The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 16, 1887, Image 3

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Lieut. Sebree is in the citv.
The Jupiter sailed j esterday.
E. A. Noyes relumed from Port
land yesterday.
B. T. Humphreys has Shonlwater
bay oysters for sale.
Prof. Francis is in the city and.will
remain for a few days.
P. G. Eastwick, of Fort Steveus,
was in the city yesterday.
Mr. Coward, late proprietor of the
East Portland Star, is in the city.
Very scant catch of .fish is reported
so far; comparatively few boats being
Judge Taylor goe3-to Oregon City
to-day, where he holds court on the
Carol Grouse is worth $3,000.
for goodness sake don't S3y I
Painters, carpenters, boat builders,
and mechanics of every trade are all
With the exception of a Chinaman
jugged for smoking opiam, the coun
ty jail is empty.
The bright sunshine of the past
two days gave place last evening to
the gentle patter of the rain.
The Columbia leaves Portland at
nine o'clock to-night. The State is
due from San Francisco to-morrow.
"W. J. Barry has put range lights
on Sand Island, an appreciated con
venience to voyagers in that vicinity.
Messrs. Noland, Worsley and Par
ker left for Vancouver on bnsiness,
connected with fire matters, yester
day. There was about a ton of pig-iron
and pig lead on board the sloop
Ramble)', when she was lost last Sun
day. Capt. Clough, a former Astoriau, is
about to go into the mercantile busi
ness at Wynoochie, Chohalis county,
The select knights A. O. U. "V.,
hold their drill on the evenings of
the first and third Thursdays of each
Visitors say we have the finest post
office in the state, outside of Port
land. Yes, indeed; or inside either.
Why not?
A solitary vag was engaged in clean
ing the streets yesterday. He has ft
long contract unless begets consid
erable help.
Subject at the Methodist church
to-morrow at 11 a. h., "The Transfig
uration of Ohrfst;" at 7:30 r. M.,
"That Dog.1'
Bob't Carruthers has a fine brown
two-year old colt that he will match
agaiuBt any two-year old colt in the
state for looks.
The seals are reported to have left
Sand Island. They have the inter
state commerce law under present
consideration, probably.
John B. Sherlock, of Tillamook,
has master's papers to run A. B. Hal-
Jock s little steamer, the Daph n e, on
Tillamook river and bay.
The signal for opening the draw of
the Morrison street bridge, at Port
land, to steam boats is four short
blasts of the steam-whistle.
li'ne oounty treasurers olnce is a
matter of interest to a good many at
present. The interest is on the coun
ty warrants now being paid.
Dr. O. B. Estes has received fresh
vacoine matter "and is prepared to
vaccinate any one desiring an effect
ual guard against small pox.
Geo. H- Ward, representing the
Sunday Welcome, is in the city.
"There's a chiel amang ye, takin'
notes, and faith he'll prent 'em."
The re-election of G. W. Louus
berry aB secretary of the Oregon
board of pilot commissioners, was a
merited endorsement of efficiency.
Bev. J. B. N. Bell, editor of the
Boseburg Review, wa3 appointed
clerk of the railroad commission
laBt week, and this week he joined
the Presbyterian church.
The estimated cost of repairing the
ship America, recently stranded at
San Pedro, Cal., will be about" $20,000.
She was bought by Millen Griffiths,
of Port Townbend, last week for 310,
400. Cooks and waiters are scarce on the
ocean steamers. The force on the
Columbia is short, and the Olympian
is trying to get the required number
to cook and set out the food aboard
that craft.
The Chehalis Yidette is ,authorit
tively" informed that the tug Donald
will eo over to Gray's harbor and
work for the Cosmopolis and Aber
deen mills. The matter is not yet
definitely decided upon.
County assessor Sorensen will soon
begin issuing his annual little re
minders to those of our citizens who
are unwisely- out of debt, that the
time has arrived for a statement of
assessable property.
Talking of moss on roofs and tho
danger of fire, a man who has tried
it, says thata little lime sprinkled on
the moss just before a shower will
effectually remove it. Wonder how
would work on
Jo. Chartors was busy yesterday
scttiug up a fine Brunswick fc Balke
billiard table, eclipse design, cost
S285, in the handsome rooms of Alert
Hook and Ladder CompfinyNo. One,
which will be an important adjunct
to the furnishings of the Company's
Tho Oregon Pilot commissioners
held their first business meeting je3
terday morning and organized by
electing Louis Wilson president and
G. W. Lounsberry secretary. The
board granted a branch to Cy Harri
man, and adjourned, subject to the
call of tho president.
