The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 07, 1887, Image 3

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    "0SiT?& s"" "
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The Ancoji is advertised to leave
to-day for Alaska.
m The Oregon is due froni'San Fran
cisco this morning.
Beem Kanaga has opened a law
office m room 9, Pythian building.
This paper on your breakfast table
every morning, " for fifteen eents a
CoL Woodford is to give the first of
.his course of lectures this evening at
Liberty Hall.
TheO.-K. & N. will hereafter be
known as the Oregon Division of the
Union Pacific.
Our fine weather is now due and
overdue, but this infernal interstate
commerce law no doubt is what
causes the delay.
The Discovery Mill company, on
the Sound, is latest reputed owner of
the Pioneer. This makes four times
she. has been "sold."
Olatsop residents say that the long
continued cold rains have set every
thing back in the way of farming and
gardening this season.
Dr. Minkler, the health officer at
Port Townsond, is charged with ex
torting an exorbitant feejtrom every
V63sel that lands there.
That old proverb about saving
something for a rainy day, doesn't
get muchwof a chance for practical
application in Astoria so far in '87.
The.Y. M..C. A. convention meets
in San Franoisco next week. The
Astoria delegates are Carl A. Hanson,
E. A. Stokes, F. L. Osgood and G. A.
When it comes to killing geese, the
crew of the Hunter want a place
nearthe head of the class. One night
lastweefc they killed thirty-two at
At hall past ten this morn
ing E. O. Holden will sell at his auc
tion rooms a collection of sundry ar
ticles, comprising a miscellaneous
The board of directors of school
district No. One, held a meeting last
Wednesday, at which time it was de
cided that the school should continue
till the 17th prox. ,
Chinese lotteries are a present
strong competitor to the Louisiana
swindle. The local lottery has the
advantage, inasmnoh as a little of the
'winnings are kept at home.
In Seattle last Thursday, the ad
miralty cose of the ship Henry Bos
enfeld against the tug Tacoma was
decided by Chief Justice Jones in
favor of the liosenfeld in the sum of
JustTeoeived, direct from the fac
tory of the Whitney Carriage CoM
the largest and finest assortment of
baby buggies ever displayed north of
San Francisco, at the New York Nov
elty Store.
r All temperance and Christian work
ers are requested to meet at the Y.
M. C. A. hall this afternoon at
three o'clock, to assist in making ar
rangements for the course of lectures
t5 be given by Col Woodford.
The Pacific Journal hears that the
oysters in the vicinity of Bay Center
and Bruceport are said to be dying
off on account of the snow water and
cold weather. The oysterers are
somewhat discouraged at .the outlook.
Some ona who knows good web
when he sees it, but whose ideas on
the acquisition are vague,
stole 200 fathoms new net from boat
No. One of the, Coleman Flag Pack
ing company, at the wharf at half
past ten last Thursday night.
The new divorce law goes into
effect on the 19th insL After that
date willful desertion of one year on
either or both sides will be sufficient
grounds in law for sundering matri
monial ties; it is 'not definitely set
tled if the law is retroactive, but the
presumption favors the negative side
of that proposition.
The long continued rains interfere
seriously with the leading industries
"of the lower Columbia. Loggers are
in compulsory idleness, the cattle
eating high priced hay and unable to
do anything; fish are running poorly,
as compared with former years. It
i3 to be hoped the weather will grow
warmer, if not drier, before long.
Lot 4 in block 62, McOlure's Asto
ria, adjoining the lots sold to Sam'l
Elmore and others at Astoria last Sat
urday, was sold at private sale by E.
O. Holden yesterday for the Clatsop
Mill Co. The price was 83,000, and
Messrs. Noye3, Lounsberry and
Newell, of the O. K & N. Co., were
the parties who made the judicions
Attention is called to the variety
of goods to be auctioned off at Hol
den's auotion rooms at half past ten
thia morning billiard and bagatelle
table, type writer, sewing machine,
together with that lot -of beautiful
marble vases, card receivers and
Grecian -pitchers which have been
admired by everybody. These latter
are valuable as well a3 beautiful, bnt
will be sold without reserve.
