w"VIMWrCTj (.3.1 ??tc BaUu &rt0rim i3 C? ASTORIA, OREGON: bUXDJlY A.PKIL 17.13ET Old ro3idents .say tboy have not seon so backward a spring since '71 The State is duo from San Francis co this morning; the Columbia sails. The loan and building association airootors will elect officers to-morrow sight. ziamiocn appears at iioss' opera House to-morrow night. Keserved s'eats at the Crpstal Palace. In the police court yesterday, Peter Sigmun, drunk, wa3 fined 35; Ohas. Thompson, vagrancy, $20; Tom Kearney, vagrancy, jury trial to morrow afternoon. . About $15,000 of county warrants have been paid during the week. The interest on them is in the neighbor hood of $2,000, some of them having been presented as far back as August. 18&L Articles of incorporation of the Co lumbia and Young's river navigation company were filed yesterday in the county clerk's office. The incorpora tors are Isaac Bergman, Hans Chris tiansen and Louis G. Haaven. The capital stock is $5,000, in 500 shares of $10 each. The business of the corporation is to transact general steamboating business in this vicin ity. "The company is now building n boat the Frolic on Young's river, intended for the Young's river trade, which will be ready for business about May 15th. I'EUSmAL. h. A. Allen, of Chinook, was m the city yesterday. E. C. Holden returned from Port land yesterday afternoon. A. E. Withers is reported ill. at his home on the little Walluski. R. E. Jackson and wife leave to morrow for Blalock's, their future home. A Disastrous Season. San Fbaxcisoo, April 15. The past winter has been terribly disastrous to shipping all along the coast since No vember 15th. Over twenty vessels and ninety lives have been lost. The loss to ship owners is $700,000 to $800,000, and it is feared all the dis asters are not yet heard from. There is an uneasy feeling over the safety of the ship Carrolton from the Sound to San Franoisco. She left Port TownBend the same day as the St. Stephen, and has not been spoken. She was a staunoh new craft owned by John Eosenfeld, of this city, and carried twenty men all told. Subscribers for Ridpaths History of the United States, will confer a great favor on the agent, if they will call at A. Q. Spexarth's gun store and get their books. Asa S. Hawkins, Agent. Tide tables Reed's. for 1837 at Griffin & Famous "Women. Madame Trebelli, the greatest of living contraltos who has traveled .extensively, in fact visited ever county and city of note in the world, has just departed from the slope of the Pacific, and often expressing the greatest admiratio i for the beauty and grandeur of our scenery and the delightful milluess of our climate, left the lollowing written note a i a living expression of her opinion in the hands oT a Portland druggist, the original of which can be seen on de mand. 0 Pobtlakd, Or., April 6, 18S7. Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your "Robertine," and it gives me much pleasure to say that it is excellent for the complexion, being one of the best articles of the kind I have ever used. Be lieve me, yours sincerely. 2. Teebeixi. If any further proof of the excel lency of this article is required call on Messrs. W.E. Dement & Co. of Asto ria. Or., who, for the small sum of fifiy cents, will produce evidence that will satisfy the most skeptical and fastidious and give-you a beautiful picture card for the trouble of en quiring. JLoirest Cask lrlce. Coal Oil at $2.35 a case, at D. L. Beck & Soxs. (jiainbrinug licer And Free Lunch at the Telephono Sa loon, 5 cents. An Opportunity. Dr. Harmon has left some spectacles. Brazilian Pebbles and optical goods- -rtVi T1Tv A t-mVivnofni tvlinra tliAtr non be bought. This Is a good opportunity tor those wno were uname to buy irom him before his departure. Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at Jeffs restaurant. What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. California Oat Hay, Dry Fir Wood; In large quantities and at lowest prices at J. H. D. Gray's dock, The finest and nicest steak to be had In town at Fabre's The best Fabre's. oysters in any stylo at , Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee. Fine Furnished Rooms. At the Mnnson Heuse: Newly fur nished and renevated: terms reasonable. SIks. A. E. Stout. Early rose potatoes for seed. Thomtsox & Koss. For The Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones. the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Sinister, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at his new gallery on Ihe roadway. