The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 19, 1887, Image 3

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.. APRIL 19. 1SS7
Tho Sunday Mercury cornea out
resplendent in a new spring snifc that
is very becoming.
Zamloch appears at Boss' opera
Louse to-night. Reserved seats at
the Crystal Palace.
Oapt. Powell advertises for propo
sals for 50.000 tons stono at Point
Adams, and also about 1,200 fir piles
Lieut. Harmon, of Ft. Canby, ad
vertises for bids for the construction
of an ordnance storehouse at the fort.
The list of prizes at tbo coming
firemen's tournament appears else
where. A new feature is the "speed"'
F. M. Warren's new steamer Puri
tan was launched last Saturdav.
Capt. Eehf eld's new craft, the O. K.,
is also about ready for business.
Miss Ella M. Rucker has com
pleted a course of bookkeeping at tbo
Portland business college and has
received a handsomely executed di
ploma therefrom.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will have a social at the resi
dence of Mrs. Geo. O. Flavel next
Thursday evening. A general invi
tation is extended.
F. C. Baker, the state printer, yes
terday began tbo work of printing
the laws passed at the last session of
the legislature. Ho expects to get
through about May 1st.
Capt J. H. D. Gray returned from
Gray's harbor la3fc Sunday. lie re-
ports considerable movement in that
vicinity. Logs are $i.59, and the
mills are cutting about 300 M a day.
In the court yesterday Cbas. St.
Clair was fined $5 for drunkenness,
Chas. Anderson, Jno. Dickinson, H.
Clayton, John Cole, do., 5 each;
Wm. Kegan, fighting, S20; Tom Kear
ney, vagrancy, jury trial, guilty, 20.
Zamloch had a very large audience
last night and gave a most enter
taining performance, many of his
feats of legerdemain being heartily
applauded. After the performance
he distributed a large number of
presents to the "lucky holders of
prizes. He will give another per
formance at the same time and place
this evening, and will doubtless have
as large an audience.
The board of directors of the As
toria loan and building association
met last evening and elected officers
as follews: President, J. P. Dickin
son; vice president, C. S. Wright;
secretary, A. S. Reed; treasurer, E.
A. "Nbyes: finance committee, J. Q. A.
Bowlby, J. H. D. Gray, J. R. Gilstrap;
attorney, C. W. Fulton. The secre
tary gives notice of an assessment of
SI a share on the capital stock sub
scribed. As one of the vagaries of business,
is noted a contract between other
sawmills on the Sound and the mill
at Port Townsend; the former pay
the locaL mill S200 a month not to
ship lumber to any coast port; they
agree not to ship any lumber to Port
Townsend. the mill at that place get
ting all the home business. To an
observer it would seem that another
sawmill at Port Townsend would be
one of the certainties of the near
In the justice court yesterday, the
case of thestate of Oregon vs. Albert
Thompson, came up. The evidence
went to Bbow that Albert had opened
the door of the mess house, of the
Anglo-American Packing Cot, with a
false key and feloniously abstracted
clothes therefrom. "I shall hold you
in $500 bonds to await the action of
the grand jury," said Justice Cleve
land. "You might as well make it a
million, judge," said Thompson aB he
went to jaiL
Two Hundred People Drowned On the
Oorsican Coast.
Views of au Astorian Traveling in Europe.
Fokt Sully, "April 18. Troops
here have been ordered to proceed to
the Winnebago and Crow reservation
to drive tbo settlers from their lands.
Tbe orders are very strict even to de
stroying proporty if necessary. There
is the greatest excitement and somo
fears of n small rebellion. These
lands were thrown open by Arthur's
administration, and Cleveland's revo
cation has brought on the present
CijfcnfSATi, April 18. Nine hun
dred stove moulders were ordered
out to-day. The strike i3 about
using St. Louis patterns; the work
on the patterns is insignificant, but
the principle is what causes the
strike. So there is hero the anomaly
of men striking when there is no
complaint from either the men or the
Sax Fbaxckoo, April 18. James
C. Patrick, a prominent and
well known merchant of this
city, died suddenly this morning.