Captain Easterbrook, of the weath
er beaoh, tells the Pacific Journal
.that a few years since as many as 200
or 303 fur seals came ashore there
and were picked up by3ifferent par
ties. It only lasted two years, siDce
whioh time there have been no seals
come Miore whatever. The fact that
there are" seals off shore, this season
would load one to believe that the
seal makes pilgrimages up and down
the coast.
On the '"last spike"' excursion in
September, 'S3, Henry Villard came
out in a gorgeous car. Ever since
the '&4 collapse it has been" standing
in the Albina round house, but lately
was fixed up and sent back east for
him. to tako another trip to Portland.
His memory is dear to manv in Port.
land, but. they would be glad to see
him back for all that, as what they
lost in Oregon Transcontinental was
only a part of what ho had enabled
them to make. "
Something new in boycotts is re
ported from Seattle, k justice of
the peace over there recently de
clared the cubic air law unconstitu
tional and now. he says -that litigants
are boycotting him and taking their
business to the other jus.tjce shop.
Just what he is going to do about it
doth not appear. Seattle is a funny
place anyhow. They had an election
over there the othorday for chief of
the fire department and Gard Kel
logg, the best man for the place
got a majority of the votes cast; and
now his competitor is going to con
test Kellogg8 election.
At their last meeting, says the
News, Salem Engine Company No.
3. in a series of resolutions concern
ing the management of the state
firemen's association, withdrew from
the association, and will hereafter
confine their efforts merely to save
property from destruction" in Salem.
They aro of the opinion that they
can maintain just as effective an or
ganization and not belong to u fire
men's association. This is the last of
the Salem companies which has re
fused to havq anything to do with
the coming tournament at Vancou
ver. . .
At the salmon hatchery on she
Clackamas river, at the confluence of
Clear creek, about four miles above
the railway station, to be repaired Tat
an expense of $3,000, the dam is across
Clear oreek and raises its waters
fourteen feet. Tho water is then
flumed 1,700 feet to the hatchery.
The racks are constructed by stretch
ing webbed wire across, the river on
piles, and their use is to prevent the
salmon from ascending the stream.
At spawning season tho eggs will be
taken and placed in the troughs. Tho
young fish will be kept until they are
about four month3 old, and then
turned loose.
Talking about rain, and the gener
ous measure of that useful article
that has been allotted to Astoria this
season, it may be interesting to note
the rainfall in -January, Februarv,
March and April, for the years 1884,
1885, 1SSG and 1687. In January '84
the Astoria rainfall was 6.75 inches,
in January '85, it was 6.78; in the
same month in '86, it was 13.24; last
January it was 18.24, In February,
'84, 7.13 inches of rain fell; Feb., '85,
10.59: Feb., '86. 5.69: last Februarv.
8.51. In Maroh. '84. 2.56 inches fell:
in March, '80, 1.51; in March, .'86, 7.23;
last March, 17.50. In April, '84,4.59
inches fell; April. '85, 1.03 inches;
April, '86. 4.96; last month, 6.83.
From this it will be seen that March,
'85 was the dryest and January, '87,
the wettest of the sixteen above re
corded. So far May is doing pretty ,
well in keeping up the record. "
There is some talk of moving the 1
engine house of Astoria No. One Co.,
from its present location on county
grounds to the space between Thos.
Graves' saloon and the New York
Novelty store. It is thought that this
would in every way be more conven
ient. When a fire breaks out there
is rarely any one around One's ex
cept tho engineer, and those who get
the engine out are often badly hand
icapped and lose time by having to
run away from tho fire to get to the
engine house. In case of a fire break
ing out iu that part of the oity west
of Main and north of Chenamus, a
prompt water supply would be of the
utmost need, as has been often proved
by experience. There appears to be
some doubt as to the right of the city
to locate tho engine house in the
place designated. On maps in the
oity hall, Concomly street is shown
as running through to Cass street,
but, it is said, that some years ago
the council vacated that part of the
street, and that it isnow private
property. Should the project of mov
ing the engine house receive active
support, the matter will, of course,
be definitely settled.
Terrible Pains.
banishes sickheadache, and will pre
vent the return of this most terrible
of pains, if taken when the warning
symptoms give notice of the recur
rence of an attack. At druggists
$1.50. Descriptive treatise with each
bottle; or address J. J. Mack & Co.,
What I JOo Y on Think
Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink? Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
A fine lot of Ladies Note Paper just
received at the Crystal Palace.
