The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 04, 1887, Image 3

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Mt gaiti Mtmm
Labor da v.
C. H. Cooper goes to San Francisco
to-day on a business trip to that city.
The State is doe from San Fran
cisco this morning; the Columbia
Excursion to the cape and Ilwaco
to-morrow at 9 a. ir, on the Gen.
Itis "understood that Eev. M. L-.
Bugg will shortly.fill the pulpit of the
Baptist 'church of this city.
Estimates on the salmon pack vary
in amount; from 90,000 to 100,000
cases to date, is about the average.
There is a fine crayon portrait of
O. H. "Cooper in Griffin & Eeed'e win
dow, from the facile pencil of Mrs. J.
A. Davidson.
Tacoma offers a prize of $1,000 to
the best drilled militia company in
the northwest, the contest to take
place on July 4th.
The Montesano is being overhauled
and repaired, and when ready will be
taken around to Taquina where she
will ply this summer.
Preaohing at the M. E. ohurch to
morrow at 11 a. at.; subjeot, "Cure of
evil speaking." At 730 p. xi., subject
"The permanenoy of the Gospel."
The infant daughter of M. Raistak
ka, of upper Astoria, died yesterday
morning; the funeral will be from the
parent's residence to Clatsop, to-morrow
E. P. Parker sustained a painful
aooident at Ilwaco last Friday, a
plank falling from the wharf and
crushing his right foot Surgical at
tendance was had at Fort Canby.
The American bark Coloma, 52
days from Hong Kong, arrived in
yesterday; the government steamer
Gen. Wright came in from Yaquina;
the. Co. of Merioneth sails to-day.
Three vessels, the Renfrewshire,
Scottish Knight and Sir Henry
Lawrence, are loading lumber at As
toria for foreign ports; the last
named takes part of her cargo at the
West Shore mill
The Pataha City Coal "and Mineral
Mining company has been organized
at Pataha by-H. B. Ferguson, H. L.
Caples, D. H. Peyneer, Eugene Sped
den, J. H. Wan.and H. T. Spedden;
capital stock $20,000, in 4,000 shares
of $5 eaoh.
The kitchen flue of the Astor House
burned out yesterday afternoon, and
for a few minutes the proprietor
was a whole fire department himself.
He didn't turn in any alarm to head
quarters but staid with it till it was
In the police court yesterday Jacob
Jones was fined .$10 for vagrancy; O.
Anderson, drunk, forfeited a beauti
ful blue Dunube accordion for $5
bail; Kitty Burke fined $10 for
abusive language; Jno. Dee and part
ner, eaoh drunk, $5.
A letter from the cape says that the
Venture struck on a sand bar near
Bay Cepter beating out .from Shoal
water, got strained, leaked badly, and
was brought around to anohor at the
cape, and active operations are ap
parently postponed
Pleasant music was discoursed by
the "Western Amateur band at the
lawn party at Mrs. John Hob3on's
last Thursday evening, and the ladies
and gentlemen present had an enjoy
able time, though the cool weather
tends to interfere with the giving of
those'pleasant parties.
At' The Dalles, the Columbia rose
two and one-half feet in twenty-four
hours ending at 5 o'oloolj last Thurs
dayTnorning, and is still raising rap
idly, being within two and one-half
feet "of the June 1st high water of
1876. The river there is about forty
two feet above low water mark.
Miss Warren's school room was
filled yesterday afternoon, the occa
sion being the closing exercises of the
school. The pupils acquitted them
selves very creditably in their various
exeroises, and at the olose the teaoher
distributed certificates of standing
so inose wno nan successfully passed
me required examination.
The M. E. congregation of this oity
intend to have an excursion to Van
couver on the 15th, the idea being
that on the occasion of the visit of a
Portland congregation to this city,
the boat on which they come will car
ry the Astoria excursion party to
Vancouver, and on their return, the
Portland excursionists will be earned
I. O. O. F. Funeral Notice.
Members of Beaver Lodge No. 35,
I. O. O. F., are hereby notified to as
semble at the lodge room at 9 SO, to
morrow, (Sunday) morning, to attend
the funeral of our late brother, John
Beid. By order N. G.