Complaint is made by several
of the condition of the roadway
between the Clatsop mill and
the I. X. L. Packing Co. That
roadway needs repair promptly and
thus remove tho present liability to a
terrible accident. In this case an
ounce of prevention is better than a
pound of cure.
The ship W. A. Campbell, says the
Vancouver, B. C, News, has finished
her hold and between deck cargo and
has commenced taking on her deck
load. The amount of money expend
ed in port by a ship like the Camp
bell is very much greater than is gen
erally supposed. Towage cost3 S700, t
loading $1,G90, and incidentals and
miscellaneous expenditures amount
to 83,700, in all $7,000.
Sturgeon and salt salmon were for
calo yesterday, but spring salmon, all
wool, was conspicuous by its absence.
It is astonishing how scarce fish i-?
whoa you want it. It is something
like monev in ihnfc resnpph Tim
Dolphin is about iu trim again and !
may slip out for a load to-day. If
she should be lucky in making a haul
the net proceeds will go off fa-tT than
the hottest of hot cakes.
in reporting the multittidiuous
wrecks in that vicinity the Tacoma i
Ledger ha3 a splendid chauco to use i
3U1UO Ut lUilh HUB U1UIU1 HUB UtlKU 1
sometime ago in scaroheads gleefully
announcing the cruel lie regarding
tho imaginary "sinking of the C7iam -
pion" on tho Columbia bar. To truth- j
fully record the dreadrul disasters
up there would exhaust the typo ro-
sonrces of tho Ledger oflice.
Capt. Jones of the Jupiter, com
plains that he was badly swindled in
Portland by Bunko Kelly shipping a
cripple on board his vessel. Proba
bly it was to keep tho poor devil
aboard that the "stern men armed
with Winchesters" were placed on
the vessel. There was apparently no
other need of the "stern" men, though
some of them may have beeu trans
ferred fromjtho stern to the stem.
Jim Lidwell, who will have charge
of tho cannery at Chilcat, Alaska,
this season, leaves next Saturday.
Ho will take Oscar Peterson, Wm.
Simpson and Thos. Simmons with
him. A number of Bussians will be
engaged at Juneau. Chilcat is pretty
well north, being in lat. 59' 13', and
the chances are that tho daylight in
that section along in the month of
Juno will give tho boys a chanco to
get in a good long day's work withont
having to burn any oolachans.
The indictments against B. F.
Brock, for cutting timber fraudu
lently ou government lands, have all
been set aside, and none of the cases
against him will be tried. The tim
ber was cut on lands bought of the
N. P. B. B , and under recent supreme
court decisions the land office could
not make out a caso against him.
These suits, says tho Vancouver In
dependent, have thrown Brock out
of a year's business, and cost him
many thonsand dollars, all the result
of official mistakes, but the govern
ment will not reimburse him.
First officer Bichardson, now in
charge of the 3fanzanita, has his
medal, given him last Saturday in
just, though tardy, recognition of his
bravery in aiding in the saving of
Christopherson, nearly three years
ago. The medal is a fitting emblem
of tho bravery that prompts the ac
tions of which it is the reward. Such
honorable recognition should be more
frequent. Every year on the Colum
bia are daring deeds of bravery that
usually go unnoticed save by brief
newspaper items. Take for instance
Lars Johnson, of the West Coast
Packing Co. Already this season
this man has saved five lives. Where
is his medal? Ho deserves one.
The board of trustees of tho insane
asylum have let contracts for furnish
ing lumber and building material for
the proposed extension to tho asylum,
as follews: Polly, Churchill & Co..
mouldings, S97.59; B. L.. Swartz, 56,-
000 rough lumber at 9.50 per thou
sand; Portland Lumbering and
Manufacturing company, 74,000 feet
fir ceiling at $19 per thousand; 5,500
feet spruce ceiling, $23 per thousand;
5,500 feet cedar ceiling, $35 per
thousand; 1,500 fence posts at 25-
cents- each; 2,400 pounds of nails,
$96.75. A contract for furnishing
150 blankets to the asylum was let to
the Ashland Woolen Mills company,
at $3.75 each.
f f
Tho TJ. S. steamer Thetis, to arrive
at San Francisco from NewJfork. is
commanded by LieutenantfTJmory,
and has a full complement of eighty
six men, ten apprentices and nino
commissioned officers. The govern
ment purchased the Thetis in 1884.
