C3J ?ftc gailtj glstOMtt, " ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY APRIL 2t. 18S7 Regalar council meeting to-night. An account book awaits ownership at this office. From present appearances spring haa received another postponement. "Los Angele3 measleg," is what they call small pox in California now. Reports from up river are the same as from local canneries, "verv few fish. The Columbia arrived yesterday from San Francisco; the" Oregon sailed. The Gen. Miles came in from Tilla mook last Sunday with a tow of boats for Sam'l Elmore's cannerv. A fine painting of Mt. Eainier, the work of Mrs. Jas. A. Davidson, is on exhibition at Griffin & Reed's. Mrs. Bryce is prepared to do first class dressmaking, and makes a speoialty of cutting and fitting, The British bark Renfrewshire, coal laden, came in last Sunday, and is discharging coal at Flavel's dock. The fifth annual convention of the W. C. T. U. of Oregon, will take place at The Dalle3 ATav 17th, closing on the 20th. Dr. A. L. Fulton has received fresh vaccine matter and is prepared to vaccinate any one desirous of being vaccinated. The Vancouver timber cases, where in fraud was alleged, have been in definitely postponed, on motion of special agent Munday. The impression is reported to pre vail in Portland that a rate of S1.50 on wool to Boston will be named, and about $1 a hundred on salmon. There are three vacancies in the Portland city council to be filled, and .the Telegram says there are only twenty-seven candidates. Just think! Effort is being made to establish a branch hydrographic office in Port land, the same as in San Francisco. The office would be a valuablo ad junct to Columbia river commerce. Some boys at Young's river last Sunday found that that unfortunate Chinaman who was lying dying of leprosy in a cabin there, had died. His countrymen were notified yester day. No new appointments will be made in the state immigration board, and the board will be allowed to die of starvation, the last legislature having provided no funds for its mainte nance. Beaver Lodge No. 35, L O. O. F., will celebrate the 68th anniversary of the founding of the order by a social entertainment at their lodge room to which all members in good standing, their families "and lady friends are invited, this evening. Last evening Willie Young, the 13-year-old son of Mr. Max Young, of upper Astoria, sustained a serious accident, in experimenting with a dynamite cap, which exploded and tore off the first joint of the thumb and the tops of the first and second fingers of the left hand. Last Monday the Olympians wanted to fire a salute in honor of Gov. Sem ple, but found that the only cannon in town belonged to Goven'or Squire. It took a good deal of cheek to borrow a cannon from a man to fire a salute in honor of his successor but the salute was fired, all the same. The fine badge, previbusly noted, made by G. Hansen, and marked "High boat, Columbia river, '87," was captured for $50 yesterday by 0. Timmms, of the Fishermen's Packing Co. Some one of the employes of that company will win the prettiest and costliest salmon badge yet seen on the river. YOUNG MEN'S Christian Association ! A GRAND CONCERT! - 'AND ENTERTAINMENT. Will ba given In Liberty Hall, on Friday, Apfril 29tli, I By the Ladies' Auxiliary Committee of i the Y . M. 0. A., to aid in furnish ing the new rooms of the Association. A special feature will be tho appear aneo for the first time in this city of the PEAK SISTERS, As they appeared before the Crowned Heads of Europe, Asia and Africa. THE MISTLETOE BOUGH, In Pantomime. SONGS, CHORUSES AND TtEADlKGS By the Best Talent in the City. Admission. Children, - - Doors open at 7: 30 p. m. Commence at 8 p. m. SOcts 25 LATEST TELEGEAP3H0 NEWS. Sax Francisco, April 25. There is much uneasiness here in regard to the cholera, as there is so much trav el between here and the infected ports in Mexico, both by water and rail. It is quite possible it may soon arrive here, and strict quaran tine measures are being adopted. Six hundred box cars are being made for the Southern Pacific, in Virginia, and two hundred flat cars at Sacramento. Two train loads of oranges went east yesterday, via Ogden. FROM LOS AXGELES. Los Angeles, April 25. The flower festival has been in progress here two weeks. The receipts so far are ten thousand dollars. . Margarita Granville, convicted of murdering her paramour, was to-day sentenced to four years. JCST AS EVEBYOXE SUPPOSED. New