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Discussing the Interstate Lars- Commerce General News Ifcras From Various Points. Pobtlaju), April 16. C. H. Prea oott stated to-day that the O. R. & N. lease would doubtless be consum mated sometime before May 1st. mesidexthii appointments. Washington, April 16. The presi dent has appointed A. K. Lawton, of Georgia, minister to Austria. He is a new man. A. McConnell, of Ten nessee, has been appoinled chief jus tice of Montana, and Geo. S. Peters, of Ohio, United States attorney for Utah. FTRE3 IN NEW YOBK. New Yobk. April 16. A fire broke out in a five-story tenement in Sec ond avenue early thi3 morning, and a negro woman was burned to death. A fire at the coal dock of the New York Central railroad destroyed the dock and freight, valued at $200,000. a btab general. Washington, April 16. Brigadier General Wilcox was to-day placed on the retired lisj, being 64. MBS. LOGAN TALKS. Mrs. John A. Logan states she is not writing a novel as stated. She does not oppose the measure for the now pension bill. When the debls are paid there will not be near as much left as people imagine. She is extremely grateful at the promj t generosity of the people. Soldiers are still guarding the general's tomb, ; and will until the Chicago tomb is i I completed. BIZ. NewYokk, April 16. The weekly bank statement shows an increase of $373,000; the banks now hold $4,49, 000 above the rule. THE NATIONAL PCZZLK. San Francisco, April 16. The chamber of commerce has held a meeting to take action on a commun ication from the chambers of com merce of Portland and other cities, soliciting the co-operation of the merchants of San Francisco in an effort to secure suspension of the long haul clause of the interstate oommerce act. San Francisco and Portland, as marine cities, aro inter ested in the maintenance of the pres ent system of inilroad discrimination in favor of competitive points. The letter was taken up and fully dis cussed .by the members present, who pointed out that as the law had al ready been made in the interest of shippers, it would bo inconsistent in the highest degree to urge its sus pension or abrogation until it had been tried. After a protracted de bate a vote was taken and it was de cided that it would be inexpedient until a trial of the law had beon made to ask any suspension. FATAL BAILBOAD ACCIDENT. Santa Fe, April 16. A freight train of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad was thrown off the track yesterday morning, by a broken rail, at San Miguel station. The fireman and one brakeman were killed outright and the engineer se riously injured. the interstate commission. .Washington, April 16. A Calif or nian written complaint to the inter state commerce commissioners that they cannot send refrigerators to Los Angeles under the condition of things and asks relief. This is a sample of hundreds of letters received by the commission every day. The commis sion has promised to hear, on next Wednesday, representatives bf Bos ton interests, who seek anthority for the railways to make rates from the west to that city to meet thee made by the roads whose terminals are at Now York. CANADIAN DIPLOMACY. Ottawa, April 16. In the house to-day Edward Blake charged the government with not treating Ameri cans in fishery matter as becomes one people to treat the citizens of another country. He wanted to know just what had been done and what assurance the government had that a satisfactory result was likely to be reached. -Sir John McDonald said in reply that tho question was such a delicate one' to handle in such an in complete stage of the proceedings, that he could not now give an an swer. A OATTIiE QCABAWTINK. Chei'enxe, April 1G. Governor Adams to-day issued a quarantine proclamation against the importation of cattle from Illinois. Kentucky, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Massachu setts, Ehode