New York, April 18. At seven
this morning it began" snowing Lard.
V2 inches foil, then turned to sleet.
The ground is covered with snow and
a crust of ice. Tbe storm is general
all over the state.
London, April 18. The wrcok of
the steamer off Corsica, is confirmed.
The vessel is named .the Lomamia-,
there were 230 passengers, of whom
50 were saved.
Oakland, "April 18. Three trains
bearing the National opera company
arrived this morning, with three hun
dred people and 200,000 pouuds of
scenery, properties, etc.
London, April 18. The alleged
Parnell letter continues to create
great excitement. The press gener
ally forbear criticism until Parnell is
heard from. It is rumored that one
person is already suspected of being
its forger.
Washington, April 18. It is un
derstood that the judge advocate
genoral will recommend the approval
of the sentence of dismissal of Major
Burton of the 9th cavalry. It is not
believed, however, that the president
will approve it, as Gen. Sheridan is
bringing a great doal of pressure in
Burton's behalf.
A Visit to HcGowan'ft Cannery.
House to Itcnt.
Apply to Fred Ferrell, at Feireli
" Lowest Cash .Price.
Coal Oil at $2.35 a case, at
D. L. Beck & Son 3.
ambriuu! Itccr
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
An Opportunity.
Dr. Harmon has left some spectacles,
Brazilian Pebble and optical goods
with Wm. Armbruster, where they can
be bought. Tills is a good opportunity
for those who were unable to buy from
him before his departure.
Eastern oysters fresh every .stcainei at
Jeffs restaurant.
What Is better than a glass of liquor ?
A cup of delicious coffee atFabre's.
California Oat Hay,
Uil X 11 IIUUU, 111 IttlkU UUHUUWW
and at low est prices at J, II. D. Gray's
The finest and nicest steak to be bad
in townatFabre's
Tbe best
Editor Asterian:
Whilo strolling along the water
front yesterday afternoon, I saw the
steamer Electric with Bteam up ready
for a trip somewhere and slipped on
board, and after a few moments' brisk
run, landed at the dock of P. J. Mc
Gowan & Sons' cannery at Chinook
point, and was met by Mr. McGowan,
senior, and invited to a look about
the cannery and grounds. The in
terior of the cannery is being white
washed and tbe machinery put in
oider for tbe season. Ud stairs oan
making is going on; in another part
nets and seines are being made and
repaired. Back of the cannery are
thousands of feet of wire 'netting -for
fish traps. This wire is of two kinds,
galvanized iron and copper. The
iron only lasts one year, while the
copper is good for four or five years.
They have several traps below their
place, in Baker's bay, and their sein
ing ground is on the beach in front
of the cannery extending up tbe river
two miles. The cannery 3 built on
solid ground Borne twq hundred feet
from high-water mark which looks
odd to one accustomed to seeing can
neries on piles. There is a large
sewer under the cannery, which car
ries off all refuse matter; water is
supplied from a large spring on the
hill about seven hundred yards from
the cannery. There is a wharf eight
hundred feet lone, leading from the
cannery to deep water, where there
is a small building which answers for
astorehonsein shipping their salmon
and receiving supplies. After having
enjoyed half an horn's stroll about
the place, which is a lovely little
spott I boarded the steamer ogam,
and in less than twenty minutes was
in Astoria again. X.
Vienna, March 28, 1887.
Editor Asterian:
I am fully aware that so insignifi
cant an act as writing a letter has
been the cause of many an eminent
statesman's downfall, furnished ma
terial for innumerable divorce and
breach of promise suits and caused
more domestic trouble than all tbe
hired girls in Christendom. Notwith
standing all this, everybody writes,
and since the people in this world
aro good enough for me, I will stay
with the crowd and write this letter.
