C3 Wt gja toriatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY.. ...MAY 2it. 1SS7 Straw hat. Dustera, too. And light clothes. Salmon still scarce. Dry roofs; look out for fire. All the banks and principal bus i ness houses will be closed to-morrow in honor of Memorial Day. -In April, '86, there were 48 case3 in the'police ceurt: in April. '87. 29: in May, '86, 32 cases; thus far this month, 21. There will be a big house to greet Baird's minstrels next Tuesday. Re served seats may be procured at the ew iorjJNoveity store. The New Thorney Craft, a torpedo boat launched last Monday at Lon don, attained a speed on her trial trip, of thirty-three miles an hour. Messrs. Doig and Harriman have gone to Clatsop beaoh to bring the MoGowan sloop, which is ashore there, to Fort Stevens to be repaired. The Gen. Canby leaves Gray's dock this morning at nine o'c'.ock on the first excursion of the season to Fort Canby and Ilwaco. Tickets for the round trip one dollar. Postmaster Bell states that the postoffice will be open to-morrow morning from eight o'clock till ten, when it will be closed until the Port land mail is distributed and then will be open until half past six. In the justice court yesterday, Chas. Woods was under examination, charged with outraging the peace and dignity of the state of Oregon by as saulting with intent to kill, one Jas. Jones. The row grows out of trouble at the seining grounds at Miller's sands, opposite Elliott's landing. Various newspapers throughout the! stare are advertising tne lottery, it is illegal, and that Bhould cause the press to refrain from setting an ex ample of illegality. Unless 'the law is enforced it will result in ojher journals advertising the business and then the law will go on the Bhelves along with the other sleeping statutes. The attempt of the Canadians to stock their lakes and rivers with salmon, the Toronto Qldbe says, may be pronounced a total failure. It is suggested that salmon do not return to the place where the fry has been deposited, but return, if it is possible, to the river from whioh the parent flah had been taken. This is the opinion of so competent an observer as Frank Buckland, and, if correct, it may account for failure in some in stances. Decoration Day, says the Omaha Republican, will outlive the gray haired veterans who now, by common consent, conduct its beautiful cere monies it will die only when love of country dies, and the fabric of the republic crumbles. To scatter flow ers upon their graves, and care for their loved ones, is all that we can do for the men who have done so much more than that for us. "When we shall cease to do that out of the warm gratitude of our hearts, the republic will not deserve to exist as a nation. The bark Helen W. Alrny, arrived in last evening from San Francisco. Among her cargo are 185 tons of giant powder. Upon her arrival har bor master Curran notified the cap tain that he would not be allowed to lie alongside the dock till the powder cargo was discharged. The captain said that he considered that was rea sonable, and would take steps to have the combustible part of his cargo put on a steamer for Portland. He is an chored in the stream opposite the city and will move this morning far ther up toward Tongue point. The Astor Honse. This morning the ABtor House opens its doors to the traveling pub lic under the experienced manage ment of J. G. Boss, late of the Pioneer Restaurant, who, finding that place too small for his increasing business, has been compelled to seek more commodious quarters. Over $2,500 has been spent in the last six weeks in refitting the house and it is with pleasure that Mr. Ross invites his old friends to visit him in his new establishment To the traveling pub lic he offers clean, well furnished rooms and an abundance of well cooked food at very reasonable rates. A free ooach will be run to and from the house and no pains spared to suit the patrons of the Astor House. i Attention Co. H. Headquabtebs of Co. "H." O. S. M. Astobia, May 27tb, 1887. j "H." Company will assemble at its armory1, armed and equipped for pa rade, Monday, May 30th, 1887, at one o'clock, P. M. By order of Capt. C. W. Fulton, Commanding. Services at the Methodist church to day. -Class meeting at 10 a.. it. rreacnmg ac ii a. m., sueject: "ine Only Perfect Example." Preaching at 7:30 p.m., subject: "What think je of Christ" hFor the best photographs and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. The finest and niaest steak to. tie had in town at Fabre's. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeff's restaurant. Private Booms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc The best cooked to order. XBSA1TE WANTED INAKKAflBAB. Pirea Eailroad Disaster Hot Weather New Orleans, May 28. Advices received last night from Little Rock, show that the requisition for papers has been issued on Gov. Stoneman, of California, for "Win, Kissane. The object in taking Kissane there is to compel him to repay tho amount of nis ioneuea nan oona, wuicti was paid by Col. Thomas Pearce and Judge Thomas Hawley. It is pro posed to put him on trial for the Martha Washington case, but it was found that all the material wit nesses are dead. The. previous de cision of the supreme court had deprived the Phillips county court of jurisdiction in the matter. It is thought Kissane has fled to British Columbia. TO LOCATE DEFENCES, Ottawa, Ontario, May 28. It is understood that Sir Adolphe Caron and Major General Sir Frederick Middleton will Start for British Co lumbia via the Canadian Pacific rail way, about the end of August. The trip will be undertaken for the pur pose of locating the site of the pro posed defences which are intended to be very complete. The armament will include several eighteen-ton guns which were shipped from Halifax about six months ago. TEBP.IBLE DESTRUCTION BY FIRK. Chicago, May 28. A dispatch from Marquette, Michigan, says: Tiie for- J est fires, which have devastated the northern peninsula of Michigan dur ing the last fortnight, by a careful estimate have caused a total loss of 87,000,000, including $2,500,000 caused by the destruction of the village of Lake Linden. Eight lives are posi tively known to be lost. Great des titution prevails throughout the burnt district. TOBOLOBAMPO COLONISTS. Los Angeles, Cala., May 28. A letter received here from ex-director 01vinD.Broeke, of tho Credit Foncier, dated Yegeton, Mexico, says that the Tobobolobampo colonists are suffer ing terribly for want of food and de nounces A. K.Owen, the originator of the scheme, and "Wheeler, the man who represents him in Tobolobarapo, as frauds .and liars. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Pittsburg, May 28. The latest re ports from the scene or the accident at the Horse Shoo bend on the Pennsylvania railway last night, state that eight persons were killed and six others injured; four were killed outright and the others died since. satisfactorily settled. Philadelphia, Pa., May 28. The long lockout of the clothing cutters by the Philadelphia clothing ex change was settled yesterday to the satisfaction of both parties. About six hundred men were concerned. BIZ. New York, May 28. The weekly bank statement shows a reserve in crease of 81,122,400. Tho banks now hold $5,779,600 in excess of the 25 per cent. ruje. boiler explosion. Memphis, May 28. The boiler in the Natchez cotton factory, at Natch ez, Miss., exploded yesterday morn ing. Many of the employes were killed nnd injured. HOT IN SAN FRANCISCO, TOO. San Francisco, May 28. This has been a day remarkable for the heat, the .temperature in the city this morning amounting to 93 degrees in the shade; 9G degrees at noon. This is the highest temperature known in fifteen years in San Francisco. Memorial Day Exercises. Following is the programme of the exercises on the occasion of the celebration, to-morrow, of Memorial Day: The procession and parade will be formed near the Occident hotel, at one p. m., sharp, and the following or der will be ebserved: 1, Oregon Na tional Guards; 2, Woman's Belief Corps; 3. City officials; 4, Invited guests and citizens; 5, Gushing Post No.l4,G.A.B. A line of march will be taken from the place of starting to the cemetery on the hill, where the usual memorial services will be held, after which the line will reform and march to the Congregational church, where an ad dress will be delivered by Comrade Hall. C. S. Wright, Com. Cushing Post No. 14., G. A. R. Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee. A Sunny Itooin With ttie comforts of a home, lihrar y. etc. Appiy ac iiomen iiouse. axulrinus Bcur And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, o cents. A Xcw Anil Knlarged tork Choice Itrandrt ofClgarM. of Imported Key West and domestic. All tastes can bo satisfied and all pockets suited as to price, lansm sruncn and .Junior" in full supply as usual at D. L. 13eck & Sons. What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. The best oysters in Fabre's. any style at G otoj efils forojrs ters , Private Rooms, TERRIBLE MINING DISASTER. Devastating Oyclone in the East Indies. Glasgow, May 28. A terrible ex plosion occurred to-day in the Ud ston coal pit at Blantyre village, in Lanarkshire.eight milesfrom this city. Two hundred and twenty miners are entombed in the pit and it is feared all have perished. The shaft is blocked with debris caused by the explosion. Further particulars show that the number of men entombed is less than first reperted: Forty-five of the miners who were imprisoned in the upper seam of the pit were rescued, but one died after being brought to the surface; the others are suffering, however, from the effects of the shock. All access to the lowest seam where seventy-five men are confined is found to be blocked by debris tum bled down by the explosion. It was in this seam that the explosion oc curred, and it is not believed that any of the men down there can be rescued alive. It is even thought that they are all dead now. There are seventy-five men still imprisoned in the middle seam; hopes are enter tained of saving the most of these. Volunteers working for their rescue can hear them calling