Island, Connecticut, Missouri, Arkansas, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. Cattlo from the above states cannot be brought into Colorado until they have been examined by the state vet erinary surgeon. WATCHING DTKAMITEBS. London, April 16. -The govern ment has ordered customs officials to observe strict watch over ships arriv ing from America and European points, with a view to preventing the landing of dynamiters. eetcbned. Sacramento, April 16. Tho China woman Sin Ting, who escaped from her master aid went to the Chinese mission, wa3 returned on a trumped up charge, and. set free to-day by the court, nnd returned to the mission. A HERE MOUTHIXIi. Bombay, April 16. It is learned here that a body of Ameer's troop3 attacked Ghilseal rebels and killed two hundred. AODS3VILLE HOLIDAY. Cossville, Mo., April 16. E. F. Blum, was hanged here to-day, for the murder of a young woman last July, ten thousand people witnessed the execution. Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's Qerman Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consump tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all 'throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it tho duty of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the Qerman Syruji carniot be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it Sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggist? and Dealers, in the United States and Canada. t'oiLiIdercd to Re a Coincidence. At one time, a number of years ago, I Governor Somple was associated with j Governor Pennoyer in the publica tion oi tne rornanu ueraia. a dem ocratic newspaper. It is a somewhat singular coincidence that two pro prietors of a paper, which went out of existence for lack of support, should become cotemporaneous gov ernors of immediate joining common wealths. Vidctte. Unncrearj' Misery. Probably as much misery conies from habitual constipation as from any derangement of the functions of tho body, and it is difficult to cure, for the reason that no one likes to take the mediciues usually pre scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were prepared to obviate this difficulty, and they will be found pleasant to tho taste of women and children. 25 cents. At all druggiste. J. J. Mack & Co., proprietors. S. F. A girl with flat feet like a fritter, Couldn't find any shoes that would lit her; But she tried on a '"ten," Of the size made for men. Did they fit?" do you aak? "We should titter!" Brace Up. You aro feeling depressed, your ap- Setlto is poor you aro bothered with ea.'.ache, you are fidgotty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, hut not with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you In worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will puri ty your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitali ty, and give renewed health ai.il strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at W. E. Dement & Co.s Drug Store. A Sew And Enlarsi-d s-tock. Of Choiceltrn(ls .f Clears. Impoi ted Key West and domestic. Ail tastes can be satisfied and all pockets suited as to price. Tansill'sPiinch and Junior's in full supply as usual at D. li. Beck. & :jn. JKPF' United States Restaurant is the best and cheapest In Astoria. All the patent-medicines advertised in hU paper, together with the choicest tw fu'iiery, and toilet article, etc.. can e ought at th luWAst price, t .1. W. Co n drug .!. "ppo-.ii ('..Relent hctt'l. Astoria. Syrup ?iffs- Manufactured only by the Calitornla Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Nature Own True Laxative. This ilcasant liquid fruit reined v may be md of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most Eleasant, prompt and effective remedy nown, to cleanse the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to dispel Ileadachs, Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. A luxury and necessity for rich and piorwho wish to enjoy good health, und who do not wish to resort to bitter nauseous liver medicines and cathar tics, is tho concentrated liquid tiult remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c. and SI bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Go To Crow's Gallery. The leading Photographer. For the finest photos 111 all the latest styles and of superior finish. SitiLon'.s Cuke will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W. EV Dement & Co Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc The best cooked to order. GotojeflfcibrorMcr. Privato Rooms. Telephone; oifring XIou&c. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.30. 2ew and clean. Private entrance. What! Bo You Think Jeff of the U. S. Rives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 25 cents. xlt The Holdcii Honsc A few more boarders can be accom modated with or without rooms. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. SOME NOTABLE 0LLPPEBS. The Greyhounds of the Seas in the Golden Era. Fast Passages Made by a Class of Vessels now Gone from the Ocean. The American clipper ship of the epoch ombracod between tho years 1849 and 18T8, was a necessity growing out of the disparity between snpply and demand in the newly acquired territory of Califor nia. So urgent was the demand for mer chandise of all sorts and so groat the amount paid for freight thereon to the new Eldorado, that speed was tho fore most consideration in shipbuilding at that period, regardless of either carrying capacity or safety to the cargo; and. as a natural consequence, ships were built on models like the swordfish or barra couta. Baltimore led off in the matter, with the splendid ships Sea Serpent. Hornet and Mary wnnriage. Jioston followed suit and soon set the world ablaze with her notable Flying Cloud and Sovereign of the Seas. New York PBEFEBBED SUBSTANTIAL VESSELS And built more costly ships than either Boston or Baltimore, calculated to stand the wear and tear of carrying sail m a manner that had been hitherto regarded as dangerous to life and limb. Her best ships were tho Yonng America, Flying Dutchmun, Andrew Jackson, Contest and Tornado, which cost from $10 to S12 ner ton measurement more than Boston or Portsmouth ships of the same size. The most extreme clipper ship ever built at New York was the Ino, now rieged as a bark and rechristened the Shooting Star. Sho is commanded by Capt. Scholl, well known in Astoria as master of several of Ben Holladav's side- wheelers in former days. And yet this ship never made as good time as many other vessels of fuller lines for the reason that she was oversparred and carried too much canvass, we will now proceed to give the fastest passages made in the California trade as well as in voyages to China and the European ports. The China trade demanded tho very fastest ships prior to the inauguration of steam between San Francisco and that empire, and the completion of the Pacific rail roads. THE CALIFOBNIA TEADK. oomocooyrooQrT'JDCOoeajT; a. n o o 3 S.T"rS."r; rrOH-e o : . . .2. .35 Poo o . f"3 . . . . F o. S3 Jl c ao ae i - -i t? ca :5 o efts is so oontnoouoo-oc The Swordfish was off the Farrallones for three days with a jack set for a pilot, hut could obtain none. t All these ships sailed in ballast, but the Contest was a very full model, hence her passage was regarded as worthy of remark. jThe Flying Dutchman was the first ship that ever left San Francisco with n full cargo for New York. She had 95 tons Gilifornip marble and 380 tons copper in her lower hold; and 1364 tons California wheat and mustard seed. Sho passed Snndy Hook all right but was run ashore on the outer middle ground and went to pieces. rns oaiKA TBAUE At that time demanded the fastest of ships for the reason that the interest on a larce carco ot tea was often in excess of $125 per day; and this led to many severe races iroui the ueiestial empire to ports in America and Europe. "Wo par ticularly call to mind the great three handed race of 1855 between the Ameri can ships Challenge and Mary IVliit rldge und British ship Stornoivay, from Honekong to Liverpool m which the Whltrldgc came in first and got the prize of 2,000 oifered by Augustine Heard & Co. for tho first cargo delivered, the second monoy, 1000, falling to the Stor noivay. The CiuZIe?i0ewas dismasted on the 14th day out and vet made tho passago in 112 days; the Wliltrldge's time being 99J days. Then came a series of fast passages over the same route but no great wagers thereon until I860, when three British ships, the Ariel, Taeplng andSerlca, sailed together trom Foo Chow Foo on a sweepstake of 5,000 each, which was won by the Taeplng in 98 days to the Downs, he distance covered being something In excess of 13.500 miles. Tho next year saw steam ocmmunicaiion oevween riong nong ana San Francisco and the clipper ship3 be gan to be poor property. SOME ORIENTAL VOYAGES. Qraoccaucoooxcooo jo 50 co se 33 oo d f a ;: S3 j ;Q k cc jr,ej 5: " : S2.: gssacas SI iii &;! S c: O: 2. 