A Piano to rent cheap at the Crystal
United Stales Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
The host
oysters in nnv stvle at
-Ten cehts for a cup of Fbn nice
coffee. ".
Private Booms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, fie. The best cooked to order.
Just Received.
At Gray's dock, per schooner Queen,
40 Tons flay. For bale at Living Prices.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jeff's restaurant. ,
Private Rooms.
Seizure of Smuggled Opium at Portland.
Dread fnl Scene at the Nnnaimo Coal Mine.
PobtijAXD, Oregon, May 6. Sixty
pounds of contraband opium were
seized here to-day by Chief of Police
Parrish. The drug -was found on
the premises of Chung "Yune Wing
Kee & Co. The members of tho firm
were all arrested and taken before
the United States commissioner and
held for examination, which will be
held to-morrow. The officers" also
found nine, empty trunks in the same
building which'had been used for the
purpose ofconveying opium from the
Sound. The article now confiscated
is quoted at about $14 per pound.
VioroBiA, B. O., ilay 6. Last
night's latest dispatch from Nanaimo'
saya that the latest investigation
shows that there were one hundred
and- one miners in the. mine at the
time of the explosion and eeventy
five Chinese. There" are forty-seven
widows, the most of whom have large
families. The coroner's jury viewed
the bodies this afternoon, and the in
quest then adjourned until Tuesday.
Tho shift that came up at six o'clock
report hearing no movement under
ground. It is believed that the fire
will soon be totally extinguished and
it- is confidently expected that the
shift that comes up at midnight will
bring the-bodies. Tomorrow's scene
promses to bo a terrible one. At
nine o'clock to-night no further de-
"volopments have taken place. A
heavy rain has set in and the people
are returning to the shelter of their
homes. The progress of subduing
the flames is proceeding rapidly and
it is thought the danger of a second
explosion is now over.
Heddxkg, Cala., May 6. A boy,
named Leon Gratcie was accidentally
shot and killed instantly by a boy
named Edward Cady, 12 years of age
at Middletou,- iu this county, last
AxiBasy, On, May 6. Wm. IV
Boone, tho oditdr of tho O)ego?i
Sif tings, published at Portland, was
arrested and brought to this city to
day on a charge of libel preferred by
Peter Riley. Boone published an
abusive article in his paper stating
that Riley was the Albany corre
spondent of the Hiflings. At the
preliminary examination Bonne test!",
fied that by a typographical error
James Riley Tvas made, to read Peter
Riley, but he said he didn't know the
correspondent's real name. H was
held in S500 bonds nud released. on
his own recognizance to p rocn re
bondsmen in Portland.
Snow fell last night to a depth of
two inches at Summit station 011 the i
Oregon Pacific railroad.
A Large Baptist Convention.
Louisville, Ky., -May 6. The
southern Baptist convention, the
largest religious body that ever met
in the south, assembled here this
morning. It is composed of dele
gates from the missionary societies
and churches of the Baptist denom
ination in variqus parts of the United
The Latest And Greatest Discover).
FIGS, A crystalized fruit cathartic.
A discovery of the greatest interest
to the Medical Profession. A boon
to every household. A most delicious
laxative or purgative prepared from
fruits and vegetables. So perfectly
harmless that they may bo adminis
tered with entire safety to an infant.
So efficacious to adults that a single
dose will prove tneir value, and so
elegant a preparation that it needs
only to be presented to tho publio
to become a necessity in every
household throughout the land.
For liver complaints, habitual con-
stipation indigestion, dyspepsia and
piles, they are a specific. To trav
elers by sea and land they will be
found invaluable; they are positive
ly unfailing in their action, and this
is the only medicine ever offered to
the public that is acceptable to the
taste, and so pleasant that children
will eat the figs as eagerly as candy.
For sale by every Druggist through
out the world. Price, 25 c8nts a box.
J. J. Mack & Co., Prop's, 9 and 11
Front street, San Franoisco, Cal.
For Tlie Most Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most scientific retouching
and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples at his new gallery on the road
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roasL
Yes Marin those Baby Carriages hae
come, and they are without sa.ving too
much, the finustussortnient every seen
here. Every style,, color and shape you
may want from six lo fifty dollars.
