The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 28, 1887, Image 3

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J. B. Wyatt is in the city.
J. A. Davidson is in the city.
W. L. McCabe is in Portland.
Dr. LaForoe
has returned from
G. A. Charnock arrived ye3terdny
from San Francisco.
P. A. and E. A. Stokes were among
the arrivals on yesterday's steamer.
.The State sailed at noon yesterday;
ihe Oregon arrived in shortly after.
The Oregon brought up several
hundred feet 6 in. pipe for repairs to
the line of the Columbia Water Co.
TheA.B. Field, from Tillamook,
is discharging 138 bbls salmon at the
O. B& N. dock. The llosie Olsen is
loading for Tillamook.
The State took yesterday 165 cases
salmon, Columbia River Packing Co.,
265, Occident; 400, Eureka; 90aks
oysters, and 2,000 bdls. shooks.
The Young Woman's C. T. U. will
meet at the Y. M. C. A. Hall at 3 this
afternoon, The Rescue Club meets
at Carruther's Hall at 8 this evening.
The city council, the Woman's Be
lief Corps, Co. "H." O. N. G., itis
Fort Canby Post, G. A. B., and the
troops at the fort have been invited to
take part in the observance of memo
rial day by Cushitfg Post, No. 14, G.
A. B., next Monday.
Trouble is reported from Miller's
sands, opposite Elliott's Landing,
Ohas. Wood having yesterday an
chored his scow across seining ground
claimed by Elliott. There has been
litigation and dispute concerning
these seining grounds for some time.
Next Saturday has been designated
by the Legislature as a general holi
day, being "Labor Day." It will,
however, be a labor day or day of
labor to most of us who have to
Boratoh for a living, and who pick it
up about the same way that a chicken
gets its breakfast
Col. Wm. H. Jordan, well known to
many Astorians, is now in command
of the military post at Fort Clark,
the largest in the United States,
having a garrison of seven compan
ies of infantry and five troops of cav
alry. He is also in command of
hia regiment, the 19th infantry.
The new boat, the Walluski, took
a trial trip in front of the city yester
day, and was saluted with a chorus
of whistles from the tugs and river
.fleet - She proved satisfactory in
every way to her owners and builders,
and is an important addition to the
boats that make Astoria their head
quarters. Taeoma goes to great length to get
an advertisement The latest effort
in that line is that that burg has two
chiefs of police. They met on the
street -last Thursday and had a regu
lar fight, both being locked up.' This
puts Taeoma away ahead of Seattle.
That city can't get up any such at
traction as that
Plans are now being prepared at
Washington for the new light station
at Destruction island, for which an
appropriation has already been made
by congress. Destruction island is
situated on ihe northern coast line,
about midway between Gray's harbor
and Cape Flattery. This new light
house will cost about $85,000. .At
taohed to the Btation will be a fog
signal. The main tower, which will
consist of iron, will be 85 feet high.
Bids for the contract to construct this
station will be advertised for by
'Capt. Powell, the construction en
gineer, before 4ong. It will be a first
order light.
Shortness of Breath.
should be taken at once when slight
exertion or a hearty meal produces
shortness of breath or a' pain in the
region of "the heart At all drug
gists, or J. J. Mack & Co., 9 and 11
Front at, S. F.
Attention Co. H.'
Hejldquabtees of Co. "H." 0. 8. M. )
Astobii, May 27th, 1837. J
"H." Company will assemble at its
armory, armed and equipped for pa
rade, Monday, May 30th, 1887, at one
o'clock P. K.
By order of,
. Capt. C. W. Fulton,
Service for-young men at the Y. M. C.
A. rooms this evening at 8 o'clock.
Services at the. Methodist church to
morrow. Class 'meeting at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m., subject: "The
Only Perfect Example." Preaching at
7:30p.m., subject: "what think ye of
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Watering yards with hose will not be
allowed, without special arrangements
with the Water Co., any one caught
using hose, the water will be shut off
from the premises without any ques
tions being asked. .
Jas. W. Welch,
Alert Bf. & Ko. One.
There will be a drill of Alert H. & L.
Co, on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day evenings.
- 1,. W. Uoir,
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town atFabre's..
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jeff's restaurant.
Latest News Prom all Available Sources.
