ra I to gaUg $torim ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY- AFKIL 19, 18S7 In Umatilla county, the East Oregon ian says: "The total amount of delinquent taxes, in cluding those o 1836, is about $54,000." - Some one has discovered that the venders of prize candy, cheap literature and cigars on railroad trains, not beingemplqyes, cannot ride without palpable discrimina tion under the terms of the inter state commerce law.- - The Irish nationalists charge the British government with endeavor ing to entrap men to land dynam ite in Ireland, where agents were ready to seize it and then with the hurrah that would naturally, follow pass the coercion bill. A. St Louis paper editorially exposes the faulty pedigree of the English Tudor dynasty. Atone point where a marriage would have been proper there was none. The S. F. Alta thinks it i3 a .wonder h Tudors were not found ouw before. The editor of the" Pomeroy In dependent throws himself on the five-cent counter in,saying: cjWe know of no better place than Pomeroy for a newspaper man of small means and less brains to en ter upon the journalistic sea of public opinion." . , Agassiz is'said to have summed up the result of his whole life in a single -sentence. The work of great movements,.like the work of great men, may often be summa rized with equal succinctness. Every such movement makes its contribution to history. Rich copper ore has boon dis covered in the Cascade mountains, about ten miles from the line of the Seattle & Eastern railroad. The finder says he has a ledge from thirty to . tbirty-4ive feet thick, and that the specimens ex hibited were taken from a depth, of ninety feet below the croppings. The mine is situated in King county. " During the session of the late Nebraska legislature Mr. Wyman, of Douglas, was suddenly seized with a spasm of reckless frankness and sprang -to his feet and offered the follewing: "JResoloed, That we are a pack of d d fools," which was unanimously adopted. It was the most sensible and truthful resolution ever adopted by that body. Raee pleading under the in fancy act has been beard at the Norwioh county court, England. A young farmer, Ed. W. Brete, evaded a claim for 44 for the maintenance of a child bbrn out of wedlock, by declaring he was un der twenty-one years of age when the child was born and entitled to protection under the- infancy relief act on the ground that his son was not a "necessity, and the question of necessity ivas gravely discussed and decided in Bretejs favor,- and so the unhappy infant gets no sup port from his infant father. " John Gareett, in a recent speech, is reported to have said that if the Lord had told Adam on the day that He breathed the breath of life into him that He wpuld give him $25,000 a year for taking care of the garden, and Adam had kept his job and drawn his salary regularly until now, he would not have drawn as large a sum as Wm. H. Vanderbilt left at his death. Commenting upon this statement, and to show how interest can get -away with wage earnings, the Du buque, la., Times says: "Had Adam, while in the garden, found one of our bisj copper "cents and placed it at compound interest with Satan or the serpent at 6 per cent. he would have more money coming to him than there is on" the face of the globe. Prohibitory Amendment. 'ih6 following ia the proposed prp-i iuDitory amendment to ine constitu tion of the state of Oregon, which th? people will vote for or ncainst nn iha 8th of November, nest Article XIX Section 2. The man ufacture, sale or the giving away, or uie ouenng to give away, or the keeping for sale of any spirituous, vinous, malt, distilled, fermented, or any .intoxicating Hquors, whatever, is prohibited in this state, except for medicinal, scientific or mechanical purposes. M Sec. 2. The legislative assembly snail provide by law in what manner, by whom, and at what place such liquors, or any of them shall be man ufactured or sold, or kept for sale for medical, scientific or mechanical purposes. Sec. 3. This amendment shall take effect and be in full force -six months from the date of fts ratifica tion by the electors. Sec 4 The legislative assembly shall without delay, pass all neces sary laws with sufficient penalties necessary to enforce this amendment, Sadden Death. DK. FLINT'S HEART REMEDY will prolong life by preventing those sudden deaths from heart disease which bring untold grief to families, often plunging them into poverty, because of the untimely disease of bread-winner. At druggists. 9150: Descriptive treatise with each bottle. or addresB J. J. Mack & Co., S. F. Gettitig Around High License. Vermilion station, Minn., was griev ously pained at the passage of the high license w, whioh compelled the four saloon keepers of thjit place to. pay $500 license into the town treasury. Finally a solution to the vexed question was found. The four saloon keepers were sworn in as spe cial policemen of Vermilion, and their salaries;, fixed at $400 a year each. Then they took out their licenses at $500 each. In this way the village of Vermilion licenses its saloon keep ers at $100 a year each to sell liquor. Ex. ' Their Business 3oomiiig. Probably np one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store as their giv ing away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous m tins very valu able article from the fact that it always cures ana never disappoints, uougu?. Colds, Asthma, .Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size Si. Every bottle warranted. 3IAKK1ED. In Astoria, April 18, T. H. Bell and Phyllis Wood, by Rev. O. B. Wliitraore. Desirable Rooms. TO LET, FURNISHED OR UNFUK nlshed, over Western Union Telegraph Co.'s office. Apply to ALEX. CAMPBELL, .House to Rent. SITUATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 18. ilc Clure's Astoria. Apply to JOHNHAHN. Notice to Stockholders Astoria Loan and Building Association. NOTICE IS nEKEBY GIVEN THAT AN entrance and working expense fee of one ($1.00) dollar per share of stock Is now due and payable at the otllce of the secre tary at City Book Storp. on or before Wednesday. April 27th, 1887. By order of BOAKD OF DIRECTORS. A. S. REED, Sec'y. Improving mouth of Columbia river, Ore eon. . U. S. Exoixrer Office, PoniiAKD, Oregon. April ICth. 1887, SEALED PROPOSALS ARE ASKED until 10 A. sit. May U, 18S7, for furnishing and delivering, in lots, at Point Adam, Oregon, about 1.200 largo fir piles. .tor speculations or otner intormaiion apply to the undersigned CE HAS. F. POWELL. Captain of Engineers. For Sale. BAR FIXTURES. PODL TABLE, COM plete, etc. Also two large Salmon Tanks, new, to be sold cheap for cash. Ap ply to J AS. TURK, FISHERIES Special To save time In writing for prices, we beg to say that the rates of all the net factories ae by agreement uniform. An order with out enquiries, secures the article at the lowest prices. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., Gloucester, Mas;. Boston Office 9-3 Commercial St. Money to Loan O N EEAL ESTATE SECURITY. AP- plyto C.K.THOMSON. Cedar Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby Riven that the Common Council of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, propose to order the improvement of that portion of Cedar street in the city of Astoria. Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively from the east side of West Sth street to the east side of Salmon street, by replacing all miss ing piles with new ones, and by re placing all defective stringers with new and sound ones, and planking said portion of of said street to a width of thirty feet through the center thereof with new and sound fir planks four inches in thickness, said improvement to be made to the established grade of said portion of said street, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the prop tvadiacet to said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police! Judge within ten days of the final Dublicatlon of this notice, viz: Tuesday. -May 10th, 1887, the Common Council will oraer saia improvement to oe made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, April 18th, 1887. For Sale. 1 SQUARE PIANO. ENQUIRE OF C. H. COOPH COOPER, Fop Sale or Rent. LOT 4. .BLOCK 20, ADAIR'S ASTORIA, together jwith two story frame dwelling i I.W.GASE. ROSS' Opera House Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. April 18, 19 and 20. THE WIZARD KING, ZAMLOCH, la a series of new vand marvelous WONDERS. Everything new and original. 150 Elegant and Costly ISO Presents given awav. No cheap trasli of any kind. Admission (including 3 envelopes) CO cts. Children (Including l envelope) 25 cts. Keserved seats (Including 4 ., envelopes) 75 els. c N.B.Zamloch's reputation is of years standing and his motto his always been, to deal houorabiy vntn bis patrons. MUREAY & CO., GROCERS ' And Dealers in Calory Supplies Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LIME CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hiima's New Building on Water Street ' P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA. OREGON. Frank L Parker, -Dealer in- Fancy anil Staple Groceries. Flour Feed Potatoes Headquarters For ASTORIA WOOD YARD. Proposals for Constructing an Ordnance Store House at Fort Can by, Wash. Ty. Office a. a, Q M., Fokt Ciucr, V. T.f .aprii i&m, i. OEALED PROPOSALS IN TRIPLICATE with copies of this advertisement attached and subject to usual conditions will be received at this ofllco nntil 10 o'clock a, M., May 12th, 1637. at which time and place they will be opened In the presence of such bidders as may attend, for the con struction at this post of an ordnance store house. ( oncerning materials, preference will be given to articles of domestic production and manufacture, conditions of nrice and quality being equal, and such preference will be given to articles of Americau production and manufacture produced on the Pacific coast. to the extent of the consumption required by ineTiuoiic service tut-re. Plans and specifications ntav be consulted and blank proposals and further Informa tion obtained at this office. Tho United States reserves the right to reject any or all nrouosals. Envelopes to be marked "Propo.al3 for urauance store iioust." anu aaaressea to M. F. HAKMON, 2nd Lieut. 