en "ASTORIA, OREGOifT "" SATURDAY.... Ill" ...Jjl'XE 11. 1637 Max Wagner, an old resident of Astoria, is in the city. Wm. Dngan, of Salem, and a good boy to know, is in the city. The American ship Olive S. South ard will load lumber for San Pedro. The duty on the cargo of the Colo tna, from Hong Kong, aggregates $30,000. B. S. Worsley offers some valuable property for sale next Tuesday mora : ipg;-.see adv't. County assessor Sorensen has re turned from a trip to the eastern part of the county. Last Sunday's excursion to this city netted the Ahavia Sholem con gregation of Portland, $012.40. The several Astoria teams have re ceived some fine uniforms and will present a good appearance at the tournament next week. Tne Manzanita arrived in yester day afternoon from Tillamook rock. She put ofF2,000 gallons oil, supplies, etc., at the rock and a repairing force. The Astoria Gaslight Co. adver tises for bids for the construction of a briok water tank and retort house for gas works in this city. See adv'f. E. M. Beading, representative -from the grand lodge of California, A. O. U. W., will deliver a lecture in the lodge room of Seaside Lodge No. 12, this evening. The O. R. & N. Co., makes it "cheaper to travel than to stay at home" by offering an excursion rate of 1 to Portland and return from the 15th to the 20th, inclusive. Tickets .from Portland to Vancouver and re turn during the tournament can be had for fifty cents. See adv't. On next Thursday, the 16th insh, the steamer MultnonmJi, with the East Portland band aboard, will make a pleasant excursion to Vancouver and return; there will be excellent arrangements for the comfort and pleasure of all who attend. The fare for the round trip will be but SL00. See adv't. At a Y. M. C. A. business meeting last evening five new members were admitted. It was decided not to re tain names of boys under 16, unless as aotual members, to begin meetings for young men only, on the 19th inst, and to hold a young men's devotional meeting at 8 o'olock every Tuesday evening, instead of on Saturday even ing. The lawn party at Mrs. Dr. Tren "ohard'a last Thursday evening was in every way a sucoess. There was a large,, attendance, and all present enjqyed' themselves. The Western Amateur band played some excellent music, danoing waB indulged in, and ioe cream, sandwiches and coffee were served. The receipts of the evening were $70.50; the net proceeds, $50. Articles of incorporation of the Se attle Packing Co., a private incorpor ation, were filed yesterday in the county clerk's office. The incorpora tors are David Hansen, B. Borgeson and Philip Cook. The principal of fice is at Astoria, the capital stook is $20,000, divided into 200 shares of $100 each. The business is to paok fish in the waters of Washington, Oregon,- and other points on the north Pacific coast. Mr. Wm. Stowe, who founded the net manufacture in the United States forty-five years ago, late president and forty-one years with the Ameri can Net & Twine Co., has undoubt edly .a ripe experience with the best methods of fish netting in the United States, expresses in the advertisement of the Gloucester Net & Twine Co, the opinion, that he has strong rea sons to believe the estimates made, will be fully realized. This house intends to give a good deal of atten tion to the Pacific fisheries. Unnecessary Misery. Probably as much misery comes .from habitual constipation as from any derangement of the functions of the body, and it is difficult to cure, for tho reason that no one likes to take the medicines usually pre scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to the taste of women and children. 25 cents. Atall druggists. J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors. S. P. Ah! ah! We have it. Let us go to Our Favorite llair Dressing, Shaving nd Bathing Boudoir, Parker House. Well ! well ! It makes anvono laueh to see a lot of Magpies getting jealous oi weir own snaaows. uuc me propri etofof Our Favorite Hair Dressimr and Shaving Boudoir always comes out best on the noine stretch, lie has just im ported a First Class Artist without re gardlo expense. Give him a call. The Rescue Club will meet at their hall at 8 this evening. -The T. L. C. T. U., will meet at their room-s at 3 this afternoon. JKFFffl United States Restaurant is the best and cheapest in Astoria. Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre' to-day. Thelinest and nicest steak to be had In town atFabre's. Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, pnr t les, etc The best cooked to order. What is better than a glass of liquor '. A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. For the best photographs and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee. W0ELD WIEE WHISPEEINGS. Specials from Various Prominent Points. Pokilakd, Or., June 10. After an illness of only a few hours, E. M. Burton, an old and highly respected citizen of Portland, died to-day; de ceased was aged about 70 years; a wife and five children survive him. The deceased was the father-in-law of H. L. Pittock of the Oregonian. Mr. Burton has been residing contin ually in Portland for over 35 years. A DEPEXDEKT PEKSION MLIi. Madison, June 10. Adjutant Gray, of the Grand Army of the Republic, is busily engaged in issuing to all the posts .in the country, an important document in the nature of the de pendent pension bill whose passage will be urged on the next congress. It was drafted by the national pen sion committee of tho Grand Army of the Republic, appointed by commander-in-chief Fairchild, under a resolution of the national encamp ment. DESTRUCTIVE EARTHQUAKES. St. Petersburg, June 10. Several shocks of earquake have occurred at Vernome, in Turkestan. The town is nlmost entirely destroyed; one hundred and twenty persons were killed and 125 injured; among the latter is General Aride. tho governor of the province of Semiretchinsk. The shocks still continue to be felt at intervals. The inhabitants of the town are panic stricken and have fled for safety to open country. FIRE IK PITTSBURG. Pittsburg, June 10. Th main office of the -Western Uniou Tele graph Co. in this city, was partly destroyed by fire this morning. All communication with the outside world by the company's wires was entirely cut off, and all their fine machinery destroyed. The Telephone wires shared the same fate as those of the Western Union. Neither com pany will be in condition to do any business for at least ten days. The Western Union company immediately transferred its business to the Mu tual Union. The wires are. gradually getting into working condition. The, loss will not fall under $100,000, while the indirect loss will aggregato a much larger amount. should resist encroachment. London, June 10. The Pall Mall Gazette, in an article on the action of the Hon. W. H. Smith, the govern ment leader, in giving notice that he would to-day move that the commit tee name the time when they would report the Irish crimes amendment bill to the house, urges every English and Irish member of parliament who opposed Smith's proposal from Mr. Gladstone downwards to get them selves suspended rather tLan to tame ly acquiesce in Smith's monstrous enoroaohment on the liberties of par liament. CORN 13 LOOKING WELL. Topeka, Kan., June 10. The state board of agriculture reports the wheat area to be 20 per cent, less than laBt year. The condition is 40 per cent. less than the average. The corn acreage is 25 per cent, in excess of any former period, the condition was never better. DEAD. San Fbanosoo, June 10. John W. Hittle, assistant general freight agent of the Lehigh Valley railroad, who accompanied a party of railroad peo ple to this city, died of heart disease last night STAB CHAMBER TRIALS. Berlin, June 10. The attorney general of the empire proposes to ex clude the public from treason trials involving Schnaebel's, which will be gin on Monday. THE PRESIDENTIAL PART?. Albany, N. Y., Juno 10. President Cleveland and party reached here this morning and drove to the execu tive mansion and breakfasted with Governor Hill. After spending a few hours at the executive mansion the president and party, except Mrs. Cleveland, left by a special train. A crowd of about one thousand persons were assembled to see him off. Mrs. Cleveland will go to Oswego this af ternoon to visit her friend, Miss Kingston!. A FKEE AD. Nhw York, June 10. Tho entire first page of Henry George's paper, ihe Standard, is taken up with George's opinion of the Union Square incident. A Gifllfbr All. In order to givfj all a chance to test it, and thus-be conv inced of its wonderful curative powers, Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, will he; for a limited time, given away. This offer is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith in ttie mer its of this great remedy. All. who suf fer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption. A-sthma. Bronchitis, or any affection of Throat, Chgsr, or Lungs, are especially requested to call at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store, and get a Trial .Bottle Free, Large Bottles Si. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. The best oysters in any style at Fabre's. Gotojcffbfororster, Private Rooms. ENTERTAINMENT. NO. D. DISTRICT The school entertainment by the pupils of the upper Astoria school, at the Scandinavian church yesterday evening was well attended. Tho pro gramme was admirably rendered by tho pupils and the performance re flected credit on tho teachers and pupils alike. Following is tho programme of tho occasien: Song, "Greeting Glee." by the school; Eva Holnies, Welcome Song, chorus; Lillian Parker, Address of Welcome; Winnie Bell, The Two Workers; Johnnie Young, The Bal lard'Game; Julia Kopp, The Fisher Boy; John Seims, The Mile Stene: song, "The Roses," by the school; Laura Hansen, If I Should Die To Night; song, duet, "Falling Leaves," Clara Young and Laura Hansen; Liz zie Scott, Too Late for the Train; song exercise, Happy Children; Carl Knutsen, The Birthday of Spring; Nellie Brakke, Hkly First Speech; Geo. Pike, "Somebody;" Daisy Johnson, My Dollie; Helen Enberg, In the Schoblhouse, Out of doors; Mollie Robinson, Going to -School; Clara Young, Rock ot Ages, (declamation and song); Jessie Sands, What I do Every Day; Amelia Ferry, For Baby's Sake; Vacation Song, by School; Alma Holmes, Don't Say That He Died From Drink; Geo. Barker, Be Sure You'ro Right; Janie Palmer, Asleep at tho Switch; Lillian Parker, Little Nurse Girl; Clark Bell, The Soldier's Story; song "Little Fairy," Jessie Sands; John Anderson, The Captain's Daughter; Chas. Simonson, The Blacksmith ; Christ. Leinonweber , ThtfSculptorBoy ; song. ''Down Where the Blue Bells Grow." by the schoel: Frank Leinenweber. Address to the Ocean; Mabel Young. The School Mann; Alfred Bell, Thank God for .Summer; song, Forget Me Not, Caro line Young; Grace Kyle, Pnpa's Letter; Freddie Wright, Little Deeds of Kindness; Lucille Duucau, Drowned; Magnus Gallagher, Little Annie Ferry, Vacatien: dialogue. 'Helping Mother" Julia Kopp and Nellie Enberg; dialogue, "A Morning nn.mAH.n(iAn M Ltntvin Dull 3 TJ" I ry Young; song, "Gypsie's Warning,' Clara louug; dialogue, "Jietter SCHOOL Hunchback; Alfred Leinenweber, mc oId everywhere. Price: Cuticurv. tne Ri,f1iiT,nvp-Knn(T "An mil Whicnnra ' t5"eat Skin CurcoOcts,. Cuticurv troAr, an IjoU is 1jO e, song, AUgel nispers, Kxqu i5jte iieautificr, J3 cts.: Cirncrr. Rksoi. choir; Lizzie Kopp, The Grandfather: vent, the New Rlood Purifier. Si no. pottkr Land, Andrew Dalgity and Lizzie, with all the horrible sensations of an assab Scott: song, "Hound," Clara and Car- sin clutching your throat and. pressing tho oline Young; tableau, "Twinkle, life-breath from your tightened chest? Uavo Twinkle Little Star," Caroline Young; you noticed tho languor and debility that song, "Beautiful Sunlight." choir; succeed the effort to clear your throat and dialogue, "Vacation and the Reply," head of this catarrhal matter? What n Oliver Bell and Caroline Young; j depressing influenco it exerts upon the mind, song, "The Old House at Home," by j clouding tho memory and filling the head school; dialogue, "Recess. Speeches," I with pnjn; and strango noises! How dif- Lena Seims, Maggie Olvis, Eva Holmes. Caroline Young, Grace Kyle, John Young, Theo. Brakke, John Seims, Oliver Bell and Magnus Gallagher; song, "Beautiful Home," by schoel: dialogue "Quarrel of Cassius and Brutus," John Young, Brutus, Oliver Bell, Cassius; Taking Care of Babies; dialogue, "Nagging" M. H. Parker, father; Lizzie Scott, mother, Clara Young, daughter, Johan lronng, son; dialogue, "wed lock," Janie Palmer, Penelope Pon der; Nora Holmes, Clarissa Mildmay: Lizzie Scott, Belinda Racket; Ben Bell, Adolphus Racket; parting song, by school. Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world xreWJmW?Va'&f live in! Nature gives US grandeur of I mountains, glens and oceans, and flinnqinrla nf mpnim nf Pinnvrnr tuousanas oi means or enjojuent. we can aesire no uetter wneu m perfect health; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that G wen's August Floiver, will make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are tho direct causes of seventy five per cent, of such mala dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness ot the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Floxcer will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. THERE'S MILLION'S IN IT." No matter how small the distance gone, whether it be bnt a nautical league, or a voyage to where the free American of Aleut descent bathes his barbarian brow in the surf that thun ders on the shore of far Attou, those who go down to the sea in ships al ways bring back great stories of the sights to see and awake the envy of the landsman who is doomed to walk on terra planka through nil the day. Now comes the Manzanita and -tells how, lying last Thursday night at Arch Rock, just beyant, the lookout counted 13,473 sen lions, some of them big fellows, weighing 2,000 or 2,500 pounds each, The sea was alive with