for help. The pit's head has been surrounded by a large crowd of weeping women and children. Five dead bodies have al ready been taken out. destructive cyclone. Calcutta, May 2S. The cyclone which visited this section yesterday was very destructive. A local steam er with seven hundred and fifty per sons aboard was paught by the cy clone and is mussing. It is feared that she is lost with all on board. Tho district of Arissa was completely devastated by the clyclone. BELOIAN SOCIALISTS. Brussels, May 28. The socialists have taken advantage of the strikes iu Belgium to make demonstrations at varions places. They have held several meetings at which violent speeohes were made and the red flag displayed and "The. Marsellaise" snug. THE THEATER VICTIM:?. Pakls, May 28.--It is officially j:u nonuced this nftornoon that seventy five corpses have been ho far recov ered from ihe ruins of the Opera Comtqiie. It is expected that 100 more will bo found. RETURNING TO NEW TORK. Dublin, May 28. Cardinal Gibbins will sail for New York on the steamer Umbria to-morrow. Faraons Women. Madame Trebelli, the groatest of living contraltos who has traveled extensively, iu fact visited every county and city of note in the world, has just departed from the slope of the Pacific, and often expressing the greatest admiration for the beauty and grandeur of our scenery nnd the delightful mildness of our climate, left the following written note as a living expression of her opinion iu the hands of a Portland druggist, the original of which can be seen on de mand. Pobtlaxd, Or., April C, 1887. Dear Mr. Wisdem: I hne tried your "Kobertine." and it gives rae much pleasure to say that it is excellent for the complexion, being one of the best articles of the kind I have ever used. Be lieve me, yours sincerely, Z. TiiUUKIXl. If any further proof of the excel lency of this article is required call on Messrs. W.E. Dement & Co. of Asto ria, Or., who, for the small sum of fifty cents, will produce evidence that will satisfy the most skeptical and fastidious and give you a beautiful picture card for the troublo of en quiring. Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a General revival of trade at V. E. Dement & Co.'.s Drug Store as their giv ing away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valu able article from the fact that it 'always cures and never disappoints. Coughs. Cold3, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size SI. Every bottle warranted. WhatI Do You Think Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 23 cents. JEFF'S United SLites Restaurant is the best and cheapest In Astoriu. The perfection of the age in the med ical line, is the liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, manufactured only by the California Fig Syrnp Co San Fran cisco, Cal. It is agreeable to the taste, acceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, painless yet prompt and thorough in Its action. For sa e by W. E. Dement & Co. Fop The Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific letouching and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the pioneer leading photographer. Sco new samples at his new gallery on the load- way. All the putent medium's udveitised In this paper. toijKher with tin l::cest piTfuiwry. !!"! tHK .irtii-lcs, H. en t iinu'hi ul the ltve.st"itil.'is, at .1. W. ('I.l' (llili! ifnri uppositt MrMih'lit lu.tfcl, AMoiia. Telephone Lo-SrIuk Hou-tc. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night CO and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. New and clean. Private entrauce. WOULD AND WOULDN'T THEN HE And Then He Cried aud Said Ho Couldn't. He was clothed in care and a cas simere suit and wabbling weakly into W. W. Wherry's wailed wildly for a revolver. From there to J. W. Conn's, thence to Carnahan & Co.'s. and so on to Theo. Bracker's where he" bought one, flnng down a twenty, invested some of tho change in a box of cartridges, and in front of Ohler's was challenged by a boot black for a "shine." "Yes, said he, "I am going to kill myself with this revolver, and will die with shiny boots. Shino 'em up." They were shined up and he an ounced that he was about to kill hi 3elf. No serious objection was made but as he was being dusted, Officer Linville slipped the re volver out of the would-be sui cide's pocket into his own. The man who still breathed self-slaughter, started round the corner, but soon came back, and going into Spex- arth s, swore that he had just bought a revolver and ''forgot to take it awav." While arguing his case, Lin ville transferred the box of cartridges to another pocket, and coaxed the man in haste to seek tho other shore to a place where the job could be done with no interference from jeer ing bystanders. This proved to be the city jail, and after a few hours he wept maudlin tears and said he hadn't the nerve to do the dreadful deed. Then ho was kindly advised, and wringing his protector's hand, in quired the road to Portland. All this last 1 nday. FROM THE ATLANTIC SLOPE. Boston-, May 21st, 1837. Tho shad catch has been