She was then a Dundee whaler, was
well equipped for Arctic service, and
had only been built three years. The
Thetis is 191 feet over all, 29 feet
beam, 17 foet draught. She is bark
rigged and has engines of 500-horse
power. "Where the three years' stores
for the Greeley relief expedition were
stored is now tho berth deck of the
ship, and the quarters of the thirty
two men who composed the expedi
tion, have been fitted up for the
officers. Tho Thetis carries two
steam launches of the HereshofF type,
the steam whaleboat Bean, and .a new
steam launch of improved pattern
named the Achilles. Besides these
she carries six other boa$3.
that lime business
tho moss backs.
A Protest
Prom Bankers
of San
Salem, April 15. Governor Pen
noyer has expressed his intention of
pardoning E. W. James, of Albina,
who was recently sentenced to one
year in the penitentiary for accident
ally shooting Mrs. Newton. He will
ba liberated to-morrow.
too much iionrnisE.
Vaxcodveb, April 15. A man
named De Bussic was found in the
Btreet this morning in an uncon
scious condition. On examination it
was found that he had taken too
much morphine. The citizens worked
to the utmost Jill night to counteract
the effects of the drug, but at last re
ports he was scarcely breathing. His
residence is unknown.
Amsterdam, April 15. Over four
thousand students serenaded tho
king la3t anight. During the fes
tivities a large hotel caught fire and
burned. Four persons were killed.
St. Louis, April 15. David Jewott,
who shot and killed his wife in De
cember, '84, for refusing to live with
him, and wa3 afterwards convicted
and sentenced to death, was hanged
this morning.
. wouldn't staxd it.
Raliegh, N. 0., April 15. Mormon
missionaries, who attempted pros-
elytizhig in this vicinity, have been
beaten and driven into Georgia.
Springfield, Ills., April 15. -Edwin
Sherman, grand commander of
the Lincoln guard of honor, denies
tho story telegraphed, and says the
remains of Lincoln wore never re
j moved from the monument since tho
day thev were nut there. Tho guard,
h,Qvnn i,oT-"irnT,f nnni f m,
. , ' . . , .
' "" "'k" amuu iu uu
an attempt was made to steal the ro-
Washington, April 15. Private
secretary Lamout says although im
portuned by politicians of both par
ties to call an extra sessiou in Octo
ber the president will not agree to
it; so there is tio probability of any
such call.
A communication has been received
addressed to the commissioners, from
San Francisco, about the interstate
law as follews: "All the productive
and monetaiy relations of this, coast
are threatened with disorder and
much loss. Nothing but quick and
wise action on your part can save
this coast from tremendous losses
that willbs sure to follow any illiberal
or narrow interpretation of the fourth
section of tho bill. We ask a sus
pension of the long haul clause, tem
porarily, at least, until our position
can be placed before your honorable
body." This is signed by eight
the principal banking institutions of
San .Francisco.
The department of state denies that
Commodore Greene forbade the En
glish man-of-war to fire on Port-au-Prince.
Haktforo, Conn., April 15. In the
state senate to-day a resolution to
form a protective tariff was taken up
and passed by a vote of 12 to 7.
St. Jonxs, N. B., April 15. A terri
ble galo prevailed along the coast
Tuesday and Wednesday, occasioning
much loss of lifo and property. Two
barks are sunk near Eosebland and
five sailors drowned.
Officer Linville arrested a man last
night who had a wad of stuff in his
blankets that wa3 sixteen sizes too
small for him. and evidently stolen.
Among the goods are a pair of En
glish make trousers, and a coat, a
suit of black diagonal goods, two
suits of red flannel underwear, a
moleskin shirt, pair gray blankets
with blue, stripes, and two packs
"Perfection" smoking tobacco. The
goods await identification at the city
Tho proceeds of the M. E. social a t
Mrs. Bucker's last Thursday night
were in the neighborhood of S35.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies of the
chnrch had a novel entertainment at
tho same place in the sbapo of a
children's social, nearly one hundred
delighted little folks being in attend
ance and all enjoying themselves to
their hearts' contont.
A Priueville poet stalks forth with
this: ''The sun comes forth, the
goose flies north, the wind blows
long and drear. The kid with his
kite, the frequent dog fight, all pvove
that spring is here."
Bapid Beating of the Heart.