them, the rocks were covered with them, "be heavens," says one, "the water was stiff wid em." There are whole colonies of them, schoola of sea lions, academies, universities and kindergartens of the giant phocre. It is their breeding place, their head quarters, their post office address and abiding habitation. CoL Sellers, when telling of his eye water and the million? of sore-eyed Chinamen and the need of each Chi naman to have a bottle of his cele brated eye water jammed into his eye to cure the optic, said "there's mill ions in it." There would seem to be thousands, anyhow, if not millions, in this sealion racket, rightly worked. If each sea lion skin is worth So, and if each sea lion carcass yields so many gallons of oil as they say he will, what's the matter with getting the steam schooner Dolphin and slipping down there some fine night after supper and getting 85,000 or $6,000 worth of those beasts before breakfast? Telephone todRiug Hou.se. Best Beds in town. Eoomsper night 50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. !New and clean. Private entrance. ITIATEB BLOO Scrofulous, Inherited and Contagious Humors Cured by Cuticura. nrtllROUGII tho medium of ono of your JL books received through JUr. Frank T. Wrny, DruBsi't, Apollo, l'a., I became ac quainted with your Cuticuiu Kesiediks, and tako this opportunity to testify to you that their uso has permanently cured mo of onoof tho worst cases of blood poisoning, in connection with erysipelas, that I hayo over seen, -and this after having been pronounced incurablo by some of tho best physicans in our county. 1 takogre.it pleasure in forward ing to you this testimonial, unsolicited n3 it" is by you, in order that others suffering from aimilnr maladies may bo encouraged to give vonr Crricrn v Kfufdies a trial P. S. WHITLINGKIt, Lcechburg. Pa. Reference: Frank T. Wiuv, Druggist, Apollo, l'a. SUHOFUI.OUS TJJLCERS. James E. llichardson. Custom House. New Orleans, on oath Eays: "In 1870 Scrofulous Ulcers broke out on my body until I was a mass of corruption. Everything known to the medical faculty was tried in vain. I be came a mere wreck. At time3 could not lift my hands to my head, could not turn in bed ; was in constant pain, and looked upon life as a curse. No relief or euro in ten years. InlSSOI heard of the Cuticurv Remedies." used them, and was perfectly cured." bworn to before U. S. Com, J. D, Crvwfokd, OXE OF TUB WORST CASES. Wo have been selling your Cuticura Rem edies for years, and have tho first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. Ono ot the worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw was cured by the use of five bottles of Cctici'ra Resol vkst, CcTiruiti, and Cuticurv Soap. Tho soap takes the "cako" hero as a medicinal soap. TAYLOR & TA V LOR, Druggists, Frankfurt, Kan. .KCUOFLTIiOUS. IXHEItlTEDS And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, and Eruptions of thoSkin, aro positivoly cjred by Ci'ticukv and Cuticurv Soir ex ternally, and Cuticurv Rksolvext internally, when all other medicines fail. Send for Pam phlet. imruCISTti USE TIIK.ll. U'o have obtained satisfactory results from tho use of the Cuticura Remedies in our own family, and lecommond thorn beyond any other romedies lor diseases of tho skin and bloril. Tho demand for them grows as their merits becomo known. M ACHILLAS & CO. Druqgi-K Latrobc. Pa. CTTlCntA E3tEt)IKS Drug am Cm.itioAi.Co.. Boston DIMPLES. lSlnckhends, Skin Blemishes, r I III and Baby Humor.-, use Cuticura Soai vflBWfrilHig Have you awakoned from a disturbed sleep ficult it is to rid tho nasal nassases. throat and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can testify who aro afflicted with catarrh. How difficult to piotect tho system against its further progre-s towards tho Inns, liver and kidneys, all physicians will admit. It is a terriblo disease, and cries out for relief and cure. The icmaikablccurativo powers, when all other remedies utterly fail, of Sanford's Radical Curf, aro attested by thousands who gratefully recommend it to fellow-sufferers. No statoment 13 made regarding it that cannot be substantiated by tho most rospect nblo and reliablo roference3. Each packet contains ono bottle of tho Radicvl Cure, ono box of Catarrhal Sol vest, and an Imfrovfd Imii.er, with treat iso and direction", and is sold bv all druggists for 81 03. Potter I)kl & Chemical Co.. Boston. KOW MY SIDE ACHES. a From tho bench and the coun- J JSv ter, from'tho loom and sowing jjK machine goes up tho cry of pain -vPrn Strains and Weakness. CouchV. .and Colds and Chest Pains, and every Pain ' aml Aclie ? d?1,y toil rt-lieveti in one , HIimit.,. y tlic cuticura Anti-Pain i-Inster. Aew. elegant, and infallible At druggists. 