wamy V W hc gmtxj gurtorim ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY. .MAY 1U. 1SS7 A LONG REIGN, ' Kkxt Tuesday Queen Victoria will -celebrate her 6Sth birthday. In about a month, Great Britain will celebrate tbo completion of the fiftieth year of her reign. With the exception of George III., no English monarch during the last five hundred years has worn the crown as many years as- the present soveriegn. It is the long duration of her reign that gives to this event its principal interest. When Victoria succeeded to the throne the term of the eighth president of the United States had just begun, and the twenty-second president, now holding that office, was a few months old. The aueen's reisrn covers more than one-half of the period since the organization of our federal govern ment. In the length of her reign she surpasses all other living sov ereigns, unless the reign of the present emperor of Brazil is dated from thettime of his succession to the crown and npt from the time when he was declared of age, an event which "took place three years after Victoria's accession. The length of the period during which the British government has been conducted in the name of Queen Victoria must impress it self upon hex own subjects aud other contemporaries. Men now over seventy wore minors when her reign began. The memories of only a small number of persons reach to a time when England had another sovereign. The celebra tion will become a demonstration of loyalty or attachment to the monarchical institution to which so large a portion oi the British people are attached by sympathies, habits and interests. These two features of the jubilee, the extra ordinary character of the event and loyalty toward the crown, will overshadow the tribute to the queen personally. The celebra tion, so far as the people are to take part in it, will be cordial, if not enthusiastic, and will be of much interest to the entire civil ized, world. "Old age" is a terra of verv un certain signification. There are people who never seem to be young, oven in their twenties. And thero are people who. do not seem to be old, even up in the eighties. Gladstone, it seventy eight, is younger.than many of the fossilized youth of the house of lords. The late report of the Illinois bureau of labor statistics contains the result of an investigation as to the time in which labor is em plojed in that state. The figures are to the effect that only 20 per cent of the workingmen there are employed full time, anil 115 per rent, less than half ttni-. "Idle labor is becoming moie and more rare. The tendency is to advance in wages, regardless of strikes. The builders throughout the west have arrangements made for a very active season, and build ing supplies of all kinds have been lib.rally purchased. The decline in the price of cop per since 1882, is most remarkable, the aggregate decrease amounting to about 8120 per ton in the mar kets of Europe. The Economist attributes this serious decline to the discoveries of copper in Mon tana. TnE time of the ocean steamship-passage has been reduced by more than one-half since 1840, and by more than 140 per cent since 1860. .Among the Republican clubs of Ohio a movement is on foot to make the anniversary of Lincoln's birth a regular party day of cele bration. Gen. Phil. Sheridan is spoken of as the dark horse for Mr. Blaine, John Sherman and Mr. Al lison to be afraid of. WHY HE CARRIED A POTATO. THE BROKER ALWAYS X1FT ONE IN HIS HIP POCKET. He Did Not Curry it Tor Lack, But ta Kmp Bhcumatltni ak ey A Friend Point Oat a Better Thing and IarettlffatloB Froraa Him te Be XMght AWondrfalDlgooTry. Xcw York Worid, Kerch C, 1SS7. -""! IDINQ down town the other morning on the Third av enue road I caught a later, train than usual and found the car full of 1-o'clock brokers on their way to Wall street to begin their day's busmesa. Four natty-looking men occupied the cross seats opposite each other in the middle of the car. They were evidently well acquainted and old-time social as well as busi ness friends. The talk was stocks, of course how Lackawanna went down and O. T. up and down, and the dis cussion was getting warm when the oldest member of the party pulled out a handkerchief from his hip pocket and in the action dropped Bomethine on the floor. All four stopped talking until the lost object was finally fished out from under a seat. The finder gravely examined it, held