CO ,r -. ,. '. s - VOL. XXVII, NO. 132. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, J887. PRICE blVE CENTS. - - t J- i BUSINESS CARDS. G KO. XOLAXlf. ATTORNEY AT LA A?. S TJJICOB OE -tav uj Kinney's Block, opposite Cit ; flail. Astoria. Oregon. j C v'. f CLTOX. O. C FULTO:. j FULTOX BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. j ::ouni3 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. ' GRE SO f lm " J- -J 1 II I I I lj Ul -. THE C. It. THOMSOS, ATREME IOIfc OREMATION Iff ALASKA. Held for Higher Prices. Bodies Burned on the Beach at High Water Mark. Of late considerable quantities of hay have been brought here i -frz-nri flalifVirnio nn onnVi ctnnmor causing many remarks uncompli mentary to our farmers and prob ably introducing the wild oat into Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention given to practice In the 0. SY Land Office, and the examination of land titles. Afullsetol Abstract Books for Clatsop County in office. Money to loan. o,w OFFioK-Rooms 4 and 5, over City Boob store. J. q. A. BOWLBY. A tiurney tuid tJounallor t tatv Having had information the other day of a cremation to take place at the Indian village, I went to the beach to witness it: TIiq ' sections where it hag hitherto been defunct siwash was known around unknown. It now turns out Juneau as Frank and was formf r- J then is plenty ofi;ood timothy ly employed at Martin Brothers i hav here to last till new hav comes store in the capacity of Indian . in. but the farmers have been i clerk, and the klokman (it beinjr I holding back for higher prices. Rhnnmntism NonralnJa Qnlatlrva , a double cremation of one of each As soon as hay got above $20 per Lumbago, Backache. Headalhs, Toothache, .sexj had been called Jennie; both, t n they did not want los-H-for. Sore Throat. Swellings, rro;t Bites as 1C nappenea, navmg cuect oi ' any reasonable price, i.uc neici on. HOUSE REPAINTED, CURES Sprains, Brul&os, Burns, Scalds. IT CONQUERS PAIN. office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon U1 D. WTXTO ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. ll and 12. Pj ttilan Castle Bulld- t B. WATSON, Law and DeputyDist. Atty. All business before the U. peclalty. ABTORIA, 3. Land Office a Oheqon. r O. HIXBLIifi Y, D. D. H. DENTIST. Is associated with DE. IjA FOItCis., Kooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA. .--. OREGON. D R. A. U FUITOX. Pljblelau and Surgeon. iTeryapplisailttrellim ?trytsttl It a rtrs esra. Every bstils is tertsl EToryctssisa tsttls tu tha flrn's Sigutue. Kvwy bans rill fcm it. Ersryltrga rxeiisit. ETeryjoursalcenaisdilt. Every sislf thssld Ins it Every teitlneslil is tmo Every dy sew denasds Every p&tieat is erre-4 Ever? jtia is cczqztrci Every dng&irt praises it Every ebeairt fials it per fect. AWARDS FOR BEST PAIN-CURE. VETT ZEALAND EXHIBITION 18S2 Gold McdaL MLCCTTA IKT. KXHIBITIOS-18S3-4-Gold SIodaL rixciKXATi Ikd. Exrosmox-'M-SllYcraiedaL lAUFOBXIA BTATE FAIE 16S4 Gold MeduL LouisviiiE so. -exposition 16S4 Gold Medal XT Oacoaun amd Dlauxs. Fetes SO CcxTt. ME CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, Md 'urea Female Cfimpl&inte. A Great Kidney ttdtiy. GT SOLD B? ALL DRUGGISTS, Office oq Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. JAY TUTTJLE, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 0 Pythian Building. RK8IDKKCB On Cedar 8treet. back of 3L Mary's Hospital. -yit. O. B. E8TES. PIIYSIC1AN AND SURGEON. Opkick : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. Tilt i Q PSllQ VK. FItAKK PAGE. PHYSICIAN AND SUKQEON, Opposite Telegraph Offlce, Astoria, Oregon. pvR. ALFRED KLXXEY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at hU offlce and may be found there at any hour. G ELO F. PARSER SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-Clt7 Surveyor of Astoria i ifflce : N. E. comer Cass and A stor streets, Room No. 8 Up Stairs. Robt, Collier, Deputy, E. V. HOLDER. Hotary Public, Oommisaioner of Deads For Washington Territory, luclloneer, Bel Estate and Insurance ' Agent. OSe-9, at Holden's Auction Rooms, Chena mus street, Astoria. Oregoiu' A. R. SHAW. FORTORPIDHVSE. A torpid liver deranges the whole system and produces Sick Headaelie? Dyspepsia, Costivencss, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for those common diseases than Tutt's Pills, as a trial will prove. .Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents pur box. Sold Everywhere. AGENCY ffiKSmM. OF SAN FRANCISCO. FlavePs Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Camiery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance al Current Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN P. McGOVEBN, Agent. H. IX. Coleman, Accountant. DENTIST. Kooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. H.A shith. DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian C. H. Cooper's Store. Build-lng over mnos. mai us. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. a tfoai fit guaranteed. Chartrps Moderate. Agest for the Celebrated Household SewiDg Haehlne. anop opposite u. a. uoopers. Wilson Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. iOGGERS' -SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED Carnarian & Go. SUCCESSORS TO T. "W. CASE, OUTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN . &ENERAL MERCHAHDISI, Comer Chenamus andKJaS streets. ASTCRIA OREGOS JUST RECEIVED Seattle Coal. Walls End CoaL Oregon Improvement Co. E, A. NOTES, Agent. AGENTS EOll SALEM PATENT ROLLEB MILLS, Portland RoUer Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. . a i consumption. The mourning ser-, The vice consisted of the ancient ceie- j mony known as "potlach," which is alwa's customary among tho Indians of southeastern Alaska on the occasion of the death of one of their number. The potlach is a division of whatever temporal goods the deceased may have pos sessed, such as blankets, dry goods, etc., among hib or her re lations, according as the merits of each individual case may justify. In the services of the mourning,, which are very long, and to the Indian mind veiy impressive, the first in the order of the day is a eulogistic discourse by one of the old men, which, being delivered by him in sections, so to speak, is taken up and sung by the rest in a monotonous sort of chant; the old man is then superseded by an other venerable buck, who goes through the same service, and he in turn by another, until all the old men have had their individual say. The chanters keep -time br thumping on the floor with sticks and beating on a drum. This per- lormance ueinsr erone over lor a day or two, the potlatch takes place. The body of the decased is fust wrapped in a matting, woven from split roots, and in appearance re sembliriff coarss straw. Thev then convey the body to tho place of cremation, which is?always on the beach at high-water mark. On occasion they had on hand for the purpose of burning the two bodies, about one cord of wood, some split and some in small logs. First a platform of small logs is laid a foot from the ground, andva space of four inches between each log. On this pyre, which w,i about seven feet long by tivr "s- . wide, the two bodies were plar , about threo feet apart, and around them a miniature log hut was built to the height of four feet; Tho inclosed space is then careful ly filled in with split wood and fine kindling, and now, everything being in readiness, the lire is lighted from the bottom. The na tive diet being chiefly salmon, an oily substance, the bodies of the Indians seem to contain a consid erable amount of oil, as thoy burn very readily. While the corpses were charring, the fiiends of the deceased continued to poke them "with long sticks, occasionally rak ing tho fragments of burnt iiesh from the fire and wrapninjr them in skins, blankets, etc. Returning from the cremation of the two na tives, I heard singing in a native house and dropped in to see what was going on. There was quite an assemblage of natives squatted around a smnll fire in the center of the room, and at one end of the house the corpse of an old woman lay. covered with sheet and hlankets. All around the room was strung up muslin, pieces of calico and a few blankets also three umbrellas, etc., all of which will be distributed amonr the relatives and near