en VOL. XXVII, 30. 1 15. ASTORIA, OREGON. SUKDA.Y, MAY 15, J887. PRICE 1IVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. G KO. 50LAXD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. fljcv ju Klnnev's Block, .--pposlte OJt Hall, Astoria. Oregon. r w. rcrLTOX. c. c. fiti.te: FEXTOrS im OTHERS, ATTORXETS AT LAW. ICoorasSnud C.Odd Fellovs 3 Building. 0. It. THOHtOX. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Speclnl attention given to practice in the 1 n. S. Land Office, and tlio ecaralnatlonf land titles. A full set ot Abstract Books for Clatsop Count v in ofllce. Money to loan. ,. . Uffick Kooiu 1 and 5..oer Utj l.ooiv S'OiO. " , "5 O. A. BOWLBY. . Attorney ami "oun.flInr it !.' OOlce on Chenamns Street. Astoria, Oregon P It. WISTON" ATTORNEY" AT LAW. itoonw No. 11 and 12. P thl.in Ciistlo Build- r B. WATSON, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business beforo the U. S. 1-anrl Office a leclalty, ASTORIA, - - OllEGOX. T ClIIXBLIifiy, D. D. N. DENTIST. 13 associated with I)St. IA FOttCfc. Kooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTOEIA, - - OREGON. Physician nml Surgeon. Office on Cass street, three doors jouth of Odd Fellow's fculldlug. Trlephone No. 41. FAY TCrTJLE, M. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEOiN Office Rooms 6 Pythian Building. "RF.9IDENCK On Cedar Street, back ol St. Mary's HosDltal. rR.O.B.KSTES. THYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office : Gem Building, up stalls, Astoria, Oregon. PHYSICIAN AND SUIIGEO.N , Opposite Telejrraph Ofllce, Astoria, Oregon. rK. AliPRBD KI.VNEY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. Q. KIiO F. PARKER. SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY . AD Hx-Clty Surveyor of Astoria Office : N. E. corner Cass and Astor street, Room No. 8 Up Htalrs. Root, Collier. Deputy, E. V. HOIiDKN, Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds For Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Real Estate ami Insuranre Agent. Office, at Holden's Auction Uooms, Ciisna iuus street, Astoria. Oregon. A R. SnAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up .stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. H. A. SMITH, DENTIST. Booms 1 and 2 Pythian Iluild-lng over C. H. Cooper's Store. mnos. waiks. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Agent for tbe Celebrated Household Sowing foni(na Uttnn AnnncUa f XI 'Annftu ILOVUIUC UUU(J Uf UiiV V. ii WfVA Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, 1MP08TEB8 AND "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamns andJCas? streets. ASTORIA ---- OREGON JUSTREOEWED Seattle Coal. Waiis End GoaL Oregon rmprovmentCo. E, A. IfOYES, Agent. Wm POWDEI Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies, A i.-arwl l purity, sttenuth and wholesomem-. M-r ecoiii mieal than the ordinary Mid .and c-.ui not bo sold in competition with tin mulil tude of low test, sh rt weight, alum t piio nliate powders. Sold only in can Kai. 1.kixo 1'owdekCo. 105 Wail' . V . mm cftHUL Jurea Femalo Complaints. A Great Sidney Jemoiy. CSOLDBYALLDEUasiSTS. AGENCY- MColiiaMCo. OF SAN FRANCISCO. flavfil's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and Iasurance at Current Kate. Banking Department Drafta on the leading Cittea of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. B. IS. Coleman, Accountant. Wilson & Fish Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish." LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PKO VISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS l-'Olt SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS. Portland Roller Mills. Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent-' In a capital of $07,000,000. B. VAX ILT8E. Agoi.t. Are You Insured?1 J. O. Bozorth Wiltes Insurance Policies hi Reliable Fire Insurance companies that give Absolute lrotction iu case of Fire. Elmore, Sanborn & Co, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Renresenlln the Largest and Most Relia ble I ire Insurance Companies. All Business promptlyjand accurately tran acted. FlavelsWharf, - Astoria Oregon. For Rent. alHEBMLDrNO NOW OCCUPIED AND . known as the Pioneer Restaurant trill be for rent Joae Jsr,l8J ' YSFELL3IEIEK, PRAIRIE DOGS. Forty Colonists Settle . Town How They Worked. An addition to the zoological col lection at the arsenal in Central Park has just been completed in the rear of the arsenal, near the bear pit that is being cut out of the rock, and is attracting much attention. The new feature is a little strip of laud thirty foot long and nearly half as -wide, inclosed with an iron railing radiant with a new -coat of green paint. At first the visitor may see nothing in the inclosure but the bare yellow earth, thrown into rough" little mounds in several, places. If he lingers a moment several lumps of what appeared the soil will spring into life, and presently a Avhole col ony of prairie dogs will issue out from their underground dwellings and frolic around. At any unusual sound they whisk into their holes in an in stant and