Whenever yon feel an uneasiness
iu the region of tho heart, a Blight
pain in the shoulder, arm, or under
the shoulder-blade, or when you find
yourself short of breath when ex
ercising, or your heart has periods
of of beating fast, you have heart
disease, and should take Dr. Feint's
Heart BEiiEDr. At druggists, $1.50.
Descriptive treatises with each bot
tle; or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F
Ten cents for a cup of Fnbre's nice
The latest styles in Baby Carriages,
cheap fot cash at Qrlffln & Reed's.
Efficiency of the
tlia Cape.
Service at
Major T. J. Blakeny, superintend
ent of the life saving service on this
coast, who is ud here on his semi-an
nual tour of inspection of the various
stations, returned from .North (Jove
last evening. He found the station
at that place satisfactorily conducted,
and likewise at Cape Hancock.
Major Blakeny fully appreciates the
importance of these stations, and is
indefaticablo in his efforts to increase
their efficiency. By persevering effort
he has secured an improvement in the
service at Cape Hancock, which will
be of inestimable value to the fisher
men this summer, in lessening the
number on the fateful roll who every
year find a watery grave at the gate
of the Columbia, and who, in eager
purauit of their avocation, are caught
by a southwester or the turn of the
tide. By an increase of $10 a month
in the pay of the life crew, the men
now enlist for tho entire twelve
months; they are paid $50 a month,
$10 of which is held back till the
close of the year when $120 back pay
is coming to each one of them.
Beginning at once two lookouts
will be stationed on the point, an ad
ditional surf-boat brought around to
McKenzie's head, and tho usual one
kept in readiness at the boat house;
a gun will be stationed on the point,
and a constant patrol kept. Should
the lookout note a disaster to fishing
boats or other craft, he will at once
fire the gun, and remaining at his
post iudioate by signs to the life
crews in the surf-boats, where their
services are required. It is thought
that in this way the probabilities to
disaster and loss of life will be great
ly lowered, though, of course, no
amount of precaution of this nature
will stand instead of required caution
on tho part of the fishermen in ven
turing too far out.
Begarding the new life station at
the south side of tho entrance to the
river. Major Blankeny thinks that
the best interests of the service sug
gest no attempt at activo work till
the jetty is sufficiently advanced in
construction to afford a site for the
buildings, etc., tho idea being to lo
cate the station well out toward tho
bar, and as close as possible to tho
end of the jetty.
Major Blakeny has now finished
his tour of inspection of the northern
posts and will return to San Fran
cisco on to-morrow's steamer.
The Sentence of Mnrpl.
In reference to tho reported error
in the sentence of K. E. Marple by
Judge Boise, sajs the Albany Herald',
distnot attorney Belt is of the opin
ion that the hanging can take place
on the date named. The law on tins
subject is that when judgment
death is pronounced, a warrant of ex-
Rfiiitinn hIi.iII Iir rlpliVflrfifl from thf I
judge to the sheriff setting the-date
of tho execution ou some day not less
than thirty days nor more than sixty
days after judgment. The judgment
of death wa prouonnced on Satur
day April 9th. and sixty days after
would be June 8th. It is claimed by
district attorney Belt that the war
rant of execution can be issued any
time after the sentence, and that as
tho warrant iixe3 the time of the exe
cution, it can be issued at such a late
day that June 29th will come within
the required sixty days, and that no
crounds, at least on thnt point, for
! nrderincr n. new frinl hv tho sunrptno
M court will bo found." The Yamhill
Reporter says when the warrant is
issued to the sheriff to carry out the
judgement, imposing the death pen
alty, it will be nxed that the mur
derer be hanged June 2nd, 1887.
Enjoy Life.
What a truly beautiful world we
live in! Nature gives us grandeur of
mountains, glens and oceans, and
thousands of means of enjoyment.
We can desire no better when in
perfect health; but how often do the
majority of people feel like giving it
up disheartened, discouraged and
worn out with disease, when there is
no occasion for this feeling, as overy
sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory
proof, that Qreen's August Flower,
will make them free from disease,
as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint aro the direct causes of
seventy five per cent, of such mala
dies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache, Costiveness, Nervous
Prostration, Dizziness of the Head,
Palpitation of the Heart, and other
distressing symptoms. Threo doses
of August Flower will prove its
wonderful effect. Sample bottles,
10 cents. Try it.
Real Estito Transfer.