friends. Then the process described above will be gone through. Alaska Ji r(,e JJyeSSm dealers i I'ffs'n to brinir in California hay and ''checked the rise" and now hay i oflercd here in considerable quantities at a less price than was 'offered for it some time since. One man has 100 tons, and now, owing to the high water, cannot find sale for it, except in small quantities. Some hay i al so coming in from Union county, and the prospect is that tho price will not again come up to what it was a short time ago. This shows the folly of holding for higher prices when offered more for an article than it is worth. Orcgom an, .?. , THE MTOR Ja Qa ROSS9 Proprietor, - m mm SBHHHSaalrori I iiiMSmrSBHInraMHH REfiTTEDr EFURNiSHEO. RENOVATED. Victoria, June 2. A goodly number of the British sealing fleet have already started for the hunt ing grounds in Behring sea. "The balance of the fleet will leave fn a few da vs. It is understood that after the jubilee celebration he ad miral and a war vessel will leave Esquimalt for Behring sea, for the purpose of .protecting the sealing fleet from foreuu interferences. LARGE. GLEAN, WELL- KEPT HOUSE. Rates From SI a Day Upwards: First Class in all its Appointments. Clean. Neat Iioonv, Sunny, Well Furnished and well Kept, You are Invited to Call. Free Coach to and From the House. Look Here Boys, Mvu Of tho good tilings of y , 3 this life aro sorrowful ly let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia, Indigestion aud Constipa tion; sold on a positive guarautoo at 23 and 50 cents, by JV W. Conn. General Logan once uttered someiiomely common sense when he said the Republican party was too strong to be broken by any thing "except the admission of fool things into its platforms." Next year "fool things1' will swarm around platforms like yellow iaekets around a molasses bunjr. Suit of Clothe. Iljouwanta neat fitting Koio Merchant Tailor. Havjng just leceived a complete assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make up Suits cheaper than the cheapest. Givo mo a call and he convinced that I mean what I sav. .J," E ROSS. Comer Squemoqua and Hamilton streets, east of C. ll. Cooper's. n nse New Stock plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did 3'ou ever try Acker's English Rem edy? It is tho best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c. 50c. J. W. Conn. Ready for Salmon. THE BRITISH BARQUE WARWICK CASTLE, At the funeral of John Bude Holmes, for many years surveyor of Now York city, snven women, each professing to bo Holmes' le gitimate wife, put in an appearance and made claim on his property. They were accompanied b' eleven children, who claimed Holmes as father. Six of the women got in to a fight beside the grave, and were arrested. AVorkinK People Every Body Knows THAT THE- BXagee Furnace Co. Of Boston Make The BEST STOVES AND RANGES In The AVorld ; THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria f.tSS Consisting of 4 CAR LOADS of Hue Artistic and Plain Fyrfsifure, Oarpets, Oil Gloih, Madras-Silk LACE AND P0ETIERE CURTAINS,. Dado Shades, &c;, Has Arrived. .ThebC goods weie purchased direct from Eastern lanufacturers and shipped before the recent advance in freight, the benefits thereof wo propose to share with our customers. Call and See Us. CHAS. KEILBORN. J. C. ROSS, OOTJ3STTT- 0O3El.O3?ar3E3 H., Firat Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Newest style Caskets and Funeral Material. Ererythlng Xeat and Well Arraaged.- Coroner's Office, Undertaking Rooms net to Aslorlan office, (B. B. Franklin's old stand.) Are often too ill' to labor, but they haven't timto take medicine and layoff. Simmons Liver Regulator can be taken ithout causing any loss ot time, and the system will be built up and invigor ated by it. It lias no equal as a pre paratory medicine, and can be sately ubed when a doctor cannot be called in. In all common diseases it will unas sisted by any other medicine effect a speedy cine. S. ARNDT & FERCHEN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop Bl-ACKSMTIH BHOPi lK'h . Or Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AKD STEAMBOAT WOES Promptly attended to, A.pedalty made of repairing - CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF lXFAYETTE STREET. 