C) IF c ggattg gitfflfett. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY.... .MAY 17, ISS7 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE POST OF ASTORIA. J ESsJiLS13 ran RIVKR. River Indus. BrbV 1040 OS. Southard. USJ Warwick t'astle. Kr bfc Wxa. K. bUrbuck.A.isi Tr nidad, Br bk G76 Scottish Knirnt. Br bk Sir HenryL.awrBnce.Brsp'Aretbusa. Br bk 1199 Coukrnnouth Br sp 1279, Co. of Merloneth.Br bt &eufrewbire. Br bk ! HI J II "mm rZSSEJjS Olt TBB WAY. o Fro 2i Foreisru Ports, for ike Columbia Elver Coloma, An bk HonRiOug, April 12 Cumbrian. Br bklOM. London Feb tC Klin. Br bk S90, Liverpool Feb 7 rfetherby, Br sp 1400. Molbourne. Fob 22 From Amerlcnn Porta. C. Southard Hnlbert. 10S6 N Y April It Merom.sp 1118. New York Ft3 TIWJE TASLK FOE ASTOBIA. MAY. HIOIl WATEB. I LOW WATER. ' Fir Second. 1 First, Second. c 2 . 2 3 3 s 2 "f H if S S ii j? a P 5 !" 5hs 9 1 18a 9 2 219j75 B 10a -1 4 8 12?l 1 8 10 1 59 S J 3 OS 7 2 8 G7 -1 2 8 53 2 1 11 2 42 8 4 3 53 C 9 9 42 -0 8 9 60 2 4 12 3 23 7 8 4 53 07 10 31 -0 3 10 43 2 7 13 4 20 7 0 6 51 CC 11 22 0 3 11 51 2 9 14 5 1-3 .8 C 50 CC -- - - 12 17 0 8 15 C39 59 7 5,5 C9 103 3 0 1 14 13 1C7C3 5884572 2 12 272 11 10 17 9 04 59 9 31 74 3 14 2 3 3 03 18 18 9 59 01 10 11 77 4 07 1 8 3 57 19 19 10 47 07 10 51 7"? 4 51 1 2 4 43 2 0 20 1128a 6 8 1122 80 C 28 07 5 25 2 1 21 12 09p b 11 49 8 1 6 01 0 1 0 02 2 3 22-- --12 40 C9 C39-03 634 24 23 0 18a 8 2 1 23 0 9 7 12 -0 C 7 09 2 5 21 0 49 8 3 2 02 C 8 7 47 -0 8r 7 43 2 6 The hours between mldulgnt and noon are designated by o (a. m.). those between noon and midnight by p (p. si.), oh. oOm.a denotes midnight, oA. 00m. p denotes noon. Tne lielght Is'reckoned from the level of averagelowerlow waters to which thosound lugs are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. BKirSTEXTS FOUEIGN. MAT. 5 To Wahukona per John O.Korth. Lumber, 420 M ft .i. $7,000 12 To Qiiccnstmcnpcr Banffshire, Flour, 15,792 bbls &59.220 Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN building boats on the Columbia river and hundreds of flue boats of my build make my guaranteet for good work. Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building, Will build boats at any point on the Columbia river where my services may be required. WM. HOWE. J. O. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS, Candies. Smokers' Artioles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally. Opposite City Cook Store. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe. NorthBrillsh and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut. Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, Ivow York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Itepresenl ln a capital of 37,000,000. B. VAX .DUSEX Agent. Are You Insured? J. O. Bozortli Writes Insurance Policies In Reliable Fire Insurance companies that give Absolute Protection In case of Fire. LOBB & CO. fines, Lipors anft Ciprs. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly"and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foielgu and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Tarker House, ASTORIA, .... OREGON. Notice to Stockholders. ASTORIA BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO clation. Therewhlbea special meet ing of the stockholders of this association at the County C nrr House on Wednesday even lue, June 8th. 1837. at S p. m.. for the pur pose of amending the By-Laws and electing an auditing committee. By. order of Board of Directors. A. S.REED. Sec'y. Astoria, Or., May 7th. '87, LOUIS MARTIN, Ship Carpenter. Boat Masts, Sprits and Booms to be had at all times. Price $4.50 a set. Masts $2.50, Booms S1.25. Sprits 81.00, FIrst classl work guaranteed. Opposite Arndt & Ferch en's machine shop, foot of Lafciyctte street. Astoria, To LiverpqolDirect The fine first class Iron barque GLE1STAVON. AA1 atLloydslOSOtons register Goes on the berth immediately and will have good despatch for Liverpool. For freight apply to TaI'LoR, YOUNG & CO. or to A. W. BERRY, Portland. Astoria. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Temple Liodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS first and third Tuesdays in each TMrttith nt TIZ rklrMr t -w thA Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invito to attend. ,uyoraeronne W.M. Bearer Lodge No. 35. L O. O. P. "OEGULAB MEETING EV- A ery Thursday evening at 7 0 o'clock, at the LodfnJ rrtntn In fl.HH VallmvsTfall. AOffv. ria. Sojourning members ol the order In gooa sumaing. coraiauy mvueaioauoDo. juj uruer N.G. Ooean Encampment, No. 13, 1. 0. O.F. DEGULAEMEETINGS.OF OCEAN EN X campment .No. 13. li O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p at; on, the second! and fourth Mondays ox each month, SojournlhS breth ren cordially invited. -' ,, By order O.P. Rnact1rta1.nric7a No. 1Q A-O.TJ. W riJEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. . W. will be held. in their Hr.n In Pythian casue. on Saturday evening of each i week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers are Invited to attead. Li brary will be open fifteen minuses before and after each meeting. By order M."W. C. BROWN, Kec Cushins Post No. 14, Or. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on thn sftcond and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 30ML Ylsltlng com rnriAS cordlnllv invited. Bv order r. v. Oushinff .Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEBTINGSONTHESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at By order Mas. Jas. A. D A V1DSON. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7-30 o'clock, In their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights cordially luvlted to attend. W. A. SHERMAN. K. of R. and S. Astor Lodge No. 8, K. of P. OEGULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED Xti nesday evenli'g at 8 r. m. at Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights in good stand ing cordially invited to attend. By order C. C. H.E. NELSON. K. of R. and ft Company H, O. S. M. REGULAR DRILLS EVERY WEDNES day evening. Regular meetings fourth Monday or each montu at 7 ao r, si C.W. FULTON. Commander. Common CounoiL , REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND ANT fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7J4 o'clock. s&.Persong desiring to have matters acted updn by the Council, at any' regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. HOTELS A2fD RESTAURANTS PARKER HOUSE. WM . AtLEiV, JProp'r, First Class is Every Respect. Free Coacli t the House. Fresh Oysters! In Any Style at 25cts. per Plate -AT- CASINO RESTAURANT. Will also All orders jtor families at quanti ties to suit. A Good Meal with CUrot for 25cU M. M. MBKBA, Proprietress. CHBIS. EVENSON. F.COOK. Evenson & Cook THE - Central Hotel. On tho European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTA URANT, Board by the Day. Week or Month. Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom SoUdted. Oysters, Fish, .Meats; Etc., Cooked to Order. WATER St., Opp. Foard & Stakes A FIRST CLASS SALOOW Run In connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. iASTORIAl Planing Mill. HOLT &. OO. Proprietors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS, BASH DOORS, BLINDS. RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrafles, Boat Material, etc. Orders-solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed as to StyleQuall- Mill and Office cor. Tolk nnd Concomlv streets. Astoria, Oregon. Notice. TOURING MY ABSENCE FROM TTTE XJ city my nephew. Mr. J Mansell. holds I buslnees. E, C. HOLDEN. i. POWDER Absolutely Pure. .This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomenass. More economical man tne ordinary Kina, ana can not be sold In competition with, the multitude-of low test, short welght.-Hlum or phos Bhate powders. Sold only in cant fi RovAii akixq PowdeeCo, 108 Wall-st., N, Y. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNK43PF. - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply a GOOD A QUALITY OF. BEER As Any In tho Market. AT AS REASONABLE A PRICE. The Horlilacific Brewery Beer la Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and I s Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Part of the City. THE COSMOPOLITAN. A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine Billiard Tables : Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort.llun In a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, Coraer ot Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Llpors aiS Cigars! Every Attention to the Comfort of Patrons. Agent for the Thlngvalln Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Saloon. The Popular .Resort for Astorlans. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors, Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPBIETOB Old Corner Saloon, Phil. F. Bower, PropV. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars, 491 Cbeouait Street; Astoria, Oga. THE SUNNYSLDE, Best of Liquors and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. CRAVES, Proprietor. All the Modem Improvements. Old Olympic opposite Parker House. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On tee, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. ' WM. BOCK, Proprietor. Tone Up The System, TBFTHE NERVE FOOD, Manufactured and for 8aleby Mineral Waters; Soda Water. Dally de livery In all "parts' of "the City. Office and Works on Jefferson street, west of Cass. . FRESH CLATSOP EGGS Can be had of . M. KhaJTaer 81 Water St, and Wherry & Co.'s market opposite Occident Hotel. I don't claim they are fresh, as some do who have but a few chick ens and It takes them a month to get a shipment, but because I have tho largest Chicken ranch this side of Portland, run by experienced hands. Tick up the eggs every davand brinsrthem totown3tImes a week. And don't you forget It that every egg bought rrom-ine aoova parties is gaaranteea oy them to be fresh. S.K. STANLEY. iaonihslaPUUielsWxi keWBSeeravei A9hKd KCSt. A Hew Lumber Combination. San Francisco, May 14. It is reported that "William B. Hooper, manager of tho Occidental hotel, is to be manajrer of the new com bination of lumbor firms known as the San Francisco Lumber com pany. For several years the pine lumber men have been organized under the name of the Puget Sound Pine and Lumber company, and have virtually controlled the price of lumber, and the now com pany is nothing more than a retail department of the organization. Memher3of the Puget Sound com pany, it 13 understood, will discon tinue their retail trade as individ uals, and do business through the organization, thus dispensing with clerical and other expenses neces sary under separate and independ ent action oi the firms. Strange Humans. The language of the Terra del Fue ganconfains no word for any num ber above three ; the people are un able to distinguish one color from another; they nave no religion and no funeral rites; and they possess neither chiefs nor slaves. Their only weapons are bone-pointed spears ; they grow neither fruit nor Vegetables ; and as their country is naturally barren, they are obliged to ive entirely on animal food. But' they are not cannibals ; they ill-treat neither their women nor their 6ld people, and they are monogamus. Bladder, Uruwr and Liver Disease, D.-ojw., Gravel, and Diabetes, are cured by HUNT'S REMEDY THE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVER 3IKDICINE. HUNT'S REMEDY cures Bright's Disease, Retention orNon-Beten-tion cf Urine, Pains in the Back, Loins, or Side. HUNT'S REMEDY cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, General Debility, Feinalo Weakness, and Excesses. HUNT'S REMEDY cures Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Djspepsla, Constipation and Piles. HUNT'S REMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Xldneyo, Liver, and Bowels, restoring them to a healthy action, and CURES when ill oUier medidne3 faiL llundredaluive boen saved who have been given up to die by friends and physicians. Seal for pcmphlet to HUNTS REMEDY CO., Providence. H I. SOLD BY AIX DRUGGISTS. For Sale by J, W. Conu and, W. E, De ment & Co, Sleepless Nliihis made miserable by that terrible euugh. Slnloli's Cure is- the remedy for you. Sold by w . K. De ment & uo. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ; bhiloh's V italizer i3 guaranteed to pure you. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. Snn.on'3 Cube will iniraediatelv relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. lXiraent& Co Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure' Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewlngr Machines, Faints, Oils, Q-3TOQ27J3, 3ECtO. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, t Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Casa and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeing. guaranteed. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAM ABE, IEON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAF" STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, qglfl AND OOX2?- Notice. I CAUTION ANY ONE FROM TRUSTING ray wife Mrs. A. O. Wills, as she has left my bed and boarding Tvlthout just cause. She Is the daughter of Mrs. Welman. G. W-. WILLS. May 14th, '37. KIDNEY HAftiBURO FIGS. Probably- as much misery comcat from habitual constipation as from any derangement of tho functions of the body, and it is difScult to euro tor tho .reason that no ono likes to talco the medlclno .that is usually prescribed. Ham burg Figs were prepared to obviate this diffi culty, and they will bo found eflecUvo as well as pleasant to tne taste ot women and children, ccnte. DR. FLINT'S HEART REMEDY. Dit. Fust's Hsjihi banishes from thOoe art heart disease all feur Cttllen death, or the: of those" terrible t.-, which result in InsirJ of the "best xemedi headacher which U. i .' eat upon disease of ." 5 M-ilt t -i! -1th . " - Of -fteafc -OMS -oce - . tor K-.-d- e - :rt, 1 ' ai, - '3J3St lrh somet)mc3 upon none . ia sometimes upon du. uiu ctrcui-uon, cx.au. tive treatiso with each bottle, or maUeu :roe. Theso Remedies oro for Pali by all Drugista. J. J..MACK & CO., Propers, Baa Faastoco, Cai. MARKETS. Washington Market. .Itula -trfPt, - Islorin, Oregon. BKIMJ.n.13." A CO.PJROPRIKTOK8 RKSPKCTFL'LLY CALL THE ATTKN t ion, of the public to the fact that the above Market will alv..iys be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST IJCALIT FRESH AND CURED MEATS I i Which will be wld at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. Egp-Sppelal attention given to vupplyiug ldps. Roadway Market. P. O. HARA, Proprietor. Fresh Meats, Beef, Mutton, Veal; Pork, Etc. A hue Una of Corned and Cured Meats. Special attention to Family Purchases. Two doors east of Foard & Stokes. Meat Delivered In any part of the cliy. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & 00BLPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, V got t"fcle 13 , FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. opposrrr. Occident hotel. CHEA3IC8 Street. Astoria. Og The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Propr. M Bread, Gate ait Pastry None but the Best nlaterial3 Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. Seaside Bakery. Best Milk Bread and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, .Manufacturer of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Whole-ule and Retail Dealer In Candles F II. JACKSON. JOHN FUSSELL. Manufactuier of and Dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Etc. None But The Best Stock Used, Prices to Suit The Times. Main street east side, between Jefferson and Squemoqua Sts. O. H. Stockton. Pioneer Painte'r and Paper Hanger Ofllce on Main. I Three doors south of Squemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres coing, etc. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired, Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. ' 8hoi corner Main .and Jefferson Streels MARTIN OLSEN. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Representing the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptljland accurately tran- ncieu: Flavels Wharf . - Astoria Oregon, Breed Fine Cnickens. Eggs from Pure Bred Silver Spangled Hamhures. Rosecomb Brown Leghorns and Gold Beard Polish hens. Effgs $3.00 a Set. Apply to A. F. COXV1K. Upper Astoria. For Rent. THE BUILDING NOW OCCUPIED AND known as tho FloneerRestaurant will be rorre" 3m? &g& SPEELHHEE. JUEgJSiof TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R. & BT. TO POHTXtAXiD, And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. R. & N. Co.. car r ing the L'. s. malls, leave iho Compaq's Dock Kvrry Iiy. Sundays excepted, at 6 a. m. ThUU the only dully Hue. and th onlj Wnf running all ihe year round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. The onlj line of SteamsmrH to San I'ran- I CISCO, I Steamers leate Company's Iock -viry j Ave tlars Regular Line of Tow Boats and -Barges, For?T6wag and" Lighterage. STORAGE OF AIX HISDS. Inquire atCompanvs Dock or at City Of fice. F.E.SHUTE. Ticket