The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 22, 1887, Image 3

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flic gatftt tffotiafc
AritIL 22. 157
The barkentino Portland is -dis-cbnrjiing
a big lot o California hay
at the Main street wharf.
The Oregon came iu yesterday.
The State left out. The Glenfarg
crossed out on her way to the Sound,
where she will ioad lumber.
"A soap mine has been discovered
m Ulackamas county. That s noth
ing. N. Clinton has discovered a
yeast powder mine at Bay View.
The Presbyterian social at Mrs.
Qeo. C. FJavel's last evening was
largely attended and greatly enjoyed
by the ladies and gentlemen present.
The salvation army has rented the
building opposite G. A. Stinson's
blacksmith shop, and contemplate
beginning operations nest week.
There is a man named Mutch in
the state penitentiary who claims to
know where 1,800 is buried in Asto
ria, but he won't tell any one, and
says be will come down here and get
it himself when his time expires.
Large flocks of geese flying very
high, flew northwesterly yesterday.
Man, wjio jibes at the humble goose,
is not bo dextrous in the three ele
ments. In water we sink, in air we
tumble, on earth we stumble, while
the goose is at home in all three.
The sealing schooners Operand
Mary Taylor are reported outside,
busy catching seals about twenty
miles off the mouth of the river.
The seals seldom come in so close or
stay so long, but the schooners report
a very good catch this year, the seals
ranging as far south as Tillamook
Immense quantities of Oregon
and Washington wheat and flour are
being shipped from San Francisco.
The Columbia took nearly 20,000
sacks of wheat, and over 2,000 bbls
flour. The State took another large lot.
Under different commercial conditions
this food-shipment would be made
from Astoria. Sometime it will be.
There will be a children's sooiable
at the residence of Mrs. Capt. Reed
this afternoon, from half-past
three o'clock until seven. During
the evening the sociable will be
continued for the pleasure of the
young gentlemen and ladies. Cake
and ice cream will be sold. The
prooeeds will be given for the benefit
of the Episcopal Sunday school.
The interstate commerce law has
had the effect of increasing the freight
overland, on a case of Columbia
river salmon, from 38 cents to 93 cents
a case. It has paralyzed the wool in
dustry of eastern Oregon by occasion
ing a prohibitory tariff. There is a
grave in Pike county, Missouri and
over that grave is a stone and on that
stone is the legend: "Here lies the
mortal remains of Joseph Bowers; he
was well; he would be better; he took
medicine and here he is.'
Talking of the Oregon governors
yesterday, Mr. John Hobson recalled
some interesting reminiscences. Of
Governor Gaines, he said he came
down here in the spring of '51 and
bought his (Hobson'a) farm from him.
That summer, the governor's wife was
killed by a runaway horse on the Skip
anon bridge, and the -following au
tumn Governor'Gaines sold back the
farm to Mr. Hobson. He died in 1854
and is buried near Salem. A few
years after his son came down and
exhuming the remains of his mother
from-the Clatsop burying ground had
them conveyed beside those of his
Ladies1 Hats.
Mrs. Malcolm has just received a
large assortment of latest styles
ladies' hats, and also for misses.
Among others aro the Siddons,
Strathmore, Del Bey. Marquise and
Ia Tour.
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoiia.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptlieria and
Canker Mouth. Sold lv V. E. Dement
Miss R. W. Brow n has returned and
has some new designs iu art, etc., which
may be seen at her art rooms.
WliatI Do Tou Think
Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink? Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cpnts.
At The Holtleu House
A few more boarders can be accom
modated with or without rooms.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Tide tables for 1887 at Griffin &
Go ToCrow's Gallery.
The leading rhotographer. For the
.finest photos in all the latest styles and
of superlocnnish.
A Sew And. Cnlarsfd tock
Gbetce Brands nf Clear.
Imported Key West and domestic All
ttes can be satisfied and all pockets
suited s tp price. TansIU'sPunch and
Junior's In lull supply as usual at
D. L. Beck & sons.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's
- ..The "best
oysters in any stjle at
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jeff's restaurant.
Telenlione I.o'ldng House.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
SO and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean.. Private entrance.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Privat9 Booms,
Wire Whisperings Prom Two Continents
Berlin, April 21. An official re
port says 67,000 emigrants left Ger
many in '8G, being 22,000 less than in
Waco, Texas, April 21. Horetoforo
the channel of the Brazos has been
nearly dry; now it i3 a roaring
stream. In the curront float a mass of
dead cattle, the carcasses of which fill
the air with pollution. It is feared
the carrion will breed much disease.
