(V tSfte mi gtftaratn ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY. ... JUNE 4. 18S7 Ex-VlCE-FrvESIDENT. WnEELEB is reported dying at his residence at Malone, New York. The latest improvement in New York apartment houses is an ar rangement which enables the tenants to mail letters without leaving their rooms. A sluice is in every room, the missives are dropped in; and as fast as they ac cumulate they are deposited in a postoffice box. It is further pro posed to regulate all the clocks in the house by electricity, change the calendar in each suit every morning, and show the direction of the wind by means of a dial. The state railroad commission, which has been in session at Salem during the week, has been consid ering freight charges of the O. R. & N. Co. During the recent trip of members of the commission through eastern Oregon many complaints of overcharges reached their ears, and the board deter mined to make a thorough examin ation of the matter. The list of reductions which the commission proposes to recommend to the 0. R. & N. Co. is about complete, and will be sent to the officials- of the company soon. It is under stood that an average reduction of 25 per cent, on the charges for wool, wheat, etc., will be asked for. Referring to a statement that some tin-plates were made recent ly at Hubbard, Ohio, the Troy Times calls attention to the fact that this is not the first time that plates have been successfully turned out b American manu facturers. At Wellsville, Ohio, the Times says, in 1873 the man ufacture was begun, and another plant was started at Leechburg, Penn. In 1875 a similar enter prise was begun at Demmler, Penn. The latter establishment was closed in 1878 because of its inability to compete with English tin-plates. When the manufac ture began in the United States, tin-plates were selling at 812 to $14.75 per box. In 1878, when the American manufacture was discontinued, prices had dropped to $5.18 to $6.25 per box. This was, it is claimed, owing to a com bination of foreign manufacturers to reduce the price. Importations have fluctuated somewhat. In 1873 the importations amou.ned to 192,487,440 pounds; by 1874 they had fallen to 169,318,912 pounds. Low prices from this on stimulated importation, and they rose to 198,310,632 pounds in 1876, and in 1884 they were 507, 894,756 pounds. In 1886 they amounted to 572,252,699 pounds. The Good Old Days Passed By. The run on the Sacramento river shows no improvement; the average daily catch is forty-five to fifty fish to a cannery. The good old days of Balmon fishing on the Sacramento have passed. CaJ. Grocer and Can ner. . . Take It In Time. A man who presents an appearance of debility, whose countenance is anx ious and who is subject to Bpells of faintness, is liable to sudden death from heart disease. Let him take Dit. FiiiKT's Heart Remedy before it is tooJate. At druggists. $1. 50. De scriptive treatise with each bottle; or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F. A Kew And Enlarged Mock of Choice Brands of Clears. Imported Key West and domestic. All taste can be satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. Tansill'sPunch and Junior's In full supply as usual at D. L. Beck & Sons. The best oysters in Fabre's. any style at "What! Do You Think Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant In town. 25 c-nts. Syrup ol Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This Eleasant liquid fruit remedy may be ad of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system; to acton, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gpntly yet thoroughly to dispel Headachs, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Sawed amd Shared Shingles, Fresh Lime. Cement and Plaster Paris, at J. EL. D.Gray's. THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM. A Prediction That It Will Illnmlne the Heavens this Year. This year, it has been predicted, we are to witness an extraordinary piece of celestial fire-works, viz., the reappearance of the "Star of Bethle hem," and since it is not impossible that the prediction, although founded upon rather meager data, will be ful filled, it may not be unwise to pre pare ourselves for tlie stars advent by inquiring where it will appear and what it may be like. The history of this star is this: On the evening of the 11th of November, 1572, the cele brated Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe, returning home from his lab- ratory, chanced to cast his eyes heav enward to the starry vault and was astonished to observe a star near the zenith in Cassiopeia, of a magnitude never before seen. This new star was without a tail, was not surround ed by nebulous light and was per fectly like all other fixed stars, with the exception that it scintillated more strongly than stars of the first mag nitude. "When first discovered its brightness was greater than that of Vega, Sirius or Jupiter, and was com parable only to that of Venus when she shines with her greatest splen dor. Its brillianoy was, in fact, so great that those gifted with, keen eyesight could perceive it in the day time and even at noon. In the fol lowing December it had diminished so much in luster that it resem bled Jupiter. By February, 1573, it had become reduced in brill