George Johnson and Prof. Anlguire
will speak to-night at Liberty hall on
the Chinese question. Admission free.
Come one, come all.
Regular meeting of Astoria Rescue
club to-night: all are Invited.
A special meeting of the Y. W. C. T.
U.will he held at the Y.iT. C. A. hall
this afternoon atrthree o'clock to tran
sact important business.
The finest and nicest steak to bo had
Lemon Ice Cream atFabre's to-day.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Villainous Attempt to Destroy Police
Officiate in ITew York,
New Yonk, June 3. Police captain
Williams received an .infernal ma
chine by express to-day, and barely
escaped the results of ite explosion
by dropping it into a bucket of water
when the machinery in it began to
work. Another dynamite machine,
intricate in construction, was given
by an unknown man to an expressman
in Jersey City to deliver to inspector
Byrnes, but the expressman took it" to
polico headmasters "where it was
carefully opened without causing an
explosion. It is not known whether
both machines came from the same
source or not.
Chihuahua, Mexico, June 3.
Great consternation prevails in this
city on account of the panic last
Wednesday in the cathedral in which
three children and two women were
killed and sixty persons injured.
That such a calamity could, occur Is
astounding, as the cathedral is a
massive stone structure with three
broad exits and no chairs or benches
to impede egress. The building is
absolutely fireproof and the fire so
insignificant, that had the inmates
not lost presence of mind, they could
all have made their esoape easily.
New Yobkt, June 3. The dairy
commissioner visited the dairy farm
oT Edward Brady in Westchester
county and foundhis herd suffering
from pneumonia. - They made ap
praisal of the animals and awarded
Brady $12,000 for 200 head of cows,
all of which were killed and their
carcasses burned. The barns and
stables where the animals had been
housed, were also ordered to be
New Yobk, June 3. A special to
the Herald from Safanac lake, says:
"Your correspondent yesterday asked
the president about tho story that he
intended to make an extended western
tour this summer. Cleveland said
that he wa3 glad to learn that he is
contemplating, a transcontinental trip
with a possible visit to Alaska. He
has never heard of it before, but pre
sumes it must be true if the newspa
pers say so."
London, June 3. The academy of
sciences at Paris has pronounced in
favor of the objection of DeLesseps
to the using of locks in the Panama
It is considered certain that Ger
many and Austria will take no action
regarding the czar's ukase restricting
the rights of foreigners in Bnssia.
Pabis, June 3. La France says:
"The police authorities are keeping
from the public the actual number
of deaths resulting from the Opera
Comique fire." "Many bodies," it
says, "have "been taken from the ruins
at various times and removed to the
morgue unknown to the people." La
France estimates the real number of
lives lost by the fire as over two hun
Newbubgh, N. Y., June 3. The
synod of the reformed Presbyterian
church of America in" session here
has adopted a resoultion declaring
the violation of the Sabbath by the
post office department ono of the
greatest sins of the government as"
well as one of the greatest causes of
Sabbath desecration throughout the
whole commonwealth, and calling up
qn the organizations of all evangel
ical bodies in the United States to
combine in order to secure the entire
abolition of whatever in the post
office department is in violation of
the Sabbath law.
Santa Fee, N. M., June 3. To-day
the president's order was officially
promulgated clearing all tresspassers
off the reservation in northern New
Mexico to which the Jioarilla Apaches
have just returned. The order doe3
not affect settlers who have acquired
title under the land laws of the Unit
ed States. The herding or grazing
of stock js not forbidden if belonging
'to the Indians. This will require
the removal of large herds now on
the reservation belonging chiefly to
Colorado cattle men.
Genoa, Nevada, June 3. An earth
quake shock was felt hero to-day so
severe as to throw bricks from chim
neys while the plastering fell from
the walls of the houses and a number
of brick buildings werehattered. A
Becond shock of like force would have
destroyed ever' brick building in
Little Bock, Ark., June 3. Gen'l
B. C. Newton, a leading lawyer, and
since the war one of- the most prom
inent democratic politicians, died last
night. He commanded the Arkansas
forces during the Brooks-Baxter war
of 1874, and was the chief spirit of
the element that triumphed.