1st Atlllery, A. A. Q. M. Improving Mouth of tho Columbia Elver Oregon. U. 3. Engineer office, Pobtland, Or egon April utli. its:. SEALED PKOPOaALS, WITH SAMPLE of stone, are asked until 10 a. m., May 5, 1837. for furnishing and delivering on government barges or cars at Point Adams. Oregon, about 50 000 tons of stone. For speculations or further luformation apply to the undersigned. UHAS. F. POWELL, Captain of Engineers. To Rent. FIVE ACRE TRACT FOR A TERM OF years. Well located : Will be leased on favorable terms. ipply to MRS. WEIMAN. Chicago House, County Treasurer's Notice. mHERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY JL treasury to pay all orders presented up to and including .-eptember 7th, 1S35, with I. BERGMAN. Astoria, April 12, 'e7. Money To Loan, JMTONEY; TO LOAN ON APPROVED IfJL real estate security. FULTON BROS. Concomly Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby j?iven that-the Common Council propose to order the improvement of Cpncomiy street in the city oi Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure fromlhe west side of Main street to the western end of said Concomly street, by- raising that portion from Washington street to the western end of Concomly street to its established grade and by planking the same to a widtli of twenty feet through the center thereof, and by building a side walk on the north'side thereof, and by planking that portion between Washington and Main streets to its full width, and by building side walks on both sides there of, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of twolhirds of the proper ty adjacent to said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police judga within ten 'day? of the final publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday. May 10th, 1887, the Common Council will order said improvement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S. Jewett,. Auditor and Polioe Judge, Astoria, Oregon. April 18tU18ST. THE CRYSTAL PALACE FINE STOCK OF Watches, Clocks, jewelry and Silverware JUST RECEIVED. ALSO ANOTHER LARGE INVOICE OF Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. G&ELXi A2DXiE2L, Manager. CHAS. W. GIBBS, IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? That Depends on the Liver. The Liver Depends on the Food. If What You Eat Doesn't Agree With You, GO TO A And Cot Some of His Choice Provisions. Ask to See Some Novelties and Specialties -In FINE GROCERIES. Swiss, Holland and New Cream Lis:M n. .:.... lnliniiiai Fish and Mackerel, Schrimps, Lobsters, French Sardines and Oysters. Shrewsbury Ketchup. Chili Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, Celery Salt, French and Gorman Mustard, Leibls'a Ex. Beef, Sea Foam Wafers. Van Houghton's Cocoa. Tritieti, teniea, Epra ?ooi Oat Porrite, Rolled Oats. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, &c, &c. CTY BOOK Our Stock is Larger than ever before. All New Goods and direct from Eastern Factories. FINE STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, Baby Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Sets, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. Whiting's Standard Writing Papers. The Domestic Sewing Machine. Pacific Coast Charts and Tide Tables. GRIFFIN & REED. JEFF JEFF JEFF o JEFB ?T.l JrtEMAlWHO lAU6Ma AND GETS FAT IS THE MAN THAT EATS AT -JEFF'S- A SPLENDID 1AL FilSID. Eastern and Shoalwater Oysters. MEALS COOKED TO ORDER, A FIRST CLASS LODGING la Connection With Watchmaker and Jeweler. sE- Cheese; Smoked Herring, Holland Tnnrttioc onri Qnnnrla IWhilo MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ffff JEFF JEFF JEFF- JEFF HOUSE: The Restaurant. STORE. Tho I 110 pi & For the Next SO Days We will sell all of our Ladies1 and Children's Cloaks at 25 per cent. Less than Former Prices. Wo have Just Received a Larxji Lot of the ce!eiraied Browns ville, Oregon, Woolen Goods in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Underwear, Flannels and Blankets. Also, Direct from the East, Gents', Youths Boys', and Children's Tine Clothing.and Hats. All of -which vfe will sell at the Very Lowest Prices. Our Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods is one of the most complete north of SSh Francisqo. Our past reputation justifies us in saying that We Lead in Quality of Goods and Prices. W.T.F&ES2E, Manager. BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Sole Shoes In French. Kancarco and Dongola Kid Boys and Youths Shoes of all Kinds, Misses and Childrens and Infantheels, and Spring heels. AVE IEAL, IK BOOTS ASD SHOES ONI.Y. DKAtEI?rji Hay, Oats, anil Straw, Lime, Brici, Cement, Sand, and Plaster Wood Dellrercd to Order. Drajlcg, Teaming and Express Business. IEH apply to the Captain, or to JiB iltlraaBiiliipf ik iff MBA vikHBMHHlHBHJN WBMBfclMftjLlllgliBBllllJ.lil Nyi?i'jpjf it ft vft Ivi III BJaB Elian ftii3BKjl75HnP ta5uif X fju tt fSBftS, IB" n i in I hinti"'"-) WrM"' ' iJlii? mi 'ltd' wmr SR J. R. LEES0N & CO., BOSTON, SOLE AGENTS AXD IMPORTERS. The Johnstone (Scotland) and (Mon (Mass.) Prize Linen Threads -AXD- 4 -i B22i to. oOBHUi The only Linen Threads awarded a Prize Medal London 1851 and New Orleans Worlds Exposition 1881. Dia not exhibit at Philadelphia J876 or Paris 1878. First Prize Awarded Wherever Exhibited!) References for the Scotch Salmon Xet Twinea; EVERY CANNER or FISHERMAN wjio bought itjast season. IT GAVE UNIVERSAL SATIS FACTION. Agents for the Pacifio Ceast: . KITTLE & CO., 903 Calif a St., San Francisco, Gala Store. P.J. GOODMAN. -- - i STEABH3IB CUM PARKER Eben P. Parfer,Ma&ier. KorTOWINO, FREIGHT orOHAK 11. U. FABKElt. ,rf-vx. ?.