0. H. - Stockton. W. E. DEMENT & CO, ssTotssrs. Pioneer Painter and Paper Hanger s&enm m&&mu& .1SSa".7ftK3 5"f SjK.siir3 solSfews vZls- Ofiloo on Maln.J.Three doors south of Squemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres coing, otc. Wi.liam Kirkman, . of "Walla Waila,,thirtks eastern Oregon and Washington will raise 350,0C0 tons of wheat for export this year. This would be 10,500,000 bushel?. m roil lofts Or, PI.EUKISr CUBED. ready to apply to Kingston, Ontario, ) December 7, 185. ) Six years ago I caught a severe cold standing in an ice house with i my coat off. 1 felt mvself getting dully and went to the house, where I shook for half an hour and then had high fever and terrible pain in my side and through my lungs. I put'an Allcock's Pobous Plaster on my back and one on the front of mv ToLiverpoolDirect 1 a?&iXMi uk .. uum uie next; morning, ! when I-was again quite as well as j ever. In telling jny doctor about it, t ne saia i naa been attacked -nith For L1 ernool direct ! now receive silmon. For particulars MYER, AVILSOM &CO. Portland. Ocn. Or to C. V. UPSn CR, Astoria. Tho fine first class Iron harque GKLENAVON. AA1 at L'oyds 1030 tons felbter Goeionthe berth Immediately and nil have good despatch for Ll ernool. For freight applv to TAYLOR. YOCNG & CO. or to A. AV. BERRY, Portland. Astoria. . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ThkBest Salvk in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Ulcers,i5altIvheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively euros Tiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sa le by AV E. Dement & Co. pleurisy and, possibly, pneumonia. . j. Dudley. E. 0. HOLDBN. Anclioneer anQ Commission Agent Established 1874. Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. I AYill conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock. ' or Household U00U3 m me country. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. General OTacMnisis and Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines BOITER TFOUK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Wjrh A SPECIALTY. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass President. J. G. Hustlku, .Secretary. I. W. Case '..Treasurer. JOHN Fox.............. Superintendent. BOOTS AND SROES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PSICES, AT THE SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. STORLA., - - - OREGON Carry In Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded VircinlaCicar anft Toliacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, AVater Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccor and Saok era Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES. NOTIONS.&c ge CAN BE TIAD IN-ASTORIA, ONLY OF R. HAWES, Aucnt. Call and Examine It ; You AViil be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent foi Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOA'ES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings. Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand he uOlMll TransDortation CoiOT Established I. 1870 homer mm, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. "Will appraise and purchase Second-hand . . 'Furniture. j uoes a uencrai uanKing Business The Bev." Geo. H.Thayer, of. Bour- Consignments Solicited, Quick : Sales and bon,lnd says: "Both myself and wife .prompt Cash returns guaranteed. j - . owe OW lives to Shiloh's Consumption Astoria asent for Dally and Weekly Ore-' Dfts Drawn Available In any part of QTRB," Sold by w7 E. Dement. I gonlan. tne " orw' I! Through Freight on Fast Time I THE NEW STEAMER rELEPHQNE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Jhursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. J-An additional trip will be made on Sunday ot Each tVeefc, leavlng'Portland at v u'ciock snnnay jiomtnir. rasseugers di wis route connect ai aiuaum u. c.c for Sound ports. .SCOTT, President rti iiiwjjjflk JLflwTifctfciii r. --,. -rlrlitiArCefrte'tfu.i -A-- -igaiacaufc Je3&i&Jatijilli&r .-jm- aferifefl lito4Tgfrgff!jgf