San Francisco, June 3. Alberce,
the French writer, has died of inflam
mation of the lungs, contracted on
the night of the Opera Comique fire-2
New Yobk, Juno 3. Mrs. Chiari
Ciquarale has been condemned to be
hanged in the Tombs on July 22nd,
for the murder of her husband.
Last Sunday afternoon, that unus
ually warm afternoon, among the"
throng of visitors to Ft. Canby was
one,-a seafaring man in days of 3ore,
whose vision was" yet keen" and "'ideas
alert, who noticed the bravery, activ
ity and eagerness of the life crew at
the cape to save life. It was about 1
p. M., when the signal gun on the hill
was discharged and its report echoed
and re-echoed among the hills. It
was the signal to call the life crew to
work. A boat had been seen, by the
vigilant lookout, tccapsize in the
breakers four miles away in a straight
line S. S-J. E. from Cape Hancock.
The crew mustered immediately, all
hands stripping to their undershirts
and pants, prepared for a ducking
and a hard pull, itbeing one of the
worst days this spring for breakers
owing to a heavy blow off shore. At
1:10 the life boat left the station.
Half a mile out they were in the
breakers and watched by many
anxious eyes from the hill. A huge
sea was seen to strike the boat filling
it fore and aft, up to the thwarts, but
nhe soon cleared herself and the crew
still pulled head on trying to weather
Sulphur spit, when another sea broke
over the boat washing the bow oars
men among the crow aft. In a few
moments every man wa3 in his proper
place and headway made again with
the boat, and she was getting in deep
water when another sea broke over
her lifting some of the men from
their seats, filling the boat and wrest
ing the tiller from the captain's hand,
driving the boat, stern first, ono hun
dred and fifty yards. A steering oar
was put out as soon as possible, the
boat kept head on to the sea, the
rudder was broken arid useless, and
cmce more headway wa3 made to i
smooth water in the south channel
where fishing boats weie spoken, who
reported that the wreck had been se
cured by fishing boats, and towed
into Fort Stevens. Then the life
boat dropped anchor; afterwards
pulled to the northeast end of Sand
island. A heavy northwest wind
made it advisable to remain there
until 6:45 p. m., when the Puritan
came along and gave the life boat,
with its chilled and dripping occu
pants, a friendly tow to the cape.
Examination proved that everything
about the lifeboat was all right ex
cept rudder and rudder fastenings,
whioh have since been repaired by a
competent mechanic from Astoria.
This is a leaf from the life of a life
crewman at the cape. Every sea that
struck and swept the boat that af
ternoon was thought by the crowd of
people on the hill to be the last of
her and the crew, Capt. J. W. Walker
commenced young to be a sailor,
served his time, learned it thorough
ly and is clear headed and cool on
duty. X.
Enjoy Life.
"What a truly beautiful world we
live in! Nature gives us grandeur of
mountains, glens and oceans, and
thousands of means of enjoyment.
"We can desire no better when in
perfeot health; but how often do the
majority of people feel like giving it
up disheartened, discouraged and
worn out with disease, when there is
no occasion for this feeling, as every
sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory
proof, that Green's August Flower,
will make them free from disease,
as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint are the direct causes of
seventy five per cent, of such mala
dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache, Co3tivencss, Nervous
Prostration, Dizziness of the Head,
Palpitation of tho Hoart, and, other
distressing symptoms. Three doses
of August Flower will prove its
wonderful effeot. Sample bottles,
10 cents. Try it
Real Estate Transfer?.
Clatsop Mill Co. to Wm. Bock, lot
3, blk 13G. Shively's Astoria; S2.000.
A. E. "Wait and wife to M. McFar
land, N SWtf sec. 22, T. 8, N. B.
7 W.; Sl,600.
J. F. Warren and wife to M. P.
Callender, $ SE& NEK and EK
SEK sec. 14, By, sec. 13. aud EK
SW and SWM'SWM sec. 13,560
acres; $750.
C. Timmins and wife to tho N. D.
M. E. ohurch, E 50 feet lot 7, blk 20,
Adair's Astoria; S500.
Thos. Shay to Thos. Basmussen,
lot 6, blk 16, McClnre's Astoria,
SI 550
W. G. Boss to C. S. Gundersou, lot
3, blk 61, McClnre's Astoria; S750.