.hlleu liansou to Jas. K. Kelley;
parts Sees. 10. 15 and 22, T. 8 N., R.
i. W., OUW
J. P. Ryan and wife to J. O. Trul
linger, right of way aoross W E
uuDuaru donation iana claim, $1UUU
Vnneressiry Jlisery.
Probably as much misory comes
from habitual constipation "a3 from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it iB difficult to cure,
for the reason that no one likes to
take the medicines usually pre
scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack
& Co., proprietors. S. F.
A responsible man well acquainted Is
wanted as agent lor a Portland fiici.
Address Dorqnht & Refiling, Astoutax
Choice Oregon applos
& Ross'.
at Thompson
Fine freslf vegetables and fruils by
steamer irom uaiuornia.
TiroMPSQK & Ross.
,. Private Ilooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
Private Rooms.
Cleansed, Purified and Beauti
fied by the Cuticura Remedies.
l-nr olonnsincr tho Skin and Scaln of bis
figuring Uuinor3. for allaying Itching. Burn-J
ingand inflammation, lor curing mo u st symp
toms of Eczema. Psoriasis, Milk Crust, fccaly
II cad. Scrofula, and other inherited fckin and
r-lood Diseases, CUiicUra, tho great Skin
Curo, and CuticUwa SOAr, an otqusito Skin
Ileautifior. oxtornally, and Cuticura ke
solvnnt. tho now Blood Purifier, internally,
are infallible.
I hava suffered all my lifo with skin dis
eases of different, kinds and have nover
found pormanont relief, until, bv tho advice
of a lady friend, I used your valuable Cuti
cuka. KkiiKDiES I gave them r thorough
trial, using six-bottles of tho Cctjcura Ke
solvexi, two boxes tf Cuticura and seven
cakes of Cu i icura Soap, and tho result was
just what I had been told it -would be-a
complete cure.
BELLE WADE. Richmond. Va.
Reforonco, O, VT. Latimer, Druggist
Richmond, Yn.
lwas troubled with Sail Rboum for a
number of years, so that tho skin entirely
camo off ono of my hands from tho finger tips
to tho wrist. I tried remodies and doctors'
prescriptions to no purposo until I com
menced taking Cuticura Kfmkdies and
now I am entirely cured.
E. T. PAKKER. 397 Northampton St.
Ilavo rold a quantity of jour Cuticura
Remedies. Ono of my customers. Mrs.
Henry Kintz, who had tetter on her hands ro
such an extent as to causo the skin to peel off,
and for eight years she suffered greatly, was
completely cured by tho use of jour medi
cines, C. N. NYE, Druggist, Canton, Ohio.
For tho last year I have had a species of
itching, scaly and pimply humors on my faco
to which I have nppiled a great many
methods of treatment without success, and
which was speedily and entirely cured by
M its. ISAAC PUELPS, Ravenna, 0.
Wo have sold jour Cuticura It hi kd its
for the lat six yoars, and no modicinos on
our shelves gavo better satisfaction.
C. F. ATlUiKTON. Druggist. Albany. X. Y.
Cuticura Rf mkdie aro sold overj whoro.
Pnco; CuncUrtA, GO cents; KEaoLVr.vr,
SI 00 ; Soap, 25 cents. Prepared by tho
POTTrR Drug a.n d Co.. Boston.
Mass, Semi for "How to euro kiu
PD11RC Pimples. Sk
unU DO, by Humors,
SOAr. '
3, Skin Blemishes and Ba-
curea by uuucura
Catarrh to Consumption.
Catarrh in its destructive forco stands next
to and undoubtedly loads on to consumption.
Jt is therefore singular that thoso afflicted
with this fearful dieaso should not mako it
tho object c-f their lives to rid themselves of
it Dccoptivo remedies concocted by ignorant
pretenders to medical knowledgo hao
woakencd tho confidence- of tho great
majority of sufferers in all advertised rem
edies. They bocomo resigned to a life of
misery rather than torturo themselves with
doubtful palliatives.
But thi3 will no or do. Catarrh must be i
mot at every staga and comhated with all
onr might. In many cases tho di'easo ha3
assumed dangerous symptoms 'J ho bono3
and cartilage of tho noso. tho organs of hoar
ins. of seoini? and of tastinir so nffeftted ag in
bo uselo3s. tho uvula so elongated, tho throat
.-u lun.iiuuu unu irriuueu us iu prouueu a
constant and distressing cough.
dAMoitD'd liAWCAL uuRK meets overy
SWKTS: "E".S $&S3"
tho most loathsomo and destructive -stages
It is local and constitutional. Instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economi
cal and never-failing.
iach package contains ono bottle of the
Badic i CUrk, ono box Catakhh al Solv
kxt, and an Impkovfd Ixhaleh, with treat
ise; pnco-Sl.