As nn illustration of the dangers a
newspaper correspondent is ever in,
I refer to a late example: Mr. Blow
itz, Paris correspondent for the Lon
don Standard, during the late war
alarm, wrote his paper of an union
for offense and defense having been
consummated between two of the
leading nations, stating that ho ob
tained his information from one high
in authority. The letter wa3 pub
lished and, as will be remembered,
caused quite a panic for a few hours
in the stock markets. The report was.
at once contradicted and proven to
be false. Then the English news
papers, tiring of so many false alarms,
went after Blowitz and scored him
mercilessly- It did him no good to
deny, for there was his letter. And
when ho attempted to explain and
claim a wrong construction of his
article, his persecutors dissected it,
transposed the words and sentences
and made it read, every imaginable
way; but always with tho result that
the writer hid lied. I suppose if ho
had been only a politician, the mere
fact of his having lied would have
amounted to nothing; but being a
I wiil take warning from this case
and keep as near tho truth as pos-ible
in a letter of this kind.
I soon found after landing in this
country, that every one at once
The custom officials searched me for
whisky though I am sure no Amer
ican ever had any whisky left after a
sen vo age confiscated my old bull
dog revolvor, made certain that I
carried no dynamite and let me go.
- J Tho onbman drove me two miles out
of the way and of course, charged for
distance, took mo to the wrong hotel
and insisted that a mean, dirty look
ing houso, with tho name Italian Ho
tel printed in large letters over the
door, was the Queen's Hotel, only the
name had been changed, grumbled
when compelled to drive me to tho
right place which, by the way, was
close to tho- station charged me ex
tra for this, and after all, had the
nerve to ask me for "tuppence" with
which to get a drink. He had been
driving so long he Was thirsty. Tbo
landlords at once hunted up an extra
porter to charge for in my bill, and
all the servants in tho place met toe
at the door to help me alight from
my carriage. When I left the serv
ants were called together to see me
offf express their sorrow for my de
parture and wish mo a pleasant jour
ney. However, I had to paj for all
this attention, but will do30 no more.
I may not be so popular or receive
so much attention from tho servants
but I am
Muckros3 abbey, and after these I
found they were all alike, and it ap
pears that they only knew one way of
building castles in ancient days.
They all have their prison cells, wind
ing stairs and watch towers, and see
ing one you see them all. I soon
tired of gazing at these structures,
paying a shilling to go through them
and appearing surprised at their an
tiquity. Just as it there was any
thing particularly wonderful in the
fact that a castle or abbey from lapse
of time has become an old ruin.
Great Britain is a land of politi
cians. No matter where a conversa
tion begins here, it is sure to end in a
discussion of Gladstone and tbe Irish
question, upon which there is a won
derful diversity of opinion.
There are so many opinions and
parties that when a stranger hears of
tho conservatives, tories, liberals,
unionists, liberal unionists, radicals,
home rulers, etc., etc., ho is very apt
to become confused in regard to the
political questions and parties here.
Having a desire to know something
more of Ireland's condition than
could be obtained from reading I
took a flying trip through a consider
able portion of th land of agitators,
including Ulster and Kerry coun
ties. Ulster is tho most prosperous
portion of Ireland, and the only por
tion whero Gladstone and Parnell
have received opposition 'Of any im
portance. This is due to the fact
that the land laws of Ulster, being
granted at a different time from that
of the rest of the country, is much
better for tho tenants. In fact is as
good as that existing in England and
the voters are not willing to take the
chances of a change. What I saw on
my trip
If T had heard nothing of tho country
before. Ofilcial statistics show that
while only a few years ago Ireland's
population was over seven million, it
now is only fivo millions, and out of
tbo five millions remaining there are
seven hundred thousand paupers who
are supported by the government.
This certainly indicates a terrible con
ditionof affairs. However, these faot3
do not worry tue conservatives and
during my stay in London I was Bur
prised to seo how bitterly many of
them denounce Gladstone. They say
he is not honest or truthful, is a dem
agogue, in his dotage, etc. But the
"grand old man" pays no attention to
these charges, keeps tho Irish ques
tion before the people, has more in
fluence and attracts moro attention
to-day than the queen.
