROSS, Comer Siiueinoqtuuuid Hamilton streets. ea.st ot C. Ji. Cooper's. Every Body Knows THAT TnE Magee Furnace Co. Of Boston Make The BEST STOVES AND RANGES -In The World ;- THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria S. ARNDT & EERCMEK ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop All kinds ol ENGINE, CANNERY, Promptly attended tor Aspeelalty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, KOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Astoria Iron ff A Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoila. Or, General Machinists aii Mler Maters. Land and Marine Engines P.OII7ER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIAITV. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, Prosldent. J. G. Hdstlek,- Secretary. I. W. Case, Treasurer. Jonx Fox Superintendent. Established 1870 I. W. CASE, IOIEBBIIER ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Does a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn Aalable lu any part ol the World. M.m'FXJ G. ROSS Proprietor. w m a wwa swif a urn ii '" i.i ii CASH. IH B WSB Hi P GP 1 H B P Mew Store, New Goods, NEW PRICES. I hae piuchascd and received an entire line of new, first class regular made goods in BOYS' CLOTHING, (13 to 16 years,) YOUTHS' CLOTHING, (10 to 12 years,) CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, (2J to 10 years,) MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS, STRAW nATS, WOOL nATS, SOFT FUR HATS, STIFF FUR HATS, MEN'S and BOY'S CAPS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, which lam selling for CASH and strictly ONE PRICE, and at as Iowfigures as these goods can be, or are sold on the Pacific Coast. These lines of Goods uere purchased as low and I am selling them under at low expense as Goods can be sold in this city. Therefore save money by buying 3our Goods of a legitimate, one price, Cash House, which has an uniform peicentage on all goods, and pays no high rents no high insurance, no large incidental expenses and makes no bad accounts for you to help pay either directly or indirectly as you most surely havo to do in the best regulated credit houses. KINNEY'S BEICK BUILDING, ASTORIA, OREGON. Opposite Resoue Engine House. Our Immense New Stock Consisting of 4 CAR liOADS of fine Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods wero purchased direct from Eastern M anufacturers and shipped before the recent advance in freight, the benefits thereof we propose to share with our customers. Call and See Us. CHAS. HE1LBORN. as J. c. OOTHSTTT Coroner's Office, Undertaking Itooms next to ItnhililiffTi 'riMiJV "iwf;,y ijjp j.ijMj..iij. iu ,'lfc Goledi Transportation Coim. Through Freight on Fast Time I THE NEW STEAMER TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. I-An additional trip will be made on SuHday f Each. WeeK, leaving Portland at O O'clock Sunday Morning. Passengers bj this route connect at Kahuna tor Sound ports. REPAINTED. REFiTTED, REFURNISHED, RENOVATED. A LARGE, r CLEAN, WELL KEPT HOUSE. ONE PRICE. soss, OOHONBR, A First Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Newest style Caskets and Funeral Material. Krerjtilag 'eat and Well Arranged. Aslorian office, (B. B. Franklin's old Btand.) U. B. SCOTT, President, -