are out of sight. The sito of tho Prairie Dog Town was of late completed. It was prepared by digging a basin, the sides and bottom of which were lined with concrete, and the whole then fdled up with fifteen feet of earth. When the soil had settled, it was toady for the col ony to enter into possession, and the green railing prevented the colonists from straying outside of town limits. There are forty of the dogs owned by the park authorities. They were ob tained from Nebraska last spring, and have been kept in a cage in one of the buildings until Dr. Conklin, Superintendent of the Menagerie, could prepare better quarters for them. Dr. Conklin told the Park Com missioners that the best way to care for the animals was to make for them a home as nearlv like their own as possible, and that it could be done at small expense. When the dogs were turned into the inclosure they frisked about the space a few moments in evident surprise. Tneu the' gathered in a knot for consulta tion, in which one fat old patiiarch seemed to assume the leadership. They grasped the situation, and de termined to make the best of it. The old dog, followed by sir other stout dogs, selected a central spot in the inclosure, and began to dig with his forepaws, until in a minute or two his head was out of sight. He then stepped aside and gravely sat on his haunches, while another dog began digging in the hole thus started. The. remaining five dogs stood in a row behind the one that was digging while the unoccupied dogs kept together a short distance away. As the dirt was thrown up from the hole the dog that wa3 next to the one digging gathered it in his paws and threw it back further to those behind. In a short time the first dog was out of sight. He then stopped and took his position last in the row, and the nest one began dig ging. The foreman continued to watch the operations quietly or to inspect the progress of the work at short intervals. It did not take long before the whole six were down into the ground. Then the workmen were reinforced by another detach ment, until finally the forty dogs had disappeared, with the exception of the old one, who stood outside. Present! there was a movement of the earth at a distance of fifteen feet. A dog's head. appeared, and the sub terranean workmen all filed out of the gallery which they had made. The dogs seemed "highly pleased with the result of their work, and after tho foreman of the work had inspected the tunnel several times the colony then divided into groups, each group selecting a spot and going to work to burrow on its own account. Five of them, with the old dog, con tinuedto work at the first burrow. During the afternoon each of the groups made its own home under ground, and tliey all went to rest in these holes at night. One day thev were busv roundinir onfc their halls and carrying in large quantities of grass, which was given them to line the passages. Crowds of visit ors watch the busy workers. The animals are smaller than the wood chuck. They live socially together, and never appear to quarrel. Oc casionalty they utter a sharp, low yelp. It js said that on the prairies owls and rattlesnakes often make quarters in their burrows. "They are intelligent, interesting little creatures, and quite harmless," said Dr. Conklin. " That old erav .fellow seems to be a kind of leader among them. The first hole that they dug, in which he lives, is the largest, and seems to be a sort of city hall, -where they all assem ble at times. The holes probably go down about fifteen feet, where they are stopped by the concrete. The dogs will live out here comfortably all winter. Their holes will be snug and warm, and they are not troubled with malaria." New York Tribune. When baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria, When ebo was a Child she cried for C&storis, When she became Hits, sho clusg to Castoria, Wbcnsheh&dCbildren,sae savanemCMtoria Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Care is sold by us on guarantee. It fiwc-i consumption, Sold, byTV. E. De ment - - -' John Jacob Ant or. Speaking of John Jacob Astor, the first, I cannot help realizing the memory of conversations I have heard between him and my father when I was a boy. "People think," said the old man, "that I have had ah easy time of it, but that's a mistalce. My early life was a hard struggle, and even my own brother refused to lend me money." .This brother,was a butcher named Henry, pretty well off, with a stall in the Bare Market or Bear Market as it got to be afterwards called and writhed under John Jacob's borrow ings. One day, when the latter went to him for $200, Henry said : "John, I'll willingly give you $100 if you will promise me that you will never come to me again to borrow." "I closed with the offer at once and took the money," said Mr. Astor, laughing heartily. I have heard him tell how he got his first start in life. He kept his store in Peck Slip, and there bought furs, almost any that were offered him, until he had a stock packed away that he could not realize on. What