Paris, May 27. The examination
of the ruins of the Opera Comique
for the remains of the victims of the
late disaster, continues to be prose
cuted vigorously. Twenty bodies
have been found-in the dining hnll;
these victims had all met their death
by suffocation. The firemen saw
other bodies but were unable to reach
them. Itjis believed that there are
lo0 more bodies in the ruins.
Brussels, May 27. The -striking.
colliers at the village of Hainans at
tacked the troops who were guarding
the mine and surrounding property.
Three lancers were wounded and an
attempt made to blow up the houses
of the non-strikers with dynamite.
Bublington, Vt, May 27. Presi
dent Cleveland and party passed
through this city this morning. A
stop off of a few minutes was made.
The president and Mrs. Cleveland
appeared on the rear platform car
with Collector Smalley, and were
greeted with enthusiastic applause
Washington, May 27. The agri
cultural department says concerning
the quarantine against pleuropneu
monia in Cook county, Illinois, tho
movement of oat tie through the stock
yard3 is not affected. The stock
yards company has agreed that no
cattle shall be admitted to the yards
from any infected country.
Los Angeles, Cala., May 27. Tu roo
secreted oases of small pox have beeu
found by the health authorities in the
rear of a saloon kept by B. Solomon.
The premises were at once placed in
strict quarantine.
New York, May 27. This was the
tenth day Bpent in a vain effort to se
cure a jury lor the trial of Jacob
London, May 27. The Oaks was
won by Beve Don, with St. Helen sec
ond and Freedon third.
San Diego, Cala., May 27. L. n.
Moll, a cigar dealer, was arrested
here yesterday for alleged complicity
in a smuggling conspiracy. Moll has
lived here for some years past, and
has always "borne a good 'reputation.
It is stated that more arrests will
probably soon follow.
border bandits.
Brownsville, Texas, May 27. A
party of 'seven armed bandits who
have been raiding near Tiocano lake,
were surprised by Sheriff Brito
and a poBse last, Wednesday and two
captured. Caesario Ayalia, the leader,
mounted his horse under a heavy firo
and escaped. The next morning he
and his party were ambushed. He
again escaped into the chapparal.
On the same day a party attacked the
Mexican custom guard near San Mi
guel; a sharp fight ensued and an
officer killed one bandit. He was
himself jpadly wounded.
Austin, Tex., May 27. Joe Bar
bour, a suspected train robber was
apprehended on the fact that a piece
of paper was found where the rob
bers divided the booty, bearing Bar
bour's name, and he had four twenty
dollar bills which .had been stitched
together. Among the plundered
packages was one that had contained
four twenty-dollar'bills.
Boston, May 27. Delegates from
various Unity Clubs and other organ
izations for social and intellectual
purposes in connection with the Uni
tarian church, "all over the country,
met here this morning for national
organization, which will connect the
different bodies formed into a new
organization to be known as the Na
tional Unity Club Bureau. Its presi
dent is Bev. Edward Everett Hale. .
London, May 27. Lord Colin
Campbell has consented to be placed
in bankruptcy in accordance with the
decision of the bankruptcy court, on
the petition of the Duke of Marlbo
rough. His liabilities are nine thou
sand pounds for costs incurred in
prosecnting'his divorce suit againBt
his wife.
Washington, May 27. Assistant
secretary Maynard has informed the
collector of customs at. New York
that fresh fisb, when imported for im
mediate consumption,are exempt from
duty, no matter by whom caught or
by whom imported, but that if they
are not imported for immediate con
sumption they are subject to duty.
Cray of Mexico, May 27. A report
waB enrreut in financial circles yes
terday, that the contract for operat
ing the mint in this city is to bo
transferred to a syndicate of English
capitalists for 15,000,000.
Private Booms.
Exhibition Drill and Ball at Liberty Hall'
Co. "H." O. N. G., gave an exhibi
tion drill .and a social dance at Liber
ty Hall last Thursday evening that
was thoroughly enjoyed by the large
number present.
The exhibition drill of the company
was warmly and deservedly applaud
ed, the proficiency of the corps being
the subject of many encomiums of
There was an unusually large num
ber of ladies present and the dancing
floor was tested to its fullest capacity
dnring the evening.