They are evidently from an alkali
country aa all the carcasses are devoid
of hair.
London, April 2L The Times says
regarding Salisbury's offer to the
United States regarding the fisheries
that it is generous and would be al
most Quixotic and to do more, would
be weakness. "We are slow to be
lieve that America will refuse to take
advantage of what will cost her noth
ing to accept.
Kansas City, April 21. The Atchi
son, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad is
buying a million dollars worth of steel
rails in England.
Hot Springs, Ark., April 21.
Major Blaine, a brother of James G.,
died here this morning.
Washington, April 21. The inter
state commission are in receipt of n
telegram from New Almaden Quick
silver company, of Santa Clara
county, California, siing that
the new rate3 prohibit them from
entering the New York market where
they come into competition with the
Spanish article shipped at a low rate
from London.
New York, April 21. Three hun
dred store keepers and clerks were ar-rested-this
nfbrning for-sweeping dust
into the street in defiance of theinay
or'a orders. The accused were ei ther
fined or reprimanded.
New York, April 2L 1,500 em
ployes of tho six leading goods manu
factories have been locked out on
account of Sights cf Labor demands
regarding hiring apprentices. The
companies refuse to employ Knights
of Labor, or any organization giving
aid to strikers. The Knights of La
bor are filled with consternation,
Astonishing Success.
It is the duty of every person who
has used Boschee's German Syrup to
let its wonderful qualities be known
to their friends in curing Consump
tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma,
Pneumonia, and in fact all throat
and lung diseases. No person can
use it without immediate relief. Three
doses will relieve any case, and we
consider it tho duty of all Druggists
to recommend it to the poor, dying
consumptive, at least to try one bottle,
as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last
year, and no one case where it failed
was reported. Such a medicine as
the German Syriq) cannot be too
widely known. Ask your druggist
about it. Sample bottles to try sold
at 10 cents. Begular size, 73 cents.
Sold "by all Druggists and Dealers,
in the United States and Canada.
The Injnnctlon Would Not Be Heeded.
The didn't-know-it-was-loaded fool
has had a boom in the Oregon market.
A choice specimen of the race shot
and killed a woman a short time ago
and was eeutenced to a year in state's
prison for manslaughter. Governor
Penuoyor has pardoned him out. We
trust the pardon was accompanied
by the injunction to blow down the
barrel next time. S. F. Post.
lirace Up.
You are feeling deprcscPd, our ap
petite is poor you are bothered with
Headache, you are tidgetty, nervous,
and generally out of sorts, and want to
brace up. Brace up, but not with stim
ulants, spring medicines, or bitters,
which have for their basis very cheap,
bad whiskey, and which stimulate j'ou
for an hour, ami th?n leave you In
worse condition than before What
you want is an alterative that will puri
fy your blopd. start healthy action of
Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitali
ty, and give renewed health and
strength. Such a medicine you will
find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents
a bottle at V, E. Dement & Co.'j Drug
Snn.on'8 Cure will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis, isold by W. E. Dement & Co
Shiloh's Vitallzer is whafyou need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's ior suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
Shiloh's Cougn ana Consumption
Curo is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment Flue Furnished Rooms
At the Munson Heuse: Newly fur
nished and renevated: terms reasonable.
Mrs. A. E. Stout.
Sleepless NlEhts made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure 13
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
For The Most Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most scientific retouching
and One polish go to N. S. Shuster, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples a: his new gallery on the road
Views of an Astorian Traveling in Europe.
Vienna, March 23, 18S7.
Editor Asterian:
In Berlin are many English-speaking
people. At tho hotels and rail
way stations there is always someone
who can speak this language, and at
tho hospitals there are so many
Americans I have no chance to prac
tice my German. I was sni prised
one day on the streets, while trying
to enquire for a certaiu street, in
German, to have the "man answer me
in good English, and one who thinks
he is the only one understanding En
glish here, frequently makes himself
ridiculoup. I had a friend in Berlin
who was a great admirer of Mark
Twain, and often spoke of the blun
der this writer speaks of having made
in Paris, when, with a friend, he was
criticising the different persons they
met, and finally, praised a young
lady's appearance who happened to
be English, and who kindly thanked
him, but asked him to not be quite so
public iu his remarks. My friend
tried to imitate v this blunder, and
whenever he met a lady who was sure
to hear him, ho would at once and in
a loud voice, speak in glowing terms
of her beauty. He had no success,
however, until one day in perfect in
nocence, he exclaimed: 4,By Jove,
Doctor, just look at those monstrous
feet!" Of course I looked, but just
in time to see a lady give my friend
the most withering glance that "a
woman was capable of, and which he
will never forget, I am sure. Then,
elevating her nose to the angle of
about ninety degrees," she sailed down
the street. My friend does not try to
imitate Mark Twain any more. An
other friend walked into a beer hall
and said: "Look at that girl; she is
as homely as mud;" whereupon she
said: "I ain't either, yon mean,
hateful, old thing."