Pqttkr & Chemical Co., Bostov.
And that weary, lifeless all-gono.
sensation over present with thoso of
inflamed kidneys, weak back and
loins, achinc hiDS and side. over
worked or worn out by disease, debility or
dissipation, aroolieved in ono minute and
speedily cured by tho uutii'tira Ami
l'ain Pointer, a now, original, elegant
and infallible antidoto to pain and inflamma
tion. At all druggists, 25c.; five for $1.00 ; or
of I'otter lni5 to,, JSustuu.
My establishment is now filled
with a large and well selected
:Mj' prices aro as usual the very
lowest, and all I ask is a chance to
convince you that T can and will
save you money.
It is for your own interest as
much as for mine to do your trad
ing with me. "
Seaman Wise,
The Clothier and Hatter.
(Occident Building.)
Musical Instruments
New York Novelty
An Opportunity.
Dr. Harmon lias left some spectacles,
Brazilian Pebbles and optical goods
with Wm. Axrabruster, where they can
be bought. This Is a good opportunity
for those who were unable to buy from
him before his departure.
Baby Buggies
Leading Dry GoodsiCiothing Hous
SB fli mm SPUD" a . j Bralli liiw IU ii HIHI
ARRIVED: And on exhibition in our Cloak Room tBJs woek
our first selection of New, Stylish and Fashionable Garments, consist
ing of "
In Various Designs.
With floods.
In Cassimere, Bruclee, Jersey, Buretless, In
Various Colors and Designs, ,
PasteThis On Your Looking Giass.
You will be suro to see it in The Astoriax and will remember
it, because it is for your interest to do so. .
No premium Chromos, Gift enterprises, Bean guessers, or any
other clap trap, is resorted to by D. L. BECK & SONS to sell ti&lr
goods. Honest Goods, Honest Weights and Small profits ia.-their
motto, the cogt of the clap trap being taken off tho price of the g6d3j.
And tho people like it bette'i than the chance enterprise, where one
out of hundreds gets the prize, for they all get it in the prioe of $
goods. "
If you want cannery supplies, go to J). L. JBEGK & S02TS.
If vou want Roller flour, Oat, Graham, Rye or Corn Meal, V
go to D. L.BEOK &;S0N8.
If you Want "Wheat, Shorts, Bran, or Rolled Barley,
. so to D. L. BEQK SONS.
If vou want Cheese, Best fresh Butter and. Eggs,
go to B. L. BECK & SON'S.
If vou want Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Pig's feet or Lard,"
J ' gotoD. L. BEOK& SONS.
If you want Sardines, Anchovies,Holland or Smoked Herring ?.-
Boneless Cod or Codfish brick, Stock hsh, etc., go to " u
If vou want Sugar, Syrup, N. O. Molasses, Palace Drips,
' go to B. Z. BECK b SONS
If you want Vermont Maple Sugar, pure Maple Syrup or
Fresh Cal. Honey, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
If you want Sauerkraut,' Chow Chow, Pickles or Gherkins,
in bulk or glass, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
If vou want Nuts Seedless or Layer Raisins, Dry Apple's or .
" any otheV dry or Canned Fruit, go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
In short, if vou want any kind of Staple or Fancy Groceries - -.
. go to B. Z. BECK & SONS
Do you want the best Coal Oil in the market, or the best Oil .
(Jan ever lrrventea, go io xr. mi. jsuujx. cg otALYAj
Df vou want Brooms, Tubs, PailsWashooardSjClothespins,
J go to B. Z. BECK fc SONS
Do you want Hall and Parlor Hanging, or Parlor, Chamber U
or Kitchen Stand Lamps, go to B. Z. BECK & SON
Do vou want Plain Decorated China or Crockery Ware,
JVhite, or Fancy Glass Ware, go to B Z BECK d; SQN
Do vou want Vases or other Ornamental articles, Silver
" plated Knives and Forks, Table'or Tea Spoons, Z ''
go to B Z BECK & SONS
Do you want any kind of Cigars or Tobacco, from cheap and tc
common to the best to be had, go to B Z BECK & SONS
In fact, if you want anything in our line, you will go home
happy and sleep contentedly if you buy of
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