Agent. K. A. NOTES, Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Oregon & California R.B. And CoiiBcctloax Far from Portland to 3an FrancKcn : lim ited, $30 ; uulimlted, S86. Close connections made at Asliluud with stages of the California. Oregon jfc Idaho Stage Company. Only 30 IflilcA Stagin-I TIME BETWEEN Portland and San Frunrlsru 13 Hours! California Express Train Rub Dally UKTWEKN PORTLAND AXD.ASni.WU LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 4:00 P M Ashland 3 10 A M Ashland GaTQ P M Portland lo:10 A Jl Local Pawenijer Dally, Except Sunday, LEAVK I AREIVK Portland .5:00 A if Euseno 2:10PM Kugene trf A. M Portland 3: P M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally between Portland and Ashland. '1 he O. & C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all regular-trains on the East Side Dlv. from foot of F street Wests UeDlTlsloB, BKTWFJEX PORTLAND ASD CORYALLIS. Mall Train Dally, Except Sunday. , LEAVE I ARBIVE Portland 730 A 51 I Onrvnllin... ...hPM CorvallU 1:53 P HPorUand 6:l3PJt At Albany aud CorvallLi connect with trains of Oregon Pacific for Yaqulna Bay. Express Train Dallj, Except Snnday. , LEAVE' -ARRIVE Portland 15UP SI JMoMlnnrUla...JrfPai MoMinnTill0.'.5:lSAMJPortland U.9XA.M Local tickets for sale andbaggage checked at company's up-town office, cor. Pine, and Second streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only be procured at corn- Coraer F and Front Sts., Portland Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after five o'clock p. ar. on either tho East or West Side Divisions. K. KOKHLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS. G.P.&Pass.Agt, Str. Favorite W, P. Dillon, Master, Will makeBegular trips Dally on the Or egon side, stopping a all Way Landings. Leaving Woods Land'g Every Morala gat 6PM Returning Leave Astoria at 2 P. 3f. Sharp. Will run twice a week to Sveasea's Land ingTuesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board. To Gray's Harbor! The Steamer GEN. MILES W111 leave for Gray's Harbor On the 1st and 15th of each month. Tor Freight or Passage apply to J. H. I. GRAY, Agent I. S. N. Co. Iliaco Steam KaYigatipp Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, FLCanby and llwaco, Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympic STEAMER isBL "GEN. fJANBT," W.P.WniTcoaaj, Will leave Astoria dally (Snndajs excepted) for Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and Hwaco. atQA.M Wlth Oystervllle Mills and Express daily, and Through Mails to points beyond, aud Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Mlle9" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip about :fi. M.J 3 hours after arrival Tretn nrst trip. Fardto llwaco, - $1.00 Passengers will save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 BP-For Tickets, towage or Charter ap- YJ IrUCI VIUVQ Ul bAAC VVU;(U Vil(.; u w nan, tooc or Benton street. J.H.D.GRAT, Agent. Str. MOraSAHO. JNO. W. WELCH, Master. Is ready to do aU kinds of towing, steam boat job -work, carrying of fish, etc. Can be be chartered for special trips, excursions, parties, etc-,, at snore nouce ana very reasonable terms. Apply to master on board, or D. H. WELCH. Look Here! If vou want a neat flttinc Suit o Clothes From 18 Up go to 701X W 02ME, Merchant Tailor. Having just received a complete assortment. Something entirely new. Give me a call and be -convinced that 1 mean what I say. Next door to the Uarber Shop on the Roadway, opposite Foster's. For Rowing or Sailing. THE FINE BOAT PRIDE OF THE Columbia, can. be. engaged, -during the season for "boating r"salUnparttes: Apply-to ' " " -THOSWARD. TR I E D XS TEIB CRUCIBLE. About twenty years ago I discovered a ttttU eoro on my cheek, and the doctors pronounced It cancer. I havo tried a number otphyalclam. but Trithout receiving any permanent beaoat. Among the number wero one oc two spwiiiilaii. Themedldno they applied wis IBtf lira to tha sore, causing intense pain. I saw a statement la tho papers tclUn? that 3. 