In nothing has my disappointment
been greater than the famous Gret
chen of the poets, artists and romance
writers. I was about as anxious
When coming to this country, as I
had been to seethe castles and cathe
drals. Since seeing many of them I
have lost faith in the judgment of
poets and writers; for of all the Gref
cheus I have seen, not one was
pretty. They all wear short dresses;
are fat, short in stature, have big
feet, wear red stockmgs, and are be
tween forty and fifty years old; and if
there are any handsome ones in Ger
many, I failed to find them..
Leaving Berlin, I came to Vienna,
where I-am writing this letter. This
city is the great resort for doctors,
and no American doctor coming to
Europe to study considers his educa
tion complete without having spent
part of his time here. Here is tho
largest hospital, in the world, con
taining about three thousand patients,
three hundred nurses and about two
hundred physicians on the medical
staff. There aro Americans hero
They furnish tho money which gives
this place its reputation, and arc so
numerous Pmeet them everywhere.
This is an interesting city, consist
ing of the old and new portions. In
the old are the old imperial buildings
and tho f amons "Grauben." The new
part has the finest streets and most
magnificent buildings I have yet seen.
The city is full of cafes where the
best of beer and coffee can be ob
tained. They areas numerous as the
saloons in Astoria, and are always
fullof students and soldiers, thefirat
spending the most of the first three
years of college life here. Vienna is
said to bo the fastest city in Europe,
and judging from what I have seen, I
think this must be true, tho lifo of the
natives who can afford it being one
round of parties, balls, suppers and
other dissipations. It seems that the
eastern vices are grafted on the
western dissipation, producing a so
ciety, tho morals of which will not
bear close, or oven superficial inves
tigation. Their concert halls aro
very numerous and aro orowded every
night, and an evening spent in such a
place is to an American, a rare treat,
for ho sees nothing like it at home.
Theso buildings have large halls and
galleries containing hundreds of ta
bles where one may get a good meal,
drink his beer or wine, smoke a cigar,
see a good drama, listen to delicious
and, if inclined, talk to tho handsom
est women in the world Astoria
excepted all at one and the same
time, in this respect Vienna combin
ing all tho pleasures of life until one
is ahead of tho world. Tho opera"
here is also said to bo the test in tho
world, not even excepting Dresden.
One evening spent in listening to
Lohengrin in their magnificent
opera house, .convinced me that
this must be true also; for
sweeter music, grander orchestra
and chorus and better stage scenery
one never listened to or saw with the
exception of Patti and Nilson's sing
ing and Irving's stage effects. Tho
women of Vienna have thoTeputation
of being the handsomest in existence.
They certainly aro glorious looking
creatures,-and many Americans, who
have not been in Astoria, go wild
when they first come here lose their
appetites, neglect their studies and
write poetry for two or three weeks,
until they become accustomed to the
surroundings. However, I have not
heard of one taking a Vienese bride
home with him. They are too loyal,
I think, to home, and native land to
do anything of this kind. By the
way, the American women have a rep
utation in every country in which I
havo .been, of being handsome, the
most intelligent, and the best dressed
women of the world; and it is said
you can
In a crowd ot Europeans by her dress
and independent air. My experience
is too limited to give an opinion on
this subject, but will say that I have
yet to see the women, or men either,
that are the equals of the Americans
in any respeot, and am' sure none are
their superiors.
Ther ore thirty thousand soldiers
in Vienna, and tho poorest looking
lot I bavo seen any where. Their
uniforms are cheap and slouchy look
ing; they havo no style, and when
they march or drill look and move
about as if half asleep. Perhaps they
would not appear so inferior to me if
I had not been in Germany, whose
soldiers are tho finest looking, with
the neatest uniforms of any Euro
pean soldiers I have 6een. When I
see the immense number of eoldiers
here I can not help thinking of our
little army of twenty-five thousand,
or of the standing army of the Sand
wich Islands which consists of sixty
men all told. And when I think of
the immense amount of money re
quired for the support of these large
armies and of the sacrifice and suffer
ing entailed upon the people, I long
for the time to come when, we -may
say to the soldiers of every na
tion and clime: "Soldier sleep, thy
warfare o'er," etc.
