m k gmhj toraw. AiJTOKlA. OREGON: THURSDAY ......APRIL 21. 1887 The fact that nearly all the state tax of 188G has been paid to the state treasurer is good evi dence of the general prosperity of the commonwealth. A new journal has appeared at Albany, in this state, entitled The Htlmnq Kand. It is "published in the interests of matrimony," but does not appear to furnish any thing additional in the way of in- dncetnentsto commit that indis cretion. m 1 According to Harper's Weekly. neither party has the slightest chance to elect its standard bearer in the next presidential campaign. Can it be that all the goodness hnq fld to the cave of Adullam, and it is only in the sulking-ranks of the mugwumps that a candidate that can win is to be found! Before the interstate commerce law went into effect printing pa per was laid down here at60centsa hundred from the Mississippi; now it is S3.0U, ana eastern papci dealers have advanced rates 50 per cent. That La Camas pape,r mill ought to boom now; there seems to be no reason why it shouldn't gettho Oregon and "Washington trade, at least. In the interstate commerce law i the railroads seem to have about as good a thing as they want. It furnishes them an excellent excuse for all sorts of little games. Oui innocent national legislators thought, if they thought anything, that they were cinching the rail road companies, when, as a matter of fact, the workings of the law will entail continual hardship and annoyance on that portion of the American public least able to stand it. - There is a noticeable improve ment in the variety and quality ol the news in the daily papers of the state in the past two years, the majority of them now taking tele grams to the limit of their re sources. In California competition has developed into a costly fight for supremacy, notably in San Francisco. The latest develop ment in this state is the large increase of telegrams in the ffeics, more than ten columns of brevier being in some issues of that paper, and the copyrighting of some of the dispatches in the Oregonian. has greatly contracted the field for the sale of refined sugar. It is estimated that only 60,000,000 pounds can bo profitably refined this year, as against 115,000,000 pounds during the preceding year, and either of the refineries could furnish that supply. Both of tho companies have a full crop coming on in the Sandwich Islands, and there is no prospect of a rise in prices, as there is a surplus of beet sugar in France, Belgium and Rus sia. The first cut was made by the Calfomia comp any about ten days ago. They reduced their quota tions about cent per pound. The American refinery met the cut, and added another drop of cent. The California refinery has made a corresponding reduction, and at present each company is waiting to see what the other will do. The prospect is that prices will-go lower, although best gran ufated sugar is quoted at 5 cents per pound. "It's iust this way," says Spreckles; "our market has been cut down by the rise in freight rates, and we must have some place to sell our sugar. "We will m6et any reduction that the American com pany can make, even if wo only get enough to pay for the barrels, and have to give the sugar awaj'." Nothing like the present prices has ever been heard of, before, in San Francisco, or in any other part of tho United States, within the memory of the younger portion of the trade. How refiners, who used to ask 10 to 15 cents, and even more, for crushed sug.ir, can now sell at 5 cents, is a mystery. This is more than one cent lower than the rate in New York. Dry granulated sugar is selling at fivo cents in barrels against h cents in New York. A Kerr And Enlarged tork of Choice Brands f Clears. Imported Key West and domestic All taster can bo -satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. Tansill'sPunch and Junior's in full supplv as usual at D. L. Beck & Sons. Sleepless Nights made inferable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co. THE CRYSTAL new. to-Bay:." Real Estate Auction VALUABLE Business Property, Located in the Central portion of the best Business Street and in the Heart of the Oity. Instructed by tho ClaisOp Mill Co. I will sell at Public Auction, on the premises. Saturday, April 30, at 2 p. m., Lots 2, 3, 5 and 6, in block 62. Astoria, as luirt nut bv John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney. Each lot Is 50x100 feet. To accomodate bidders half lots 25x100 will be offered, with the privilege, their own lot hi the most desirable busluess location In The floart oi TIic City. The attention of Capitalists and Speculators Tifinpciallv dl-ectoi to this rare chance for a desirable investment hi business prop erty which must Inevitably rapidly appre ciate In. value with the assured growth of the city. It will never be worth less than it i nowandthe advent of a railroad would double Ha value. Termsatsale. For further particulars enquire of E. C. HOLDES, Auctioneer. FINE STOCK OF Watches, Clocks, jewelry and Silverware JUST RECEIVED. ALSO ANOTIiJSB .LAKCrE 1 VOICE ur Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. GASlZi ADkEB., Manager. GHAS. W. GIBBS, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Is LIFE WORTH LIVING? That Depends on the Liver. The Liver Depends on the Food. If What You Eat Doesn't Agree Wifti You, GO TO A. V. ALLEN'S And Get Some of His Choice Provisions. Ask to See Some Novelties and Specialties In .FINE GROCERIES. Swiss, Holland and New Cream Cheese; Smoked Herring, Holland Herring, Caviar, Anchovies, Tongues and Sounds, White Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup. Chili Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, Celery Salt, French and German Mustard, Leibig's Ex. Beof, Sea Foam Wafers, Van Houghton's Cocoa. Tritium, &ermea, Epran looa, Oat Porriflp, MM Oats. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, &c, &c. ALACE The Emiiir Store. For the Next SO Days We will sell all of our Ladies' and Children's Cloaks at 25 per cent. Less than Former Prictw. We have Just Received a" Larue Lot of the celebrated Urowtw ville, Oregon, Woolen Goods in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Underwear, Flannels and Blankets, Also, Direct from ibe East, Gents', Youths', Boys', and Children's Fine Clothing and Hats. All of -which we will sell at the Very Lowest Prices. Our Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods is one of the most complete north of San Francisco. Our past reputation justifies us hi saying that We Lead in Quality of Coods and Prices. W. T. F.MISEB., Manager. BOOTS and SHOES Unnecessary Misery. .Probably as much misery comes Ifrom habitual constipation as from any derangement of the -functions of the body, and it is difficult to cure, for the reason tbat no one lines to take the medicines usually pre scribed. HAMBUKG PIGS were prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to the taste of women and children. 25 cents. At all druggists. J.J. Maok 5; Co., proprietors. S. F. Tlioir Business Booming. Str. MTESAM JNO. W. WELCH, Master. Is ready to do all kinds of towing, steam boat lob work, carrying of flsh. etc. Can be be chartered for sped.d trips, excursions, pmles, etc,, at short notice and very reasonable terms. Applv to master on board, or D. H. WU.LCH. Stockton, the county seat of Rooks county, Kan., a thrifty, wide awake city of the second class, is carving its way to -national fame by the noyel manner in which it is treating the municipal suffrage law. The men "have agreed to give the women a chance to make a supremo, test of their ability to deal with public affairs, and in order to do this have stepped aside and will sim ply watch the result of the trial. Tho entire city ticket mayor, councilmen, etc., is composed of ladies, who were unanimously nom inated to the position. Stockton is on the south fork of the Salmon" river, and has lately voted to build waterworks. The handling of this important matter will be left to the women, who will have to let all contracts, see that contractors perform their work properly, pay off the men and "supervise things generally. The city is on the cen tral branch of the Missouri-Pacifio line, that is likely to be extended this year, and they will have an opportunity to grapple with the railroad question among other things. In short, the municipal government is to be handed en tirely over to the ladies, and the whole nation will watch with eager interest the Jesuit of an experi ment that is without parallel in the history of modern times. Says a San Francisco dispatch: War is in progress between the managers of sugar refineries, the . objeot being to get control of the Pacific coast market. The passage of the interstate bill and the re- ssltkg laorasso of railroad rates Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at V. E. Dement & Co 's Drug Store as their giv ing away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valu able article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Cough. uoms, ASiuraa, uroiicnius, uroup, aim all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size Si. Every bottle warranted. Stockholder's Meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Astoria Iron Works w ill be held on Saturday, April 30th. 1887. at 7ijr,M, at the ortica ol the secretary. Muln Street wnari, ior me purpose u electing directors for the ensuing jear, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the Hoard of Directors. J. G. HUSTLER, See. Astoria, April 20th, 1P87. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bojttle. It is the most leasant, prompt ana euectivo remeny known, to cleanse the system: to acton. the Liiver, Kidneys and uoweis gently S the Liver. Kidneys an ret tiioroucniv to dispel neauacus. Jolds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Depositel in Oregon, $300,000 ASSETS, & S 5. 8Q1. 288. Royal, Norwich-Union and Lancashire Com bination Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Germania of New York. State Investment of California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation. JURIXE IXSCBASCE COTEBED Bf OUB OPEN POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. CITY BOOK STORE. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes Tor Gents. Ladles Flexible Sole Shoe3 In French, Kangaroo and Dongola Kid Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infant heels, and Spring heels. WE DEJUL IN BOOTS AMD SHOES OMI,Tf. P. J. GOODMAN. Our Stock is Larger than ever before. All Jfcw Goods and direct from Eastern Factories.. . FINE STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Sets, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. Whiting's Standard Writing Papers. Tho Domestic Sewing Machine. Pacific Coast Charts and Tide Tables. GRIFFIN & REED. S3 ,'W J, 3Eu Br 1?ARjB1EBL9 DEALER IX Hay, Oats, an! Straw, Lime, McV Cement, Sand anfl. Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. JEFF Shiloh's Cure will relievo Croun. Whoonlne Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. .Dement & Co immediately Couch, and Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need f.r Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness andall symptoms or Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement Private Rooms. At Frank Fabro's for suppers, par ties, etc. The boat coouea to oraor. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE. JEFF JEFF JEFF'S United States Restaurant is the best and cheapest in Astoria. Croup,-Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W . E. Dement. A luxury and necessity for rich and poor who wish to enjoy good health, and wno ao not wisu to resort 10 Ditter nauseous liver medicines and cathar tics, is the concentrated 1-quid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c. and SI bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, ana touet articles, etc can be boueht at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident uctel, Astoria. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cura 1s sold bv us on cuarantee. It cures consumptlonv Sold by W. E. Dement. Fine Furnished Rooms. At the MunKon Heuse: Newly fur nished and renevated: terms reasonable. Mils. A. E. Stout. FISHERIES Special Notice. To save time in writing for prices, wo beg to say that the ratos of all the .net factories are by agreement uniform. An order with out enquiries, secures tho aitlcio at the lowest prices. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., Gloucester, Mass. Doston Office 03 Commercial St. JEFF Drajlng, Teaming and Express Business. STEAMER .jEFF JEFF JEFF JEFF rER apply to the Captain, or to MUHEAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Cannery Sillies! Special Attention Clvon to Filling Of Ordees. A FULL' LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No Si. ASTORIA, OBEfiOIf. For The Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at his new gauery on tue roaa wbj. To Rent. FIVE ACRE TRACT FOR A TERM OF years. "Well located : Will be leased on favorable terms. Apply to MR1. WEIMAN, Chicago Bouse, M Money To Loan, ONEV TO LOAN ON APPROVED real estate security. FULTON BROS. House to .Rent. SITUATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 13, Mc Clure's Astoria Apply to JOHN HAHN. THE MAM WHO LAUGHS. AND GETS FAT ISTHE MAN THAT EATS AT JEFF'S! For Sale. BAR FIXTURES, POOL TABLE, COM plete, etc. Also two large Salmon Tanks, new, to be sold cheap for rash. Ap ply to J AS. TURK, Money to Loan ECURITY. AP '.. THOMSON. ON REAL ESTATE ply to C. w Wanted. CAPABLE MAlfTO RUN PLANING machine, Apply at this office. A SPLEIH1 ML FIIISI1 . Eastern and Shoalwater Oysters. MEALS COOKED TO ORDER. A FIRST CLASS Strike It Rich! BCTYOtra Groceries! Provisions OF Foard & Stokes Their largoly increasing trade enables rkemto self at tho very lowest margin of profit while glvlnjr you coods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. CLARA PAMER Eben P. Parker,6taster. ForTOVTINQ, FREIGHT orOILUt H. B. PARKEK. Cannerymen NOTICE. If you Want to contract for your suinmew wood now Is your chance. Apply to FRANK L. PARKER Or to the AstSria Food Yard. Just received at the Astoria Wood Yard 150 cords extra choice Bed Ftr Wood. Also 60 cords fine Vine Maple Limbs. Leave orders with F. L, PARKER. Telephone 36. The Highest Prlco'Eald for Junk, Frank L Parker, LOEB & OO. fines, Lipors ail Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately, Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Farkcr House, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. ELODOING HOUSE: In Connection With The Restaurant. -Dealer in law and. .Staple Groceries. Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD. For Sale. E. 0. HOLDEN. AnGlioneer anfl Commission Apt Established 1874. Dealer In New and Second-hand Furnltar and Bedding. Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or Household. Goods In the country. "Will appralso and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited, Quick Sales and prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Dally and Weekly Oregonian. Notice to Stockholders Astoria Loan and Building Association. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN entrance and wdrklng. expense fee of one (S1.C0) dollar per share of stock Is now due und payable at the office of the secre tary at City Book Btore. on or before Wednesday. April thjm. rom,OT,a By order of BOAKD OF DIRECTORS. A. S. REED, Sec'y. Tone Up The System, TRJTTHE . NERVE FOOD, Manufactured and for Sale by Mineral Waters, Soda Water. pally de llTery in all parts of the City. Offioo and Woris onjtffcisoa street, trtit of Cass.