CM J --B---Eg---aa--gaE--Baas-EBa------a-Bff-CKaBs-B-----' fgltc gaitg Itftatfatr. ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY APRIL 16, 1887 Gannerymen NOTICE. If you want to contract for your summers wood now Is your chance. Applj to FRANK L. PARKER Or to the '"Astoria Wood Yard. Just received at the Astoria Wood Yard 150 cords extra, choice Red Fir Wood. Also 50 cords fine Vlue Maple Limbs. Leave orders with F. L. PARKER. Telephone 36. Strike It Rich! BUYYOGR Groceries! Provisions -OF- Foard & Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin of profit while giving you goods that are of llrst class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Prlce'Paid for Junk. LOEB & 00. files, Lipors ail Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreigu and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA, - -. -' - OREGON. E. C. HOLDEN. Auctioneer ana Commission Apni Established 1874. Dealer In New and Second-hand Furniture and Bedding. Will coriduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock, or Household Goods in the country. Will appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments Solicited, Quick Sales and prompt Cash returns guaranteed. Astoria agent for Dally and Weekly Ore gonian. A. Dave Just received a large invoice of FANCY GROCERIES From the east, which they bought at BOTTOM PRICES, And are Giving Customers the Benefit of the same. Among other things they have received a Fine Yeast Powder, Which they will sell you and give you from One to Three Pieces of Crockery With each can. Call and See for Yoiiraelvcs. Fisheries . Oispatch. Fishermen, that require netting for Im mediate, unlookedfor use. with dispatch.cau be uccommoditpd with telegraphic order-, with full description of every item, to savt delav of further information. Can make a Purse Sein, 250 faths, lnng.40 faths. deep, for aeep sea nsuing. lor saiuton. mac win taKe but 1,700 lbs., twine to make, and can be worked by 20 men. Can send a model of one. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO., Gloucester, Mass. vBoston Offlco 93 Commercial St. Beposiiel'ii Oregon, $300,000 i ASSETS, $55. 3Q1, 2 8 3. RoYitoi-NbrwIch-Unlon and Lancashire Com bination Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Germatila of New York. State Investment of California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation, MARIXE INSURANCE COTERED BT OtB OPEN policies. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. JOHN FUSSELL. Manufacturer of and Dealer In Harass, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Etc. Jfoae Bat Tin Btt stock Used, Prices to Suit The Times, Main street' east side, between Jefferson and Squmequa15ts.x1: ' " ' YAW EI M HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS PARKER HOUSE! Will. AtLESu PropV. First Class in Everj Respect. Free Coacli to tho IIouso. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) 0. W. KNOWLES - - - - Proprietor Fibst Class ts Evert Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Brick Building. ISO Booms. ' In tho Center of the City. Cor. Fftnt and Morrison Sts.. Portland. Or Fresh Oysters! In Any Style at 25cts. per Plate -AT- CASINO RESTAURANT. Will also fill orders for families at quanti ties to suit. A Good Meal with Claret for 25cts 31. 31. SEKflA, Proprietress. CTJ.EIS. EVEN'SOX. F. COOK. venson&Coo THE Central Hotel. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTA URANT, 3oard by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms or Famille, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WATER St., Opp Foaril JL Stoke A FIRST CLttSS SALOON Jun In connection with the Premises. Tin Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good. Billiard Tables and Trivate Cam Rooms. AL00N AND RESTAURANT AUSTIN MELIN, Proprietor. Dr. Kinsey's Building. Best of Mines, Liquors and Cigars, AGoo'dMeal Supplied, he Public Tatronage Respectfully Solicited. To Salmon Canners. I have just eceived, direct from Joseph odgers & Sons Sh ffield a large lot of Jutc-her Knives and Steels, all sizes, to be .old at Lowest Cash Prices. MAGNUS C.CROSBY. One Acent (dealer only) wanted In every i town, .it, v. u ansin & Co., 0 j JStnto St, I cuicago. 0. L. BECK & SONS, Agents G. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSMITHING, t Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cas and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeinp Wagons made and repaired. Good wort guaranteed. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, icon Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, T7n. and Copper. American News Depot ON SALE The latest Magazines and Illustrated papers of the day. Swedish, Danish and German papers, Books and Dictionaries. f Lovell and Seaside Libraries, School Books, Stationery, etc A BALMANNO, Chenamus St, near Main. County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY .treasury to pay all orders presented up to and Including September 7th, 1885, with Interest to April 12th, 1SS7. I. BERGMAN, ijstorla, April 12, 'e7. BEWARE OFl Imitations. 7. 1 POWDE Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kind-, and can not be sold in competition with -the multi tude of low test, sh rt weight, alum or pirns pliate powders. Snld only in cans. Royal Baking PowdekCo. 100 Wall-st., N, Y. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP, - - - Propriotor. Patronize Home Industry! Wc supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, VT AS KEASOXARIiE A PltfCE. The M Pacific Breiery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and 13 Furn shea In Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery in Any Part of tho City. -TTIE- A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort, Rui in a First Class Maimer. AUG. DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, Comer of Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Lipors mil Ciprs! Every Attention to the Comfort of Patrons Agent for the Thingvalla Steamship Lim Direct. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. LEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOP Old Corner Saloon, riiil. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars, 104 Cuenamus Street, Astoria, Ogn. THE SAN FRANCISCO CHAS. GRATKE. Prop. ASTORIA, .... OREGON. The Finest Brands of Foreign and Domestic Wines, LIQUORS AND CICARS. . The Best San Francisco Beer In Kegs or Bottles Always on Hand, Wholesale and rtetail. THE STJNNY8IDE, Best of Liquors and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. CRAVES, Proprietor. All the Modern Improvements. Old Olympic opposite Parker House. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn-from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. Will. BOCK, Proprietor. J. O. CLINTON DEALER IN CICARS AND TOBACCO, PRTJITS.'NTJTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Daily, Opposite City Bonk Store. Taylor and Scott. Gen. Taylor, -wrote Gen. Grant in the first volume of his book, never wore a uniform, but dressed himself entirely for comfort. He moved about the field in which he was oper ating to see through his own eyes the situation. Often he would be with out staff officers, and when he was accompanied by them there was no prescribed order in which they fol lowed. He was very much given to sitting on nis horse sideways, with both feet'on one side, particularly on the battle-field. Gen. S"tt, says Gen. Grant, was the reverse of Taylor in all particu lars. He always wore all the uniform Erescribed or allowed by law. When e inspected his lines, word would be sent to all division and. brigade com manders in advance, notifying them of the hour when the commanding General might be expected. On those occasions he wore his dress uniform, cocked hat, aiguilletes, sa ber and spurs. His staff power, be sides all officers constructively on his staff, followed also in uniform and in presciibed order. Snlplmr JEasily -Made. The great Mexican volcano Popo catepetl has just been remeasured and found to be 17,800 feet above the sea. The crater, which is completely obscured within by sulphurous a por, is about two and one-hali miles in circuit and 1,000 feet deep? The entire center of the top of the mount ain seems to be solid sulp'.ur, which is deposited at the rate of a ton a day. vvvfc cv vvw 0f tho god tllinSs of V V J.V this lif 0 ar0 sorrowful- ly let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipa tion; sold oil a positive guarantee at 25 and 0 cents, by J. W. Conn. The greatest astronomical estab lishment in the world , the Greenwich Observatory, is surpassed in the power of its telescopes by many ob servatories. It has at last been de cided to provide for it a large instru ment, and it will soon have a refrac tor with an object-glass twenty eight inches in diameter. "VVrvVvoe. That aro fretful JtJVJl.V peevish, cross, oi troubled "with "Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disordors, can bi relieved at onco by using Acker's Babj Soother. It contains no Opium oi irorphine, henco is safe, l'rico 2L cents. Sold by J. W. Conn. After an absence of nearly three years, the Danish exploring expe dition to the east coast of Greenland has returned. The expedition suc ceeded in reaching the sixty-sixth degree of latitude, a point farther north than had previously been at tained. The newly visited region was named King Christian IX'a Land. plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Rem edy? It is tho best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c- 50c. J. W. Conn. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee ou everj oouie oi millions viuinzer. it nevei fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement The Rev. Geo. LI. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: ''Both myself and wifi owe our lives toSmi.oirs"CoxsuMPTio Curk." Sold by W. E. Dement. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Trice 50 cents, Masai Injector free For sale by W.E. Dement, Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. I'rict 10 cts 50 cts and Si. Sold by W. E. De ment. City Treasurer's Report for (Jaartor. Endta? Hnrrii .1!st,lSS7. 1887. Jan. 1. To Balance on hand 5 Mch. 31. To anft sale Liquor Licenses.. " ' " Teams Licenses.. 4. .i Pawn License.... " " " Dog Licenses." " " Auctioneers Li censes : . poo! Tal)lc Li " " " Cemetery Lots'!!! " " " Runner's Licenses " " " Billiard Table Li censes " ' Wharfinger's "Li censes " " from Police Court fines. " " sale Peddler's Licenses ' " " Theater Licenses. nit. 3,727 70 3,000 118 Co 50 27 50 50 3T G8 10 57 50 30 302 50 35 15 Total S 7,52b 83 CR. By amt. Warrants paid ...,...$ 4,503 " Balance General Fund 509 30 ' " PoliceFund 336 54 " ' - Cemetery Fund .. 788 51 " " Uond Interest.... S 1,307 50 7,520 83 Respectfully submitted. .1 .G. Hustler, Treas. Astoria, Ogn., April 1, 1887. Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware and hip Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binade Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, Sunny Furnished Front R:oms. fYVER THOMPSON & ROSS' STORE. IN PER THOMPS Suit or Single. Df?3 FLINTS $fr KRIPTiYZPAl)lEISS REATIE JJMACKScCo -tofc' .Whenever yon feel an uneasiness In tho region Of tho heart, a slight pain in tho shoulder, arm or under tho Shoulder blado, or when you feel yourself short of, breath Trhen csorcisln?, or your heart has periods of beatin jr fast, you havo heart disease, and should talroDr. Flic t'a Heart Kemedy. 1.50. Descriptivo treaty with eaclx bottle, or mailed free. hamburg"figs. There Is no remedy which can rival Ilambuig Figs for tho euro of habitual const! nation, indiges tion and Eick-hcadache. Their action Is prompt andefScientasthsIr taste is jileasant. 25 ccn-3. Atail drusts, or address .T. J". ilT.1 CIC COt 9 a 1 " " ""-it Si , San Francisco. MARKETS. Washington Market. Snlu Street, AhCorln, Oregon. BEItMKAX & CO. PitOr UIF.TOUS LJESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN Lft; tiou of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied w 1th a FULL VARIETY AND HEST QUAUT FRESH AND CURED MHATS ! I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. JSpecial attentlou given to supplying ahlps. THE Roadway Market. P. O. HARA, Proprietor. Fresh Meats, Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Etc. A Hue line of Corned and Cured Meats. Special attention to Family l'urchases. Two doors east of Foard & Stokes. Meat Delh ered in any part of the cljy. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CIIKXAaiUS Street. Astoria, Os. Do You Want Fresh Fish, Fresh Eggs: Fat-Chickens? . And all kluds of Fish and Game In season. I am ready to supply you at John Roger's o'd stand. Shoalwater Bay Oysters For Sale. Jt. T. IIU3IPIIRY8 Central Market. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. M BreM, Cate anil Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. - Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of tho city. Seaside Bakery. Ecst.flillr Brcntl and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturer of Fine Candies. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Itetall Dealer in Candles. JR. II. JACKSON. J. BL D. GRAY Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. Boo Woo-& Co. THE WW PRICED MERCHANT TAILORS. Fine stock of imported cloth always on hand. Come and seo me. The Boss Merchant Tailor. A Good Fit Warranted. Pants to order from $4.00 upward'. Snlts from S18.00 upwards, In Houseman's Building, Water Street, Furniture and Upholstering, Mattrc33es Made and Repaired, Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. TUI6 ncnPnlsonulelnPhiladelnhla I Hid F'MrCoattho Newspaper AdVer- J aSSS XJymymtlslJig Agency of ileaars. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R. & And Way Landings. The Steamers of tho O. It. & Is. Co., -ar-rj'Ins the U. s. mails, leave the Compam's Dock KA'ery luy, Sundavs exceptec. at 6 A.M. This is tfie only daily line, and th mil lino running all the year round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. The only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leavo Company's Dock every live days Regular Line or Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage andJLlghterage. STORAGE OF AtC KIADS. Inquire at Companv's Dock or at City Of fice. F. E. SHUTE, Ticket Agent. K. A. NOYES, Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Oregon & CaliforniaB..R. And Connections Fare to San Fran. $32; ta&ncrnincnto 30 Close connectionsnude at Ashland with stages of tho California. Oregon & Idaho Stage Co. (DAILY KXCKIT- SUNDAYS.) East Slilc DlrUlou, CETF.E. l'OUTl.lM A.NU ASULIM) 3Iall Trniu. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 8:00 AM Ashland i 10 AM Ashlanu 8:43 P SI Portland 3:43 PM Albany Express Train. LEAVK I AERIVK PorUand 4:00PM Lebanon S:20P.M Lebanon 4:43 AMI Portland 10:0V A M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally between Fortlaud and Ashland. 'I he O. & C. It. It. Ferry makes connection with all regular trains on tho East Side Dlv. from foot of F street West Side Division, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORYALIJS. Mall Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 150 A M Corvallls 1255 P M CorvallU 1:50 P M Portland 6:15 PM At Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon Paclflc-for Yaqulna Bay. Express Train LEAVK I ARRIVE Portland.... ..430 P M McMlnnvilIe....8:W)PM MoMinnvtlle..5:45 A M I Portland 9:00 A M Local tickets for sale-and baggage checked at company's up-town ofllce, cor. Pine, and Second .streets, lickets for principal points in California can only be procured at com pany's office. , w Corner F and Front Sts., Portland Or. Freight will not be received for shimnent after live o'clock r. m. on either the East or West side Divisions. R. KOEHLKJR, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. G. F. &JPass. A gt. Str. Favorite NV. P. Dir.r.OK, Master, Will make Regular Trips Daily on the Or egon side, stopping a all Way Landings. Leaving Woods Land'g Every Horning at C P 31 Returning Leave Astoria at 2 P. 11. Sharp. Will run twice a week to Svensen's Land ingTuesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or-Passage apply to Captain on board. To Gray's Harbor ! The Steamer GEN. MILES "Will leave for Gray's Harbor On the 1st and 15th of each month. For Freight or Passage npply to J. U. I. GRAY, Ageut I. S. N. Co. Hiaco Steal Mption Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER iifiL "GEN. CANBY," W. P. Wiutcomii, Will leave Axtoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. at 8 A. Mr With Oysterville Malls and Express daily, and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about 3 p. m.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers wHl save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 -For Tickets, .Towage or Charter ap ply at the ofllce of tho company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J.H.D.GEAY, Agent. ASTORIA HOLT &-CO. Proprietors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS, . SASHDOORS, BLINDS. HAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, Boat Material, etc, Orders solicited and Promptly attended to. SatIsfactioh6uaranteed as to Style,'.QualI ty and Prices. Mill and Ofllce cor. Tolk nud Concomly streets. Astoria. Oregon. Planing Mill. $67,oooooo Capital Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile ot London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of "Watertown, .New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of $07,000,000. B, TAN .DUSESr. A gent, uuyy..3 &12M5 Myi from a common Blotchror Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-Bheum, "Fever Sores," Scaly or Bough Skin, in short, an diseasaa caused by bad blood aro conquered by this pctrfuLpunfying; and invigoratiay racdf. dee. Great; Eating Ulcer3 rapidly heal un der its beoijm Influence. Especially bis it man! fested