5cf2 5 - 5 -ccxt:p2:ss 1: s o I f IF 12 0 w ca . ts tc la ij co -3 a 00 je w m w .rMtf The Vlscata was wrecked on Mile Kook going into the bay of San Franoisco, on this memorable voyage on which sho was becalmed off the Fanalones on the after noon of the 20th day. tCapt. Hastorf. now second officer of Olympian, commanded the Victor on this memorable voyage. Sho reached Point Keycs on the 21st day with light, baffling winds thence into port. Sho is a barkentine and still carries lumber from Port Gamble. LIVEBPOOL TO SAN FRANCISCO Has enlisted the services of someverv fast ships, of which the Young America has the best recorded passage, while the British ship Caithlock ranks best to Astoria. "We append a summary: :.::: C3I: ree: c acaT-aqe asvr J? or2s - ipJ?c 8 Sgl 3 S ! Safe " ai : n. j : : : : r3: 5 v 2 5 3 O 3 . o m 7 : c f : ; 5 O - '5 p. : : -H . 2 . . . 5 . - 5 -g - . 2. ,-,.,- .,- c oocetiooc f OtiORUOS -5 tax irf . The Fbtoig America's log showed head winds for 37 days of the above pas sage, and Capt. Cummings claimed to have sailed 15,940 miles on the voyage. tThe North American claims to have been becalmed 17 days off the equator on tho above named voyage. jThe Caithlock telegraphed back here a passage of 93 days but it subsequently turned out to be 93 days from discharg-. ing her pilot off the Columbia river bar, to taking a pilot in the British channel. Sho was at least ICO days, counting as did the Western Shore, fronvdock to dock. ACUOSS THE ATLANTIC Has been the race for the blood and the money, as they are never without wind there 'and often get more than they want. The -Draidncutgit is of course in ad vance of all others, but there are several other good ones in the annexed list: cocnoccocooo O S5f5 gf I : " prri 2. : "3.. : . fe-: : : : : Pi : o ! a 3 5 c o c o -1 1 srp 7? 3 35 iE 5 " r t 3 a -c -j H o. 00 o 2. LI L' a Besides the above, the ship Canada has made the voyage, 5000 miles. San Francisco to Callao, 33 days and 2 hours. The Dreadnaught sailed from Honolulu to New Bedford, 13,472 miles, in e2 days. She had on board 1840 tons of oil and bone, the cargoes of three Arctic whalers; and this wo believe to be a better passage thau either that of the Northern Li ght or the Trade Wind, because those vessels were in,ballast. They sailed nearly 400 miles further, however, and that should bo remembered to their credit at this time. SOME LOST BSCOBDS Might bo unearthed and made very read able at this time, among which we may cite a rapid passage of the clipper ship Surprise, Capt. Kanlett, from Liverpool to New York, when she beat the Canard steamer Europa in 1853. Also the great run of tho ship Flying Scud from Liv erpool to Melbourne on which Capt. Bierce claimed to have made 417, 408 and 412 miles on threo consecutive days, or 1,237 mile3 in all. Likewise a run of the British ship Xa Escocesi) to San Francis co in 1872, when Capt. Evans claimed a run of 11 days and 2 hours from tho equator to port, a distance of 2,330 miles. If any old salt has them he will find The A8Tobian only too willing to give them Sublicity. There is also a fast run of tho Iritish ship Euroclydon from Mel bourne to San Francisco in 1857, and a couple of fast passages of the Davy Crockett, Capt. Burgess, from New York to San Francisco; and one of the Sweep stakes in 1855, when Gov. Geo. C. Perkin3 was a lad before the mast on her. THE PACIFIC MAIL LIKE Struck the first blow at clipper ship3 in 1S65 when it put on its big wooden side wheelers and cut rates of freight by tho Isthmus route; pnd what was then left undone was finished in 1869 when the Pa cifio railroad was completed and took away the tea trade from them by uniting with the Pacific mail line. Since