iancy to an ordinary star of the first magnitude. By the following No vember, one year after its first ap pearance, it was only of the fourth magnitude, and its light continued to fade until in March, 1574, after hav ing been visible for seventeen months, it was no longer discernible to the naked eye. (This was thirty-seven years before the invention of the tel escope.) In the year 945 and again m VZbi a brilliant star is recorded to have made its appearance suddenly between the constellation of Gepheus and Cassiopeia, near the place where the new star appeared m 1572. These three phenomena were not un naturally connected together even by Tycho Brahe and his cotemporaries, and were regarded as reappearances of the same star. It was, further more, surmised that this star was no other than the star of the Magi, and. this question was warmly discussed while the star was still shining. It is, possibly, a belief in this identity which led to the assignment to the star of a period of 315 years. The actual intervals are oiy ana dus years, which gives a mean period of 313) years. But if we reckon back from 1572 by periods of 815 years we are brought to the year 3 B. 0., whioh. is nearly identical, according to revised chronology, with the year of the birth of Christ. Let ns wait for this star with becoming patience and see what we shall see. Notice to Mariners. Notice is hereby given that the fixed white lens lantern post light on the west side of the entrance to Big Slough, W. T., Columbia river, will be discontinued during the present high water in the river. The fixed red lens lantern post light has been removed from the north-east end of Coon Island, Ore gon, at the entrance to the Willam ette river, and will be discontinued during the same penodV By order of the Light House Board. U. Sebbee, Inspeotor. There is considerable commotion among the Chinese because of the new law regulating the traffic in opinm, which provides that none bnt physicians and pharmaoists, gradu ated from recognized schools, can dispense the narootio drug, and they must register their names, etc., with the county clerk. The Chinese can not do this because their medical colleges and schools of pharmacy are not recognized in this country. Thus the recently enaoted law virtually in hibits the Chinese from trading in the article from the sale of whioh they always have derived large profits. The penalty for the violation of the law is so great that they will find it unprofitable not to respect it. The president is said to have planned a Pacific coast trip this sum mer and may get as far west as As toria. He is determined that his journey shall be made entirely at his personal expense. He does not in tend to accept-any favors, but he will pay for everything he gets of trans portation and personal service. The trip will cost him about 3,500 for the sixty days over which it will extend. wmcu is a gooa aauy allowance lor contingent expenses. The report lacks confirmation and is improbable. Cool Beer Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. Grat ke's. Gainbrinus Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. For The Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at his new gallery on the road way. ; What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of deliGious coffee at Fabre's. Telephone Xoi;rinr, ITouse. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week S1J50. New and clean. Private entrance. A Sunny Room "With the comforts of a home, library, etc. Apply at Holden House. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. uonns drug store, opposite ucciaent hotel, Astoria. No One Need Remain A Dyspeptic. "I have been suffering for over two years witE Dyspepsia. For the last year I could not take a drink of cold water nor eat any meat without vomiting it up. My life was a misery. I had had recommerided Simmons Liver Regulator, of which I am now taking the second bottle, and the fact is that words cannot express the relief I .feel. My appetite ,is very good, and I'-aigest everything thoroughly. I sleep well now, and I used to be Very restless. JL am flesh ing up fast; good strong food and Simmons Liver Regulator have done it all. I write this in hopes of bene- fiting some one who has . suffered as I did, and would take oath to these state ments if desired." E. S. BALLOU, Syracmt, Neb. J.H. ZEILIN & CO., PhiladelphOr Pa Price 81.00. The Joy of Planked Shad. The Jersey idea of a good time is planked shad. A planked shad is to the Jersey man what a clam bake is to a Bhode Island man. "When a Jereeyman sets out to serve a planked shad he places a lot of the stones in a cirole and builds a roar ing wood fire in the center. Then he scales the shad, splits them down the back, cleans and washes them, and nails them on the weather side tjf new pine shingles. Then he stands the shingles on end leaning them against the circle of stones, with the bright red flesh of the shad exposed to the heat of the wood fire. A planked shad is, therefore,-striotly speaking, a shingled shad. If the fire is hot, the shad loses its color in about ten min utes, and then five minutes later, with a faint tinge of brown over the juioy white flesh, it is served smoking hot to the guests, already made fam ishing! y hungry by the aroma that pervades the air all aronnd the eirole of stones. Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your ap- gitite is poor you are bothered with eaiache, you are ftdgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for Jheir basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will puri fy your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitali ty, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. -JKFF'S United States Restaurant is the beat and cheapest in Astoria. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeffs restaurant. Ten cents for a cup of Fabry's nice coffee. NEW TO-DAY. . Notice. PAY Nfl MONRY FOB ACCOUNT A8 torla Wool Yard to noboflv except FBANK L. PAKKKK. Grand Excursion! To Port Canby and llwaoo. The steamer Qen. Canby will leave Gray's dock at 9 A. m. Sunday, June 6th, 1837. Tickets for the Bouud Trip, One Dollars Northwest Fire and Marine INSUBAUCE company. A non Board Company with $300,000 Paid Up Capital In this State. Sellable Fire Insurance at Low Rate). It. Jj. BOYtK, Astoria Agent. Office at I.X.L. Packing Co. MURRAY & CO., GROCEKS And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling or orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Btreet. P. 0. Box 153. Telephone No. 31. ASTORIA, OREGON. Farm for Sale, on Lewis and Clarke River. 1 Hf ACRE3, NEW HOUSE, 4 FULL JLOl blooded Holsteln cattle. 14 head other cattle. 2 horses and all farming Imple ments, oyer one mile dyked. 20 acres high land under cultivation. Good meadow. A, R JOHNSON. Cannery Supplies The Crystal Palace OFFERS GREAT BA.GAINS IN Baby. Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Sets. A FULL STOCK OF Books and S tationary ut llie Crystal Palace. A. V. ALLEN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed: o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh CITY BOOK Our Stock is Larger than ever before. All New Goods and direct from Eastern Factories. FINE STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Sets, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. Whiting's Standard Writing Papers. The Domestic Sewing Machine. Pacific Coast Charts and Tide Tables. GRIFFIN & REED. JTA) I xExV The LQMG.AND. Short of it. I. I T11 "STOU. TlLat JEFFi Of the U. S. Restaurant gives the best Meal for the money to be had on the Coast. His Regular Dinner with Tea, Coffee, Wine, Beer or Milk for 2 Sets. Cannot be Beat. Meals Cooked to Order on Short Notice Oysters In Any Style and Always Fresh. Fixsrt Class Saloon .zxcaL LODCING HOUSE In Connection With H. EKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. Just received a large stock of Watches and Clocks, Chains, Lockets, etc. Also genuine Beth Thomas Boat Clocks, proved to e the best. All which will be sold at very low prices. Watch and Clock repairing a specialty, and done at reasonable prices, shop next to Aug. DanleUon's Sample Boon, on the roadway, Immense "Stock of Fine Jewelry, Watches, Clo'eks and Silverware. YYatch and Jewelry Repairing A Spocinlly. CARL ABLER, 3Ianager. every Steamer. The Restaurant. Are You Injured? J. O. Bozorth. Writes Insurance Policies In Reliable Fire Insurance companies that give Absolute Protection in case of Fii. " STORE. EMPIRE STORE WE CARRY A Full Line of Dry and Fancy Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Gents' Furnishing. Goods Hats Caps . We have just received a large lot ol G-ENTS' FINE SHOES " . Direct from Manufacturers. Children's Youths' and Misses' Shoes In all styles and grades, And the finest assortment or IJUDIEV SHOES to be found In Astoria. W. T. PAHEEE", Manager. BOOTS and SHOES. Txenuine English Porpoise Shoes Tor Gents. Ladles Flexible Sole Shoes in French, Kangaroo and Dongola Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infant neols, Spring heels. WE DJEAI, IX BOOTS AND SHOES ONLY. P. J. GOODMAN. Hw S FJLXl.02Xi DEALER IX Hay.-Oats, and Straw, Lime, Bricl, Cement, Saul and Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Draylngr, Teaming and Kxpress Boslneti. TKR apply to the Captain, or to Strike It Rich ! buy your Groceries i Provisions -OF- Foard & Stoke Their largely Increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin of proflt while giving you goods that are of first clas3 quality. " Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price! Fald for Junk. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAT HASSEN, Propr. A Largo and Well Selected Stock of FIno Diamonds t. Jew elry At Extremely Low Prices. Ill Goods Bought at This Establishment "Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. J. H. D. GKAY Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. AT GRIFFIN & REED'S. Ul C3 es o o I CO us Kid and STKAitfKlS CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parker, Master. FotTOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR H. B. PABKEB. IN- aby Buggies AND Musical Instruments AT THE New York Novelty Stor AmericanNews Depot ON SALE The latest Magazines and Illustrated papers of the day. Swedish, Danfeh and German papers, Books and Dictionaries. Lovell and Seaside Libraries, 8ehool Books, Stationery, etc A BALMANNO, Chenamus St. near Main. Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewlsg Machines, faints, Oils Groceries, SIto. GREAT Bargains