33. hadjdQse for ethers similarly afflicted. I procured soma as once. Before I had used the second bcitlolha neighbors could notlco that my cancar was healing up. My general health had boen bad for two orthreo'years Ihada-hackljgoough and spit blood continually. I had a severa pain Is my breast. After taking slx'bottles of S.S.S.my cough left me and lErewatoutar than I had been for several yeari My cancer baa healed over all but a little spot about the size of ah'alf dune, ondltls rapidly disappear Ine. I would advise every onewltb. caacw to gives. S. S.n fair trial. Mrs. NAXCY J. lIcCOKATJOHKY, ' Ashe O rove, Tippecanoe Co., lad . Feb. 15, ISSC Swlit'j Specific U entirely vosetable. sad seems to euro cancers by forcing out tho Impa rities from the blood. Treatlae on Blood and Siln Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPEGIFJC CO., DRAWER, a, ATLANTA, GA. I mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmm ihlieunSSSg&BELT SI unij;rno llttiUDl. SLBodrBatt CSuSa&DU- tiQiTtianUe Strio Current; wifhorwrra' -MSBsdtbotn XXXaOored wlrtswtMfcU- &TMrl .rrtati'd Prea with ererr Belt. T Pas&sktetJio ,304 kTsUCTK OTOTTT' STjEouTfl, led ,704 a Aq-acHTo ey.-. bak kbak cggco,ojn ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowelf Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send IQots. fop lQQ-paga Pamphlet. Cedar Street Improvement. NOTICE 13 hereby given" that the Common Council oEtlie city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon,- propose to order the improvement of that- portion of Cedar street in tbe city of Astoria. Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. ShLvelyfrom the east side of West 6th street to the east side of balraon street, by replacing all miss ing piles with new ones, and by re placing all defective stringers with new and sound ones, nnd planking' said )ortion otorsatu street to a width or hirtv feet through the center -thereof with new and" sound fir planksfjour inches in thickness, said improvement to be made to the established graoVof said portion of said street; and unless a remonstrance sighed by the owners of two thirds of the prop- ty adjacent to saia nornonoi s&ia street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final Subhcation of thlsnotlco, viz: Monday, une 6th, 1887, the Common Council will order said improvement to-"be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. St Jewett, Auditor andTolice Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Mayilth,1887. Proposals Wanted. THE committee on fire and water of the Common council "of the city of Astoria Invite -proposals for the removal of the Engine house of Astoria. Engine Co., No. One ta that portion 'ofcj Gon comly street extending eastward -from the east side of thecrosslng of Main and Concomlv streets, the front or western end of said building, when moved and In place, to be not to exceed thirty feet fromtheeast line of. Main street. cBid3 will bcTrecelved. till noon of Thursday tho 19th Inst., to be addressed" "Bids for the removal of Astoria No. One's Engine House," and directed to the Auditor andJPolice Judge b the city of Asteria: proper bonds to be furnished by the successful bidder. The 'commit tee reserves the Tight to reject any or all bids. CHAS.GR4.TKE,. ) A. A. CLEVELANP,Committee. A. L. Fulton. J Astoria, May 11, '87. Proposals Wanted. THE committee on fire and water of the city council of Astoria, invite pro posals for the furnishing and placing. under direction ofa line of six mcn.eignt inch or ten inch cast iron pipe, (either one of tho three sizes to be selected) of approved quality, on Genevieve street in the city of Astoria, from low water in the Columbia river southward to the crossing of Jefferson and Genevieve streets in said city: the pipe to be fitted with a cheok valve and strainer and securely fas tened to foundations ot said street; the work to bo done under the super intendence and to the satisfaction of the aforesaid committee. For further and more definite Information apply to members of the committee. Bids will be received till noon of Thursday, May 26th, 1837. Bonds to be given when contract is let. The com mittee reserves theright to reject any or all bids. Chas, Gbatke, A. A, Cleveland, Committee. A. L. Fulton, ) Astoria,,May li, 1887. To Salmon Canners. I have lust received, direct from Joseph Rodgers & Sons' Sheffield, a large lot o Butcher Knives and Steels. ill sizes, to be sold at Lowest Cash Prices. MAGN U3 C, CROSBY. MmzjimajA. iiiSSSM!-lSSSSSllSSE!t m MwSMr T3&