York, April 25. John Sher man pronounces the Cuba kidnap ping story a huge joke. Nothing occurred to even give color to such a story. maybe so. Washington, April 25. It is ru mored that Sir Lionel West, British minister, is to marry Miss Mollie, the daughter of an Oregon senator. The foundation for the rumor is that he invited Miss Mitchell to accompany himself and daughter to England for the summer. DEAD. Johu H. Marr, chief-clerk to the first assistant postmaster general died to-day. He held that position since '(59. DRAWING NEAR. New York, April 25. Jake Sharpe appeared in court to-day; the court set May 11 as the time for trial and hearing the motion to quash the in dictment. A precious pair. New York, April 25. Mrs. Kelly and Miss Ellen Barrett were arrested to-day for counterfeiting. t The de tectives surprised them in the act, se curing thirteen moulds and one hun dred and sixty-eight counterfeit dollars. Mrs. Kelly is the wife of the notorious counterfeiter, Geo. Kelly. Ellen Barrett, her sister, acknowl edged she had been making counter feits several months and shoving them off on Italians. They were held in bonds of $5,000 each. SAN FRANCISCO WHEAT MARKET. San Francisco, April 25. There is great excitement among the wheat buyers this season. The market closed Saturday at 1.87; opened to day at 1.88, rose to 1.90, closed at 1.89 spot; season, storage paid, ro3e to 1.81 an advailce of 2 cents. TniS SETTLES IT. Buffalo, April 25. Begarding President Cleveland's letter refusing the second term Dorsheimer stated that he positively never saw such a letter. THE SOHNAEBELS AFFAIR. Berlin, April 25?-The tone of the press comment on the Schnaebels af fair is causing much uneasiness here. A dozen Alsatians have been arrested in connection with the affair. It is considered here that Germany has proved the correctness of her proced ure. THE JUBILEE IN CANADA. Ottawa, April 25. June 25lh is officially set apart for the observance of the queen's jubilee in Canada. (race Church. Themenbers of Graoe Episcjpal church are requested to meet at the church on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock r. M., sharp, and confer with the vestry on business of importance. The Vestry. J. N. Griffin, Secretary. Ladles' Hats. Mrs. Malcolm has Just received a large assortment o'f latest styles ladies' hats, and also for misses. Among others are the Siddons, Strathmore, Del Key. Marquise and La Tour. Employment Wanted. By a competent womri as waitress in a mess house. Apply at thi3 office. C5o To'Crow's Gallery. The leading .Photographer. For the finest photos in all the latest styles and of superior hulsh. A Xew And. Enlarged Mock qT Choice ItranilH of Clears. Imported Key West and domestic. -VII tastes can be satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. TausiirsPunch and Junior's In full supply as usual at D. L. Bf.ci3& Sons. The finest and nicest steak to be had in town at Fabre's For Tho Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the uioneer leadimr nhotocranher. See new samples at his new gallery on the road way. Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeffs restaurant. Gotojeffsforoyster. Private Rooms. MEETING OF BOARD OF DELEGATES. The board of delegates, A. F. D., held a regular meeting last evening, C. J. Trenchard in the chair. A com munication was read from the secre tary of Astoria Engine Co., No. One, stating that John Foster and A. E. Orloff had been elected members of that company; also stating that Aug. Danielson had rosigned as an active member, and that Wm. Humbel and C. G. Babbidgo had been expelled for non payment of dues. A communi cation was received from the secre tary of Rescue Engine Co. No. 2. stating that M. S. Monteith had been elected a member of that company. A communication was re ceived from the secretary of Alert H. & L. No. One, stating that TTrank M. Green, J. C. Ward, P. S. Cook and P. W. Weeks had been elected mem bers of that company. Becommenda tions were made in each case that certificates be granted. A discussion ensued regarding tho required cisterns and pipe lines; the secretary was, on motion, instructed to communicate with the city council, urging that body to take immediate action in regard to supplying water for engines on the back strets by a pipe line. After other desultory debate the board adjourned. Famous "Women. Madame Trebelli, the greatest of living contraltos who has traveled extensively, in fact visited every county and city of note in the world, hasjuBt departed from the slope of the Pacific, and often expressing the greatest admiration for the beauty and grandeur of our scenery and the delightful mildness of our climate, left the following written note as a living expression of her opinion in the hands of a Portland druggist, the original of which can l)e seen on de maud. Portland, Or., April G, 1887. Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your 'Kobertine," and it gives mo much plensuro to sny that it is excellent for the complexion, being one of the best articles of the kind I have ever used. Be lieve ine, yours sincerely, Z. Trebelli. If any further proof of tho excel lency of this article is required call ou Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. of Asto ria, Or., who, for the small sum of fifty cents, will produce evidence that will satisfy tho most skeptical and fastidious and give yon a beautiful picture card for tho trouble of en quiring. General Gibbous has received the following telegraphed instructions from headquarter at Washingten: uIn view of the depleted condition of the appropriation for transportation of the army for the current fiscal year, as reported by the quartermaster-general, the secretary of war di rects that no orders be issued from your headxuarters involving expendi ture therefrom except for the most necessary routine purposes." Unnecessary Misery. Probably as much misery comes from habitual "constipation as from any derangement of the functions of the body, and it is . difficult to cure, for the reason that no one likes to take tho medicines usually pre scribed. HAMBURG FIGS wore prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to the taste of women and children. 25 cents. At all druggists. .T. J. Mack & Co.. proprietors, S. F. Our Boys' hose team is taking active steps towards attending the firemen's tournament to be held iu Vancouver in June next. Walla Walla Union. X ; ill For All. In order to give all a chance to Jest it. and thus be convinced of i's wonderful curative powers, Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, will be, for a limited time, given away. This offer is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith in tho mer its of tills great remedy. All who suf fer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption. Asthma. Bronchitis, or any affection of Throat, Chesr, or Lungs, are especially lequcbtcd to call at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store, and get a Trial Hottle Free, Large Bottles 1, Happiness and health are imponnnt problems, the former depending great! v on the latter. Everyone is familiar with the healthy properties of fruit, and no one can afionl to be sick and miserable while the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, may be had of your en terprising druggists v . E. Dement iv uo Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, .Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin '. Shioh's Vital izes Is a positive cm c. For sale bv W. E. Dement & Co. JKFF'S United States Restaurant and cheapest in Astoria the ht'st At The Holden Houe A few more hoarders can he accom modated witli or without rooms. WhatJ Bo You Think Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink'.' Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 25 cents. What is better than a glass of liquor ? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc.. can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. The best oysters in any style at Fabre's. Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc. The best cooked to order. Telephone Xo'lging House. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week $1.50. Sew and clean. Private entrance. Gainbrinus Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. PATRIOTIC FIUXEVILL1ANS. It is said Governor Penuoyer promptly responded to the following appeal with the commissions asked fer: Pbineville, Or., April 7. Hon. Sylvester Pennoyer, governor of the state of Oregon and commander-in-chief of the state mili tia: The irrepressible and invincible cowboys of Crook county desire to servo their country and work off somo of their superfluous martial ardor (commonly called cussedness), in a way that will send their names thundering down the ages; they burn to wear a uniform, bear drums aud see a battle; they want to bo soldiers, bedad! so that when the demon of havoc whoops "carnage" and unties the dogs of war, they