Their Business Bon in in pp.
Probably no one thing has caused
such a general revival of trade at W. E.
Dement & Co.'s Drugstore as their giv
ing away to their customers of so many
free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Their trade
is simply enormous in this very valu
able article from the fact that it'alwavs
cures and never disappoints. Coughs.
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and
all throat and lung diseases quickly
cured. You can test it before buying
by getting atrial bottle free, large
size Si. Every bottle warranted.
Try Fabres celebrated pan roast.
Special Meeting, C. K. F. P. V,
There -will be a special meeting of the
Columbia River Fishermen's Protective
Union, at Ross' Opera House, Tuesday,
.1 unc 7th. ?87, at 3 o'clock p. m., sharp.
Business of importance to be transacted.
By order of the -Cex tr vr. Bo Aim
Pup I.OJf.
Brown, lonjr hair. He stands 12
inches high. Finder leave at "Astoria
Bakery and be suitably rewarded.
Private Rooms.
Scrofulous, Inherited and
Contagious Humors Cured
by Cuticura.
THROUGH tho- medium of one of your
books recoiveu through .Mr. Frank T.
Wray, DrugKit, Apollo, r-a., I bccnnio ac
quainted with your Cuticuka Ukmkdjfs,
and tako this opportunity to testify to you
that their uso has permanently cured mo jof
ono of the tvor-t casci of blood pomnin?, in
connection ivitb erysipelas, that 1 have ever
seen, and this after Having been pronounced
ineurablo by foiuo of the bet phy? icans in
our countv 1 tako creat nleasuro in forward
ing to you thi testimonial, unsolicited as it
is by you, in order tnat others sunonng irom
similar maladies may bo encouraged to giro
your CirriccitA ItuihDits a trial
P. S. WHITL IN Grill, Lecchburg, Pa.
Reference: Fiuxk T. Urnr,
Druggist, Apollo, Pn.
scftoFri.ouss tjjlces.
James E Richardson, Custom Houso. New
Orleans on oath says. "Jn lb"0 .-crofulous.
Ulcers broke out on my body until I was a
mas of corruption, Everything known to
tho medical fuculty was tried in vain. I be
came a mere wrecK. At nme3 coulu not
lift my hands to my hoad, could not turn in
bed ; was in constant pain, and looked upon
life as a eurso. A o relief or euro in ton years
InliS')! heard of the Cuticurv Uesiedies,
used theral and was perfectly cured."
sworn to before U. S. Com, J. D, Ueawford,
Wo have been selling your Cuticoba Rem
edies for ears, and have the first comt laint
yet to rccoivo from a purchaser Uno ot the
worst cases of Scrofula 1 over saw was cured
by tho use of five bottles of CuticUba Resol
vent, CuTiruc, and Cuticurv Soap Tho
soap takes tho "cako" hero a3 a medicinal
soap. TAYLOR & TA LOK,
Druggists, Frankfurt, Kan.
And Contagious Humors, with Los3 of Hair,
and Eruptions of tho bkin. aro positively
cird by Cuticurv and CuTiruRA Sou- ex
ternally, and Cuticurv Resolvent internally,
when all other medicines fail. Send for Pam
AVo have obtained satisfactory results from
tho uso of tho Cuticura Remedies in our own
family, and recommend them beyond any
other remedies lor diseases of tho skin and
bio d. Tho domana for them grows as their
merits becomo known.
.MAUM1LLAN & CO. Druggists, Latrobo. Pa.
arasold everywhere Price: Cuticura. tho
Great Skin Cure. 50 ct?., Cuticura jBoav, an
Exquisito BeautiGer, 23 cts.: Cuticura Risol-ven-t,
tho ?v ow Blood Purifier, SI 00. Potter
Drug axi Chemical C.., Doston.
niflnPLKS. Ulacklipads, Skin Blemishes,
r I 111 and Raby Humors, uso Cuticura Soap.
-t itni.rii Hi.