. The entire affair was one of the
pleasantest entertainments of the
Among those invited and exclusive
of the members of the company
and their lady friends there were in
vited: A. V. Allen, Capt Geo. Flavel, Carl
Adler, A. G. Allen, C. Allen, Dr. A. L.
Fulton, J. H. D. Gray, Isaac Berg
man, C. H. Page, J. W. Brown, G. C.
Fulton, I. W. Case, Dr. Baker, F.
Grounds, Fred Barker, M. C. Crosby,
T. H. Crang, H. DuBuisson, M. Du
Bpisson, E. Z. Ferguson, Sam'l El
more, J. F. Ferchen, E. B. Hawes, F.
W. Ferguson, Chas. Heilborn, L. W.
Holt, J. E. Ferguson, C. W. Holt, P.
E. Ferchen, Dr. Aug. C. Kinn6y, J.
Fox, A. Fox, M. J. Kinney, Frank
Holt, Wm. Loeb. Lyman Kinney, G.
C. Flavel Frank McCurtie. E. A.
Noyes, F. W. Newell, H. Newbury, F.
L. Parker, Wm. Parker, B. F. Prael,
Herman Prael, J. N. Parrish, Chas.
Bichardson, W. L. Bobb. G. Eeed, F.
B. Stokes, Thos. Trullinger, F. J.
Taylor, Dr. Jay Tuttle. C. B. Thom
son. C. P. Upshur, B. Van Diisen, B.
S. Worsley, F.D.Win ton. J. W. AVelch,
Capt Whitcomb, W. H. Whitcomb,
J. N. Griffin, C. A. May, Geo. George,
iSnbt. Uarrnthers, Al. Uampbell. S. B.
Crow. J. T. Dickenson, .W. E De
inent, G. Hansen, Fred Hewitt, J. C.
Doment, A. J. Megler, Jas. Fox,
Charlton Fox, Capt. A. C. Fi?her, W.
S. Mudge, Fred Fisher, Eben
Rogers, Ifenry Shermau, H. Spell-
meier, M. Schlussel, Nat. Schlussel,
G. W. Sanborn, P. A. Stokes,
James Stokes, G. W. Woods, J. W.
Hare, S. S. Gordon," A. ' S. Beed,
J. F. Hamilton, Chas. Cady, Frank
Tuttle, M. Studzinski, B. Coleman, J.
T. Ryan, Dr. O. B. Estes. J. N. Kairns,
Lieut Hubbard, Jas. Foster, J. W.
Mdnson, A. V. Penilton, F. Hurd, P.
W. Weeks, Frank Prescott, Bobt.
Collier, J. S. McGovern, A. Weber,
N. Weber, W. H. Hobson, J. E. Hig
gins, Chas. niggins. J. A. Devlin,
Thos. Dealv. J. O. Hanthorn, Thos.
Scotchler, J. T. Gammell, F. Cush
man, Lieut. Harmon, Lieut. Capron,
Major Aiken, Dr. Munu, Dr, Hinck
ley, F. Weatherford, C. Coward, W.
J. Barry, H. A. Smith, Mac. Mon
teith, Louis Bailey, Hiram Brown, Jr.
Lending Newspaper.
Geo. P. Rowell & Co., of New York,
have just issued a pamphlet of 108
pages, in which they have undertaken
to select about 2,000 out of the 15.420
newspapers named in the last issue of
the American Newspaper directory,
and to assure the public that the se
lections made are sufficient for the
most extensive advertiser's wants. It
is claimed that, although they are in
number only about one eighth, yet
they actually print more than seven
eighths of all the copies-issued by the
entire press of America
It is, perhaps, unnecessary to Btnte
that among the selected papers which
Geo. P. Rowell & Co. specially recom
mend, The Astorian is accotded an
appropriate place.
Knjoy Life.
What a truly beautiful world we
live in! Nature gives us grandeur of
mountains, glens and oceans, and
thousands of means of enjoyment
We can desire no better when in
perfect health; but how often do the
majority of people feel like giving if
up disheartened, discouraged nud
worn out with disease, when there is
no occasion for this feeling, as every
sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory
proof, that Green's August Flower,
will make them free from disease,
as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint are the direct causes of
Beventy five per cent, of such mala
dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache,-, Costiveness, Nervous
Prostration, Dizziness of the Head,
Palpitation of the Heart, and. other
distressing symptoms. Three doses
of August Flower will prove its
wonderful effect. Sample bottles,
10 cents. Try it
Real Estate Transfer.