it up for the inspection of the others and asked, "What the deuce is it?" "A potato," replied the owner, looking a little sheepish and reaching out for it. -vrak " What are you carrying it around in your pdeket for? Do you expect a famine? Have you got a steak Iso in your coat pocket?" " No, but I want my potato. It is for rheumatism." "For rheumatism?" "Yes; don't you know that if you carry a potato in your pocket it will cure rheumatism? It hasn't cured mo yet," he added thoughtfully, ca ressing his knee with gentle touch, " but I live in hope. So give me my potato." He got his mascot and the other three gentlemen laughed at the super stition of their friend, who went on to tell how he had suffered for two years withtwinges of rheumatism and how nothing seemed to do him any good. The one who had found the potato said that it served him right to suffer so. Any man who did not know enough to take the propetmedicine ought to have the rheumatism, and have it bad, too. The potato carrier protested that he had tried all kinds of remedies and employed the best physicians in New York city, but without effect. "But you haven't tried the right thing," continued "his friend. "My wife was troubled the same way for years, and in four months was com pletely cured. I will bet you a dinner for the four of us at Delmonico's that I can tell you a secret that will make you well before the summer hotels open again. Of course, you won't be lieve I shall succeed, so I am sure to win the bet." The average broker takes to a wager as naturally as a duckling to the water, and of course the bargain was agreed to. The young man fished about in his wallet and at last from some secret hiding place drew out a card inscribed: " Pardee Medicine Company, Roches ter, N. Y." " You write to the com pany," he said, passing over the card, " and get half a dozen bottles of Dr. Pardee's Rheumatic Remedy, and if you are not satisfied I Bhalf be glad to furnish the dinner. But there is not the slightest probability of my being the victim. I am sure to win and you are sure to get cured. For four years my wife was almost a con stant sufferer. Except in the brightest weather she was always complaining. We tried everything, but somehow the disease seemed to hang on. Then an old doctor, retired from practice, who Bpends his time reading, told me that he had heard of a discovery of a new way of treating rheumatism. An old English army physician, Dr. Par dee, had discovered a new remedy that treated rheumatism in a perfectly new way as a disease of the blood. The thing struck me as at least plau sible, and with some little trouble I got Dr. Pardee's address and sent for some of the medicine. The result you see in this wager. Why, after the very first bottle my wife was a different woman. That was only last year, and ever since I have gone about praising Dr. Pardee's Rheu matic Remedy just as if I were a-paid agent. Wonder whether I couldn't collect from the Pardee company for the good I do? But here is my sta tion," as the conductor called out Hanover square, and the four friends filed out together. Of course I don't know yet who won the wager; but I mean to find out as soon as possible, and will tell you all about it and the dinner. But this il lustrates as well as anvthincrl have seen in a long time the fondness for betting which possesses the average Wall-street man. In no other place on all this green earth would two men dare to make such a serious thing as rheumatism the subject of a wager. I fell in with an old friend, a doctor, shortly after this and was telling him about.it, when he said: "Doyouknow that discovery you heard mentioned is a singular thing. Of course, as a regular practitioner I ought not to Bay anything about it, but I have looked into tne matter some ana am con vinced that Dr. Pardee has struck up on something that medical men have been searching after for years. Ever since .the days when Socrates "taught in Athens and Antony maae love to Cleopatra, man has been cursed with this disease. Down through the ages, century after century has slipped away and still this scourge has main tained its hold on the children of men. Liniments, lotions, blisters and all kinds of local applications have had their day and passed away. It has remained for the genius of the njnatttntb century to discover the Itrascausj oijthe dimse. As the blood is the life, so any interruption to the healthful course "of the blood finds expression in this form of pain. Now, Dr. Pardee has located the cause of the trouble and seems to have marked out a remedy. It is what men hoped for when the Pyramids were building and it is what men are hoping for now. If he has, at last, solved the problem the discovery will take its place in history by the side of the discovery of chloroform and the grand inventions of the age." It seems odi to the laymen to con nect such apparently different diseases as neuralgia and rheumatism, yet they both come from the blood, says this physician, and are cu-ed by some what similar remedies. The medi cines of the Pardee company, in their action upon the system, are said to give to the patient a feeling of fresh ness and vigor, to send the rich blood pulsing through the veins in a fashion that makes women teellike heroines and men like conquerors. -Somehow, and in some way that I don't profess to understand, it takes' hold of the kidneys and liver, stirs these organs up like a farmer rousing a lazy tramp, and makes such things as sick head aches and these gloomy, depressed feelings that some people are often possessed of, imposibie. l don't know why the medicine ."does all this, but I have half a dozen wildly enthusiastic friends who say it haB helped them in that way, and that suffices for me. All Pacific Coast druggists keep the Pardee Remedy. Ready to Speculate at Any Time. An agent called on a Dakota man saying: - ' "You have been recommended to me as a prominent citizen, and I have a patent ice cream freezerhere which I would like to sell you. It is" "Don't want it" "It is something new and H "Tell you I wouldn't have it." "But I am sure you would ' "Wouldn't; no use for it; never eat ice cream." - "But it only costsTSl.50, and perhaps-" . irLc "No perhaps about it; wouldn't take yourfreezer as o gift."' "Well, I have another scheme here. II am sellinjrbhancea for a drawing on the same freezer. There are one hundred tickets 'at a dollar apiece." ,wWellt that's more like -it; put my name down' for two tickets. This iB speculation, and" I always go in on anything of that kind." Dakota Sell. NEW TODAY. For Sale. " T WO NEW FISHING BOATS. JUST cempleted: guaranteed quality. Ap ply at boat sho. of JOS. LEATHERS. Boat Building. MANY YEARS; EXPERIENCE IN buildlnc boats' ou the Columbia river and hundreds of fine boats of my build make my guaranteet for good work. Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building. Will balld boats at any point on the Columbia river where my services stay be required. WM. HOWE. ToLiverpoolDirect The one urstclass iron barque GKLENAVON. "Aai atLloydsieSQtoos register Goes on the berth immediately and will have good despatch for Liverpool. For freight apply to TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO. or to A. W. BERRY, Portland. Astoria. Are You Insured? J. O. Bozorth Writes Insurance Policies in Reliable Flie Insurance companies that give Absolute Protection In caie of Fire. Jtr. Bosuaa WtM. Xra. LUUam Warren. :eixxz?:e: DRESSMAKING PAEL0S8. Coiner Cass and Jefferson, up fcUlre, are now ready for orders from the ladies of Astoria and ndnlty. We do only first class work by a late system adopted In fronton able circles everywhere. All work guaranteed. Comparison challenged. Terms reasonable. LOUIS MARTIN, 'Ship Carpenter. Beat Huit, Spriti tad Bcoai to be had ut all times. Price Sl.SO a set. Xst 82.00. Bmbi $1.25. 8jriU $1.00, First class work guaranteed.- Opposite Arndt & Ferch en's machine shop."foot of Lafayette btreet, Astoria, Magnus G. Crosby jDealet in HARD! ARS, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe.artd Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE i AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tlaa. AND Ooipoac. Notice. T CAUTION ANY ONE FBOM TRUSTING my wife Mrs. A. O. Wills, as she has left my bed and boarding without just cause. Hue Is the daughter of 3fa, Welmaa. MayHta, '8T. Books, Stationery, WE DO WANT THE Modest Prices are Satisfactory. Small profits arc StilHciont. Acceptable. We reach your approval through Low Prii o-. 'v stock or Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware OurstrckU Fresh. New and Stllsh. LOOK US OVER- If c do not vivo you mooey wo will nuke some ona olso sail you Low. CJLELXi iLIDXaEH? Manager Musical Instruments. Cutlery, CRYSTAL A. V W HOLES ALE AND Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mil! Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated. Ware. o Tup Largest and finest assortment of Fresli Fruits and "Vegetables. Received f rash every Steamer. CTY Our Stock is Larger than ever before. All Xow (foods and direct from Kastern Factories. FINE STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Sets, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. .LGHESia? for Whiting's Standard Writing Papers. The Domestic Sewing Machine. Pacific Coast Charts and Tide Tables. GRIFFIN & REED. l J I V- '''X) X A l ( v V A .The Long IS, I Toll JEFF Of the U. S. Restaurant gives the best Meal for the money to be had on the Coast. His Regular Dinner with Tea, Coffee, Wine,Beer or Milk for 25cts. Cannot he Beat. Meals Cooked to Order on Short Notice Oysters In Any Style and Always Fresh. 2?i2iBt Class Saloon AacL LODGING HOUSE In Connection With H HKTROM Ail .ft A,M k X XlS J.T.L WATCHMAKER. Just received a lanro stock of "Watches .. w.vwa, U1IIHU3, iAIUIkCia, ClU. AISU genulneeth Thomas Boat Clocks, proved to be the beat. Ail which win hn nirf nt vrv ana Clocks. Chains. Lockets, etc. Also low prices. Watch and Clock repairing a specialty, and done at reasonable prices. Shop next to Aug. DanIelson's Sample Room, on the roadway. Notions, Bird Cages, Moderate Patronage Is have now an Inmunsc Baby Carriages. Picture Frames, J RETAIL DEALER IN and Short of it. YO-UL Pllt The Restaurant. ! DRESSMAKING. I 3I Brvcewou'.d resDectiullv inform the ladies of Astoria and surrounding countrj'ttbat she has recently received a large addition to ber stock of dress button- and trimmings, which she will sell at reasonable price. Dressmaking m all Its branches done promptly, and in first class stIe; and satisfaction guaranteed. Cuttlns and fitting a specialty. Next door to Abtobiax otBce on Cass St, Astoria, April 25tb, 1837, NOT EARTH. ALLEN WE CARRY A Full Line of Brj and Fasicj Goods, Keady Made Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods Hats I Caps We have just received a large lot of GENTS' FINE SHOES Direct froni Manufacturer. 3 Children's Youths' and blisses' Shoes In all styles and grades, And the finest as irttnenl of I l !HLs' SiiOEg to be found irf Astoria. W. T. PASSES., Manager. BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladles Flexible Sole Shoes In Fieneh, Kangaroo aud Dongidu Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds. Midi's and Childrens and Infant heels. Spilng heel3. WE DEAL TO ROOTS A3D SHOES OSLY.0 P. J. GOODMAN. 3??" EL B. PilBMJSR, DKALKU IN Hay, Oats, anil Straw, Lime, Brici, CbeM, Sand ana Plate Wood Delirered to Order. TER apply to the Captain, or to Strike It Ri -HUT YOUR- Groceries i Provisions! -OF Foard & Stokes t Their largely Increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin of profit while giving you goods ' that nro of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest PrlcelPaul for Junk. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY HANSEN, PropV. A Large and Ven Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls i Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All (loods Bought at This Est&MUhmeut ) "Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. J Corner Caw and Squemoqita Streets. . J. H; D. GKAY Wholesale and retail dealer u GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT, General Storafje and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Oregon. rs Oh!: AT GRIFFIN & REED'S. ut cs Ul CO o CO UJ I ll nil III 'II ifn iik iii nun ii in mm Kid and Drajing, Teamlnir and ExpreiR Boilaeiu. STEAJIESl (IUIU PARKER Ebcn P. Parker, Master. For TOWING, FRKIGUT orCllAK L B. PAItKKB. BEAT rsains IN Baby Buggies AND Musical Instruments AT THE New York Novelty Store AmericanNews Depot ON SALE The latest Magazines and Illustrated papers of the day. Swedish, Danish and German 'papers, Books and Dictionaries. Lovell and Seaside Libraries, School Books, SUtlorifcry, etc. A BALMANNO, unenaiuus at. nearaiain. Salmon Vessels. Astoria to Liverpool Direct. We shall nlaco on the berth as tna first ot our Direct line of sailing vessels to Liveipool, Tho fine Iron Bark WARWICK OASTLE. Classed AAl, 1158 Tons Eegister To be followed by strictly first class vessels during the Salmon Shipping season. For rates of Freight and insurance apply to MEYEK, WILSON & CO. Portland or San Francisco, or to WILSON, MEYER & CO. 15 Brunswick St., Liverpool. 3 8 U i y am I r&Z. i tSIsSs