J Have you awakened from a disturbed sleep
; with all tho hurriblo sensations of an assas
sin c'utching your throat and pressing the
lifo-breath from your tightened chest? Have
you noticed tho languor and debility that
succeed thp effort to clear your throat and
head of this catarrhal matter? What a
depressing influenco it exerts upon the mind,
clouding the memory and filling tho head
with pains and strango noises ! now dif
ficult it is tn rid Ihn nasnl tinsemroq- thrnnt
j and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can
testily wno aro nulicteu with catarrh. How
difficult to protect tho system against its
further progros towaids the lungs liver and
kidneys, all physicians will admit. It is a
terrible disease, and cries out for relief and
Tho remarkable curative powers, when all
other remedies utterly fail, of Sanforp's
Radical Curk, aro attested h- thousands
who gratefully recommend it to fellow-sufler-ors.
So statement is made regardiug it that
cannot bo substantiated by tho most respect
ablo and reliable referenco3
Each packet contains ono bottle of the
Rahical Cuuk, one box of Cvtarriial Sol
vent, and an Improved Inhaler, with treat
ise and directions, and is sold by alt druggists
for si 00.
rorrER Ditun & Chemical Co., Boston.
From tho bench and tho coun
ter, from tho loom and scwjng
machine goes up tho cry of pain
and weakness. Aching Sides and
i nek, Kidney and Uterine Pains,
Strains and U enknoss. Couehs.
and Colds jind Chest Pains, and every Pain
and Ache of daily toil ivlicvei fli one
utiuitti by tho utipur ntj-laiii
i'Intr. icw. elegant, nnd infalliblo At
druggists. 25c , fivo for SI CO ; or of Potter
Drug and Chemical Co., Boston.
0. R. & N. CO..
To San Francisco nnd Keturu, (JcoJ for
45 Days, $30.
Good Until September 30th.
Ticket Agent.
E.A. NO YES, Agent.
There is no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to .send to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom fade Ciothos-
As they can pet Better Fits, Better Work
inaiiihlp, and for
Loss i&flCoiELoy
By Leaving their Orders with M K ANY. He
has lust received a large stock of Goods from
the East, fne Business Suits from $35.
Call ami See Him and Satisfy Tonrseir.
.Mrs ilasania IVatson. Mrs. Lillian Warren.
Corner C.iss and Jefferson, up stairs axe
now leady for orders from the ladies of
Aotoria and vicinity. We do only first class
work by a late system adopted in fashion
able circles ever where.
All work Ruaranteed.
Comparison ch illenged.
Terms reasonable.
Boat Building.
Is on deck and nrenared to hniiii vrmt
that he will jjuamntee as to work and dur
ability. Before to all who have used boats of
ins construction, ah worn guaranteed.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par-
nc3, en., i uc ucai cuuhcu iu oroer.
iaJlF. to ( v?L V . tBI Wmk
Mk H ) if u m
The Leading Dry
"Wa9te time in look
ing around when you
can step into my place
of business any da,
and feel perfectly sure
that you get goods at
the very lowest figures.
Clothier and Hatter-
(Occident Hotel Building.)
Theo Bracker
.Recommends to the public and to the
trade his btock of Cisrars, Tobacco, Smoker's
Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at
1'ortland prices. Chenamus street.
it Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of. Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship aud- Cannery work, Ilorseshoeinp.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
W. F. Arerabruster
& JE2 "W 3Xj3 ZEL.
Clocks, Jewelry and Musical
Repaired on the Shortest Notice at Rea-
souuuie naies.
Chenamus St-,, next to Spexarth's Gun .store,
by the Trojan Shirt and Collar Co., Troy,
Goods and Clothing
Contains Not a Drop of Medicine,
"Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol.
But is a simple sugar-cane liko
farther south, was lately accidentally discovered-by Lieut. Moxie, and
nas proved itself to be the only harmless aud effective nerve food
known that ran recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man
hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, soft
ening of the brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by
nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and makes
you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feelinc like
magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at
once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines.
Dose, Ono Small TVinofflassf ul Every Four Hours.
The loss of gas from the bottle does not- weaken or injure the Moxie.
Look out for Counterfeits.
Price, -50 Gents a. Quart Bottle, or $5.00 per Dozen.
D. L Beck Sons.
Xew York.
House Of Astoria.
plant, grown near the Equator and
JJa&2ad Af 2-
j sESai-