extraor dinarily large, and it curtails tho sale of other fresh fish; the madkerel fleet have found but few fish the look is not encouraging. Salmon from the northeastern border begin to come in, iced. The salmon area on the Atlantic coast extends from the Penobscot river in Maine to the extreme northern Labrador, and all around the island of Newfoundland. The inshore question, on these north ern fisheries, is a serious one, involv ing Prance as well as the United States in complicated conditions. The growth of population and com merce on the continent, demand a new deal as to shore privileges. Qneeu Elizabeth claimed as the priv ilege of Britain, the Grand Banks. The claim faded with the enlarge ment of ideas about sovereignity. Tho shore rights of fish, to meet the changed conditions of the age, must be enlarged. Merchandise trade dull, 3toek operations largo and gainful, preparing tho wav Tor a smash. Astonishing Surcesi. It is the duty of every persou who has used liosehec's German Sirun to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consump tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pnonmouia, and in fact all- throat aud lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German Syrup cannot be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 7o cents. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, in the United States and Canada. To Illustrate Astoria. In .Tune, 1883. L. Samuels, of the West Shore, devoted the entire num ber of his issue of that magazino for that month to a well written and su perbly illustrated article on Astoria. There were numerous fine views of different parts of the city, public buildings, etc., and the article was such a one as would attract attentiou. It was circulated extensively. It is the intention of the enterpris ing publisher of that magazine to de vote his July number to Astoria. The value of writings and fine illus trations in a publication like the West Sliore, is obvious, and needs no more than allusion for all to see its benefits. Mr. Samuels will be down on tho Telephone this after noon, lie nnngs witn mm a corps of writers and artists, and intends in the Wet Shore for July, to surpass his former best efforts, being now better prepared for adequate repre sentation of the city, its surround ings, its resources, and its advan tages. The West Shore has a good circulation, and tho enterprise will aidjgrandly in bringing Astoria and vicinity into public notice. Take It In Time. A man who presents an appearance of debility, whoso countenance is aux ions and who is subject to spells of fniutness, is liable to sudden death from heart disease. Let him takp Dr. Flint's Heakt Remedy before it is too late. At druggists. SI. 50. De scriptive treatise with each bottle; or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F. 0. R. & N. CO.. E?o :Eo3rfcli:Ki.c3L AND RETURN. Cood Until September 30th. F. E. SHUTE, Tlekot A-ent, E.A. NOYES, Agent. LOUIS MARTIN, Ship Carpenter. Iloat Masts, Sprits nml Itoonis to be had at all times. Price $1.60 a set. Masts 82.50, Booms $1.25. Sprits $1.00, First class work guaranteed. Opposite Arndt & Ferch en's machine shop, foot of Lafayette street Astoria. FIRST UK DECORATION CLOSED. To-morrow, Monday, May 30th, The Leading House of The City WILL OBSERVE A CLOSE C. H. Theo. Bracker Recommends to the public and to the trade his stock of Gljpira, Tobacco, Smoker's Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at Portland prices. Ghenamus street. GK A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITH1NG, t Capt. ltogcrs old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoelnp. Wagons made and repaired. Good work ca aranteed. . F. Armbruster $&J22o 3"JSI W IE3 Xa 3E3 IEL WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Bepalred on the Shortest Notice at Rea sonable Bates. Chenaraus St next to Spexarth'a Gun store. ! J 1 W 1 J I i fcZ ' ji i N S cB . " O "3 w H o I Eel gjj 2 EG H ' W Jgfc Practical iL $M WATCHMAKER iikljk, Ami ,&&& COOPER, MORE PALATABLE IF KEPT ON DGUBXJ3 O1 Moxie Nerv Contains Not a Drop of Medicine, Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol, But is a simple sugar-cane like plant, grown near the Equator and farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and has proved itself to be the only harmless and effective nerve food known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, soft ening of the brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and makes you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feelinjr like magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines. lose, One Small Wineglass! ul Evcrj Four Hours. The loss of gas from the bottle does not weaken or injure the Moxie. Look out for Counterfeits. Price, -50 Cents a Qnart Bottle, or $5.00 per Dozeo. I'OR SALE D. L Beck Sons, ASTORIA, CALL AND GET A CIRCULAR. TJES3iE3EEC02Cr.'E3 3XTO. "7. MILLER & GREENWOOD. AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. 309 MARKET ST. - - - SAN FRANCISCO. DAY HOLIDAY. ICE. WILL KEEP ANYWHERE. extract ONLY BY Food. J I . 5 j,--