, The Clatsop Mill Co., to J. N. Grif
fin, A. S. Reed aud T. Prnel, lot 2,
blk. 62, McClnre's Astoria, S2.650.
A. E. Waite and wife to the North
west Timber Co., N. W. , W. N.
TS IX J XT 1 S TkT ITT 1 C3 "C 1
j. ?a, aim a. ?2 " vr . zi o. jcj. 4, auu,
22, T. 8, N., B. 7. W., 260 acres, $4,800.
Alfred Crosby, J. U. Ferguson, F
A. and Lilian Crosby to Jas. S
Church, N. F. D. Shane D. L. C.
160 acres, $356.66.
Excitement in Texas,
Great excitement has been caused in
the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corlcy,
who was so helpless he could not turn
in bed, or raise his head ; everybody
said he was dying of Consumption. A
trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
was sent him.. Finding relief, he
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New .Life Pills; by the time he
had taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles of the Discovery; he was well
and had gained in flesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at W. K. Dement
WliatI Io You Think
Jeff ofthe U. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink? Not much; but ho gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town- 25 cents.
United States Restaurant Is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
Ears and Scalp Covered with Ecze-
matous Scabs and Sores
Cured by Cuticura. x
MY little son, aged eight years, lias been
afllicted with Eczema of the scalp, aud
at times a great portion of the body, ever
since he was two years old. It began in his
ears, and extended to his scalp, which be
came covered with scabs and sores, and
from which a sticky fluid poured out, caus
ing intense itching and distress, and leaving
his hair matted and lifeless. Underneath
these scabs the skin was raw, like a piece of
beefsteak. Gradually the hair came out and
was destroyed, until out a small patch was
left at the back of the head. My friends
in Peabody know how my little boy has suf
fered. At night he would .scratch his head
until his pillow was covered with blood. I
used to tie his hands behind him, and in
many ways tried to prevent his scratching ;
but it was no use, be would siratch. I took
him to the hospital and tcr the best physi
cians in Peabody without success. About
this time, some friends, who had been cured
by the Cuticura Remedies, prevailed up
on me to try them. I began to use them on
the loth of January last. In seren months
everv particle of tne disease was removed.
Not a spot or a scab remains on his scalp to
tell the storv of his suffering. Ills hair has
returned, aud is thick and strong, and bis
scalp as sweet and clean as any child's in
the world, I cannot say enough to express
my gratitude for this wonderful cure by the
Cuticura Kkmkdies. and wish all similar
ly alii Icted to know that my statement is
true and without exaggeration.
Oct. 6, 1SS5. Peabody, Mass.
I have seen Mr. McKay's boy when badly
affected with the Eczema. He was a pltlfut
sight to look at. I know that he has tried
our best physicians, and did all a father
could do for a suffering child, but availed
nothing. I know that the statements he
has made you as regards the curing of his
boy by your Cukicura Remedies are true
in everv particular.
William j. McCarthy,
:3 Foster St., Peabody, Mass.
I do not know of any instance in which
the Cuticura Remedies have failed to pro
duce satisfactory results. I believe I have
sold more of them than of any other skin
remedies I have ever handled during the
thirty-three jean of niv experience as a
drugghjt. A. I). TRYON. Batavia, N. Y .
Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura. CO
cents ; Cuticura Soav, 25 conts ;Cuticura
Uksolvknt. SI .00. Prepared by Potter
Drug and Chemical Co,, Boston.
ScutlTor "How to Cure Skin Disease."
n I Hfl PLES, Blackheads,Skln Blemishes, and
r I III Bab v humors, use Cuticura Soap.
.AWord About Catarrh.