Adier thinks he can beat Portland
styles and prices; and if you doubt it
go to tho Crystal I'alace and he will
convince you,.
- The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre'.s
GSainbrlnus Boer
Ami Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Telephone L.O'llug House.
.-. Best Bed's in town.. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per veek $1.50. "Sew and
clean. Private entrance.
To'lJnveil the Statue of Pres't. Garfield.
FnrrastntV Flas Ship Stilt to Float,
WaSiingtox, May 6. A party left
here yesterday afternoon for Now
York, to sail on Saturday for Europe.
It is composed of Baron and Baroness
Itajnha of Brazil, Mrs. and Miss
Mitchell of Oregon, and Count Sala.
They will be joined in New York by-
Mrs. Helyar, who will sail with Count
Sala on tho French steamer. The
Baroness Itajuha and Miss Mitchell
go to London to meet the daughters
of Lionel SaCkville West, the English
minister, who sailed a week ago.
Washington, May 6. The em
ployes in the execntive department
who are members of the society of
the army of the Cumberland, will be
excused from attendance on Wednes
day and Thursday next, in order that
they may take part in tho ceremonies
and business of the society. All the
departments will b9 closed at noon on
Thursday, to enable the employes to
witness the ceremony attending the
unveiling of the statue of General
Garfield. James and Harry Garfield,
the two sons of the deceased presi
dent, will be present as representa
tives of the family, as Mrs. Garfield's
health will not permit her to attend.
Washington, May 6. Secretary
Whitney ha3 decided to order the
repair of tho Hartford, Admiral Far
ragut's old Hag ship, now at Mare
Island. After a careful examination,
ho concludes that the sum of $200,000
appropriated by the last congress for
tho ronair of wooden vessels, is ap
plicable to tho Hartford, as repairs"
on the vessel willnot exceed 2 per
cent, of the value of the ship.
A Crisis iu Trousers.
It is painfully evident that a crisis
in trousers has arrived, and the Cal
umet and St. Nicholas clubs are con
sidering the propriety of a mass meet
ing to wrest the present fashion from
its taraeness. There was a time when
the lum-tum trouser was like a peg
top, rich and rare. 'Then came the
blazonry of plaids, when every dude's
legs looked liko a checker tourna
ment. Then tho season of attenua
tion, when ho first carefully inserted
himself into them with a shoo horn,
and,, then French-chalked the legs
and worked them on like a glove.
The general contour of a dudo then
was like that of a watermelon doing
the balance act on a pair of Jongs.
Then came the crease when every
swell trouser in this blessed
land was judiciously ironed flat ev
ery morning so as to show the cun
ning wrinkle of newness. But of this
latter day, plain, matter-of-fact
trouser, neither too largo nor too
small, quiet in color and natural in
shape, what shall be said? Perish
the monotony. Give us a pink
trouser with a spring bottom like a
fnnnel. Give us open-work trouser
with four stripes running around in
J a spiral, that our legs may look like
a corksqrow. Give us no trouser at
all in preference to this execrably
dull and funereal pair of leg-bags
that have neither oddity nor gor
geousness in them. N. Y. World.
Enjoy Life.
What a truly beautiful world we
livo in! Nature gives us grandeur of
mountains, glens and oceans, and
thousands of means of enjoyment
We can desire no better when in
perfect health; but how often do the
majority of people feel like giving it
up disheartened, discouraged and
worn out with disease, when there is
no occasion for this feeling, as every
sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory
proof, that Green's Atigust Flower,
will m&ke them free from disease,
as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint are the direct causes of
seventy five per cent, of such mala
dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache, Co3tiveness. Nervous
Prostration, Dizziness of the Head,
raipitation ot tne Heart, and other
distressing symptoms. Three doses
of August Flower will prove its
wonderful effect. Sample bottles,
10 cents. .Try it.
Prophet Poppleton, of Lafayette.
Dr. Poppleton, a wealthy old settler,
who lives at Lafayette, has made a
prediction. He told C. N. Scott,
of this city, a few days since that in
1858 rain fell almost without inter
mission until July 17th. "Last fall,"
the doctor said, "I anticipated that in
1887 there would bo a repetition of
1858 and I got in my grain as soon as
possible. There "3 every indication
that my prediction will be correct?
