"agtiy V' DJ VOL. XXVJI, NO. 89. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL J 5, J 887. PRICE blYE CENTS. ..---.".. V - " v"- BUSINESS CARDS. G Kit. OLAD, ATTORNEY AT IA1Y. ulhse In Klnney'd Block, opposite Citj Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C W. KULTON. Q. C. FBr.TOX FCETON BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1:00m.- Sand 6, Odd Fellows Bulldlus. 0. R. THOMSOX, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention given to practice In the U. S. Land omco. and tho examination of land titles. A full set of Abstract Books for Clatsop County in office. Money to loan,,, Offick Rooms 4 and 5, oyer City Book Store. l A. BOWLBY. Attorney and Counsellor at .Law Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. D. W1STOH ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. ll and 12, Pythian Castle Bulld hlR. rt B. WATSOX. Atty. at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before tho U. S. Land Office a peolalty, Astobia, - - Obeqoh. T C.IIIKLfir, !.!. S. DENTIST. Is associated with DR. IiA FOKCL. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, OREGON, T")B. A. li. JFUJLTON. Physician and Surgeon. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. "AY TUTTIiE, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 0?fioe Rooms 6 Pythian Building Rksidekck On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's HosDltal. 1) ft. O. D. KSTKS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oiegon. rR. FHASK PAGE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Opposite Telegraph Office, Astoria, Oregon. D B. ALFRED KIXMKY, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, nnd may be found there at any hour. G EliO F. PARKER, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY -XXD- Eac-Clty Surveyor of Astoria, office : N. E. corner Cass and A stor streets, Room No. 8 . Up Ktatrs. . Robt. Collier, Deputy, E. C. HOLDEX, Notary Publio, Oommksioiier of Deeds For Washington Territory, Auctioneer, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Offlee, at Ho den's Auction Rooms, Chena mus street. Astoria, -Oregon. 4 E. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. H. A. SMITH. tRS DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian Bmld-lng over C. H. Cooper's Store. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO - I. "W. CASE, IMP0RTER8 AND "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHAMSE, Cornet Ohenamus andJCass streets. ASTORIA OREGON THOS. MAIRS, Fasfii A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE Agent tor the Celebrated Household Sewing Machine. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's lie Tailor EDoTAR TRADE $7 MARK. P-lfcaoftlfclM iVer from Opiates, Emetics tmcLJFotson SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. AT DUCGQISTS AKD DEAUH1S. THE CH11ILES A. TOttELEK CO.. lllLTIXORK. 3ID. fcreaShggsatlia. ITearaleh. U I J III PKICE, FIFTY CENTS, THE C1UKIXS A.TO0EIXB CO, lUXTUOBK, HD. 'area female Complaints. A Great Sidney lent Jy. E SQLD BY ALL DSUG3IST3, Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN building boats on the Columbia river, and hundreds of line boats of my build make my guarantee! for good woik. Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building. Will build boats at any point on tho Columbia river -where my services may be required. ..UUiVL, -AGENCY- WmT.GolBman&Co. OF SAN FRANCISCO. Flavei'sWharf and Warehouse, Astoriui Oregon. Canuery Supplies al Lowest Price. Storage and insurance at Cm rent Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cihes of the VorlB JOHN F. McGOVERN1, Agent. It. II. Coleman, Accountant. WiIson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS POR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS, Portland Roller Mills, Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. ' - -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAT HAKSEPf, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine At Extremely Low Prices All Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. TtepresentlnK the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurance Companies. All Business promptlyjand accurately tran acted. FiavelsWhmf, - Astoria Oregon. OgCts. OTCOBSpjI LEBMan REMEDY W P GKli; Biaiis Jewelry The lady and the Terror. One of .the delightful das of last week a young lady welf known in the exclusive Jirst circles" of San Francisco society for unrivaled personal charms and elegance of accomplishments, was driven around to