Before closing this letter I must
say- that the world is
For one cannot now go far enoagh to
get away from his own people. I
have met" every day here and in Ger
many in the hotels, on the cars or on
the streets Americans who are almost
known to me, for they know my
friends in Astoria, Portland, or some
where else in America. Consequently
one must conduct himself properly
or else when he returns homo his
friends will already have heard of
any scrnpes he may have been in
while in this land. Think how exas
perating when ono is out on a lark
and imagines he is so far from home
he will never bo found out, to have
someone slap him on the shoulder
and say: "Hello, Jones, is this you?
How is my old friend Jenks in Asto
ria? Any word you want to send
homo? I will be in your town in a
few weeks," This is humiliating, but
just what ono must expect here.
Consequently the traveler learns to
conduct himself just as properly here
as at home. Otherwise he had best
not return home, for some ono would
be sure to meet him there- who had
known him in Europe. But probably
he had as well go homo as anywhere,
Ho will meet some ono who knew him
in his travels, or at least knew some
one else that did, who had been par
ticular in telling of every scrape ho
had been in, or improper act ho
thought of doing, while away from
home. Yesterday I met a gentleman
from California, and a few days ago
one from Portland. Consequently I
am as de'eorous as a deacon on Sun
day. I am beginning to long to see
that little town which is built in the
grandest state, situated at the mouth
of the noblest river, and whoso in
habitants aro the most sociable and
best natured, political and otherwise,
I have ever met. I long to see Asto
ria, and when I pack my valise again
it will be to buy a through ticket for
the land I lovethe best. - .
Tlioir Business Booming
Probably no one-thing -ha caused
such a general levival of tradti at W. E.
Dement & Co.'s Drug Store as their giv
ing away to their customers of so many
free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Their trade
is simply enormous in this very valu
able article from the fact that it always
cures and never disappoints. CouglK
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and
all throat and lung dlbeases quickly
cured. You can test it before buying
by getting a trial botilc free, large
s7P Si. Eery bottle warranted.
Famous Women.
Madame Trebelli, the greatest of
living contraltos who has traveled
extensively, in fact visited every
county and city of note in the world,
has just departed from the slope of
the Pacific, and often expressing the
greatest admiratio i for the beauty
and grandeur of our scenery and the
delightful mildness of our climate,
left tho following written note as a
living expression of her opinion in
the hands of a Portland druggist, the
original of which can be seen on de
mand. Poetland, Or., April C, 1887.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Robertine," and it gives mo much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
tho complexion, being one of the best
articles of the kind I have ever used. Be
lieve me, yours sincerely,
Z. Teebelli.
If any further 'proof of tho excel
lency of this article is required .call on
Messrs. W.E. Dement & Co. of Asto
ria, Or., who, for the small snm of
fifty cents, will produce evidence that
will satisfy tho most skeptical and
fastidious and give you a beautiful
picture card for the trouble ot en
quiring. Sj l'tip ol Figs.
Manufactured only by tho California
Fig Sjiup Co. San Francisco Cal. Is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of W. Element & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is tho moat
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse thesi.tcni; to acton,
the Liver, Kidness and Bowels gontly
yet thoroughly to dispel Ueadachs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
An Opportunity.
Dr. Harmon has left some spectacles,
Brazilian Pebbles and optical goods
with Wm. Armbruster, where they can
be bought. This is a good opportunity
for those who were unable to buy trom
him before his departure.
"" Lowest .Price.
Coal Oil at ?2.35 a case, at
D. L. Beck & Son.
Gambrinus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, G cents.
What Is better than a glass of liquor ?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
All the patent medicines advertised
ia this paper, together with tho choicest
erfunaerijijnl toilet articles, etc can
e bought at tho lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's druj; store, opposite O coldest
betel, Astoria.
P. G. Eastwiok, of Ft Stevens, is
in the city.
Mrs. J. W. Gearhart returned yes
terday from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Allen go to
Portland this morning.
Horace Patterson, of Sunshine, W.
T., was in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Callender enmo
over from Knappton yesterday.
Wm. Loeb returned yesterday on
tho Oregon from a trip to California.
Ed. Curtis is in tho city. Ho has
lately been appointed 2nd Lieut., Co.
"A," of Portland.
Sudden Death.
will prolong life by preventing those
sudden deaths from heart disease
which bring untold grief to families,
often plunging them into poverty,
because of the untimely disease of
bread-winner. At druggists. $1.50;
Descriptive treatise with each bottle,
or address J. J. Mack &. Co., S. F.