then the clipper ship has ceased to be a feat ure of American commerce. Indeed since 1859, it became evident that fuller lines guaranteed drier cargoes and older bot toms, so that the concave model dropped ont of existence. The crand old men of the clipper era, such as Cressy, Lime burner, Nat Palmer,- Sam Hutchison, Ben Mumford, Hepburn, Wesley Wilson, Leckio and Bearse, are either dead or re tired from the sea forever; and the American boy of to-day cannot form any definite idea by what he now sees at our wharves, of what was once the clipper fleet of America. The ships are gone forever and we fear it will bo impossible to replace the men. Jack Staff. Astoria, April 10, 1887. f Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis Immediately relieved by Shiloh'a Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement. My establishment is now filled with a large and well selected stock. My prices are as usual the very lowest, and all I ask is a chance to convince you that I can and will save 3rou money. It is for your own interest as much as for mine to do your trad ing with me. the Clothier and Hatter. (Occident Building.) Full! CLOAK At LeadingDryGoodsiClothingHous ARRIVED:. And on exhibition in our Cloak Room this reek our first selection of New, Stylish and Fashionable Garments, consist; ins: of . . LADIES' BEADED DAMASSE WRAPS. . : LADIES' BEADED GRENADINE WRAPS. LADIES' VELVET BROCADE WRAPS. LADIES' WOOL ARMURE WRAPS. LADIES' WOOL OTTOMAN WRAPS. LADIES' HABIT CLOTH ULSTERS, In Various Designs. LADIES' CASSIMERE ULSTERS, With Hoods. LADIES' WALKING JACKETS, In Cassimero, Brucleo, Jersey, Buretless, In Various Colors and Designs, NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, C. H. COOPER'S, PYTHIAN BUILDING. YOU NEEDN'T Paste This On Your Looking Glass. You will be sure to see it in The Astoiuan and will remember it, because it is for your interest to do so. No premium Chromos, Gift enterprises. Bean guessers, or .any other clap trap, i3 resorted to by D. L. BECK & SONS to seH their goods. Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Small profits is Iheir motto, the cost of tho clap trap being taken off the price of the gotftbC And the people like it bettei than the chance enterprise, where one out of hundreds gets the prize, for they all get it in the price of- tbja, goods. y v" REMEMBER: If you want oshnery supplies, go to D. Z. BECK s 'SUMS. If you want Roller flour, Oat, Graham, Rye or Corn Meal, . -"1 ' go to D. L.BECK & 80N&. If you want Wheat, Shorts, Bran, Or Rolled Barley, v ' " go to J). L. BEC& & 30 If vou want Cheese, Best fresh Butter and Eggs, ,--'- go to D. L.BECK & SOtf&r If you want Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Pig's feet or Lard, -" go to D. L. BECK& SOWS. If you wantSardines, Anchovies,Holland or Smoke'd Herring ' " Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stock fish, et., go to t'." - B. L. BECK & SO'M If you want Sugar, Syrup, N. O. Molasses, Palace Drips, . ' Jzl c go to B. X. BECK & S0&8 If you want Vermont Maple Sugar, pure Maple Syrup or r Fresh Cal. Honey, go to B. Z. BECK & S0&8 Tf vhn wnnt Sauerkraut. Ohnw Chow. Pickles or Gherkins. ' in bulk or glass, go to B. Z. BECK & SO$S If 3'ou want Nuts Seedless or Layer Raisins, Dry Apples or any other dry or Canned Fruit, go to B. Z. BECK & S0N8 In short, if vou want anv kind of Staple or Fancy Groceries " go to B.Z. BECK &S0K8 Do you want the best Coal Oil in the market, or the best Oil w - Can ever invented, go to B. Z. BECK & SOWS Do vou want Brooms, Tubs, Pails, Washboards,Clothespins .; J gotoB.Z.BECK&SONg Do you want Hall and -Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber jg or Kitchen Stand I,amps, go to JJ. . jsauh. tt acira Do vou want Plain Decorated China or Crockery Ware, j White, or Fancy Glass Ware, go to B Z BECK i SOl3 Do vou want Vases or other Ornamental articles, Silver 7 plated Knives and Forks, Table or Tea Spoons, j go to B Z BECK tfc 80tf3 Do you want any kind of Cigars or Tobacco, from cheap and 1 common to the best to be had, go to B Z BECK & SONS In fact, if you want anything in our line, you will go home happy and sleep contentedly if you buy of D. L. BECK & SONS, DEPARTMENT! The ".