to do he did not know, but consulting with his wife, as he al ways did about everything, the con clusion was that ho should go to London and sell them himself. This was carried out and John Jacob carried his furs to London and made a good thing of it. While there, and wandering over the great city, he came across what was known as the East India House, or Ccmpauy, and recognized a name as chief of it as one familiar. He sought him and found a schoolmate in hi3 native place in Germany. His schoolmate did not repudiate him, but tried to do everything he could to make Astor feel that he wanted to serve him, and, among the rest, when ho was leaving gave him a permit for a ship to trade in the Chlua Seas. John Jacob laughed a't the gift, but took it and had almost forgotten its possession, when one day something ho heard made him go to a merchant named Livermore and propose that he find capital to fit out a ship and use the permit and they should share the result. Livermore, at first re jecting the proposal, afterwards ac cepted it, and the voyage was successfully undertaken, and from it Astor realized $5Q,000. Then he look the permit and fitted out a vessel himself and laid the founda tion of his enormous fortune. John Jacob never denied that he owed his success in a large measure to the fact that he always consulted with his wife, whom I remember as a clear-headed, practical woman. N. Y. GraTihic. Seemingly Eradicated WUh sopeatert and powerful doses of qtiimn.?. ihilNnudfoifr, I'lsoinc one of Its uHius form, spi lugs into aettu existence riiMiii. of trii without Hip slightest apparent pioocatlon, To extinguish the .molder Ing einhen f this olMinate and recondite m!:td n.i lev; than to v.hdue it when It nis" ficreely in the sistiMn. Ho?tettei' Stointeh Hitters Is all sulllcienr. When ccry resource or tne pltarmaeopnjla has been exhausted against it in yam. the Bitters conquers it will remote epr- lingering vestige or it. Nay. inure. th llittvrs whl protect those brought within tin influence ol the atmospheric poison that beget- ma larial dNense. from its attar k. Disorders of the stonvieli. liter and hnweW.mp anion" the complaints to lie apnrehcndtd from the use of miasma minted water. "1 heso pre Doth cured ami pivwntod bv the Hitters Rheumatism, constipation and renal com plnhits yield to its aet:in. Absurdities. The names of some well-known French dishes are absurd enough when translated. Here are some specimens: "Oeufsa l'aurore," eggs blushing like Aurora ; "Sauce en pe tit deuil," sauce in half mourning; "Salmi de chasseurs," a hash of huntsmen; "Bouchees de dames," raouthfulsof ladies ;"Compotede bon Clmetiens'astewofgoodChriatiansj ' 'Eperians en cornets," smelts in die e boxes ; and so on ad absurdum. Kuclilts Arnica fc'alre. Tnr. Ilusr Salv:: in tne world for Cut.-. liri'.M'Nores.rirer-.S.iIt lUiuum, Feei, Sme.s. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblain). Coins and all Skin Krup-ti'tiv-, and positively cures i'lles, or no pay require'. It is jiuaiantoed to give pei feet -. tts-f.ietion. or money refunded. J'liei' 25 ei.l- tnr liny. ForVa le by W E. Dement i Co. A little boy, neanng someone re mark that nothing was quicker than thought, said, "I know something thatis quicker than thought." "WJhat is it, Johnnie?" asked his papa. "Whistling," answered Johnnie. "When I was in school yesterday I whistled before I thought." - vy rvvV Would enjoy your dlu J j nor and aro provouted by Dyspepsia, uso Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They aro a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Wo guarantee them. 25 and 50 conts. J. W. CJonn. A lady scolding ber daughter be fore a visitor for tangled hair, re quested her to observe how smooth her own was. "YeB, ma," replied the cb:ld, "but tben you don't sleep in your hair 1" TV xvx'iv l'rilic with any Throat wy " or Lunff Disease. If you have a Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whoop ing Cough, use Acker's English Rem edy and prevent further trouble. It is a positive cure, and we guarantee it Price 10 and 50 cent3. J. W. Conn. FAULTLESS FAMILY HEOiGIIIE 'I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for mi.i year?, hav ing maie it my only Family Medicine. Jiy mn'h&r before ras was vry r-'' ' ir.l ro ir. It Is a safe, po-xlinti reliable medt cine for any disorder of the system, and if used In time is '- n great preventive of xlcknest. I often recommend it to .my friends, and ii continue to do so. "Rev. James if. Rollins, " R.tstoriT. E.Chureh, S. FalrflelQVa " TiMS AND DOCTORS' SILLS SAVED by ultcauH Keeping Sitntnonn Liver Aleffttlatorjn the house. 'I have found Aim rnond Liver llegulaU r the !est family med icine T ever used 'for anything that may kapi-n. have used it in ItfUgettioii, Cotie, Jlnrrltv, r.iliousnraa, and ¨ It to re lieve immediately. After eut incra : arty supper, if, on golru; to bta, 1 t:ik about a teuspoon fttl, 1 a&ver leel tho effects of tho supper eaten. 