It is the mucous membrane, that wonder
ful semi-fluid envelope surrounding the deli
cate tissues of the air and food passages,
that Catarrh makes Its stronghold. Once es
tablished, it eats into the very vitals, and
renders life but a long-drrtwn breath of mis
cry and disease, dulling the sei se of hear
ing, trammelling the power of speech, de
stroying the faculty of smell, tainting the
breath, and killing the refined .pleasHres of
taste, Insidiously, by creeping on from a
simple cold in the head. It assaults the mem
branous lining and envelopes the bones, eat
ing throuuh the delicate coats and causing
Inflammation, sloughing and death. Noth
ing shoit of total eradication will secure
health to the patient, and nil alleviatlves are
simply procrastinated suffering, leading to
af.ital termination. Saxkoud's Rauical
Cure, bv Inhalation and by Internal ad
ministration, has never failed ; even when
the disease has made frightful Inroads on
delicate constitutions, hearing, smell and
taste have been recovered, and the disease
l horouirhlv driven out."
Sanford's Raoii'AL Ci'RK consbts of
one bottle of the Radical Cure, ono box
Catarrhal Solvent, and one improved
inhaler, neatly wrapped in one package,
with full directions; price, $1.00.
Potter Druo & ChemicalCo,. Boston.
Worn out with pain, but still com
pelled bv stent necessity to stand
up to the work before us and bear
the pain. Belief in one Minute In a
Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster for the
achinsr sides and back, the weak
and oainful muscles, the sore chest nud
hacking cutigh. and every pain and ache of
daily toil, hlegant, new, original, speedy,
filiH infilllhlf At HnnriMcfa ;. IIva fni
.St.oo ; or postage free, of Potter ibrug and
i.neniicai uo uosic-n.
And Dealers in"
Special Attention Civento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supples furnished at Satin
factory Tenns.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city.
Office and Warehouse
In flume's New Building on Water .Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37.
Northwest Fire and Marine
A non Board Company with
$300,000 Paid Up Capital
In this State.
I'ellable Fire Insurance at Low Kates.
K. It. BOVIiK. Astoria Agent.
Ofllce at I. X. L.racking Co.
Mrs. Itosauia Watson, Mrs. Lillian Warren.
Corner Ciss and Jefferson, up stairs, are
now ready for orders from the ladles of
Astoria and vicinity. "Wo do only first class
work by a late system adopted la fashion
able circles everywhere.
All work guaranteed.
Comparison challenged."
Terms reasonable.
0. R. & N. CO..
To Portland.
42ood Until September 30th.
. F. E. SHUTE,
Ticket Agent,
E.A. NOYES, Agent,
Cannery Supplies !
Efll MmrnW Cx SI e SO B fcfl
9 H hJtf Sll ' S V te. mmW: W
Wm H Vf Vi J W y V. H
iH A I I . H 09
aBll ; -Ss ' ifmmmm z9
B fv I H H
Tmr H I II H
lit iR WmmW O
No Better Shirt in the World,
Manufactured by the Trojan Shirt and Collar Co., Troy, New York.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House Of Astoria.
Theo. Bracker
Recommends to the public and to the
trade his stock of CiRars, Tobacco, Smoker's
Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at
Portland prices. Chenamus street,
A.t Capt. ftogera old stand, corner of Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship, and Cannery work, Horseshoelne.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
To Salmon Canners.
. I have just received, direct from Joseph
Rodgers& Sons' Sheffield, a large lot of
Butcher Knives and Steels, alt sizes, to be
sold at Lowest Cash Price1?.
For Sale.
lng Range, with Hot Water Boiler and all
the necessary attachments, also .Kitchen
Tables, Gas Pipes, and fixtures. Water
Pipes, etc. Persons wishing to purchase
wlilpleasecallonorsee -oca
i J.-Q. ROSS,
Pioneer Restaurant.
Moxie Nerve Food
Contains Not a Drop of Medicine,
Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol.
But is a simple sugar-cane like plant, grown near the Equator and
farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and
has proved itself to be. the only harmless and effective nerve food
known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man
hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis- soft
ening of the brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by
nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and make3
you eat voraciously,akes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feeline like
magio, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at
once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines.
Dose, Ontf Small Wineglass! til Every Four Hours.
The loss of gas from the bottlfedoes not weaken or injure tho Moxie.
Look out for Counterfeits.
. Price, 50 Cents a Quart Bottle, or $5.00 per Dozen.
D. L. Beck
lXl3E3XjiSiX:o:03Sr.rE3 3STO. ?.
& Sons.