In 1858 there was quite a big flood,
fruits and crops were late, but no
great damage was done to either." It
looks as though Dr. Poppleton had
called tho turn on tho weather. So
far his guess holds good. News, G.
I.s Consumption lucurable?
Read the -follewing: Mr. O. II. Morris,
Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with
Absccs? of Lungs, and friends and phy
sicians pronounced me an Incurable
Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's
New Dis.-overy for Consumption, am
now on my tniru oottie, and able lo
oveiseo the work on my farm. It is the
finest medicine ever made."
.Jesse MiddleWart, Decatur, Ohio,
says: "Had it not hpen for Dr. King'-,
New Discovery . for Consumptien I
would have died of Lung Troubles. Was
given up by doctors. Am now in best
of health." Try it. Sample bottle; free
at W..E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store.
RoTo Crow's Gallery.
The leading-ilhotographer. For the
finest ohotos m all the latest stvlea and
of superior nnlsh.
Ears and Scalp Covered with Ecze-
matous Scabs and Sores
Cured by Cuticura.
MY little sou, aged eight j ears. 1m been
afllicted uitli Eczema of tho scalp, and
at times a great portion of tho body, ever
since he was two years old. It began in his
ears, and etended to his scalp, which be
came coered with scabs and sores, and
from which a sticny fluid poured out, caus
ing intense itching and distress, and leaing
his hair matted and lifeless. Underneath
these scabs the skin was raw. like a piece of
beefsteak. Gradually tho hair came out and
was destrojed, until but a small patch was
left at the back of tho head. Mv friends
in l'eabody know how my Hi tie boy has suf
fered. At nighUie would scratch his head
until lib pillow was covered with blood. I
used to tie his hands behind him, and In
many ways tried to prevent his scratching ;
but it was no use, he would s ratcn. I took
him to the hospital and -to the best physi
cians In Peabody without success. About
this time, soma friends, who had been c ured
by the Cuticura Kemkdies. prevailed up
on me to try them. I began to Use them on
the 15th of January last. In seven months'
every particle of tne disease was lemoved.
2ot a spot or a scab remains on his scalp to
tell the story of his suffering. His hair has
retlliTlPd mirt la thiol- in.t , . rt .i
scalp as sweet and clean as any child's In
til A T twirl T ... t. - .
",c "uiiu, j. viiuuui say enouun 10 express
my gratitude for this wonderful cure by the
Cuticuka Kemkdies, and wish all similar
ly afflicted to know that my statement Is
true and without exaggeration.
Oct. 0, lSS5r l'eabody, Mas.
I have seen Mr. McKay's boy when badly
Jiffeetpd with thf Fotrhu tt ,-..c o ni,r.r.
sight to look at . I know that ho has tried
um uch, ijujaiuiuiia, unu uiu an a iamer
could do for a suffering child, but availed
lintlllllf T kliniV thOt tl.Q oaln...nno 1...
has made you ! regards the curing of his
uuj uj juurvUMUUKA HK.MEDIE3 are till e
In every particular.
33 Foster St., Peabody, Mass.
I do nor know of any Instance in which
the CUtlCUm. l(PinP1IP ll!lvn f-tllnH tn nm.
duce satisfactory results. I believe I have
soiu more 01 mem man ri anv other skin
remedies I have ever handled during the
thirty-three years of mv experience as a
druggist. A. I). TRYON. Batavla. N. Y.
Sold everywhere. Trice : Cuticura, CO
cents ; Cuticuka Soap, 25 conts,CuTicuKA
Kksoiakt. " Prepared by Totter
Dbug and Chemical Co,, Uoston.
Seiiillbr- "How to Cure Skin Disease."
n I M PLKS, Blackheads,Skin RIemlshcs, and
lilH Baby humors, use Curie vr Soap.
A Word About Catarrh.