make a congratulatory call upon a married lady friend who was happily convalescing from that occasionalacrod event in -the lives of wedded ladies, which? far from being sickness, is the perfect culmination of their health. She was shown into the parlor, and for the "few minutes required to ar range for the reception in that room where mother and child were doing as well as could be ex pected, was left with no other to entertain her than tho only "son and heir of the house, Master Charles, -then in his fourth year. But Charles was fully equal to tho situation, and promised to grow up into an ornamont of society that will , never bo abashed by beaut', however brilliant, into the painful negative of uno conversa tion." After some unessential preliminary remarks, Master Charles approached nearer the visitor, and, lowering his tone into confidentiSl, he asked: "Miss , do dota.baby?" The young lady gave one swift glance around to assure .herself there was no other hearer of this pertinent question, and replied: "No, Charlie, dear, I have not." "And did oo never have a baby" m In spite of the youth of her eager interlocutor her handsome eyes drooped before his ingenuous gaze, and her pretty face flushed as she replied: "No, Charlie, I nevfir did. Is not this a beautiful day V" "And ain't oo never doin' to have no baby?" persisted Charlie, declining to enter- on the tempta- -iiorial side track of the-tweather. "My boy, J can't tell. Tell me the namesof whom "those are the photographs?" "And don't oo want a baby?" "Why, Charlie, what a close questioner you are. If you are not careful you will grow into one of those newspaper interviewers, and then what will your .poor mamma think of-you?" "Because," continued Charli1, utterly refusing to bo switched oh", "I know where ob tan det oi.e The doctor brought my mamma one, and he keepth them in his of ftth. You juth go down Eighth threet evertho far, and den oo do up a lot of thairth and thath where he teeps 'em. And they're awful cheap too. My papa hathn't paid for my mamma's vet, but he's doin' to." " "Well, Charlie, I'm sure I'm much obliged to you for your full directions, and L'H know where to go." "Oh, Mtth , oo needn't do. I'll toll my papa juth ath thoon ath ever he turns home that oo want a baby, and he'll det one for oo, and " That ' youug . lady seized that nuie ooy oy nis two snouiaers, and leaning over so as to look full into his eyes she said, with an jtn pressiveness lent by sudden ter mer: "See here, Charlie, listen to me. I don't want any baby yet, and if you say anything about it to your papa I'll never, like you any more at all, at all, never, never, never. "Now, will you promise?" "Well, if oo don't want a baby I won'tj'but I t'ot everybo'dy likes to have babieth. I do." The interview was here termin ated by the entrance of a "servant to usher the visitor into the pres ence of the convalescent ladv. When baby mis sick, wo gave her Cwiotia, When she vas a Child she cried for Castoria, When she-became Hiss, she clunjrio Castoria, When shohad Children, sh3Bav.them Castoria All men trv to sret the earth. I but the earth gets them. This is not a joke; it is the grave truth. Bucldcii'j iruica Salve. ThkBest Salve In tlie world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, S alt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. ChaDDed Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup- uuns, ana positively cures r-iies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pried 25 cents per box. For sa le by W 'E. Dement & Co. What Canada Men Think. Montreal, April '13. Thcban quet to Hon. J. A. Chapleau, sec retary of state, last evening, was taken advantage of by several cab inet ministers to define the policy of the country r&d review impor tant questions. Chapleau was till 1 o'clock this morning reviewing the Riel agitation, the tariff ques tions and denouncing the Irish co ercion aqt. He said if imperial federation meant free trade bo tween Canada and Great Britain ho would oppose it to the last. If any attempt was made to coerce Canada, the colonial bond would snap at once and forever. Refening to the fishery dispute, he said: "Certainly we have gone far toward conciliating our Ameri can neighbor. They have not re ciprocated these cordially, up to this day, and have not shown any disposition to make any arrange ment, though we are ready, and always have been, to go more than half way to meet them." He hoped the matter would be re ferred to arbitration. Sir Charles Tupper, minister