A luxury and necessity for rich and
poor who wish to enjoy good health,
and who do not wish to resort to bitter
nauseous liver medicines and cathar
tics, is the concentrated 1 quid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c. and Si
bottles for sale by W. E. Dement SrCo.
My establishment is now filled
with a large and well selected
My prices are as usual tho very
lowest, and all I ask is a chance to
convince you that I can and will
save you money.
It is for your own interest as
much as for mine to do your trad
ing with me.
Herman Wise,
The Clothier and Hatter.
(Occident JJulldlng.) -x
Baby Buggies
Musical Instruments
New York Novelty Store
American News Depot
The latest Magazines and Illustrated
papers of the day.
Swedish, Danish and German papers,
Books and Dictionaries.
Lovcll and hc.t9llu Libraries, School
Books, Stationery, etc. A BALMA.NNO,
Chenamus St. m-arMaln.
And Dealers in
annery Supplies !
Special Attention Civen to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supples furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered in any part of the city.
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water- Street
r. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37.
Strike It Rich!
Groceries i Provisions
Their largely increasing trade enah'es
them to self at the very lowest margin
of profit while giving you koocIs
that are of first class quality.
Goods Delivered All Over the City.
The Highest PriceTaid for Junk.
Desirable Rooms.
JL nlshed, oyer "Western Union Telegraph
Cosofflce. Applyto-
Glove Department
Sole Agent For Astoria for The
Sale Of The Celebrated
P Centemeri Kid Gloves.
Received from the Manufacturers direct, upwards of
50 dozen of the ahove Famous Kid Gloves in Black, Dark
colors, Tans Greys and all the late shades. Plain and
Embroidered Stitched backs and in Various Lengths.
Also a very large Stock of
Lace Mits for Ladies and Children in every
Conceivable Color and in Various
Late Styles and Lengtns,
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
Paste This On Your Loeking: Glass.
You will be sure to see it in The Astoeian and -will remember
it, because it is for your interest to do so. --
No premium Chromoa, Gift enterprises, Bean jruessers, or any
other clap trap, is resorted to by D. L. BECK & SONS to sell their
goods. Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Small profits,4is their
motto, the cost of the clap trap being taken off tho price of the goods.
And the people like it bettei than the chance enterprise, where one
out of hundreds gets the prize, for they all get it in the price of the
If you want cannery supplies, go to D. L. BECK & SON'S.
If you want Koller flour, Uat, trraham, Jttye or uorn Meal,
go to D. Z. BECK & SONS.
If you want Wheat, Shorts, Bran, or Rolled Barley,
go to D. L. BECK & SONS.
If vou want Cheese, Best fresh Butter and Eggs,
go to JD. L. BECK & SOWS.
If vou want Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Pig's feet or Lard,"
' go to D. Z. BECK& SONS.
If you wantSardines, Anchovies,Holland or Smoked Herring
Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stock fish, etc., go to
If you want Sugar, Syrup, N. O. Molasses, Palace Drips,
go to D. Z. BECK& SONS
If you want-Vermont Maple Sugar, pure MapleJSyrup or
Fresh Cal. Honey, go to D. Z. BECK & SONS
If you want Sauerkraut, Ghow Chowf Pickles or Gherkins,
in bulk or glass, go to J). Z. BECK & SONS
.If vou want Nuts Seedless or Layer
any other dry or Canned Fruit, go to J). Z. BECK & SONS
In short, if vou want any kind of Staple or Fancy Groceries
go to J). Z. BECK& SONS
Do vou want tho best Coal Oil in the market, or the best Oil
Can ever in vented,, go to B. Z. BECK & S ONS
Do you want Brooms, Tubs, Pails, Washboards,Clothespins, ., -
go to i. Z. BECK & SONS
Do you want Hall and Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber "
or Kitchen Stand Lamps, go to D. . BECK SON'S
Do von want Plain Decorated China or Crockery Ware,
- White, or Fancy Glass Ware, go to JD Z BECK & SONS
Dp you want Vases or other Ornamental articles, Silver
plated Knives and Forks, Table or Tea Spoons,
' go-to 2Z BECK tb SONS
Do you want any kind of Cigars or Tobacco, from cheap and
common to the best to be had, go to D Z BECK & SONS
In fact, if you want anything in our line, you will go home
happy and sleep contentedly if you buy of .
D. U. BECK fc SONS. -.'.
Raisins, Dry Apples or