'Tf Ic tliA in 11 nm i a momliHinn flmf i-mw
ful semi-fluid envelope surrounding the dell- h3mh;- ui uiu air ;um inou passages,
that CatHrrh makes Its stronghold. Once e3-
tfthlfchpfl If fVltc Intn tlm wr.- i if il j n.irl
renders life but a long-drawn breath of mis-
cry aim uisease. uuiuug me sense oi near-
IlT' fmimiipllintr th nnuop rif onuanh .Is.
stroying the faculty of smell, tainting the
breath, and kilting the retlu-d pleasHres of
t;ste. Insidiously, by creeping on from a
simple cold In the head, it assaults the mem-
uiaui'io iiuiiiK iiiiu envelopes me oones, eai-
illir tlirnilull flip i1lli itp nt itu oml nnticlni.
Inflammation, sloughing and death. Noth-
111& aiiun ui Hum erauicauuu wm secure
llO.tllll tn ia nntlnilf Otwl nil nTtfliint1nn n.n
slnmlv iirnpraOlnnfpil aiiffuviixm lnoitlim tn
a fatal termination. Saxfokd's Ramcai.
uukk, oy m natation ana oy jweniat ad
ministration, lias never failed : even when
delicate constitutions, hearing, smell and
iiiMv uiivu ueea recovoreu, aim me uiseaso
thoroughly driven out."
SlVPnifn'j 1!(IIIiMI. Pitto onuctota it
one bottle of the Radical Cure, one bnx
i-at.ui:iiai.solvext, ana one improved
Ixitalrk, neatly wrapped in one package,
w itii full directions ; price, $1.00.
J'QTrKU Dru & ChemicalCo., Bostox
"Worn out with pain. but still com
pelled by stern necessity to stand
up tq the work before us and bear
the pain. Relief In one Minute in a
Cnticura Anti-Tain Plaster for the
achintr sides and back, the weak
and painful muscles, the soro chest and
nacKtng cougn. ami every pain and acneoi
daily toil, hletiant. new. oneinal. si)eedvT
and infallible. At drugi-ts. 25c: Ave for
St 00; or postage free, of Totter Drug and
unenitcai Co., uoston.
Clothier and Matter
It is no empty boat to assert, that
for the time I have- been established,
my business has grown beyond my
Any candid observer will admit that
to succeed one must gain and retain
the confidence of the Public.
It lias always, been my aim to deal fair,
to sell Goods at a legitimate profit,
and. treat all alike. That it pays to deal
honestly, my growing business will
Desiring a coutinance of the good
will of my neighbors and friends I
promise to always give
Full "STalue
'For Your Money.
Herman Wise,
Oceident Hotel Budding.)
Mrs. Itosaraa Watson. Mrs. Lillian Warren.
Comer Cass and .lefferson. up s-talrs. are
now readv for orders from the ladies e:
Astoria anil -vicinity. We do only first class
work by a lato system adopted in fashion
able circles everywhere.
All work guaranteed.
Comparison ch rtlengea.
Terms reasonable.
House to Rent.
ciure'sAstona. WrsfaAH2lt
-v.m- InflQP
n ,.n.i.,-.r. r. . Q
Still Leads
Glove Department
Sole Agent For Astoria For The
Sale Of The Celebrated
P. Oentemeri Kid Gloves.
Received from the Manufacturers direct, upwards of
SO dozen of the above Famous Kid Gloves in Black, Dark
colors, Tans, Greys and all
Ujmbroidered Stitched backs
Also a verv large Stock of
Lace Mitts for Ladies and Children in eveiy
Conceivable Color and in Varions
Late Styles and Lengths.
The Leading Dry Goods and. Clothing House
deubzmi: extract
Contains Not a Drop "of Medicine,
Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol.
Bat is a simple sUgar-cano liko plant, grown near the Equator and
further south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and
has proved itself to be the only harmless and effective nerve food
known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man
hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, soft
ening of the brain, locomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by"
nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, .and makes
you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless, feeling like
magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at
once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines.
Dose, One Small Wineglass! ul JBrerj Fear Hears. - ,
The loss of gas from the bottle doea not weaken or injure the Mqxie.
Look out for Counterfeits. m
Price, 50 Cents a Quart Bottle, or $5:1)0 per Dozen..
D. L. Beck
qgTT i:E33R:o:o:rer:E3 into. 7.
1309 Mu-wrrsT.
the late shades. Plain and
and m Various Lengths.
" J,
Nerve Food.