of finance, made the following refer ence to the retaliation measures: "If so mad, so" unjustifiable a pol icy is carried out by the United States, . Canada, which otherwise would have been torn asunder and, rendered dependent and prostrate at the feet of our neighbors, has now her independent line and in tercommunication to which we can confidently look as a means of sustaining our nation. As a great nationality, she is independent of anything that can be done by our neighbors. Duiipg six years the value of foreign .goods conveyed by the United States railways into Canada, and Canadian goods car ried across United States territory to United States ports of shipment, amounted to $109,000,00$ about $2S0,000,000 each decade, the transport charges for which have gone into the pockets of the 'Unit ed Statos railways. This will be knocked in the head by the en forcement by the United States of the retaliatory bill. "When it comes into operation, transit traffic will be forced into Canadian chan nels entirely. Canada will be eonipolled to buy in England, and the profits the United States mer chants have been making will go to English merchahts. A Life Made Miserable Bv dssnensla Is scarcely worth the llinr. A capricious appetite," heartburn, puzzling nervous svinptuins, incrcasn i action or tue heart after eating, sinking in the abdomen between meals, ana tuuiience after, are among the successive indicia of this har rassmg complaint. Two thtngf only aie neeaiui ior us removal, a resort in nos tetter's Stomach Bitters, and persistence in Its use. These remedial mcasuies being adopted, a euro Is certain. Taken Immedi ately before or alter meals, this urcat stomachic promotes secretion of the gastric juice. luenauiru solvent oi me iooa. rne nervous ami ninous symptoms consequent upon chronic indigestion disappear, as the complaint gradually yields to the corrective and Invigorating Influence of the Bitters. Appetite returns, sleep becomes more re freshing, and. as .a- sequence, the body is elicliuiy nourished, muscular power in creases, and the mind grows sanguine. Use the Bitters for chills and fever, and rheu matism. There are now nearly 100 mon uments on tho battle field of Get tysburg, costing from $300 to $4, 000 each. $ WOW. WoiiM enjoy your dln Yi vv nor and aro prevented by Dyspepsia, uso Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Tlioy aro a positive euro for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatuloncy and Constipation. "Wo guarantee them. 23 and 50 cents. J. W. Conn. The offioial title of the governor of Rhode Islaud is, captain general of Rhode Island and Providence plantations. The title runs out of the State into deep water. Elixir is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positivel v euro all Blood Dis eases, purifies tho whole system, and thoroughly builds up tho constitution. Remember, w.o guarantee it. J. W. Conn. Blessed is he who hath found his werk: let him ask no other blessedness. He has a work, a life purpose; he has found it and will follow it. Carlyh. Fer Animals Mange, Distemper, Diarrhoea and Worms in dogs quickly cured. .Scratch es, Sores. Galls, Bruises, Cuts or "Wounds ofanvkind quickly and permanently healed by washing with the Fluid. Dn. J.HuoH.the distinguished Veterinary Surgeon, says: '-IfindDarbys Prophy lactic Fluid all that it is represented. As a local application I believe it to be without an equal." For Colic and Scouts it acts like magic No One Need Remain A Dyspeptic, rI have been suffering for over two years with Dyspepsia. For the last year I could not take a drink of cold "water nor eat any meat without vomiting it up. My life was a misery. I had -had recommended Simmons Liver Regulator,' of which I am now talcing the second bottle, and the fact is that words cannot express the relief I feel. My appetite is very good, and I digest everything thoroughly. I sleep well now, and I used to be very restless. I am flesh ing up fast; good strong food and Simmons Liver Regulator have done it all. I write, this in hopes of bene fiting some one who has . suffered as I did, and would take oath jp these state ments if desired." E. S. BALLOU, Syracuse, Neb. J. H. ZEIL1N & CO., Phihdelpha, Pa. Price Sl.OO. Look Here Boys. It you want a neat fitting Suit of Clothes, goto - 0 !E3. B.OSS, Merchant Tailor. Having Just received a complete assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. - "I am prepared to make up Stilts cheaper iiniu luu cueapest. Give me a call and be convinced that I mean v, hat I say. J. E ROSS, Corner Squemoqua and Hamilton streets, cast of C. IT. Cooper's. Virginia Cia;ar anfl Toliacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Floe Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest .Market Hates. FRUITS, CA1STDIES. NOTIONS.