After all, could Ireland obtain nil
she asks for, it would require years
for auy marked improvement in her
My first hotel bill in Ireland nearly
paralyzed me. Though I had only
tArMAitn1 mvlt- tltn rtloni f I !
w0 l,nn,W? n hill ns lnno- nq n -m ! distressing symptoms.
WlmtX Do You Think
Jeff of tbe U. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass ot something to
drink? Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
ojsters in any stxle at
Fine Furnished Rooms.
At the Munson Heuse: Newly fur
nished and renevated: terms reasonable.
Mrs. A. E. Stout.
For The Wast Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most scientific retouching
and fine polish go to X. S. Shuster, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples n.t his new gallery on the road
vray. Subscribers for IMdpaths Ilistorj- of
the United States, will confer a great
fayor on the agent if they will call at A.
G. Spexarth's gun store and get their
Asa S. Hawkins,
Private Booms.
. At The Ilolden Iloit&e
A few more boarders can be accom
modated with or without rooms.
Tiy Fabre's celebrated pan roat.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
tables for 1887 at Griffin &
Go To Crow's Gallery.
The leading Photographer. For the
finest photos m all the latest styles and
of superior hnish.
A Xew And Enlarged toek ot
Choice Brands of Clears.
Imported Key West and domestic. All
tastes can bo satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. Tansill'sPuncb and
Junior's in fnll supply as usual at
D. L. Beck & Sons.
-Telephone liO'Ifflng House.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
CO and 25 cts ner week S1.D0. 3ew and
clean. Private entrance.
on spring. Jjoomug it over, x saw
that every one in the establishment
was down in it for somethiug. I was
oharged with the porter, boots, at
tendance, luggage, I only had two
valises which I carried myself wait
er, light, etc., etc. It required little
penetration to see that unless I re
belled I was to be victimized. So,
mustering np courage, I made a for
mal demand for a retraction of at
least some of those base and cruel
charges. Tho landlord did not ap
pear to be much surprised at this;
took it as a matter of course, and
doubtless would have been more sur
prised if I had paid the bill without
grumbling. For I am told it is quite
the thing for Americans to growl
about their hotel bills. So on demand,
mine host very cheorfully discounted
the bill and I settled for about eighty
cents on the dollar. When I
started out for a walk, I was sur
rounded by cabmen, guides, old wom
en and little boys and girls, with
curios and sprigs of shamrock to sell,
and beggars ot every uescnption.
Ere traveling far I saw that unless I
disguised myself in someway l would
have no peace, and would finally be
reduced to the necessity ot taking
what is known in the west as a "tie
pass" for home. But, disguise myseif
as I would, I was always detected.
In Belfast small newsboy, after
vainly striving to sell me a paper for
a ha'penny, at last planted himself
squarely in front of me and yelled:
"'Ere's yer Evening News. All
about the? riot. Only one cent.'1 Then
looking mo in the face, said: "Does
that suit you any better?" Although
I had not spoken to him he recog
nized my nationality. So I t ok his
paper because he told me the price in
the money of my ''ain countree."
"Wherever i this oountry it is sup
posed an American is liablo to pass,
a host of speculative persons have lo
cated, who wiil sell
"Whenever an old bridce. house.
hospital, or what not has become use
less and is torn down, the wood work
is made up into curiosities for the
traveler. And from the assurance
these individuals undertook to sell
their wares to me, I judge the average
American traveler is in the habit of
buying up all the worthless truck of
fered him. I had ncquired from
reading my guide book a burninc de
sire to see every old castle, abbey and
cathedral in the country. But I soon
found that if I visited all these old
structures I would be an old man
long ere my task was completed.
For it seems to me that the principal
production of the country is old and
ruined buildings. The first ruin I
visited was Blarney caBtle. Then
Enjoy Life.
What a truly beautiful world
live in! Nature gives U3 grandeur of
mountains, glens and oceans, and
thousands of meafts of enjoyment.