'OVID G. SPAJIK.S, "Ex-3rayor Macon, Uu." 3-ONLY CENUINEea 1 J ':r 7 S'anip 0:1 front of Wrapper. . H. Zeiliti i Co., Soo Proprietor's, r'ricw, 81.00. lfl ILADiXMXlA, r.V. T ffr TJfrt-wri TJrvTTO -gt- - AAJjx. JLJkvxv juvyui Ii you want n neat flttins Suit of Clottie. a 33. noss, Merchant Tailor Having ju3t received a complete assort ment of Foreign and Oomestic Suitings. Soraething-Bntirely New. 1 am prepared to make up Suits cheaper than the cheapest. jfiiveme.a call and ue convinced that 1 mean what I say. J, E ROSS, Corner Squem'oqoa and Hamilton strer t. east of C. 11. Cooper's. VirffiniaCiffaranfl Toljacco Store J. W; BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Floe CI sunt. Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sgld at Lowest .Market Bate-. FRUITS. CANDIES. WOTIONS.&c. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY 'lhere Is no occasion for,thevniost fa-stldl-oih of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits, Better Work uinnslup. and for Less Money By Lca?lng their Orders with ME ANY. He has Just recelved'a lame stock of Goods from the Kant. Fine Business Suits from $35. Call aud See Him and Satisfy Yourself. ,P. i MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Every Body Knows THAT THE HEagee Furnace da. Of Boston Make Tho BEST STOVES AND RANGES -In Tho World ;- THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria W. E. DEMENT & GO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and -FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded WIIX Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made-. Hundreds ot woodmen tes tify to Its supe riority. Itgoea Deep aad Sever Stick. CARNAHAN . & C0 A genu Astoria. ' Price, S1.50. Boats-Repaired. A NY ONE WANTING FISHING .BOATS x. orouier.uoai3-Kepairoacan get goou work-done at B. M. Leathers' boat shop. over Arndt & Perchen's ; foot ot 'Lafayette strat, .AXEi J eATanDAwaam: J.C.Truliinger Our Immense New Stock Consisting of 4 CAR I.OADS of fine Artistic and Plain I Furniture, Carpets, Oil Oioth, Madras-Silk - lace-and portiere curtains, Dado Shades, &c, The-se goods were purchased direct befoie the recent advance in freight, the ' our customers. ; Cali and See Us. ! grw-rin mi an 1 Mil Astoria Iron Works. Concoml bt.. Toot of Jackson, Astoila. Or, MacMoists ait Boiler Makers. Land and Marine Engines BOILEJI TVOHK, J Steamboat Worh and annertt Work A srEciAirr. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Va9S President, t .1 ii Ml'rfPl.lPl QQAMltalv w-Osr- -Treasurer. .joun rox auDonnienaenu. , VVt F- Armbruster Practical WATCHMAKER And 3T S3 "XTST :E3 Xj?2E3 DEI. . WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS IteMred on tha Shortest Notice at Rea sonable Kates. Chenamns St., next to Spexarth's Gun store. B.F.. ALLEN PRACTICAL GRAINER and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING, AND GLASS SHOW CARDS. IL.A1. AND DECORATIVE Paper Hanging, Frescoing. Etc. Shop on Cass St., next to Stltwon's Black smith shop, Astoria,. Oregon, J. 0. O O XT 352 O? "3T Coroner's Office, Tndertaklnsf ltooms next HO! FOR THE & XT 3EP "E333L X 00. 1 Two wore Carloads of those famous SUPKItlOK Stoves and Ranges just ar rived from the --Factory. These soods aro what their name indicates, none SI' PKKi OKintheJlarket. Firenacltx to these Stoves aie Guaranteed. 15 Years. Every Sow Warranted Call and Inspect them at MAGNUS C. CROSBY'S. Thie New Model Range CAN BE HAD tNT ASTORIA, ONLY OF IS. R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E. It. Hawes Is also Agent foi tli Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVE8. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. AFuir Stock on Hand Goiniiu Trail s FOE PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at I P. M. -An additional trip will be made on Saiiday ot JBaeh Wcefc, leaving Portion d ,at 8 O'elock.SfLBaayMernlBff. Passengers t5 this route connect at Kalama tor 8enzia'5crt3: ----. . TJ.B.SCOTT, President Has Arrived. fioiu Eastern .51 anufacturers and shipped benefits thereof we nropose to share with CHAS. HS1LBORN. S. ARNDT & FERCBEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH shopI Boiler . All kllldS Of ENGINE, GANNEEY. AND STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. ' A-jet:!Hltymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOTOFLAKAyiiTTU STRKtH Established 1670 CASE, PIONEER AffiER, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING Does a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn Available In any nail of the World. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS In un deck and prepared to build boats that ha n 111 guarantee as to work and dur ability, ltefers to all who have itsed boat or his construction. All work guaranteed ROSS, O O "R O 3ST E 3a, A First Glass Undertaking Establishment A FINE HEARSE, Newest style Gaskets and Funoral Material. Ererythlnff Xeat aad Well Arranged. to Antorlan ofllce, (B. B. Franklin's old stand. nfirna iiTTk cjtwci Of Best Quality, and at I LOWEST PRICES, AT THE ISICH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. nm ami 11 nrTi-ffirara Mmm 5 -' r mx? . porta Cflipm r.-