&C PATRONIZE HOME. INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our clt'ens to send to Tortland or San Francisco for 'Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Hotter Fits, Better Work manship, and for xIojsjs Money By Leaving their Orders with ME ANY. He has lust received a large stock of Goods from tho East. Fine Business Suits from ?S5. Call and See Him and Satisfy Yonnelf. P. J. MEANT, MERCHANT TAILOR. Every Body Knows THAT THE Magee' Furnace Co. Of Boston Make Tho BEST STOVES AND RANGES -In The World ;- THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST J. A. MONTGOMERY, Sole Agent for Astoria W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS. ASTORIA, - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUCS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded WDLL Cut Faster AND a? easier Than'any oth er axe made. ..Hundreds oi woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. It goes Deep and Serer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., Agents .Astoria Price, $1.60. j urartraAOQJo.' J.C.Trullinger , yr Just Received. 1,500 Rolls fullpp ml Decoratioi Of the LateBt Designs and Shades. Also to Arrive THIS WEEK. 50 Leather, Piushand Carper Rockers, In Elegant New Styles: Just the thing for Call and See Us. CHAS. HE1LBORW. Astoria Iron Works. Coneomly St.. Foot rf Jackson, Astorla.rtjr, facuernl Machinists ant Boiler Meis. Land and 'Marine Engines BOILER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Vork a BPECiAirr, Castings of ail Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, Fresldent. J. G. HusTi,KU, .. Secretary. I. W. Case ..Treasurer. jonx Fox Superintendent. W. F. Armbruster 8 Fractloal WATCHMAKEB J JE3 W DE3 Xj 3E3 tt.m WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Repaired on tho Shortest Notice at .Rea sonable Kates. Chonamus St., next to Spexartu's Gun store. B. F. ALLEN PBACTJCAI. GRAINER and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING, AND GLASS SHOW CARDS, PL.AIX AND DECOR ATITF. Paper Hanging, - Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Cass St.. next to Stlnson's Black smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, J. C. Coroner's Office, Undertaking RooniS next HO! FOE THE SXTPBRIOR! Two more Carloads of those famous SUPERIOR Stoves and Kanges just ar rived from the Factory. These goods are what their name indicates, none 8 ID PKBi OR in the Market. Firebartks to these Stoves are Guaranteed 15 Years. Every Stove Warranted Call and inspect them at MAGNtJS C. CROSBY'S. " ' 'yrn The New Model Range CAN BE nAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF El. R. HAWKS. Agent. Ca and Examine It ; Yon Will be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent foi thw Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Fall Stock on Hand- Goliibiu TransBor FOB, PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE HEW STEAMER TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "WlsonS Fisher's Dock every Menday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. ,-ETAn additional trip will be made at O O'elcuvk. Handav-aioralHsr. I for Sound ports; S. ARNDT & FERCHEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP .-,, mmmm-mtx AND S C- tv4v-5ri.,i3r-,. Boiler Shop - All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND-- STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. Aspeclaltymadeof repairing CANNERY DEES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Established IB70 HOI! BANKER, ODD FELLQ WS BUILD ENGl Does a General Ranking Business Drafts Drawn Available In any part of the World. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Is on deck and prepared to build boats that he will guarantee as to work and dur ability. Refers to all who have used boats oi his construction. All work guaranteed BOSS, O A lirst Glass Undertaking Iktabliflhment A FINE HEARSE, Newest style Caskets and Funeral Material, ETerrthlns Neat and Well Arranged. . to Attorian ofllcer (B. B. Franklin's old stand.) BOOTS AND SEOES! Of BeBt Quality, and at LOWEST " PRICES, AT THE SIGN OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. tation Compny. nriffiflM H. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M .iTu-jpE.,