We can desire no., better when in
perfect health; but how often do the
majority of people feel like giving it
up disheartened, " discouraged and
worn out with disease, when there is
no occasion for this feeling, as every
sulferer can easily obtain satisfactory
proof, that Grccrfs 'August Ffowe?;
will make them free from disease,
as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint aro the direct causes of
seventy fivo per cent, of such mala
dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache, Costiveness, Nervous
Prostration, Dizziness of the Head,
Palpitation of tho Heart, and other
Three doses
of Avaiut Floicer will prove its
wonderful effect. Sample bottles,
10 cents. Try it.
Dee Jonet Think He's Sanctified?
Geo. Taylor, of Taylor, Young &
Co., is in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wetherbee
were in the city yesterday afternoon,
and return to Eagle Cliff this morning.
Tbe Coming Firemen's Tonrnnmcnt,
Tbo board of directors of tbe State
Firemen's Association, met at Vancouver
last Friday night.
Tbe directors assigned twenty inter
esting topics for discussion to leading
firemen throughout the state and ter
ritory. Tbe following races were arranged and
prizes effered:
1st prize. 2d prize.
Steamerrace ."$150 00 S 60 00
Hook and ladder race . . 100 00 GO 00
20o-yard foot race . 50 00
Hose race, wet test 100 00
Tender race 35 00 15 00
State champion hoseTaco-200 00 100 00
Make and break coupling 25 00
Hose race, dry test 100 00 50 00
Speedrace ,.. 50 00
Hose company coming
the greatest distance. 25 00
Tbo "speed race" is to be a distance of
700 feet, cart to carry 250 feet of hose, the
run from score to score.
At The
Unnecessary Misery.
Probably as much miserv comes
from habitual constipation "as from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason that no one likes to
take the medicines usually pre
scribed. HAMBUEG PIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack
Sc Co., proprietors. S. P.
It Will Probably be "How.'
A valuable broodmare at Coondale,
Penn., had to have n leg amputated
and is doing well. The first case of
the kind. Will she have a cork leg?
or how? Willamette Farmer.
Famous "Women.
Madame Trebelli, tho greatest of
living contraltos who has traveled
extensively, in fact visited every
county and city of note in tbo world,
has just departed from the slope of
the Pacific, and often expressing the
greatest admiration for the beauty
and erandeur of our scenery and the
delightful mildness of our climate, J
left the following written note as a
living expression of her opinion in
the hands of a Portland druggist, the
original of which can be seen on de-1
Pomiaxd, Or., April G, 18S7. ,
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Ulobertino." and it cives mo much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
tbe complexion, being one of the- be3t
articles of the kind I have over used. Be
lieve me. yours sincerely.
Z. Tbebelli.
If auy further proof of the excel
lency of this article-is reqhired call on
Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. of Asto
ria, Or., who, for the small Bum of
fifty cents, will produce evidence that
will satisfy the most skeptical and
fastidious and give you -a beautiful
picture card for the trouble of enquiring.
Leading DryGoodsCiothingHouse
ARRIVED: And on exhibition in our Cloak Room this wek
our first .selection of New, Stylish and Fashionable Garments, consist-
insr oi
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by ShlloWs
Cure. Sold by W . E. Dement
Peg-leg Jones, now preaohing at a
church in this city,confessed last night
that it was him who put out phosphor
ous that killed Uncle Jeptha's bogs,
about twelve years ago. Mr. Garrison
wishes to ask if Jones considers him
self sanctified, before making restitu
tion for damages douo at that time?
Is not this another Kissano affair?
McMinnville Reporter.
JLJrace Op.
You are feeling depressed, jour ap-
getite is poor you an bothered with
Cea-'ache, you are fidgetty, nervous,
and generally out of sorts, and want to
brace up. Brace up, but not with stim
ulants, spring medicines, or bitters,
which have for their basis very cheap,
bad whiskey, and which stimulate you
for an hour," and then leave you in
worse condition than before, What
von want is an alterative that will puri
fy i our blood, start healthy action of
Liver and Kulne s, restore your vitali
ty, and give renewed health and
strength. Such-a medicine jou will
find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents
a bottle at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with tbe choicest
pcrfumc-iy, and toilet articles, etc can
bob'Jintbt at tho loweht prices, at J. W.