its potency in curingTettar,E03e Eash, SollS Carbuncles, Soro Eyes. Scrofuloua Sores and Swellings, Hip-Joint Disease. White swellings, Goitre, or Thictt Neclr, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps fo? a large treatise, with colored plates onSkinDIseasei or tho saaioamouat for a treatise en Scrofulous Affections. "THE BLOQT32S .THE I.IP2.M Thoroughly deanso 16 by usinjf .Dr. Pierce a uoiaen meaicai iuscorary, ami gooa oi gestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strcngtli,' and noundaesa of coa ptitution, vml bo cctablishod. vhich is Scrofolouc DIseaso of the Iitings, ii promptly" and certainly arrested and cured oy thia God-given remady, ft taken before tho last Etagca of tho discaco aro reached. From its won derf ulpower over this terribly fatal disease, when first olfcrinjr thia row celebrated remedy to tha public, Da. Piracn thought Eerionaly of calling IS his " Consumption Care," bus abandoned that naaio S3- too limited for amedicico which, from its wonderful combination cf tonic, ot ctreagthoninaf altcrativo, or bloo-1-cleansin?, anti. fcuIou3, pectorial, and nutritivo properuea. U nncqualed, not only a3 a remedy f ortonaumption of tho lung?, but for ell '!! lungs. m '3 If yoa feci do2, dro.vsv. dchflltatod, hava sal low color ot skin, or yclloflrish-brown 6pots- on lace or Doay, trequentxicatucuo or niTnnfva, naa taste in tho mouth, internal heat or chills, alter, eating with hot flashes, lov eiMta and gioomy iorebodinga, irregular appctitc,and coated tongue yonaroBuGerina' from Indigestion, DyBpep r.ia, and Torpid Liver, or Biliottsnes3." In many cases only part cf theso symptoms ara experienced. Aa a remedy for all such cases; Dr. Fierco's Golden medical Discovery has no equaL For wcalr. Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness, of Breath, Bronchitis, Sevens Congts, Consumption and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in etamm for Dr. Pierco'a book On Consumption, Sold by Druggists, DDinn ti nn &x bottles rnSbL, 4)i.uU)-FOJ2s.oo. - World's hpmy Medical Association, Propriotora, C33 Main St., Buctalo, N. Y. LITTLE & as awfc I". vfeat.W-- f AHTI-BSL3QUS and CATHARTIC. Sold by Drucgists. 25cent3aviaL is offered by tho proprietora ol Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a caso of Catarrh which they cannot cure. If you havo a discharge from tho nose, offensivo or other, wise nartial loss of smell, tasta or hearing', weak eyes, dull pain or pressure In tho head, you havo Catarrh Thousands of caaea terminate in consumnUen: Dr. Sagos Catarrh Remedy cures tho worsi cases of Catarrh. " the Head," ant Catarrhal Headache, socenu. C- ADVERTISERS Can leam'the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers ly addressing Geo. P. Eowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send. lO ots. for lOO-page Pamphlet. IRUPTUEE Qaickly and Permanently Cubed by the OELEBaA- ted DK-PIERQE'S Patent MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS! The OnioiKAi-and OKLTGEKUnrc ELECTRIC TRUSS. A perfect rflfnlnor, Pnovtftw.nF Twotayif tvyollATPil U' -,.-..-.w.. . .w ..wU.....r ------- i 'every case, uos cared thoasands. iataoluned laa 9,Send for Free Illostr't'd Pam phi etKol. Address 5 MAGNETIC ELASTIC TR08S CO.. '3041T. SIXTH STBBET. ST. liOTTia.MO. 704 8 ACTfl'NTO ST. .S AJT rRAHCTSCO.OAX FRESH CLATSOP EGGS Can be had of Ii. 31. ShnfTaer 61 "Water St., and "Wherry & Co.'s market opposite Occident Hotel. 1 don't claim they are fresh as some do who have but a few chick ens and It takes them a month, to get a shipment, but because. I have tho largest Chicken ranch this side of Portland, run by experienced hands, pick up the eggs every day and bring them to town 3 times a week. And don't you forget it that every egg bought from the above parties is guaranteed Dy them to bo fresh. S.K. STANLEY O. H. Stockton. Pioneer Painter and' Paper Hanger. Ofllce on "Main. Three doors south of Squemoqua Street. House Painting, Graining, Fres coing;, etc. To Rent. EIVEACRE TRACT FOR A TERM OF years . Well loca ed : "Will be leased on favorable terms. Apply to MR'J.WEIMAN, Chicago House, For Sale or Rent. . LOT 4. BLOCK 20, ADAIR'S ASTORIA, together with two story frame dwelling situated therein. Enquire of Tone Up The System. TRt THE NERVE FOOD, .Manufactured and for Sale by Mineral Waters, Soda Water. Dally de-. livery In all parts ot the City. Office and. Works on Jefferson street, west ot Cass. smC Z ffatef iiit5 a- HJSSV. ai MK Si . 'a