25c , Jivo for S1.00 ; or of Potter Drug and Chemical Co., lioston. Net Picked Up BY ONE OF II ANTIIORX &CO.'S BOATS. Owner can luio same by prorviug property and paying cliatgri. Enquire at onice of Hamhurn & Co. Astona. June 9, VT, Card of Thanks. We wish to return our thanks to all friends who so kindly and sub stantially assisted its iu our late sad bereavement in the loss of our be loved son Sigward, during his short sickness and at the funeral cere monies. May God bless them all. A. J. Amundsen, Mathilda Amundsen. Itucli1cit Arnica Salve. TueBest-Saiak in the world for Ciils, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers.Saltliheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and pnsithuly cures Piles, or no pay lequued. It isguaianteed to give nerfrct satisfaction, or money refunded. Pi ice 25 cents per box. For sa le bv W E. Dement & Co. " A aicxv And Enlarged frock of Choice .Brands ofClsarn. Imported Key West and domestic. All tastes can be satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. TanslirsPunch and .Junior-' in full .sunulvns nsunl nt. D. L.Beck & Sons. Cool Beer Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. CJrat ke. 2:usi1rintis Boor Ami Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, ." cents. Situation AVunteI. To do general housework by a com ntctent woman. Applv at O'Brien's hotel. Special Itlccliug, C. K. F. JP. U. There will be a special meeting of the Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union, at Boss' Opera House, Wed nesday, June 15th, "87, at i) o'clock v. jr., sharp. Business of importance to be transacted. By order of the Centiiai. Boako. A S1111113- ICooiu With the comforts of a home, library, etc.. Apply at llolden House. What! Do You Think Jeff of the U. S. give vou a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much: but he gives the best meal and more of it thairanv other restaurant in town. 25 cents. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest penumery, ana toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. - " aF 1 tar: a4- iB' mili fi tfH v 11 ,1 " K S3 vk IflflA iHf flVflVJ s iflJA flVflVd ?HflYji -r saaHflVflH n w iflHVflVflk flvAflflVJS & PflflflflflflV c&i HHHHHHsf " iSflflVflVflVflVflVflflfliteBHBiaflflflVflVflVflVflVfliflVflVfln Manufactured LAUNDR1ED MEN'S SILVER SI. 25 -Each. LAUNDRIED MEN'S COLD SI.SOEach. G. H. COOPERS, The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House Of Astoria. TIME IS MONEY! Waste time in looking- around when you can step into my place of business any day, nnn toai - r r rt rt f I T Oil iA tlllll LCCi UUlXCUllf UV. thatyou"get goods at the very lowest figures. HERMAN WISE THE RELIABLE Clothier and Matter. (Occident Hotel Building'.) Theo. Bracker .Recommends to the public and to the trade his stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Smoker's Articles. Haying Cards, Cutlery, etc. at Portland prices. Glienatnus street. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, t ('apt. Kogere old stand, corner or Casa and Court Streets. Sldo and Cannery work, Honseslioeinp.' Wagons made and repaired. Good. work guaranteed. F- Armbruster Practical WTs WATCHMAKER (j And . ,3"ES 7T IE! Xj. IE3 3EL WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Repaired on the Shortest Notice at Rea sonable Bates. Cbenamus St., next to Spexarth's Gun stors. W gytaaas LAUNDR1ED AND UNLAUNDRIED by the Trojan Shirt and Collar Co., Troy, MORE PALATABLE IF KEPT ON 03F Moxie Nerve Food. Contains Not a Drop of Medicine, Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol. . But is a simple sugar-cane like plant, grown near the Equator and farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and has proved itself to be the only harmless and effective nerve food known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, soft ening of the brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused "by nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and makes you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feeling like magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines. Dose, One Small Wineglass! til Every Four Hours. The los's of gas from the bottle does not weaken or injure the Moxie. Look out for Counterfeits. Price, -50 Cents a Quart Bottle, or $5.00 per Dozen. ' FOR SALE ONLY BY D. L. Beck Sons, ASTORIA, CALL AXD GET A CIRCULAR. T,JE3Xa3E3X-fECODKr."E! INTO. 7. . MILLER & GREENWOOD. AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. 1 309 MARKET ST. - - - SAN FRANCESCO. SHIRTS. Xew York. UNLAUNDR1ED MEN'S SILVER $1.00 Each. UNLAUNDR1ED BOYS' SILVER 75 cts. Each. ICE. WILL KEEP ANYWHERE,