Conn, druii -.tort1, oppo&lto Occident
brtt'l. Astoria.
bhiloha Cough ana Consumption
Cure N -.old by Us on guarantee. It
cures cniimt1on. Sold by W.H. Dement.
My establishment h now filled
with a large and well selected
My prices aro as usual the very
lowest, and all I ask is a chance to
convince you that T can and will
save you money.
It 13 for your own interest as
much as for mine to do your trad
ing with me.
"Herman Wis
The CJotbier and Hatter
In Various Designs.
With HoocU. v
In Cassimere, Bruclec, Jersey, Uuretless, In t ' ' j
Various Colors and Designs,
'""" i i J i mi ! mmmtmrn tT
Paste This On Your Looking Gla
Happiness and health are important
piobiems, the former depending greatly
on the latter. Eeryonc is familiar with
the healtbv properties of fruit, and no
one can afford to be sick and miserable
while the pleasant liquid fruit remedy
Syiupof Figs, may be had of your en
terprising druggists V. E. Dement & Co
Silicon's Cuke will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by W .E. Dement & Co
(Occident Building.)
Rn t craiiiQ
Baby Buggies
Syrup oi Figs..
.Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit reined v may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co. at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse tbebvstem: to act on.
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly to dispel Headachs,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,.
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Musical Instruments
New York Novelty Store
Private JRooins.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
lou will be sure to sec it in The Astoeian and will remember
it, because it is for your interest to do so.
No premium Cbromos, Gift enterprises, Bean guessers, or auy
other -clap trap, is resorted to by D. L. BECK & SONS to sell their
goods. 'Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Small profits is their
motto, the cost of the clap trap being taken off the price of the goods.
And the people like it bettei than the chance enterprise, where one
out of hundreds gets the prize, for they all get it in the price of 'the
If you want cannery supplies, go to D. L. BECK & SOlsB.
If you want Roller flour, Oat, Graham, Rye or Corn Meal, T
go to D. L.BEOK & SON'S.
If vou want "Wheat, Shorts, Bran, or Rolled Barley, -
go to JD. L. BECK & SOOTS.
If vou want Cheese, Best fresh Butter and Eggs, '.-
go to B. L. BECK & SON'S.
If you want Breakfast Bacon, Haras, "fig's feet or Lard,
go to B. L. BECK& SONS.
If you wantSardines, Anchovies,Holland or Smoked Herring t"
Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stook fish, etc., go to - -
If vou want Sugar. Syrup, N. O. Molasses, Palace Drips, . .
go to B. L. BECK & SONS
If you want Vermont Maple Sugar, pure Maple Syrup or J -T
Fresh Cal. Honey, go to B. L. BECK & SONS
If you want Sauerkraut, Chow Chow, Pickles or Gherkins, '" V ,
in bulk or glass, go to B. L. BEQK fr'SONS
If vou want Nuts Seedless or LayerRaisins, Dry Apples or "
any other dry or Canned Fruit, go to B. B. BECK&'SONS
In short, if vou want anv kind of Staple or Fancy Groceries &C
goto B.L. BECK db SOWS
Do vou want tho best Coal Oil in tbe market, octhe best Oil -i"
Can ever invented, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
Do vou want B&oms, Tubs, Pails, "Washboards.Clotbespins,
J go to B. B. BECK-& SONS
Do you want Hall and Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber r
or Kitchen Stand Lamps, go to B. Z. BECK ct SONS
Do vou want Plain- Decorated China or Crockery "Ware,
"White, or Fancy Glass "Ware, go to B Z BECK tfc SONS
Do you want Vases or other Ornamental article,. Silver fv
plated Knives and Forks, Tablo or Tea Spoons, "-v
go to B Z BECK &&0N3
American News Depot
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