can rush to the fore, and, side by side with the Portland brave3, capture a hen roost and lift the scalp off a beer bottle, and to that eud most re spectfully ask to be authorized, empowered and allowed to form a militia company, with headquar ters, barracks, free lunch counter, or whatever it is called, at Prineville. We are a hundred strong aud we do not expect to be appointed generals. A few of the boys are perfectly willing to be colonels, and even some would be corporals. We are not stuck up; we only ask to be allowed to serve our country and draw our proportion of tho public funds, iu fact the latter is the main object. All the boys are ex perts on the draw, and we can assure you we will not shirk any financial task you as commander may impose on us. Hoping to hear from you (with a commission), I am respectfully, Geo. W. Barxes. Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in 1 Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment We can desire no better when in perfect health; but how often do the majority of peoplo feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that ureens August flower, will make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy five per cent, of suoh mala dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. Had Lived in YA Dorado Hiiiieir. "Say, Jedge,'' said Edward F. For rester when called up yesterday be fore Judge Hornblowcr for sentence ou a charge of vagrancy, "say, Jedge. I was loaded aud didn't know what I was doin' when they took me in for beggin'. Let me off this time and I'll wander away to tho wilds o' El Dorado county, and hide myself in somo se cluded dell an' borry a plow an' fence in 1C0 acres o' land an' plant olives an' things. Yes, Jedge, I'll train up a vine and fig tree in th' way they should go, an' build a little cottage, an' in th summer evenin s I'll sit on me rustio porch an1 play a lute while the twinklin' stars is laughin' and the birds is beiu' lulled t' rest bv its soft cadences." "El Dorado county!" returned his honor, "why, I lived there once mv- aelf," and a reminiscent smile o'er spread the judicial countenance. "Ye did, did ye, Jedge? D'ye know Nigger Hill an' Clemen's saloon ? Clem's oldest boy married one o' the Stallinses' darter t' one Ike Stallins, what owned the wall-eyed mewel what kicked so hard. Ole Stallins bet he could break up more hard rock than any quartz mill in th' county." "Dismissed!"' gasped tho judge. "Bailiff, take him out for heaven's sake." And the El Do-ado pioneer was led from the court room, hurling at the judge as ho went disjointed ejaculations of admiration of the kicking capacity of Stallins' "mewel." S.F.Alta. Renews Her Youth. Mis. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clav Co., Iowa, tells the following storv, the truth of which is, vouched for by the residents of the tewn: "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years: could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all mv own housework. 1 owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all dis ease and pain." Try a hottle, only oOc. at V. E. De ment & Uo.Ts Drug fctore. Syrup of Fi;s. Manufactured only by tho California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of W. E. IJement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It Is the most Eleasant, prompt aim eitective remedy nown, to cleanse the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys ami Bowels gently yet thoroughly to dispel Ileadachs, Colds and Fevers: to ouie Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Frank L Parker, Dealer in Fancy ant Staple Groceries. Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD. PERSONAL. I. Cohen returned yesterday from San Francisco. Mrs. G. C. Hall arrived last week from Nebraska. A. M. Simpson came up on the Co lumbia yesterday. Miss Boelling-h'as returned from a visit to Portland. J. P. Dris3ler, of the Willapa, was in the city yesterday, on his return from San Francisco. Capt. Eeynolds, for fifteen months a resident of this city while in com mand of the Highland Light, is re ported senously ill at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands. Palpitation of the Heart. Persons who suffer from occasional palpitation of the heart are often unaware that they are the victims of heart disease, and are liable to die without warning. They should banish this alarming symptom and cure the disease by using Dr. Flint's Heart Remedy. At all druggists, or J. J. Mack & Co., 9 and 11 Front st., S. F. An Opportunity. Dr. Harmon has left some spectacles, Brazilian Pebbles and optical goods with Wm. Armbruster, where they can be bought. This is a good, opportunity for those who were unable to buy trom him before his departure. Full! My establishment is uow filled wih a largo 'and well selected stock. My prices are as usual the very lowest, and all I ask is a-chanco to convince you that I can and will save you money. It is for your own interest as much as for mino to do your tiad- inr with me. Herman Wise, The Clothier and natter. (Occident liiulitlni;.) -IN- B y Buggies AND Musical Instruments AT THE New York Novelty Store American News Depot ON SALE The latest Magazines and niustrnted papers of tho day. bwedlsh, Danish and German papers, Books and Dictionaries. Lovell and Seaside Libraries, School Books, -Stationery, etc. A BAL3IANNO,' Cnenamus St. near Main. BIT YOUR- Groceries Provisions OF- oard & Stokes Their largely increasiuglrade enables them to self at tho very lowest margin or profit white giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price1 raid for Jun. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Cannery Sulies! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. CREAT dBD Strike It Rich! To Rent. FIVE ACRE TRACT FOR A TERM OF years. "Well located : "Will bo leased on favorable terms. Apply to MRS.1YEIMAN, Chicago House, Glove Department b. H. Sole Agent For Astoria For The Sale Of The Celebrated ' ?. P. Oentemeri Kid Gloves. Received from the Manufacturers direct, upwards -ot 50 dozen of the above Famous Kid Gloves in Black, Dirk colors, Tans, Greys and all tlie late shades. JPlain and Embroidered Stitched backs and in Various Lengtfis. Also a very large Stock of .r-J SILK, TAFFETT A f IN ALL THE LATE Law Mits for Ladies Conceivable Color and in Various Late Styles and Lengths, The Leading .Dry Goods and Clothing House OP ASTORIA. G. H. COOPER. YOU NEEDN'T Paste This On Your Looking Glass; You will bo sure to see it in The Astoriax and -will rememSer it, because it i& for your interest to do so. No premium Ohromos, Gift enterprises, Bean guesaers, or cy other clap trap, is" resorted to by D. L. BECK & SON$ to sell their goods. Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Small -profits is' their motto, tho cost of the clap trap being taken off tho price of the goods. And the people like it'bettei than the cha.nco enterprise, where 6b& out of hundreds gets the prize, for thoy all get it in fhe prioe of .lha goods. ",' " REMEMBER: If yoa vrant cannery supplies, go to D. JO. BJSpK & SQ'IfB" If vo want Roller flour, Oat, Graham, Rye or Corn .Mbal, Z' go to D. L.BE'CK &S01T8. IV you want Wheat, Shorts, Bran, or Rolled Barley, - go to D. Z. BECK ifc 802T8: If vou want Cheese, .Best fresh Butter and Eggs, go to D. L. BECK fc SQZT8. If you want Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Pig's feet or Lard,-' J". go to B. L. BEGK& JSON8. If you want Sardines, Anchovies,Holland or Smoked Herring i Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stook sh, etc., go to ' . D. L. BECK & SONS If you want Sugar, Svrup, N. O. Molasses, Palaoe Drips, go to B. Z. BECK & 8CWJ3 If you want Vormout Maple Sugar, pure .Maple Syrup or . Fresh Cal. Honey, go to D. Z. BECK & 80M$ If you want Sauerkraut, Chow Chow, Piokles or Gherkins, - in bulk or glass, go to D. Z. BECK & S02T8 If you want Nuts Seedless or Layer Raisins, Dry Apples -or any other dry or Canned Fruit, go to B. Z. BECK& 80K8 In short, if you want any kind of Staple or Fancy Groceries SO to JJ. At. JTJZUJi. C 310Y-3 Do vou want the best Coal Oil in the market, or the best Oil Can ever invented, go to B. Z. BECK & &OJSC8 Do vou want Brooms, Tubs, Pails, Washboards,Clothespins. J go to B. Z. BECK& 80K8. Do you want Hall and Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber or Kitchen Stand Lamps, go toZ?. Z. BECK & S02f& Djo vou want Plain Decorated China, or Crockery Ware, - 5 White, or Fancy Glass Ware, go to B Z BECK b SON'S Do you want Vases or other Ornamental articles, Silver Dlated Knives and Forks, Table or Tea Spoons, -' F go to B Z BECK A 80&3 Do you want any kind of Cigars or Tobacco, from cheap and common to the best to be bad, go to B Z BECK & SONS In fact, if you want anything in our line, you will go- home happy and sleep contentedly if you buy of D. L. BECK & SONS. COOPER THREAD GLOVES COLORS AND MAKES v- and Children in evi :j "bgr "3';; m ssu.